International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 5 Issue 5, July-August 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 Review Paper Study on Steel Transmission Tower Aditya Shrivastava1, Prof. Afzal Khan2 1 M Tech Scholar, 2Professor, 1,2 Department of Civil Engineering, Millennium Institute of Technology & Science, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India How to cite this paper: Aditya Shrivastava | Prof. Afzal Khan "Review Paper Study on Steel Transmission Tower" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume5 | Issue-5, August 2021, pp.2384-2387, URL: IJTSRD46389 Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) ( INTRODUCTION India has a large population residing all over the country and the electricity supply need of this population creates requirement of large transmission and dispersion framework. Likewise, the demeanor of the essential assets for electrical force age viz., coal, hydro potential is very lopsided, consequently again adding to the transmission prerequisites. Transmission line is a coordinated framework comprising of transmitter subsystem, ground wire subsystem and one subsystem for every class of help structure. Mechanical help of transmission line addresses a huge segment of the expense of the line and they assume a significant part in the solid force transmission. They are planned and developed in wide assortment of shapes, types, sizes, setup and materials. The supporting construction types utilized in transmission line by and large can be categorized as one of the three classes: cross section, shaft and guyed. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD46389 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 2384 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470 Transmission Tower Design DURING DESIGN OF TRANSMISSION TOWER The base ground leeway of the most reduced conductor point over the ground level. The length of the encasing string. The midspan freedom needed from contemplations of the unique conduct of the conductor and lightning insurance of the electrical cable. The least leeway to be kept up with among conductors and among conductor and pinnacle. To decide the genuine transmission tower tallness by thinking about the above focuses, we have partitioned the complete stature of the pinnacle into four sections: 1. Minimum passable ground freedom (H1) The area of a ground wire concerning peripheral transmitters. 2. Maximum droop of the overhead conductor (H2) @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD46389 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 2385 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470 3. Vertical dispersing between the top and base conductors (H3) 4. Vertical freedom between the ground wire and top conveyor (H4) The higher the voltage of the transmission line, the higher the ground freedom and verticle separating will in general be. for example high voltage pinnacles will have a higher reasonable ground freedom and bigger verticle separating between the top and base conductors. Literature Survey General In the recent past tremendous work has been done on transmission towers. It can be noted that some of the research work added a lot of contribution to this subject and acted as a strong reference for the adopted methodology and concluding results. P. Rajasekhar (2020) Plan of transmission towers is offered in a viewpoint of facing high voltage sending conductors and covers to remain needing height starting from the earliest stage. For a similar reason a transmission tower is reproduced with comparable setting of tallness 49m and bringing a 220KV twofold circuit conductor, moved with STAAD Professional. The examinations from both underlying and electrical fields are seen in planning transmission line towers, for protected and financial angles. As per IS 800-2007, the breeze powers are a lot of conspicuous on the pinnacle, conductors and covers, other than oneself weight. This work is engaged in enhancing the transmission tower with utilizing the 'X' and 'K' bracings, and by fluctuating the areas, analyzed utilizing Static investigation. The aftereffects of utilizing 'X' propping to 'K' supporting are the appraisable decrease in the heaviness of the design by 6% and having the removal esteems enhanced. Sumit Pahwa (2020) Transmission line structures are habitually made out of metal grid structures, because of their simplicity of get together and due to their mellow weight, which winds up in colossally little establishments. Transmission line towers, however planned in sync with code arrangements, may likewise come up short throughout compulsory evaluating needed in numerous countries. The current Examination cooperates with the examination of static and dynamic investigation of Electric pinnacle structure. Different writing investigates study to examine research work performed on electric pinnacle structure by utilizing FEM examination. Jahan Siddiqui ( 2020) The transmission tower has a tallness of 43m. Writing study uncovered that relative investigation of various kinds of Pinnacle. Thin based steel cross section transmission tower structure assumes an essential part in its presentation particularly while considering capricious stacking conditions for high elevation when contrasted with other typical pinnacle. Thin based steel grid transmission tower considered in this paper can securely withstand the plan wind load and really load following up on pinnacle. As the point of this examination is to look at these two kinds of bracket framework utilized in transmission tower. It is resolved that A kind bracket framework is generally reasonable, steady and resistible while Entryway Framework Support Pinnacle is second best Single web Framework Bracket Pinnacle is noticed. Falguni Patel et. al. (2019) Performed evaluation investigate Clasping Examination of Cross section Transmission Pinnacle. Various kinds of untimely disappointments that were resolved sooner or later of full-scale giving a shot of transmission line towers at Pinnacle Testing and Exploration Station, Primary Designing Exploration Place, Chennai (CSIR-SERC) are examined, and the outcomes are referenced in detail. Because of the unpredictable burden conditions and the nonlinear exchange a portion of the enormous amount of primary added substances, right underlying examination of the LTT frameworks has been a difficult topic for a long time. Still these days there are a couple of holes among studies and business practice. This investigation gives a summary of studies results from current writing. Hadimani et. al. (2019) Performed static and dynamic assessment of transmission line tower (X type of propping machine). The investigation and displaying of pinnacle is executed the utilization of FE based absolutely ANSYS programming program. The model is made in CATIA and afterward imported to ANSYS workbench. The majority performing on the pinnacle mulled over are futile burden, live burden and dynamic hundreds (Seismic and wind). The current pinnacle has stature of 40m, which incorporates ground leeway, most extreme hang of the conductor, vertical dividing among conductor string. Static and dynamic assessment is done in detail the utilization of FE based absolutely ANSYS programming. Static, modular, response range and wind examination is accomplished. The greatest disfigurement, consolidated burdens, home grown frequencies and direct strain are procured and plotted graphically. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD46389 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 2386 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470 OBJECTIVES To compare Different Type of Pylon for its structural stability. CONCLUSION The Geometry parameters of the tower can efficiently be treated as design Variables and considerable. It can be substituted between the transmission line of wide based tower where narrow width is required for certain specified distance. also restricted area (due to non-availability of land), more supply of electric energy with available resources and for continuous supply without any interruption in the transmission line, will demand the use of high altitude narrow based steel lattice transmission tower REFERENCES [1] Abdou MI and Fadl AM. Assessment of nanoFeTiO3/ non crystalline silica cold galvanizing composite coating as a duplex corrosion guard system for steel electricity transmission towers in severe aggressive media. Construct Build Mater 2019; 223: 705–723. [2] Alshurafa S, Alhayek H and Polyzois D. Static character- istics of multicells jointed FRP tower with mass on its top. Mech Adv Mater Struct 2019; 1–8. [3] Bhowmik C and Chakraborti P. Stability analysis of elec- tric transmission line tower made with composite mate- rial carbon fiber epoxy – an innovative approach. 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