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Which of the following is NOT true about journalism today:
Correct Answer
A journalist needs a great deal of money to start a new news organization.
Journalists have a wider choice of career paths than in the past.
The journalism industry is evolving as people get their news in new ways.
Creative ideas for journalistic content and delivery systems are springing up every where.
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Which of the following is NOT true about journalism today?
Correct Answer
Few people nowadays rely on journalists for information about important events.
Stories created for one medium are likely to be found in other media.
The techniques for researching and writing stories continue to be important.
The tenets of good journalism—critical thinking, clear writing and organized presentation—
remain the same.
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Traditional news media—newspapers, magazines and broadcast news operations—provide what
percentage of the factual information on the Internet?
Correct Answer
85 percent
70 percent
55 percent
90 percent
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The proportion of people who get their news from mobile devices was recently estimated at:
Correct Answer
about 50 percent
about 25 percent
about 75 percent
about two-thirds
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In journalism, “convergence” means:
Correct Answer
sharing facilities, newsgathering resources, personnel or content
different news media all cover the same story in the same way
the content of one newspaper is indistinguishable from that of any other newspaper
news organizations are all striving to put the same ideological slant on news stories
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Media General’s creation of a single center for its newspaper, television and Internet news
organizations in Tampa, Fla., is an example of:
Correct Answer
conglomerate journalism
vertical integration
horizontal integration
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The most popular Internet sites for Americans seeking news are those operated by:
Correct Answer
traditional news organizations, such as newspapers and TV stations
bloggers who have a clear political ideology
bloggers who repackage news from traditional news organizations
Web sites operated by companies not affiliated with traditional news media
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The purpose of a slugline on a news story is to:
Correct Answer
help editors identify and track news stories as they are prepared for publication.
enable reporters to write the headlines for their stories.
hit a news organization’s enemies with an insult.
identify the political orientation of a news story.
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The dateline on a news story indicates the:
Correct Answer
place where the events described in the story took place
time when the story occurred
date when the story was written
date when the story should be published
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The value of the Associated Press Stylebook is that it:
Correct Answer
promotes consistency in newswriting and reduces errors
tells reporters what constitutes fine writing and what does not
gives reporters a template for all news stories they may write
guides reporters in assuring that all stories with have a uniform political slant
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A cardinal sin for a journalist is to:
Correct Answer
misspell a name
disagree with an editor or news director
publish a story that angers local officials
reveal how decisions are made about what is newsworthy
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According to the American Press Institute, what percentage of Americans want news
every single day?
Correct Answer
75 percent
90 percent
20 percent
50 percent