Uploaded by Lyan Baril

Personal Essay: Describing Myself as Cheese

Name: Lyan C. Baril
Course/Year: BSN- 2 year (Block B)
Instructor/Professor: Raza Crecia Lastrilla Meneses
Date Submitted: September 23, 2021
Food that BEST describes you.
This is a cheese, where this is one of my favorite partner every time I eat bread every
morning. Besides of this as my favorite, this cheese is also like me. Like what I’ve said
that it’s a partner and easy to be with. No hatred if they are with me and just go with a
flow and have fun. So if the cheese would be melt, it’s also like me that it relates on my
emotional thought every time I had stress, sadness, having problems and more. So that’s
it me Lyan Baril, your cheesy friend but not a choosy friend.