Republic of the Philippines Tarlac State University College of Education 1. A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mapeh I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. Identify distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods b. Analyze art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of Ancient art c. Create their own artworks guided with the styles from different art periods. II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Western Classical Art Traditions B. Reference A journey through western music and arts textbook, pp. 131-149 C. Materials LED TV Laptop Pictures Visual Aids III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity A. Preliminary activities a. Prayer b. Greetings c. Checking of Attendance B. Review Before we start, let us first have a short review about our lesson last meeting. Who can still remember our lesson last meeting? Sir, our lesson last meeting is about Romanesque painting. Very Good! Last meeting we tackled about Romanesque painting. I showed a picture of artwork from Romanasque painting. Who can still remember? Sir, There are largerly place mosaics on the walls of the churches that follow a Strinct frontal pose. It is figured through olengated oval faces, large staring eyes and long noses, flat colored bands and heavy outlining. Very Good! C. MOTIVATION Class I am going to show some artworks during pre-historic era and you will try to guess if what artwork it is. (The teacher shows artwork) Okay sir. Class what have you observe in the first picture? The first picture is a large animal painting on a rock. Very good. Now for the second picture? The second picture painting/artwork. is an Very good. D. Lesson Proper Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Egyptian Those artwork I’ve shown are came from Wetern classical art. Now, Do you have any idea about the paintings from prehistoric Era? Sir, their paintings was found inside the cave, and they are composed of animal and human figures and also abstract deign. Very good. Their paintings were found inside the caves which may have been their way of communicating with each other. Their artworks was discovered on September 12, 1940. It was 35,000 years old from now. Question class? Sir I was wondering if what medium they use? Since coloring materials are not existing during that time. Very good question. They used complete with various ochres, bones, charcoal, grinding-stones and hammer-stones, abalone shell containers and mixing vessels. Amazing isn’t it? Yes Sir. Okay, Next is paintings from Ancient Egypts. Please read. (The student will read) The purpose of Egyptian painting is to make deceased afterlife place pleasant. With this mind, themes include journey to the underworld introducing the deceased the deceased to the gods of underworld by their protective deities. Very good. It emphasizes the importance of life after death and the preservation of the knowledge of the past, most painting are stylized, symbolic and shows profile view of an animals or a person. The main color use were red, black, blue, gold, and green, from mineral pigments that can withstand strong sunlight without fading. Next is painting from classical Greek Era. Please read. Paintings during the classical Greek era were most commonly found in vases, pannels and tomb. Very good. Most of the subject were battle scenes, mythological figures, and everyday scenes. Next is the most common methods of Greek painting. Please read. Fresco it is water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster usually on a wall surfaces. Very good. It is made of ground powder pigments mixed in pure water, dried and set with plaster to become a permanent part of the wall. Lastly is the Encaustic. It was developed by Greek ship builders, who used hot wax to fill the cracks of the ship. Question class? None Sir. Okay now let’s move on to Panel Panel paintings are paintings on flat panels of Painting. Please read. wood. The earliest panel painting is the Pitsa panel. Most of the panel paintings no longer exist because of their organic composition only few panel painting have survive. Then the wall painting. Wall painting was very popular during the classical period. It used the method of fresco in either tempera or encaustic. It has a sharp, flatly outlined style of painting and because iu uses water based materials. None Sir. Question class? Okay, lets move on to our last era. Please Roman paintings have a wide variety of read Roman era paintings. subjects, animals, everyday life, still life, mythological subjects, portraits and landscapes. The development of landscape painting is the main innovation of Roman painting from Greek painting. Next is the Mosaic art of Roman era. It is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. This technique is used for decorative art or interior decorations. ( The teacher shows a picture of Mosaic ) The full image is a Roman floor mosaic in the house of Fun Pompei, dated 100 BC. The whole mosaic depicts the battle between the armies of Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia. F. Generalization Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity So class, What have you learned for today? Sir, today we have learned about Wester classical art traditions. Then how many eras do we have in Western classical art tradition? What are them? Sir we have 4 eras in Western classical art traditions, first is the paintings from Prehistoric era, painting from ancient Egypt, paintings from Greek era and lastly paintings from the Roman era. Very good! It seems that you really have learned on our lesson for today! G.Application Class I will divide you into 4 groups. Each group will create an artworks/painting using the styles from different art periods. You will choose one artworks/paintings from different eras that I’ve been discuss. So did you bring your own art materials that I told yesterday? Yes Sir! Very good! You can now do the activity. I will give you 30 minutes to do it. ( The students will do the activity ) ( After 30 minutes ) Class, time is up! Please pass it forward. All of you did a great job! H. Evaluation Write the correct answer. _________1. The purpose of this paintings is to make the decease afterlife place pleasant. _________2. Their paintings were found inside the caves. _________3. An era were in most art commonly found in vase, panels, and tomb. _________4. It is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones, or other materials. I. Assignment Read page 153-157