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Afghanistan Water Project TOR: Public Awareness Campaign

Terms of Reference (TOR)
Public Awareness Campaign & Communications Capacity Review
for the Afghanistan Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Institutional Support Project
1. Context
These TOR are to recruit a consultancy firm to design a public awareness campaign for the
Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewage State Owned Corporation (UWASS) as well as
to review UWASS’ communication capacity, providing strategic advice on how to implement
the campaign and improve communication activities in general.
The Public Awareness Campaign and strategic advice from the communications review,
which are to be developed under this TOR, will subsequently be implemented as part of the
Afghanistan Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Institutional Support (A-WASH) Project.
Under the A-WASH Project, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is
investing USD $200 million in financing from the World Bank and the Afghanistan
Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) to improve access to and quality of water supply in
selected cities and to strengthen the capacity of UWASS to deliver sustainable services in
order to contribute to national efforts to manage COVID-19 and other disasters. The AWASH project will be implemented between 2021 and 2026 and consist of four
 Component 1 – COVID-19 Emergency Relief and Recovery – will support UWASS
with emergency goods and repair works to prevent service shutdowns and to safeguard
existing piped water supply in Afghanistan’s three largest cities (Kabul, Herat and
Kandahar) during the COVID-19 epidemic;
 Component 2 – Sector Reform, Institutional Strengthening, and Capacity Building – aims
to strengthen the capacity of UWASS to deliver safe drinking water to the population in
a financially sustainable manner. The component will support planning, financial
management, social accountability measures, feasibility studies, training and capacity
building, as well as the Public Awareness campaign to be designed under this TOR.
 Component 3 – Enabling Inclusive Access to Safe Water – will transform water supply
in the city of Kandahar with a new transmission pipeline from the nearby Dhala dam,
a water treatment plant and distribution network with up to 80,000 connections.
 Component 4 – Project Management and Monitoring – will finance implementation costs.
The following sections of this TOR detail the scope of work and deliverables, timeline,
minimum requirements for the consultancy and working arrangements.
2. Scope of Work
The firm hired under these TOR will work with UWASS to review its communications
capacity and to design a Public Awareness Campaign, including the strategy and specific
campaign content (posters/billboards, fliers, social media templates, website content,
newspaper placements, audio and video/animation-content). This Public Awareness
Campaign will focus on four distinct but related themes outlined in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Key Themes of Public Awareness Campaign and associated Objectives
The importance of responsible water
uses for resilience against droughts and
other climate change impacts in
The links between health, hygiene,
water and wastewater
UWASS’s role in providing safe urban
water services, and the importance of
water fee payments by users for
maintaining and expanding services;
Introduce the A-WASH Project in
Kandahar, incl. information on how to
connect to the new distribution
Key Objective
Develop a common public understanding of the importance of
water conservation and management in light of worsening water
scarcity in Afghanistan, in particular in cities suffering from
groundwater depletion,
Raise public understanding of specific water- and hygiene
related health threats (e.g. diarrheal diseases due to unclean
water; COVID-19) and provide concrete, practical tips to
consumers on how to safeguard against these (e.g. handwashing
with soap to kill pathogens; use of boiling, filters or chlorine
tablets to disinfect drinking water; safe disposal of wastewater).
Discourage water theft and develop an understanding among
UWASS clients why their fee payments are of critical
importance to providing/improving services
Brief public in investment area on planned undertakings;
Prepare templates / content for advertising the new services and
(pre-)registration for connecting to new distribution network;
3. Detailed Tasks and Deliverables
The deliverables will consist of three distinct sets of outputs – (a) a Communications
Capacity Review and associated Policy Recommendations Note / Toolkit; (b) a Public
Awareness Campaign Strategy; (c) Media content for the Public Awareness Campaign.
(a) Communications Capacity Review
The firm will produce a rapid review of UWASS’s communications function and
recommend required changes to improve the utility’s ability to engage the public
coherently and effectively, including in times of crisis, and measures to raise its capacity
to implement the planned Public Awareness Campaign under A-WASH. The
Communications Capacity Review will cover the following key topics:
 Review of UWASS’s present communication staff across its HQ and regional offices,
their organization/hierarchy, responsibilities and current performance;
 Current budget allocated to communications, staff & media and appropriateness of
equipment available to UWASS communications staff;
 Review of existing guidelines and protocols for public communications (if any),
including approval hierarchies (e.g. process to approve social media posts, or press
 Current internet, media and social media presence, if any (e.g. review to which extent
UWASS uses the internet / media / social media, and whether it does so effectively);
 Current branding guideline (logos, colors, taglines), if any, and effectiveness thereof;
 Summary SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis with a
particular focus on gaps in the present communications approach that may negatively
impact UWASS’s image and ability to engage the public effectively;
The review will result in a Policy Recommendations Note / Toolkit on how to improve
UWASS communications, and in particular, how to strengthen its ability to successfully
implement the Public Awareness Campaign and similar communications efforts. These
recommendations will include, but not be limited to: UWASS communications staff and
budget; guidelines and protocols for effective media engagement; website management
(incl. search engine optimization); social media management incl. (paid and unpaid)
content promotion approach; and branding recommendations.
(b) Public Awareness Campaign Strategy
The firm will work with UWASS to develop a multi-faceted public awareness campaign
strategy reflecting the four themes outlined in this TOR. The strategy will cover:
 Key Messages: Define key messages for each of the four themes, ensuring that these
are concise, coherent, reflective of scientific consensus and effective in the local
cultural and socio-economic context; key messages should be in both Persian/Dari and
Pashto; the messages should be embedded in a strategy with concrete objectives;
 Target Audience: Confirm key target audiences for each of the four themes and
associated key messages (these may overlap); the firm is expected to organize at least
one focus group for each theme in Persian and Pashto, respectively, to test the relevance
and effectiveness of proposed messages with a representative set of the population;
 Outreach Strategy / Channels: Analyse available (media) channels (local popularity,
audience type, cost etc.) and recommend strategy for dissemination of key messages to
target audiences, taking into account cost-effectiveness.
Possible channels for the campaign may include social media (paid- and unpaid),
specific newspapers or radio/TV channels/shows; public billboards or UWASS
buildings; use of other (non-media) channels to raise awareness is also encouraged (e.g.
discussions in schools; stalls at popular markets or events; UWASS staff/management
joining public discussions etc.). Communication channels may differ across
themes/audiences e.g. general climate change awareness may call for wide-distribution
via radio, whereas messages targeting UWASS customers may require more targeted
channels. A strategy coordinating the various channels and themes is expected.
A key channel to be explored is person-to-person / door-to-door outreach, in particular
for the campaign themes related to fee-payment and the introduction of the A-WASH
project (e.g. pre-registration for network connection etc.). For this purpose, the firm
will also explore synergies with planned customer satisfaction surveys financed by the
A-WASH project, and other opportunities for outreach using existing UWASS staff or
 Partners & Champions: Analysis of potential partners and champions to amplify
UWASS’s outreach and support the planned campaign – this may include local
community leaders; local celebrities; officials; or NGOs active in the sector, as well as
an assessment of their proposed roles in the campaign;
 Audio-Visual and other Content: In line with the strategy, confirm content to be
produced by the firm for the public awareness campaign for each theme (see below);
 Timeline and Roll-out Plan: Based on the identified objectives, key messages, target
audiences, outreach strategy, partners/champions, identified distribution channels and
proposed media content, develop a specific roll-out plan and timeline for the campaign;
 Budget: The consultancy will identify a detailed budget for the proposed campaign /
media plan, including proposed sponsorships and media/advertisement purchases as
necessary, confirming current local prices; any additional staff / temporary staff needs
(e.g. to staff stalls, or hand-out fliers) should be identified, relying as much as possible
on existing UWASS staff; any events (e.g. launch event / press conference) should be
part of this budget;
 Framework for evaluation: Based on the campaign objectives, the strategy should
define a plan to evaluate the impact and success of the campaign;
(c) Media Content
The precise media content to be produced by the firm will be confirmed by the Public
Awareness Campaign Strategy (see above). However, for purposes of this TOR and
associated proposals by shortlisted firms, the following content is assumed to be produced
by the selected firm in Persion/Dari and Pashto (as well as English translations):
 A common visual identity (this may be based on existing UWASS corporate
logo/guidelines, if any) to be used in all content of the public awareness campaign and
other communications tasks (e.g. standardized taglines, color scheme and logo for all
posters, video-content, social-media posts etc.);
 Video content for social media, public events and/or TV advertisements: 12 animated
video-clips of no longer than 60 seconds;
 Audio content:
o 12 short local-language audio-clips with an average length of 30-60 seconds
suitable for distribution through radio advertisements or social media;
o Talking points on each of the four themes for use by UWASS management during
public / media discussions;
 Eight print advertisements for national / local newspapers;
 Social-media content: At least 32 prepared social media posts for distribution on
Twitter / Facebook / Instagram. These should be concise, privileging striking messages
and visual content;
 Eight billboard designs reflective of the key themes and messages;
 Live Event: Content and discussion guidelines for a public event of no more than one
hour to engage live audiences (e.g. for schools or public community discussions);
Technical proposals of shortlisted firms may propose other optional content, but for
comparability, financial proposals should be based on the above.
4. Timeline, Deliverables and Payments
Contract Award
Report / Work
Draft Capacity
Draft Public
Draft Content
Final Reports &
After mobilization and initial discussions with
UWASS, the firm will submit an inception report
with a detailed work-plan / timeline
T + 2 Months
Draft Communications Capacity Review and
associated Policy Recommendations Note, as well as
Draft Campaign Strategy for review by World Bank
and UWASS management, incl. confirmed list of
content to be produced;
T + 6 Months
Full package of draft content (graphical, video,
audio, texts etc.) for review by World Bank and
Final Communications Capacity Review
Final Public Awareness Campaign Strategy
Final content for public awareness campaign
T + 9 Months
T+ 12 months
Official commitment and mobilization of firm(s)
5. Working arrangements
5.1. Reporting
The consultancy firm will be reporting to the World Bank Task Team Leader, Sana Kh.H.
Agha Al Nimer (Sr Water and Sanitation Specialist), and Maximilian Hirn (Sr Economist),
coordinating closely with the Communications Specialist of the A-WASH Project
Coordination Team within UWASS.
5.2. Duration
The engagement will be for 12 months.
5.3. Facilities & Inputs by the World Bank
The World Bank will share available project data and information, and make required
introductions to UWASS. The World Bank will not provide any office space or equipment.
5.4. Payments
Payments will be carried out as lump-sum payments based on deliverables of satisfactory
quality to the World Bank.
6. Selection Criteria and Minimum Requirements
The firm is expected to meet or exceed the following requirements:
Experience in consulting / advising on corporate communications, preferably
including the public sector in South Asia / Afghanistan;
Proven track record of designing and planning creative communications campaigns,
preferably in the context of public services/environmental protection/behaviour change;
Prior exposure to the water/sanitation/public-health sectors strongly preferred;
Proven experience translating core messages into effective products across multiple
mediums (e.g. graphic design for billboards/fliers/posters; audio- and videoproduction capacity; event organization etc.);
Prior experience in Afghanistan, incl. the Afghan media and advertisement context;
Cooperations between firms may be proposed to complement international
experience with local knowledge.
Ability to operate fluently in English, and local languages (Persian/Dari and
Key personnel shall include the following specializations:
o Team Leader: Experienced communications professional with at least 15 years
of work experience, preferably including in South/Central Asia and with public
service providers; the team leader will be responsible for coordinating the team,
communications with the World Bank and the client, and the overall direction,
quality and timeliness of all outputs;
o Socio-Cultural Specialist / Anthropologist: This specialist will ensure that
messages and graphic elements of the public awareness campaign are framed in
a manner that is effective and appropriate in the local cultural context. The
specialist must have a proven track-record of work in Afghanistan and
knowledge of local languages (Pashto and Dari/Persian); prior experience in the
water / public health sector would be an asset;
o Water Sector / Public Health Specialist: This specialist will help refine
messaging and ensure that final content is focused on relevant water/publichealth priorities, and communicates these clearly and accurately (e.g. bestpractice, locally appropriate advice on handwashing);
o Graphic Designer: Experienced graphic designer with background in
advertisement and keen sense of how to communicate core messages effectively
through images and graphic design;
o Video/Audio Editor and Animator: Experienced video/audio editor, preferably
with ability to implement animations (e.g. in Adobe After Effects / Animator);
The firm may include a budget for local artists to support design or other outputs (e.g.
voice-overs) in a locally appropriate manner.
7. Additional Instructions for Proposal Submission of Shortlisted Firms
Following Expressions of Interest, shortlisted firms will be requested to provide technical
and financial proposals based on standard templates to be shared at the time. The following
additional instructions shall be taken into account by shortlisted firms submitting proposals:
Technical Proposal: The general description of the consultant’s organization(s)
should not exceed two pages. Only the five most relevant previous assignments are
to be included. Links to examples of prior media work (e.g. past campaigns; examples
of graphic design of billboards/posters; media productions for radio, TV or social
media) are encouraged. Key personnel should include at least four but not more than
eight staff (CVs of each proposed team member are expected);
Financial Proposal: Payments will be by lumpsum based on deliverables (see above).
Therefore, in addition to staff salaries, any financial proposal of shortlisted firms
should price in required travel, licenses/stock-footage, equipment requirements and
other costs as there will be no reimbursables.
Each major budget line item shall be made explicit (e.g. expected staff cost; travel
cost etc.). The proposed costs of the three components of this contract
(Communications Capacity Review; Public Awareness Campaign Strategy; Media
content) should be separated out in the financial proposal.
Media / advertisement purchases (e.g. billboard advertisement space) are not part of
this assignment or the consultancy cost. The implementation of the public awareness
campaign is expected to be carried out subsequently by UWASS with financing under
the A-WASH project. Therefore, no expected media/advertisement related costs, or
other costs related to the implementation of the campaign or capacity
recommendations, should be included in the proposal.