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Special Airfares: Types and Conditions Explained

1. Public Special Fares a. Late Booking Fare b. APEX Fare c. PEX Fare d. Excursion Fare
2. Inclusive Tour Fares a. Group Inclusive Tour Fares b. Individual Inclusive Tour Fares
3. Public Group Fares a. Common Interest Group Fares b. Incentives Group Fares c. Non-affinity
Group Fares d. Affinity Group Fares
4. Reduced Fares for Specific Categories of Persons
5. Miscellaneous Fares
Late Booking Fares:
Purchased at the last moment or within 24 hours or so of departure
Advance Purchase Excursion (APEX) Fare:
Require advance reservation with advance payment made a minimum number of days before
Purchase Excursion (PEX) Fares:
Unlike APEX Fare, PEX fare does not have requirement to purchase the ticket a minimum
number of days before departure. Penalties for rebooking and ticket cancellation usually apply.
Excursion Fare : These have duration limits as expressed by minimum and maximum stay
limitations. These may be accompanied by conditions regarding periods of application such as
seasonalities and/or days of week specifications. Excursion fares usually allow open dated
segments as long as flights are booked within the minimum and the maximum stay dates.
Rebooking or cancellation penalty fees do not apply.
Inclusive Tour Fares : A prearranged combination of air transportation and surface arrangements
other than just public transportation. Arrange by travel agents or tour operators.
Types : a. Group Inclusive Tour (GIT) Fares
b. Individual Inclusive Tour (IIT) Fares
Public Group Fares : Designed for group travel without land arrangement.
a. Common Interest Group Fares For adult passenger who have a bona fide common interest
in traveling together by the same routing to the same destination.
b. Incentive Group Fares For employees and/or dealers and/r agents (including their spouses)
of the same commercial organizations traveling under an established Incentives Travel Program
which awards the employees, dealers and agents for past work or provides an incentive for
future activities.
c. Affinity Group Fares To members of the same association/company/corporation/legal entity
with objectives other than travel and whose affinity prior to application distinguishes the group
from the general public.
d. Non-affinity Group Fares : Members of a travel group who do not share a common affinity.
Reduce Fares for Specific Persons :
a. Deportee / Repatriation Fare
b. Diplomat / Government Fares
c. Family Fares d. Labour / Labourer fares
e. Merchant Marine / Seamen‟s Fare
f. Migrant Fares
g. Military Fares
h. Pilgrim Fares
i. Refugee Fares
j. Senior Citizen Fare
k. Spouse Fare
l. Student Fares
m. Teachers Fares
n. Youth Fare
When calculating reduces fares express as a percentage of the normal fare, remember :
a. Apply the percentage to the base to establish the fare lever as an amount.
b. Use such fare level for the application of all fare construction rules, e.g. HIP, CTM, etc.