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Cellular Respiration Worksheet

Chapter 7: Section C
(a) (i)
Rest: ……………………………………………………..
Vigorous exercise: …………………………………………………………………..
During doing vigorous activity, b………………………. rate is higher
More e……………………. needs
For m……………….. contraction
More oxygen needs
To oxidise g…………………..
To produce energy
The concentration of l……………………………………. in blood increase
Because the glucose molecule p……………………….. /incomplete oxidise
During resting, the breathing rate is l……………..
(During resting), less energy need
And less oxygen need
(b) (i)
Both plants carry out anaerobic respiration// alcohol fermentation
Both processes occur in low oxygen/ without oxygen
Both processes produce ethanol, carbon dioxide and energy
Both processes occur in cytoplasm
Both processes involve incomplete/ partially Oxidation of glucose
Paddy plant can survive in waterlogged that has ……………….. concentration oxygen
Paddy plant carry out a……………………………. respiration/ alcoholic fermentation (in the
Causes incomplete/ partially oxidation of g…………………………..
Paddy plant cell high tolerance toward high concentration of a…………………………
(The cells will) produce alcohol dehydrogenase
To breakdown alcohol molecule become (non-toxic) carbon dioxide
Paddy plant has ……………………. fibrous root
To absorb oxygen from the surface of waterlogged
The stomoata of cogon grass (roots in waterlogged) has closed
(its causes) no respiration and photosynthesis process
it also causes low nutrients in the plant/cogon plant
In the soil (in waterlogged area) no oxygen/ low pH/ present of toxins
Causes the roots damage/ die/ can be infected by diseases.
Add more yeast
More s……………………… breakdown become
Maintain optimum temperature at 32-35°C.
Yeast produce more z…………………….
more glucose p……………………… breakdown
Rate of a………………………… respiration
E………………….. in yeast has more kinetic
increase the collision between enzyme and
more e……………………….-s………………………
c……………………………….. form
Rate of anaerobic respiration