The Scientific Method Overview Main Ideas Notes What is it and The Scientific Method is a process for _________________________ what is it for? that is used to explore ___________________ and answer questions. It discovers ___________ & ___________ relationships. What are the six Ask a ________________ _________ of the Observe and ask: __________________________________ Scientific Method? It should be something you can ______________ Do ________________________ Use the ____________ and the ____________ to learn more about the topic and what others have tried. Construct a ________________________ A ______________ is an ______________ guess about how things work that can be ___________. It often looks like this: Test your ______________ by doing an _________________ Your experiment should change only ________ factor at a time, and should be _______________ several times. Analyze your _______ and draw a _______________ Look at your ________________ to see if they support your hypothesis or not. Scientists often find that their hypotheses _______ supported _____________________ your results Share your results in a final __________ or ______________. We will be making slideshows for our Science Fair projects. Sharing is important even if your hypothesis isn't __________. Summary The Scientific Method Overview Main Ideas Notes What is it and experimentation The Scientific Method is a process for _________________________ what is it for? that is used to explore ___________________ observations and answer questions. It discovers ___________ & ___________ relationships. cause effect What are the six _________ steps of the Scientific Method? Ask a ________________ question How, what, when, who, why, where Observe and ask: __________________________________ measure It should be something you can ______________ background research Do ________________________ Use the ____________ and the ____________ to learn more library internet about the topic and what others have tried. hypothesis Construct a ________________________ A ______________ is an ______________ guess about how hypothesis educated tested things work that can be ___________. It often looks like this: If I do *this*, then *this* will occur. hypothesis experiment Test your ______________ by doing an _________________ one Your experiment should change only ________ factor at a repeated time, and should be _______________ several times. Analyze your _______ and draw a _______________ data conclusion Look at your ________________ to see if they support your results hypothesis or not. Scientists often find that their hypotheses _______ aren't supported _____________________ your results Communicate Share your results in a final __________ or ______________. report display We will be making slideshows for our Science Fair projects. supported Sharing is important even if your hypothesis isn't __________. Summary