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Gender in British Media: Coursework Report

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего
образования «Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.
H. Ельцина» (УрФУ)
Уральский гуманитарный институт
Кафедра иностранных языков
Оценка ___________________________
Руководитель курсовой работы ______
Члены комиссии ___________________
Дата защиты ______________________
о курсовой работе
по теме: Gender specific vocabulary in British mass media texts
Студент: Селюков Сергей Сергеевич, Головкин Владлен Витальевич
Группа: УГИ-284004
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина» (УрФУ)
Уральский гуманитарный институт
Кафедра иностранных языков
на курсовую работу
Студенты: Селюков Сергей Сергеевич, Головкин Владлен Витальевич
Группа: УГИ - 284004
специальность/направление подготовки: современный перевод и переводоведение
1. Тема курсового проекта/работы
Gender specific vocabulary in British mass media texts
2. Содержание проекта/работы, в том числе состав графических работ и
1. Aspects of the British mass media language
2. Mass media characteristics
3. Gender studies in foreign linguistics
4. Differences of male and female texts
5. Analysis of male and female images in advertisings
3. Дополнительные сведения
4. План выполнения курсового проекта/работы
проектной работы
1. Изучение
литературы по теме
2. Составление
3. Написание работы
4. Оформление
5. Подготовка к
15.02 – 15.03. 2020
15.03 – 1.04. 2020
самостоятельно /
самостоятельно /
1.04 – 15.05. 2020
15.05 – 30.05. 2020
15.05 - 30.05.2020
Руководитель _ Жучкова Е.В. _________________/
Отметка о
Представленная курсовая работа посвящена изучению роли гендера в
британских текстах, особенностям языка британских СМИ. Подробно
описываются отличительные черты мужских и женских образов в рекламе.
Особое внимание уделяется рассмотрению направления в языкознании,
которое называется феминистская лингвистика.
Результаты данного исследования могут быть
использованы в
лексикологии английского языка или теории перевода.
The coursework devoted to the study of gender’s role in British texts,
special peculiarities of British texts’ language. The work dwells on the
differentiation between female and male images in advertisings. Special attention
is given to the consideration of the direction in linguistic called feminist criticism
of language.
The results of the study can be used as illustrative material in practical
classes on the lexicology of the English language and the theory of translation.
1.1 Mass media characteristics. Definition, types and functions of the mass
1.2 Gender studies in foreign linguistics ………………………………....10
CHAPTER 2. Practical analysis of gender specific vocabulary in British
mass media texts…………………………………………………..………………13
2.1 Female images in the advertisings………………….………………....13
2.2 Male images in the advertisings….....................................................18
One of the most important social need for a human is receiving information
and, thereafter, its exchange, since the information is what forms human
consciousness. To satisfy this need, people created a set of public information
transfer bodies called the mass media. Back in the 1st century BC, Julius Caesar
was issuing manuscript collections of the most important news of the Roman
Empire. In Russian, the original term «media» appeared in the 70s of the twentieth
century as a translation of the French term «moyens d’information de masse» [9].
It is well-known, that a woman appearance in advertising is one of the main
methods of drawing the attention to the advertisement and its further success.
Some researchers, such as Georges Bataille, state that women images take
significant positions in achieving the highest attractiveness effect. They are
followed by children, animals, especially domesticated, and only after them men
follow. «По силе эффекта привлекательности именно изображения женщин
занимают значительные позиции. Далее следуют дети, затем животные,
особенно домашние, и только потом мужчины» [10].
A female image in its various manifestations is dominant in a large amount
of advertising: advertising perfumes, cars, cosmetics, alcohol, cigarettes, weight
loss products, and fitness equipment. The advertising contributes to the formation
of gender stereotypes in a mass consciousness, therefore, the need for studying
female images in the advertising, as well as studying perception characteristics of
these images in consumers' minds, is growing. Let's examine some classifications
of female image types in advertising.
A male image is built of time-relevant ideals, as a rule. The modern man
has to be endowed with a wide range of qualities, such as being a determined,
resolute and independent adventurer and a family guy. Along with that, our
modern reality requires other qualities, such as femininity, a great interest in
cosmetics and clothing, as well as in jewelry, and a lack of muscle. Men acquire
female traits as frequently, as women acquire male ones. As a supporting example,
the advertisement of the detergent «Mr. Muscle» demonstrates a man without
explicit musculature, while in the background we can hear the song «She is
married». However, the advertisement shows a man in the foreground, and the
lyrics are addressed to the woman.
The purpose of the study is to conduct a theoretical and practical analysis
of gender specific vocabulary in British mass media texts.
The object of study is the language of advertising.
The subject of the study is gender specific vocabulary in British mass
media texts.
According to the purpose of the study, the tasks are following:
– describe the theoretical aspects of the British media language: a gender
– examine the characteristics of mass media;
– analyze gender studies in foreign linguistics;
– conduct a practical analysis of gender specific vocabulary in British mass
media texts;
– characterize female images in advertising;
– characterize male images in advertising.
CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspects of the British mass media language: the
gender aspect
1.1 Mass media characteristics. Definition, types and functions of the mass
An Act of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 defines mass
media as a periodical print media, a radio channel, a television channel, a video
program, a newsreel program, an online media, and other forms of periodic
distribution of mass media under a permanent name. «Периодическое печатное
программа, сетевое издание, иная форма периодического распространения
массовой информации под постоянным наименованием» [1].
John Brookshire Thompson, a British sociologist, identifies five main
characteristics of the media:
The inclusion of both technical and traditional methods of production
and distribution;
The inclusion of commodity production of forms expressed by means
of symbols;
Separation of the context of information production from its
Reaching an audience, which is remote in time and space;
Having a mass scale. [16]
Depending on the form of presentation, the media is usually divided into
five main types, which are:
Printed media (press). Print media traditionally include newspapers,
magazines, newsletters, reference books;
Broadcasting. Audio messaging exclusively;
Television. This type of media has become a kind of hybrid between
print and radio. Now the information is read and supported by the corresponding
video sequence.
News agencies. The main function of this type of media is focus on
collecting and distribution of news.
Internet. This type of information transmission and receipt is
becoming the most frequently used among the modern generation. With the
development of the Internet, all print media create electronic versions of their
newspapers. However, the question arises, if there are any changes to these
versions, transferred from offline to online or if they are one hundred percent
copies of the print issue. It is obvious, that web-versions of print publications are
not a standard newspaper. It is an electronic publication with multitude of
communication options. Here are established such options, as: feedback with the
reader, a system of hyperlinks, online comments and discussions on various
forums. Web media are more technological and efficient, since, in the first place,
the audience turns to network for information, and only later to the messages of
other media. Thus, the form of information presentation on the Internet and the
information itself does not differ much from other types of media, only the nature
of access to it changes.
It is worth mentioning, that not all researchers distinguish the Internet as a
type of media precisely because it is only the copy of a print publication.
Nevertheless, since June 14, 2011, web publications have been included in the Act
of the Russian Federation «On the Mass Media», therefore, Russian researchers
have the right to include the Internet in varieties of mass media. [7]
British scientists have another point of view on the forms of the mass
media. The technological process of the 21st century made researchers think on a
new way of transmitting information. In the UK, the theory «Seven Mass Media»
on seven forms of mass media is gaining popularity. It was proposed by Tomi
Ahonen in 2006. According to his view, these forms are:
Printed media;
Records (cassettes, CD, DVD);
Cell phones.
It was mobile devices that became the seventh channel of the media. The
idea of this source of receiving, transmitting and exchanging information includes
all the previous 6 media channels listed by Tomi Ahonen. [25]
An entire course at Oxford University was dedicated to this topic. The
programme appeared in December 2008. In the classroom, students and lecturers
discuss all the advantages of a cell phone as a media channel that cannot be copied
by the other six outdated sources of information and, subsequently, the possibility
of crowding them out as «participants» in mass communication. The world has not
yet come to consensus on the mass media classification. Many sources of
information are outdated and now used less often by the audience, while someone
else, on the contrary, simply does not consider it necessary and justified to accept
modern technologies as a platform for storing and transmitting information,
explaining that this method of obtaining information is unreliable [8].
There is also no consensus on the functions of the media. However,
everyone agrees that the media have a strong influence on the audience, since they
may inform, agitate, entertain and teach the population.
A media language researcher Lyudmila Vitalievna Vasilyeva, having
studied Russian and foreign studies of this issue in detail, singled out the following
Information function - collection, processing and distribution of the
information on events in the world. The implementation of this function allows you
to be informed in various activity fields, such as politics, sport, culture, economics
and etc. This function has a particular importance, since informing about essential
events matters extremely in the modern global world with interacting cultures.
Thus, mass media, by covering certain moments, transmit relevant information to
the audience.
Interpretation function - the presentation of the information under the
influence of certain cultural values and traditions. The audience's opinion of what
is read forms on the basis of existing ideological concepts and political guidelines,
so people perceive the situation in the light of their established worldview [9].
Entertainment function - the production of entertaining content
allowing to escape from daily routine.
Education function - the formation of scientific knowledge in various
Advertising or persuasion function - the impact on the audience in
order to convince the product importance and utility.
Influence function - habit and behaviour model formation through the
demonstration in mass media certain values that are assigned by the state.
Manipulation function - the influence of the media on the political
processes they regulate. [18]
Thus, the mass media are currently an indispensable part of the mankind
existence. Using different ways of receiving information, such as radio, television,
newspapers, and people have a need of obtaining knowledge on a situation,
forming their own behaviour and habit model and building certain worldview [23].
1.2 Gender's studies in foreign linguistics
E.I. Goroshko, in her work «Gender Issues in Linguistics», indicated that
the first studies in this field were created in the West, and the first holistic
descriptions of male and female speech specificity were written in languages
belonging to Germanic and Roman language groups. The first regular scientific
works in this direction appeared in Russian linguistics only by the end of the 80s of
the XX century, and since the mid-90s they have been rapidly developing. As a
result of further growing interest in this area, it is possible to state the emergence
of a new industry in Russian linguistics, known as linguistic genderology (or
gender linguistics). Today in modern linguistics, these concepts are used
interchangeably [8].
Western gender studies usually distinguish three main approaches. They
also had a significant impact on Russian linguistics in this area. [9].
1. The essence of the first approach is to explain only the social nature of the
«masculine» and «feminine» languages and is aimed at detecting such linguistic
differences that can clarify the specifics of social power redistribution in society. In
this situation, the language of women or men is accepted as a functional derivative
of the main language, which is used under such conditions when speech
communicants are at different levels of the social hierarchy.
With a sociopsycholinguistic approach, «masculine» and «feminine»
languages are scientifically reduced to the special qualities of the linguistic
behavior of men and women. Statistical indicators and the identification of
averages are the basis for researchers using this approach, and it is precisely on
them that scientists rely when they compose psycholinguistic theories on the types
of sexes' speech behavior.
The third approach is mainly focused on differences in the cognitive
aspect in the speech behavior of men and women. Researchers not only identify the
frequency of differences and use its indicators; they also create systemic linguistic
models of language categories based on cognition.
Today, in the scientific paradigm, these three approaches can replace each
other, and only as a complex they can act [Kolosova 1996].
E.A. Kartushina, studying the work of famous linguists, genderologists,
identified three areas in the framework of Western modern linguistic genderology.
This classification is based on the subject of linguist modeling, and all directions
are closely related to each other.
Sociolinguistic direction. It is considered the most developed
direction, the purpose of which is to study the characteristics of phonetics and
stylistics, genre and topical characteristics of men and women communicative
behavior. Researchers, who worked in this direction, are N. Haeri [Haeri 1995], P.
Eckert, S. McConnell-Ginet [Eckert 1999], A.Hannah, Т. Marachver [Hannah
1999], К. Johnson, Е.А. Strand [Johnson 1999], R. Andrews [Andrews 2000]. In
Russian linguistics, there are G.V. Grechushnikova [Grechushnikova 1999], N.V.
Karzhanova [Karzhanova 1999].
The impulse for the development of the sociolinguistic direction was given
by feminist linguistics, so this direction also considers issues of male dominance in
the language and problems of political correctness. Such people as S. Ehrlich
[Ehrlich 2000], M.V. Biryukova [Biryukova 2000] were engaged in this topic.
Psycholinguistic direction. The bases of this direction are associative
experiments that provide opportunity to study the most and least frequency
reactions to specific incentives. The result of these psycholinguistic studies is a set
of associations that are connected with «masculinity» and «femininity» in the
framework of collective consciousness. Such scientists as D.Williams, S. Bennet
[Williams 1971] showed interest in this area, and Y.A. Sorokin paid attention to
this direction within the framework of Russian linguistics [Sorokin 1999], K.V.
Kiuru [Kiuru 2000].
10. Linguocultural direction. This area is engaged in the study of
representations created in the language related to men or women. The subject of
researchers' attention is the linguistic constructs of "femininity" and "masculinity"
and the ways of asessment formation towards these structures. It is generally
accepted that phraseological units are the material for study in this direction, since
they demonstrate the historically established ideas of any linguocultural society.
Linguocultural studies were conducted by G. Hoffstede [Hoffstede 1991], S. Aro
[Aro 1998], N. Achugar [Achugar 2001]. Among the representatives of this
direction there are also Russian scientists: A.D. Zverev, G.M. Abrekmov [Zverev
1999], O.A. Burukina [Burukina 2000].
As we can see, the concept of «gender» began usable in the framework of
many humanitarian sciences. It is widely regarded as a sociocultural, discursive,
and psycholinguistic phenomenon [28].
CHAPTER 2. Practical Analysis of gender specific vocabulary in British
mass media texts.
2.1 Female images in the advertisings
The selection of material analysis was done on the continuous sampling
I.V Groshev indicates the image of an attractive woman as the most
popular in the world. He says that a sexual woman’s body used in the ad knows no
restrictions. Advertisement porn genre with the use of a woman’s body is the most
sensitive and «apocalyptic» of all «carnal matters» [12]. Besides, I.V Groshev
highlights the image of a strong and independent woman, which has become
widely used in a foreign advertising nowadays. The given image was certainly
influenced by feminism in the global gender picture – the image of a woman is
transformed and represented in a completely unusual perspective for the domestic
viewer. It is a woman who becomes lively and occupies masculinity positions,
stops being a housewife and fulfills herself as a human being. «Образ женщины
трансформируется и преподносится в совершенно непривычном для
отечественного зрителя ракурсе. Именно женщина становится активной,
занимает маскулинизированные позиции, уходит от привычной роли жены,
матери, пытается реализоваться как личность» [27]. I.V Groshev also indicates
the image of a housewife – an unnatural female house-pride, their obsession of
keeping the house clean, struggle against microbes to save the family, unending
challenges (wash harder, cook testier, serve better) speak about the presence of the
«...неестественная увлеченность рекламных женщин рутинным домашним
самоотверженная борьба с микробами, угрожающими семье, перманентное
соперничество (отстирать чище, приготовить вкуснее, обслужить лучше)
выдают наличие мужского компонента как некоего фона изображаемых
событий» [13].
D.F. Shimanov says that female images are grouped according to the major
stereotypes and used both in advertising for women’ and men’ audience. «Образы
женщины разделяются по основным стереотипам, которые используются как
в рекламе для женской, так и в рекламе для мужской аудитории» [35].
According to D.F. Shimanov the first image is an «easy-going woman».
Usually, it is a young and beautiful lady; she is single and not burdened with hard
work. She has much time for keeping up her appearance, painting the town red,
dates, gossiping with friends. She is dressed in attractive clothes such as evening
gown with a deep neckline, cropped skirts, and leggings to draw men’ attention.
She usually does a bright makeup. This type of image is adopted by perfume and
cosmetic or drinks and leisure advertisements. Occasionally, the representation of
this image is based on the stereotype that female are more emotional than male.
For this reason, she constantly changes her short-term mood, forgets about daily
routine and has any kind of fun. Typically, these ads use expressions such as “trust
your feelings” and “give yourself over to absolute pleasure” [26].
The next image – «mother and wife». This type represents a woman who
takes care of her family and provides comfort in the house. This woman knows
everything about household chores and keeps her house clean and neat. She cooks
healthy food and knows how to cure the disease. The woman in this ad acts,
focusing on the assessment that the man next to her, who is the head of the family,
gives her. This type of image is adopted by ads of household appliances, goods for
children and detergents.
The image of a «businesswoman». This type includes qualities which a
woman must possess – independence, determination, and leadership. As general,
this woman is represented to a reader in a formal suit with a minimum makeup.
Age of the woman does not matter [12].
All the images above are somehow connected with the men. The image of
an easy-going woman shows us that they try to look pretty to attract men attention.
The second type (the image of an honest wife and mother) is perfect for the men
who want a normal life and to have confidence about the future. The third type (the
image of a businesswoman) is aimed at ensuring that a woman achieves her goals,
while competing with the stronger sex despite the dominant position of men. Such
ads bring up a concern of gender inequality and sexism in business area. It should
be pointed out that both women and men are interested in female images in ads,
whereas male images are not really on women’ radar.
Advertising copies were taken from several glossy zines – Cosmopolitan,
Elle, Vogue. We picked ads which consist of products for men in order to make
our structural-semantic analysis more relevant [25].
The first example – «Я люблю наручные часы, ношу их с
удовольствием. Этой весной выбираю модели в лаконичном, мужском
стиле» [Cosmopolitan 04, 2018]. Dress watches brand Mido advertises in this
text. This ad consists of two extended, simple sentences and they are both definitepersonal. We can see words with an emotive charge – “like”, “with a great
pleasure”, used to attract women audience attention. Such words stress fact that the
product is an important female attribute. Moreover, “the flexibility” of words,
which is achieved through the adjectives “concise” and “men, also appears in the
second sentence – male writing language suits both genders [11].
The second example – «Впрочем, в жизни всё выглядит гармонично при ходьбе воланы красиво развеваются, высокая талия юбки зрительно
прибавляет длины ногам, а обилие джинсы настраивает немедленно
отправиться на поиски настоящего ковбоя» [Cosmopolitan, 04 2018]. The
LOSTINK skirt advertises in this text. The sentence is extended, impersonal, and
compound. There is a detailed description of the advertised product. The Author
didn’t break this compound sentence into several simple sentences in order to keep
readers’ attention until the end. This advertisement provides the image of an «easygoing woman». She has enough time to keep up her appearance and to date men –
«the abundance of jeans sets you up to immediately go in search for a real
cowboy». The word «jeans» is used here in a metaphorical way. It is a sign of
success of this man and an opportunity to draw his attentions if the woman wears
such kind of clothes.
The third example – «Роскошные волосы без перхоти, ты не
поверишь.» [Cosmopolitan 04, 2018]. This sentence is extended, and compound.
The Head&Shoulders shampoo advertises in the text. The author used the adjective
«luxurious», the root of this word – «luxury». The author used this adjective to
ensure that this shampoo will help you look after hair and emphasize your social
status. The author also used the phrase «you will not believe» to draw more
attention to the product.
Пример 4 «Без боли и едких химикатов» [Cosmopolitan 04, 2018]. The
sentence is extended, incomplete, and impersonal. The advertised product is a
Gillet Venus brand razor. The idea of safe shaving is stressed here. The adjective
“toxic” strengthens the meaning of the following word and emphasizes the harm it
causes by depilatories, which are based on a chemical composition [25].
The fifth example – «Открой для себя инновационные формулы,
передовые технологии и богатство модных оттенков декоративной
косметики EvelineCosmetics» [Cosmopolitan 01,2018]. This advertisement
consists of one incomplete, simple sentence. The author used adjectives such as
«innovative», «advanced», «fashionable», «decorative» to point out the
importance, novelty and actual continuity of the product. The sentence is incentive
and the author used it to establish a certain confidence level of contact with a
potential consumer.
The sixth example – «One drop of pure pigment creates sheer cover. Two
or three, a flawless finish. For day time to date time and everything in between»
[Vogue 04, 2017]. This text advertises Clinique brand products. The first sentence
is simple and extended. The author used hyperbole as s lexical device to express
the high-speed and economic advantages of the product - «One drop of pure
pigment». The adjective «pure» emphasizes the natural base of the product. It
gives the consumer a sense of security. The second sentence is elliptical and
represents a hyperbola. The author intentionally used the more neutral word «pure»
before the adjective «flawless», which is a strong epithet in color to show a big
difference in the corresponding quantitative use of the product. Frugality is an
important quality of some types for women, for instance, housewives. The author
used climax to increase an interest of customers between these two sentences. He
also used Paronomasia in the third sentence –«day time to date time» The first
word denotes the part of the day and the second word denotes the time of the
meeting. This figure of speech helps to emphasize the universality of the product’s
use [18].
The seventh example – «You see it. You desire it. You wish it. You live it.
You drive it. You define it» [Elle01, 2018]. This is the advertisement of Hyundai
KONA. All the sentences are simple, declarative, extended. The author used
climax as a stylistic device to express the emotional sequence of feelings that the
consumer may experience while viewing it. All the sentences are parallel. We can
compare this text to the expression of Julius Caesar – «I came, I saw, I conquered»,
in which climax is used either. The author of the ad apparently came into direct
contact with a customer. He described physical and mental processes which
occurred to a potential customer. This advertisement does not contain technical
characteristics of the car or any information of the security system. The author uses
parallel sentences to influence customers’ mind. Some women customers associate
such sentences as «You see it. You desire it. You wish it. You live it.» with an
image of an attractive man [22].
The eights example – «We are on mission to bring you coffee cocktails
like you've never tasted before. With our unique coffee flavour made from
premium Arabica coffee beans, there's no other liqueur that makes coffee
cocktails like Tia Maria. Let's grind» [Elle 01, 2018]. This is the advertisement
copy of coffee products of the Tia Maria brand. This text consists of three
sentences. First two sentences are complex, extended, and declarative. The third
sentence is declarative, simple, and unextended. In the first sentence, the author
seems to be one of those who personally participate in the creation and distribution
of the unique coffee to consumers. Women need men’ attention and the author
affects this need in the given text. Adjectives «unique» and «premium» indicate at
unicity and elitism of the coffee.
The ninth example – «Wrap your skin in comfort» [Elle 01, 2018]. This is
the advertisement of Gillette razors. The sentence is imperative. The author of the
text emphasizes safe shaving with Gillette razors. The sentence is metaphorical.
The author equates the verb «wrap» with the process of covering with blanket.
This method helps customers feel confident and have pleasant associations with the
The tenth example – «Cool. Elegant. Sophisticated in any given situation.
Stilettos: we salute you; we want to be you» [Cosmopolitan 01, 2018]. This ad is
focused on the women. The first three sentences are incomplete. The last sentence
is complex and extended. This is the advertising of the Dior shoes. The author used
climax as a stylistic device to increase customers’ interests going from the
common word «cool» to more restricted word «stilettos». In the third sentence the
author indicates the universalism of the stilettos. In the last sentence he indicates
unique character of the women who buy them. Adjectives such as cool, elegant,
sophisticated, may refer to product itself but as well to potential customers [23].
2.2 Male images in the advertisings
There are many male images in the advertising but today we will take o
look only at some of the most popular images.
The first image is a «male adventurer». This image is characterized by the
following features: constant movement, denial of stagnation, pronounced
masculinity. We can see an example of such men in the advertising for
«RangeRoverSport» with Daniel Kraig, where he plays the role of a desperate man
who likes appearing effectively anywhere and who likes the feeling of unlimited
freedom [25].
The second image is a «male model». A man looks after himself. He is
handsome, rich and has a high social standing. Advertising providers can use the
type of men in several directions – sexual beauty and healthy beauty. Healthy
beauty is the part of the image, where advertising providers show a man that keeps
up his appearance, but they do not show insignificant parts of his body which are
not connected with the advertised item. Sexual beauty is another type of this
image, a man is shown here as a sexual symbol. It’s necessary to mention all parts
of his body, an advertised item and of course the need to look after yourself if you
want to match this man. An advertising of the deodorant «old spice» starring Terry
Crews in the main is a good example. In this ad the actor is shown as an athlete
who uses his appearance to draw attention.
The third image is a «fancy man». This image includes qualities such as
passion, beauty, attraction, grooming, and opulence. This man is always welldressed, he has much money, he is handsome, and he knows how to get what he
wants. As an example we took the 2015 Chanel perfume ad starring Gaspard
Ulliel. He wears a formal suit, goes to a bar and seduces a girl there and leaves in
an expensive car with her to a place where his personal photographer is waiting for
him [17].
The forth image is a «family-man». Usually, this type of men is used in an
advertising of food products. This image differs from others in many ways – this
man takes the care of his family instead of his appearance. He is an earner and he
does everything in his power to better his family’s position regardless of his own
selfish desires. The advertisement represents an ordinary man, he is not handsome,
and he is not ugly. This man is middle-aged and well-paid. He had a ratty or old
silver hair. This type of men is used in diaper, TV, and food commercials (for
example, juice or cheese). The man is always with his family. You can also a
similar image of this type of men in «Omega» watches’ advertising [17].
The fifth image is a «professional man». Lately, this image became
popular in advertisings. This man is skilled in his work area. His choice of clothes
depends on his profession – in ads of machine spare parts you can watch him as a
mechanic, in ads of a tooth-paste as a dentist. In addition, images of a man such as
«male stylist» and «male-chef» become fashionable, nowadays. The images of a
stylist or a chef represent a funny, kind, but at the same time skilled man [27].
To sum it up, we can see that gender images appear in the world due
mainly to stereotypes of modern society. It demonstrates images which are in
demand. Advertisements will always provide images which people want to see or
to become it. The images always change, because our life and its components
change – mode, values, etc. From the eighties to the nineties of XX century an
image of a strong, religious, and a little bit rude man was on top, but now bestselling image is a man who looks after his appearance, chooses an expensive
perfume, and clothes. For example – a «MountainDew» ad starring Chuck Norris
or an ad of «Coca-Cola» with Dima Bilan.
To start, we need to give a common definition of the word «language».
«Язык – это средство общения людей, оружие формирования и выражения
мыслей, чувств, эмоций, средство усвоения и передачи информации» [28].
Language is a tool of communication used by people to phrase things, express
feelings, and to process or pass on information.
Language provides opportunities to communicate, gain knowledge, and
express feelings. Language is indicative of men or women linguistic personalities,
which are the essential elements of gender pictures of the world [13].
The term gender picture of the world got a toehold in scientific pursuits of
the XXI century. Masculinity and femininity are the main components of the
linguistic picture of the world. Gender is «an important basis of the society –
linguistic variation correlated with social difference is a universal feature of
language communities» [27].
Gender picture of the world provides an opportunity to make evaluation of
men or women’ position in the modern society – it is an ordered consistent and
internally coherent, structured set of sociocultural orientations, values, attitudes,
and ideals that exist in everyday consciousness and reflect the social differentiation
of the sexes. Это «Упорядоченная непротиворечивая и внутренне связная,
структурированная совокупность существующих в обыденном сознании
социокультурных ориентаций, ценностей, установок, идеалов, в которых
находит отражение социальная дифференциация полов» [33].
There are also certain positions of language personalities of men and
women in the linguistic gender picture of the world. Over a long period of time
male advertisings were dominated. The image of a woman could not be used
outside the set limits, a woman could speak, read or other things which were
socially accepted. She could not speak up or engage in traditional men's affairs,
such as: repair, fishing, and hunt. Under the influence of insulted female
community appeared a women’s liberation movement with intention to free them
from strict separation of roles according to gender.
With the advent of feminism women fulfilment became larger was no
longer limited to family or housework. It caused decrease of language differences
between men and women. Earlier, people thought that a verbal activity is a
characteristic of women rather than men, because even now women like gossiping
and usually they do not use swear words. They frequently used diminutive
suffixes, such as – -ик, к, -очк, -оньк, -еньк (for example, миленький, котик,
крылышко, стаканчик, солнышко). And in English language – ish, -sie/-sies/-sy,
-n/-en/-on (largish, reddish, smallish, halfsies, Patsy, chicken, kitten). Injections
were also in common use of women – ах, ох, ой, ого, etc. (for example, Ах, что
же ты, душенька!Ох,как же тяжко, Ой, посмотрите, какой миленький!Ого,
какая величественная стать! And in English language – Aww, ahh, oops, etc.
(Aww, You are too tallish! Ahh, look at the kitten! Oops! I didn’t see this smallish
glass!) [12].
Feminism also increased women vocabulary, mainly from men. Swear
words became frequently used in women’ speech, intonation became more
imperious, which is a characteristic of men, then short phrases with a clear
meaning turned into long extended sentences. Injections have acquired a more
restrained character and meaning. Thus, the text of a modern woman and a modern
man cannot easily be distinguished, for instance, «Обитатели окинавских
островов - даже по японским меркам - живут чуть ли не вечно: многие
спокойно дотягивают до ста лет (и, например, продолжают практиковать
карате), а процент возрастных заболеваний намного ниже, чем в остальной
Японии, да и в других странах мира» [17]. This is a text fragment of «Okinawa
diet». In this fragment the idea is clear, there is no an unnecessary information. All
facts are connected with the diet’s result, which is the object of the text.
The next text was written by a man – «История бойцовского клуба, где
клерки занимаются несвойственным им делом, кроша друг другу зубы в
порошок и выкручивая конечности, не нова. Ее крайне заманчиво
разыгрывали в первой половине нулевых еще Брэд Питт и Эдвард Нортон в
вдохновляющим фактором» [23]. In this article, the author writes about a fight
club through descriptions of a movie «Fight club» by David Fincher. We can see
that in the previous example the objective statement was clear, but in the second
example the author describing the events in the film subjectively connects the
phenomenon of cinema with the phenomenon of social sports culture. Certainly, all
the events are connected with building a real fight club, but we cannot say that the
movie by David Fincher became a reason for building a fight club in Russia.
Perhaps, the mention of the film gave the narrative a vagueness that, paradoxically,
is inherent in women, but the article written by a woman is characterized by a clear
narrative, verified structure and coherent logic. This logical line of thought is more
typical for men [2].
We can ensure that linguistic personalities of men and women cross in the
modern world, but some advertisements are completely different, for example the
ads of a shampoo for men and for women have a different content.
The ad of a shampoo for men consists of sentences – «Для мужчин,
готовых идти ва-банк», «Для мужчин, готовых побеждать». Such phrases
indicate inherent traits of the men – passion, a desire to be a winner, and a desire to
increase fortune. The ad of a shampoo for women «Чистая линия». Пшеница и
лён” has a focus on external qualities of a woman – «Ваши волосы - это ваша
гордость». We also should point out the presentation of the ads. In the first
advertising the advantages of the product are briefly described, it consists of
theses. This style is typical for men. The content of the ad is described with a
construction «verb – adverb», for example – strengthens the hair roots, stimulates
the Scalp. In the ad of a shampoo for women every important component is
described in details. Moreover, authors often use adjectives, for example – natural
We have already discussed methods of differentiating texts for men and for
women at the end of the previous paragraph. In this paragraph we will speak about
structural-semantic peculiarities of English and Russian texts, which have
linguistic personal identities.
A content of a female advertisement is based on stereotypes of a woman’s
work. Mainly, only in women’ ads is used an allusion to a family status of an
addressee. Taking into account everything above, we usually see advertisements of
microwaves, irons, and kitchen units in women ads. We should also highlight that
most women magazine advertisings are connected with cosmetics and grooming
products. Basically, these products are in demand of our «fairer sexes». [1].
It is a well-known fact that the most popular image of a woman is a
beautiful young lady. Mostly, this image is used in advertisings of cosmetics,
medicaments, and personal supplies. We should also mention the fact that numbers
take an important part in women ads. Women need promises of longevity and
preservation of natural beauty. Numbers are used in a part of metaphors as a figure
of speech – «30 shades of temptation, 3 magic shades, 100 shades of beauty». As
an example we can also take an advertising of a hair-dye by L’Oreal – «Healthy
natural color, blends away first grey Brilliant shine you can see. Healthy hair
you can feel», «Just 15 minutes to apply color that lasts up to 6 weeks. No visible
roots and ammonia» [32].
Women ads often have a speech of a specialist who works in the area of an
advertised product. Women need to feel safe and this trick can assure them that
they buy quality goods. Another example of women linguistic identity we can find
in an ad of a Dior Addid lip glow – «The temptation of a new ultra - vibrant
shine. Discover four multidimensional reflective Ultra gloss shades. A
mysterious high luster and the magic of multicolor pearlescent pigments. Your
secret addiction to smooth, rounded and luscious lips». Here we can see the use
of numbers and lexical units, which take the dominant position of describing this
product – temptation, shine, mysterious, magic of multicolor, luscious, smooth.
With the use of these lexical units we cone to a conclusion that the main accent to
characterize women images is based on a visual presentation of its components [3].
Women advertisings stress ideas of beauty, health, and youth. For this
reason, it often uses lexical units – shine, beauty, softness, fresh, vitality, well-fed
skin, youth, to give birth a genuine skin. To prove it we can look at the advertising
of a hand cream by Lancome – «Spring Beauty Event your fresh start on skin
care and foundation». Here are the main lexical units are fresh, skincare, beauty,
The next example is an advertising of a cream №7 That Cream – «The one
that everybody's talking about use underneath a moisturizer to reveal younger
looking skin in just four weeks». Here are the main lexical units are moisturizer to
reveal younger looking skin. Moreover, in the end of the sentence we can see the
use of numbers – in four weeks.
It is also natural for women ads to use metaphors, personifications, and
similes. As an example we can take an advertisement of a Garnier lifting cream –
«You may not fell your age. But wrinkles can tell a different story».
Semantic fields of women advertisings may include words like beauty,
skin, youth, the field of «appearance»; words like husband, children, protection –
Advertisings for men have several aspects, which help to recognize the
linguistic personality of male. Most of the men advertisements’ features have a
psychological subtext. They do not try to create a clear or wonderful image of a
product in customers’ mind. The ad calls for men’s wishes and psychological
peculiarities – leadership, terseness, and a desire to increase fortune. As an
example we have taken the advertisement of «Alfa Romeo» – «More
performance; more style; more trust». The ad is short and clear. We can see an
idea of leadership, and a desire to become richer [4].
Well-defined structure and shortness are features of linguistic male
identity. The next example is the advertising of Seiko watches – «The new Seiko
Kinetic Auto Relay. At its heart is Seiko's unique Kinetic Auto Relay technology.
It uses your body's energy to create electrical power, so there is no battery
change - ever! And it allows your watch, if unworn to conserve energy by going
into a deep sleep for up to four years, only re-awaken at the current time». The
ad is accented on ideas of power and energy – body’s energy, electric power,
energy. A man is a primary source of income and protector of his family. He must
be strong enough to defend what he has.
To prove everything above, we found the ad for men of Patek Philippe
watch – «You never actually own a Patek Phillipe. You merely look after it for
the next generation». We can see here an idea of durability of the watch, and of
procreation [30].
It has a high importance for men to point at decades of experience. In the
advertising of jack Daniels whisky the accent is on a considerable experience of
production – «His was the oldest registered destillary in the United States, from a
place, where the water was cool, clean and iron free». The semantic fields include
words energy, power, and patience – the semantic field of experience.
Men and women’ advertisements have several differences. We can indicate
lexical difference, style of narration, types of sentences, emotive charge of
sentences, and moods. They help us to differentiate linguistic personalities of the
texts [5].
In this work we have analyzed the direction in linguistic called feminist
criticism of language. It was the reason why images of women became popular,
now these images take lead roles in advertisements. Moreover, we have revealed
men and women’ images used in advertisings, nowadays. It is necessary to
differentiate male and female advertising copies in accordance with the presence of
certain structural and semantic features. Having analyzed women and men’
images, we have come to the conclusion – exclamative and elliptical sentences are
more common for men’ advertising texts, authors of women’ ads often use
adjectives, which imply the ideas of beauty, clearness, and safety. In addition,
authors of women’ texts indicate novelty of a product and a technology used to
create it, whereas in contrast men’ texts have semantic fields, such as – passion,
adrenaline. Authors of men’ advertising texts also indicate the necessity of having
a good income, because a man is primarily a hunter, a provider. Same advertisings
for men and women have different accents on advantages of a product, which are
based on gender differences. An ad of a car for men may indicate fast-speed or
safety system advantages. An ad of a car for women highlights the outside of the
car [29]
Nowadays, more ads of cosmetics for men appear. In the middle of XX
century it was rare, but now it has become a widespread phenomenon. This type of
advertisings is characterized by a certain color rhythm, specific vocabulary, and
special men’ images – male-adventurer, male-model, and fancy man. Though the
ads of cosmetics for men are the opposite of women’ cosmetics ads, because they
highlight ideas of energy, powerful, boost, restore strength, skin booster,
energize, twice as strong, recharge body. To prove this statement, we can take a
look at the ad of a lotion water Hugo energize. There is a word energize in this ad
to highlight the affiliation with men products. Although the sentences in the ad are
clear and precisely formulated. The ad consists of two simple and unextended
sentences – «Your fragrance. Your rules» [6]
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