Basic Arabic Grammar for Non-Arabic Speakers Weekend Islamic School By Dr. Ali Elzeiny email: Edition 5 For the sake of Allah. No Copy Rights. Contents A. Basic Introduction. .........................................................................1 Rule (110). Types of Words: ..................................................................1 Rule (120). The Three Harakat Tashkil (ات الثَّالثَة ) ح: ....................................1 ُ اْلََرَك Rule (130). Non Harakat Tashkil: ..........................................................1 Rule (140). Two types of Ta’a:...............................................................1 Rule (150). Tanwin ()التَّنح ِويح ُن: ......................................................................2 Rule (160). Mud letters, i.e. vowels: .......................................................2 Rule (170). Types of Hamza: .................................................................2 Rule (180). Types of Lam: .....................................................................3 B. The Nouns ......................................................................................4 Rule (210). Nouns are divided by gender and count: ................................4 Rule (220). Notes about single nouns and how to convert them. ...............5 Rule (230). Notes about dual nouns and how to convert them. .................5 Rule (235). Notes about regular plural nouns and how to convert them. ....5 Rule (240). Irregular plural nouns ...........................................................6 Rule (260). Nouns are also divided by intellect and definite, as follows: ......8 Rule (270). The nouns ending with Alif-Maqsora are called () حِاْل حس ُم ال َحم حق ُص ُور Maqsor Noun .......................................................................................8 Rule (280). The nouns that can’t have Tanwin or Kasra (Surf is forbidden) .9 Rule (285). The nouns that can’t have Tanwin but can have Kasra........... 10 ِ اْل حعر ِ Rule (290). Mark of nouns (اب َ )عَالَ َمةُ حbased on their grammatical ِ اْل حعر ِ classification, i.e. Irab (اب َ ) ح. ................................................................. 10 i C. Prepositions (ِّ ) ُح ُرُو ُفِِّّا جْلَر....................................................................... 12 (Rule 310). The articles. ...................................................................... 12 Rule (320). Position and Irab ............................................................... 12 Rule (330) Examples of prepositions. .................................................... 13 ِ ِف الن (Rule 340). The Vocative particle and the Addressed (داء َو املنَ َادى ُ ) َح حر........... 13 ُ D. Adjective and Descripted Noun (وف ٌِّ ص ُ ِّوم جو َ ٌ )ص َفة..................................... 14 Rule (410). Position and Irab. .............................................................. 14 E. The Noun sentence (ُ)اْلُ جملَةُِّاإل جْسيَِّّة. ......................................................... 18 Rule (505). The noun sentence starts with a noun. ................................. 18 Rule (510). The noun sentence is made of Subject ( ) ُمحب تَ َدأand Predicate () َخ َب. 18 Rule (520). Notes about Mobtada’a and Khabar. .................................... 18 Rule (530). The default case of both Mobtada’a and Khabar is Marfo^ (َ(محرفُ ُو حع ......................................................................................................... 18 Rule (540). If the Mobtada’a is preceded by one article from the family of Inna ((إِ َّن, then the Mobtada’a is Mansoob and the Khabar is Marfo^ .......... 18 Rule (550). If the Mobtada’a is preceded by one article from the family of Kana) َكا َنthen the Mobtada’a is Marfo^ and the Khabar is Mansoob.( ......... 18 Rule (570). Both the Mobtada’a and the Khabar must agree in gender and count. ................................................................................................ 19 Rule (580). The examples below will show you the difference between Noun + Adj versus Mohtada’a +Khabar ................................................. 19 F. Pronouns and Possessions: ............................................................ 22 Rule (610). Pronouns and possessions based on count, gender and category. ......................................................................................................... 22 ii Rule (620). The Relative pronouns (األْساءُ امل حو ُصولَة ) ح........................................ 23 َ G. Interrogatives, i.e. Ask Questions. ................................................ 24 Rule (710). The Interrogatives articles. ................................................. 24 H. The Verb Sentences ...................................................................... 25 Rule (1020). Verbs are divided by tense and type as follows ..................... 25 Rule (1030). The verb sentence is made of [Verb] + [Subject] + [Object] or [Verb] + [Object] + [Subject] ................................................................ 25 Rule (1040). The default case subject is Marfo^...................................... 25 Rule (1050). The default case object is Mansoob. ................................... 25 Rule (1060). In a past tense verb sentences, in the case of 3rd person female subjects, we attach the female Ta’a to the end ( فَ َع َل-> )فَ َعلَ حت. ....................... 25 Rule (1070). In a present tense verb sentences, in the case of 3rd person female subjects, we convert the Ya’a in the beginning into the female Ta’a ( يَ حف َع ُل-< )تَ حف َع ُل. .......................................................................................... 26 Rule (1090). Finding out what is subject and what is object..................... 27 I. Verbs in Noun Sentences. ............................................................. 27 Rule (1110). The default sentence structural is [Noun or pronoun] +[Verb]+[Object]. ............................................................................... 27 Rule (1120). The root for any verb is the past tense, 3rd person, 1M. ()فَ َع َل. ......................................................................................................... 28 Rule (1130). Table of the grammar rules using the standard verb ()فَ َع َل: ....... 28 Rule (1150). Notes on the previous table. ............................................. 29 Rule (1160). Identification of Duel-Alif, Women-Noon, Group-Waw and Female Ta’a. ....................................................................................... 30 iii Rule (1170). Identification of pronouns’ table for the past tense verb “x thanked y” ......................................................................................... 31 Rule (1180). Identification of pronouns’ tables for the past tense verb “x thanked self” ...................................................................................... 32 Rule (1190). Identification Pronoun table for the present tense verb “x thank y” ............................................................................................. 33 iv A. Basic Introduction. Rule (110). Types of Words: The Arabic language is made up of words and these words are of three types: Words َكِلَمات ٌ َح ْرف Particle/Letter to - إَل إ ْس ٌم Noun house - َب ْي ٍت Rule (120). The Three Harakat Tashkil (ات الثَّالثَة ح ُ )اْلََرَك: ُ َ ٌَْ Kasra (ْسة إ )ك Damma ((ض َّمة أ (i) (u) ف ْع ٌل Action/Verb َ َذ َه went - ب ٌ َْ Fatha ()فت َحة أ (a) Rule (130). Non Harakat Tashkil: Sukoon ْ ْ ُُُسكُون Shaddah َّ ْ ُ ُشدُة َ َ َذ َه Example: He went to a house. .ب إَل َب ْي ٍت Rule (140). Two types of Ta’a: 1. Open Ta’a is always pronounced the same whether you stop or you continue. Example (ت ُ )بِحن. 2. Ta’a Marbota is pronounced as Ha’a if you stop at it, otherwise it is pronounced at Ta’a. Example (ُ)قِطَة. 1 Rule (150). Tanwin ()التَّ حن ِويح ُن: When vowel markings are doubled at the end of a word they are called Taeween (ُ) َت ْن ِويْن. َْ Two Fathas – (an) ْ محمدا فت َحتان ٌ ٌ َ َ Two Dhammas – (on) ْ or محمد ض َّمتان ََ ْ Two Kasras – (in) ٍْ ْستان محمد ك ٍ Notes: a. The additional vowel at the end of a word sounds like a ( حنnoon sakinah) that is only pronounced and not written. e.g. َم حس ِجد – َم حس ِج ُد حن b. In the case of Two Fatha Tanwin, we add Alif and the Tanwin sould be written on the top of this added Alif. Example ()حممدا. The exception cases, where no Alif is added, are when the end letter is Hamza ( )ءor Ta’a Marbota ()ة. Examples () َماء. It is wrong to do it like this ()ماءا َ Rule (160). Mud letters, i.e. vowels: They are three ()ا و ي. The Alif is preceded by Fatha, the Waw is preceded by Damma and the Ya’a is preceded by Kasra. Rule (170). Types of Hamza: The Hamzah that comes at the beginning of a word are two kinds: 1. Disconect Hamzah: Always pronounced. Example (َْحَد )أ ح. The hamzah will be written on the top of the Alif. 2. Connect Hamzah: Not pronounced unless you start reading with it. Example (ك حر ُ )ٱ حش. No hamzah is written on the top or bottom of the Alif. Notes: a. The Alif of the Alif-Lam that comes at the begging of nouns is always connect Hamzah. If you start reading from it, then the Haraka is Fatha. Example (ت )ٱلحبِحن ح. b. The Harakah of the connect Hamzah depends on the Harakah of the third letter. If Damma, then it is Damma, otherwise it is Kasra. 2 c. The way to recognize what is the kind of Hamza, you look at the mark on the top or bottom of the Alif. If it is Hamza, then it is cut Hamza ( ) إ أ, otherwise it is connect Hamza ( ) ٱ. Rule (180). Types of Lam: َْ 1. Moon Lam. Always pronounced. Example ()الق َم ُر. There will be sokon on the top of the Lam. Oranges Horse Deer Book Flowers Lam Opener Book of Quran Hand Teeth Carrot Flag Pend or pencil Telephone َّ ُ لش ْم 2. Sun Lam. Not pronounced. Example (س )ا. The letter after the Lam must have Shaddah. The Lam will have no harakah. 3 B. The Nouns Rule (210). Nouns are divided by gender and count: Noun - Nouns حِاْل حسُم- ح َاأل حَْس ُاء Divide by Gender Divide by Count ِ ِ َّوِع َالتحقس ُيم م حن َححي ُث النح Male Gender ُمَذَّكر َالتحقِس ُيم ِم حن َححي ِث حالَعَدُد Female Gender ُمَؤَّنث Plural Single Dual َحَجع ُمحفَرد ُمَثَّّن Regular Plural Regular Male Plural َحَجُع ُمَؤَّن ٍث َسٍِال َحَجُع ُمَذكٍر َسٍِال Irregular Plural َحَجُع َت حكِس ٍي Examples: Properties Translation Examples ُم َذ َّكرMasculine طَالِب ُم َؤنَّث feminine ُطَالِبَة Properties Translation Examples ُم حف َرد Singular طَالِب ِ طَالِب ُمثَ َّّن dual ان َ َجَحع plural طَُّالب 4 Rule (220). Notes about single nouns and how to convert them. 1. The regular single female nouns end with the female Ta’a (يث ) ََت حء التَأحنِ ح. ُ َم حد َر َسة،ُ ََلَعِبَة،ُ َش َج َرة،ت ُ بِحن 2. Irregular single female nouns don’t end with the female Ta’a (يث ) ََت حء التَأحنِ ح. نَ حفس، لَحي لَى،س ُ ََشح 3. To convert singular regular female noun into singular male noun, we remove the female Ta’a and vice versa. َكاتِبَةُ ↔ َكاتِب ََلَعِبَةُ ↔ ََلَعِب 4. Not all female nouns have male counterpart and vice versa, such as لَحي لَى،س ُ بِنح ُ ََشح،ُ َش َج َرة،ت Rule (230). Notes about dual nouns and how to convert them. 1. All dual nouns are made of the single noun with either Alif- Noon ( )اَ ِنor Ya’a Noon ( )يِ ِنadded. No exceptions. ِ َِ طَالِب،طَالِب ← طَالِبَاَ ِن ي 2. In the case of dual female nouns, the female Ta’a (يث ) ََت حء التَأحنِ حis followed by, ِ َِ)ت. The femal Ta’a Marbota ()ة either Alif- Noon ( )َتََ ِنor Ya’a Noon (ي changes into Ta’a Maftooha ()ت ِ َم حدرسةُ ← م حدرست ان ََلعِبَةُ ← ََلَعِبَتَاَ ِن ََ َ ََ َ ِ ََِم حدر َسةُ ← َم حدر َست ِ َََِلعِبَةُ ← ََلَعِبَت ي ي َ َ َش َج َرةُ ← َش َجَرََت ِن ِ ََِش َجرةُ ← َش َجرت ي َ َ ت ← بِحن تَاَ ِن ُ بِحن ِ َِت ← بِحن ت ي ُ بِحن 3. To convert duel female noun into duel male nouns we remove the female Ta’a and vice versa. ِ ان ↔ ََلَعِب ِ َََلَعِب ت ان َ َ ِ ِ َِي ↔ ََلَعب ِ َََِلَعِبَت ِّ ي ِ َكاتِب تَاَ ِن ↔ َكاتِب ان َ َ ِ ِ َِي ↔ َكاتب ِ ََِكاتِبَت ي 4. Dual names can’t have Tanwin whether they have Alif-Lam or Ya’a-Lam. Rule (235). Notes about regular plural nouns and how to convert them. 1. Regular male plural nouns are made of the singular form with either Waw ِ Noon ()و َن ُ or Ya’a Noon ( )ي َنadded at the end. ِ ِ ِ ي َ ِ ََلَعب،ََلَعب ← ََلَعبُو َن ِ ِ ِ ي َ ِِ َكاتب،َكاتب ← َكاتبُ ُو َن 5 2. Regular female plural nouns are made of the singular form with the Alif Ta’a ( )اتreplacing the female Ta’a at the end. ِ بَ َق َرةُ ← بَ َقَرات َكاتِبَةُ ← َكاتِبَاَت ات ← ََلَ ِعبَة ُ َََلَعب 3. To convert regular male plurals, remove the Alif Ta’a ( )اتand replace ِ them by either Waw Noon ()و َن ُ or Ya’a Noon ()ي َن, and vice versa. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ي ي َ ِ ََلَعب،ََلَعبَات ↔ ََلَعبُو َن َ ِِ َكاتب،َكاتبَاَت ↔ َكاتبُ ُو َن 3. Regular male plural nouns can’t have Tanwin and they end with built in fatha. 4. Regular female plural nouns can have Tanwin only if they don’t start with Alif-Lam. 5. Nouns derived from verbs are always regular plurals. Verb Singular Male Plural Female Plural Drink Farm ب َ َشَر َشا ِرب ع َ َزَر َزارِع َزا ِرعُو َن َزا ِر َعات َشا ِربُو َن َشا ِرََبت Play ِ ب َ لَع ََل ِعب ََل ِعبُو َن ََل ِعبَات Sleep Envy ََن َم ََنئِم َح َس َد ِح اسد َ ِح اس ُدو َن َ ِح اس َدات َ ََنئِ ُمو َن ََنئِمات Rule (240). Irregular plural nouns 1. Irregular plurals have no rules and they need to be memorized. For example School Play Ground Lion Messenger Fire Singular Plural َُم حد َر َسة ِ س ُ َم َدار َملح َعب ِ ب ُ َم َالَع َسد َأ ُس ُود ُأ َر ُسول ََنر نِ َيا ُن ُر ُسل 2. Grammatically, they are treated like singular nouns. 3. When memorizing a noun that has irregular plural, one must memorize the noun and its irregular plural together. 6 Rule (250). Summary Table for converting nouns from one form of gender and count to another. 1 Count 2 Description 3 How to identify Doesn’t Ends with the Regular Male female Ta’a (يث ) ََت حء التَأحنِ ح, Alif1M Noon, Ya’a-Noon or 1 Single Nouns 2 Regular Irregular Female 1F Male 4 2M Dual Nouns No irregulars exist 5 Examples طَالِب Waw-Noon. Female 1F 3 4 Ends with the female Ta’a (يث ) ََت حء التَأحنِ ح, i.e. Ta’a Marbota. Doesn’t end with the female Ta’a (يث ) ََت حء التَأحنِ ح. Made of the single noun with either Alif-Noon ()اَ ِن or Ya’a-Noon ( )يِ ِنadded. Made of the open female Female 2F Ta’a ( )تfollowed by, either Alif -Noon ( )َتََ ِنor Ya’aِ َِ)ت. Noon (ي ُطَالِبَة ، لَحي لَى،س ُ ََشح س ُ نَ حف ِ َ طَالِب،طَالِبَاَ ِن ي ،طَالِبَتَاَ ِن ِ َطَالِبَت ي Regular male plural nouns are made of the singular Regular Male ِ ِ form with either Waw ي َ َ طَالب،طَالبَ ُو َن 3+M ِ Noon ()و َن ُ or Ya’a Noon ()ي َن added at the end 6 Plural Nouns 7 8 Regular Regular female plural nouns are made of the Female 3+F singular form with the Alif ِ added at the end. Ta’a ()ات Irregulars 3+M, 3+F Always same as singular nouns. طَالِبَات ، بَ َق ُر،َش َج ُر تَ َال ِميِ ُذ،ط ُ َقِط 7 Rule (260). Nouns are also divided by intellect and definite, as follows: By Intellect Type Intellect Non-intellect Properties Examples َعاقِل طَالِب غَ حيُ َعاقِ ٍل بَحيت By Definite Type Properties Examples Definite َم حع ِرفَة ِ The student ب ُ الطَّال Indefinite ُنَكِ َرة a student طَّالِب ِ َ( نindefinite) is when a noun is indefinite or not specific, it is general i.e., 1. كَرة the noun ‘ كِتَابa book’ this can be any book from the different types of books. 2. ( َم حع ِرفَةdefinite) is when an noun is definite or specific, it is not general i.e., ٍ ِ ِ the noun اب ُ َ‘ الحكتthe book’ or اب ُحمَ َّمد ُ َ‘ كتMuhammad’s book’, here the book is a particular book not just any book in general. 3. A noun can be َعاقِلpossess intellect such as humans, angels and jinns or it can be َغ حيُ َعاقِ ٍلpossess no intellect such as animals, objects, trees, …etc. ِ حMaqsor Rule (270). The nouns ending with Alif-Maqsora are called (ص ُور ُ )اْل حس ُم الح َم حق Noun The Alif-Maqsora sounds like ‘aa’. The ending vowels of these nouns remain constant, regardless of their I^rab. This means that if they are assigned Sokon or Haraka, i.e. Fatha, Damma or Kasra, it is not pronounced and is called silent Harakat or silent Sokon. Examples: The hospital ُم حستَ حشفى Musa وسى َ ُم 8 Rule (280). The nouns that can’t have Tanwin or Kasra (Surf is forbidden) # Case 1 Names ending with Ta’a Marboota ة, Maqsoora Name ىor single female names. In short, all female names are forbidden regardless of ة. Exception If a female name has three letters but the middle letter is Sokon, then either way is okay. Male names must have ةto be forbidden. 2 Any name or adjective that ends with Alif-Noon. Make sure it is not duel noun 3 Nouns of adjectives ending with AlifHamza or starting with Alif-Hamza, or both. Exception if the Alif-Hamza comes as the third letter such as ) عُ َواء،(ْسَاء َ 4 Irregular plurals that has a Mada in the middle followed by two or three letters. They would sound like one of the following ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يل ُ تَ َفاع، فَ َواع ُل،يل ُ أَفَاع، فَ َعائ ُل، َم َفاعحي ُل،َم َفاع ُل 5 6 7 Names that can be used as verbs. It would sound like ( يَ حف َع ُل،)أَفح َع ُل Names transformed from verbs. Foreign Names of more than three letters. Note that all names of the 8 Prophets’ Surf is forbidden except six ،صالِح َ ، ُهود نُوح، لُوط، ُحمَ َمد،ُش َعيب Compound names, i.e. made of two words joined together. Examples اد ُ ُس َع،ُ َم حرَي،ب ُ َ) َزيحنfemale names not end with (ة ِ )female names end with (ة ،ُ َم َّكة،ُ عائِ َشة،ُفاط َمة .ُُج َّدة ،ُ ُمعا ِويَة،ُسامة َ أ،ُ) ْحَحَزةmale name end with (ة .ُطَلح َحة ،( ُم حستَ حشفىMaqsor name & more than 3 letters) .ضى َ َمحر، ُححب لَى، َسلح َمى،وسى َ ُم ِ ِهنح ُد،ص ُر ( م ح3 letters with middle Skon) . َم حروا ُن، ُس حفيا ُن، َعفَّا ُن،عُثحما ُن . َمآل ُن، َعطحشا ُن، َج حوعا ُن،َك حسال ُن . حأزَر ُق،أص َف ُر ح،أس َو ُد ح،أْحَُر ح،ض ُ َ أبحي،أح َس ُن ح،ُأ حك َب . أنح َوُر،أْحَ ُد ح ِ ِ ِ .ُ أطبَّاء،ُ أقح ِوايء،ُأصدقاء ح،ُأ حغنياء .ُ عُلَماء،ُ ُزَمالء،ُ ُوَزراء،ُفُ َقراء ِ ِ ِ ِ . َدقائِ ُق،ب ُ َمكات، فَناد ُق،س ُ َمدا ِر،( َم َفاع ُل) َمساج ُد ِ ِ ِ ِ .ي ُ فَناج ح، َمفاتحي ُح،( َم َفاعحي ُل) َمناديح ُل . َخََائِ ُل،(فَ َعائِ ُل) نَظَائَ ُر ِ .ُ أَ ََن ِجيل،يث ُ َح ِاد َ يل) أ ُ (أَفَاع . َج َو ِام ُع،ث ُ (فَ َواعِ ُل) َح َو ِاد ِ ِ .يح ُ تََرا ِو،يح ُ يل) تَ َساب ُ (تَ َفاع يد أح ُ يَِز،َْحَ ُد ِ (ز .اح ُل) ُز َح ُل َ ،(ع ِام ُر) عُ َم ُر َ ِ ِ ِ ُ وس . ُدو ََنل ُحد، فحر َعو ُن،يم ُ ُي ُ إبح َراه،ف .ك َح ح ُ َ بَ حعلَب،ت ُ ضَرَم حو 9 Notes: 1. If a forbidden Surf (no Surf) noun is in a sentence where it is supposed to take a Kasra, it is substituted with a Fatha, i.e. no Surf no Kasra. 2. Surf is not checked for duel and regular male because it is not applicable. 3. The rule for regular female plural nouns is that Fatha is not allowed and Tanwin is allowed only if there is no Alif-Lam. Rule (285). The nouns that can’t have Tanwin but can have Kasra # 1 2 Case Examples 1 Nouns that starts with Alif-Lam. 2 When a noun is qualifying (or specifying) another noun (ِضاف إِلَحيه َ ضاف َوُم َ )م, ُ the first noun, called Modaf, can’t have Tanwin or Alif-Lam. .ِّالح َولَ ِد،ِّالح َمحن ِزِل،الصحر ِاء ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ب َولَ ٍد ُ َ كتَا،ب ال َحولَد ُ َ كتَا،ب َمنح ِزل ُ َر،ب ال َحمنح ِزل ُ َر ِ اْل حعر ِ Rule (290). Mark of nouns (اب َ based on their grammatical َ )عالََمةُ ح ِ )اْل حعر. ِ classification, i.e. Irab (اب َ ح 1 1 Count 2 3 Gender Surf 4 5 6 ص ُوب َم حرفُ ُوع ُ َمنح ُض َمة ُفَ حت َحة َ َحَم ُرُور َُك حسَرة 2 Singular Male or or Irregular 3 female Plural Allowed Forbidden ُض َمة َ ُفَتح َحة ُفَتح َحة 4 Duel - أَلِف َايَء َايَء - َواَو َايَء َايَء - ُض َمة َ َُك حسَرة َُك حسَرة 5 Both Male Regular 6 Plural Female Note that Fatha is not allowed for regular female plural. 10 Rule (295). A noun qualifying (or specifying) another noun (ضافُإِلَ ْي ُِه َ ُو ُم َ ) ُم. َ ضاف 1. The form in English is x of y or y’s x, where x and y are the two nouns. ٌ َ ُ The first noun (x) is called the Modaf ()مضاف and the second noun (y) is َ ٌ ُ called Modaf Ilyh ()مضاف إل ْيه. The Modaf is the noun being descripted and the Modaf Ilyh specifies the Modaf, i.e. qualifies or describes the Modaf. 2. The Modaf is not specific. It is made specific by the Modaf Ilyh. For example, the word “books” is a generic noun but when we say books of Mohamed or Mohamed’s books, then we specified these books to belong to Mohamed. ٌ )م َض ُ can’t have Tanwin or Alif-Lam, but it can have a 3. The first noun (اف Kasra. ٌ )م َض ُ must be Majror and may have Alif-Lam. It 4. The second noun (اف إل ْيه can also have Tanwin or Kasra if the Sarf is allowed. 5. If the Modaf is duel or regular male plural, then the noon at the end is omitted. Examples of the case where the Modaf is Single noun. ِ ب الح َولَ ِد ُ َكتَا ِ The book of a boy A boy’s book ب َولَ ٍد ُ َكتَا The car of Mohamed Mohamed’s car َسيَّ َارةُ ُحمَ َم ٍد ِ ساَ َعةُ بِحن The watch of a girl A girl’s watch ت َ ِ The watch of the girl The girl’s watch ساَ َعةُ الحبِحنت َ The book of the boy The boy’s book Examples of the case where the Modaf’s Noon is removed. The soccer player1M The soccer player1F The soccer player2M The soccer player2F The soccer player3+M The soccer player3+F ََِل ِعب الح ُكرة َ ُ ََل ِعبَةُ الح ُكَرِة َِل ِعبَا الح ُكرة.َ َ ََِل ِعبَتَا الح ُكرة َ ََِل ِعبُو الح ُكرة َ ِ ِات الح ُكرة َ ُ َََلعب Notice the end Noon is removed. Notice the end Noon is removed. Notice the end Noon is removed. 11 C. Prepositions (ف ْال َج ُِر ُُ ) ُح ُر ُو (Rule 310). The articles. Rule (320). Position and Irab 1. They come before nouns. 2. They can’t have Tanwin. Their Tashkil is the same regardless of its position in the sentence, i.e built in Tashkil or Harakat. 3. The noun following the preposition must be Majror and may have Tanwin. َ ْ ُ ُ ُ 4. The reason they are called ( )ح ُروف الجرbecause the noun that follows َ them must be Majror ()م ْج ُر ُو ٌر. 12 Rule (330) Examples of prepositions. (Rule 340). The Vocative particle and the Addressed (ُوُال ُم َنُا َدى ُ ) َح ْر َ ِفُالنِداء ِ ِف الن To call upon someone in Arabic you use the vocative particle داء ُ َح حر, which is اي, equivalent to the English oh. The noun that comes after it is called the ادى َ َ( الح ُمنthe addressed), and it takes a single damma regardless of gender. Example: Oh Yasir! () َاي َاي ِس حر 13 D. Adjective and Descripted Noun (ُصوف ُ صفَةُ و َم ْو ِ ) Rule (410). Position and Irab. 1. Unlike the English language, the adjective comes after the noun. 2. The adjective much match the noun in Irab, Tashkil, count, gender and the Alif-Lam. They rhyme in pronunciation. Procedure to follow: Steps for 3+M noun + adjective. Example, Fast Players3+M: Indefinite noun. 1. Check to see the form for Marfo^ regular male plural. (Rule 290, R5, C4) 2. Convert the 1M noun into 3+M noun using rule 240-1. Add Waw-Noon. 3. Rule 410-2 says that the adjective must match the noun in count and gender. Using rule 240-1. Add Waw-Noon to the واو ََلَعِب > ََلَعِبُو َن َس ِريع > َس ِريعُو َن adjective so that it matches the noun. 4. Rule 280-2 Checking the Surf Surf is not applicable for regular male plural. 5. Rule 240-3 Checking if it can have Tanwin. 6. Check if you need Alif-Lam using rule 260-1. Regular male plurals can’t have Tanwin at all. No need for Alif-Lam because it is indefinite noun. 7. Use rule 410-1 to put the words together. The adjective comes after the noun. ََلَعِبُو َن َس ِريعُو َن 14 Steps for 3+F noun + adjective. Example, Fast Players3+F. 1. Check to see the form for Marfo^ regular female plural. (Rule 290, R6, C4) 2. Convert the 1M noun into 3+F noun using rule 240-2. Add AlifTa’a at the end. 3. Rule 410-2 says that the adjective must match the noun using in ض َمة َ ََلَعِب > ََلَعِبَات َس ِريع > َس ِر َيعات count and gender. Using rule 240-2. Add Alif-Ta’a at the end. 4. Rule 280-2 Checking the Surf Surf is not applicable for regular female plural. 5. Check if you need Alif-Lam using rule 260-1. 6. Rule 240-4 Checking the Tanwin. 7. Use rule 410-1 to put the words together. The adjective comes after the noun. No need for Alif-Lam because it is indefinite noun. Add Tanwin because it doesn’t have Alif-Lam. ََلَعِبَات َس ِر َيعات 15 The following example is for the case of regular male plural (Clever Player). 4 Without AlifLam َ ََلع ٌ ب َماه ٌر ََ َلع َبا َماه َرا ََ َلع ٍب َماهر ََ ٌ ٌ َلع َبة َماه َرة ََ َلع َبة َماه َرة ََ َلع َب ٍة َماه َرٍة ََ َلع َبان َماه َران َ ََلع َب ْ ن ي َماه َر ْين َ ََلع َب ْ ن ي َماه َر ْين َ ََ َ َلع َبتان َماه َرتان ي َماه َ َرت ْ ن َ ََلع َب َت ْ ن ي ي َماه َ َرت ْ ن َ ََلع َب َت ْ ن ي 3 2 With Alif-Lam ََْ ُ ْ ب ال َماه ُر الَلع ْ ََْ َلع َ ب ال َماه َر ال َْ ََْ الَلعب الماهر ََْ ُ ْ ُ الَلع َبة ال َماه َرة ََْ َ ْ َ الَلع َبة ال َماه َرة ْ ََْ الَلع َبة ال َماه َرة ْ ََْ الَلع َبان ال َماه َران ََْ َْ ن ْ ي ال َماه َر ْين الَلعب ََْ َْ ن ْ ي ال َماه َر ْين الَلعب ََْ َ ْ َ الَلع َبتان ال َماه َرتان ََْ ي ْال َماه َ َرت ْ ن َلع َب َت ْ ن ي ال ََْ ي ْال َماه َ َرت ْ ن َلع َب َت ْ ن ي ال Irab ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب َ َ ََ َلع ُب ُون َماهر ُون َ ََلعب ْ نَ ي َماهر ْي َن َ ْ َ ََْ الَلع ُب ُون ال َماهر ُون ْ َ َ ْ نَ ْ ي ال َماهر ْي َن الَلعب َ ََلعب ْ نَ ي َماهر ْي َن ََ ٌ ٌ َلع َبات َماه َرات َ ََلع َب َ ات ات ماه َر ٍ ٍ ََ َ ات ات ماه َر ٍ َلع َب ٍ ْ َ َ ْ نَ ْ ي ال َماهر ْي َن الَلعب ُ ْ ََْ ُ الَلع َبات ال َماه َرات ْ ََْ الَلع َبات ال َماه َرات ْ ََْ الَلع َبات ال َماه َرات 16 َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب َم ْج ُر ٌ ور 1 Count and Gender 1M )(One Male 1 2 3 4 1F )(One Female 5 6 7 2M )(Two Males 8 9 2F )(Two Females 10 11 12 3+M )(Many Males 13 14 15 3+F )(Many Females 16 17 18 The following example is for the case of irregular male plural (Pretty )boy/girl 4 3 2 Without Alif-Lam With Alif-Lam Irab ٌ َولد َجم ْي ٌل َولدا َجم ْيَل َول ٍد َجم ْي ٍل ٌ ْ ٌ بنت َجم ْيلة ْ بنت َجم ْيلة ْ بن ٍت َجم ْيل ٍة َ َ َولدان َجم ْيَلن َول َد ْين َجم ْيل ْ ن ي َول َد ْين َجم ْيل ْ ن ي َ َْ بنتان َجم ْيلتان ي َجم ْيل َت ن ب ْن َت ْ ن ي ي َجميل َت ْ ن ب ْن َت ْ ن ي أ ْو َ ََل ٌد ج َم ٌ ال َ َََ أ ْوَلدا ج َماَل ََْ َ ال أوَل ٍد جم ٍ َ ٌ َ ٌ بنات َجم ْيَلت َ ََ ات َجم ْيَل ٍت بن ٍ َ ََ ات َجم ْيَل ٍت بن ٍ 17 ْ ُ ْ ال َولد ال َجم ْي ُل ْ َ ْ ال َولد ال َجم ْي َل ْ ْ ال َولد ال َجم ْيل ُ ْ ْ ُ ْ البنت ال َجم ْيلة َ ْ ْ َ ْ البنت ال َجم ْيلة ْ ْ ْ البنت ال َجم ْيلة َ ْ ْ َ ال َولدان ال َجم ْيَلن ْال َول َد ْين ْال َجم ْيل ْ ن ي ْال َول َد ْين ْال َجم ْيل ْ ن ي ْ َْ ْ َ البنتان ال َجم ْيلتان ي ْال َجميل َت ْ ن ْالب ْن َت ْ ن ي ي ْال َجم ْيل َت ن ْالب ْن َت ْ ن ي َْ اْل ْو َ ََل ُد ْالج َم ُ ال َْ اْل ْو َ ََل َد ْالج َم َ ال َْ ََ ْ اْل ْوَلد الج َمال ْ َ ُ ْ َ ُ البنات ال َجم ْيَلت َ ْ ْ َ ال َبنات ال َجم ْيَلت َ ْ ْ َ ال َبنات ال َجم ْيَلت 1 Count and Gender ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب 1M َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب 1F َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب 2M َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب 2F َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب 3+M َم ْج ُر ٌ ور ُ ٌ َم ْرفوع َم ْن ُص ٌ وب 3+F َم ْج ُر ٌ ور 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 E. The Noun sentence (ُاإلسْمِ يَّ ُة ِ ُ)ال ُج ْملَ ُة. Rule (505). The noun sentence starts with a noun. Rule (510). The noun sentence is made of Subject ()محب تَ َدأ َ ُ and Predicate ()خ َب. The predicate (Al-Khabar) gives information about the subject (AlMobtada’a, i.e. Noun Sentence = Mobtada’a (subject)+ Khabar (predicate). Notice that unlike the English language, the verb to be is not needed in Arabic at all, i.e. no is, are, was, were …etc. for example, The noun sentences Mobtada’a +verb to be + Mobtada’a + Khabar Khabar ُ َ ُ َْ ٌ ون َجم ٌ ْال َول ُد َجم The boy is pretty يل الولد يك يل َ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ the boys2M are pretty الولدان َيكونان َجميَلن الولدان َجميَلن Rule (520). Notes about Mobtada’a and Khabar. 1. The Mobtada’a can never have Tanwin and must have Alif-Lam. The exception if the Mobtada’a is a name then it wouldn’t have Alif-Lam and the Surf should be checked to decide about the Tanwin. 2. The Khabar can never have Alif-Lam and may have Tanwin based on Surf. If Surf is forbidden or the noun has Alif-Lam, then no Tanwin is allowed. 3. The Khabar must match the Mobtada’a in gender and count. Rule (530). The default case of both Mobtada’a and Khabar is Marfo^ ((محرفُ ُو حع َ Rule (540). If the Mobtada’a is preceded by one article from the family of Inna ((إِ َّن, then the Mobtada’a is Mansoob and the Khabar is Marfo^ • The Family of Inna: َ . ََل، ل َع َّل، ل ْي َت، لك َّن، كأ َّن، أ َّن،إ َّن Rule (550). If the Mobtada’a is preceded by one article from the family of then the Mobtada’a is Marfo^ and the Khabar is Mansoob.( َكا َنKana) • The Family of Kana ُ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ْ ُ َ َ ُْ َ ْ ، َيبيت، َبات، أ ْمس،َس يم ي، أمَس، أضح، يضَح،أضَح، أصبح، َي َصب َح،أصبَّح، ك ُّن،َ يك َّون،ك ْان . ِص، يص ُي، صار، ظل، يظل، ظل،بت 18 Rule (570). Both the Mobtada’a and the Khabar must agree in gender and count. Rule (580). The examples below will show you the difference between Noun + Adj versus Mohtada’a +Khabar َّ ُ ْ ال َولد الشاط ُرDefinite noun and adjective َ ٌ َولد شاط ٌرIndefinite noun and adjective َ ُ ْ ال َولد شاط ٌرMobtada’a and Khabar The clever boy A clever boy The boy is clever The clever player1F A clever player1F ُ َّ ُ َ َّ الَلع َبة الشاط َرةDefinite noun and adjective ٌ َ ٌ ََ َلع َبة شاط َرةIndefinite noun and adjective ٌ َ ُ َ َّ الَلع َبة شاط َرةMobtada’a and Khabar The player is clever1F The clever boys2M Clever boys2M The boys2M are clever The Clever players2F Clever players2F The players2F are clever 3 َ َّ َ َ َّ الَلع َبتان الشاط َرتانDefinite noun and adjective َ َ َ ََ َلع َبتان شاط َرتانIndefinite noun and adjective َ َّ َ َ َّ الَلع َبتان شاط َرتانMobtada’a and Khabar 1 2 3 Cnt/Ged Irab With Alif-Lam 1 2 َّ َ ْ ال َولدان الشاط َرانDefinite noun and adjective َ َ َولدان شاط َرانIndefinite noun and adjective َ َ ْ ال َولدان شاط َرانMobtada’a and Khabar 1M َمحرفُوع صوب ُ َمحن َمَح ُرور الْ ا اَل ِع ُب الْ اما ِه ُر الْ ا اَل ِع اب الْ اما ِه ار ِا ْل ا اَل ِع ِب ا ْل اما ِهر 4 Without AlifLam ا اَل ِع ٌب اما ِه ٌر ًاَلا ِعبااً اما ِه ارا ا اَل ِع ٍب اما ِه ٍر 19 اَلا ِعبا ٌة اما ِه ارةٌ الْ ا اَل ِعبا ُة الْ اما ِه ار ُة ا اَل ِع اب ًة اما ِه ار ًة الْ ا اَل ِع اب اة الْ اما ِه ار اة َمحرفُوع صوب َمحن ُ اَلا ِعبا ٍة اما ِه ار ٍة الْ ا اَل ِعبا ِة الْ اما ِه ار ِة ا اَل ِع اب ِان اما ِه ار ِان الْ ا اَل ِع اب ِان الْ اما ِه ار ِان ا اَل ِع اب ْ ِْي اما ِه ار ْي ِن الْ ا اَل ِع اب ْ ِْي الْ اما ِه ار ْي ِن َحَم ُرور َمحرفُوع صوب َمنح ُ ا اَل ِع اب ْ ِْي اما ِه ار ْي ِن الْ ا اَل ِع اب ْ ِْي الْ اما ِه ار ْي ِن ا اَل ِع اب ات ِان اما ِه ارَتا ِن ا اَل ِع ابتا ْ ِْي اما ِه ارت ْ ِاْي الْ ا اَل ِع اب ات ِان الْ اما ِه ارَتا ِن الْ ا اَل ِع ابتا ْ ِْي الْ اما ِه ارت ْ ِاْي َمَح ُرور َمحرفُوع ا اَل ِع ابتا ْ ِْي اما ِه ارت ْ ِاْي الْ ا اَل ِع ابتا ْ ِْي الْ اما ِه ارت ْ ِاْي ا اَل ِع ُب ُو ان اما ِهر ُِو ان الْ ا اَل ِع ُب ُو ان الْ اما ِهر ُِو ان ا اَل ِعب ْ اِْي اما ِهرِ ْي ان الْ ا اَل ِعب ْ اِْي الْ اما ِهرِ ْي ان اَلا ِعب ْ اِْي اما ِهرِيْ ان الْ ا اَل ِعب ْ اِْي الْ اما ِهرِيْ ان اَلا ِعبااتٌ اما ِه اراتٌ ا اَل ِع اب ٍ ات اما ِه ار ٍات ات الْ اما ِه ار ُات الْ ا اَل ِعبا ُ الْ ا اَل ِع اب ِ ات الْ اما ِه ار ِات اَلا ِعبا ٍ ات اما ِه ار ٍات الْ ا اَل ِعبا ِ ات الْ اما ِه ار ِات 4 1F 5 6 7 2M 8 9 10 صوب َمحن ُ َحَم ُرور 12 َمحرفُوع 13 صوب َمنح ُ َحَم ُرور َمحرفُوع صوب َمنح ُ 2F 11 3+M 14 15 16 3+F 17 َحَم ُرور 18 Steps for 3+M noun sentences. Example, The Players3+M are Fast. واو الالَعِ ب > َّ الالَعِبُو َن َّ ُ َس ِريع > َس ِريعُو َن ^Check to see the form for Marfo regular male plural. (Rule 290, 1. )R5, C4 Convert the 1M Mobtada’a into 2. 3+M noun using rule 240-1. Add Waw-Noon. 3. Convert the Khabar to match the noun using rule 240-1. Add Waw-Noon. Mobtada’a must have Alif-Lam unless it is a name. Khabar cannot have Alif-Lam 20 4. Check to see if you need AlifLam using rule 520-1 and 520-2. 5. Rule 280-2 Checking the Surf Surf is not applicable for regular male plural. 6. Check if you need Tanwin Rule 280-2 no need to check the Surf for regular male plural. They end with built-in Fatha. 7. Use rule 510 to put the words together. Mobtada’a comes first َاَلَعِبُو َن َس ِريعُو َن and Khabar follows. Steps for 3+F noun + adjective. Example, The Players3+F are Fast. 1. Check to see the form for Marfo^ regular female plural. (Rule 290, R6, C4) 2. Convert the 1M noun into 3+F noun using rule 240-2. Add AlifTa’a at the end. 3. Convert the adjective to match the noun using rule 240-2. Add Alif-Ta’a at the end. 8. Check to see if you need AlifLam using rule 510. ض َمة َ ََلَعِب > ََلَعِبَات َس ِريع > َس ِر َيعات Mobtada’a must have Alif-Lam. Khabar connot have Alif-Lam. 4. Check Surf No need to check Surf for regular female plural. 5. Check Tanwin Mobtada’a can never have Tanween because it must have Alif-Lam all the time or must be a name. Khabar can have Alif-Lam and has Tanween because it is regular female plural. 6. Use rule 510 to put the words together. Mobtada’a is followed by Khabar. ََلَعِبَات َس ِر َيعات 21 F. Pronouns and Possessions: Rule (610). Pronouns and possessions based on count, gender and category. 1 1 Type 2 3 1st Person َ َ ْ ال ُمتك ِل ْم 4 5 6 2nd Person َ َ ُ ْ ْ اط ب المخ 2 Count and Gender ْ َ ْ ال َعدد ْ ُ َوالن ُوع 3 The detached pronouns الضمائر المنفصلة 4 The attached pronouns الضمائر المتصلة Singular ْ ْ ُمف َرد I َ أنا My ي+ Mine يَل 6 Owned by X Belongs to X Possessions Many ََْ أك َ ُث ِم ْن َ اح ِد ِ و 1M َّ َ ْ ْ ُمف َرد ُمذكر We َ ن ْح ُن Our ْ نا+ Ours ْ لنا You َ ْ أنت Your َ ك+ Yours َ لك My Property ْ مل يك Our Property َ ْ ملكنا Your Prop. َ ْ ملكك 1F ْ ََ ْ ْ ُمف َرد ُمؤنث You ْ أنت Your ك+ Yours لك Your Prop. ْ ملكك You ُْ أنت َما Your ك َما+ Yours لك َما Your Prop. ْ ملكك َما You ُْ أنت ْم Your ك ُم+ Yours لك ُم Your Prop. ْ ملكك ُم 2M, 2F َّ َ ُ ُ َ َى مثّن ىمذكر َ ُ ومؤنث 3+M َّ َ ُ ْ َ جمع مذكر 7 5 7 Demonstrative Pronouns (Near) أسماء اإلشارة )(قريب - 8 Demonstrative Pronouns (Far) أسماء اإلشارة )(بعيد - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 3+F َ ْ ُ َى جمع مؤنث You َّأ ْن ُ ن ي Your ك َّن+ Yours لك َّن Your Prop. ْ ملكك َّن - 10 1M َّ َ مفرد ُمذكر He ُ ه َو His ُ ه+ His ُ له His Prop. ُ ْ ملكه This هذا That ذلك 11 1F َى مفرد ُمؤنث She َ ه ي Her َ ها+ Hers ل َها Her Prop. ْ ملك ُها This هذه That تلك 12 2M َّ َ َ ى ُمث َّن ُمذكر These هذان Those ذانك These هتان Those تانك These هؤالء Those أولئك 8 13 14 15 3rd Person َ ْ الغائ ب ِ They ُ ه َما Their ُ ه َما+ Theirs ل ُه َما Their Prop. ْ ملك ُه َما 3+M َّ َ ُ ْ َ جمع مذكر They ُ ه ْم Their ُ ه ْم+ Theirs ل ُه ْم Their Prop. ْ ملك ُه ُم + ى3َ ُ F ْ َ جمع مؤنث They ُ ه َّن Their ُ ه َّن+ Theirs ل ُه َّن Their Prop. ْ ملك ُه َّن ى2F َ َى ُمث َّن ُمؤنث 22 Rule (620). The Relative pronouns (صولَة ) ح ُ األْساءُ امل حو الَّ ِذي الَّذان ِ َّ ين َ الذ 1M 2M 3M 1F, 3 M. 3 F الَِّت 2F ِ َّال تان َّاَلئِي،َّاَلِت + + 3F َ Who/which (intellect and non-intellect) Who/which (intellect and non-intellect) Who (intellect only) Who/which (for 1F intellect, 3+M non-intellect and 3+F non-intellect) Who/which (intellect and non-intellect) Who (for plural feminine intellect only) 1. The Relative pronouns (صولَة حhave the meaning of ‘which’, ‘who’, and differ ُ )األْساءُ املَحو in their form to correspond to the correct gender. 2. They also differ to correspond to the singular, dual and plural noun. 3. Note that the pronoun ( )الَِّتis also used for plural non-intellect nouns ()غَِِي ال َحعاقِ حل. Objects, animals and concepts are classified as irrational nouns whilst intellect include; humans, angels and devils. Examples: 1M intellect The man who left the masjid 1M non-intellect The book1M, which is on the desk1M 2M intellect The teachers2M who went to the classroom1M, 2M non-intellect The pens2M, which are in my bag1F 3+M intellect The engineers3+M who left the restaurant1M 1F intellect The woman1F who went to the school1F 1F non-intellect The ruler1F, which is on the desk1M 3+M non-intellect The donkeys3+M, which are in the field 1M, الر ُجلُ الذي َخَر َج ِم َن امل حس ِجد َ َ ِ ِ َتاب الذي َعلى املكحت ب الك ُ َ ِ صل املَُد ِرسان الَّذانِّ َذهبا إىل ال َف ح ِ َال َقل مان الذانِّ ِِف َح ِقيح بَِت ين َخَر ُجوا ِم َن املطح َع ِم َِّ امل َهحن ِد ُسو َن الذ َ ُ ت إىل امل حد َر َس ِة امل حرأةُ التِّ ذَ َهبَ ح َ َ ِ َاملِ حسطَرةُ التِّ على املكحت ب َ َ اْلُ ُم ُر الت ِِف اْلَ حق ِل 23 2F non-intellect The cars2F, which are in front of the masjid1M 3+F intellect The Muslims3+F who went to the market1M ِ السيَّار أمام امل حس ِج ِد َِّتن التان َ َ َّ َ ِ الس حو ِق ُّ ْب إىل َمات َّاَّلتِّ َذ َه ح ُ املُ حسل G. Interrogatives, i.e. Ask Questions. Rule (710). The Interrogatives articles. َ َْ َ ك ْم كتابا عندك؟i.e., How many books do you have? َ َ ك ْم ك َّرi.e., How many notebooks are with you? اسة َم َعك؟ 24 H. The Verb Sentences Rule (1020). Verbs are divided by tense and type as follows: Verb - Verbs َْ ُ ْ ْ ُ اْل ْف َع ال - الفعل Divide by Tense and Type 1` َالتحقِس ُيم ِم حن َححي ِث َزَمِن َونحوِع حالِفحعِل 1: Past Tense 2: Present Tense 3: Future Verb Built-in Fatha ف ْع ُل َم ن اض ي َ ْ ْ ٌّ َم ْب ن ن َعَل الفت َحة ي Verb Marfo^ with Damma َ ف ْع ُل ُمضارع ُ َ ْ ٌ ُ َم ْرفوع بالض ْمة 4: Command Tense Verb َْ ف ْع ُل ُم ْستق َب ٍل ْ الف ْعل+ س َ ْ ال ُمضارع Verb Buit-in Skon ف ْع ُل أ ْمر ُّ ن َعَل ٌّ َم ْب ن السكون ي Rule (1030). The verb sentence is made of [Verb] + [Subject] + [Object] or [Verb] + [Object] + [Subject] Rule (1040). The default case subject is Marfo^. Rule (1050). The default case object is Mansoob. Rule (1060). In a past tense verb sentences, in the case of 3rd person female subjects, we attach the female Ta’a to the end ( فَ َع َل-> ت )فَ َعلَ ح. The farmer1M planted a flower1F. The farmer1F planted a flower1F. The farmers2M planted a flower1F. The farmers2F planted a flower1F. The farmers3M planted the flower1F. The farmers3F planted the flower1F. ح َوحرَدة َ َزَر ُ َّع الح َف َال ِ َزر َع ت الح َف َالَّ َحةُ َوحرَدة َ ِ ع الح َف َالَّح ان َوحرَدة َ َزَر َ ِ َت الح َف َالَّحت ِ َزر َع ان َوحرَدة َ َ ع الح َف َالَّ َح ُو َن الح َوحرَد َة َ َزَر ِ ت الح َوحرَد َة ُ َزَر َعت الح َف َالَّ َحا 25 The driver1M drove the car1F. The driver1F drove the car1F. A trashman1M cleaned a house1M. A trashwoman1F cleaned a house1M. The farmers2M planted flowers3+F. The driver1F drove the cars2M. The drivers3+F drove the cars3+F. The trashwoman1F cleaned the house. The dogs2+M ate meat1M. The cat1F drank milk1M. َالسيَّ َارة َّ السائِ ُق َّ قَ َاد ِ قَاد السيَّ َارَة َّ ُالسائَِقة َّ ت َ ف َزََّبل بَيح تَا َ َّنَظ ت َزََّبلَة بَيح تَا نَظََّف ح ٍ ان ورد ات َ ع الح َف َالَّ َح ِ َ ح َ َزَر ِ قَاد السيَّ َارََت ِن َّ ُالسائُِقة َّ ت َ ِ السائَِقات السيَّار ِ ات َ َ ُ َّ قَ َادت ِ نَظََّف ت َّ ت َ الزََّبلُةُ البَ حي ِ أَ ُكل الح َكلَب ان َْلح َما َ َ ِ حش ِرب ت الح ِقطَّةُ لَبَنَا َ Rule (1070). In a present tense verb sentences, in the case of 3rd person female subjects, we convert the Ya’a in the beginning into the female Ta’a ( يَ حف َع ُل-< )تَ حف َع ُل. The farmers1M plants the flower1F. The farmers1F plants the flower1F. The driver1M drives a car1F. The driver1F drives a car1F. The dog1M eats meat1F. The dog1F eats meat1F. The cat1Mdrinks milk1M. The cat1F drinks milk1M. َح الح َوحرَدة ُ َّيَ حزَرعُ الح َف َال َتَ حزَرعُ الح َف َالَّ َحةُ الح َوحرَدة السائِ ُق َسيَّ َارة َّ ود ُ يَ حق السائَِقةُ َسيَّ َارة َّ ود ُ تَ حق ب َْلح َما ُ َََيح ُكلُ الح َكل ََتح ُكلُ الح َكلَبَةُ َْلح َما ط لَبَنَا ُ ب الح ِق ُ يَ حشَر ب الح ِقطَّةُ لَبَنَا ُ تَ حشَر Rule (1080). The future tense is made of the present tense after attaching the letter seen (س َُ ) to the beginning. The farmers1M plants the flower1F. The farmers1M will plant the flower1F. ح الح َوحرَد َة ُ َّيَ حزَرعُ الح َف َال َح الح َوحرَدة ُ ََّسيَ حزَرعُ الح َف َال 26 Procedure to follow: 1. Based on the tense of the verb, use Rule 1020 to find the proper Tashkil (Harakat) for the verb. Place this Haraka on the verb. 2. If the subject is female, then use Rules 1060 (for past) or 1070 (for present) to find out where to put the female Ta’a. 3. Find the subject noun and use Rule 1040 to find the Irab of the noun. Then use Rule 290 to pick the correct form. Then use Rule 285 to check if you need Tanwin or not. Then use Rule 280 to check the Surf. 4. Find the object noun and use Rule 1050 to find the Irab of the noun. Then use Rule 290 to pick the correct form. Then use Rule 285 to check if you need Tanwin or not. Then use Rule 280 to check the Surf. 5. If the object noun has Tanwin Fatha, then use Rule 150, note b to find out if you need to add an Alif. If yes, then put the Tanwin on the Alif, otherwise, the Tanwin is placed on the last letter of the noun. Rule (1090). Finding out what is subject and what is object The subject is Marfo^ but the object is Mansob. Fatima hit Zaynub Zaynab hit Fatima ِ ضرب ح ب ََ َ َ َت فَاط َمةُ َزيحن ِ ضرب ح ب ََ َ ُ َت فَاط َمةَ َزيحن Note: Both Fatima and Zaynub are single female nouns. According to rule 280, Marfo^ is Damma and Mansob is Fatha. According to rule 280, case 1, Surf is not allowed to Fatima or Zaynub. I. Verbs in Noun Sentences. Rule (1110). The default sentence structural is [Noun or pronoun] +[Verb]+[Object]. 27 Rule (1120). The root for any verb is the past tense, 3rd person, 1M. ( )فَ َع َل. Rule (1130). Table of the grammar rules using the standard verb ()فَ َع َل: 1 2 3 Count and Gender Past ْ ُ ْ َ ْ ال َعدد َوالن ُوع ْ ْ َ ن اض ف عل م ي Singular 4 5 6 Present Future Command َْ ف ْع ْل ُم ْستق َب ْل ف ْع ْل أ ْم ْر I did ُ ْ َ ف َعلت We did َْ َ ف َعلنا ف ْع ْل ْ َ ُمضارع I do ْ أف َع ُل We do َْ نف َع ُل I will do ْ َسأف َع ُل We will do َْ َسنف َع ُل You did َ ْ َ ف َعلت You did ْ َ ف َعلت You do َْ تف َع ُل You do َْ تف َعل You will do َْ َستف َع ُل You will do َْ َستف َعل Do ْإ ْف َعل 2M, 2F َّ َ َ ُمث نَّن ُمذكر َّ ٌ َ ُ ومؤنث You did ُْ َ ف َعلت َما You do َ َْ تف َعَل You will do َ َْ َستف َعَل You must do َ ْ إف َعَل 8 3+M َّ َ ُ ٌ ْ َ جمع مذكر You did ُْ َ ف َعلت ْم You do َْ تف َعلوا You will do َْ َستف َعلوا you must do ْ إف َعلوا 9 3+F َّ ٌ َ َج ْم ٌع ُمؤنث You did ََف َع ْل ُ ن ي You do َْ تف َعل َن You will do َْ َستف َعل َن You must do ْ ْ إف َعل َن 10 1M َّ َ ُ مفرد مذكر He did ََف َعل He does ْ َيف َع ُل He will do ْ َس َيف َع ُل - 1F ٌ َّ َ ُ مفرد مؤنث 2M َّ َ ُ َُّ َ ن مثن مذكر 2F ٌ َّ َ ُ َُّ َ ن مثن مؤنث 3+M َّ َ ُ ٌ ْ َ جمع مذكر She did ْ َ ف َعلت They did َ َ ف َعَل They did َ َ ف َعلتا They did َ ف َعل ُوا She does َْ تف َع ُل They do َ ْ َيف َعَل They do َ َْ تف َعَل They do ْ َيف َعل ُوا She will do َْ َستف َع ُل They will do َ ْ َس َيف َعَل They will do َ َْ َستف َعَل They will do ْ َس َيف َعل ُوا 1 Type 2 3 4 1st Person َ ْ ال ُمتكل ْم ْ ْ ُمف َرد Manyَ ْ أك َ ُي م ْن َواحد 1M 5 َّ َ ْ ْ ُمف َرد ُمذكر 6 ْ ََ ْ ْ ُمف َرد ُمؤنث 7 1F 2nd Person َ َ ْ ال ُمخاط ْب 11 12 13 14 3rd Person َ ْ الغائ ب - Do ْ إف َع يَل 28 15 3+F ٌ َّ َ ُ ٌ ْ َ جمع مؤنث They did ْ َ ف َعل َن They do ْ ْ َيف َعل َن They will do ْ ْ َس َيف َعل َن - Rule (1150). Notes on the previous table. 1. The first person has only two cases. I and We. “I” is for the single male or female, and “We” is for more than two males or females. 2. For the second person 2M and 2F are always the same. 3. Women-Noon (ِ )نُو ُن النِ حس َوةis always attached to the end 3F whether it is first person, second person or third person. ِ 4. Duel-Alif (ف ال ُحمثَ َّّن ُ )أَلis always attached to the end in all cases. 5. Group-Waw (اع ِة )و ُاو ح َ اْلَ َم َ is always attached to the end of all 3+M cases. 6. The command verb is only for the second person. You can’t command yourself, i.e. the first person, and you can’t command an absent person. 7. The second person command verbs for 1F don’t have Kasra at the end except for the command form it has Ya’a. This note is important due to the fact that people put Ya’a at the end of all forms, including the command form. The reasons this particular case is important because very common that people attach Ya’a at the end of all forms, whether it is past, present or command verbs. 8. The future verb is always the present verb with the letter Seen attached at the beginning. 29 Rule (1160). Identification of Duel-Alif, Women-Noon, Group-Waw and Female Ta’a. Only the applicable cases are shown in the following table. 1 2 3 4 6 Count and Gender Past Present Command 2 ْ ُ ْ َ ْ ال َعدد َوالن ُوع ْ ْ َ ن اض فعل م ي ْ َ ف ْع ْل ُمضارع ف ْع ْل أ ْم ْر 3 1F ْ ََ ُ َْْ ُ مفرد مؤنث You did َ ف َع ْل ِت Female Ta’a You do ْ َ تف َعل Female Ta’a Do ْ إف َعلي Ya’a at the end 4 2M, 2F َّ َ َ ُمث نَّن ُمذكر ٌ َّ َ ُ ومؤنث You did ُْ َ ف َعلت َما Alif-Duel You do َْ تف َع َلا Alif-Duel You must do ْ إف َع َلا Alif-Duel 3+M َّ َ ُ ٌ ْ َ جمع مذكر You did ُْ َ ف َعلت ْم You do َْ تف َع ُلوا You must do ْ إف َع ُلوا You did َ ْ ُ ى ف َعلتن Women -Noon You do ى َْ تف َع ُلن Women Noon You must do ْ ى إف َع ْلن Women -Noon He does ْ َيف َع ُل - 1 Type 2nd Person َ ْ ال ُمخ َاط ْب 5 + 6 3F ٌ َّ َ َج ْم ٌع ُمؤنث 7 1M َّ َ مفرد ُمذكر 8 1F ٌ َّ َ مفرد ُمؤنث 9 2M َّ َ َ ُمث نَّن ُمذكر 10 11 12 3rd Person َ الغائ ْب 2F ٌ َّ َ ُ َُّ َ ن مثن مؤنث 3+M َّ َ ُ ٌ ْ َ جمع مذكر 3+F ٌ َّ َ ُ ٌ ْ َ جمع مؤنث He did َ ف َع َل Root She did َ ْ ف َع َلت Female-Ta’a They did َ ف َع َلا They did َ َ ف َع َلت ا They did َ ف َع ُل ُوا Group Waw They did َ َ ف َع ْلن Women -Noon She does ْ َ تف َع ُل Female-Ta’a They do ْ َيف َع َلا They do ْ َ تف َع َلا They do ْ َيف َعل ُوا Group Waw They do َ ْ َيف َع ْلن Women Noon - - 30 ”Rule (1170). Identification of pronouns’ table for the past tense verb “x thanked y 12 13 them3+M them3+F َش َك حرُُتُحم َش َك حرََن ُه حم َش َك حرَُتُحم َش َك حرُِتُحم َش َك حرُُتُ َن َش َك حرََن ُه َن َش َك حرَُتُ َن َش َك حرُِتُ َن ُ اه حم اه َن َش َك حرُتَُ ُ َش َك حرُتَُ ُ وه حم وه َن َش َك حرُتُُ ُ َش َك حرُتُُ ُ َش َك حرتُنَ ُه َن َش َك حرتُنَ ُهم َش َكَرُه حم َش َكَرُه َن َش َكَرحُتُحم َش َكَرحُتُ َن َش َكَرا ُه حم َش َكَرا ُه َن َش َكَرََت ُه َن َش َك ُرُو ُه َن َش َك ُرُوََنُ َن 31 ُ َش َكَرََت ُه حم َش َك ُرُو ُه حم َش َك ُرُوََنُحم them2M, 2F her him you3F you3M you2M,2F you1F us you1M َش َك حرُُتَُما ُ ُ 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 َش َك حرُُتَا َش َك حرََن َها ُ ُ َش َك حرََن ُُهَا َش َك حرَُتَُما َش َك حرُِتِ َما َش َك حرَُتَا َش َك حرُِتَا اها َش َك حرُتَُ ُ اُهَا َش َك حرُتَُ َ وها َش َك حرُتُُ ُ وُهَا َش َك حرُتُُ َ َش َك حرتُنَ ُه َما َش َك حرتُنَ َها َش َكَرَها َش َكَرُُهَا َش َكَرحُتَا َش َكَرحُتَُما َش َكَرا َها َش َكَرا ُُهَا ُ َش َكَرََت ُُهَا َش َك ُرُو ُُهَا َش َك ُرُوََنَُما َش َكَرََت َها َش َك ُرُوَها َش َك ُرُوََنَا 3 me َش َكرتُه َش َكرتُ ُك َّن َش َكرتُ ُكم َش َكرتُ ُكما َش َكرتُ ِ ك ك َش َك حرتُ َ حُ ح ح َ ح ح ح ( )2 َش َك حرََنهُ َش َك حرََن ُك َّن َش َك حرََن ُك حم َش َك حرََن ُك َما َش َك حرََن ِك َش َك حرََن َك ( )3 َش َك حرتَنَا َش َك حرتَِِن َش َك حرتَهُ ( )4 َش َك حرتِِِن َش َك حرتِنَا َش َك حرتِِه ( )5 ان َش َك حرُتَُا ََن َش َك حرُتَُ َِ َش َك حرُتَُاهُ ( )6 ون َش َك حرُتُُوََن َش َك حرُتُُ ِِ َش َك حرُتُُوهُ ( ُ )7 َش َك حرُتُُونَنَا َش َك حرُُتُنَِِن َش َك حرتُنَهُ َش َكَرِِن َش َكَرََن َش َكَرَك َش َكَرِك َش َكَرُك َما َش َكَرُك حم َش َكَرهُ َش َكَرُك َن َش َكرتحه َش َكرتح ُكن َش َكرتح ُكم َش َكرتح ُكما َش َكرتح ِ ك َش َكَرتحنَا َش َكَرتِِِن ك َش َكَرتح َ َُ َ َ َ ح َ َ َ ان َش َكَرِِ َش َكَراهُ َش َكَرا ُك َن َش َكَرا ُك حم َش َكَرا ُك َما َش َكَرا ِك َش َكَرا َك َش َكَرا ََن َش َكَرََتهُ َش َكَرََت ُك َن َش َكَرََت ُك حم َش َكَرََت ُك َما َش َكَرََت ِك َش َكَرََت َك َش َكَرََت ََن َش َكَرََتِِن ون َش َك ُرُوهُ َش َك ُرُوُك َن َش َك ُرُوُك حم َش َك ُرُوُك َما َش َك ُرُو ِك َش َك ُرُو َك َش َك ُرُوََن َش َك ُر ِِ َش َكرونَه َش َكرونَ ُكن َش َكرونَ ُكم َش َكرونَ ُكما َش َكرونَ ِ ك َش َك ُرُونَنَا َش َك ُرنَِِن ك َش َك ُرُونَ َ ُُ ُ ُُ ُُ َ ُُ ح ُُ َ ُ ُ 2 ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ 1 - ( )1 ُ 1 I 2 We2+M, 2+F 3 You1M 4 You1F 5 You2M, 2F 6 You3+M 7 You3+F 8 He 9 She 10 They2M 11 They2F 12 They3+M 13 They3+F 14 ُ Rule (1180). Identification of pronouns’ tables for the past tense verb “x thanked self” 1 2 I thanked myself we thanked our selves ت نَ حف ِس ِي ُ َش َك حر َش َك حرََن أَنح ُف َسنَا 3 4 5 You thanked your self ك َ ت نَ حف َس َ َش َك حر ِ َش َكر ِ ت نَ حفس ك ح َ 6 7 You Thanked yourselves َش َك حرُتَُا أَنح ُف َس ُك َما Note: The numbers shown in the table above are the references from table 1170. َش َك حرُحُت أَنح ُف َس ُك حم َش َك حرتُ َن أَنح ُف َس ُك َن He thanked himself She thanked herself They2M,2F thanked themselves They3+M thanked themselves They3+F thanked themselves َُش َكَر نَ حف َسه ت نَ حف َس َها َش َكَر ح َش َك حرُتَُا أَنح ُف َس ُك َما َش َك حرُحُت أَنح ُف َس ُك حم َش َك حرتُ َن أَنح ُف َس ُك َن 32 Rule (1190). Identification Pronoun table for the present tense verb “x thank y” 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Me us you1M you1F you2M,2F you3M you3F him 1 2 2 I We2+M - - أشكرك أشكرك أشكركما أشكركم 10 11 12 13 her them2M, 2F them3+M them3+F أشكرها أشكره أشكركن أشكرُها أشكرهم أشكركن - You1M You1F You2M, 2F You3+M You3+F He She They2M They2F They3+M They3+F 33