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Internet of things .pptx

Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Information Science and Engineering
IoT and Web Technologies
Prof. Monika N
Assistant Professor
Internet of things VISION
• The goal of the Internet of Things is to enable
things to be connected anytime, anyplace, with
anything and anyone ideally using any
path/network and any service.
•Developing the technology in Europe right now
demonstrating, testing and deploying products
Convergence of consumer, business
and Industrial internet.
• The convergence creates the open, global
network connecting people, data, and things
• convergence leverages used to connect
intelligent things that sense and transmit a
broad array of data
• Platforms also rely on the power of network
Factors Driving Convergence
Technology convergence
Properties of IoT
Self-energy supplying
IoT Strategic Research and Innovation
• The final report of the Key Enabling Technologies
(KET), of the High Level Expert Group identified
the enabling technologies
• Nanotechnologies
• Micro and Nano electronics
• Photonics
• Biotechnology
• Advanced Materials
• Advanced Manufacturing Systems
IoT Enabling Technologies
IoT Applications
The major applications are smart transport, products,
cities, buildings, rural areas, energy, health, living, etc
• At the city level, the integration of technology and quicker
data analysis will lead to a more coordinated and effective
civil response to security and safety
• At the building level, security technology will be integrated
into systems and deliver a return on investment to the
end-user through leveraging the technology in multiple
Internet of Things in the context of
smart environments and applications
Various application areas
Future Internet Technologies
• Cloud Computing
• IoT and Semantic Technologies
• Autonomy
• The current Internet typically connects full-scale computers,
the Internet of Things will connect everyday objects with a
strong integration into the physical world
✔ Plug and Play Integration
✔ Infrastructure Functionality
✔ Semantic Modelling of Things
✔ Physical Location and Position
✔ Security and Privacy
Networks and Communication
• Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)
intends time frame the number of connected
devices, their features, their distribution and implied
communication requirements
It includes
✔ Networking Technology
✔ Communication Technology
Networking Technology
• IoT is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical
devices and everyday objects.
• It is Embedded with electronics, Internet connectivity,
and other forms of hardware (such as sensors), these
devices can communicate and interact with others over
the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and
Adaptive and Event-driven Processes
Processes Dealing with Unreliable Data
Processes Dealing with Unreliable Resources
Highly Distributed Processes
Data Management
• The world of objects interconnected and constantly exchanging all
types of information, the volume of the generated data and the
processes involved in the handling of those data become critical.
• A long-term opportunity for wireless communications chip makers
is the rise of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) computing things
• The technologies and factors involved in the “data management”
within the IoT context.
✔ Data Collection and Analysis
✔ Big Data
✔ Semantic Sensor Networking
✔ Virtual Sensors
✔ Complex Event Processing
• DCA - Data centre administrator
• Multi- Tenant
Trust For IoT
Light weight public key infrastructure
Light weight key management systems
Quality of information
Decentralized and self configuring systems
Novel methods for assessing trust in people
Security of IoT
Dos and DDOS prevention
General attack detection and recovery
Cyber situation tools and techniques
Variety of access control and associated
accounting schemes
• Handling virtually all modes of operation
Privacy for IoT
• Cryptographic techniques
• Techniques to supports privacy by design
• Fine-grained and self-configuring access control
• Preserving location privacy
• Prevention of personal information inference
• Use of soft identities
M2M to IoT – A Basic Perspective
M2M to IoT
• M2M and IoT is the technology used for the solutions may be
very similar and also same base components but the manner
in which the data is managed will be different.
• In an M2M solution, data remains within strict boundaries.
• IoT data may be used and reused for many different
purposes, perhaps beyond the original intended design
M2M Solutions
Internal Market Place
Public IoT Market
• Global value chains
A value chain describes the full range of activities that firms and workers
perform to bring a product from its origin to end use and beyond, including
design, production, marketing, distribution, and support to the final customer
• Ecosystems vs. value chains
An economic community supported by a foundation of interacting organizations
and individuals
• M2M value chains
A value chain is the full range of activities – including design, production,
marketing and distribution – businesses conduct to bring a product or
service from conception to delivery.
• M2M value chains solutions are generally
internal to a company’s business processes
and do not included extensive interactions
with other parties and includes
✔ Inputs
✔ Production/Manufacture
✔ Processing
✔ Distribution/Marketing
Simplified global value chain
Production and manufacturing
Distribution and marketing
IoT value chains
• IoT Value Chains are about the use and reuse of data
across value chains and across solutions
• IoT value chains based on data are to some extent
enabled by Open APIs and the other open web based
• Open APIs allow for the knowledge contained within
different technical systems to become un embedded,
creating the possibility for many different economic
entities to combine and share their data
An emerging industrial structure for
• M2M and IoT are rapidly integrating data and
workflows that form the basis of the global
economy at increasing speed and precision.
• Cloud computing have the ability to provide low
cost access to computational capacity for billions
of end-users via mobile devices
• system integrator capacity are required for two
main reasons
1. Technical
2. Financial
The information-driven global value
There are five fundamental roles within the
I-GVC that companies and other actors are
forming around.
Sensors, RFID, and other devices
Data Factories
Service Providers/Data Wholesalers
Information Driven value chain for
The Information-Driven Global Value
M2M to IoT-An Architectural
Building an architecture
The term “Architecture” relates to a generalized model that
contains the richest set of elements and relations that are of
relevance to the domain “Internet of Things.”
An architecture can be described in several different views
(functional view, deployment view, process view, and
information view) to capture specific properties that are of
relevance to model
Reference architecture to a system
Main design principles and needed
• The approach taken in SENSEI was to develop an architecture and
technology building blocks that enable a “Real World integration in
a future Internet.”
• The telecommunications industry, meanwhile, has focused on
defining a common service core for supporting various M2M
• the approach taken in IoT-A differs from the two approaches above
in the sense that instead of defining a single architecture, a
reference architecture is created, captured in what the IoT-A refers
to as the Architectural Reference Model (ARM).
• Design for reuse of deployed IoT resources across application
• Design for different abstraction levels that hide underlying
complexities and heterogeneities.
• Design for sensing and actors taking on different roles of providing
and using services across different business domains and value
• Design for ensuring trust, security, and privacy.
• Design for scalability, performance, and effectiveness.
• Design for evaluability, heterogeneity, and simplicity of
• Design for simplicity of management.
• Design for different service delivery models.
• Design for lifecycle support. The lifecycle phases are: planning,
development, deployment, and execution. Management aspects
include deployment efficiency, design time tools, and run-time
An IoT architecture outline
An IoT architecture outline
• IoT architecture outline is a widely accepted view of what a
typical IoT solution looks like.
• Attempting to produce a single architecture consequently
results in a number of optional and conditional requirements,
all depending on the particular problem at hand or
application in focus.
• It also follows the approach of looking at the system
capabilities from a layered point of view, including
highlighting key functions that go across the layers.
• Other approaches that are common in describing an
architecture are the software approach and network
approach that are more focused on how functions are
distributed across a network topology
Functional layers and capabilities of
an IoT solution.
Standards considerations
• It provide an overview of relevant standards,
of the landscape in which various relevant
standards are developed.
• The primary objective of any technology
oriented standardization activity is to provide
a set of agreed-upon specifications that
typically address issues like achieving
interoperability in a market with many actors
and suppliers.
• The first consideration is that standards are
developed across a number of different
• The second consideration is that some
standardization activities define entire systems or
parts of systems, and other standards
organizations target development of specific
pieces of technologies, for instance, specific
• The third and final consideration is about the
lifecycle process of standards
State of Art
• A state of the art review on
the Internet of Things (IoT) history, technology
and fields of deployment Abstract.
• European Telecommunications Standards
Institute M2M/oneM2M
It aimed at producing a set of standards for
communication among machines from an end
to-end viewpoint.
ETSI M2M high-level architecture
• This high-level architecture is a combination of both
a functional and topological view showing some
functional groups (FG) clearly associated with pieces
of physical infrastructure
• There are two main domains, a network domain and
a device and gateway domain
• The boundary between these conceptually separated
domains is the topological border between the
physical devices and gateways and the physical
communication infrastructure
High level architecture
International Telecommunication
Union Telecommunication sector
• The ITU-T IoT domain model includes a set of
physical devices that connect directly or
through gateway devices to a communication
network that allows them to exchange
information with other devices, services, and
IoT Architecture-State of the Art
[ Reference Model]
• Application Layer the ITU-T IoT model considers this layer as
the host of specific IoT applications
• The Network Layer provides networking capabilities such as
Mobility Management, Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting (AAA), and Transport Capabilities such as
connectivity for IoT service data
• The Device Layer includes Device Capabilities and Gateway
• The Gateway Device Capabilities include multiple protocol
support and protocol conversion in order to bridge the
Network Layer capabilities and the device communication
IoT Reference architecture
• The Reference Architecture is a starting point for
generating concrete architectures and actual
concrete architectures- concerns of multiple
stakeholders of the actual system
Views are useful for reducing the complexity of the
Reference Architecture blueprints by addressing
groups of concerns one group at a time.
Reference Architecture as a set of architectural
• Functional View: Description of what the system
does, and its main functions.
• Information View: Description of the data and
information that the system handles.
• Deployment and Operational View: Description of
the main real world components of the system
such as devices, network routers, servers, etc
Functional view
• It consists of the Functional Groups (FGs) presented earlier in the
IoT Functional Model, each of which includes a set of Functional
Components (FCs).
• FCs are used in a concrete IoT architecture, and therefore the
actual system
• It consists of
✔ Device and application functional group
✔ Communication functional group .
✔ IoT Service functional group
✔ Virtual Entity functional group
✔ IoT process management functional group .
✔ Service Organization functional group
✔ Security functional group
IoT Functional View
Information view
• The information view consists of
(a) the description of the information handled in
the IoT System
(b) the way this information is handled in the
system; in other words, the information lifecycle
and flow
• It consists of
✔ Information description
✔ Information flow and lifecycle
✔ Information handling
Information Enrichment Process
• Above figure shows the devices equipped with sensors
transform changes in the physical properties of the Physical
Entities of Interest into electrical signals.
• These electrical signals are transformed in one or multiple
values (Figure a) on the device level.
• These values are then enriched with metadata information
such as units of measurement, timestamp, and possibly
location information (Figure b).
• These enriched values are offered by a software component
(Resource) either on the device or the network. The Resource
exposes certain IoT Services to formalize access to this
enriched information (Figure c).
Deployment and operational view
• The Deployment and Operational View depends on the
specific actual use case and requirements.
• Example- Parking Lot
• Below figure depicts the Devices view as Physical Entities
deployed in the parking lot, as well as the occupancy sign.
• There are two sensor nodes each of which are connected to
eight metal/car presence sensors.
• The payment station acts both as a user interface for the
driver to pay and get a payment receipt as well as a
communication gateway that connects the two sensor nodes
• The occupancy sign also acts as a communication gateway for
the actuator node
Parking Lot Deployment and
Operational View, Devices.
Parking Lot Deployment & Operational View,
Resources, Services, Virtual Entities, Users
Module 5
IoT Applications for Value Creations
• IoT has become part of your daily life. “Things connected to
the internet” idea is continuously evolving in content, areas of
applications, visions and technology.
• New real life and industrial projects have been done and joint
future oriented industry and government initiatives such as
Industry 4.0 in Germany, have been started.
• “Things connected to the internet” idea is continuously
evolving in content, areas of applications, visions and
• Central effects are the acceleration of innovation cycles and
the increasing customer demand for individualized mass
produces with highest quality expectations
IoT application Value Creation
• To start a project in industry environment the
expected benefit, the expected value to the company
has to be estimated and later needs to be re-evaluated
and proved during operation.
• To define the value of an industrial IoT application is
• There is agreement that IoT brings benefit in different
areas, however numbers to quantify that value are
• More recently CISCO proposed a view called Internet
of everything based on IoT and additionally
“connecting to internet everything not connected yet”
Benefits and values
• Value from visibility identification, location
• Value form IoT-supported safety in hard industrial
• Value from reduced production losses
• Value from reduced energy consumption
• Value form new type of maintenance and lifetime
• Value enabled by smart objects, connected
Status and Estimated potentials of IoT
IoT application requirements
Reasonable cost
Security and safety
Simple use
Optimal and adaptive set of features
Low or no maintenance
Integration capabilities
Industry grade support and services
IoT device technical challenges
Lifetime and energy challenge
Data and information challenge
Humans and business
Future factory concepts
Lever mechanisms for IoT in future factory 
IoT implementations mainly focus three aspects
The network and addressability aspect. ◦
The ambient intelligence aspect.
The ambient assistance aspect.
High resolution data acquisition and ubiquitous
computing are used to offer context sensitive
services to the human. This clearly focuses the
Smart Factory KL Initiative
• In order to transfer the central paradigms of
the IoT to factory automation, many
technologies working well in the consumer
world have to be applied under industrial
• One of the biggest obstacles keeping
responsible away from the application of new
technologies is missing trust and the lack of
best practice examples
• After feasibility study the technology initiative SmartFactory
KL was founded in 2005 as a public private partnership.
• Its target is to develop, apply and distribute in
• The basic equipment of the Smart Factory KL is an automated
production facility for liquid colored soap as shown in below
figure .
• It contains a process manufacturing part as well as a piece
handling part.
• Based on state of the art automation technology the
equipment demonstrates the migration path to tsssshe
application of smart technologies in factory environments
Smart Factory KL production facility
Digital product memories in open-loop
Brown Field IoT
• The IoT aims to be a disruptive technology in many
ways and may change how future industry will work.
• However, enabling technologies like RFID or
Wireless Sensor Networks are in place, it is often
hindered by the fact that huge investments are
needed and the local value is considered too low for
• The creation of a global network of various
ubiquitous networks is one of the driving
technological vision behind IoT.
High value use cases for IoT
Iot supported interactions as part of a
complex Cyber-Physical-System
Smart Objects, Smart Applications
• Smart Object is a bi-directional communicating
object which observes its environment and is able to
make decisions depending on the application and
based on the information extracted from the
physical world
• Sensor networks which separates the sensor node
functionality into three layers
1. Communication as part of the basic functions layer
2. Service Layer
3. Application Layer
Architecture overview of
interconnected smart objects
Four Aspects in your Business to
Master IoT
Internet conquering product business.
Strategic business aspects
Vertical business domains for IoT
Reference architecture and the core
competence for business
Impressive is the growth that is seen
in internet access
Internet of Things & Services four
Strategic Business aspects
Four aspects of IoT and services
Technology advances
Business innovation
Market disruptions
People competences
Value Creation from Big data and
• Industries are maturing at a faster rate than
ever before.
• Manufacturing is increasingly distributed and
• Companies are increasingly looking to
optimize savings across the total product
Serialization role in IoT
• As industries instrument complex processes
beyond manufacturing plants in the supply chain
and aftermarket services, Automated Information
Data Collection (AIDC) technologies
• Serialized identifiers are the keys to building an
Internet of Things; just as unique IP addresses are
integral to the web itself.
• One global system of such identifiers, the MIT
Auto-ID Center Electronic Product Code (EPC)
Big Data in Pharmaceutical industry
• A radical transformation of the
pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is
taking place, much as occurred previously in
the textile and electronics manufacturing
• Big Data can be compared to the discovery of
the microscope
The flow of supply chain information
IoT for Retailing Industry
• The IoT has become a dominant term for
describing the integration of information with
real-world products, items, and things.
• IoT is broad term comprising applications
from manufacturing, smart power grids, RFID,
mobile applications, track & trace, traffic
monitoring, smart cities and retail.
• Internet oriented development
• Thing oriented development
IoT small survey structure
• Thank You