Uploaded by jayant patil

Centrifugal Pump CAE Design Review: Analysis & Suggestions

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Design & Development of Centrifugal Pump by using CAE
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Reviewer #3
1. Importance and relevance of topic
2. Literature review and problem identification
3. Methodology and approach
Very Good
4. Quality of work and originality of work
5. Inferences and Conclusions drawn
6. Reviewers Comments
Please add/correct following points
1. Flexural strength – 138 MPA , Tensile modulus- 241 MPA Verify units.
2. Basics of FEA not expected in paper. Include type of element why it is selected instead.
3. Include Noryl 30 have nonlinear mechanical properties graph.
4. In Fig 11 Max observed stress is 5MPA Then why legend is scoped to 20MPa.
5. Include 3D printed Parts Images in Paper
6. Impeller is rotating part, hence Dynamic Analysis is essential such as Modal Analysis & Harmonic Analysis (
Rotor Dynamics) assuming some imbalance force is exiting at at certain speed. Modal analysis is must & check for
resonance at motor operating range is to be verified. If Harmonic analysis added it will be good.
7. 3D printed parts are not isotropic in nature. Have you considered an-isotropic material model?
8. Add Pressure pulsation FEA Analysis Results.
9. Mesh Convergence study should be added to eliminate error in FEA or at least show the same.
7. Overall Evaluation
Papers can be accepted with modifications based on reviewer’s comments