Design and implementation of a 3-phase, 2-Level Voltage Source Converter (Using discrete IGBTs) PEEMD, Research Group, IIT-Delhi Version V. 1.0 Jun 2017 Edition: V. 1.0, June 2017 PEEMD, Research Group, IIT-Delhi, India. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this report is meant for educational and research purpose only. However, all the data provided is considered non-binding and shall not create liability for us. All component data referred in this report is subject to further research and development and therefore, is to be considered exemplary only. The publisher reserves the right not to be responsible for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of any direct or indirect reference to or citation from law, regulations or directives in this publication. Edited by: Martin Cheerangal J, Sritam Jena, Dr. Anandarup Das, Faculty & Students of PEEMD Research Group, IIT-Delhi. 2 ABSTRACT In this report, step by step design of a 2-level, 3-phase Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is explained. A 10kVA, 415V 3-phase VSC has been designed, fabricated and tested in the labs in IIT Delhi. The design of VSC constitutes the gate driver circuit, gate pulse divider circuit, power circuit, rectifier unit including DC-bus capacitor and the heat sink mounting. Every chapter is included with the schematic diagrams, PCB layouts (with track widths) and bill of materials (BOM). Detailed pictures of each circuit design and implementation have been presented in the report. The report is mainly intended for students and researchers to develop and fabricate a VSC on their own in the lab. 3 Contents 1 CHAPTER – 1: VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER .................................... 9 1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 9 1.2 VSC SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................... 9 1.3 OVERVIEW OF VSC DESIGN ........................................................................... 10 2 CHAPTER – 2: GATE DRIVERS CIRCUIT ................................................. 11 2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 11 2.2 PROTECTIONS IN GATE DRIVER IC ..................................................................... 11 2.2.1 Active miller clamping protection........................................................ 11 2.2.2 Desaturation protection ........................................................................ 11 2.2.3 /Fault, /Reset & Ready pin functions ................................................... 12 2.3 FEATURES OF GATE DRIVER IC .......................................................................... 13 2.4 GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT DESIGN .......................................................................... 14 2.4.1 Boot-strap capacitor & diode rating ..................................................... 14 2.4.2 DESAT capacitor for blanking time ..................................................... 14 2.5 COMPONENTS & BOM ...................................................................................... 14 2.6 PICTURES SHOWING GATE DRIVER BOARD IN VSC ............................................ 17 2.7 PCB LAYOUT OF GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT ............................................................ 18 3 CHAPTER – 3: GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT .................................... 21 3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 21 3.2 FUNCTION OF GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT ..................................................... 21 3.3 SIGNALS IN AND OUT OF GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT ..................................... 22 3.4 PROTECTION CIRCUIT ....................................................................................... 23 3.4.1 Fault protection .................................................................................... 23 3.4.2 Reset function ....................................................................................... 24 3.5 COMPONENTS & BOM ...................................................................................... 24 3.6 PICTURES SHOWINGOF GATE DIVIDER BOARD IN VSC ...................................... 25 3.7 PCB LAYOUT OF GATE DIVIDER CIRCUIT .......................................................... 27 4 CHAPTER – 4: POWER CIRCUIT ................................................................ 29 4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 29 4.2 SIGNALS IN AND OUT OF POWER CIRCUIT .......................................................... 29 4 4.3 COMPONENTS OF POWER CIRCUIT ..................................................................... 30 4.4 COMPONENTS & BOM ...................................................................................... 30 4.5 PICTURES SHOWINGOF POWER CIRCUIT BOARD IN VSC .................................... 31 4.6 PCB LAYOUT OF POWER CIRCUIT ...................................................................... 32 5 CHAPTER– 5: HEAT SINK DESIGN............................................................. 33 5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 33 5.2 LOSSES IN VSC ................................................................................................. 33 5.2.1 Conduction losses................................................................................. 33 5.2.2 Switching losses ................................................................................... 35 5.3 6 PICTURES OF HEAT SINK .................................................................................... 36 CHAPTER– 6: RECTIFIER UNIT & DC BUS CAPACITOR ..................... 37 6.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 37 6.2 RIPPLE CURRENTS IN CAPACITOR ...................................................................... 37 6.3 POWER CAPACITOR & BRIDGE RECTIFIER .......................................................... 38 6.4 COMPONENTS & BOM ...................................................................................... 39 6.5 TOTAL COST OF VSC ......................................................................................... 40 6.6 PICTURE SHOWING CAPACITOR & BRIDGE RECTIFIER ....................................... 40 7 CHAPTER– 7: PICTURES OF COMPLETE VSC SETTINGS .................. 42 7.1 CAPACITOR MOUNTING & DC BUS PLATES ........................................................ 42 7.2 VARIOUS LUGS USED IN VSC ............................................................................ 43 7.3 DC BUS CONNECTION WITH RECTIFIER ............................................................. 44 7.4 COMPLETE VSC ................................................................................................ 45 7.5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF VSI ....................................................................... 47 7.6 PCB SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 49 7.6.1 Gate driver circuit................................................................................. 49 7.6.2 Gate pulse divider circuit ..................................................................... 49 7.6.3 Power circuit board .............................................................................. 50 5 LIST OF FIGURES FIG. 1-1: OVERVIEW OF VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER DESIGN ............................................... 10 FIG. 2-1: ACTIVE MILLER CLAMPING CIRCUIT TO PREVENT TURN ON DURING TURN OFF ............ 12 FIG. 2-2: DESAT & ACTIVE MILLER CLAMPING PROTECTION IN GATE DIVIDER CIRCUIT ........... 12 FIG. 2-3: PROTECTION EMPLOYED IN GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT ...................................................... 13 FIG. 2-4: FIGURE OF THE CORELESS TRANSFORMER EMPLOYED IN GATE DRIVER IC .................. 13 FIG. 2-5: GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT PCB ........................................................................................ 17 FIG. 2-6: FRONT VIEW OF VSC SHOWING THREE GATE DRIVER PCB’S ...................................... 17 FIG. 2-7: FRONT VIEW OF SINGLE GATE DRIVER PCB MOUNTED ON MICA BOARD ..................... 17 FIG. 2-8: TOP VIEW OF GATE DRIVER WITH HEAT SINK SEEN BEHIND ......................................... 18 FIG. 2-9: SIDE VIEW OF THE GATE DRIVER PCB SETUP ON THE HEAT SINK ................................. 18 FIG. 2-10: PCB LAYOUT OF COMPONENTS USED IN GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT ................................. 18 FIG. 2-11: TOP COPPER LAYER ROUTING OF GATE DRIVER PCB ................................................. 19 FIG. 2-12: BOTTOM COPPER LAYER ROUTING OF GATE DRIVER PCB.......................................... 19 FIG. 2-13: TOP COPPER LAYER OF GATE DRIVER PCB (WITH COPPER FILL) ................................ 20 FIG. 2-14: BOTTOM COPPER LAYER OF GATE DRIVER PCB (WITH COPPER FILL) ........................ 20 FIG. 3-1: SCHEMATIC CIRCUIT OF GATE-PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT............................................... 21 FIG. 3-2: FRC CONNECTOR (MALE) PIN CONFIGURATION........................................................... 23 FIG. 3-3: FAULT TRIP COMMAND TO ALL DRIVER IC................................................................... 23 FIG. 3-4: RESET CIRCUIT IN GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT PCB ................................................ 24 FIG. 3-5: FRONT SIDE OF GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT PCB .................................................... 25 FIG. 3-6: BACK SIDE OF GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT PCB ..................................................... 26 FIG. 3-7: SIDE VIEW OF GATE DIVIDER PCB SHOWING THE MOUNTING ON ACRYLIC SHEET ........ 26 FIG. 3-8: GATE DIVIDER CIRCUIT PCB AS SEEN IN THE FRONT OF VSC SETUP. .......................... 26 FIG. 3-9: REVERSE SIDE OF THE GATE DIVIDER PCB SHOWING THE ACRYLIC SHEET .................. 26 FIG. 3-10: PCB LAYOUT OF COMPONENTS USED IN GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT PCB ............. 27 FIG. 3-11: TOP COPPER AND BOTTOM COPPER LAYER OF GATE DIVIDER PCB ............................ 27 FIG. 3-12: TOP COPPER LAYER OF GATE DIVIDER PCB (WITH COPPER FILL).............................. 28 FIG. 3-13: BOTTOM COPPER LAYER OF GATE DIVIDER PCB (WITH COPPER FILL) ...................... 28 FIG. 4-1: SCHEMATICS OF POWER CIRCUIT ................................................................................ 29 FIG. 4-2: COMPONENTS IN POWER CIRCUIT PCB ....................................................................... 31 FIG. 4-3: BACK SIDE OF POWER CIRCUIT PCB ........................................................................... 31 FIG. 4-4: POWER CIRCUIT PCB MOUNTED ON HEAT SINK ........................................................... 31 6 FIG. 4-5: POWER CIRCUIT PCB SEEN WITH GATE DRIVER BOARD ............................................... 32 FIG. 4-6: TOP COPPER LAYOUT OF POWER CIRCUIT PCB ........................................................... 32 FIG. 4-7: POWER CIRCUIT PCB ROUTING OF BOTTOM COPPER LAYER ........................................ 32 FIG. 5-1: OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS OF IGBT SWITCH ............................................................ 34 FIG. 5-2: FORWARD CURRENT & VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER DIODE ........................ 34 FIG. 5-3: FIGURE SHOWING THE SWITCHING ENERGY LOSS IN AN IGBT SWITCH AND DIODE ..... 34 FIG. 5-4: AVERAGE POWER DISSIPATION OF THREE-PHASE DIODE BRIDGE RECTIFIER................. 34 FIG. 5-5: THERMAL RESISTANCE OF SWITCH & DIODE ............................................................... 35 FIG. 5-6: THERMAL RESISTANCE INCLUDING DIODE BRIDGE RECTIFIER ..................................... 35 FIG. 5-7: OVERALL THERMAL RESISTANCE FROM JUNCTION TO AMBIENT .................................. 36 FIG. 5-8: HEAT SINK WITH HOLE DRILLED FOR IGBT SWITCHES ................................................ 36 FIG. 6-1: FIGURE SHOWING VSC, WITH DIFFERENT CURRENTS IN THE CIRCUIT ......................... 37 FIG. 6-2: THE NORMALIZED RMS EQUIVALENT CENTERED DC BUS CURRENT HARMONICS FOR SPWM, 1ST CENTERED CARRIER FREQUENCY, 2ND, 3RD & 4TH MULTIPLE CARRIER FREQUENCY .......................................................................................................................................... 38 FIG. 6-3: SEMIKRON’S POWER CAPACITOR & DIODE BRIDGE RECTIFIER ................................. 40 FIG. 6-4: CAPACITOR STAND ...................................................................................................... 40 FIG. 6-5: CAPACITOR STAND FIXED ON THE HEAT SINK .............................................................. 41 FIG. 6-6: DIODE RECTIFIER & IGBT SWITCHES MOUNTED ON HEAT SINK .................................. 41 FIG. 7-1: POWER CAPACITORS ALONG WITH THE POWER CIRCUIT BOARD................................... 42 FIG. 7-2: DC BUS PLATES WITH THE SERIES CONNECTED POWER CAPACITORS ........................... 42 FIG. 7-3: LUGS USED IN VSC’S INTERNAL CONNECTION ........................................................... 43 FIG. 7-4: STEEL STRIP USED AS AN EXTENSION OF –VE DC BUS PLATE ....................................... 44 FIG. 7-5: DC BUS PLATES SEEN WITH BRIDGE RECTIFIER ........................................................... 44 FIG. 7-6: DC BUS PLATE SEEN IN TOP VIEW ................................................................................ 44 FIG. 7-7: FRONT VIEW OF VSC .................................................................................................. 45 FIG. 7-8: SIDE VIEW OF VSC ..................................................................................................... 45 FIG. 7-9: TOP VIEW OF VSC ...................................................................................................... 46 FIG. 7-10: ACRYLIC SHEET TO COVER VSC ............................................................................... 46 FIG. 7-11: COMPLETE 2-LEVEL VSC WORKING SETUP .............................................................. 46 FIG. 7-12: EXPERIMENTAL SETUP OF VSI FED INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVE .................................. 47 FIG. 7-13: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF VSI DRIVING AN INDUCTION MOTOR ........................... 47 FIG. 7-14: RESULTS OBTAINED FOR AN INPUT DC VOLTAGE OF 586V ........................................ 48 FIG. 7-15: RESULTS OBTAINED FOR A MAXIMUM LINE CURRENT OF IM ..................................... 48 7 List of tables TAB. 1-1: VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................... 9 TAB. 2-1: BOM & LIST SHOWING THE COMPONENTS USED IN GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT ............... 16 TAB. 3-1: SIGNALS FROM GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT ........................................................... 22 TAB. 3-2: BOM & LIST SHOWING THE COMPONENTS USED IN GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT ................ 25 TAB. 4-1: SIGNALS FROM POWER CIRCUIT PCB ........................................................................ 29 TAB. 4-2: BOM & LIST SHOWING THE COMPONENTS USED IN POWER CIRCUIT ......................... 30 TAB. 6-1: BOM & LIST OF COMPONENTS USED IN RECTIFIER UNIT & OTHER PARTS OF VSC..... 39 TAB. 6-2: TOTAL COST OF VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER SETUP ............................................. 40 TAB. 7-1: LUGS CONNECTING VARIOUS TERMINALS .................................................................. 43 8 1 Chapter – 1: VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER 1.1 INTRODUCTION Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is an indispensable part of a variety of power electronic systems. It finds application in motor drives, power factor correcting equipment, grid integration of renewable energy sources etc. Among other types of inverters, Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) is more efficient, more robust and gives faster dynamic response. Due to these reasons, VSC finds a suitable place in most industrial applications. Two-level VSC’s are mostly used in low voltage, low power applications and in some medium voltage applications. In order to obtain a better understanding of VSC, a two-level VSC has been designed and implemented in the following report. The main idea behind building the inverter is to get a hands-on experience in designing a gate-driver circuit, power circuit, DC-link bus capacitor, and heat sink which forms the main constituents of a VSC. 1.2 VSC SPECIFICATIONS S No Ratings Values 1 Inverter kVA 10kVA 2 DC bus voltage 600V 3 Output line voltage 415V rms 4 Output Current 15A rms 5 Switching Frequency 20KHz (max) 6 ๐๐ถ๐ธ๐ (IGBT rating) 1200V 7 ๐ผ๐ถ (IGBT rating) 25A @ 100°C Tab. 1-1: Voltage Source Converter specifications 9 1.3 OVERVIEW OF VSC DESIGN Fig. 1-1: Overview of Voltage Source Converter design 10 2 Chapter – 2: GATE DRIVERS CIRCUIT 2.1 INTRODUCTION Gate driver circuit contains a gate driver IC 2ED020I12-F2 (Infineon), with a bootstrap technique to drive a half bridge of the power circuit. It is an interface circuit between gate pulse divider circuit and power circuit. This Infineon make IC is chosen as it provides protection features like IGBT desaturation protection and active miller clamping protection. On the left side of the driver IC, the signals are exchanged between the gate divider circuits. This includes the input gate signal to the non-inverting terminal of driver IC, inverting shutdown logic signal input, ready, /fault,/reset pins corresponding to the high side and low side of the driver IC. On right is the bootstrap capacitor, diode, protections and exchange of signals between the IGBT power circuit and driver IC. 2.2 PROTECTIONS IN GATE DRIVER IC 2.2.1 Active miller clamping protection Active miller clamping protection circuit as shown Fig. 2-1 is employed in gate driver circuit to prevent parasitic turn-on of IGBT switch during turn off process. During turn off, due to the sudden rise in VCE , gate voltage rises due to the miller capacitance. When voltage reaches the IGBT threshold, a dynamic turn on of the power switch occurs. To avoid this, the clamp pin monitors gate voltage during turn off state. It activates additional discharge path as the gate voltage sinks 2V below ๐๐ธ๐ธ2๐๐ . 2.2.2 Desaturation protection Desaturation protection is employed by the DESAT pin. This pin monitors the VCE voltage to detect desaturation caused by short circuits. If the monitored voltage is above 9V, and a certain blanking time has expired, the desaturation protection is activated by sending an active low signal in the /FAULT pin (refer gate pulse divider circuit for further explanation) and the IGBT is switched off. Blanking time is adjustable by external capacitor. Desaturation and active miller clamping protections used in the gate driver circuit is shown in Fig. 2-2. 11 Fig. 2-1: Active miller clamping circuit to prevent turn on during turn off Fig. 2-2: DESAT & Active miller clamping protection in gate divider circuit 2.2.3 /Fault, /Reset & Ready pin functions Active low /FAULT signal triggers the inverting shutdown input logic, which switches off the power IGBT switch. For /RESET function, refer gate divider circuit. READY pin gives a high and low signal depending on the DESAT pin. A high signal is given for normal working operation (Green LED is connected) and it gives a low signal during fault condition (Red LED is connected). Fig. 2-3 shows the functionality of above pin functions in the gate driver circuit. All the explanation is applicable to both high side and low side circuit. 12 Fig. 2-3: Protection employed in gate driver circuit 2.3 FEATURES OF GATE DRIVER IC The gate drive IC 2ED020I12-F2 has an added feature compared to the existing optocoupler and level shifter circuit required for isolation. It is the presence of coreless transformer isolation provided between the input and output side of the driver IC as shown in Fig. 2-4. The galvanic isolation is employed in both high side and low side of the driver IC. This increases the reliability of driver IC compared to the aging of opto-coupler isolation method and the requirement of level shifter for isolation in output side. Fig. 2-4: Figure of the coreless transformer employed in gate driver IC 13 2.4 GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT DESIGN 2.4.1 Boot-strap capacitor & diode rating ๐ช๐ฉ๐บ = ๐ผ๐2๐๐ด๐ ∗ ๐ก๐ + ๐๐บ_๐๐ด๐ 6 ๐๐ด ∗ 1.5๐๐ + 155 ๐๐ถ = ≅ ๐๐ ๐๐ญ ๐๐ ๐๐ ๐ฝ โ๐๐ต๐ 1๐ ๐ฐ๐ธ๐_๐ด๐จ๐ฟ = ๐๐ข๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ก ๐ถ๐ข๐๐๐๐๐ก ๐๐ข๐ก๐๐ข๐ก ๐ถโ๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐ก๐ ๐๐๐๐ฃ๐๐ ๐๐๐ก๐๐ โ๐๐๐ก ๐๐ท = ๐๐๐ฅ๐๐๐ข๐ ๐๐ค๐๐ก๐โ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ธ๐ฎ_๐ด๐จ๐ฟ = ๐๐๐ฅ๐๐๐ข๐ ๐ก๐๐ก๐๐ ๐๐๐ก๐ ๐โ๐๐๐๐ ๐ฃ๐๐๐ข๐ ๐๐ ๐ผ๐บ๐ต๐ ๐ ๐ค๐๐ก๐โ โ๐ฝ๐ฉ๐บ = ๐๐๐๐ก๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐๐๐ก๐ ๐ก๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ก๐๐ Boot-strap diode rating: Fast recovery diode, 1200V and 1A. 2.4.2 DESAT capacitor for blanking time ๐ช๐ซ๐ฌ๐บ๐จ๐ป = ๐ผ๐ท๐ธ๐๐ด๐ ∗ ๐๐ท๐ธ๐๐ด๐๐ต๐ฟ๐ด๐๐พ 550๐๐ด ∗ 3๐๐ = ≅ 220pF ๐๐ ๐ธ๐น_๐ท๐ธ๐๐ด๐ 9 ๐ป๐ซ๐ฌ๐บ๐จ๐ป๐ฉ๐ณ๐จ๐ต๐ฒ = ๐ ๐๐๐ข๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ก๐๐๐ ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ฌ๐บ๐จ๐ป = ๐ผ๐๐ก๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ข๐๐๐๐๐ก, ๐ก๐๐๐๐ 500๐ข๐ด ๐ฝ๐น๐ฌ๐ญ_๐ซ๐ฌ๐บ๐จ๐ป = ๐ท๐ธ๐๐ด๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ฃ๐๐๐ข๐, ๐ ๐๐ก ๐๐๐ก๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ 9๐ 2.5 COMPONENTS & BOM S NO 1 s COMPONENT THICK FILM 1 RESISTOR, SMD VALUE 0โฆ, 1/4W, 5% PACK AGE MOUSER PART NO. QT Y UNIT PRICE ORDER PRICE SMD1206 603AC1206JR070RL 4 2.52 10.08 14 2 THICK FILM 10โฆ, RESISTOR, 1/4W, 5% SMD SMD1206 603RC1206JR0710RL 1 1.26 1.26 3 THICK FILM 50โฆ, RESISTOR, 1/4W, 1% SMD SMD1206 603RC1206FR0749R9L 2 1.68 3.36 4 THICK FILM 100โฆ, RESISTOR, 1/4W, 1% SMD SMD1206 603RC1206FR07100RL 2 1.68 3.36 5 THICK FILM 270โฆ, RESISTOR, 1/4W, 5% SMD SMD1206 603RC1206JR07270RL 5 1.26 6.30 6 THICK FILM 820โฆ, RESISTOR, 1/4W, 1% SMD SMD1206 603RC1206FR07820RL 1 1.68 1.68 7 THICK FILM 1Kโฆ, RESISTOR, 1/4W, 1% SMD SMD1206 603RC1206FR071KL 2 1.68 3.36 8 THICK FILM 10Kโฆ, RESISTOR, 1/4W, 5% SMD SMD1206 603RC1206FR071KL 9 1.26 11.34 9 MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR, SMD 220pF, 50V, 10% SMD1206 77VJ1206Y221K XACBC 2 2.17 4.34 10 MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR, SMD 100nF, 10V, 10% SMD1206 77VJ1206Y104K XQCBC 8 2.31 18.48 11 MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR, SMD 1uF, SMD1206 77VJ1206Y105K XQTBC 3 4.62 13.86 12 MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR, SMD SMD1206 58112063C106KA T2A 4 15.40 61.6 13 MULTILAYER CERAMIC SMD1206 811 GRM31CR71E 15.89 15.89 10V, 10% 10uF, 25V, 10% 4.7uF, 10% 15 CAPACITOR, SMD 475KA88 14 ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYTI 100uF, C CAPACITOR, 16V, 20% SMD 6.3X6. 3X7.7 mm 647UUA1C101M CL1GS 1 20.65 20.65 15 SCHOTTKY DIODE-BAT 165 SOD323-2 726BAT165E6327 HTSA1 8 20.44 163.52 16 STTH112U FAST RECOVERY DIODE SMB 511STTH112U 3 30.10 90.30 17 GREEN SMD SMD1206 604APTR3216SG C 4 6.65 26.60 18 RED LED-SMD 75mW, 20mA SMD1206 604APT3216EC 2 7.21 14.42 19 TERMINAL BLOCK 2P,5mm DIL 651-1888687 4 70.5 282.00 20 FRC CONNECTORMALE 26 Pin DSC 653-XG2A2601 205.1 1 205.1 750mA, 40V – 1A, 1200V LED- 62.5mW, 20mA TOTAL For 3 Gate Drivers IC’s 1 โน 957.50 3 โน 2872.50 Tab. 2-1: BOM & List showing the components used in Gate driver circuit 16 2.6 PICTURES SHOWING GATE DRIVER BOARD IN VSC Fig. 2-5: Gate driver circuit PCB Fig. 2-6: Front View of VSC showing three Fig. 2-7: Front View of single gate driver gate driver PCB’s PCB mounted on mica board ๏ท ๏ท Three FRC connector cable to power divider circuit can be seen in Fig. 2-6 Two Screws are used to place the mica board on heat sink and it can be seen in Fig. 2-7 17 Fig. 2-8: Top View of gate driver with heat Fig. 2-9: Side View of the gate driver PCB sink seen behind setup on the heat sink Length of mica board on which 3 gate driver PCB’s are mounted: 24cmX10cm 2.7 PCB LAYOUT OF GATE DRIVER CIRCUIT Fig. 2-10: PCB layout of components used in gate driver circuit 18 Fig. 2-11: Top copper layer routing of gate driver PCB Fig. 2-12: Bottom copper layer routing of gate driver PCB 19 Fig. 2-13: Top copper layer of gate driver PCB (with Copper fill) Fig. 2-14: Bottom copper layer of gate driver PCB (with Copper fill) 20 3 Chapter – 3: GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT 3.1 INTRODUCTION Gate pulse divider circuit is the interface between dead band circuit and the half bridge gate driver circuit. This divider circuit segregates the gating pulse required for three gate driver circuits along with the short circuit fault protection. Fig. 3-1: Schematic circuit of Gate-pulse divider circuit 3.2 FUNCTION OF GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT This circuit receives gating signals from dead band circuit and fault signal input (if any) from the gate driver circuit. The six gating signals are sent to three individual gate driver circuit through FRC cable and three sets of regulated +5V DC and +15V DC as well. There is a reset button to reset IGBT switches after fault. The circuit schematics is shown in Fig. 3-1. 3.3 SIGNALS IN AND OUT OF GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT This circuit gets input from the DSP for gating signals, +5V, +15V DC from regulated power supply and fault signal input (if any) from the gate driver PCB. The output from this circuit are individual FRC connector for each driver PCB, three sets of regulated +5V DC and +15V DC to each gate driver PCB and a reset command to the gate driver IC to reset all the switches. Following tables explains the signals in and out of the gate-pulse divider PCB. In & Out signals of Gate pulse divider Circuit PCB From DSP through dead band – 6 gating signals (A,/A, B,/B, C,/C) In Regulated +5V and +15V DC Power supply Fault signal input (active low) from the gate driver IC ( During short circuit – low signal is sent from driver IC ) 26 pin FRC (male) connector to each driver PCB Out +5V and +15V DC supply to each gate driver PCB Reset command signal to driver IC to switch off all switches (Included in the individual FRC pin port) Tab. 3-1: Signals from Gate pulse divider circuit In Fig. 3-2, the FRC connector on left side is the six gating pulse required to drive the switches and on right are the three FRC connectors to three individual gate driver circuits. The pin description of FRC is shown in Fig. 3-2.On left - A, /A, B, /B, C, /C are the six gating pulse and on right is the signal given to individual gate driver IC with fault protection and reset option. INT+X (T-Top switch input, B-Bottom switch input in a leg) is the non-inverting input of the driver IC and INT-X is the inverting input. Here, gating signals are given to the noninverting inputs. 22 Fig. 3-2: FRC connector (male) pin configuration 3.4 PROTECTION CIRCUIT 3.4.1 Fault protection Active low fault pin (/FLT) in FRC connector to each driver IC is activated whenever there is a huge current flow due to short circuit problem. Short circuit in the load or arm rises the collector emitter voltage of the IGBT switches. DESAT pin of the driver IC senses this voltage and triggers an active low signal (/FLT) if the voltage goes beyond 9V. As shown in Fig. 3-3, all the three /FLT pin from three driver IC is given to the input of NAND gate and the output is given to the inverting input of all three driver IC. This compliments the gating logic of switches and turns off the IGBT. Fig. 3-3: Fault trip command to all driver IC 23 3.4.2 Reset function Active low reset button (/RST) in the gate divider circuit resets the driver IC, when it has previously received a fault input. During normal working it gets ‘+5V’ from the following reset circuit shown in Fig. 3-4. Fig. 3-4: Reset circuit in Gate pulse divider circuit PCB 3.5 COMPONENTS & BOM The components used and BOM used in the Gate pulse divider circuit PCB are shown in the following table. S NO COMPONENT VALUE PACK AGE MOUSER PART NO QT Y UNIT Price Order Price 1 Diode-1N4001 50V,1A DO-41 821-1N4001 1 โน 10.43 10.43 2 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 10Kโฆ, 0.25W, 5% DO-41 603-CFR25JR-5210K 3 โน 2.52 7.56 3 CAPACITOR CERAMIC 100nF, 10V DIL 140-50V5104Z-RC 1 โน 19.6 19.6 4 CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC 1uF, 50V DIL 105CKE100M 1 โน 7.10 7.1 5 CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC 4.7uF,25V DIL ECA1HM47RI 1 โน 11.2 11.2 CAPACITOR – 100uF, 1 โน 17.5 17.5 6 DIL 24 ECE- ELECTROLYTIC 16V A1CKA101 7 RESET SWITCH SPST (LEADS) DIL 8 TERMINAL BLOCK 2P,5mm DIL 9 FRC CONNECTORMALE 26 Pin 10 NOT GATE 11 3 I/P NAND GATE 1 โน 27.5 27.5 651-1888687 9 โน 70.5 634.5 DSC 653-XG2A2601 4 โน 205.1 820.4 14 Pin DIL 595SN74HC14N 1 โน 37.8 37.8 14 Pin DIL 595SN74LS10N 1 โน 53.2 53.2 โน 1646.7 TOTAL Tab. 3-2: BOM & List showing the components used in gate driver circuit 3.6 PICTURES SHOWINGOF GATE DIVIDER BOARD IN VSC Fig. 3-5: Front side of Gate pulse divider circuit PCB 25 Fig. 3-6: Back side of Gate pulse divider Fig. 3-7: Side view of gate divider PCB circuit PCB showing the mounting on acrylic sheet circuit inside Fig. 3-8: Gate divider circuit PCB as seen in the front of VSC setup. ๏ท Fig. 3-9: Reverse side of the gate divider PCB showing the acrylic sheet FRC connector cable is seen coming out of the gate divider circuit, Also ๏ท Gate divider circuit is mounted on the three individual FRC cables can be front part of the acrylic sheet that covers seen connected to three gate driver the whole VSC 3.7 PCB LAYOUT OF GATE DIVIDER CIRCUIT Fig. 3-10: PCB layout of components used in gate pulse divider circuit PCB Fig. 3-11: Top copper and bottom copper layer of gate divider PCB Fig. 3-12: Top copper layer of gate divider PCB (With Copper fill) Fig. 3-13: Bottom copper layer of gate divider PCB (With Copper fill) 28 4 Chapter – 4: POWER CIRCUIT 4.1 INTRODUCTION Power circuit includes the three leg of the conventional two level voltage Source Converter. It contains 6 discrete IGBT’s and the output AC three phase power leads(R, Y, B) as shown in the schematics Fig. 4-1. Fig. 4-1: Schematics of Power circuit 4.2 SIGNALS IN AND OUT OF POWER CIRCUIT In & Out signals of Power Circuit PCB From Gate driver PCB – 6 sets of gate signal wires for In each IGBT (blue, yellow pair of wires) From DC-link Capacitor – 4 connectors for +Vdc (red) & 1 connector for –Vdc (black) 3-phase output power lead (R, Y, B) taken from the Out mid-point of 3 legs (Red, Yellow, Blue connector) Tab. 4-1: Signals from power circuit PCB 29 4.3 COMPONENTS OF POWER CIRCUIT ๏ท IGBT switches are placed at the back side of the PCB shown in Fig. 4-3. In Fig. 4-2, the AC output leads are the corresponding R, Y, B colored banana connectors. ๏ท The lower set of banana connectors are for the DC-link capacitor voltage terminals, +Vdc and –Vdc connection (4 connectors for +Vdc and 1 connector for -Vdc). ๏ท Back to back zener diode is placed to avoid the gate emitter voltage of IGBT’s to go beyond certain value during short circuit conditions. Here, 20V zener diode is selected. (For more information, please refer Application note AN4507 in the appendix) 4.4 COMPONENTS & BOM The components used and BOM used in the power circuit PCB are shown in the following table. S COMPONENTS NO VALUE PACK AGE PART NO. QT Y UNIT Price Order Price 1 ZENER DIODE, ZD1-12 20V,10mA DO-41 512BZX85C20 12 โน 10.50 126 2 IGBT’s 1200V, 25A TO247 726IKW25T120 6 โน 429.10 2574.6 3 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 1Kโฆ, 0.25W, 5% MCF DO-41 603-CFR25JR-521K 6 โน 2.52 15.12 4 POWER CONNECTOR BANANA CONNECTOR DIL 548-31602-0 8 โน 161.00 1288 โน 4003.72 TOTAL Tab. 4-2: BOM & List showing the components used in power circuit 30 4.5 PICTURES SHOWINGOF POWER CIRCUIT BOARD IN VSC Fig. 4-2: Components in Power circuit PCB Fig. 4-3: Back side of Power circuit PCB Fig. 4-4: Power circuit PCB mounted on heat sink 31 Fig. 4-5: Power circuit PCB seen with gate driver board 4.6 PCB LAYOUT OF POWER CIRCUIT Fig. 4-6: Top copper layout of Power circuit PCB Fig. 4-7: Power circuit PCB routing of bottom copper layer 32 5 Chapter– 5: HEAT SINK DESIGN 5.1 INTRODUCTION In the operation of power semiconductor switches, part of the electric energy is being transformed into heat energy. In order for any devices to operate within desired temperature limits, power dissipation performance must be well understood. Power dissipation or losses in any power semiconductor switches can be classified as conduction loss and switching loss. 5.2 LOSSES IN VSC 5.2.1 Conduction losses Conduction power loss occurs when the switch is in on position. Eq-4.1&4.2 gives the conduction loss in an IGBT switch [Refer: AN of IGBT power loss calculation]. PCT ๏ฝ uCEO ๏ด ICavg ๏ซ rC ๏ด ICrms 2 ๏ฆ 1 PCT ๏ฝ uCEO ๏ด IO ๏ง ๏จ 2๏ฐ ๏ซ ma ๏ด cos ๏ช1 ๏ถ ๏ฆ 1 m ๏ด cos ๏ช1 ๏ถ ๏ซ rC ๏ด IO 2 ๏ง ๏ซ a ๏ท ๏ท 8 3๏ฐ ๏ธ ๏จ8 ๏ธ (4.1) (4.2) Conduction loss in power diode is given in the equation Eq-3&4. PCD ๏ฝ uDO ๏ด I Davg ๏ซ rD ๏ด I Drms 2 ๏ฆ 1 PCD ๏ฝ uDO ๏ด IO ๏ง ๏จ 2๏ฐ ๏ญ ma ๏ด cos ๏ช1 ๏ถ ๏ฆ 1 m ๏ด cos ๏ช1 ๏ถ ๏ซ rD ๏ด I O 2 ๏ง ๏ญ a ๏ท ๏ท 8 3๏ฐ ๏ธ ๏จ8 ๏ธ Where, ๐๐ช๐ฌ๐ถ = IGBT on-state zero-current CE voltage (0.75 V) ๐๐ซ๐ถ = on-state zero-current voltage drop across diode (1.25 V) ๐๐ = CE on state resistance = ๐ฅ๐ข๐๐ ⁄๐ฅ๐ผ (0.045 โฆ) ๐ ๐๐ซ = Diode on state resistance = ๐ฅ๐ข๐ท ⁄๐ฅ๐ผ (0.025 โฆ) ๐ท ๐ฐ๐ = √2 . ๐ผ๐๐๐๐ (rms value of output current) (10 A) ๐ด๐ = Amplitude modulation index (0.98) 33 (4.3) (4.4) ๐๐จ๐ฌ ๐ฑ๐ = Motor displacement factor (1) In order to find the uCEO & rC , the output characteristics of IGBT is to be studied. Fig. 5-1 shows the output characteristics of Infineon IKW25T120 IGBT switch Fig. 5-1: Output characteristics of IGBT Fig. 5-2: Forward current & voltage switch characteristics of power diode Similarly, uDO & rD , can be obtained from the forward current and forward voltage characteristics of power diode as shown in Fig. 5-2. Fig. 5-3: Figure showing the switching Fig. 5-4: Average power dissipation of energy loss in an IGBT switch and diode three-phase diode bridge rectifier 34 5.2.2 Switching losses Switching loss in both IGBT switch and anti-parallel power diode can be found using the energy loss graph as shown in Fig. 5-3 . Average power dissipation in the diode bridge rectifier can be found from the datasheet as shown in Fig. 5-4. Total power loss, PT = PCT + PCD + Prectifier PT ๏ฝ 130W Thermal dissipation from junction to ambient is given by the Eq-4.5 ๏ฑ JA ๏ฝ RJA ๏ฝ TJ ๏ญ TA PT (4.5) 110O ๏ญ 30O ๏ฝ 0.615O C / W 130W (4.6) Now the thermal resistance of IGBT & diode between junction and case as given in datasheet would be parallel connected and the effective thermal resistance is 0.3939O C / W as shown in Fig. 5-5. Now, the thermal resistance of paste (1.5°C/W) used in the sink is added to get 1.8939°C/W (1.5 + 0.3939). Six such parallel IGBT’s are pasted onto the sink and thus the overall thermal resistance is considered to be in parallel and it is 1.8939 / 6 ๏ฝ 0.31565O C / W . Thermal resistance of the three-phase diode bridge included with the above resistance is 0.288°C/W as shown in Fig. 5-6. Fig. 5-5: Thermal resistance of switch & Fig. 5-6: Thermal resistance including diode diode bridge rectifier Overall junction to ambient thermal resistance is shown in Fig. 5-7 and the sink to ambient thermal resistance is taken for 10A current case. The volume of the heat sink is found from the following equation, Volume = ๐๐๐๐ข๐๐ ๐ ๐๐ ๐๐ ๐ก๐๐๐๐ (๐ถ๐2 °๐ถ/๐) ๐โ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐ก๐๐๐๐ (°๐ถ/๐) = 800 0.4043 = 1980 ๐ถ๐3 , @ 0.4043 °๐ถ/๐ Two heat sinks of volume 15X13X7.5cms are mounted on 32X30X2.5cms iron base plate. Fig. 5-7: Overall thermal resistance from junction to ambient 5.3 PICTURES OF HEAT SINK Fig. 5-8: Heat sink with hole drilled for IGBT switches 36 6 Chapter– 6: RECTIFIER UNIT & DC BUS CAPACITOR 6.1 INTRODUCTION Selection of DC-link capacitor is an important part of designing the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) circuit. In this section, a description of DC-link capacitor design and diode bridge rectifier have been explained. In order to select a DC-link capacitor, the knowledge of ripple currents flowing through the capacitor is necessary. 6.2 RIPPLE CURRENTS IN CAPACITOR In the VSC circuit shown in Fig. 6-1, the ripple currents flowing in the DC-bus capacitor can be divided into two categories. They are low frequency ripple of 300Hz ( I rh ) and high frequency ripple of multiple carrier frequencies ( I ih ). These ripple currents in DC-bus depends on modulation index, load power factor, PWM strategy employed, PWM-VSC carrier frequency and grid frequency [1]. Low frequency ripple ( I rh ) is found to be 5A from Eq-1. I rh ๏ฝ Pload /10 ๏ดVph๏ญrms I rh ๏ฝ 12 ๏ด103 10 ๏ด 415 (1) = 5A 3 Where, Pload is rated load power (12KW) & V ph๏ญrms is the per phase grid voltage rms value. Fig. 6-1: Figure showing VSC, with different currents in the circuit 37 To calculate high frequency ripple current, double FFT 3-D graphics used in [2] is used for the various operating points (shown in Fig. 6-2). For the selected operating point of modulation index mi =0.78 and pf =0.86 and assuming motor load current of 25A (peak), the high frequency ripple current I ih obtained is 8.075A. The total ripple current rating of DC-bus capacitor is found to be 9.5A using the Eq-2. IC ๏ฝ I rh2 ๏ซ Iih2 (2) IC ๏ฝ 52 ๏ซ 8.0752 =9.5A The DC-bus capacitance value is 1390µF using the Eq-3. CDC ๏ฝ Pload / (240 ๏ดVripple ๏ดVph๏ญrms ๏ด f re ) CDC ๏ฝ (3) 12 ๏ด103 = 1390uF 0.5 415 240 ๏ด ๏ช 600 ๏ด ๏ด 50 100 3 Where, Vripple is 0.5% of VDC (600V) and f re is grid frequency 6.3 POWER CAPACITOR & BRIDGE RECTIFIER The capacitor used is SEMIKRON’s SKC 3M3-40A-1, 10.1A, which is a 3300µF, 400V, 10.1A ripple current inverter grade capacitor. Two such capacitors are connected in series to form the required capacitance. Three-phase diode bridge rectifier used is VS-36MT120 rated for 1200V and 35A. Fig. 6-2: The normalized rms equivalent centered DC bus current harmonics for SPWM, 1st centered carrier frequency, 2nd, 3rd & 4th multiple carrier frequency 38 6.4 COMPONENTS & BOM The component used and BOM of power circuit PCB is shown in the following table. S NO COMPONENT VALUE PACK AGE MOUSER PART NO QT Y UNIT Price Order Price 1 ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR – SCREW TERMINAL 3300uF, 400V, 11A EPCOS /TDK 871B43456A9 338M 2 5168.8 10337.6 2 BRIDGE RECTIFIER – 3PHASE 35A, 1200V D-63 84436MT120 1 872.9 872.9 3 BLEEDER RESISTOR- WIRE WOUND 25Kโฆ, 13W Chassis mount 588GW13J25 K0E 2 374.5 749 4 SNUBBER FILM CAPACITOR - PP Lug type 871B32656S72 24K564 2 648.9 1297.8 5 POWER CONNECTORS DIL 548-316020 11 161 1771 8 LUG 571324955 30 15.47 464.1 7 9 10 0.22uF, 1250V DC BANAN A CONNE CTOR RING TYPE ACRYLIC BOX & INSULATION SHEET THERMAL SHEET 1500 500 METAL BASE & FOR CAPACITOR 1000 TOTAL โน 19,492.40 Tab. 6-1: BOM & List of components used in rectifier unit & other parts of VSC 39 6.5 TOTAL COST OF VSC S No Circuit Cost 1 Gate driver 2,872.50 2 Gate pulse divider 1,646.79 3 Power Circuit 4,003.73 4 Rectifier, Capacitor Units & others 19,492.40 Total โน 28,015.41 Tab. 6-2: Total cost of Voltage Source Converter Setup 6.6 PICTURE SHOWING CAPACITOR & BRIDGE RECTIFIER Fig. 6-3: SEMIKRON’s power capacitor & diode bridge rectifier Fig. 6-4: Capacitor stand 40 Fig. 6-5: Capacitor stand fixed on the heat sink Fig. 6-6: Diode rectifier & IGBT switches mounted on heat sink 41 7 Chapter– 7: PICTURES OF COMPLETE VSC SETTINGS 7.1 CAPACITOR MOUNTING & DC BUS PLATES Fig. 7-1: Power capacitors along with the power circuit board Fig. 7-2: DC bus plates with the series connected power capacitors 42 7.2 VARIOUS LUGS USED IN VSC Fig. 7-3: Lugs used in VSC’s internal connection Lug Purpose – Connecting terminals a Connecting banana connectors in power circuit & DC bus plates b Bridge rectifier to DC bus plates & banana connectors c Capacitor voltages (+ve, mid-point and -ve ) Tab. 7-1: Lugs connecting various terminals 43 7.3 DC BUS CONNECTION WITH RECTIFIER Fig. 7-4: Steel strip used as an extension of –ve DC bus plate Fig. 7-5: DC bus plates seen with bridge rectifier Fig. 7-6: DC bus plate seen in top view 44 7.4 COMPLETE VSC Fig. 7-7: Front view of VSC Fig. 7-8: Side view of VSC 45 Fig. 7-9: Top view of VSC Fig. 7-10: Acrylic sheet to cover VSC Fig. 7-11: Complete 2-Level VSC working setup 46 7.5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF VSI Fig. 7-12: Experimental setup of VSI fed Induction motor drive Fig. 7-13: Experimental results of VSI driving an Induction Motor 47 Fig. 7-14: Results obtained for an input DC voltage of 586V Fig. 7-15: Results obtained for a maximum line current of IM 48 7.6 PCB SPECIFICATIONS 7.6.1 Gate driver circuit Board Title: HALF BRIDGE GATE DRIVER BOARD Size (length x width): 99.9mm X 77.69mm/ As per Gerber file Shape: Rectangular Number of Layers: 2 Component Type: As per Gerber file Hole diameter: Finished hole size Minimum Trace Width/Gap: As per Gerber file As per Gerber file Minimum Hole Size: Board Surface Finish ENIG Immersion Gold RoHS Solder mask: SMOBC. Green on both sides Electrical Test: Required Special Info/Instructions: 1. PCB Manufacturing process must be lead-free and RoHS compliant. 2. PCB Manufacturing must be compliant with IPC-A6012 Class 2 Quantity: 3 7.6.2 Gate pulse divider circuit Board Title: GATE PULSE DIVIDER CIRCUIT BOARD Size (length x width): 152.4mm X 88.9mm/ As per Gerber file Shape: Rectangular Material: 0.063" +/- [10%] high Tg FR4 Number of Layers: 2 Component Type: As per Gerber file Hole diameter: Finished hole size Minimum Trace Width/Gap: As per Gerber file Minimum Hole Size: As per Gerber file Solder mask: SMOBC. Green on both sides Electrical Test: Required 49 Special Info/Instructions: 1. PCB Manufacturing process must be lead-free and RoHS compliant. 2. PCB Manufacturing must be compliant with IPC-A6012 Class 2 Quantity: 1 7.6.3 Power circuit board Board Title: INVERTER POWER CIRCUIT BOARD Size (length x width): 255mm X 75.8mm/ As per Gerber file Shape: Rectangular Material: 0.063" +/- [10%] high Tg FR4 Number of Layers: 2 Component Type: As per Gerber file Hole diameter: Finished hole size Minimum Trace Width/Gap: As per Gerber file Minimum Hole Size: As per Gerber file Copper Thickness 2oz. Cu all layers Solder mask: SMOBC. Green on both sides Electrical Test: Required Special Info/Instructions: 1. PCB Manufacturing process must be lead-free and RoHS compliant. 2. PCB Manufacturing must be compliant with IPC-A6012 Class 2 Quantity: 1 50 Reference [1] A.M. Hava, U. Ayhan, V.V Aban, “A DC bus capacitor design method for various inverter applications,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Sep 2012. [2] U. Ayhan, A.M. Hava, “Analysis and characterization of DC bus ripple current of two-level inverter using the equivalent centered harmonic appraoch,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Sep 2011 [3] Final datasheet of Infineon’s EiceDRIVER 2ED020I12-F2, Dual IGBT Driver IC [4] Datasheet of Infineon’s discreet IGBT IKW25T120 series [5] Infineon AN-2006-01: Application Note for driving IGBT’s with unipolar gate voltage [6] Infineon AN-2014-06 1EDI Compact family: Application Note for Gate driver IC. [7] Infineon Application Note on “Explanation of discrete IGBTs’ datasheet. [8] Infineon AN-2013-12: Application Note on “Recommendation for screw tightening torque for IGBT discrete devices”. [9] Infineon AN, V1.1, Jan 2009, “IGBT Power losses calculation using the datasheet parameters” – Refer three phase AC motor drive. [10] “How to select heat sink” by Seri Lee. [11] Texas Instruments’ App Report SLVA462-May 2011, “Understanding thermal dissipation & design of a heat sink”. [12] Datasheets of all the discrete components used in VSC circuit. 51