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Clemen 7 2013 0314

Probability Basics
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Overview of Chapter 7
In this lecture, we will review the basics of probability
theory. Since uncertainty is a typical aspect of
problems, rigorous and accurate problem solving
requires using probability theory (i.e., math and logic).
 Specifically, we want you to:
Understand probability concepts
Use probability to model simple situations
Interpret probability statements
Manipulate and analyze models.
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A Quick Note on Terminology
 Please don’t confuse the term “chance event” (or
just “event”) with the term “outcome.” We use the
term chance event to refer to something about
which a decision maker is uncertain. In turn, a
chance event has more than one possible outcome.
 Symbology:
• Chance Events are designated with boldface letters (A)
• Outcomes are designated with lightface letters (A) and
sometimes letters with subscripts (Ai)
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A Little Probability Theory
 Probability theory uses math and logic to deal with
chance events, events that we are uncertain as to
their outcome.
 Chance events have more than one possible
outcome and we use probability theory to rigorously
deal with the chances associated with the different
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A Little Probability Theory
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A Little Probability Theory
3. Total Probability Must Equal 1
• If we have a set of outcomes such that one (and only
one) of them has to occur, then the probability of the set
must sum to 100% and there is a 100% chance that one
(and only one) of the outcomes will occur.
• Thus, the set of outcomes is called collectively
exhaustive and mutually exclusive.
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Venn Diagrams
Venn diagrams graphically represent probability.
The entire Venn diagram
is the set of all possible
outcomes (A1, A2, and C),
and the entire area of the
diagram is 1 or 100%.
There is a 100% chance
one the outcomes in the
diagram will occur.
The area of A1, e.g., is
the probability of A1
occurring, say, 10%. That
is, just as A1 is 10% of the
diagram’s area, so it has
a 10% chance of
A1 and A2 do not overlap since they are mutually
exclusive. They cannot both happen. Thus, their
probabilities are additive, just as A1, A2 and C must
add up to 100%.
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More Probability Formulas
4. Conditional Probability
The probability of A happening when B has also
Stated as “the probability of A given B”
“The probability of A given B is the joint probability of
A and B divided by the probability of B.”
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Conditional Probability
as a Venn Diagram—
the probability of a certain
stock price going up
given that the Dow Jones
went up (the diagonally
shaded area)
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5. Independence
• The probability of outcome A occurring stays the same
no matter which outcome of B has occurred.
• Note that independence is a special instance of
conditional probability.
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Some Additional Probability Rules
 Symmetry in independence: independence in one
direction implies independence in the other direction
If P(Ai Bj) = P(Ai), then P(Bj Ai) = P(Bj)
• This is also a special case of conditional probability.
 Independent chance events are not the same as
mutually exclusive outcomes.
 Two chance events being probabilistically
dependent does not imply a causal relationship.
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6. Complements
• One event is said to be the complement of another if the
two together are the case of all that is.
• “Every object in the universe is either a butterfly (B) or not a
butterfly (B). Thus, the probability of not being a butterfly
(p=0.9999999) is the complement of the probability of being a
butterfly (p=0.0000001).”
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More Probability Formulas
7. Total Probability of an Event
• A convenient way to calculate the probability of A: P(A)
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More Probability Formulas
Total Probability of Outcome A
The probability of
outcome A is
made up of the
probability of
outcome “A and
B” and the
probability of
outcome “A and
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8. Bayes’ Theorem
• Lets you simultaneously relate P(A|B), the chance that
an event A happened given B, and P(B|A), the chance B
happened given that event A occurred
• Via the symmetry principle of conditional probability
• Lets you factor in false positives (concluding things don’t
exist when in fact they do) and false negatives
(concluding things do exist when they don’t)
• Type I error—incorrectly rejecting a true null hypothesis
• Type II error—incorrectly not rejecting a false null hypothesis
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More Probability Formulas
Deriving Bayes’ theorem
Starting with the
symmetry formula
Rearranging it
And replacing P(A) with the formula for total probability
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More Probability Formulas - Example
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More Probability Formulas – Example Continue
Uncertain Quantities (Random Variables)
 Probability distribution
• The set of probabilities associated with all possible
outcomes of an uncertain quantity
• The probabilities must add to 1 because the events are
collectively exhaustive.
 Two types:
• Discrete uncertain events and probability distributions
• Continuous uncertain events and probability
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Discrete Probability Distributions
A discrete uncertain quantity is one that can assume a
finite or countable number of possible values, e.g., the
numbers of cars in a parking lot.
Graph of Probability Mass Function
Graph of Cumulative Distribution Function
Expected Value: Discrete Case
 The probability-weighted average of an uncertain
quantity’s possible values
• Denoted as E(X) or µx
E(X) = x1p1 + x2p2 + x3p3 + . . . + xnpn.
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Expected Value: Discrete Case
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Variance and Standard Deviation
 Are two ways to describe how far numbers in a
probability distribution lie from the expected value
(e.g., the average or mean)
• That is, how far a set of numbers are spread out
• Variance is denoted as Var(X) or σ2x
Var(X) = E[(X-E(X))2]
• Standard deviation is denoted as σx and is the square
root of variance
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Variance and Standard Deviation
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Continuous Probability Distributions
 A continuous uncertain quantity is one that can take
any value within a range, e.g., time, speed.
• The probability of any specific value of a continuous
variable equals zero.
Graph of Cumulative Distribution Function
Probability Density Functions
 A function for a continuous variable in which the
area under the curve within a specific interval
represents the probability that the uncertain quantity
will fall in that interval.
 Corresponds to the probability mass function of
discrete uncertain quantities
• Whereas height represents probability for discrete
distributions, it is area that represents probability for
continuous distributions.
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Stochastic Dominance
In the continuous case, the same rules for stochastic
dominance applied as discussed in Chapter 4.
Investment B
Investment A
because B is always
to the right of A.
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Yearly Profit Probability
Probability Density Functions
Yearly Profit
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Expected Value, Variance, Standard Deviation: The
Continuous Case
 Continuous probability distributions also have
expected values, variances, and standard
• Characteristics are defined by calculus (integral sign ∫
replaces the summation sign ∑ )
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Oil Wildcatting Example
 An oil company is considering two sites for an exploratory well.
Because of budget constraints, only one well can be drilled. Site 1 is
fairly risky, with substantial uncertainty about the amount of oil that
can be found. On the other hand, site 2 is fairly certain to produce a
low level of oil. The characteristics of the two sites are as follows:
Site 1: Cost to drill $ 100,000
Site 2: Cost to drill $ 200,000
Low producer
Low producer
High producer
$ 500,000
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
 If the rock strata underlying Site 1 are characterized by having a “dome” structure,
the chances for finding oil are somewhat greater than if no dome structure exists.
The probability of dome structure is P(Dome)=0.6. the ,conditional probabilities of
finding oil at Site 1 are shown in the table . The decision tree is also shown .
Estimate site 1 probabilities, and determine the expected values and the variances
for each option
If Dome Structure Exists
P(outcome\ Dome)
If No Dome Structure Exists
P(outcome\ No Dome)
Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
 Risk Profiles for both sites
Although site 1 has higher EMV but it has higher risk; i.e., there is a 70%
chance of losing $100,000 if site one is selected, whereas site 2 has a chance
of only 20% to lose $200,000
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
The probabilities can be presented in the following table:
No Dome
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
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Another Example
A=atrophy (brain) by
CAT scans
(1) Can you do the sensitivity analysis for variable P(S) (= 0 to 1) with 0.1
(2) Plot the sensitivity graph.
(3) Make a comment on your finding.
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Oil Wildcatting Example (continue)
A small
change has
a high
impact on
the result up
to 40%
(the curve is
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In this lecture, we have reviewed the basics of
probability theory. We covered:
 Eight of its fundamental rules and aspects
 Venn diagrams
 Discrete and continuous probability distributions
 Expected value, variance and standard deviation
Update project progress??
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