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Leveraging Cloud Security with McAfee CASB - Aurora IT

Security with McAfee
In the past several years, many organizations have migrated their
data centers to the cloud. While many organizations have
significant investments in protecting data centers, those same
security measures will not translate to the cloud. Cloud security
requires continuous monitoring, visibility, and focus on identity
and access. It is ultimately a shared responsibility of all users that
access the cloud, whether it is customers, partners, or internal
employees. Solutions such as McAfee CASB, MVISION Cloud, can
help organizations address security in the cloud, enforcing
policies, monitoring, and visibility.
What is a CASB and What Does it Offer?
A Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is an intermediary
between cloud service providers and users. It allows
organizations to extend the reach of their existing security
policies to the cloud. A CASB serves as a place to enforce policies
and apply those policies to everything that your organization
does in the cloud, regardless of what devices are being used.
CASB's offering includes data loss prevention, malware
detection, cloud governance, threat prevention, data
encryption, SSO & IAN integration, and contextual access
control. Cloud Access Security Brokers have become a vital part
of cybersecurity because it allows businesses to protect
corporate data while using the cloud.
Maintaining the 4 Pillars of Cloud Security
Visibility is a key component of cloud security. Organizations will
have many employees accessing many applications in different
cloud environments. With the large amount of cloud data being
used every day, cloud data becomes outside of the view of IT
monitoring. This data is no longer compliant with company
security and risk policies without proper cloud security. To better
protect data and users, a CASB provides visibility into cloud
usage. During cloud discovery analysis, a risk assessment will be
provided for each cloud service in use. This will allow security
professionals to understand where user access should be further
restricted, and where user access should be allowed. Visibility
helps shape what controls are necessary to better protect data
in the cloud.
Compliance is an essential pillar of CASB. A driving factor for
many businesses to use CASB is to enforce security in the cloud.
If sensitive data is stored in the cloud without essential security
protection, that data is at risk of being lost or stolen. Essential
cloud security tools are necessary to maintain compliance
regulations such as PCI DSS, ISO 27001, NIST 800-171, HIPPA, and
more. A CASB will determine which areas of an environment are
at the highest risk and take necessary action to protect data and
provide direction.
Data Security is another pillar of cloud security. Since the cloud
allows for seamless movement and sharing of data among
individuals, protecting data can become more costly and time-
consuming without the proper tools. Traditional on-premise
solutions are not designed to protect the data in the cloud, a
CASB is required to provide visibility to the data that is moving
throughout the cloud. Data leaks can be minimized by
integrating traditional DLP (data loss prevention) tools and a
Threat protection is the last pillar of CASB. A CASB can be used
to pinpoint malicious behavior to minimize threat protection.
McAfee CASB utilizes machine learning and user & entity
behavior analytics (UEBA) technology. This allows the tool to
detect and remediate threats as they happen. A CASB can use
adaptive access control and dynamic malware analysis to block
malware and prevent threats.
Next Steps
Whether your organization is first migrating data in the cloud, or
you have fully shifted to the cloud, cloud security should be held
as a priority. At Aurora, we can help you find a cloud security tool
that works best for your organization’s goals. We offer
professional services around McAfee CASB, MVISION in addition
to other cloud security tools. Visit https://aurorait.com/ to learn