SULIT MAB1053/A192/A FINAL ASSESMENT SEMESTER II, ACADEMIC SESSION 2019/2020 DATE : AUGUST 2020 DURATION : 2 HOURS MAB1053 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING I (PERAKAUNAN DAN PELAPORAN KEWANGAN I) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. This paper contains four (4) questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. All answers must be written in English. 4. All answers must be clearly written and readable. DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO This question paper has four (4) printed pages excluding this cover page HAKCIPTA TERPELIHARA USIM SULIT MAB1053/A192/A QUESTION 1 A. State three (3) purposes of Statement of Cash Flows. (3 marks) B. Explain the differences between the presentation of cash flows from operating activities under the direct method and their presentation under the indirect method. (4 marks) C. Schawal Berhad is a publicly listed company. Its statement of financial position at 31 December 2019 including comparatives are shown below. 31 Dec 2018 (RM) 40,000 31 Dec 2019 (RM) 55,000 47,000 80,000 Land Plant Accumulated depreciation 80,000 130,000 -45,000 252,000 90,000 180,000 -60,000 345,000 Trade accounts payable Current tax payable Deferred tax liability Share capital Retained earnings Asset revaluation surplus 23,000 52,000 0 100,000 77,000 0 252,000 65,000 30,000 3,000 150,000 90,000 7,000 345,000 Cash Trade receivables Additional information are as follows. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Plant that originally cost RM40,000, and had carrying of RM12,000, was sold for RM15,000. There were no acquisitions or disposals of land during the year. The profit for the year was RM60,000, after income tax expense of RM30,000. A dividend of RM47,000 was paid during the year. The only item of other comprehensive income was a gain on revaluation of land and its associated tax effect. Required: Prepare a statement of cash flows for Schawal Berhad for the year ended 31 December 2019, in accordance with MFRS 107 Statement of Cash Flows, using the indirect method. Show all the workings. (18 marks) [Total: 25 marks] 1 SULIT MAB1053/A192/A QUESTION 2 A. During its first year of operations, Siti Berhad had the following transaction pertaining to its ordinary shares. Jan. 10 July 1 Sept. 1 Issued 80,000 shares for cash at RM6 per share Issued 30,000 shares for cash at RM8 per share. Issued 60,000 shares for cash at RM10 per share. Required: State the journal entries for the above transaction, assuming that the ordinary shares are non-par shares. Assuming no cost incurred for the issuance of shares. (9 marks) B. Once a company has successfully issued its capital, the company may at later stage decide to make changes to share capital. Explain two (2) ways that capital may be increased by a company. (4 marks) C. The shareholders’ equity section of a statement of financial position of Remi Berhad at 31 December 2019 is shown below. 2019 (RM) 400,000 100,000 148,000 340,000 988,000 Share capital General reserve Foreign currency translation reserve Retained earnings 2018 (RM) 320,000 80,000 120,000 320,000 840,000 Additional information • Remi Berhad issued 25,000 shares at RM3.20 each on 26 August 2019 for cash. • A transfer of RM20,000 was made from retained earnings to the general reserve. • Comprehensive income for the year was RM288,000, including a foreign currency translation gain of RM28,000 recognised in other comprehensive income. • Dividends paid during 2019 comprised: final dividend for 2018, RM100,000, interim dividend, RM120,000. Required: Illustrate Statement of changes in equity of Remi Berhad for the year ended 31 December 2019 in accordance with MFRS 101 Presentation of Financial Statements. (12 marks) [Total: 25 marks] 2 SULIT MAB1053/A192/A QUESTION 3 A. State the cost component as specify in MFRS 112 Inventories. (3 marks) B. Wheely Berhad is a company that sold bicycles. It uses the perpetual inventory method and allocates cost to inventory on a first-in, first-out basis. The company’s reporting period ends on 31 December 2019, inventory on hand consisted of 350 bicycles at RM82 each. During the month ended 31 December 2019, the following inventory transactions took place (all purchase and sales transactions are on credit) December 1 3 9 10 15 17 22 26 Sold 300 bicycles for RM122 each. Five bicycles were returned by a customer. They had originally cost RM82 each and were sold for RM124 each. Purchased 55 bicycles at RM91 each. Purchased 76 bicycles at RM96 each. Sold 86 bicycles for RM133 each. Returned one damaged bicycle to the supplier. This bicycle had been purchased on 9 March. Sold 50 bicycles for RM120 each. Purchased 70 bicycles at RM97 each. Required: a. Illustrate schedules to compute the ending inventory at 31 December 2019. (11 marks) b. Estimate the gross profit on sales for the month of December 2019. (9 marks) c. State appropriate journal entries for transaction on 17 December 2019. (2 marks) [Total:25 marks] 3 SULIT MAB1053/A192/A QUESTION 4 A. Define the meaning of ‘identifiable’ according to MFRS 138 Intangibles Assets. (2 marks) B. State key characteristics of an intangible assets. (3 marks) C. The followings are information concerning Vivo Berhad’s intangible assets. 2/1/2019 1/4/2019 1/6/2019 1/7/2019 1/7/2019 A trademark was purchased from Silo Berhad for RM36,000. Vivo estimates that the useful life of the trademark will be 20 years from the date of acquisition. Patent amount RM84,000 was purchased (10-year life) Legal fee of RM12,650 for successful defense of patent purchased above. Expenditures for successful litigation in defense of the trademark totaling RM10,200 were paid. Acquired franchise for RM48,000 with expiration date 30/6/2025 Required: a) Estimate the amortization expenses for each of the intangible assets above. (10 marks) b) Illustrate journal entries to record all of the above. (10 marks) [Total: 25 marks] END OF QUESTION 4