Life Sciences 2 (Section 1) page 1 Life Sciences 2 Cells, Tissues, and Organs Spring 17 Instructor: Joseph Esdin, Ph .D. Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-2 :50 pm and Friday 7:40-8:40 am Office: 316 Hershey Hall Phone: (310) 825-4118 Email: Course Time: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:00-12:50 pm in Lakretz 110 Teaching Assistants: Rehan Karmali ( Su-yin Kok (skok@ucla .edu) Shayan Moazeni ( Shervin Sarji ( Website: https://ccle LS Core Office: Veintimilla, Michelle. 222 Hershey Hall, 310-825-6614 ( Textbook: Russell, Hertz, and McMillan, Biology, The Dynamic Science, 4th Edition. Cengage Learning; Brook/Cole. I clicker plus or I clicker 2 Options about the Textbook: Russell, Hertz, and McMillan, Biology, The Dynamic Science , 41h Edition. No MindTap required . You may use either a hardcopy of the textbook, a loose leaf version . or the online e-book version of the textbook for this course. The book is on reserve in the College Library (Powell). Course Description: Introduction to basic principles of cell structure, organization of cells into tissues and organs, and principles of organ systems. Lecture, three hours; discussion, 75 minutes. Enforced requisite: Chemistry 14A or 20A. Flipped Classroom: This offering of LS2 will be taught as a flipped classroom . You will be required to watch assigned videos before arriving to the Lecture. In the Lecture you will work with your fellow students to answer and analyze problems proposed by the instructor. A website that explains the advantages of a flipped classroom can be found at: Grading: Total points for this class will be 632 points: Exam 1 on Thursday 4/27 (5:00-6:50 pm) Exam 2 on Thursday 5/18 (5 :00-6:50 pm) Discussion Video quizzes Lecture Attendance and Participation Final Exam on Monday 6/12 (11 :30-2 :30 pm) Total: 100 points 100 points 80 points 80 points 72 points 200 points 632 points Life Sciences 2 (Section 1) Exams: . . · will be held on There will be two midterm examinations and a final exammat1on. The first midterm exam 1 Thursday 4/27 (5:00-6:50 pm). The second exam will be on Thursday 5/18 (5:00-6:50 pm) . The_ fina exam will be held on Monday 6/12/ (11 :30-2:30 pm). Rooms for the exams wiU be announced prior t~ each exam . Examinations will cover material from the lecture, lecture videos , dIscuss1on _sections,_ an assigned textbook reading . The final exam is cumulative. All exams may have multiple cho1ce_que stI ~ns, fill-in type questions, true/false questions, and short answer-type questions. Students must arrive on time to take the exams. Late arrivals are subject to the discretion of the proctors. Requests for regrades ~US t be submitted in writing with a detailed explanation and justification . Regrade policy for each exam will be posted on the class webpage . Exam Scheduling: Students in LS2 must take all the exams at its normally scheduled time , even if another class has an exam scheduled at the same time . In the first week of class, check whether the time and date of the exams for LS2 conflicts with the time of exams for any other class. Any conflict must be resolved by your other class. If you cannot get accommodation from your other instructor, you should withdraw from one of the classes with the exam conflict. Deadline for documents submission is Friday of 4/7 at 3:00 pm . Make-up Policy: No make up examinations will be given. If you are unable to take an examination due to illness or other emergency, you are responsible for contacting the Life Sciences Core Curriculum Office located in Hershey Hall 222 before the examination. You are required to have written verification from a physician regarding the illness or emergency. Deadline for documents submission is no later than one week after the missed date. Lecture Notes: Lecture notes (PowerPoint slides) are available on the class webpage: ( Make sure you download the lecture notes before watching the videos. Having the lecture notes with you will facilitate taking notes. It is recommended that you bring the notes you took while watching the videos to class. Another set of lecture notes will be posted after every lecture . Video Quizzes: Video quizzes will be available on CCLE for a specific period of time. Please note that you can take the quiz ONCE only during the listed dates and times (quiz will open 5 pm two days before class and will be due at 11 pm the day before the class). You will have to take the quiz in one setting. You CANNOT save your work and logout and then come back to the quiz later. You will have 10 minutes to complete the qu iz. The quiz will include 5 multiple-choice questions related to the assigned lecture video. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have reliable internet connection . Any interruption of the internet service will result in automatic submission of the quiz. Once your work is submitted , you cannot undo. Under NO circumstances, you will be allowed to take the quiz again. The quizzes are open video/book but are not meant to be done collaboratively with other students in the course. You are expected to work alone while completing each quiz. Video quizzes due dates will posted on CCLE Clickers: You are required to bring your clicker every day to class beginning Wednesday of week 1. You can use the iClicker, iClicker+, or iClicker 2 for participation . After you purchase a clicker, you must register your iClicker ID on the CCLE course website before the start of class. There is a link on the left panel of the course webpage for iClicker registration . Each day is worth 3 points (all or nothing) towards your Lecture attendance and participation score. You will need to answer 75% of the questions on each day in order to receive credit. You are awarded points based on correct answers. You will be given one "free" day of participation points . This should account for any technical difficulties, absences, or forgetting your clicker. Please note that participation points will be posted the same day on CCLE. To ensure you have received credit for attendance, it is YOUR responsibility to check CCLE the day of each lecture. If there is a discrepancy, you should bring it up immediately to your instructor. I will not discuss attendance grades after two days of a lecture . Life Sciences 2 (Section 1) page 3 Discussion Section: course. The discussion section A~endance at the discussion sections is an important component of the you understand the lecture help will that sets problem and issues tal will c~ncentrate on experimen worth 8 points toward your final material to succeed when taking the exams. Each discussion section is absences will not be tolerated. grade. Attendance at the discussion sections is mandatory. Tardiness and on points. If you are late or absent from the discussion section you will not get participati No Honors Contracts will be offered. Peer Learning Program: enrolled undergraduate students The Life Sciences Department offers free learning support to currently is aimed at developing Program Learning Peer The Program. Learning Peer through the Life Science in LS1, LS2, LS3, or enrolled students help academic skills, critical thinking, and independent learning to Facilitators, who are Learning Peer uate undergrad trained and selected Carefully LS4 with their subject. Program. Learning Peer the staffs skills, ation chosen for their academic excellence and communic a free 1 hour and 20 minute Once enrolled in the Peer Learning Program, you are committed to attending Facilitators may offer additional session once a week, from Week 2 to Week 10. Some Peer Learning in this program is limited , and it review sessions before exams. Please note that the cap for enrollment sessions. available the for basis first-serve first-come can only accommodate students on a cla .edu/lsplf.php . You can sign For more information about the program, please visit: https://www.lscore.u er 29th (15 1 week) at 8:00pm Septemb , Thursday on beginning MyUCLA through learning up for peer Learning," or using this link "Peer selecting and menu top the on by clicking on the "Academics" tab says Life Sciences and not ( NOTE: Make sure that the grey bar on top Academic Advancement Program [AAP)): Sessions will begin on Monday, 4/10 (Second Week) UCLA Student Conduct Code 102.01: Academic Integrity fabrication, plagiarism , multiple All forms of academic misconduct, including , but not limited to, cheating, submissions or facilitating academic misconduct. For the purposes of the UCLA Code, the following definitions apply: 102.01a: Cheating information, or study aids in Cheating includes, but is not li~ited to, the use of unauthorized materials, s or instructions of an academic any academic exercise; or the failure to observe the expressed procedure , or conversation during an exercise (e.g., examination instructions, disregarding alternate seating examination). 102.01b: Fabrication information or citation in an Fabrication incl~des, but is not limited to, falsification or invention of any academic exercise. 102.01c: Plagiarism as if they were one's own, :lagia_rism include~, but is not limited _to , th~ use of another's words or ideas or by the omission of the true including , but not llmited _to, representing, either with the intent to deceive obtained by purchase or source: part of or an ent1~e work produced by someone other than the student, ideas, data, or writing altered but e identifiabl the ng representi th oterwise , as e students original work or work. o another person as 1f those ideas, data, or writing were the student's original Life Sciences 2 (Section 1) 102.01d : Multiple Submissions Multiple submissions includes , but is not limited to, the resubm ission by a student of any work that has been previously submitted for credit in identical or similar form in one course to fulfill the requirements of a second course, without the informed permission/consent of the instructor of the second course; or the submission by a student of any work submitted for credit in identica l or similar form in one course to fulfill th e requirements of a concurrent course, without the permission/consent of the instructors of both courses. 102:01e_: Facilitating Academic Dishonesty . Facilitating academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to , knowingly helping another student commit an act of academic misconduct (e.g ., cheating , fabrication, plagiaris m, multiple submissions) . 102.02: Other Forms of Dishonesty Other forms of dishonesty, including, but not limited to, fabricati ng information or knowingly furnishing false information or reporting a false emergency to the Univers ity. Lecture Schedule : page 5 Life Sciences 2 (Section 1) Week 1: 4/3 Introduction (syllabus and introduction) 4/5 Biological Molecules Chapter 3 (48-69) 4/7 Biological Molecules Cell: The Working Units of Life Chapter 3 (48-69) Chapter 4 (73-100) Week 2: 4/10 Cell : The Working Units of Life Chapter 4 (73-100) 4/12 Cell Membranes & Signaling Chapters 5 & 9 (104-122; 192-194; 201-203) 4/14 Cell Membranes & Signaling Chapters 5 & 9 (104-122; 192-194; 201 -203) Chapter 6 (126-140) Energy , Enzymes & Metabolism Week 3: 4/17 Energy , Enzymes & Metabolism Chapter 6 (126-140) 4/19 Pathways That Harvest Chemical Energy Chapter 7 (146-165) 4/21 Pathways That Harvest Chemical Energy Chapter 7 (146-165) Week 4: 4/24 Photosynthes is: Energy From Sunlight Chapter 8 (169-184) 4/26 Review for exam 1 Exam 1 on Thursday 4/27 (5:00-6:50 pm) 4/28 Neurons and Nervous Systems Chapter 39 (930-947) Week 5: 5/1 Neurons and Nervous Systems Chapter 39 (930-947) 5/3 The Mammalian Nervous System : Structure and Higher Function Chapter 40 (953-963) 5/5 Sensory Systems Chapter 41 (972-974; 977-985) Sensory Systems Chapte r 41 (972-974; 977-985) Week 6: 5/8 L page 6 Life Sciences 2 (Section 1) 5/10 Physiology, Homeostasis & Temperature Regulation Musculoskeletal Systems Chapter 38 (912-914 ; 924-926) Musculoskeletal Systems Chapter 43 (1016-1024) 5/15 Animal Hormones Chapter 42 (942-1008) 5/17 Review for exam 2 Exam 2 on Thursday 5/18 (6 :00-6:50 pm) 5/19 Circulatory Systems Chapter44 (1035-1044) 5/22 Circulatory Systems Gas Exchange Chapter 44 (1035-1044) Chapter 46 (1080-1087) 5/24 Digestive system Chapter47 (1098-1109; 1111-1112) 5/26 Digestive system Renal System Chapter 47 (1098-1109; 1111-1112) Chapter 48 (1123-1128) 5/12 Chapter 43 ( 1016-1024) Week 7: Week 8: Week 9: 5/29 Memorial Day Holiday. Enjoy the breakl 5/31 Renal System Chapter 48 (1123-1128) 6/2 The Cell Cycle and Cell Division Chapter 10 (214-233) 6/5 Animal Reproduction . Chapter 49 (1152-1158) 6/7 Immunology: Animal Defense Systems Chapter 45 (1052-1064; 1067-1070) 6/9 Review for Final Exam Week 10: Final Exam on Monday 6/12/ (11 :30-2:30 pm) Course Syllabus Subject to Update by the Instructor