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Chapter 18 Building Carrer & Writing Resumes

Business Communication Today
Fifteenth Edition
Chapter 18
Building Careers and Writing
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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
18.1 List eight key steps to finding the ideal opportunity in
today’s job market.
18.2 Explain the process of planning your résumé, including
how to choose the best résumé organization.
18.3 Describe the tasks involved in writing your résumé, and
list the sections to consider including in your résumé.
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Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
18.4 Characterize the completing step for résumés, including
the five most common formats in which you can
produce a résumé.
18.5 Identify nine tips for creating a successful LinkedIn
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Finding the Ideal Opportunity in Today’s
Job Market
• LO 18.1 List eight key steps to finding the ideal opportunity
in today’s job market.
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Developing a Personal Strategy
• Get Organized
• Start Now and Stick to It
• Look for Stepping-Stone Opportunities
• Expect to Interact with Intelligent Technology
• Clean Up Your Digital Footprint Before Applying
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Writing the Story of You
• Your Passions
• Your Skills
• What You Bring to the Organization
• Your Past Experiences
• Your Goals
• Your Leadership and Professional Talents
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Learning to Think Like an Employer
• Quality of Hire
– Your Ability to Perform
– Your Overall Reliability
– Your Motivation Level
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Researching Industries and Companies of Interest
• Visit Company Websites
• Talk to Customers
• Start with the Riley Guide
• Use Specialized Industry Websites
• Peruse Periodicals and Newspapers
• Visit Blogs, Podcasts, and Community Posts
• Use Job-Search Apps
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Translating Your Potential Into a Specific
Solution for Each Employer
• Customize your résumé for each position
• Relate your experience and skills to the specific needs of
the position
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Attributes That Will Help You Stand Out in
the Job Market (1 of 2)
Core Business Skills
Personal Qualities
• Oral and written communication
• Committed to excellence; dissatisfied
with mediocrity
• Communication with diverse audiences
• Dependable and accountable
• Information technology skills
• Committed to something greater than
• Data literacy
• Confident but not brash
• Collaboration
• Curious, driven to learn
• Situation analysis and problem solving
• Flexible, adaptable, and open to change
• Time and resource management
• Respectful and inclusive
• Project management
• Ethical; lives and works with integrity
• Leadership
• Positive, resilient, able to roll with the
punches and recover from setbacks
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Attributes That Will Help You Stand Out in
the Job Market (2 of 2)
Core Business Skills
Personal Qualities
• Critical thinking
• Sensitive to expectations of
• Self-reliant
• Proactive; taking initiative without
waiting to be told
• Ambitious and goal-oriented
Sources: Based in part on Alison Doyle, “The Top Skills Employers Seek in College Grads,”
The Balance, 17 April 2018, www.thebalance.com; “Career Readiness Defined,” National
Association of Colleges and Employers, accessed 30 May 2019, www.naceweb.org; Penny
Loretto, “The Top 10 Work Values Employers Look For,” The Balance Careers, 15 March
2018, www.thebalance.com; Liz Ryan, “12 Qualities Employers Look For When They’re
Hiring,” Forbes, 2 March 2016, www.forbes.com.
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Taking the Initiative to Find Opportunities
• Identify and Target Companies of Interest
• Contact Human Resources
• Contact Company Representatives
• Use Social Media
• Describe What You Can Offer
• Ask to Be Considered
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Building Your Network (1 of 2)
• Reach Out to Your Classmates
• Target Professions, Industries, and Companies
• Use Online Sources and Social Media
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Building Your Network (2 of 2)
• Join Student Business Organizations
• Attend Industry Trade Shows
• Participate in Volunteering Opportunities
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Practicing Network Etiquette
• Learn About the People You Connect With
• Don’t Overwhelm Network Contacts
• Communicate Clearly and Succinctly
• Respect Contacts’ Personal Information
• Don’t Email Your Résumé to Strangers
• Say “Thank You” When Someone Helps You
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Seeking Career Counseling
• Individual Counseling
– Career Planning
– Job-Search Workshops
• Job Fairs
• On-Campus Interviews
• Job Listings
• Online Resources
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Avoiding Mistakes
• Overlooking résumé errors
• Misspelling the manager’s name
• Arriving late for an interview
• Posting something unprofessional
• Completing forms incorrectly
• Not doing your own research
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Planning Your Résumé
• LO 18.2 Explain the process of planning your résumé,
including how to choose the best résumé organization.
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The Three-Step Process for Résumés
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Analyzing Your Purpose and Audience
• Understand the True Function of a Résumé
– Brief, Persuasive Message
– Stimulate Interest; Get an Interview
• Learn About Your Audience
– Professions, Industries, Companies
– Those Who May Be Reading Your Résumé
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Fallacies and Facts About Résumés
The purpose of a résumé is to list all your
skills and abilities.
The purpose of a résumé is to pique employer
interest and generate an interview.
A good résumé will get you the job you
All a résumé can do is get you in the door.
Your résumé will always be read carefully
and thoroughly.
In most cases, your résumé needs to make a
positive impression within a few seconds; only then
will someone read it in detail. Moreover, it will likely
be screened by a computer looking for keywords
first—and if it doesn’t contain the right keywords, a
human being may never see it.
The more good information you present
about yourself in your résumé, the better,
so stuff your résumé with every positive
Recruiters don’t need that much information about
you at the initial screening stage, and they probably
won’t read it.
Source: Randall S. Hansen and Katharine Hansen, “What Résumé Format Is Best for
You?” QuintCareers.com, accessed 7 August 2010, www.quintcareers.com.
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Gathering Pertinent Information
Dates and Duties
Degrees and Certificates
Offices Held
Related to Position
Awards and
Presentations Given
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Organize Your Résumé Around Your Strengths
• Typical Résumé Formats
– Chronological
– Functional
– Combination
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Characteristics of Résumé Formats
Emphasize Employment
Emphasize Skills and
Blend Chronological and
Specific Information on
Show What You Can Do
Highlight Capabilities
Job Titles and Dates of
Emphasize Job
Highlight Education
Downplay Gaps in
Minimize Concerns
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Addressing Areas of Concern (1 of 2)
• Slow Career Growth
• Frequent Job Changes
• Gaps in Work History
• Inexperience
• Overqualification
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Addressing Areas of Concern (2 of 2)
• Long-Term Employment with One Company
• Job Termination for Cause
• Criminal Record
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Writing Your Résumé
• LO 18.3 Describe the tasks involved in writing your
résumé, and list the sections to consider including in your
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Keeping Your Résumé Honest
• Education
• Employment History
• References
• Criminal Records
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Adapting Your Résumé to Your Audience
• Show How Your Capabilities Meet Business Concerns
• Use the Same Terminology as the Employer
• “Translate” Your Experience
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Compose Your Résumé
• Use a Simple, Direct Style
• Use Short Phrases, Not Whole Sentences
• Start Phrases with Action Verbs
• Provide Specific Supporting Evidence
• Include Business or Technical Keywords
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Essential Résumé Elements (1 of 2)
• Job-Specific keywords
• Name and contact information
• Introductory statement
• Education
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Essential Résumé Elements (2 of 2)
• Work experience, skills, and accomplishments
• Activities and achievements
• Personal data
• References
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Completing Your Résumé
• LO 18.4 Characterize the completing step for résumés,
including the five most common formats in which you can
produce a résumé.
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Revising Your Résumé
Clarity and Ease of Finding
Conciseness and Overall Length
Top Skills
Years of Experience
Current Job
Higher-Level Jobs
Technical Jobs
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Choosing a Design Strategy for Your Résumé
Keep Audience, Goals, and
Resources in Mind
Choose a Style Because It’s Trendy or
Demonstrate Design Skills
Deviate from Industry Norms
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Producing Your Résumé (1 of 2)
• Design Elements for Effective Résumé
– Clean
– Professional Looking
– Skimmable
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Producing Your Résumé (2 of 2)
• Conventional Résumé
• Plain-text File
• Microsoft Word File
• Online Résumé
• PDF File
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Considering Photos, Videos, Presentations
and Infographics
Social Media
Flexible Format
Ease of Evaluation
Multimedia Elements
Habits of Recruiters
Compelling Content
Applicant Tracking
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Producing a Conventional Printed Résumé
• Traditional:
– Bring to Job Fairs, Interviews, and Other Events
• Scannable
– Website Submissions
– Optical Scanning Systems for Keywords
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Creating Digital Files of Your Résumé
Plain-Text File
Word File
PDF File
Include Your Résumé in
the Body of an Email
Preserve Design and
Preserves Formatting
Copy and Paste
Sections Into an
Application Form
Ensure Computer is
Files Less Vulnerable to
Computer Viruses
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Creating an Online Résumé
• Career Management Tool
• Take Advantage of Social Networking
• Provide Your Résumé to Employers
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Proofreading Your Résumé
• Headings and Lists
• Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
• Double-Check and Run it By at Least Three Other People
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Distributing Your Résumé
• Mailing Printed Résumés
• Emailing Your Résumé
• Submitting Your Résumé to a Website
• Posting Your Résumé on Job Websites
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Building an Effective LinkedIn Profile
• LO 18.5 Identify nine tips for creating a successful
LinkedIn profile.
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Building a LinkedIn Profile (1 of 2)
• Photo
• Headline
• Summary
• Experience
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Building a LinkedIn Profile (2 of 2)
• Recommendations
• Featured skills
• Education
• Accomplishments
• Volunteer experience and causes
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This work is protected by United States copyright laws and
is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their
courses and assessing student learning. Dissemination or
sale of any part of this work (including on the World Wide
Web) will destroy the integrity of the work and is not
permitted. The work and materials from it should never be
made available to students except by instructors using the
accompanying text in their classes. All recipients of this
work are expected to abide by these restrictions and to
honor the intended pedagogical purposes and the needs of
other instructors who rely on these materials.
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