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Engineering Management Law Assignment: UK vs. Chosen Country

ELE00040H Law for Engineering Management Assignment (100%) – 2019/20
Hand in electronically via the VLE using departmental standard process
The key objectives of this assignment are to explore the differences in legal system and law
between your chosen country and the UK and to identify factual and conceptual ethical issues
from an engineering manager’s perspective on a given case study.
There are two sections in this assignment:
Section 1: Using evidence based comparative analysis, identify and discuss any differences
and similarities in the law between your chosen country and the UK. Your analysis should
take into consideration how these identified parameters in law between the two countries
influences the trading of a technical product or service and the management of engineering
businesses. You must choose any two from the following areas for your analysis:
● Contract law
● Business forms
● Intellectual Property Law.
● Employment Law
● Importing and Exporting Law
Section 2: As an engineering manager, you have been assigned to evaluate a new innovation
project (see given list). From an Engineering Ethics perspective, you need to write a
reflective report identifying the factual issues and conceptual issues on any one of the
following cases:
● Use of new Artificial Intelligence to replace human labour in an
● Use of genetically modified ingredients in supermarket food
● Disappearing drones: Drones that deliver payloads and then disappear
into thin air
● Talking Barbie- A new Barbie doll that records conversations with
your child
● Artificial wombs- A new scientific approach to grow a human foetus
outside a woman’s body
● Lethal cyber weapons- A new computer program capable of causing a
real explosion
You need to show the understanding and development of an awareness of ethical component
of daily engineering decisions. You can use the Royal Academy of Engineering Ethical
principles and any other relevant ethical guidance to determine the ethical obligations and
responsibilities involved in this project and to assess relevant ethical values. Your discussion
should be supported with facts and evidence to further the weight of the reflective opinions
being expressed.
● All submitted work must be your own or fully accredited to the source from which
you obtain it.
● Use IEEE referencing.
● You should provide evidence of careful and directed research, use and show evidence
of using theoretical concepts from the module and others you have found through
your own private study and demonstrate you have a firm master’s level of control and
precision in the handling and analysis of material.
● Marks will be awarded for the comprehensiveness, quality of comparative analysis,
criticality demonstrated in reflection, clarity of your writing and completeness and
accuracy of referencing of your additional sources of information.
● The report needs to have a logical structure consisting of an abstract, table of content,
main body, conclusion, references and appendix (if applicable).
● Your response to each question in the report sections must be clearly signposted.
● Word limit for the overall report is 6000 (not including abstract, table of content,
references and appendix).
Course Tutors: Dr Bidyut Baruah & Dr John Issitt
Moderated by: Dr Noel Jackson
ELE00040H Law for Engineering Management 2019-20
Individual Report – Marking and Feedback Sheet
Student name/identifier:
Section 1: Critical Analysis between UK and chosen country
Area 1 (30%)
Area 2 (30%)
Section 2: Ethics based reflective analysis of chosen case study
Critical understanding of ethics in engineering and depth of reflection (20%)
Ability to use facts and evidence (10%)
Overall report structure, content, readability and quality of referencing (10%)