. A d q, - ' , : r 5 r " . .: . - inistr is try of i)ublic Works ,114 : . -kndKuwait Municipality . - . -I 7 k,;i :. . L, I k3-b ,;:, for i'' ;; L hY r ,C.' : A& - . , Pohds & Bridges 8 ..!.L l i d '. * . !;,gLmL .I 4 .. -+ ;, , 1*.4. , .I: 1 , ,, ,. '"b L.. ! !. y-. ....L , " ,$; ,*,;;~;-' .,+ f; t;?;f&;-,!l " ;,;-*':.!L .,+;-L.r .! *. : * ,%:.;&I I . .,.! =. i -. 1 Preamble - This Roads and Bridgss Design Manual 'ik& prepwed by the MhIstry of Public Works Roads Administration in coopmtictn with Kuwait Municipality and Mini- of In-. This Manual shall be uwd as a n u b for the design of Roads and &Jdgem in -ke St8te of Kuuvslt. It will be the mpmslbility of the deelgner to ensure that the guWhes cmblned in this manual are applied properly and modiffed where appropriate to meet the approved standards of engineering and safety, subjecf to the obtaining the newssary approvals. Tbls Manual shall be read together with typiml drawings of the MPW - Roads Admjnlstratlon The Designer a l l obtah approval for the design fm all rekwnt authortth, including Minlstry of Public Works, Ministry of Interior and Kuwalt Munldpality. + lh The MinWy d Public Works intends to update r$ Lip LUl W ~E JIj j 31 thts Manual on mular bas@and ~ e l ~ ~ m anye g &i$y~ z+ -9 J u q* & suggestions for mprowemsnf.. AH 8ugpesUons U~ A J. and requests for darkations shall be forwarded 0 ~e hm "ndof be J CW'J' Admfnktrrrtiq. . . . U I sJj, $ *I &iA ,. a . .. . . . . *&*I Ministry of Public Works Roads Administration Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Edition 1, March 2004 The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges is divided into four separate parts. Please refer to the relevant part for a table of contents. PART 2 - Kuwait Bridges and Highway Structures Design Manual PART 3 - Kuwait Highway Drainage Design Manual PART 4 - Miscellaneous (not currently used) PART I Kuwait Highway Design Manual Ministry of Public Works Roads Administration PART I Kuwait Highway Design Manual Edition 1 March 2004 K w i t Highway Design MantmI fable ofContents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Kuwait Road Hierarchy ................................... . . . ................................................................. A-I 1.2 Determining the Road Class ................................................................................................. 1.3 Local Roads ............................................................................................................................. 1-5 1.4 Secondary Roads .................................................................................................................. 1-6 1.5 Primary Roads ......................................................................................................................... "I4 14 1.6 Special Roads.......................................................................................................................... 1-6 2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 2.5 ............................................................................................................ 2-1 Level of Service (LoS)......................... ... ............................................................................... 2-1 Design Vehicles ....................................................................................................................... 2-7 Pedestrians .............................................................................................................................. 2-8 3.1 Generat..................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Selection of Design Speed....................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 EffectofTerrain........................................................................................................................ 3-2 3.4 Relationship with Posted S p e d .......................................W 3.5 Existing Roads ..................... . . ............................................................................................ 3-3 3.6 Locations where Design Speed Changes ................................................................................ 3-3 3.7 Interchanges ............................................................................................................................ 3-3 3.8 Reduction below Standards ..................................................................................................... 34 4.1 General..................................................................................................................................... 4-t 4.2 Eye-height and Object Height ...................................... 4.3 Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) .......................... . . ................................................................. 4-1 4.4 Safe Passing Sight Distance (SPSD) ...................................... 4.5 Decision Sight Distance (DSD) .............................................................................................. 44 4.6 Maintaining Sight Distances................................................................................................ 4-5 4.7 Provision of Safe Passing Sight Distance............................................................................... 44 5.1 Generat................................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 ........................................................................................ Maximum Superelevation.......... . 5-2 5.3 Minimum Curvature..............................................................................................................5-2 2.3 2.4 Definitions............ .... 4 . . Kuwait Highway D e a n Manual Table of Contents 5.4 Calculation of Superelevation........................... .......................................................................5 4 5.5 5.6 Transition Curves ................................................................................................................ 5.7 LateralClearances .................................................................................................................. 5-9 5.8 Visual Appearance of Horizontal Geometry ....................... 54 Widening on Curves ............................................................................................................... 5-7 5.9 . . ...........................................5-11 Horizontal Curves on Local Streets..................................................................................... 5-14 6.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 6-2 6.2. Vertical Curves ...................................... ,................................................................................. 6-2 6.3 Maximum Gradient ............................................................................................................ 6-5 6.4 Minimum Gradient ......................,............................................................................................ 6-6 6.5 Visibd~ty.................................................................................................................................... 6-7 6.6 Choice of Longitudinal Profile .................................................................................................. 6-7 6.7 Visual Appearance of Vertical Geometry ................................................................................ 6-7 6.8 Combining Horizontal and Vertical Alignment...................................................................... 6.9 Vertical Clearances ........................................................................................................... 6-10 6.10 .. Local Roads .............. ..,.. 6-8 .............................................................................................. 6- 10 General.................... . . .......................................................................................................... 7-1 Limits of Right of Way ............................................................................................................ 7-1 Side Slopes ......................... ......... .........................................................................................7-2 Verges ...................... . . ......................................................................................................... 7-3 Service Reservations............................................................................................................... 7-3 Shoulders and Kerb Clearances ................... . . ................................................................... 7-4 Clearances to Structures .........................................................................................................7-5 Clearances to Safety Barriers............................................................................................... 7.9 8 7.6 Lane Widths ............................................................................................................................ 7-7 ...................................7-7 7.10 Median Widths ................................................................................ 7.If Cross Slopes...................... . . ........................................................................................... 7-9 7.12 Gutters and Drainage Ditches ......................................................................................... 7-10 7.13 Other Elements within the Cross-Section .......................................................................... 7-10 ................................................................. ................... HIGHWAY FACIUTIES 8-1 8.1 General.............. . ................................................................................................................. 8-1 8.2 Pedestrian Facilities ........................ . . ................................................................................8-1 8.3 Public Transport Facilities ....................................................................................................... 8-5 8.4 Parking Facilities .......................... . ....................................................................................... 8-7 8.5 Kerbs ....................... . . ........................................................................................................ 8-9 Kuw% HigRwy Design lhQenuel TMe of Contents 9 8.6 Fences .................................................................................................................................... 8-10 8.7 Safety Barriers...................................................................................................................... 8-11 8.8 Energy Absorbing Barriers..................................................................................................... 8-17 8.9 TraPficCalming................................... . . ............................................................................8-18 8. t 0 Landscaping....................................................................................................................... 8-22 8 I Ut~l~ties ....................... . . .................................................................................................. 8-23 .. LOCAL ROADS .......................................... 9-1 introduction .............................................................................................................................. 9-7 Badc Design Parameters ...................................................................................................... 9-2 Intersections............................................................................................................................. 943 .. ................................................................................... . . 94 Pedestrian Fac~l~ties ...................... f rafic Calming ....................................................................................................................... 94 Turning Areas........................................................................................................................... 94 Driveways.............................................................................................................................. ..9-6 Summary of Design Parameters............................................................................................9-8 10 ................................................................................................... SECONDARY ROADS 10-1 10.1 introduction......................................................................................................................... 10-1 10.2 Basic Design Parametem.................................................................................................. 10-1 10.3 10.4 Intersections....................................................................................................................... 104 .. Pedestrian Facrl~ties........................ . . . ........................................................................... I04 10.5 Traffic Calming ................................................................................................................... 104 10.6 Summary of Design Parameters......................................................................................10-4 11.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 11-1 11.2 Basic Design Parameters ................................................................................................... 11-1 11.3 Intersections ....................................................................................................................... 1 3 11.4 11.5 Service Reads.................................................................................................................. 1-3 .. ............................ . .................................................................... Pedestrian Facil~ties . . 11-4 11.6 Summary of Design Parameters ....................................................................................... 114 121 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 12-1 12.2 Basic Design Parameters................................................................................................... 12-1 12.3 Intersections....................................................................................................................... 12-3 12.4 Senrice Roads.................................................................................................................... 123 12.5 .......................... ............................................... ........................ 12-3 Pedestrian Fac~f~ties . . 12.6 Summary of Design Parameters........................................................................................ 12-3 .. iii K m i t Highway Design IWenual Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 33-1 Intersection Spacing .......................................................................................................... 13-1 Selection of Intersection Type ........................................................................................... 13-2 Choosing between Roundabouts and Signalised Intersections ........................................ 134 13-5 Design Vehicles ............................................................................................................... Siting of Intersections ........................................................................................................ 138 Intersection Types (1) - Major 1Minor Intersections ........................................................ 13-6 - Intersection Types (2) Roundabouts............................................................................. 13-8 13-9 Intersection Types (3) - U-turns ...................................................................................... - Intersection Types (4) Signalised Intersections.............................................................13-f 0 Intersection Types (5) - Interchanges..............................................................................13-10 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 14-1 Safety................................................................................................................................. 14-1 Types of Major l Minor Intersection ............................................................................ .... 14-1 Capacity .............................................................. ...........................................................14-7 .................................................................................... Pedestrian Considerations........ . 14-7 Alignment ........................................................................................................................... 14-7 .. Visiblllty............................... . . ........................................................................................ 14-8 Corner Radii.................................. 24-10 ................................................................................... Lane Widths ................................................................................................................... 14-12 Islands..................................................................................................... .......................14-14 Tapers............................................................................................................................14-16 . ................................................................. 14-18 Right-turning Roadways ............................ Deceleration and Queuing........................................................................................... 14-18 Turning Length................................................................................................................ 14-21 Staggered T-intersection Spacing ............................................................................ 14-22 Drainage ..................................... ..................................................................................... 14-22 Summary of Design Process ......................................................................................... 44-22 15.1 lntroducfion ...................................................................................................................... 15-1 15.2 General Principles .................................................................................................... 15-1 15.3 General Features of a Roundabout................................................................................... 15-2 15.4 Capacity of Roundabout................................................................................................ 15.5 Minimum Size of Island.................................................................................................... 154 15.6 ................................................................. Inscribed Circle Diameter .................... . . 15-6 15-3 Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Table of Contents Circulating Pavement........................................................................................................ 15-7 Entry Width ......................................................................................................................... 15-8 Entry Path Deflection..................................................................................................... 5 - 9 Entry Angle ...................................................................................................................... 5- 11 Entry Radius ..................................................................................................................... 15-12 Gradients .......................................................................................................................... 5-12 Exits .................................................................................................................................. 15-12 . . ....................................................................................................75-12 Visibility.................. Crossfall and Drainage .....................................................................................................15-17 Right-turning Roadways ................................................................................................. 15-18 Safety at Roundabouts.................................................................................................... 15-20 16 ...................................................................................................................... U-TURNS 16-2 General..............................................................................................................................16-1 Entry Taper.......................................................................................................................16-3 . . Deceleration Length ........................................................................................................ 16-3 Queue Length and Protected Length ................................................................................. 164 Channelising Nose Width ....................................... Reduced Median Width ..................................................................................................6 4 U-turn Lane Width .............................................................................................................. 164 Median Width ................................................................................................................... 164 ................................................................................ 6-4 Summary ..........................................................................................................................16-5 U-turn Diameter.................................................................................................................. 16-5 Median Widening............................................................................................................... 6-6 Local Bulbing...................................................................................................................... 16-6 Mouth Treatment .................... .... General............................................................................................................................. 17-1 Applicability of Major J Minor Intersection Principles .................... .... ..................... 7 - 1 Specific Requirements at Signalised Intersections............................................................7 - 1 Width of Medians.............................................................................................................. 7-l Sire of Islands .................................................................................................................... 17-3 Vehicular Swept Paths ...................................................................................................... 17-3 Location of Pedestrian Crossing Facilities ...................................................................... .17-3 Width of Pedestrian Crossing Facilities .................... , ....................................................... 174 Designing for Queue Lengths in 'left-turning Lanes ....................................................... 174 Signalised Roundabouts ....................... . . . ...................................................................... 174 U-turns at Signalised Intersections ..................................................................................17-5 Tabla of Contents 18 ................................................................. GRAPE SEPARATIONS AND INTERCHANGES 18-1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 18-1 Types of Interchange ................................................................................................... 18-1 . ........................................................... 18-15 Selection of Interchange Type.......................... .................................................................. 18-17 . . . . Lane Provision .................................... 18-19 . .. ............................................................................. Diverge Design ............................................................................................................... 18-19 Merge Design .............................................................................................................. 18-27 Connecting Roadways ..................................................................................................... 18-35 . ........................................................ 13-37 Spacing of Merges and Diverges....................... Weaving........................................................................................................................... 18-38 ........18-38 Link Roads ............................................................................................................. Other Design Considerations......................................................................................... 18-39 Design Speed .................... . . .. -- Chapter I H$hwey Classific~tlon ?.I Kuwait Road Hierarchy Kuwait has a defined road hierarchy, which assists in standardising the approach to highway design and maintenance, and benefits the end user through a logical and systematic classification of roads. The different categories of road within the hierarchy, together with their principal distinguishing features, are shown in Table 1.1 .. Table 1.1: Kuwait Road Hierarchy Road Class General Descriptfon Local Roads Intended for short journeys only No access control Access to adjacent land must be achieved Secondary Roads Intended to distribute traffic through a district or to sewe a place d local importance Minimal access control Access to adjacent land is very important Primary Roads Intended for through traffic, but with lower design standards than the Special Road Network Access by means of at-grade intersections (signalised or roundabout) or grade separated interchanges Access to adjacent land becoming a relevant consideration Special Roads Intended for fast and free-flowing through traffic Full access control using grade separated interchanges, or Service roads that serve land adjacent to the highway and connect to the main line by free-flow ramps Speclal and Primary Roads are always divided roads (with a median), whereas Local Roads are undivided. Secondary Roads may be either diwided (majorlurban) or undivided (minorlrural). Figure I .Iillustrates the principles of the road hierarchy by reference to a typical neighbourhood. The present road hierarchy has been determined and the future pattern established'. Figure 1.2 shows the network of roads as defined for the year 2012. The road hierarchy distinguishes between roads on the basis of differences in traffic service and land service, making it a suitable tool for both planning and engineering design purposes. It also separates diflerent classes of roads on the basis of required highway design features. Page 1-1 Kuweit Highwey Design Menuat Figure 1.1: Illustration of the Road Hierarchy Page 1-2 Figure I.2: Kuwait Road Hierarchy Source: KuwaH Traffic S!gns ~ a n u a ? Page 1-3 K m l t Highway Design Manual Chapkr I Highway Classification - If is necessary to distinguish between urban and rural areas. Note that this refers to the predominant characteristics of the adjacent land use and does not necessarily conform to any legal or administrative boundaries. ' 1 - Table 1.2 summarises the principal features of each road class. Table 1.2: Characteristics of Roads by Class Land sewice Trafflc service toca l Roads Secondary Roads Primary Roads Special Roads Land access the primary consideratron Land access and traffic movement of equal impoflance Land access a secondary consideration No access or restricted access from service roads Traffic movement the secanday consideration Land access and traffic movement of equal Traffic movement the primary Optimum Urban: >200rn Rural: ~ 1 . 5 k m Urban: >l km Rural: >2km Unintermpted Free flow mobility consideration importance . >loom spacing Urban: as required Rural: HOOm Nature of traffic flow Interrupted flow Interrupted flow Passenger All types except semitrailers and above* All types Primary Roads Secondary Roads Local Roads Special Roads Primary Roads Secondary Typical intersection Vehicle type . and service ve hicks** flow except at intersections All types Connect to Secondary Roads Local Roads Special Roads Primary Roads Roads .. "In industrial areas, SecondafyRoads should ammrnodste all types of vehicle * In industrial and in rural areas, t ~ & smay have to be catered for. Speed limits on roads may differ, even within the same class of road. In selecting the posted speed, that is, the speed limit displayed to drivers by means of road signs, it is normal practice to undertake a vehicle speed sunrey, and to adopt a value close to the observed 85th-percentile speed. - Determining the Road Class - In Kuwait, it is the planners' role to review and determine the road class and the width of the right of way. Given this information, the highway designer should review the traffic volumes and the functional requirements of the road, and then determine the appropriate standards for all elements of highway provision in accordance with the guidance contained in this manual. In areas where new development is taking place, it may be beneficial for the works to be phased, possibly providing a lower, interim, standard of provision while always Page 1-4 I Kuwait Highway Design Manuel ensuring that the ultimate configuration can be achieved. Similarly, where redevelopment of an existing area occurs, it is important that the class of the road be reviewed to check whether its status has been affected by the redevelopment. The design details and facilities to be provided on a road are not entirely dictated by its class. The cross section for a secondary road for example, may vary from a oneway street to a four-jane divided road. The geometric design of the road is affected by the following factors: Design speed Design vehicles Composition of the traffic stream Pedestrians = Safety Traffic volume Adjacent land use Climatic conditions --- Terrain Economics of the area Aesthetics Sociological factors Public preferences In certain areas of Kuwait, it is particularly difficult to classify roads from their adjacent land use, and therefore at some locations roads may not display the characteristics typical of their class. For example, the number of accesses may be higher than average, more parking may occur, or there may be a greater than normal number of intersections. Should the designer consider that the road class is inappropriate under the specific circumstances, he should review and agree the class with both the Ministry of Public Works and Kuwait Municipality. The following sections introduce each of the classes used in Kuwait. 1.3 Local Roads A significant percentage of a city network comprises local roads, which are designed to allow vehicles to reach the frontage of properties from a secondav or primary road. The main function of local roads is to provide land access, and they generaliy carry low volumes of traffic. They serve residential, commercial or industrial land uses. Trips made on local roads wilt generally have an origin or destination actually on the local road or in immediately adjoining areas. In planning the layout of a local road network, care should be taken to avoid creating routes which could be attractive to through traffic, or which encourage high speeds to the detriment of safety. As this is the lowest class in the road hierarchy, direct access is permitted to all abutting properties. Local roads can be grouped into two categories, rural local roads and urban local streets. Page 1-5 Kuwait Highway Desbn Manual 1.4 Secondary Roads The function of secondary roads is to collect traffic, from local roads to primary roads, and to distribute trafific flow from primary roads back to the local roads. Access to properties is normally allowed on secondary roads. In rural areas, the function of secondary road is twofold, to provide access to adjacent land and to carry traffic into areas with sparse development, 1.5 Primary Roads Primary roads are of a lower design standard than special roads. Their intersections with other primary roads and lower class roads can be either grade-separated or at grade (roundabouts or signalised). Primary roads are intended to carry large volumes of traffic moving at medium to high speed, and are used by a broad range of vehicle types, because they distribute traffic from the higher class roads to the lower class roads and vice versa. f .6 Special Roads Special Roads are designed to move heavy volumes of high-speed traffic (under free flowing conditions). Special roads form only a small percentage of the roads in the road network, but they pedorm a crucial role in segregating fast through traffic from slower moving local traffic. High traffic volumes generate the need for a Special Road, which in turn necessitates fully controlled access. This is achieved with either grade-separated interchanges, or sewice roads that serve land adjacent to the highway and connect to the main line by free-flow ramps. In rural situations, the function of a special road is to connect major cities or industrial areas, and to provide the major routes for international traffic movements. In urban areas, the function is to provide high-standard routes connecting areas of major traffic generation. Third Kuwait Master Plan Review (draft, 1997). * Kuwait Traffic Signs Manual, 1988. Page 1-6 Kuweit HChwey Design Manuel Chapter 2 Traffic 2.1 Introduction The volume of traffic that will use a new road facility 1s the major determinant of the scale of provision. It is important therefore that a robust estimate of future vehide usage of the road is available to the designer at the outset. It is normal to select a Design Year which typically may be fifteen to twenty years afler the opening of the road. For a given traffic Row and the purpose of the road, the designer can identify its class, for example Special Road Network,Primary or Secondary. Factors such as the number of lanes and the type and scale of the interchanges or intersections influence the ease of use of the road, and its ability to perform Hs function satisfactorily. This matter is dealt with by the concept of Level of Service, and it is normal practice for a new facility to be designed to have a high Level of Service (that is to say, to have very significant spare capacity) in its opening year, but to have much lower Level of Serwice (nearing capacity) at the end of its design period. In order to discuss this further, it is necessary ta introduce some definitions. 2.2 Definitions Definitions of the terms used in this section of the manual can be found in the Glossar)r. The reader's attention is particularly drawn to the definitions of the following terms: Prevailing Road Conditions Prevailing Traffic Conditions Capacity Traffic Volume Annual Average Daily Traffic (AAPT) Design Hour Volume (DHV) Design Speed Operating Speed Level of Service (LoS) r Service Flow Rate Free Flow Speed (FFS) 2.3 Level of Sewice [LoS) Level of Service is a quality measure describing operational conditions within a stream. LoS takes account of many factors, including: Speed Travel time Traffic interruptions Page 2-4 Mwei! Highway De&n Manusl Chapter 2 Freedom to manoeuvre; that is, to change lane, accelerate or decelerate. Driving comfort, which is subjective, and depends on the perception of each individual driver. Six levels of Service A, B,C , D,E and F are defined in Highway Capacity Manual for Urban Streets, Signalised Intersections, Unsignalised Intersections, Pedestrians, Bicycles, Two Lanes Highways, 'Multilane Highways, Freeways, Ramps, and Transit facilities. Level A is the highest and level F is the lowest. The lower the level of Service, the greater is the traftic density, and the higher is the likelihood of delays occurring through the interaction of vehicles within the traffic stream. In this chapter Level of Service concepts are presented for special road sections and pedestrian facilities, for other facilities the reader is advised to refer to HCM 2000'. ' The characteristics of each LoS band for a m o t o ~ r a ysection are shown in Table 2.4. Table 2.1: Characteristics of Level of Sewice for Special Road Sections Criteria FFS 120 kmlh Maximum density (pculkmlln) Maximum vlc Maximum Service Row rate (pculhlln) 22 0.92 2200 28 1.00 2400 16 0.70 1740 22 28 0.91 2135 1.00 2350 11 0.48 16 0.70 28 1 .OO 700 1100 1600 22 0.90 2065 2300 7 0.28 tl 0.44 22 28 630 990 16 0.64 1440 0.87 1955 1-00 2250 7 11 16 0.35 840 0.55 1320 0.77 7 0.33 770 1t 0.51 1210 7 0.30 1840 + FFS = 110 kmlh Maximum density (pclkrnlin) Maximum vlc Maximum service flow ate (pcu/hlln) FFS 100 kmih Maximum density (pclkmlin) Maximum vlc Maximum Service flow rate (pculhlln) FFS = 90 kmlh Maximum density (pclrlkmlln) Maximum vie Maximum service Row rate (pculhEln) Source: Highway Capachy Manual" Operating characteristics for the six LoS are shown in Plate 2.1 to Plate 2,6.The LoS are defined to represent reasonable ranges in the three critical flow variables: speed, density, and flow rate. t o S A describes free-flow operations. Free-flow speeds prevail and vehicles are almost cornplletely unimpeded in their ability to manoeuvre within the traffic stream. The effects of incidents or point breakdowns are easily absorbed at this level. Page 2-2 Chapter 2 Trame toS B represents reasonably free flow, and free-flow speeds are maintained. The ability to manoeuvre within the traffic stream is only slightly restricted, and the general level of physical and psychological comfort provided to drivers is still high. The effects of minor incidents and point breakdowns are still easily absorbed. LoC C provides for flow with speeds at or near the FFS of the freeway. Freedom to manoeuvre within the traffic stream is noticeably restricted, and lane changes require more care and vigilance on the part of the driver. Minor incidents may be still absorbed, but the local deterioration in service will be substantial. Queues may be expected to form behind any significant blockage. . LoS D is the level at which speeds begin to decline slightly with increasing flows and density begins to increase somewhat more quickly. Freedom to manoeuvre within the traffic stream is more noticeably limited, and the driver experiences reduced physical and psychological comfort levels. Every minor incident can be expected to create queuing, because the traffic stream has little space to absorb disruptions. At its highest density value, LaS E describes operation at capacity. Operations at this level are volatile, because there are virtually no usable gaps in the traffic scene. Vehicles are closely spaced, leaving little room to manoeuvre within the traffic stream at speeds that still exceed 80 Krnlh. Any disruption of the traffic stream, such as vehicles entering from a ramp or a vehicle changing lanes, can establish a disruption wave that propagates throughout the upstream traffic flow. At capacity, the trafic stream has no ability to dissipate even the most minor disruption, and any incident can be expected to produce a serious breakdown with extensive queuing. Manoeuvrability within the traffic stream is extremely limited, and the level of physical and psychological comfort afforded to the driver is poor. LoS F describes breakdowns in vehicular flow. Such conditions generally exist within queues forming behind breakdown points. A suitably high Level of Service appropriate to each situation should be selected and used for design, and it should be appreciated that for many of the hours of the day the road will in fact operate at a higher LoS. Table 2.2 gives guidance for selecting appropriate Levels of Service in the design year for roads. It should be noted that at intersections, the relevant LoS is normally one level lower than that shown. Table 2.2: Guidelines for Selecting Level of Sewice In Kuwait Page 2-3 Plate 2.1: Level of Service A Plate 2.2: Level of Sewlce B Kuwait Highway Design Manuef Chapter2 Traflc Plate 2.5: Level of Sewlce E Plate 2.6: Level of Service F Page 2-6 LoS is heavily dependent on the relationship between the demand (the predicted future design Row) and the capacity of a road. These concepts properly lie outside the scope of a geometric design manual, and have been introduced here to assist the designer to understand the work of the traffic engineer. In all casesIis necessary for the highway designer and the traffic engineer to work closely together. The traffic engineer will have the major input into elements where purely geometric ~ in particular: considerations do R O predominate, The prediction of future flows The assessment of capacities and Levels of.Service The selection of appropriate service volumes The design of weaving sections The design of signalised and roundabout at-grade intersections (which depend on the results of detailed traffic calculations) The design of U-turn facilities The primary measure of effectiveness for the Level of Service for differing types of facility will be assessed in accordance with the criteria specified in the Highway Capacity Manual', as given in Table 2.3. Table 2.3: Primary Measures of Effectiveness lor LoS Dennition ' Type of Facility - Measure of Effectiveness Special Roads: Basic read segments Density Weaving areas Speed Merges and diverges Density Primary Roads Density Secondary Roads Speed Local Roads Speed Signaiised intersections Average total delay Unsignalised intersections Average total delay Pedestrians Space, Delay Source: Highway Capacity ~anual" 2.4 Design Vehicles The entire range of the fleet of vehicles using Kuwait's roads has to be accommodated safely and comfortably, and the standards set out in this manual respect this fact. The opeiating characteristics of different vehicles influence the capacity of the road network. This is reflected in the use of the Passenger Car Equivalent as a vehicle unit; larger and slower vehicles (which physically cover more road space and take more room due to their slower acceleration capabilities and greater braking needs) are counted as being equivalent to a number of passenger cars. Table 2.4 gives broad equivalents for trucks and buses; for a more detailed assessment, the designer is referred to the Highway Capacity Manual1. Page 2-7 K w i t Highway Design Manual Table 2.4: Passenger Car Equivalents of f rucks and Buses Level terrain 1.7 Recreational Vehicles 1.2 Source: Highway Capauty IWanual1 The physical dimensions (including operating characteristics such as turning circles) are important in determining lane widths, headroom, sight distances and turning radii. The design vehicles used in the United States are listed in AASHTO' and are identified in Table 2.5. A check on typical vehicles in use on the roads in Kuwait confirms that the adoption of these design vehicles is also appropriate to Kuwait. , Table 2.5: Design Vehicle Parameters 1 m Width m Length m Min. Design Turning Radius m Min. Inside Radius rn 1.3 2.1 5.8 7.3 4.4 3.4 -4.1 2.4 9.2 12.8 8.6 Height Description Code* Passenger Car P Single Unit Truck SU Single Unit Bus BUS 3.2 2.6 12.2 12.8 8.0 Articulated Bus A-BUS 3.4 2.6 18.3 12.1 6.5 Intermediate Semi-trailer WB-12 4.7 2.4 13.9 12.4 5.9 Intermediate Semi-trailer WB-15 4.1 2.6 16.8 13.9 5.2 Inter-statate Semi-trailer WB-19 4.1 2.6 20.9 14.1 2.4 I nter-state Semi-trailer WB-20 4.1 2.6 22.4 14.2 1.3 Triple Semi-trailer1 Trailers W8-30T 4.1 2.6 32.0 13.9 3.0 Turnpike Double Semitrailerflrailers WB-33D 4.1 2.6 34.8 18.4 4.5 Motor Home MH 3.7 2.4 9.2 12.7 7.9 Car & Camper Trailer PTT 3-1 44.8 13.1 5.3 Car & Boat Trader PI& - 2.4 2.4 12.8 8.9 2.8 Motor Home and Boat Trailer MH,s 3.7 2.4 16.2 15.7 10.7 I Note that the designation WB relates to approximate wheelbase; -12 denotes a trudr whose wheelbase is ' around IZm. 2.5 Pedestrians Pedestrians need to be carefully considered when roads are being designed. They are present in every road environment, unless specific measures are taken te provide for them outside the road corridor, for example by means of fences and footbridges on motorways. Adequate provision for pedestrians should therefore be made, using Page 2-8 Kuwait Highway Design hi8n~8/ features such as sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, trafiic signal facilities and grade separated crossings, with kerb details, ramps, bus stops etc being given special attention. It is important to consider the type of pedestrian using the area. If near a school, for example, the designer should have the young clearly in his mind, and therefore should provide more protection, better visibility between driver and pedestrian, and enhanced signing, when compared to other areas. Elderly people also require special consideration as they oflen move more slowly and may suffer from poor sight and hearing deficiency. In locations where it is appropriate to design specifically far the needs of elderly people, the following points should be borne in mind: Assume lower walking speeds for the elderly and infirm Provide wider refuge islands Consider different surface textures at crossing points Minimise crossing distances Provide wider footpaths and sidewalks Design for wheel chairs, for example by providing kerb-cut ramps at crossing points Provide paved footpaths and sidewalks The width of sidewalk should accommodate the predicted pedestrian volumes. Table 2.6 shows the LoS criteria to be adopted in the design of sidewalks. In the absence of pedestrian traffic forecasts, it is desirable to provide a sidewalk of at least 3.0m width. Greater widths are probably necessary near pedestrian generation sources such as schools, mosques, commercial areas or recreational areas such as sports venues or cinemas. In designing pedestrian facilities, an aim should be to provide routes that follow as closely as is practical, the geographical desire lines for movement on foot. Where this would lead to haphazard, random or dangerous crossings of traffic streams, it is appropriate to consider whether pedestrians can be channelled by guide fences or other features to locations where purpose-designed safe crossings are to be provided. Table 2.6: Average Flow LoS Criteria for Footpaths and Sidewalks LOS Space (m2fp) P A B C 0 E F Fllow Rate (plrninlrn) Speed (mls) 1 >5.6 46 >3.7-5.6 > 6-23 I ~1.27-1.30 r2.2-3.7 > I .4-2.2 ~23-33 >3349 >0.75-1. I 4 c0.75 >49-75 Variable >1.22-1.27 >1.14-1.22 >0.75-1.14 ~0.75 - >1.30 - vlc Ratlo - e0.21 >0.21-0.31 >0.31-0.44 >0.44-0.65 N.65-f .O Variable Highway Capacity Manual 2000, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 2000. A Policy en Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001, M S H f 0, 2001. KweH Highway Design Manual I Chapfer5 Design Speed 3.1 General Drivers vary their speed of driving in accordance with the road layout and their perception of the prevailing conditions, modified to a certain extent by the performance of their vehicles. The main factors that influence speed are visibility, curvature, road width, surface condition, potential conflict points (for example intersections) and speed limits or other similar regulatory features. M i l e it would be unrealistic to design the features on a road to cater for the very fastest of drivers, it is nevertheless essential to ensure that the vast majority of road users can, in good conditions and with light traffic, drive safely at a consistent speed appropriate for the type of road. The concept of a design speed, which ensures that all features on a road are capable of being traversed safely at a given speed, is the factor that links the majority of the geornetdc design parameters used by the highway engineer, particularly stopping distances, horizontal and vertical alignments, and cross-sectional elements. I 3.2 Selection of Design Speed For the design of a new feature on an existing road, the existing speed of traffic on the route can be measured. It is normal to set the design speed as the 85th percentile speed. If the improvement is part of a strategy to upgrade the entire route, it would be more appropriate to design the feature as if it were part of a new road. When considering a new road, the selection of the design speed is based on the designer's experience of other existing roads that perform a similar function, in the context of the role of the road within the hierarchy. Factors that influence this choice include road class, urban or rural location, development density, economics and terrain. For local roads in particular, the objectives of the planners should also be taken into acco~nt,~especiall~ if there is a desire to keep traffic speeds low in a 'calmed' environment. Table 3.1 shows the ranges of mainline design speeds that are to be adopted for the Kuwait road hierarchy'. nrarnrng sign provlslon. conslaerarlon should be given to increasing the normal KuwaH Highway Design Manual Table 3.2: Recommended Posted Speed 3.5 Existing Roads It is importand that Table 3.2 is not used in reverse. The design speed of an existing road should not be determined from the posted speed, but from the 85th percentile speed obtained from a survey of the actual speed distribution of vehicles using the road. The selected design speed may in turn suggest that a different posted speed may be appropriate after the improvement has been completed. Where a new road leads directly into an existing road, care must be taken to avoid a discontinuity in standards. If the existing road has a lower design speed than the improvement, consideration should be given to design of the interface zone of the new road to make the transition less abrupt. In all cases, posted speeds should be properly indicated by traffic signing in accordance with the Kuwait Traffic Signs ~ a n u a l ' . 3.6 Locations where Design Speed Changes Similar considerations apply where the design speed changes along the length of a new road, for example, at the interface between urban and rural conditions. The driver should never be presented with an abrupt downward change in the standard of provision. Where there is a change to a lower design speed, it b desirable to provide values above the minimum standards for sight distances and for horizontal and vertical curvature over the initial length of the lower design speed section. 3.7 Interchanges The ramps (or connecting roadways) within a grade-separated interchange should normally have a lower design speed than the mainline. Table 3.3 sets out the appropriate values. Page 3-3 KuwsM Highway Design Manual ch8pkr 3 Design Speed fable 3.3: Minimum Design Speed for Connecting Roadways 3.8 Reduction below Standards In certain circumstances it may be uneconomic to design an alignment to the prescribed standards, and consequently it may be necessary to reduce the standard of the road, perhaps only locally. As the consequences of such reductions could be significant, the following guidance shall be taken as mandatory. Having selected the relevant design speed for the length of route under consideration, this design speed shall be maintained throughout, and not locally reduced. At a site of particular difficulty, if a reduction from the value(s) prescribed for that design speed is proposed, this shall only be permitted after receiving specific authorization from the Ministry of Public Works, Kuwait Municipality and the Ministry of Interior. . Kuwait Traffic Signs Manual, State of Kuwait, 1988 A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO, 2001 Page 3 4 Kuwait Higltway Design Mnnuai Chapter 4 Sight D i s t a m 4.1 General In order to undertake a manoeuvre safely, a road user must have sufficient fomard visibility. Three situations in which forward visibility is particularly important are: Stopping prior to reaching a stationary oktructfon Overtaking on an undivided road Making a decision where a choice of actions presents itself The corresponding distances for these three situations are: Stopping Sight Distance(SSP) Safe Passing Sight Distance (SPSD) Decision Sight Distance (DSD) The sight distance is always measured in a straight line between points on the centreline of each traffic lane. On horizontal curves, the most critical lane is the nearest to the centre of the curve. In order to meet Eha required sight distance, roadside objects on the inside of a curve may need to be set back fuFther from the edge of the travelled way than would be normal on a straight section of road. Further details are given in Chapter 5. 4.2 Eye-height and Object Height The visibility envelope for sight distance is the area between the driver's eye-height and the object height. The visibility envelope shall be checked in both the horizontal and vertical planes, between hrva points in the centre of the lane nearest to the centre of the curve. On divided roads, both carriageways should be checked. For design purposes, the minimum eye-height is taken as 1.05m and the maximum is 2.4m. The minimum height of the stationary object is 0.1 5m1and a maximum height of 2.0m is used. For passing purposes on undivided two-way roads, the object height is taken to be the same as the driver eye-height, the range therefore being between 1.051~1 and 2.4m. 4.3 Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) The visibiiity envelope for SSD is shown in Figure 4.1, namely: Driver eye-height 1.05m to 2.40m Object height 0.15m to 2.00m SSD is made up of two elements, namely perception-reaction distance and braking distance. Further information on the formulae for calculating these elemenls can be found in AASTHO'. Page 4 1 Iluweit Highwey QesignManuel Chapter 4 Overhead obstnrctian Figure 4.1 r Vislbillty Envelopes for Stopping Sight Distance The SSDs for design purposes are given in Table 4.1. Grade affects the breaking distance, and therefore longer SSDs are required on downgrades. Upgrades shorten the breaking distance, but no change is made to the SSD. The "level' values should be used for all upgrades. Table 4.1: Stopping Sight Distance for Design 4.4 Safe Passing Sight Distance (SPSP) SPSD applies to undivided two-way, two lane roads, in which a vehicle undertaking a passing manoeuvre moves into the lane used by vehicles travelling in the opposite direction. Kuwail Highway Deshn Manuaf I I-' I Chapter 4 Sight Distance The visibility envelope for SPSD is shown en Figure 4.2, and is as follows: Driver eye-height Object height / 1.0511-1 to 2.40m 1.05m to 2.40111 Object height Driver eye height \ - Overhead obslruetion <wM~&&/ 1.05m Driver eye height 2.40m 1.05~1 Object height Figure 4.2: Visibility Envelope for Safe Passing Design Distance The SPSD is the summation of four phases undertaken during a passing manoeuvre: The initial manoeuvre The occupation of the left lane The clearance length The opposing vehicle distance Further details of the calculation of these phases are included in AASHTO'. Although grade does have an effect of SPSD, no specific adjustments are to be made. However, designers should be aware of the desirability of increasing the visibility beyond the minimum standard if passing is to be accommodated on a length of road with significant grades. The values of SPSD for use in Kuwait are shown in Table 4.2. Page 4-3 Kuw~itHighmy Design Manuel Chapter 4 Table 4.2: Safe Passing Sight Distance for Design 4.5 Decision Sight Distance(DSD) At certain points on the road network, a driver must make a decision as to which route to follow, or whether there is a need to stop, and it is essential that adequate visibility is provided to allow the decision to be made in suitable time. DSD to be provided at intersections is covered further in the relevant chapters later in this manual. The DSD is longer than the SSD as the correct course of action may be to stop and also because vehicles cover significant distance when manoeuvring without a reduction in speed. The visibility envelope far DSP is the same as for SSD, shown namely: Driver eye-height 1.05m to 2.40m Object height 0.15m to 2.00m on Figure 4.1, DSD consists of the following elements: Detection and recognition phase Decision and response phase Manoeuvre Further details of the calculation of these phases can be found in AASHTO'. DSD is measured from the vehicle location to the hazard (for example the stop sign, the start of the bend or the gore of the ramp terminal) and the values for varying design speeds are given in Table 4.3. fhere are no adjustments required for grades. DSD should be provided where any of the following circumstances apply: Unusual or unexpected manoeuvres required at interchanges or intersections Significant visual distractions, such as traffic control devices and illuminated advertisements Changes in the road cross-section, such as a lane drop Typical examples of such situations are: A rural road leading directly to a STOP control Page 4 4 Kuweit Highway Deslgn Manual Chapter 4 Siuht Dislance An urban road leading directly to a STOP control (sign or signals) An off-ramp leading to an abrupt change in direction The approach to a lanedrop or major fork A complex weaving section (with more than two entries and exits) It may not always be possible to provide full DSD and in these situations consideration should be given to increasing the normal warning sign provision. Table 4-3: Decision Slght Distance for Design 4.6 Maintaining Sight Distances Sight distances should be checked at the design stage by direct measurement from a plan to 1 :f 250 scale or larger. Care should be taken to ensure that no substantial objects obstruct the sightlines, including traffic signs, barriers and bridge parapets. However, isolated slim objects such as lighting columns, sign supports and individual tree trunks can be ignored. On existing roads, sight distances are measured directly on the ground, by observation from the relevant eye-height to a target at object height, along the centreline of each lane. SSD should be maintained throughout the length of the route under consideration, and this may welt have a constraining influence on the design of other geometric elements of the road. DSD should be provided under the circumstances described in Section 4.5. On horizontal curves,it is necessary for obstructions to vision that are located on the inside of the curve ta be adequately set back from the edge of the travelled way. In particular, appropriate setbacks should be provided to the face of barriers and bridge parapets located on the inside of the curve, and verge or median widening may be necessary to accomplish this. In cuttings, the side-slopes may interfere with forward visibility, and sight distances should be checked three-dimensionally. Page 4-5 Kuwafi Hignway Design ~Wanuel On vertical crest cunres, the minimum values of curvature set out in Chapter 6 of this manual are adequate to cater for SSP,but it is always necessary to check to DSD, where relevant. On vertical sag curves, the upper bound of the sight distance envelope should be checked where there is an overhead obstructiomn to visibility such as an overbridge or a sign gantry. Provision of Safe Passing Sight Distance It is not necessary for passing to be possible throughout the length of a two-way undivided road, but frustration and dangerous manoeuvres can result if there are insufficient opportunities provided to allow vehicles to pass each other safely. As a minimum, half the route length should permit safe passing. Where this cannot be achieved, consideration should be given to the provision of an auxiliary lane. Further details can be found in AASHTO'. ' A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001, AASHTO, 2007 .- Page 4-6 Kuwafi Highway Design Menw1 Chapter 5 Horizonta! Alignment General Road users should be able to travel along a roadway safely at a continuous uniform design speed, and the horizontal alignment must be designed to permit this. Factors that influence the degree of horizontal curvature of a road include: Safety Design speed Topography, adjacent land use and obstructions Vertical alignment Maximum allowable superelevation Road classification Cost All of these factors must be balanced to produce a good alignment. Poor design will lead to a reduction in the safety and capacity of the road. In addition to the specific guidance given in this section, there are a number of general considerations that are important in designing a safe and economic design. They are particularly applicable to high speed situations and are listed below. It is preferable to use a curve of greater radius than the minimum value quoted, retaining the use of minima to more critical locations. Compound circular curves, which consist of two or more arcs joined end-to-end in one direction, should be used with caution and should be avoided where conditions permit the use of a simple curve. Where compound curves are used, the radius of the flatter cuwe should not be more than 50 percent greater than the radius of the sharper curve. This consideration however does not necessarily apply at intersections and roundabouts, where lower speeds pertain. Reverse circular cunres, which consist of two arcs curving in opposite directions, on high speed roads should include an intervening transition section of sufficient length to accommodate the reversal of superelevation between the circular curves. If there is a length of normal crown tangent between the curves, then the distance between reverse curves should be sufficient to accommodate the superelevation runoff and the tangent runout for both curves. Where the superelevation is to be reversed without an intervening normal crown section, the length between the reverse curves should be such that the superelevation runoff lengths abut, thus providing only an instantaneous level section across the pavement. Further details can be found in Section 5.5.4 of this manual. 8roken-back curves, which consist of two curves in the same direction connected with a short tangent, should not be used. They are not expected by drivers and are not pleasing in appearance. = Horizontal alignment should be consistent with other design features and topography. In particular there is a need for ca-ordination with vertical alignment, and this is discussed in Chapter 6 of this manual. On divided roads, consideration may be given to providing independent horizontal and vertical alignments for each carriageway. Page 5-1 K m f t Highway Design Manual Chapter 5 Hon'f~nt~f Alignment r 5.2 Maximum Superelevation , On a straight length of road, transverse drainage is accomplished by the use of crossfall at a standard rate of 2%. On an undivided road, the surface normally falls outwards from both sides of a central crown line (this arrangement being called normal crown), while on a divided road the surface of each pavement normally falls outwards from the median. On horizontal cunres, this crossfall makes it more difficutt for drivers on the outside of the curve to make the turning manoeuvre, and so at radii below a certain value, it is necessary to eliminate this adverse crossfall by making the whole road fall towards the inside edge of the curve. The resulting superelevation is 2%. On tighter curves, a higher superelevation value can be adopted to assist drivers in travelling around the corner. The maximum superelevation is governed by the speed of the slower vehicles, whose drivers find it both unexpected and diffrcutt to have to exert a steering force against the direction of the curve. In Kuwait, rain following a long dr)r period can result in low road surface friction factors, and therefore the use of relatively steep cross falls is to be avoided. The maximum superelevation to be used in Kuwan is shown in Table 5.1. Table 5.7 E Maximum Superelevation 5.3 Minimum Curvature There is a direct relationship between the speed of a vehicle, the radius of the curve, the superelevation and the side friction between the tyre and the road surface. where R = radius of cunre (m) V= vehicle speed (kmh) e = superelevation (%) divided by 100 f, = side friction factor The side friction factor has been found from observations to lie in the range 0.35 to 0.50 on dry roads, but on wet surfaces it may drop to around 0.20.On the grounds of safety, it is normal to adopt even lower values for design purposes. Table 5.2 shows Page 5 2 i. Kuwait Highway Weslgn Mgnual Chapter 5 Horizontal Alignment the values to be adopted, which vary linearly from 0.170 at 30 kmlh to 0.113 at 120 kmlh. Table 5.2: Side Friction Factors for Design I Design Speed Side Friction Factor 30 0.170 40 0.164 50 0.157 60 0.151 70 0.145 80 0.138 90 0.132 100 0.325 110 0.179 120 0,173 - Accordingly, for a given design speed, minimum radii can be determined for a range of superelevation rates, and these are given in Table 5.3. On local residential streets with design speeds of 50kmh and less, full superelevation should not be provided, as this can give drivers the impression that higher standards apply and accordingly, operational speeds are likely to be greater. The radii shown in columns (3) to (5) of Table 5.3 can be used, but with superelevation limited to 2%. Table 5.3: Minimum Horizontal Curvature Design Speed 1 Mlnfrnum Radii {rn) Superelevation Superelevatian limited to 2% (refer to paragraph a b m ) Page 5 3 K m i f Highway Design Manuel Chapter 5 Horirontal Alionment At intersections other than roundabouts, the normal crown or superelevation of the main road should be continued through the intersection, with the minor road longitudinal profile tying in to the main road cross-sectional profile. At roundabouts, different considerations apply, and these are dealt with in Chapter 15 of this manual. 5.4 Calculation of Superelevation The superelevatian for a given design speed is calculated as follows; ' ' For radii in column (1) of Table 5.3 and larger superelevation. - Normal crown of 2%, with no - For radii in the range lying between column (2) and column (1) Crossfall of 2% towards the inside of the curve. For radii in the range lying between column (5) and column (2) calculated in accordance with the following formula: 5.5 Transition Curves 5.5.1 General - Superelevation Drivers naturally follow a transitional path as they change from a straight to a circular curve and good highway design reflects this fact. The introduction of transition curves - , also improves the appearance of the alignment and assists in the introduction of superelevation prior to the circular curve. There are a number of transition curve types available to the designer and the use of the Euler spiral (or clothoid), rather than other types such as the cubic parabola, is prescribed for Kuwait. In the spiral or dothoid, the degree of curvature varies directly with the length along the curve. Transitions are not required with circular curves whose radii are equal to or greater than those given in Column (1) of Table 5.3. They are also not required on roads with design speeds of 70kmlh or less. Figure 5.1 shows the layout of a typical transition curve joining a straight (tangent) alignment to a circular curve. Page 5-4 K m h Hwwey Design Manuel Chapter 5 Hmiantai Alignment Tangent --, / I I I Transition curve Straight R = Radius af circular curve TS = SC = S = Tangent to spiral Spiral to circular wrve Shift (offset ofcircular curve) Figure 5.1: Typical Arrangement of Transition Curve 5.5.2 Length of Transition Curve The length of the transition curve (TS to SC on Figure 5.1) depends on the radius of the circular curve into which it leads. It is defined by the following formula: where 'L, = length of spiral (m) V = design speed (kmlh) q = rate of change of centripetal acceleration (mls3) R = radius of circular curve (m) The value of q is primarily dictated by comfort considerations, and a value of 0.3rn/s3 is desirable. However a figure of 0.6rn/s3 can be adopted where this assists the design. By way of illustration, Table 5.4 gives rounded values of the computed spiral lengths for the radii in Column (4) of Table 5.3. The maximum transition length is limited to d ( 2 4 ~m, ) where R is the radius of the circular curve. The designer should ensure that the transition length used is below this value. Page 5 5 K m i f Highwey Design Manual Chapter 5 Hmf ontal ATqnmenf Table 5.4: Basic Spiral Lengths for Minimum Radii at 6% Superelevation 6% superelevation ( 5.5.3 Length of Superelevation Application Superelevation shall not be introduced, or adverse camber removed, so gradually as to create large almost flat area of carriageway, to cause driver discomfort or to kink the edges of the carriageway. A satisfactory appearance can usually be achieved by ensuring that the carriageway edge profije does not vary in grade by more than about 0.5% from the line about which the carriageway is pivoted, and by ample smoothing of all changes in edge profile. As a minimum, superelevation should be applied over the length derived from the following formula. L= where 1.5xWxA L = length required to accommodate the change in superelevation (m) W= width of carriageway over which change in superelevation occurs (m) Ae = change in gradient (%) The minimum lengths required to accommodate the change in superelevation have been calculated for a range of superelevation rates and carriageway widths, and are given in Table 5.5. If longer lengths are used, then the change in gradient will be less than 0.5% and the designer should check the alignment for flat spots that may cause drainage problems. Table 5.5: Minimum Length Required to Accommodate Change in Superelevation Page 56 ., Kuwait Highway Design M~nual chapter 5 Horizonial Alignment 5.5.4 Application of Superelevation Figure 5.2 shows typical methods of developing superelevation by rotating about the edges and about the centre of the road. The designer should use the most appropriate method to suit the situation. For divided roads, greater consideration of topography, cut and fill, catchments and median drainage is required and the designer should consider the possibility of adopting different vertical andlor horizontal geometry for the two separate pavements. The formula for the reverse curve over which the superelevation is to be applied is: where Y = offset of channel, relative to the line about which the carriageway is pivoted, at distance x, m x= distance from start of application, rn s = maximum offset of channel superelevation, relative to the line about which the carriageway is pivoted, rn L = length of application of superelevation, rn If transitions are proposed, superelevation or elimination of adverse camber shall generally be applied on or within the length of the transition curwe and from the arc end. On roads without transitions, between % and X of the cant shall be introduced on the approach straight and the remainder at the beginning of the curve, 5.6 Widening on Curves The rear wheels of vehicles do not exactly follow the track of the front wheels, and therefore.it is necessary to widen the pavement on low radius curves, Wdening on curves of lesser radius than T25m is dealt with in Table 14.6 of this manual, which covers right turning at intersections but is equally applicable to lowradius curves elsewhere. It should be noted that widening is dependent on vehicle geometry (particularly on wheelbase),lane width and curve radius. Widening should be applied, in both directions d travel, to produce the lane width on the circular curve as shown in Table 5.6. On divided roads it is only necessary to widen the outer Fane of both pavements, all other lanes remaining at their normal width. Tabla 5.6: Minimum Lane Wldth on Cunres Radius (m) Lane Width (m) >A25 to 300 >300to 400 More than 400 normal width Nde: For ndil of 125m and below, referlo Table 14.6 for details of lane widths Page 5-7 K m i l Highway Design Manuel Chepbhr 5 Hotizonlel Alignment Tangent runout SuperelwaBon runoff 1 Normal crown- SE: Runoff slope P .-- ---- Outside edge of pavement ----- / Grade T- =a ?T -,.A- A - ----ZL- - control Inside .. edge - of-pavement . .- ' Pavement rotated about centrellm Tangent runout Swperelwation runqff r _ I I vr Runoff slope / I- ,' --/ --------inside edge of pavement =.. B _. .D Inskle edge-Profile 4- A , - % - - control Pavement mtated about insEde edge Tangent runout Superelevation runoff , --7 I 5: Nmal --.. --$Grade ----.._ R U Mslope ---. - - Inside edge of pavement A B I , r C --' D Outside edge -' Profile control Pavement rotated about outside edge Notes : A = Normal crown 0 = Adverse amber elimhated C = Superelevation at normal crossfall rate D = Full superelevation Figure 5.2: Development of Superelevation Page 5 8 KWH HIphwey Design Manual It is good practice to provide all the additional pavement width by widening on the inside of the curve, as shown on Figure 5.3. Widening is developed over the length of the transition, thus maintaining the full widening around the circular portion of the curve. Figure 5.3: Application of Pavement Widening on Curves Lateral Clearances Generally, no structures aparl from slim roadside furniture such as sign posts and lighting columns are allowed to fall within the roadside service resewations, and this normally provides a verge area over which sight lines can be maintained. However in some locations, there may be a significant obstruction to sight lines within the right of way, or the radius of the curve may be sufficiently tight that the sight distance envelope extends outside the right of way. It is important to check that the setback to obstructions is such that proper sight distances are maintained. Sight distances are measured between points on the centreline of the traffic lane and the setback (measured from that line), within which visibility must be maintained, is given in Table 5.7 to Table 5.9. When designing two-way, undivided roads, the Safe Passing Sight Distance (SPSD) should be considered, and this is detailed in Chapter 4. If SPSD is to be maintained around a curve, a large lateral clearance may be required, as indicated in Table 5.8, and this is likely to be ~neconomical. Radii should generally only be used on two-way undivided roads where full SPSD can be provided within the allocated Right of Way. The minimum setback to maintain Decision Sight Distance (DSD), given in Table 5.9, has been calculated using the worst case DSDs from Section 4.5 in this manual. IF the setback values are required for one of the other scenarios, then the designer should use the formula given below. The simplified formula an which these tables are based is: where x = offset (m) R = radius of curve (m) D = sight distance (m) Page 5 9 Tabk 57: Minimum Setback to Maintain Stopping Slght Distance (Level Road) ;et (m) from Centreline of Nearest Lane, for Design Speed of . Radius (m) 80kmlh 60kmlh 7Oknrlh 200 4.8 7.0 300 3.0 4.6 7.1 400 2.3 3.5 2.8 90kh IOOkmlh 5.3 8.1 10.8 4.2 6.4 8.6 IlOkmlh 100 500 Table 5.8: Minimum Setback to Maintain Safe Passing Sight Dishnce 12.3 12Okmlh K m i i HEghwey Design Manual Chapter 5 Horizontal Aligtpent table 5.9: Minimum Setback to Maintain Decision Slght Distance (Urban, No Stop Situation) 5.8 Visual Appearance of Horizontal Geometry The aim of good alignment Is to combine the various components in a manner that results in the road being perceived by the road user as a free-flowing, harmonious form without visual discontinuities, while also providing a safe route with adequate sight distances. The principles of flowing alignment are closely linked with the way in which the driver sees the read line and in particular the shape of the road edges. Small changes in direction should be avoided, as these are likely to appear unsatisfactory from the vehicle. When two straights are connected, the use of a short horizontal curve is likely to cause the impression of a kink, as illustrated in Figure 5.4. Page 5-1 1 Kweil Highwey Design Manual Figure 5.4: The Effect of a Short Cuwe Between Two Straights The use of a larger radius can improve the appearance, but it Is not possible to avoid the illusion of a sharp change in direction. The best results are likely to be achieved with a flowing series of curves and transitions, and no straights. However, on undivided two-way roads, straight lengths may be desirable in order to achieve the required Safe Passing Sight Distance. Abrupt changes in direction can be unsatisfactory on local roads as well as major routes. In Figure 5.5 the straights have been joined without the use of a horizontal curve. The appearance is improved when a horizontal curve is added, as shown in Figure 5.6. Page 5-1 2 K w i f H&hway Design Manual Chapter 5 HdritontalAlignr#nt Flgure 5.5: Angular Geometry on a Local Road Flgure 5.6: Curred Geometry on a Local Road Page 5-13 Kuwafl Highway Design PAenuel Short straight sections of road should not be interposed between horizontal curves in opposite direction because this will give the appearance of a kink. Similarly straight section with curves in the same direction produce a 'broken-back' curve, which is both visually unattractive and difficult for drivers to negotiate. The use of longer transition curves or larger radii may remove this difficulty. Figure 5.7 summarises alignments to be avoided and alignments to be sought where possible. Poor features I 7 . Small change of direction 2. Short horizontal curve between two straights 3. Reverse curue with short tangent 4. Broken-back cuwe with short tangent 5. Out of balance alignment Good features i.Well-balanced alignment 2. Use of cunres rather than straights where feasible Figure 5.7: Summary of Alignment Features on Divided Roads 5.9 Horizontal Curves on Local Streets Vehicle speeds on urban local streets are considerably lower than on major roads. Transition curves can be omitted, and a normal camber or 2Oh soperelevalion should be provided, rather than the maximum permissible superelevation of 4. See Chapter 9 of this manual for further information. The introduction of curves to residential roads is an effective form of speed control, but small-radius bends Iinked by long straights can induce sharp brakinglacceleration behaviour. . If used as part of an overall traffic calming scheme, they can be beneficial. Curves of a tight radius are permissible and are known as speed limiting bends. information on f raffic Calming is given in Chapters 1 and 9 of this manual. Further The minimum radii to be provided at intersections are dealt with in the relevant chapters later in this Manual. Page 5 1 4 Kuwait Highway Design Menrrel 6.1 General The vertical alignment consists of longitudinal gradients connected by vertical curves and must be carefully designed in order that road users can travel safely at a continuous uniform speed. Factors that influence the design of the vertical alignment or longitudinal profile of a road include: Safety Design speed Topography and adjacent land use Horizontal alignment Earthworks balance Road class Drainage Levels of access to adjacent properties Vehicle operating characteristics As with horizontal geometry, all of these factors must be balanced to produce a good alignrnent. A poor vertical alignment will result in lower speeds and a reduction in the safety and capacity of the road. In addition to the specific guidance given in this chapter, there are a number of general considerations, which are important in designing a safe and economic vertical alignment. These are outlined below and are particularly applicable to highspeed situations. A smooth profile with gradual changes, consistent with the class of road and the character of the terrain, is preferable to a vertical alignment with numerous sharp breaks and short lengths of uniform gradient. A roRer coaster or hidden dip type of profile should be avoided. A smoothly rolling profile, rather than a straight profile, can often result in economy of construction, without sacrificing operating characteristics and aesthetics. A broken-back profile (two vertical curves in the same direction separated by a short section of uniform grade) is not desirable, particularly in sags, where a full view of the profile is possible. In flat terrain the profile is oflen controlled by drainage considerations. It is important that adequate falls (both longitudinal and transverse) are provided so that water drains freely from the road surface. The height of the profile above the surrounding ground may be governed by the need to provide drainage structures under the road. In areas where, after rain, surface water is known to stand above ground level, or where the groundwater table is immediately below the surface, the profile should be designed so that the lowest part of the road surface is at least 0.5m above that water level. If the water table is a permanent one, then this figure should be increased to 1.Om, due to the possibility of capillary action. Page &1 KWB& Highway Design Manuel Chapter6 VerficalAlignment = In areas of rock, it Is desirable that the profile of the lowest part of the road surface should be at least 0.3m above the rock level, in order to avoid unnecessary rock excavation. Vertical curves that are substantially longer than the length required for stopping sight distance are generally mere aesthetically pleasing. Superelevation runoff occurring on a vertical cunse designed to near-minimum standards requires special attention to ensure that minimum vertical curvature is maintained in all lanes. Both edge profiles should be checked and adjusted . where necessary, in order to maintain the desired minimum vertical curvature. It is not desirable for intersections to occur on sections of road that have steep gradients, and the design should seek to avoid this situation. The primary determinant of the vertical alignment is the topography, including the levels at tie-ins of intersecting roads, utilities 20 be crossed and thresholds of adjacent properties. Good design should seek to minimize the extent of earthworks required. It is conventional to denote an uphill .gradient (in which levels increase as the driver advances along a profile) as positive (*ye), and a downhill gradient as negative (-ye). 6.2 Vertical Curves A vertical curve is a curve on the longitudinal profile of a road, which allows for a change of gradient. Vertical curves should be provided at all changes in gradient except at intersections and on local roads and streets where the change in grade is less than 1.Ox. Vertical curvature is designed to provide for comfort, for SSD at the design speed, and where appropriate, for DSD and for SPSO on undivided roads. A crest curve is a vertical curve that is convex in shape, and which reduces upgrade andlor increases downgrade. Conversely, a sag curve is a vertical curve that is concave in shape, and which increases upgrade and/or decreases downgrade, Crest and sag curves are illustrated in Figure 6.1. Page 8-2 Kuwait Highway Desbn Menual chapter 6 VerticalAlignment Crest Vertical Curves ' Sag Vertical Curves G,and G2= Tangent gradients (%) - A = G1 G2= Algebraic difference in gradients VIP = Vertleal interseclionpoint VC F Length of vertical curve (rn) X = Distance at any point on the curve measured from point PC (m) e = Height frpm curve lo VIP a4 VCn (m) Figure 6.1: Types of Vertical Cuwe Source: Adwled ham MsMo' A parabolic curve with an equivalent axis centred on the VIP is normally used in highway design. The rate of change of gradient at svccessive points on the curve is a constant amount for equal increments of horizontal distance along the curve. Thus the rate of change of gradient is equal to the difference between the start and end gradients of the curve divided by the horizontal distance between them, or ANC. The reciprocal of this value, VCIA, is the horizontal length in metres required to effect a 0.01 change in gradient and is a measure of curvature, the K value. In other words, the length of the vertical curve is calculated from the following formula: VC= K x A Elevations along the curve for any distance 'X' can be calculated using the following formula: where X, = Elevation at distance X along the curve PC, = Elevation at point PC Page 63 Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chapter6 Vertical Alignment Height 'e'may be calculated from: The position of high or low points can be calculated from the following formula: , If X is negative or if X 3 VC, then the cunre does not have a high or low point. Far crest curves visibility requirements determine the minimum K values that can be used. For sag curves, the need to achieve SSD within the length illuminated by headlights Is generally the determining factor. Adoption of the K values given in Table 6.1 will normally meet the requirements of visibility, but SSD should always be specifically checked because the horizontal alignment of the road and the presence of crossfall, superelevation and features such as signs and structures adjacent to or above the pavement all interact with the curvature to determine the visibility. Table 6.1: Minimum Vertical Curvature for Dlvided Roads Where DSD is to be maintained over a crest curve, significantly flatter curves are required, with K values as shown in Table 6.2. Page 6-4 Chapter 6 Veftical Alignment mn Table 6.2: Minimum Crest K Values for Decision Sight Distance (Worst Case) Ij I For undivided roads, where the horizontal alignment has been designed to allow passing, the crest curvature should also provide far Safe Passing Sight Distance. Conversely, there is no merit in providing a passing crest if the horizontal SPSD does not permit passing. K values to permit passing on vertical curves on two-lane undivided roads are given in Table 6.3. M e r e passing is not permitted, the minimum values for divided roads given in Table 6.1 may be used for undivided roads. Table 6.3: Minimum Crest K values to Permit Passing an Two-way, Undivided Roads I I 6.3 Maximum Gradient The selection of suitable maximum gradients is heavily dependent on vehicle characteristics, particularly those of trucks. There are two considerations, namely the maximum gradient and the length over which it is appropriate for it to occur. The maximum gradients far use in Kuwait are given in Table 6.4. Page 6-5 Kuwait Highway Design Menwrl Chapier 6 Vedical Alignment Table 6.4: Maximum Gradient Road Class Maximum Gradient (%) Special Roads 4 Primary Roads 6' Secondary Roads 6 Local Roads 8 In industrial areas, gradients should preferably be limited to 6%. In residential areas where properties lie adjacent to the road, the desirable maximum gradient is 3%. At grade-separated interchanges, the maximum grade for on and off ramps may be up to 2% greater than the corresponding maximum gradient permitted on the main line. Gradients approaching at-grade intersections, signalised intersections, or roundabouts should not exceed 2% (up or down) for a minimum of 15m before the Stop or Give W a y line. Even relatively gentle upgrades, if continued for a sufficiently long distance, will slow trucks considerably. The guidelines given in Table 6.5 for the maximum length of sustained gradient are based on a speed reduction for trucks of 15kmlh. Table 6.5: Critical Grade Lengths If gradients are sustained for greater distances, then truck speeds fall accordingly. Consideration might also be given to the provision of a climbing lane. Should a scheme including a climbing lane be considered in Kuwait, the designer is referred to Part 1 of Section 1 in Chapter 6 of the DMRB', or to Chapter 3 of AASHTO'. Minimum Gradient Although from a vehicle operating point of view there is no reason why a road cannot be level, drainage considerations generally make this inappropriate. A level road with a normal crown sheds water from the crown to the edge of the pavement, but longitudinal drainage is not possible and large areas of ponding occur at the kerb. While it is possible to tackle this by channel grading (the use of varying KuwaH H&hwey Design Manual Chapter 8 Vertical Alignment falls outwards from the crown to create rise and fall along the kerb line) or by over the edge drainage, neither of these arrangements is completely satisfactory, and it is far better to arrange for the main line profile to have a longitudinal gradient. The minimum desirable longitudinal gradient for satisfactory drainage is 0.5%. An absolute minimum of 0.3% may be used bn Local Roads only. 6.5 Visibility It is particularly important to check that there are no restrictions to visibility caused by safety barriers, median kerbs, bridge piers, etc, especially at locations with both horizontal and vertical curvature. Visibility at sag curves is usually not obstructed unless overbridges, signs or other features are present. This should be checked using the upper bound of the visibility envelope for the relevant Sight Distance. If, at crests, the sight line is across a landscaped verge, consideration should be given to adopting a lower verge profile so that the maximum overall height of the landscaping, when mature, is kept below 0.5rn. 6.6 C haice of Longitudinal Profile The vertical alignment is controlled mainly by geometric standards but should also be influenced by the nature of material in the cuttings and by earthworks considerations. Ideally, a balance should be achieved between cut and fill, with the calculations making due allowance for shrink and swell, and for suitable and unsuitable material. 6.7 Visual Appearance of Vertical Geometry This section should be read in conjunction with Chapter 5, Horizontal Alignment. As with horizontal alignment, the ideal solution for vertical alignment (when topography and other controlling factors permit) is a series of well modulated vertical curves, proportioned so that they avoid the problems discussed below. The sag curve plays an important part in achieving internal harmony in the alignment since, unlike the crest curve, its whole length is often visible at the one time. As is the case with horizontal curves and straights, when a sag curve is used to join two tangent grades, the curvature must be sufficiently large to avoid the appearance of a kink. Tangents, especially short ones, between two sag cutves can result in an awkwardlooking profile. Figure 6.2 summarizes types of vertical alignment to be avoided and those to be aimed for in the design process. Page 6-7 KWH H&bwey Design Manuel Figure 6.2: Summary of Vertical Alignment Features 6.8 Combining Horizontal and Vertical Alignment To obtain a satisfactory alignment it is important to integrate the vertical and horizontal geometry, and to consider the road as a three-dimensional unit. Where possible, the horizontal and vertical alignment should be in phase, with corresponding elements in the horizontal and vertical planes beginning and ending -approximatelytogether. It is not always possible to keep vertical and horizontal elements entirely in phase with each other, but provided that the amount by which they are out-of-phase is small, this is not likely to worsen the visual appearance significantly. A modest degree of overlap (in comparison with the length of the element) may even make a positive contribution to the integration of the geometry. Page 6 4 Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chapter 6 Vertkel Alignment In general longer, coincident curves are preferred but if prevalent conditions prevent their use, it is nevertheless possible to achieve significant improvement by the use of longer overlapping curves. A summary of desirablelundesirable combinations of alignment is provided in Figure 6.3. HorizmH a m curve rcithin its lw. W i n i n g a lrxlv aest cllrve vrithin its lengtk S M vertical uxw betwaenQladesina M z m l mve Hwiwntal mfdlm+y a straight and starting masagamewhich fdlm a arxk \ rzxcn Hwizmtal and vertid J a r m in phase (the v m i 1 continmtymoffenbe j W b y M % M e horizontal elements slrghtly leadlrg the verttd ones) - - w I J possible US8 three dimenriaableomsad avwd the use of straights Usead1b a l a m d m dmensimdigmmt !3q am?joined ky a level length orgrade and w r r f r q alwg a straigM f d l d b$a horizontal m a Crest cllrve fdtby a sag cxlrve oaxlning dong a straigM f d l m by a hwizmal a m A t a m length k w m averti~al~urveanda mmpud- Reversehwitantalarrve with the change in arrvature situated at the top ofa sharp crest arrve - Oul d phase H i m W l y balanced Figure 6.3: Summary of Desirable I Undesirable Alignment Combinations I Page 6-9 K w i t Highway Design Manual cnapler s Vertical Alignmnt 6.9 Vertical Clearances Minimum vertical clearance (or headroom) is specified to prevent vehicles, or their loads, from coming into contact with any overhead structure. The preferred clearance for new construction Is 6.0m. The minimum clearance for new construction is 5,5117.This is to be provided across all trafficked lanes, including any shoulders or edge strips. The maintenance headroom of 5.3m must be available at all times. This makes an allowance of up 200mm for pavement overlay, which may be applied during the maintenance of the road. Minimum clearance shall be provided to all structures and roadside furniture overhanging the pavement, including all bridges and building structures, sign gantries, overhead cables and suspended lighting. Where a road passing underneath a bridge is on a sag curve, the headroom needs to be increased to allow for the limiting effect of the sag. Table 6.6 provides the details. Table 6.6: Additional Clearance to be Provided on Sag Curves Where a public utility specifies a minimum vertical clearance to its plant, then the greater of the clearances must be provided for. Protective measures such as guard wires may be required at ovehead cable crossings. Advice should be sought from the Ministry of Electricity and Water when planning works in the vicinity of their installations. Where a road passes beneath overhead cables, the designer can maximize the vertical clearance by positioning the road as close as possibte to an electricity pylon, where the cable will be considerably higher than at the centre point between two pylons. For minimum horizontal clearances to electrical apparatus, advice should be sought from the Ministry of Electricity and Water. 6 10 Local Roads There are a number of considerations particularly relevant to local roads and streets (including access roads and cul-de-sacs) that should be borne in mind. Residential and Commercial Areas: Match threshold levels in areas of existing development Preferred maximum slope across housing plots is 3% Ktnvaf! Highway Design Manuef Chapter 6 Vertical Alignment Valley points, where water may collect, should be kept away from residential accesses Road levels should preferably be below, rather than above, the level of adjoining properties Vertical curves should generally be at least 30m in length - On local roads and streets, a change in vertical alignment is offen best made where there is a sharp horizontal bend Levels of existing utilities may dictate the vertical alignment of new roads The preferred maximum longitudinal gradient for a footpath is 5%. The absolute maximum longitudinal gradient, for use over short lengths of footpath, is lo%, and although steps may be used to achieve a steeper grade, these are not preferred because they limit access by wheelchairs The maximum change in gradient between a driveway and a road or property should be7% and the profile rounded to eliminate vehicle grounding. Low retaining walls or planters may be used ta assist in matching road levels to existing plot boundaries, but must not be allowed to present a hazard to vehicle or pedestrian traffic Industrial Areas (or where industrial traffic is present): Maximiurn gradients should be 6% to accommodate heavy vehicles comfortably After long er steep downgrades, heavy vehicles may require additional level areas for braking purposes Sudden changes in transverse or longitudinal gradient should not occur, so that vehicle loads remain stable " A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001, AASHTO, 2001 DMRB, The Highways Agency, UIK Department of Environment, Transport, Local Government and the Regions, UK Government, various dates Page 6-1 2 7 CROSS-SECTIONAL ELEMENTS 7.1 General This Chapter considers the geometric elements of a typical road cross section. The limits of the road cross section are governed by the width of the available right of way. This is normally determined at the planning stage. Chapters 9 to 12 contain drawings showing examples of typical road cross sections adopted in Kuwait and the purpose of this chapter is to discuss the geometric characteristics of the various components that together make up the cross section. The basic elements of a road cross section are as follows: limits of Right of Way (7.2) Side Slopes (7.3) Verges (7.4) . Service Reservations (7.5) Shoulders and Kerb Clearances (7.6) Clearances to Structures (7.7) Clearances to Safety Barriers (7.8) Lane Widths (7.9) Median Widths (7.10) Cross Slopes (7.11) . Gutters and Drainage Ditches (7.12) i d-J - - 1.6 1. ,:,:*.a ;; , - Other Elements within the Cross-Section (7.1 3) Typical urban and rural cross sections are shown in Figure 7.1. ROW Flgure 7.1 : Cross-sedlonalElements 7.2 Limits of Right of Way The limits of the right of way form the outer boundary of the cross section. In Kuwait the width of the right of way is proposed at the planning stage. The chosen width of the right of way should permit the design of a well balanced cross section, taking into account the road class, the projected traftic flows, the topography, the surrounding land uses and any other relevant parameters (such as grade separation provision). Table 7.9 summarizes the typical Kuwait provision of overall right of way width for various road classes. More details can be found in Chapters 9 to 12. The values are Page 7-1 K m i t Highway Desbn Manual Chapter 7 Cmss-SectionalElements for guidance only and may be increased to allow for the space taken up by earthworks, utilities or structures such as bridges or tunnels. Table 7.1: Preferred Width (and Range) of the Right of Way In K w a %.(m) All road furniture such as signing, lighting, barriers and structures, should be . positioned within the right of way. Side SIopes Side slopes fall into two categories, embankment slopes and cuffing slopes. Cuttings have a back slope leading from the surrounding terrain to a drainage ditch and a fore slope leading up from the ditch to the verge and the pavement. The design considerations for a fore slope are the same as for an embankment, whereas a back slope is designed as a cutting. Side slopes serve two primary functions, enabling the vertical alignment of the road to be achieved and providing structural stability to the road itself. Where side slopes exist, they also serve a secondary function. They provide a surface over which outof-control vehicles may travel and recover. Their design, therefore, also seeks to minimise the overturning of such vehicles. The angle of the side dopes depends on the slope material. Rock cuttings in hilly areas can be stable at relatively steep angles. Embankments of granular material require shallow angles. In areas prone to wind-blown sand, slope angles should be avoided as they create eddies that lead to the deposition of sand drifts an the pavement. An adequate Geotechnical Investigation should be carried out. The investigation will provide scientific guidance regarding the maximum slope for cut and fill, and the criteria for benching or erosion protection, if required. In general, embankment side slopes should fall away from the verge at a slope of 1 in 6 (16%) or flatter. It is usual to provide a safety barrier where embankment slopes are steeper than *f in 3 (33%) or where the overall height of the slope is greater than 6m. Flatter slopes are preferable, provided that there is adequate fall for drainage. Slopes in cutting are determined by the nature of the material in which they are excavated. Other than in rock, slopes should preferably not exceed 1 in 3 (33%). If there is insufficient width to provide side slopes in accordance with these guidelines, the use of retaining waHs or some method of slope stabilisation should be considered. The edges of cutting and embankment slopes should be rounded and smoothed to meet the existing topography. Page 7-2 - 1 Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chapter T Cross-Sectional Ekrnents The intersection of slope planes in the cross section should be rounded to simulate natural earth forms. The rounding and smoothing of slopes helps to rninimise sand drifting and the wash out of sand or other loose material from embankment edges. In rock cuttings, ditches and a debris verge should be provided. These will facilitate surface water run off, and create a safe landing and catchment area for any possible rock fall. The additional width also serves as a useful area for rock face maintenance. Side slopes under the back spans of open-span, overbridges should be paved, and the aesthetics and economics of the w e r bridge rather than other considerations will normally dictate the slope. 1 in 7% (67%) is generally regarded as a maximum. 7.4 Verges The verge acts as a buffer zone between the edge of the pavement (kerb or back-ofshoulder) and either the side slope or the surrounding physical features. The verge is normally unpaved in rural areas. In urban areas, the verge may include landscaping and a paved footway. The verge provides stability to the edge of the pavement construction, reducing the chances of damage due to erosion. It also accommodates road furniture, such as signs, signals, lighting and structures. Utilities, such as electricity and water, are laid underground alongside roads and should be allowed for within the highway right of way. Such services are usually laid in the verge, which may need to be significantly wider than would normally be required for traffic safety reasons. Verge widths vary from a desirable minimum of 2.25m (for traffic safety reasons) up to the limits of the right of way. Generally, a paved verge is designed with a 2.5% crossfall towards the road pavement for drainage purposes. However, with wider paved verges, crossfall should be designed towards specific drainage collection points located within the verges themselves. It is important to ensure that road furniture or landscaping within the verge does not impinge on the sight distances required for the design speed of the road. Isolated, slender obstructions can be ignored, but massive or continuous obstructions need to be identified and appropriate measures taken to achieve the sight distance standards. One typical method is by means of verge widening, and this is dealt with in Chapter 5. Particular care should be taken at intersections, where the number of signs and other items of street furniture is greater than on the open road. If soakaways are to be installed within the verge, this may also have an influence on its width, particularly if sewices are present. 7.5 Service Resewations Due investigation of utilities should be made at the outset of the design process by direct liaison with the relevant Authorities. The necessary width of the service reservation should then be agreed with the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Electricity and Water, and Kuwait Municipality prior to the commencement of design. Although the recommended cross sections in Chapters 9 to 72 have been designed to allow for the inclusion of services, it may be that the width required by the Utility Authorities is greater than the width that the designer can provide within the right of Page 7-3 - Kuwefi Highway Design Manual Chepftrr7 Cross-SecfionalElements way. Under such circumstances, it is important to reach a proper agreement with all the relevant parties before the design is finalised. 7.6 - 1 - Shoulders and Kerb Clearances The addition of a paved outer shoulder to the outer edge of a road has many advantages and is usually warranted on the basis of the following factors: Provides a place for safe stopping in the event of mechanical difficulty, flat tyre or other emergency,with minimal disruption to traffic flow. a - Offers a clear route for emergency vehicles to reach the scene of an accident. Provides space that may enable avoiding action to be taken in order te escape a podential accident situation. Improves storm water drainage by allowing water to be discharged further From the running lanes, thereby preventing ponding on the travelled way during heavy rain, - ( J- Increases sight distance on horizontal curves and lateral clearance to signs and other obstructions. Creates a feeling of openness that helps to reduce driver stress. Provides structural suppoFt to the pavement edges. - Provides additional running lanes for diversions and space for road maintenance operations. Outer shoulders are not usuatly required on urban local or secondary roads, because the kerbs provide structural support and disabled vehicles can generally find safe places to stop in driveways and side streets. Nevertheless, the adoption of outer shoulders on secondary roads in industrial areas can be beneficial. - On special and primary roads, inner shoulders are commonly provided on the median side of the pavement, but these are normally narrower than the outer shoulders. Shoulders should generally be constructed to Ehe same design as the travelled way, so that the shoulders can carry traffic during maintenance operations. Outer shoulders should normally be designed to the same crossfatl as the adjacent running lane. When providing shoulders, consideration should be given to means of discouraging vehicles from casually using them as an extra lane during times of high traffic flows. This practice compromises the safety of the road and fuels driver frustration. 'Rumble Strips' (a series of raised or lowered strips) perpendicular to the flow of traffic can be provided. The requirements for shoulders are summarized in Table 7.2. 7.6.2 Kerb Clearances Where a kerb is provided, there is a tendency for drivers to steer a distance away from it. This phenomenon is termed 'shying', The greater the speed, the greater the distance drivers will shy away from the kerb. Shying is accommodated by the provision of a suitable kerb clearance additional to the width of the adjacent lane. Where there is a shoulder, there is no need to provide kerb clearance. Page 7-4 -- 1 - - - ChapIsr 7 Crvss-Secthel Elements A kerb clearance of 0.6m should be generally be added to the width of the lane adjacent to kerbed edges on roads with a design speed exceeding 80kmlh. In some instances it may be beneficial to delineate the clearance to the kerb by means of a painted edge line. Under such circumstances, the kerb should be set 0.6m back from the painted line, which is coincident with the edge of the adjacent lane. Table 7.2 provides a summary of the normal requirements for kerb clearances. Table 7.2: Shoulders and Kerb Clearances Rural Undivided Urban none or 0.6 none .- none none or 0.6 Primary Roads Rural Urban Special Roads 7.7 I 1.2 none nla 3.0 1.2 none - 3.0 none Clearances to Structures It is important that structures and other obstructions are set back adequately from the edge of the travelled way. The width of the necessary 'clear zone' is dependent principally on the design speed of the road, but also varies according to the side slope of the earthworks, if any. Table 7.3 sets out the relevant values for clearance to structures. Page 7-5 Kuwa# Hbhwey Design h48nuef Chepter 7 Cmss-SecfmnelElements Table 7.3: Clear Zone Wldth (m) Design Speed {kmlh) Emban krnents Side Slope Side f :6 or Slope 1 :S Flatter At Grade Cuttings - Side Slope Side Slops Side Slope I :6 or Steeper t:5and Flatter than 1:4 1:4 60 5.5 5 5 5 5 5 70 8.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6 5 6.5 80 8.5 6.5 6.5 6 7.5 10 7.5 10 13.5 10 14 10.5 10.5 14.5 11 11 _ ' 5 . 9.5 10 8.5 "Safety barrier is provlded where side sbpe exceeds 7:5 Sourn: AdapW from Table 3.1 of Roadsick Design ~uide' These distances are measured from the nearest edge of the travelled way and therefore include the width occupied by shoulders, service reservations and verges. Where the 'clear zone' cannot be kept completely free from obstructions, safety barriers should be provided to protect the driver of an errant vehicle from colliding with the structure or other obstruction. Additionally, adequate sight disbances should be maintained throughout the length of a route. This may necessitate further setting back of structural walls, piers, abutments etc, and may require safety barriers to be set back further than normal. Refer to Chapters 1, 5 and 6. Clearances to Safety Barriers As a general rule, safety barriers should be placed as far from the travelled way as possible, however, it is also desirable to maintain a uniform clearance in order to provide the driver with a certain level of expectation. Table 7.4 sets out the relevant minimum clearances. Table 7.4: Desirable Minimum Lateral Clearance to Safety Barriers Page 7-6 -. KmtY Highway Design Manual Chepter 7 Crass-Sectionel Elements Ends of barriers should be flared away from the road, as described in Section 8.7.4 of this manual. 7.9 Lane Widths Lane widths have a great influence on the safety and comfort of driving. In particular, the lane width on an undivided road must be sufficient to provide adequate clearance between passing vehicles. The standard lane width for roads in Kuwait is 3.7m. Wowever, this may be reduced to an absolute minimum of 3.0m where standard lane widths cannot be provided and with the approval of the MPW. In industrial areas, a lane width of 3.75m is more appropriate, as set out in Table 7.5. In some instances the lane width may be widened to accommodate the manoeuvring requirements for parking in an adjacent parking lane. At signalised intersections lane widths may be reduced, the absolute minimum being 3.0rn. For lane widening on curves see Section 5.6 of this Manual. Edge lines are provided within the kerb clearance or shoulder width, and lane lines are included within the lane width. Table 7.5: Normal Lane Wdths [m) 7.10 Median Widths 7.10.1 General Medians are used ta separate opposing traffic lanes on multi-lane roads. (Separate advice regarding the outer separation between a service road and the main line is given in Section 7.13.2). Medians provide protection from interference by opposing traffic, rninimise headlight glare, provide additional space for crossing and turning vehicles within at-grade intersections, allow pedestrian refuge in urban areas, and may provide space for utilities and for the creation of future additional lanes. Medians may range in width from as little as t.2m in an urban area to 20m or more in a rural area with street lighting, drainage and landscaping. Median width depends on the extent of the right of way available and the functional requirements of the median. Page 7-7 K m i t Highway Design Menual Chephr 7 Cross-SectFonel Elements On Special Roads, medians are normally provided with safety barriers, to eliminate head-on collisions. Rural divided roads may be similarly treated. It is recommended that urban medians should be kerbed. Rural medians should generally be provided with a 0.6m or 1.2m shoulder and not kerbed; a depressed median is preferred as this improves drainage of the road. A kerbed median is desirable where there is a need to control left turn movements and is also used where the median is l o be landscaped. Special attention should be given to drainage of medians. If the median is kerbed and paved, the median surface should be designed to have slopes of 2% and should fall away from the centre of the median. Non-paved medians should fall towards the centre at a rate of 1 in 6 (17%) when self-draining, but consideration should be given to the provision of additional storage capacity or outlets to allow for storm conditions. Paved medians may require positive drainage systems incorporating manholes or culverts. All drainage inlets in the median should be designed with the top flush with the ground and the culvert ends provided with safety gratings, so that they will not be hazardaus to out of contro! vehicles that stray into the median. It is common practice to landscape medians. This is seen to provide a better environment and reduce driver stress. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of planting to ensure that SSD is not impaired. Furthermore, the upkeep of the landscape and growlh of the plants should be designed for minimal maintenance. Where two abutting sections of road have different median widths, a smooth transition should accommodate this difference. The transition should be as long as possible for aesthetic reasons and should preferably occur within a horizontal curve. Table 7.6 sets out the minimum widths for certain functional requirements of medians. Table 7.6: Minimum Median Widths for CerZaln Functions (m) - nla not applicable other considerationsgovern 7.10.2 Narrow Medians . Narrow medians are those less than 4.0m wide and are used where there is a need to provide a divided road, but where the available right of way does not permit greater median width. They are net wide enough to accommodate effective left turn lanes. The minimum median width to provide a safe pedestrian refuge (away from signalised intersections) is 3.5m.Pedestrians' freedom to cross at locations with a mmwer m@ian should be actively discouraged by the provision of physical chtacles sw31as guardrails. Itis mrnrmgtdedthat narrow medians not be used on rural roads. In urban areas, a arrow mewn should not be considered.if it Es possible to provide an intermediate or W e medlm.al,that parlicular location, while maintaining acceptable standards for ihe ramairfmg cwss section.elemerrts. 7.10.3 lnterrnedikbMedians ~ntermsdi&lvviidth.medians an those in the range 4.0m to 8.Orn. ~ h & an gankally wIBs enough b provide for a leff turn lane: A 6.0m wide median permits the Idrduetiafi of some landscaping. M W & ~ ,wide ~ :M ~ more ~ provide space for effective landscapkg and may be @r., , - , sewiees and drainage. Wide medians may also be used to absorb -I dikimtm across the road reserve. Wide medians s h o d not be implemented at the expense of reduced verge widths. 7.10.5 Norma1 Widths for Medians The normal median provision is shown on Table 7.7, together with the minimum ,..- requirements. 4 +. Table 7.7: Medlan Wldtha (m) Secondary Roads Primary Roads I Special Roads ." ; i r I. 5.1 I I - l r .C--',IT- I . . I , ,/-* , 1. = a d , ' ' ? ; blt I& Urban Rural Minimum 2.0 Normal provision 6.0 Mhirnurn 4.0 Normal provision 6.0 Minimum 2.0 Minimum 6.0 Minimum 2.0 Normal provision 8.0 to 10.0 Minimum 6.0 Normal provision 8.0 to 10.0 INormal provision 8.0 to 10.0 I Nomal provision 8.0 to 10.0 1 Hots: Marrower widths may te appropriate at signalbed intemdons. Mdien w k h my inamam to wit vkibilky raquftemenl : I - 1 I . , i Every effort should be made to provide the normal provision,.values In . Table , 7.7. % ;.I 7.1I 1 Cross Slopes Embankments aligned at right angles to the road can create significant safety hazards for out-of-control vehicles that have strayed off the pavement. The recommendedmaximum slopes are set out in Table 7.8 below. Kwail Highwey Design Manual Chepter 7 Cross-Sectional Ekrnents Table 7.8: Maximum Cross Slopes Condition Absolute maximum - Special Roads Absolute maximum - Rural Primary Roads Absolute maximum - Urban Primary and Secondary Roads Desirable maximum all locations Absolute maximum - all other locations Maximum slope 1 in 10 (10%) 1 in 6 (17%) I 1 in 6 (17%) 1 in 5(20%) 1 in 4 (25%) Where available land is at a premium, side slopes rnay need to be steepened beyond the values given in Table 7.8. At these locations safety barriers parallel to the main line can be provided to contain errant vehicles. For further details refer to the Roadside Design ~ u i d a ' . 7.12 Gutters and Drainage Ditches Where roads are kerbed, the part of the pavement adjacent to the kerb acts as a gutter, collecting rainwater and conveying it to gullies spaced at appropriate intervals. Where a kerb clearance is provided, the gullies can be located within that zone but where the kerb abuts the edge of the travelled way, consideration should be given to the use of side-entry gullies or the adoption of combined kerbIdrainage units. Drainage ditches are generally provided between the back slope and fore slope of a cutting, and often at the toe of an embankment. The design of surface water drainage systems is not within the scope of this manual and advice should be sought from the Ministry of Public Works. 7.13 Other Elements within the Cross-Section 7.13.1 Auxiliary Lanes Auxiliary lanes are additional to the normal through lanes and are introduced in specific locations to serve a particular purpose. This purpose may be one or more of the following: as a speed change lane as a climbing lane as a turning lane as additional storage space as a method of rnaintsining lane 'balance Speed change lanes are used either for acceleration or deceleration, and their design is dealt with in Chapter 18 (Grade Separations and Interchanges) or in Chapter 14 (At Grade Intersections). 'Climbing lanes may be introduced on steep up-gradients, or on sustained up-gradient of lesser severity. Critical gradient lengths, above which provision should be considered, are given in Chapter 6 (Vertical Alignment), Turning lanes permit turning vehicles to undertake the necessary manoeuvre clear of the through traffic. Details are given in Chapter 14 (At Grade Intersections), Chapter 15 (Roundabouts), Chapter 16 (U-Turns) and Chapter 17 (Signalised Intersections). Page 7-10 . Kuwait Highway Design Menual Additional storage space is required at some at-grade intersections, and design issues associated with widening for this purpose are dealt with in Chapter 15 (Roundabouts) and Chapter 17 (Signalised Intersections). Lane balance issues are dealt with in Chapter 18 (Grade Separations and Interchanges). 7.13.2 Service Roads Senrice roads are roads that run roughly parallel with, and are connected to, the main through route of Primary Roads and Special Roads. They are generally of lower design speed and preferably restricted to one-way traffic flow. Service roads segregate the higher speed through traffic from the lower speed local traffic and reduce the number of access points onto the main line. The provision of service roads reduces the interference to traffic flow on the main line, makes the best use of road capacity and results in a safer road. Service roads may also provide an alternative route if maintenance is required of the main line, or in case of an emergency. The width of the service road should be at least 5.0m and is dependent on the type and turning requirement of the traffic i.a. whether light vehicles, buses, delivery lorries or heavy goods vehicles are expected to use it. Further considerations include the type and number of access points and the type and nature of street parking, if required, Service road connections to Primary Roads should be designed as atgrade intersections (in accordance with the guidelines given in Chapter 14) while those for Special Roads should be designed as off-ramps and on-ramps {as specified in Chapter 18). Where service roads are provided, there is a need for a separation between them and the main line. This is known as the outer separation, and its absolute minimum width is 1.2m. This distance aHaws for the provision of a central pedestrian guardrail only and is not sufficient to accommodate any traffic signs. If traffic signs or other street furniture are to be placed in the outer separation, the desirable minimum width is 2.0m. A wider outer separation, giving greater scope for landscaping, thus enhancing the appearance d the road and its adjacent development, is preferred. The designer is referred to AASHTU~for further detailed explanation and guidelines for the layout of service roads and areas. 7.13.3 Bridges Bridges within grade-separated intersections should be designed using the normal parameters contained within this manual, unless it is uneconomic to do so, in which case each situation should be considered on its own merits. The designer should establish the clearance requirements and the applicable design speeds, controlling gradients and vertical curvature limits before beginning preliminary design. Bridges with long spans, large angles of skew, tapers or splays, small radius curvature, or large superelevation should be avoided, as they are likely to be costly and difficult to construct. It should be possible to continue the full standards of the adjacent sections of the route across the bridge. KWH Highway Design Menuel Chaphr 7 Ctvss-Seclional Elements Aim to provide a straight structure. If horizontal curvature is unavoidable, then the bridge should be on a circular curve rather than a transition, and the radius should be as large as possible. Avoid tapers and flared ends. If this is not possible, aim to start such changes in cross section at a pier position. Aim to provide bridges on straight grades (maximurn 6%, minimum 0.5% to permit longitudinal drainage) rather than on vertical curves, If this is not possible, do not adopt a crest curve of less than K=30. = Avoid sag curves on bridges. They are unattractive visually and cause difficulties with drainage. Aim for bridges to have symmetrical spans. This is often achieved by ensuring that both abutments are at the same elevation. Variation in the profile of one kerb line relative to the other is to be avoided. It leads to a deck that appears warped, and is more difficult to construct. If it must occur, the variation should be applied uniformly over the length of the deck. The combination of horizontal and vertical geometry must be carefully considered in order to visualize the aesthetics of the final design. The presence of bridge parapets may obstruct visibility splays. If this is the case, the road or bridge geometry should be altered accordingly. The foward visibility requirements on a sag c u m underneath a bridge should always be checked. For furfher details on bridges, refer to the Kuwait Bridge Design Manual. 7.3 3.4 Tunnels The design of major tunnels is a specialist subject and lies outside the scope of this manual. Elsewhere on the road network, shorter lengths of tunnel or underpass may be required and these should be designed using the normal parameters contained within this Manual. ff it proves uneconomic to do so, each situation shoutd be considered on its own merits. The following general guidance is given: the funnel sho J d be as short as practicable. The tunnel should be straight, if possible. For maximum driver comfort, the aim should be for the tunnel layout to be to the same design speed as the remainder of the route. The mainline cross section (lane, shoulder, edge strip and median widths) should desirably be continued through the tunnel. Horizontat curvature in tunnels restricts forward visibility and widening on the inside of the curve is generally required if proper SSD is to be maintained. Full verticd clearance should be maintained. Vertical curvature can also restrict visibility and the relevant sight envelopes given in Chapter 4 should be provided. When selecting grades for tunnels, consideration shoutd be given to driver comfort and also to ventilation requirements. Page 7-12 The design should avoid the need for traffic signs to be provided within the tunnel. Merging, weaving or diverging movements within a tunnel are highly undesirable. On-s1Sps and off-slips should not be provided within funnels, nor for 300m beyond the ends of the tunnel. Closed Circuit Television coverage connected to a constantly manned control room should be provided. Emergency telephones and fire fighting points should be provided. A raised emergency pavement or similar 'kerbed area (minimum width 0.8m) needs to be provided for drivers of stalled vehides and for maintenance operatives. Roadside Design Guide, AASHTO, 1989 A Policy on Geometric Design .of Highways and Streets 2001, A4SHT0,ZOOl Kuweil Highwey DeMn Manuel Chepier8 Highway Facilltks 8.1 General This Chapter draws together a variety of facilities associated with the road and its corridor that are not addressed elsewhere in the manual. these are: Pedestrian facilities Public transport facilities Parking facilities It then deals with the following specific items of road furniture and provides guidance on their design and provision: Kerbs Fences Safety barriers Energy absorbing barriers Finally, it gives advice on: Traffic calming Landscaping Utilities 8.2 Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian facilities fall into three categories, whose generic names are as follows Crossings - those which cross a road Footpaths - those which are independent of the road system Sidewalks those which run generally parallel to a road 8.2.1 Sidewalks All urban roads should allow space for sidewalks, unless they are being specifically designed to prohibit walking. The decision on whether or not to provide a paved sidewalk depends on a number of factors. Firstly, planning policy for the area may well dictate that paved sidewalks should be provided. Secondly, it is recommended that one be provided if the maximum hourly pedestrian demand exceeds 20 persons per hour in a residential area, and 100 persons per hour in a commercial or industrial area. Thirdly, adjoining land use has an influence on provision. An office building, for example, may generate low pedestrian traffic levels, but it would be appropriate to have a paved sidewalk. In general, in an urban area, a paved sidewalk is provided unless conditions dictate otherwise. In areas with high volumes of pedestrian traffic, sidewalks should be provided on both sides of the road. Most service roads, however, require a sidewalk on one side only. Sidewalks should be continuous over the full pedestrian route. In rural areas, each case should be examined on its own merits, Generally, sidewalks are rarely required, except along sections of road where there is substantial residential or commercial development. In such situations, footpaths may be located Page 8-1 K w a i t HQhwey Design Manual Chapter i9 Hiahwev Facilities remote from the road, often along the outer edge of the right of way, adjacent to the property line. Preferred widths for sidewalks are given in Table 8. I . Table 8.1: Preferred Minimum Width of Sidewalk (m) Urban Road Class Minimum Desirable Secondary Road I 3.5 or more 1.8* . Where provided within verge width, sidewalk should be 1.8m to 1.8* -Special Road Rural None 3.5m None *Minimum dimensions may be used subject to agreement fmm the MinMries of Publk Works. Cornrnunlcatlonsand Ekdrichy and Water regarding access to their underground apparatus The minimum width of a sidewalk is '1.8rn, but generally, the desirable value should be provided. This should be increased near schools, sports venues, mosques, commercial areas or other areas with high pedestrian volumes. The width of sidewalks should accommodate the predicted pedestrian volumes. Table 8.2 shows the standards for sidewalks in Kuwait. The design pedestrian flow is the number of pedestrians per minute averaged over the busiest 15-minute period. The sidewalk width relates to the clear and available width, and should not include areas occupied by trees,planters or street furniture such as lighting columns or road signs. Where the back of the sidewalk is walled, the available width should be reduced by 0.5m. Where shop windows form the back boundary of the sidewalk, a reduction of l .Om should be made Table 8.2: Sidewalk Widths to Accommodate Pedestrian Flows The service flows in the Table correspond to AASHTO' Level of Service N B (6rn width and below) or BIC (above 6m width). Sidewalks mag be constructed of interlocking paving blocks, asphalt or concrete, and should generally be laid at a crossfaflof 2.5% towards the road, so as to facilitate drainage. Smooth surfaces, such as marble, should be avoided. Other than in commercial areas with on-street parking, and where wider footpaths are generally provided, it is desirable to provide a separation strip of 1.2m or more between the kerb and the sidewalk. This strip acts as a buffer between vehicular and Page 8 2 I: ,fa '- ijW@bian traffic. Pedestrians should be discouraged from using the strip by the use - 1 . , -;bw@ 4~#1phnling, raised blocks or pedestrian fences. movement is relatively compatible with traffic movement on local streets, es less compatible on roads of higher category in the hierarchy. The at& s i n g of Special Roads by pedestrians is extremely hazardous and should - ' w e r r t e d . Fences should be introduced to prevent unauthorised crossing, and ~ ~ should be~ channelledn to convenient s bridges or subways located at a . ~ ~ hspacing. t e It is unreasonable to expect pedestrians in an urban area to &YJW by more than 400m from the centreline of their desire line for movement. C w - i n g s are often provided on sidewalks at road overbridges or underpasses, but specif5c'pedestrian structures may also be needed between these points. The 'choiceof dedicated crossing facilities is as follows: = Unwnfrolled marked crossing ('Zebra'). This crossing is marked with stripes on the pavement in accordance with the Kuwait Traffic Signs Manual (KTSM)*. It should generally be provided on roads with a posted speed of 6OkmA-i or less,or on unsignalised right-turning roadways within a signalised intersection, where adequate Safe Crossing Sight Distance is available (see Chapter 4). Controlled marked crossing ('Pelican'). Signals are used to bring traffic to a haR and to indicate to pedestrians that they may cross with care. Stripes on the pavement are provided in accordance with the KTSM. This type of crossing exists most frequently within a signalised intersection, but can be provided on a free-standing basis on roads with a posted speed of 80krnlh or less. Grade-separated crossing. This form of crossing is invariably required on Special Roads, and may also be justified on Primary Roads, depending on traffic volume, trafic speed and the number of pededrians crossing the road. It is provided by means of a footbridge or pedestrian subway, or by a sidewalk on a grsdeseparated road crossing. The need for a pedestrian grade separated structure should be investigated for each parlicular location, based on consideration of the pedestrian generation sources, the travel patterns of pedeslrian movements, the pedestrian volumes, the classification of road to be crossed and its traffic levels, the adjacent land use, the location of any adjacent crossing facilities, the pedestrian accident record, and any other relevant social and cultural factors. Where a structure is to be provided, it must accommodate handicapped pedestrians and those with wheelchairs. Ramps should be to a preferred maximum grade of 8%, with an absolute maximum grade of 10% for use in difficult locations. Level landing areas of at least 1.5m length should be incorporated so that no individual ramp section is longer than 9.0m. Handrails should be provided on ramps and on steps that are provided as an alternative shorter route. The width of the facility should be a minimum of 2.5m between walls or railings. M e r e large volumes of pedestrians are anticipated, structure widths should be assessed on the basis of Level of Senrice C D ,with a maximum pedestrian flow of 80 persons per minute per metre of effective width, which is the actuat width minus O.5m. Lengths of pedestrian fence in the vicinity of the stnrcture will deter pedestrians from crossing the road at grade. Lengths in excess of 50m may be required dependerlt on site conditions. K m i t Highway Desbn Menuid Chapler 8 Highwey Feeilittes Where the road is at the level of the surrounding ground, footbridges are generally preferred to subways, and should be designed to be in keeping with the surrounding area in terms of geometry and architecture. The required vertical clearance for pedestrian bridges over roads is 6.0m,as set out in Chapter 6. Pedestrian subways should be well lit with dear, unobstructed visibility. Pedestrians approaching the subway should have a clear view through to the exit. The desirable clear headroom for pedestrian movement is 3.0m1 but under no circumstances should it be less than 2.5~1. Specific consideration needs to be given to the drainage of underpasses, for the removal of both surface water and high groundwater. On divided roads, where at-grade crossing is permissible, random crossing should be discouraged. Crossing movements should be collected together in locations where proper facilities can be provided. Where grade-separation 1s not warranted, dedicated crossing points with pedestrian refuges should be provided. The majority of crossing demand is likely to occur at intersection locations, but mid-block pedestrian demand needs to be recognised, quantified, and if appropriate, provided for. As indicated in Chapter 7, the refuge areas in the median should be a minimum of 3.5m wide if pedestrians are to be accommodated, but this may be reduced to a minimum of 2.0m at signalised intersections (see Chapter 17). Where a width of 3.5m or more is available, the crossings of the two carriageways should be staggered using a 'sheep-pen' arrangement in the median, so that pedestrians cannot approach and cross both carriageways in a straight line. Figure 17.1 shows a 'sheep-pen' with a 'refbright' stagger, which is generally appropriate at a signalised intersection. On an open road, the ideal arrangement is reversed and a 'right-left' stagger is used because it enables pedestrians in the median to walk facing oncoming traffic, thus obtaining the best view. The width of the pedestrian crossing should generally be 3.0mt but at demand levels above 10 pedestrians per minute, this should be increased as set out in Table 8.3. Crossings wider than 5.0m should not normally be provided. Table 8.3: Width of At-Grade Pedestrian Crossings Design Flow (pedestriansEmin) Recommended Pedestrian Crossing Width (m) Up to 10 3.0 (minimum) 12 3.6 15 4.5 20 and above 6.0 {maximum) More than 30 Consider grade separation In order to provide for the safe and convenient movement of able-bodied pedestrians, as well as disabled persons, dropped kerbs should be included at all at-grade, pedestrian crossing points. Dropped kerbs, as shown in Figure 8.1, are located within the sidewalk. They should be at least 0.9m wide and sloped downwards towards the road surface at a gradient of 8% or less. The edge of the ramp adjacent to the road should be flat and set 25mm above the level of the road pavement. Drainage should be carefully Page 8 4 K w a I Highway Design Man& Chapter 8 Highway Facililies considered so that there is no ponding at the crossing point, but gully gratings should not be placed in ramp areas as they may cause a hindrance to wheelchairs. t l I ' Road Pavement Normal kerb profile Sldewalk I 9 Dropper kerb Dropped kerb Io be 25mm above road channel level - 4 I I I I 1 I I I I I ---+--------------------J A Max. fall B Z Dropper kerb __ /,#---- i ----&- -+- _*--* A**/-- Normal kerb profile -I I I Figure 8.1: Dropped Kerb 8.2.3 Footpaths Footpaths remote from the road should be provided where justified. The minimum width is 2.0rn, but where large volumes of pedestrians are anticipated, widths should be assessed on the basis of a maximum pedestrian flow of 60 persons per minute per metre of effective width. In this context, effective width is the actual width of the path, less 0.5m if it is bounded by a fence or wall. The maximum longitudinal grade should not exceed lo%, Chapter 6 refers. 8.3 Public Transport Facilities The location of bus stops is primarily the concern of the transport operator, who will seek to provide stops within reasonable walking distance of trip generators 'and attractors. The resultant bus stop spacing is normally three to four stops per kilometre in urban areas. The designer should consult with the transport operator to Page 8-5 Kuwait Highway Design Manual determine whether the road is to be used as a bus route, and, if so, to establish the desired general location of stops. Buses should be able to stop without obstructing the flow of traffic. It is therefore preferable to provide bus bays, as shown on Figure 8.2. Upstand kerb Block paved pedesttianarea Shelter for waiting passengers Block paved colour differentiated, waiting area for buses May be reduced to 4.25m absolute min., if no shelter is provided For single bus only, may be reduced to f 2m In different circumstances may reduced to an absolute min. of 12m Figure 8.2: Bus Bay On Prirnav and Secondary Roads (and on Local Roads and Streets, if they are used by buses), it may be acceptable to permit buses to stop by the kerb, provided that: The bus stop area is kept free from parked vehicles, and The bus stop is not located close to a majorlminor intersection, and The presence of a stationary bus would not obstruct any relevant sight lines, and On an undivided road, the available forward visibility is at least half of the SPSD. Parking should be prohibited beyond the bus stop area over a distance of 12m before and 8m beyond the bus stop area. It may also prove beneficial to provide a signalised crossing before a busy bus stop so as to serve bus passengers. Kuwait Highway Desbn Manusf Chaptar8 Highway FaciIitms Bus stops on undivided roads should be staggered beyond each other, so that the rim of crossing pedestrians from one bus is not obstructed by the presence of another bus travelling in the opposite direction. This arrangement also ensures that where two buses are dropping off passengers simultaneously, the buses do not pull out into the crossing pedestrians dropped off by the other bus. When providing bus stops in the vicinity of intersections, the following points should be borne in mind: It is preferable to locate bus stops on the exit side of the intersection. A distance of at least 1Om beyond the limit of the intersection would generally be required. If a bus stop is to be provided on the approach side, then it must be positioned sufficiently far in advance that the bus can move off safely and join the relevant traffic lane without undue interference to other vehicles. A minimum distance of 20m from the end of the lay-by to the start of any right-turning manoeuvre or auxiliary lane should generally be adequate, but the lay-by should be located such that a stationary bus is clear of the intersection sight triangles. Where a bus route turns right at an intersection, it may be possible to locate the bus stop on the approach side of the intersection, with the bus lay-by located at the start of an extended right-turning auxiliary lane. If a bus stop is located on the approach to a roundabout or signalised intersection, it should normally be located clear of any queuing vehicles, so that there is no loss of capacity at the intersection. 8.4 Parking Facilities 8.4.1 General The need for parking is determined by the existing and future development of the immediate surrounding area. Consultation is required with the Ministry of Public Works and Kuwait Municipality to determine the future development plans and the amount of an-street and off-street parking required. Where possible, parking should be provided away from the road, in conveniently located parking lots designed for the purpose. However, it is beneficial to provide kerbside parking on local and secondary roads where the adjacent land-use warrants. Kerbside parking should not be provided: Within sight triangles at intersections, in order that visibility can be maintained and pedestrians can cross safely Opposite access points to properties, unless there is adequate width for vehicles to enter and leave the property without impinging on the parking space On the inside of bends, in order that adequate forward visibility can be maintained and that any encroachment into the path of oncoming vehicles is eliminated. However, parking on the outside of bends on local streets may be acceptable At pedestrian crossing paints, to minimise the width to be crossed by pedestrians; In advance of pedestrian crossing points, so that pedestrians can clearly see and be seen. An absolute minimum of 5m free of parking should be provided, and ideally Safe Crossing Sight Distance, as set out in Table 17.3, should be provided at non-signalised crossings Page 8-7 Kuwsll Highway Design Manuel At hydrants On local roads, within 5m of the tangent point of any intersection At any other location where it would create unsafe conditions Chapters 9 to 12 provide details of standard cross sections for the various categories of road, with recommended parking arrangements clearly shown. These should normally be adopted, unless local circumstances dictate otherwise. 8.4.2 Parallel Parking Parallel parking may be provided adjacent to the outer lane of the road. On a oneway road it is recommended that parallel parking should not be provided on the left side of the traffic flow. Any parking located on the lefl side should be angled. Parallel parking should only be provided on secondary or local roads, or on service roads fronting primary or special roads. The standard width required for a parallel parking lane is 2.8rn, each bay being nominally 7.0m in length, but this may be reduced to an absolute minimum of 6.0m. Where residential development is dense and the requirement for additional on-street parking is great, it is possible in exceptional circumstances to use an absolute minimum bay width of 2.2m. At such width, the opening of a driver's door encroaches significantly into the adjacent running lane. As vehicles entering and leaving the parking lane interfere with the passage of through traffic, it is important to check that there is adequate capacity available. The capacity of a through lane adjacent to a parallel parking lane depends on the amount of parking activity and the availability of spaces, but as a guideline, a .figure of 1200 pculh should be adopted. Angled Parking 8.4.3 If the width of' available right of way allows, consideration should be given to the provision of angled parking bays. These may be perpendicular to the road, or at some intermediate angle, in order to ensure that vehicles drive forwards into the bay and reverse out. The preferred parking bay size for angled parking is 2.8m wide by 5.6m in length. This provides a generous layout that is easy to use. If required, the size may be decreased to an absolute minimum of 2.5m by 5.0rn. Intermediate values of width andlor length may also be used. The amount of space that the bays occupy within the cross section of the road depends on their angle relative to the road, as shown in Table 8.4 below, Table 8.4: Angled Parking -Width occupied within Cross Section of the Road (for a 2.8m x 5.6m Bay) Parking Angle Width Occupied (mE I Page 8 8 45* 6.00 60" 6.25 75" 6.00 90" 5.60 K m i t Highway Design Manuel Cheptsr 8 H&hway Facilities Adequate space to manoeuvre into an angled bay should be provided, and this may require the adjacent through fane to be wider than normal. If space permits, it is also good practice to provide a buffer lane between the edge of the travelled way and the nearest end of the parking bay. This is particularly beneficial on service roads and secondary roads. The minimum widths for adjacent through lanes and buffer lanes are given in Table 8.5. - Table 8.5: Angled Parking Minimum Width for Adjacent Through Lane 1.Om minimum For two-way operation, the minimum through lane width is 8.0m,but because twoway operation is seldom adopted unless bays are at 9Q0, this criterion rarely governs. In order for vehicles to manoeuvre into the bays, it is important that the speed of through traffic is kept low. Advice on Traffic Calming is given later in this chapter. The flow on the through lane passing the angled bays should not be greater than 1000 pculhour. If this figure is likely to be exceeded, then the elimination of the parking bays and the creation of a separate parking lot should be considered. 8.5 Kerbs Kerbs are to be used on all urban roads. Kerbs are to be used on rural roads at locations where there is a need to give a clear delineation of the road edge, for example, at intersections. There are a number of types and combinations of kerbs available, each with particular applications. Some, which are in regular use, are discussed below. Normal Kerbs are upstand kerbs or raised kerbs. These are used to define the boundary between the pavement and the sidewalk. Upstand kerbs may also be supplied with an integral channel block, to permit drainage from the road channel. Upstand kerbs are available in a range of sizes and shapes, allowing installation on curves of various radii. The designer is advised to check the availability and dimensions of kerbs with the suppliers, as the full international range may not be available in Kuwait. Edge Kerbs are used where a paved area joins an unpaved area, and are laid level with the surface of the paved area. Channel Blocks are laid within a paved area, level with the paved surface, and permit surface water to drop into a pipe to be collected and taken away. Flush Kerbs are laid to the same (or nearly the same) level as the adjacent surfaces on both sides. Uses include driveways and pedestrian crossings, where the kerbs are laid level with the adjacent sidewalk and 25mm above the pavement. Sometimes it is effective to use an upstand kerb laid on its back to provide a flush kerb arrangement. Page 8-9 Kuwait Highw~yDesign Manuel Chapter 8 Highway Facilities Special kerb elements available from manufacturers include dropper kerbs and quadrants. Additionally, the higher profile New Jersey Barrier or British Concrete Barrier may be appropriate for use as bridge parapets, safety fencing or for security reasons. Figure 8.3 shows a typical kerb section. Figure 8.3: Typical Kerb Sectlon (Type B l ) Where there is a need to install a safety barrier alongside a kerbed section of road, the barrier design, kerb design and drainage design should be carried out together. The kerb may affect the choice of safety barrier type and it is important to ensure that the combined drainagelkerb arrangement does not impair the safe operation of the safety barrier. 8.6 Fences There are many different types of fence used within the road right of way, each having its own particular application. The main types and their uses are listed below. Boundary Fences delineate and separate private property from the road [right of way. There is no standard design for a boundary fence, but it should be appropriate for the adjacent land use. Animal fences are provided to prevent animals from entering the right of way. The height and nature of the chosen fence depends on the type of animal to be contained, for example camels or goats. Acoustic: Fences may be required to tower the traffic noise level in sensitive situations, such as where a matoway passes close to properties in a residential area. The fence forms a barrier, which both shields and reflects the sound, thus making acoustic conditions more acceptable in the protected area. Many designs of . proprietary fence are available, most being solid and close-boarded. Page &I0 Headlight'Femm may be irrtrodud, generally in a median, at locations where it is desirable to m h i s e the glare of the headlights of oncoming vehicles. This is likely b occur an W d s on rural, un-lit, divided roads* or where two-way senrice roads run adjacent to special Mprimary roads. Pedestrian kn'css m y be required where thew are signiffcant numbers of pedestrians w sidewalk or at other venues where crowds may gather. The fence is designed ta h m e t the movement of pedestrian traffic and to reduce lhe risk of pedestrians sa5derttsllly stepping from the sidewalk into a tram lane. It is particularly umfd m diwumghg pedestrians from crossing at hazardous IocEitions and channeltirig pedestrians to dbsignated crossing points. Pedestrian k h a s ean a h be used away from the road edge, for example to direct pedestrians a l e q footpath to a dedicated, grade-separated crossing. In this eircumstanaes,the: Wee needs tci be high (around Zrn), long (typically up to 500m on either side E$ W e d n fadlity) ~ and strong enough to withstand wSfhrl damage. Alternatively, a fence m the median may serve the same purpose. It should be high mmugh, ad^ be M i n d in a manner, to deter pedestrians from climblng over R. If it $ s elmpi@B m i b q a; ~ heZgM of I.5m,with the diagonal rather than horizontal w n & m y h-M*. ~ a r r ' ~proprietary & designs of pedestrian fence am available, but it should be noted that they are designed to constrain pedestrians, and are not capable of withstanding any sign5qcanf vehicle- impact. Where the main risk is from errant vehicles rather than straying pedestriatls, safety barriers (not pedestrian fences) should be used. 8.7 Safety Barrhm 8.7.1 General -1 A safety barrier is a longitudinal barrier used to protect errant vehicles from impact with objects located along a road corridor. f is normally warranted if the eonsequences of the vehicle striking the barrier are considered to be less serious than those that wauM result if the vehicle were to continue unchecked. It functions by containing and rediM*ng the errant vehicle. A saf;ety barrier, may also be used to protect pedestrians and cyclists from out of .confro1vehicles. Safety barriers may be located In either the verge or median, depending on their particular function. I ~ ~ 7 . 2Pmvisicrnof Safety Barriers The deckion on whether w not to provide a safety barrier can own be simplified using the following analysis, with costs being considered where the decision is I marginal. Option 1: Remove or reduce the hazard so that it no longer requires to be protected 8 I 83.2.1 Opfiqn 2: Install an appropriate safety barrier Option 3: Leave the hazard unprotected Medians Head-on impact wHh an opposing vehide could lead to fatalities and so a continyous safety barrier is often provided in the median of a dMdeel road to separate opposing traffic. Such a barrier should always be provided on special roads and should be Kuwait Hbhway Design Manual considered on other roads caving large traffic volumes at high speeds, or where there is a fall across the median. Embankments The provision of safety barriers should be considered when slopes are steeper than 1 in 5 (20%) or the height of the slope is greater than 6m. The barrier should always be located on the verge, fomard of the top of the slope, and not on the slope kself. Where barriers are not to be provided, rounding of the top of the slope reduces the chances of an errant vehicle becoming airborne. Cuttings Safety barriers are seldom required in cuttings. Exceptions include where there is steep rock face or where large boulders of other obstacles are located in the cutting slope. Roadside ObsEacies A safety barrier should only be installed if it is clear that the result of a vehicle striking the barrier would be less severe than the accident resulting from hitting the unprotected object. Generally, if the clearance from the object to the edge of the travelled way is greater than 10m, protection is not required. Protection of Bystanders This is normally only justified where sensitive land use adjoins an unusual feature on a road. An example might be if a school playground is located on the outside of a sharp bend at the foot of a downgrade. Page 8-12 KMR Highway Design Manuel Table 8.6: Guidance on the Provision of Safety Barriers 8.7.3 Types of Safety Barrier There are three generic types of safety barrier, namely flexible, semi-rigid and rigid and these are briefly described in the following sections. For further information on the different types of safety barriers, the designer should refer to the British Design Manual for Roads and Bridgess and the AASHTO publication Roadside Design ~ u i d e ~For . details of specific safety barriers, the manufacturers' technical literature should be referred to. . Flexible Barriers Flexible systems are generally more forgiving than other systems, because much of the impact energy is dissipated by the deflection of the barrier and lower impact forces are imposed on the vehicle. There are two basic types of flexible system: Cable fence, normally comprising 4 strands of tensioned cable. Cable fences redirect impacting vehicles afler sufficient tension is developed in the cable, with the posts in the impact area providing only slight resistance. However, the closer the post spacing, the less the barrier can deflect. An irnporfant feature d the cable fence is that, ater most impacts, lt returns to its original position, .and damaged posts are easily replaced. Page 8-1 3 K m i f Highwey Design Manuel chapter 8 Highway Facilities Standard steel beam section mounted on relatively weak posts. This system acts in a similar manner to the cable fence. It retains some degree of effectiveness affer minor collisions due to the rigidity of the beam rail element. However, after major collisions it requires full repair to remain effective. As with the cable system, lateral deflection can be reduced to some extent by closer post spacing. This system, as with all barriers with a relatively narrow restraining width, is vulnerable to vaulting or vehicle under-rfde caused by incorrect mounting height or irregularities in the approach terrain. Semi-rigid Barriers Semi-rigid systems work on the principle that resistance is achieved through the combined flexure and stiffness of the rail. Posts near the point of impact are designed to break or tear away, distributing the impact force to adjacent posts. Lateral deflection of a semi-rigid barrier may typically be as much as I.5m. Semi-rigid barriers usually remain functional after moderate collisions, thereby eliminating the need for immediate repair. There are a number of different types on the market, each system having its own performance requirements and capabilities. A few examples are listed below. * BOX Beam Open Box Beam W-Beam (corrugated beam) Blocked Out W-Beam Self-Restoring Safety Barrier The self-restoring safety barrier is a high performance barrier designed to be maintenance free for most impacts and capable of containing and redirecting large vehicles. The. combination of high initial cost and high performance makes this barrier more suited for use at high accident frequency locations. When traffic speeds are expected to be greater than SQkmlh, the semi-rigid system should be tensioned. Tensioned systems usually require a minimum length to be effective and are unable to be installed on sharp radii (typically 50m minimum length and t50m minimum radius). Individual barrier manufacturers' specifications should be adhered to. Rigid Barriers Rigid systems offer no deflection when hit by a vehicle. The impact energy is entirely absorbed by the vehicle. For high angle and high-speed impacts, vehicles may become partially airborne and in some cases may reach the top of the barrier. For shallow angle impacts, the roll angle toward the barrier imparted by high centre of gravity vehicles may be enough to permit contact of the top of the vehicle with objects on top of or immediately behind the barrier, for example bridge piers. For these reasons, rigid barrier systems are not generally recommended for use on roads with design speeds over IOOkmlh, and the designer should carefully evaluate on higher speed roads. their prop~sed~adoption Commonly used rigid systems are the New Jersey Barrier in the USA, and the British Concrete Barrier in the UK. Typically, the system is relatively low cost, has generally effective performance for. passenger-sized vehicles and has maintenance-free characteristics. Page 8-74 -T!w&w*= hlt end-on by an emrit vehicle. 1 I:, I I B I I I* I m h 'ersr~ttrrlto W@ ihs most appmpriate system fa s o h Transition ssdions of safety barrier act as a link between lengths of different strength or rigidity, and are necessary: To prdvide continuity of protection when lwo ,differentbarriers join; or Where a barrier joins another barrier system such as a bridge parapet rail; or Where a roadside barrier is attached to a rigid object such as a bridge pier. The transition section should be at least as strong a s the stronger of the two sections that it links. It should be long enough so that significant changes in deflection characteristics do not occur within a short distance. Generally the transition length should be 10 to 12 times the difference in the lateral deflection of the two systems in question. For example, in a transition between a beam with a design deflection of 1.5m and a rigid barrier or abutment, the transition length should be around 15m to f 8m. Drainage features such as dilches should be avoided at transition positions as they may initiate vehicle instability. The stiffness of the transition should increase smoothly and continuously from the less rigid to the more rigid system. This can be achieved by decreasing the post spacing, increasing post size or strengthening the rail element. Selection of Barrier Type The selection process is not easily defined, but the most desirable system is one that offers the required degree of proteetionat the lowest total cost. Table 8.7 summerisas the factors to be considered. I Page 8 15 Kuwait Highway Desigr Mmd Tabfa 8.f: Citeria for Choice of Barrier Type Criteria Comments General ' Performance Capability The barrier must be structurally able to contain and redirect the design vehicle. Deflection The expected deflection of the barrier should not exceed space available for deflection. Site Conditions The slope approaching the barrier and the distance from travelled way may preclude use of some barrier types. Compatibility The barrier must be compatible with its planned end treatment and capable of transition to any other adjacent barrier type. Cost Standard barrier systems are relatively consistent in cost, but high performance barriers can cost significantly more. Aesthetics Occasionally, aesthetics is an important consideration in safety barrier selection. - Maintenanm 8.7.4 Routine Few systems require a significant amount of routine maintenance. Cotlision Generally, flexible or semi-rigid systems require more maintenance after a collision than rigid or high performance barriers. Materials Storage The fewer the different systems used, the fewer stock items needed and the smaller the storage space required. Simplicity Simpler designs tend to cost less and are more likely to be reconstructed properly on site. Field Experience The performance and maintenance requirements of existing systems should be monitored to identify problems that could be lessened or eliminated by using a different barrier type. Placement if a roadside barrier is warranted at a certain location and the type of barrier to be used has been selected, the designer must then specify the layout required. Elements of the design that must be considered are: The set-back between the travelled way and the face of the barrier, referred to as the shy-line offset The clearance between the barrier and the object being protected The flare rate The run-out length The length of need . Details on these elements can be found in AASHTO1sRoadside Design Guide4. 8.73 Underground Obstructions Where there is a risk of driven posts or standard concrete footings interfering with cables, ducts or pipes, and the alignment of the safety barrier cannot be adjusted to avoid the obstruction, or where the depth of pavement construction is such that the standard driven post or concrete footing would not penetrate into the subgrade, Page 8-16 special posts or footings should be provided subject to the approval of the Ministry for Public Works. 8.7.6 Existing Systems Wdh the development of technology and undersfanding of this subject, it is usual to find that older installations are sub-standard and do not meet current recommended performance levels, Such installations will require upgrading to current standards at some point, and the replacement of each installation should be considered on a siteby-site basis. 8.8 Energy Absorbing Barriers Energy absorbing barriers, also known as crash cushions or impact attenuators, are protective devices that prevent errant vehicles from impacting fixed objed hazards. This is achieved by rapidly slowing a vehicle down, and if possible, bringing it to a safe stop before the point of impact with the hazard. Some designs of energy absorbing barriers also have the capability to deflect and redirect a shallow-angle impact. Energy absorbing barriers are therefore designed specifically for use at locations where fixed objects cannot be removed, relocated or made to break away, and cannot be adequately protected by a normal safety barrier. They primarily senre ta lessen the severity of an impact with a fixed object, unlike safety barriers, which attempt to redirect the vehicle away from the object. Energy absorbing barriers work on one of two principles: absorption of kinetic energy transfer of momentum In the first case, hydraulic energy absorbers or crushable materials absorb the kinetic energy of a moving vehicle. This can be achieved by the use of water filled containers from which the water will be expelled in a collisicn, or by a progressively crushable, mechanical array of elements. Crash cushions of this type require a rigid backstop to resist the impact force of the vehicle. The second concept involves the transfer of momentum of a moving vehicle to an expendable mass of material or weights. This mass is often provided by a series of freestanding sand filled containers. Devices of this type require no rigid backstop. Energy absorbing barriers are generally appropriate for cars travelling at speeds of up to 100 kmlh, but not for trucks and buses, although clearly they would have some effect in reducing the severity of a head-on impact. The most common application of energy absorbing barriers is at an off-ramp in a depressed or elevated structure, where a bridge pier or gore parapet requires protection and there is insufficient space for a conventional safety barrier lead-in. For optimum performance, the barrier should ideally be on a relatively level surface. Kerbs should not be provided as they may cause the vehicle to become airborne, There are many different designs of energy absorbing barrier systems, each having its own particular merits and applications. In the selection process, the road designer must consider the site characteristics, cost, maintenance requirements, and structu~aland safety characteristics of the different systems. Further general reference on this subject is given in AASHJO's Roadside Design Guide4. For details of any specific energy-absorbing barrier, the manufacturer's technical literature should be referred to. Page 8-17 Kuwait Highway Design Man& Cfiepfer 8 Highway Facililbs 8.9 Traffic Calming 8.9.1 General Excessive vehicle speed is a significant factor in the majority of accidents in urban areas. The vehicles concerned may not have 'exceeded the posted speed, but may have been travelling faster than the prevailing conditions required. Traffic calming is a generic name for speed reduction techniques through road design. The objective is to alter the driver's perception of the road so that he drives at a speed that is appropriate. Traffic calming should never be implemented on special or primary roads. Some elements of traffic calming may be appropriate on urban secondary roads. Calming techniques are particularly relevant in the design of local streets. The designer st-~ouldensure compliance with Kuwait Traffic Law and the General Traffic Department (GTD), MPW and Municipality regulations when designing traffic calming measures. 8.9.2 Objectives of Traffic Calming The main objectives are: To improve road safety To improve the quality of life for residents of the area Secondary objectives are: To smooth the flow of traffic r To reduce the volume of traffic To improve the environmental quality of roads To discourage the use of unsuitable routes by heavy vehicles or streams of unnecessary through trafic To limit vehicular atmospheric pollution To reduce traffic noise levels The introduction of an area speed limit can assist in achieving these objectives, but unless the road is designed appropriately by incorporating relevant traffic calming measures, the posted speeds are likely to be disregarded by many drivers. 8.9.3 Factors for Consideration The following questions should be considered before the introduction of a trafficcalmed zone in an existing neighbourhood: What is the posted speed? What are the prevailing traffic speeds? Are these appropriate for the area, given its architectural, ecological and social framework? Is there any unnecessary traffic passing through the area? Can it be accommodated on the surrounding roads? Is there a History of accidents in the area? Is speed a contributory factor? What traffic regulations exist in the area at present? What are the physical features of the area; curves, gradients, intersection spacing? Page 8-18 Muwaft Highway Design Manuel chapter a Highway Fecilitbs - What are the access requirements of the activities that are undertaken in the area? The following factors are important in the design of a traffic calmed environment, whether on existing roads or in a new area: Selection of the desired target speed and hence design speed of the read elements. Identification of those places where specific calming measures need to be introduced, for example, if there are long straight sections of road. Consideration of bus movement. Assessment of the level of on-street parking required. Parked vehicles or suitably designed parking bays can sometimes act as trafficcalming features in their own right. 8.9.4 Types of Traffic Calming Measure There are a number of techniques available to the designer. Any proposal for traffic calming measures should be developed in close liaison Mth the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Interior and Kuwait Municipality, and must be formally approved before impternentation. There are four generic types of calming technique, namely traffic engineering measures, visual or aural features, horizontal alignment features and verlicaf alignment features. 8.9.5 Traffic Engineering Measures Intersection Priority Change This can be introduced to break up a length of road that has priority through a series of intersections. Care needs to be taken in the signing of such a measure. One-way Streets y The introdudion of short lengths of one-way operation can create a 'mare -like road system that discourages through traffic. The technique can also be used to limit traffic speeds by breaking up straight lengths of road into short sections and can also permit the transfer of space from carriageway to sidewalk or landscape use. 8.9.6 Visual or Aural Features Bar Markings These are coloured road markings that can be laid across the road to draw attention to a change in speed limit. They are also perceived by a change in tyre noise. Entry Treatment When drivers enter a calmed road or area, they can be alerted by the use of different visual signals, such as paving colour, texture or material. Alignment features are often provided in association with entry treatments. Gateways Gateways are a form of entry treatment, Added vertical features, such as walls or fences that are positioned at right angles to the road and close to the travelled way, give a visual effect of narrowness. Page 8-19 Kuwait Highway Design Manual Over-run Areas An area of the road pavement is surfaced, textured or coloured differently so that it appears to narrow the travelled way, but can still be over-run by larger vehicles that are unable to manoeuvre within the delineated path. The presence of long sight lines can be a contributory factor to high speeds. Planting serves two purposes, firstly, to provide an enhanced environmental appearance, and secondly, ta assist in keeping sight lines as short as possible, compatible with the , very low design speeds that traffic calming adepts. Rumble Devices Textured areas of pavement, which cause tyre noise to be perceptibly different, raise driver awareness. 8.9.7 Horizontal Alignment Features Speed Limiting Bends These are tight cunres, with inner kerb radii ranging from lorn to 1%. Speed limiting bends should only be used in combination with other elements that make it evident to drivers that traffic calmed behaviour is expected. Drivers should be able to see the bend clearly on the approach, but sight distances around the bend should be deliberately reduced by the provision of planting or hard landscaping. A stopping sight distance of 35m should be provided. Build-outs These are local protrusions of the sidewalk into the pavement area, effectively narrowing the vehicular travelled way. They are often provided in combination with vertical features. Chicanes These consist of a pair af build-outs on alternate sides of the toad;but not opposite each other, thus creating horizontal defle~tionsthat can only be negotiated by vehicles travelling at low speeds. 8.9.7,4 False Roundabouts These consist of small roundabouts where there are no intersecting roads. Medians On an undivided road, the introduction of a median, which may be raised or flush with the travelled way, reduces lane widths and achieves visual narrowing. If space permits, the median can be planted, which improves the amenity of the road and prevents excessive forward visibility. Pinch Points The road is deliberately narrowed to prevent two-way operation. Vehicles have to operate in 'shuttle' fashion, one direction at a time. On busier roads, it may be necessary to give priority by signing to one direction of travel. Chapter8 I H i p m y Facilities Vertical Alignment Features Sidewalk Crossovers These allow pedestrians to continue at sidewalk level across the mouth of an intersecting minor road, with the road being ramped up to sidewalk level and down again. In these installations, drivers are expected to give way to pedestrians. Road Humps Humps are locally raised areas of pavement, typically 700 to 200mm high and 4m long (parallel to t r a f k direction), which can only be crossed comfortably by vehicles travelling at very low speeds. Speed Cushions These are a form of flat-topped road hump, which only extends across part of the travelled way, allowing buses (with wider wheelbase) to pass on the level, but requiring cars to run one or both wheels over the cushion. Speed Tables These are raised areas of pavement flush with the sidewalk, and are often provided over the whole area of an intersection. Thermoplastic Mumps These are small road humps constructed of thermoplastic material and typically 40mm high and up to 0.9m long (parallel to traffic direction). Speed Bumps These are small road humps, typically up to 75mm high. They are normally 0.3m long (parallel to traffic direction) and laid in threes, at 1.3m centres. Designing fhe Traffic-calmed Payout This is best achieved in a design team that incorporates mest or all of the following people: i A road design engineer A town planner * A road maintenance engineer A road safety practitioner A landscape architect A representative of the residents Best results are normally obtained by the balanced use of a number of the techniques identified above. The finished scheme should convey the message that drivers need to travel slowly, take care, and make aHowances for children and other pedestrians. Limiting forward visibility is one of the principal ways of achieving an irnpressibn of 'intimacy' rather than the usual spadcusness. Features used out of context can increase the risk of accidents. Encountering a maximum height speed hump when travelling at 50kmlh on a straight alignment, for example, can cause loss of control and damage to the vehicle. Refer also to Chapter 9, Local Roads I Page 8-21 KuweH Highway Dasign Manual Chapter 8 Highway FmiIb;es 8.10 Landscaping Apart from amenity benelits, the landscape treatment of medians and verges can have practical advantages. By ground sculpting, perhaps in conjunction with planting, the alignment of the road can be made more obvious to drivers. Hard landscaping can have a practical value, for example, in protecting an embankment from erosion. Landscaping provides reference points that enable drivers waiting to exit from a minor road to judge the speed of oncoming vehicles. This is particularly useful where a majorlminor intersection is located in open land, with a lack of natural reference points. Planting can also provide a positive background to the road signs and can visually unite the intersections component parts. Limiting the view to that necessary for the driving task helps avoid driver distraction. Specialised planting, which is generally more appropriate in urban than rural areas, requires significant maintenance if it is to be successful. The preferred watering method is an automatic irrigation system supplied from a brackish water main. Approval for any such scheme must be sought from the MPW, Kuwait Municipality, PAFFR and MEW. If a brackish water main is unavailable, care should be taken to ensure that watering can take place without tankers having to obstruct the travetled way at any time. A well-defined maintenance programme should be developed if extensive planting is used, to ensure that the planting does not obscure other traffic movements or traffic signs at any time. Grade-separated intersections offer great scope for sympathetic landscaping; to improve their appearance, to reduce visual impact, and to take advantage of the earthmoving that takes place to achieve the vertical alignment of the various roads. In rural areas, planting should be restricted to indigenous species and be related to the surrounding landscape. In the desert, for example, planting of non-local species would appear incongruous and landscape treatment is therefore oflen restricted to ground sculpting. Wlthin at-grade intersections, the areas required for visibility envelopes should only be planted with species that have a low mature height, so that when they are fully grown they do not impinge on the visibility envelope. Higher and denser species of bushes and trees can be planted outside visible envelopes. N t h roundabouts, it is usual to adopt such planting towards the centre of the island. In all cases, due allowance must be made for mature growth. Apart from the amenity benefits, the landscape treatment of roundabouts can have practical advantages. By earth sculpting, in conjunction with planting, the presence of the roundabout can be made more obvious to approaching traffic. The screening of traffic on the opposite side of the roundabout can reduce driver distraction and confusion. Planting can provide a positive background to chevron signs and direction signs on the central island, whilst visually uniting the various vertical features and reducing the appearance of clutter. 'The planting of roundabout central islands of less than lorn in diameter is inappropriate as the need to provide adequate forward visibility leaves only a small central area available for planting. Such a restricted area for planting will be out of scale with the roundabout as a whole. A ring of black and white paving, laid in a gently sloping chevron pattern inside the central island perimeter, can improve the prominence of central islands. Kuw8ir Highway Design Men& Chapter8 Highway Facilities Sculptures or other works of public art in the central islands of roundabouts can provide a focus for the traveller, and if designed and positioned correctly, can prove an asset to the surroundings. Lighting of landscape features can enhance their appearance at night, but care should be taken to avoid distraction or dazzle to drivers. 8.1 1 Utilities Rights of way provide adequate space for the road and allow the public utilities sufficient space for existing and proposed plant. M e r e space for utilities is limited, 'wayleaves' outside the right of way may sometimes be obtained by contacting the planning authority. The utilities to be accommodated include the following: Telephone Electricity Sanitary Sewerage Surface Water and Land Drainage Brackish Water Freshwater Oil and Gas Each Utility Authority has its own working procedures and works specifications. These should be referred to when designing the road construction and drainage facilities. Particular consideration may be required to the position of soakaways, if right of way width is restricted. Where space is limited, soakaways may be lowered, by the addition of ring sections, to allow shallow utilities, such as telephone, to pass above the soakaway chamber. However, in new roads, priority should be given to road related utilities such as drainage and lighting. ' A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 1994, AASHTO, 1995 Kuwait Tramc Signs Manual, 1988 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Department of Transport, UK (Document TD 79/85, Safety Fences and Barriers) Roadside Design Guide, AASHTO, 1989 Page 8-23 This C& deals only with those roads that are defined within the hierarchy as 1-1 &, and gathers together the &vice contained in various locadbns within this rnanud lF9p secondary, primary and special roads, see Chapters 10, 11 and 12 '~,qw- Los;;rl,,;f@ad~. h a w the function of providing access to land-use activities that generate ad the demand for travel. m, s8gerirepally link to secondary roads. which in turn give aceess to the hiihet=swtusroads within the network. They are almost without exce~tionundivided r&s of two-way, hnro-law or one-way, siniletane width, carrying typically less than 100vehlhin the design year. 9-1.l Rural Local Raads 4'- - 9.1.2 Rural local roads should be .related to topography from the standpoint of drainage, economics, amenities and access to adjacent properties. Predicted traffic volumes have an influence on the design of the road and its intersections. Urban Local Streets Urban lo&l streets also include short ackesses, small loops, culde-sacs, servicing areas and parking lots. Local streets should be designed to minimise through traffic movements, with street patterns selected to reduce vehicle travel distances and speeds, Traffic circulation should nat have to rely on extensive regulations or signs In order to function properly. Application of basic cross-sections with few simple at-grade intersections will produce a layout capable of catering for the relatively tow trafiic levels that characterise the urban local street. Traffic volumes on local roads are not a major design consideration. It is accepted that local streefs may not ahays be free from obstruction. Cars stopping to set down passengers and vehicles undertaking maintenance operations are just two examples where focal streets may be temporarily or partially obstnrcted. In residential areas, because of their function, local streets have a high level of nonrnotorised activity, caused primarily by fhe movement of pedestrians and children at play. The roads therefore need to be designed in a way that reflects this, and leaves the motorised driver in no doubt that his needs are not the overriding ones in the local environment. Traffic generators such as schools, mosques and shopping facilities should be carefully considered in the overall design. Pedestrian activity levels may be high, and conflict with moving traffic should be minimised. Adequate levels of kerbside parking should be provided, without obstructing visibility or jeopardising the safe operation of the road. In commercial and industrial areas, the prime function of the tocal street is to provide access to premises. The type of vehicle necessary to service the adjacent land-use activity generally determines the scale and layout of the street and its intersections. K m i t Highway Design Manual 9.2 Basic Design Parameters 9.2.1 Design Vehicle Local roads are generally designed to accommodate P, BUS and SU vehicles only. In rural areas, however, consideration should be given to the likely usage by vehicles larger than these, and due allowance made. In industrial areas, the design should generally be designed to accommodate vehicles up to W8-15, with a degree of encroachment into other traffic lanes being acceptable, but a more generous provision may be warranted by the nature of the industrial activity. Roads leading to parking lots are normally designed to carry only P vehicles, but a check should Be made that SU vehicles can gain access, with encroachment, as necessary, for maintenance purposes. 9.2.2 Design Speed The design speed of a rural local road should respect the nature of the area in which it is located. In the absence of other determining factors, the recommended design speed is 60kmh. tn areas where the terrain is more difficult, lower speeds down to 30krnIh are appropriate. The design speed of a local street should be such as to allow rnotorised travel at a reasonable pace relative to the other activities of the area, and the permitted values lie between 3Okrnlh and 50kmh. In the absence of any other determining factors, the recommended value is 5Okmlh. Traffic calming is a suitable technique for use on aH local roads and streets, and the recommended design speed with traffic calming is 30kmlh. Where a design speed of less than 50kmh is selected, it is important that the design parameters, particularly in respect of visibility and horizontal curvature, are kept close to their minimum permitted values. If greater levels are provided, higher traffic speeds are encouraged. Most local roads and streets should have a posted speed of 45kmh or lower, as local conditions dictate. Consideration should be given to the nature of the non-motorised movements when selecting posted speeds. For example, a tower posted speed may be appropriate near a school, and will be necessary in an area that has been traffic calmed. 9.2.3 Level of Service Level of senrice is not a relevant consideration for local roads, due to the relatively small amount of vehicular traffic that they carry. 9.2.4 Sight Distances The stopping sight distance (SSD] relevant to the design speed should always be provided on a local road. The SSD requirements and associated vertical curvature K values are shown in Table 9.1. For increased SSD on roads that are on a downgrade, refer to Table 4.1. Page 9-2 Kuwert Highway D e w Manual Chspter Q Lacat Roads Tabk 9.1: Stopping Sight Distance and Associated Vertical Cuwature for Local Roads Passing considerations may apply, exceptionaly, on some local roads. Safe Passing Sight Distance (SPSD) should only be catered for on long rural local roads and the requirements are detailed in Table 9,2. Table 9.2: Safe Passing Sight Distance and Assoclated Vertical Curvature for Locall Roads Decision Sight Distance (DSD) is not a relevant consideration on urban local roads, but should be considered for rural local roads. The requirements for DSD approaching a rural stop are detailed in Table 9.3. Table 9.3: Decision Sight Distance and Associated Vertical Curvature fur Rural Local -Roads Design Speed (kmlh) Decision Sight Distance (rn) Minimum K value for Vertical Crest Curves 50 70 8 60 95 14 70 115 20 80 140 30 - K M S Highway Design Manual 9-2.5 Gradients Local roads are the most flexible of all roads in respect of gradients. The upper h i t for gradients an local roads is 8%. There are some constraints on the maximum gradient that may be provided: In industrial areas, the presence of trucks makes an upper limit of 6% desirable. Where a local road abuts the frontage of a residential plot, it is desirable to limit the gradient to 3%. Where a local road approaches a 'Give Way' or 'Stop' intersection, the last 15m should be at a gradient not exceeding 2%. . The preferred minimum gradient to be adopted on a local road is [1.5%, with an absolute minimum of 0.3%, and drainage should be checked carefully to ensure that ponding does not occur. Critical gradient length criteria are not relevant to local roads. 9.2.6 Superelevation and Grossfall The maximum superelevation for horizontal curves on a rural local road is 4%. Crossfalls of 2% outwards from the crown line should normally be provided on straights. In order to discourage excessive speed on urban local streets, it is often prudent to limit the superelevation to 2%. Where longitudinal gradients are very low, consideration may be given to increasing crossfalls on straights to a maximum value of 3%, if this helps to eliminate flat areas and consequent ponding hazards. 9.2.7 Horizontal Cuwature The minimum radii for horizontal curves on rural local roads and urban local streets are set out in fable 9.4 and Table 9.5. Table 9.4: Minimum Radii for Rural Local Roads Page 9 4 K u w ~ i Highwey t Design Manuel Ch8pWf g Locel Roads Tabla 9.5: Minimum Radii for Urban Local Streets OR traffic calmed urban local streets, even tighter curves may be introduced as speed-limiting bends, where the designer considers that vehicles will travel extremely slowly. These bends should have an inner curb radius of 15m,but this may be reduced to lorn, typically on cul-de-sacs. On such speed-limiting bends, the maximum available foward visibility should be restricted to the Stopping Sight Distance appropriate for a design speed of 30krnk, namely 35m. 9.2.8 Widths Lane widths on local roads should be as shown in Table 9.6. Table 9.6: Lane Widths on Local Roads Lane Width (m) Single Lane Roads 2 Lane Roads 5.00 Rural 3.70 Urban 4.00 - Urban Industrial 4.00 Lane widening may be required on curves on local roads and'streets, For curves of over 325m radii, the recommended lane widths are as set out in Table 5.6. On curves with radii of 1Om to 1 00m, Table 14.6 (Case 1) gives the width requirements, but it is anticipated that there may be some encroachment by larger vehicles into the opposing lane. The designer should consider carefully both the design vehicle that he wishes to accommodate and the degree of encroachment that he considers to be acceptable from a safety viewpoint. The use of vehicle swept path templates or suitable computer software greatly simplifies the task of designing curves on local roads. This process should always be used when designing traffic-calmed layouts with speed limiting bends. Consideration should be given to providing the widened area on the inside of the bend in a distinctive paving material, for example, deeply textured paving blocks to encourage drivers of cars and other smaller vehicles to drive an the unwidened section of the road. Urban local streets are kerbed, but no kerb clearance is required. Parking lanes may abut the running lanes. Rural local roads are generally unkerbed, but are provided with 0.3m wide shoulders. Page 9-5 Kuwait Highwey Design Menu81 Chapler9 Locel Roads 9.3 Intersections Local roads generally have majorlminor intersections, the spacing for which is dependent on the layout of the development. 9.4 Pedestrian Facilities Sidewalks should normally be provided on both sides of a local road in urban areas, but in rural areas sidewalks are rarely necessary, given the significant shoulder and verge widths that normally exist. Sidewalk widths greater than 3.5m are desirable. However, minimum sidewalk widths be used. Widths should be checked for adequacy to handle the anticipated flows in the vicinity of major pedestrian generators (see Table 8.2). . of 1.8m may Pedestrian crossings are not normally required on local roads. 9.5 Tramc Calming Local Roads are generally well suited to the application of traffic calming techniques, and the designer is referred to Section 8.9 for details. The complete range of traffic calming measures may be considered for adoption on local roads, Best results are obtained when an entire area is considered from the outset, with traffic calming and speed reduction features designed into the geometric layout. However, the application of traffic calming techniques to established areas could still yield safely benefits and improve the environment for pedestrians and children. 9.6 Turning Areas Cul-de-sacs should be provided with a turning area at the enclosed end to allow vehicles to turn around and return along the road (where vehicles larger than SU and WB-'I5 are expected, a loop or through road should be used instead of a cul-desac).Figure 9.1 shows a range of fypical turning areas, with their dimensions. In a circular turning area, an outside kerb diameter of 20m is ample for private cars, 26m for a WB-I2 vehicle, and 30rn for SU and WB-I 5. A 20m diameter also permits an SU truck to turn by backing once. These circular turning areas can be accommodated within a square courtyard with 20m (or 26m or 30m) sides. 9.7 Driveways Care should be taken in the siting of driveways that give access to properties adjacent to the road. Driveways should be sited so as to cause as little disturbance as possible to the main through traffic. Driveway widths of 3m or 4m are normally adequate for residential properties. However, driveways leading to schools, mosques or apartment blocks, where traffic volumes are expected to be higher, should be at least 6m wide to allow for two-way traffic. The appropriate sight ' triangles for majorfminor intersections should be applied to driveway access points. Page 9-6 KuwaH Highway Design Manuel CWhrO Lmal Roads 20m min. Square End (with angle parking) Square End (minimum) Circular a t Hammerhead (Dimensions in brackets relate ta SU Design Vehicle) Figure 9.1: Turning Areas Page 9-7 K m i l Highway Oeshn Manual Chapter S Local Roads 9.8 Summary of Design Parameters Table 9.7summarizes the key geometric parameters relating to the preferred design speeds for local roads and streets. Table 9.7: Summary of Geometric Panmeters for Local Roads and Streets l o w e r radii are permissiblefor speed-limitingbends. Typical cross-sectional elements relating to focal roads are shown on the Figures that follow. Page 9-8 F.W. & B.W. PIPES S.W. SEWER -.- --CR - -OF --- - - - - - - - - - F.W. & B.W. PIPES I Kuwait Highmy DesMn Manuel Cheater9 Page 4 1 0 Kuwait Highway Design rWanual Chapter T O Secmdary Reeds 10.1 Introduction This Chapter deals only with those roads that are defined within the hierarchy as secondary roads, It gathers together the advice contained in various locations within this manual. The function of secondary roads is to cater for short-distance trips at relatively low speeds and to provide a means of access to and from the primary road network (for local roads, see Chapter 9, and for primary and special roads, refer to Chapters I 1 and 12). Rural secondaw roads can be either divided or undivided roads and should be designed to accommodate the highest possible standards compatible with traffic and topography. Urban secondary streets, which are normally divided roads, cater equally for mobility and access. Access control should be used primarily to ensure that access points conform to desired standards for location, design and safety. Minimisation of conflict points, adequate handjing of turning traffic and minimisation of conflict with pedestrians are desirable design goals. Traffic volumes in the design year will determine the scale of facility to be provided. En residential areas, secondary roads provide the link between local streets and primary roads, and also serve the frontage development along their length, with kerbside parking being provided as necessary. In commercial areas, secondary roads link primary roads to local roads that lead to parking areas. Secondary roads may also have kerbside parking. Access points to adjacent properties are relatively infrequent. In industrial areas, secondary roads are designed to handle the movements of larger vehicles in accordance with the nature of the industry that they serwe, and are often provided with shoulders that can act as kerbside parking lanes. Access points to adjacent properties are relatively infrequent. 10.2 Basic Design Parameters 10.2.1 Design Vehicle In general, the geometry of secondary roads should be adequate to handle vehides up to SU and BUS, but not semi-trailers In industrial areas, however, all sizes and types of design vehicle should be catered for. 10.2.2 Design Speed The design speed of a secondary road should lie in the range 6Okmlh to 100kmlh. A lower value of 50kmh may be adopted, if necessary.,in fully developed urban areas or in hilly rural areas where topography is a major constraining factor. In the absence of other relevant considerations, the recommended design speed for a rural secondary road is 80kmlh and for an urban secondary road is 60kmk. 10.2.3 Levels of Service Level of Service C is normally adopted for design purposes on secondary roads, but traffic volumes will rarely be high enough for this to result in practice, even in urban areas. Page 10-1 Kuwait Highwey Design Manuel Ch8phW 10 Secondary Roads 10.2.4 Sight Distances The stopping sight distance (SSD) relevant to the design speed should always be provided on a secondary road. SSD requirements and associated vertical curvature K values are as shown in Table 10.1 (for increased SSD on roads which are on a downgrade, refer to Table 4.1). l a bte 10.1: Stopping Sight Distance and Associated VertFcal Curvature for Secondary Roads On undivided secondary roads, adequate opportunities for passing should be provided. If passing is ta be permitted, the relevant Safe Passing Sight Distance (SPSD) should be provided and the requirements are given in Table 10.2. On urban secondary roads, which are either divided or normally connect to a divided primary road (where passing can safely take place), passing considerations are rarely relevant. Table 10.2: Safe Passing Sight Distance and Associated Vertical Curvature for Secondary Roads .Decision Sight Distance (DSD) is not a relevant consideration on urban secondary roads, but should be considered for rural secondary roads. The requirements for DSD approaching a rural stop are detailed in Table 10.3. Page 10-2 Kuwair Highway Design Menual Table 10.3: Decision Sight Distance and Associated Vertical Curvature for Rural Secondary Roads 10.2.5 Gradients The maximum longitudinal gradient for a secondary road is 6%, although flatter gradients should be achieved where possible. Where residential properties abut the road, a maximum gradient of 3%should be sought. The critical gtadient length set out in Table 6.5 should not be exceeded. The minimum gradient to be adopted on a secondaty road is 0.5%. 10.2.6 Superelevation and Crossfall The maximum superelevation for a secondary road is 4% in urban areas and 6% in rural areas. Normal crossfall of 2% outwards from the median (on a divided road) or from the road centreline (undivided road) should be provided on straights. 10.2.7 Horizontal Curvature The minimum radii for horizontal curves are set out in Table 70.4 below, Table 10.4: Minimum Radii for Secondary Roads 10.2.8 Widths Urban secondary roads are kerbed and should be provided with lanes that are 3.70rn wide, except in industrial areas, where 3.75m should be provided. A Kerb clearance of 0.6m is required on roads with design speeds exceeding 80kmlh. Parking lanes may abut the running lanes, and in an industrial area, it is good practice to provide a continuous 2.8mwide outer shoulder, which can also be used far parking. Page 10-3 Kuweft Highway Desan Manuel Rural secondary reads (both divided and undivided) are generally unkerbed, and have 3.70m wide Fanes and 0.3m outer shoulders. Median widths depend on circumstances, but the preferred width is &Om. 10.3 Intersections Secondary roads are generally characterised by at-grade intersections, and all types (including signalised and roundabouts) are suitable for use on secondary roads. 10.4 Pedestrian Facilities 10.4.1 Sidewalks Sidewalks should normally be provided on both sides of an urban secondary read and should be provided, where justified, on rural secondary roads. In locations with high pedestrian flows, the width of the sidewalk depends on the level of pedestrian activity, as given in fable 8.2. In other locations, a minimum width of 1.8m applies, but widths of 3.5m or more are desirable. In rural areas, footways are not normally required, but where provided, should be 1.8m to 3.5m in width and located within the verge. "f4.2 Pedestrian Crossings Generally, it should be possible for pedestrians to cross a secondary road without the assistance of any special facility. Grade-separated crossings (bridges and subways) are only likely to be justified in exceptional circumstances. Crossings incorporated within signalised intersections can be provided on secondary roads, normally where they intersect with primary roads. = Signal controlled, marked, at-grade crossings {of the "pelican' type) are unlikely to be necessary. Uncontrolled, marked, at-grade crossings (of the 'zebra' type) are only apprapriaje on urban secondary roads with a posted speed of 60kmlh or less. 10.5 Traffic Calming Although secondary roads are designed to handle short-distance trafic movements, traffic calming may be provided where considered appropriate. Measures that may be adopted, where clear benefit can be shown, include bar markings, entry treatment, gateways, rumble devices, false roundabouts and medians. Section 8.9 gives full details. 10.6 Summary of Design Parameters Table 10.5 summarises the key geometric parameters relating to the preferred design speeds, for secondary roads. Page 1W Kuwait Highway Design Manual Table 10.5: Summary of Geometric Parameters for Secondary Roads Minimum Vertical Clearance (m) I 5.5 I I 5.5 T h i s Qure relates to the approach to a STOP (sign or signals). In other cases Zhe figure is 230m. It is not normalb necessav to provide Declsion SigM Distance on an urban secondary road. Typical cross-sectional elements relating to secondary roads are shown on Figures that follow. pageIa5 Kuweif Highmy Design Manuel Page 10-6 K w i t HIghwey Design Manual Chapter 10 Semndarv Roads Kuwait Highway Design Menual Chepfar 11 Primary Roads 7 1.I Introduction This Chapter deals only with those roads that are defined within the hierarchy as primary roads and gathers together the advice contained in various locations within this manual. It should be noted that special roads, whose design characteristics enable them to cany greater volumes of traffic with fewer access points, are dealt with in Chapter 12. Previous Chapters deaf with local roads (Chapter 9) and secondary roads (Chapter 10). The function of primary roads is to provide high-speed, high-volume links between major points in both the rural and urban road networks. Primary roads are divided roads, normally of four or six lanes. Rural primary roads are designed on the basis of traffic volume needs, and should be constructed to the highest standards possible, The geometric design is determined from the selected design speed and design traffic volumes, taking into account the type of terrain and the general characteristics of the alignment. Direct access to adjoining development should rarely be permitted. Urban primary roads have mobility as their main determinant, with limited service to adjacent development. Where greater development access is required, service roads are often provided. In major centres of activity, the arterial street system must cater far vehicular mobility while recognizing and providing for a significant level of pedestrian activity. 1.2 Basic Design Parameters The geometry of primary roads should be adequate for all sizes of design vehicle. 11.2.2 Design Speed The permitted range of design speed for a rural primary road is from 120kmlh down to 80 kmlh. For urban primary roads, the range is 700kmlh down to 60kmh. It may be necessary in hilly terrain to adopt lower design speeds. In the absence of other relevant considerations, the recommended design speed for a primary road is 120kmh (rural) and 80kmh (urban). 11 2 . 3 Levels of Service Level of service €3 is normally adopted for design purposes on all primary roads, but in urban areas, heavily developed parts of the network may necessitate the use of Level of Service C. 11 -2.4 Sight Distances The stopping sight distances (SSD) and associated vertical curvature K values are set out in Table 11 .I(For . increased SSD on roads that are on a downgrade, refer to Table 4.1). Kuwall HighwayDesign Wnml Cheprw i f Primer),Roads Tabla 11.l : Stopping Sight Distance and Associated Vertical Curvature far Primary Roads As all primary roads in Kuwait are divided roads, passing is not a relevant consideration. Decision Sight Distance (DSD) shou'ld be provided at relevant locations in accordance with the guidance set out in Section 4.5 and in Table 11-2. Table 11.2: Decision Sight Distances and Associated Vertical Curvature for Prlmary Roads (Worst Case) 11-2.5 Grades The longitudinal profile of a Primary Road should be designed to suit the topography. The maximum grade permitted is 6%, but flatter grades should be achieved where possible. The critical grade length set out in Table 6.5 should not be exceeded. The minimum grade to be adopted on a Primary Road is 0.5%. 1I.2.6 Superelevation and Crossfall The maximum superelevation for all urban Primary Roads is 6%. In rural areas, the maximum is 8%. Normal crossfall of 2% outwards from the median should be provided on straights. Page 11-2 Kuwait Highmy Deslgn Manuel 11 -2.7 Horizontal Curvature The minimum radii for horizontal cunres are set out in Table f 1.3 below. Table 11.3: Minimum Radii for Primary Roads The maximum superelwation in urban areas is 6%. .11.2.8 Widths Urban Primary Raads are kerbed and should be provided with lanes that are 3.7m in width. At lower design speeds, no kerb clearance is required. At design speeds in excess of 80krnJh, an outer shoulder of 1.2m and a median shoulder of 0.6m are provided. Rural Primary Roads are not kerbed, and have 3.7m lane widths with a 3.0m outer shoulder and a 1.2m median shoulder. Median i i d t h s on Primary Roads depend on circumstances, but are normally 8.0m to 10.0m. Section 11.6 contains further details and typical cross sections: 11.3 Intersections Primary Roads are generally characterised by at-grade intersections, although gradeseparation is permissible and may be more appropriate in certain instances. Not all at-grade intersections are suitable for use on Primary Roads. On Primary Roads in urban areas, four-leg, majorlminor intersections should not be used and three leg, rnajorlminor intersections and U-turns should be avoided wherever possible. Signalised intersections and roundabouts are appropriate types of intersection to use. On rural Primary Roads, signalised intersections should not be used, as experience elsewhere has shown that the risk of high-speed accidents can be unacceptably high. Roundabouts may be preferable, but often grade separation will be considered appropriate. 1 1.4 Senrice Roads Parking is generally discouraged on or abutting the through running lanes of a Primary Road, as this could lead to excessive speed differentials and unexpekted manoeuvres. Page f 1-3 Kuwek Hbhw~yDeign Manuel M e r e parking is required in order to serve the fronting land uses, service roads are the preferred facility. These are roads provided parallel to, and physically separated from, the mainline (see Section 7.1 3.2). It is normal for service roads to have a single one-way running lane of at least 5.0m width, and adjacent parallel or angled parking bays on the side adjacent to the development, with an appropriate buffer lane being provided where possible (see Section 8.4.3). 11.5 Pedestrian Facilities 11.5.1 Sidewalks Sidewalks should normally be provided on both sides of an urban Primary Road, and should be provided, where justified, on rural Primary Roads. In locations with high pedestrian flow, the width of the sidewalk depends on the level of pedestrian activity, as given in Table 8.2. In other locations, the widths set out in Table 1I.4 should be provided. Table q4.4: Preferred Sidewalk Width for Primary Roads Desirable Width (m) Urban Rural 3.5 or more 1.8m to 3.5m - - Minimum Wdth (m) 1.8 7-8 11-5.2 Pedestrian Crossings It can 'be hazardous for pedestrians to cross primary roads, and adequate thought should be given at the design stage to the requirements for pedestrian crossings. Grade-separated crossings (bridges and subways) are always acceptable Primary Roads, but may not always be cost-justified. on Crossings incorporated within intersections are normally provided on Primary Roads. Signal controlled, marked, at-grade crossings (of the 'pelican' type) are generally the norm for mid-block crossings on urban Primary Roads. Uncontrolled, marked, at-grade crossings (of the 'rebra9ype) are only acceptable on urban Primary Roads with a posted speed of 60kmlh. 11.6 Summary of Design Parameters Table 11.5 summarises the key geometric parameters relating to preferred design speeds for Primary Roads. Page 1 1-4 Kuwea Highwey Design Manual Table 11.5: Summary of Geometric Parameters for Primary Roads Typical cross-sectional elements relating to Primary Roads are shown on the Figures that follow. Page 11-5 Kuwait Highway Design Menu81 Chapter f f Primary Roads Page 11-7 Kuwait Highway Design Menuat Chepkt 12 SpeciaE Roads Introduction This Chapter deals only with those roads that are defined within the hierarchy as Special Roads and gathers together the advice contained in various locations within this manual. Local Roads, Secondary Roads and Primary Roads are dealt with in Chapters 9, 10 and 1 1 respectively. Special Roads represent the highest standard of road provision in KuwaR. h e y provide high-speed, high-volume links between the main population centres and sene long-distance traffic moving to or from Kuwait. The prime determinants are mobility and safety, and access is strictly controlled. A Special Road may senre adjoining land uses between grade-separated interchanges by means of direct free-flow ramps connecting to service roads. Special Roads are divided multi-lane roads. Their geometric design is determined from the selected design speed and design traffic volumes, taking into account the type of terrain and the general characteristics of the alignment. Basic Design Parameters Design Vehicle The geometry of Special Roads should cater for all sizes of design vehicle. Design Speed The permitted design speed for Special Roads is 120kmlh to 80krnh in a rural area, and 100krnlh to 80krnn-Ein an urban area. In hilly terrain, it may be necessary to adopt lower design speeds for special roads. In the absence of other relevant considera2ions, the recommended design speed for a Special Road is 120kmJh (rural) and 100kmIh (urban). Levels of Service Level of service B is adopted for design purposes on Special Roads generally, but in hilly terrain or in heavily developed parts of the urban network, level of service C may be applied. Sight Distances The stopping sight distance (SSD) and associated veFtical curvature K values are set out in Table 12.1 (for increased SSDs on roads that are on a downgrade, refer to Table 4.1). Page 12-1 K m i t Highway Design Manual Chepler 12 Specie! Roads Table 12.1: Stopping Sight Distance and Associated Vertical Curvature for Special Roads As all Special Roads are divided roads, passing is not a relevant consideration. Decision Sight Distance (DSD) should be provided at relevant locations in accordance with the guidance set out in Section 4.5 and in Table 11 -2. Table 12.2: Decision Sight Distances and Associated Vertlcal Curvature for Special Roads (Worst Case) 12.2.5 Gradients the longitudinal profile of a Special Road should be designed to suit the topography. The maximum gradient permitted is 4% and flatter gradients should be achieved where possible. The critical gradient length set out in Table 6.5 should not be exceeded. The minimum gradient to be adopted on Special Roads is 0.5%. 12.2.6 Superelevation and Crossfall The maximum superelevation for special roads is 8%. Normal crassfall of 2% outwards from the median should be provided an straights. 12.2.7 Horizontal Curvature .The minimum radii for horizontal curves are set out in Table 12.3 below. Page 12-2 I Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chapter 72 Specie! Roads Table 12.3: Minimum Radii for Special Roads Minimum Radii (m) Design Speed (kmlh) . - - - 4% Superelevalion 6% Superelevation 8% Superelevation 80 285 255 230 90 375 335 305 p p p p I00 480 430 395 110 600 535 500 120 740 655 590 Special Roads should be provided with lanes that are 3.7m in width. The number of lanes is based on capacity considerations. Outer shoulders should always be provided, with a minimum width 3.0m, Median shoulders of 1.2m should also be provided. Median widths depend on circumstances, but are normally 8,Om to 10.0m. In urban areas, this may be reduced to an absolute minimum of 2.0m, where land-use constraints exist. 12.3 Intersections All intersections on Special Roads are grade-separated interchanges. 12.4 Service Roads m e r e access from a Special Road is required in order to serve the fronting land uses, service roads are provided. These are roads provided parallel to, and physically separated from, the mainline (see Section 7.13.2). They are connected to the main line by means of ramps designed to the same standards as apply at gradeseparated interchanges (see Chapter 18). 12.5 Pedestrian Facilities Because Special Roads are pedestrian-free zones, pedestrian crossings are always grade-separated and sidewalks are not provided. 12.6 Summary of Design Parameters Table 12.4 summarises the key geometric parameters relating to preferred design speeds for Special Roads. Page 12-3 KurmR Highway Design Manual Chapter 52 specie! ~ o a d s Table 12.4: Summary of Geometric Parameters for Special Roads - Page 1 2 4 Typical cross sectional elements relating to Special Roads are shown on the Figures that follow. .b - . KuwaH~yhaQnMenwd ! Chepaw 12 Speakrl- L in -- Haws 'M'S do V3 . I -.. -* : -r -CILaTE,Z- m elPE.-..a -.l=ILOE.GAS_PIPE - - -L E U1 ------ OF TREES --.C/L - -- - -- - - .- + Al i\, STREET LIGHT .--- -- . $2 d 3 m . . 5' L V) w go ES b en I:; c n ~~rnrnetridl - Kuwait Highway Design Menuel Chapter 13 - - InterseEthns Genemi 13.1 C Introduction This Chapter provides advice on the main factors that affect the choice between different types of major 1 minor intersections, on the positioning of such intersections and on suitable types of layouts. An intersection is a point in the road network where two or more roads join or cross. This may be achieved at-grade. There are three basic types of at-grade intersection, namely major I minor intersection, roundabout and U-turn. These are dealt with in Chapters 14 to 16 of this Manual respectively. Each of these types may be signalised, and additional material relating to signalised intersections is given in Chapter 17. Bridges or underpasses can provide 'inter-district' access by taking Secondary Roads either over or under Primary or Special Roads, thereby eliminating the need for local traffic to negotiate a major intersection. Where one or more bridges or underpasses are provided and the roads are interconnected, the resulting intersection is an interchange. Some interchanges incorporate at-grade intersections within their layout, while others permit only merging and diverging movements and are known as free-flow interchanges. The design of interchanges is dealt with in Chapter 18 of this Manual. Intersections are widely recognised as the primary locations of accidents on all roads. Significant importance is therefore attached to safety in the development of intersection design. A number of safety issues must be addressed during the design development process. These include visibility, driver perception, signing and road marking, trafk control and pedestrian access. Intersections may be upgraded in capacity terms as an area is developed. For example, an existing major 1 minor intersection may have its capacity increased in the future by the provision of 'free right turns1 or the addition of signals, and a signalised intersection may be designed to allow for conversion to an interchange in the future. This manual generally presents intersections in order of increasing complexity and capacity. ! f 3.2 Intersection Spacing The geographical position of the roads within the network will dictate the location of main intersections. Intermediate intersections are usually a function of the surrounding area and its current or future development. In urban areas, residential properties, together with commercial and industrial sites, generate significant demand for both short and long-distance travel. Consequently, there is a need for frequent access points so that traffic from the local road network may cross, join and leave the main roads. In contrast, rural environments have fewer developed areas, and access needs are intermittent. The over-riding demand on the main road is for through traffic movement and intersections occur much less frequently. The spacing of intermediate intersections is therefore a balance between the needs of through traffic on the road and the requirement to access adjacent development. It is important to note that the needs of through traffic take priority, and in particular., no access should be permitted between interchanges on a Special Roads. Page 13-1 KuweR Highwey Design Manuel Factors that should be taken into account when determining the need for an intersection (and hence the spacing of intersections along a route) include: the class of road within the hierarchy the general intersection spacing that applies to the road class * the potential traffic demand for access to and from the main road the length of the alternative route if no intersection is provided the design speed and posted speed of the road the lengths required for any weaving to occur safely decision sight distances the physical dimensions of the intersection itself Measures that can be used to reduce the number of intersections along a route include: the provision of service roads to collect local traffic movements together the closure of minor roads at the main road (with the provision of appropriate turning facilities) provided alternative access is readily available. Because of all the factors described above, it is not possible to apply strict and rigorous standards for the spacing of intersections. The minimum distance required between intersections is normally controlled by the length required for slip roads and the length of the intervening weaving sections, as determined from the projected traffic flows. The information set out in fable 73.1 should therefore only be used as broad guidance when considering the minimum spacing of intersections. Table 13.1: Minimum Intersectton Spacing (measured centre-todentre) Intersection Spacing (m) Road Class Urban Areas Rural Areas Special Road 1000 2000 Primary Road 400 1500 Secondary Road 700 100 no minimum specified 100 Local Road 13.3 I Selection of Intersection Type .The choice of intersection type is heavily influenced by the volumes of traffic predicted to use it. A robust estimate of future traffic flows should be available to the designer at the outset, either from surveys of current traffic and estimates of future growth, or from traffic prediction models. It is good practice fo consider the heaviest movements first when choosing an intersection type and planning its layout. Particularly high Rows may require their own dedicated turning lane or exclusive connecting link roads. Page 73-2 Although it is not possible to be precise when defining traffic levels for different types of intersection, it is clear that certain layouts are most suitable for traffic flows that lie within particular ranges. Figure 13.1 gives broad guidance to assist the designer in making an initial assessment of the most suitable intersection type, but this' choice must be reviewed as the design progresses. ' I ; * - . .* , , '. . . .I.?,AS . m , ,,. ' , ' d! * b - -: . >!" a ;., -. *- . 1 - 20' 90 40 50 MAlOR ROAD FLOW x IPMDT 10 70 g0 Flgure 13.1: Guidance on lnitlal Selection of tntersectlon Type Source: msedon materklin the UK DMRB' r, ' ,:. . In the interests of safety, the intersections dong a length of a road should not involve different layout types, even though all may be permitted. A primary arterial, which generally has interchanges along its route, for example, should not have an isolated roundabout or signalised intersection. The safest schemes are generally the ones that present the driver with no surprises. Table 13.2: PermHted IntersectJon Types in Urban Areas Atgrade Intersecttow Road Class -,J? TJ 4.1 - , C>.rP I m111-d=, l,,>*.a:i-- - IL-f 41 + , && ,i.> 7 s ?,\ - sf C z Special Road 4e I I 3 v Secondary Road + + 11 z i! 9s a= - .. - xr- I. *srr!F.. Primary Road Local Road I 0 v Q J J J + I -e J II J 4 Kuwait K i k y Design MenueE Table 13.3: Permitted Intersection Types In Rural Areas Secondary Road Local Road e e e + J c, In all cases, it is necessary to check that the chosen intersection type has adequate capacity to handle the projected traffic levels, and close liaison with the traffic engineer is essential in developing the layout and lane provision. 13.4 Choosing between Roundabouts and Signalised Intersections A number of safety, operational, economic and environmental factors should be taken into consideration when choosing between a roundabout and a signalised intersection. 13.4.1 Safety Roundabouts have been demonstrated to be generafly safer than other forms of atgrade intersections, both in terms of crash frequency and severity. The frequency of crashes is related to the number of conflict points and the magnitude of conflicting flows. A conflict point is the location where the paths of two vehicles diverge, merge or cross each other. For typical intersections with four, single-lane approaches, a signalised intersection has 32 conflict points, whereas a roundabout has only 8. The severity of a collision is determined by speed at impad and the angle of impact. For roundabouts, speed control is provided by the physical, geometric features. For signalised intersections, restraint relies on the driver obeying traffic control devices. A series of roundabouts can have a secondary traffic calming effect on streets by reducing vehicle speeds. As speed control is provided by the roundabout geometry, speed reduction can be realised at all times of the day and on streets of any traffic volume. Roundabouts are only recommended for single carriageway or dual, 2-lane carriageway junctions. For dual 3-lane carriageways or greater, it is difficult to provide sufficient entry deflection and the resulting speed control. 1 3.4.2 Operation When operating within their capacity, roundabouts function with fewer delays than other intersection types, as it is often unnecessary for traffic to come to a complete stop at the Give Way line. When there are queues on the approach arms, traffic within the queues usually continues to move, and this is more tolerable Ze drivers than stopping completely. - Kuwait Highwey Design ManuaE mapier f3 Inienectmns - Germ& & At roundabouts, a13 movements are given equal priority, regardless of whether the approach is a local street or a major arterial. This may result in more delay to the major movements than might otherwise be desired. Therefore, the overall street classification system and hierarchy should be considered before the junction type is - * - selected. It is common practice to coordinate traffic signals on arterial roads to rninimise stops and delays. Traffic control systems move vehicles through their controtled areas in platoons by adjusting traffic signal times to suit the required progress. The introduction of a roundabout into a coordinated signal system may interfere' with these platoons, thereby reducing the progressive movement of traffic, and is therefore not recommended. 13.4.3 Economics Roundabouts usually require more space for the circular roadway and the central island than the rectangular space inside signalised intersections. Roundabouts can often have significant right-of-way impacts on the corner properties at intersections. Conversely, if a signalised intersection requires long or multiple turn lanes to provide sufficient capacity or storage, a roundabout with similar capacity may require less space on the approaches. Signalised intersections have equipment that requires constant power, periodic light bulb and detection system maintenance and regular signal timing updates. However, roundabouts can have higher landscaping costs. Power failure at signalised intersections is disruptive and potentially dangerous. Power failure has minimal effect on roundabouts. The service life of a roundabout is significantly longer than for a signalised intersection, typically 25 years as opposed to 10 years. 13.4.4 Environment Roundabouts may reduce noise and air quality impacts if they lessen vehicle delay and the number and duration of stops, as compared with fixed-time signalised intersections. Vehicle-actuated signals, in certain instances, may cause less delay, less fuel consumption and less emissions than roundabouts, as long as traffic volumes are low. Roundabouts communities. requirements central island provided. 13.5 offer the opportunity to provide attractive entries or centrepieces to The parts of the central idand that are not subject to sight distance offer opportunities for aesthetic landscaping. Hard objects in the that directly face the entries are a safety hazard and should not be Design Vehicles The range of design vehicles for use in Kuwait is given in Chapter 2 of the Manual, and it is anticipated that designers will have access to computer software that enables these different vehicles to be 'driven" around an intersection layout in order to check that adequate space has been provided and that the kerb radii are appropriate. In the absence of such software, reference should be made to AASHTQ~,which provides relevant swept path templates. Intersections should be designed with due regard to the types of vehicles likely to use them. In residential areas, for example, a Single Unit Truck or Bus (SU or BUS) could be appropriate, whereas for an industrial area, a semi-trailer (perhaps WB-15) might be relevant. Page 13-5 Kinwit Highway Design Manual Chapter ff3 - fntersections Genemf Occasional use by a particular type of heavy vehicle, for example once per day or less frequently, would generally not be sufficient to govern the geometric design. More regular use would suggest that the dimensions of that vehicle should determine the layout to be provided. 13.6 Siting of Intersections In selecting locations for intersections on new-build or major improvement schemes, the designer should seek to ensure that the siting: is appropriate with respect to adjoining intersections * avoids places where the main alignment is on a sharp curve avoids the need for intersecting roads to meet at small angles enables the grades of the minor legs to be reasonably flat avoids the tops of crest cunres in rolling terrain. f 3.7 - Intersection Types (1) Major I Minor Intersections Figure 13.2 shows the most common form of intersection on minor roads. This comprises an at-grade intersection between two roads, one of which (the major alignment) passes through the intersection while the other (the minor alignment terminates there, usually at right-angles to the major road. Traffic control normally consists of Give Way or Stop signs and markings, displayed to drivers on the minor road. Where the minor alignment is skewed to the main line, there is an increase in the potential for accidents, due primarily to the limited visibility available to the driver on the minor road. This can be a particular difficulty on acute angles, where emerging lefl-turning truck drivers may not be able to look to the right along the main road. Equally, a small angle can make it difficult for the emerging driver to know whether to look over his left shoulder or to try to use his rear-view mirror (with its inherent blind spot). Figure 13.2: Simple T Intersection 1 3.7.2 Four-leg Intersection [Crossroads) As shown in Figure 13.3, this comprises the at-grade intersection of two roads, both of which continue through the intersection, usually intersecting at or near right Page 13-6 - Kuwelt Highway Design Manuel angles. One is designated the major alignment, while the other, the minor alignment, is usually governed by Give W a y or Stop signing. Crossroads, by their nature, have a high number of potentially conflicting vehicle paths, and so their provision is generally not recommended. Figure 13.3: Simple Four-leg Intersection 13.7.3 Staggered Four-leg lntersection As an alternative to the Crossroads Intersection, consideration could be given to providing a Staggered Intersection. This comprises two T-intersections on opposite sides of the main alignment, so that crossing vehicles join the main road and then leave it, rather than crossing it directly. Although this arrangement, which is shown in Figure 13.4, is preferable to a crossroads, special care should be taken in design to ensure that there is adequate storage for leR-turning vehicles, and that there is adequate stagger length between the two Intersections. A left-right stagger is preferred. Page 13-7 K m d H i g h m Design Menual Chapter 13 Intersections Genenl - a) Leit I Right stagger b) Right / Left stagger Figure 13.4: Staggered Intersection 13:7.4 Free Right Turns Free Right Turns may be provided at major I minor intersections if provision can improve the operation and capacity of the intersection. Right-turning roadways should be considered where land-take considerations permit, and are generally warranted when the right-turning flow exceeds 25% of the approach volume. Signalisation Major I minor intersections work on the principle that each vehicle in the minor stream has to select a safe gap in the major stream in order that conflict does not occur. Signal ~ontrolis also an appropriate and frequently-used method of eliminating conflicts at an at-grade intersection,through time-separation of Rows, and is dealt with in Section 73.10. The provision of 'Free Right Turns' roadways, which are not signalised, can provide significant additional capacity at a signalised intersection. They will generally be warranted on capacity grounds, but may also be provided, where land-take permits, in order to reduce delays to right-turning traffic. Pedestrian crossing movements should be carefully considered, and 'Zebra' or 'Pelican' crossings provided where appropriate. 13.8 - Intersection Types (2) Roundabouts Roundabouts are a special form of at-grade intersection, characterised by a one-way circulatory road around a central island. Approaching traffic gives way to circulating .traffic, and then, when a suitable gap appears, joins the flow running counterclockwise around the island until it reaches the required exit. This type of layout can accommodate three to six legs. Figure 13.5 shows a typical four-leg roundabout. Page 1 9 8 - KuweiI Highway Design Msnual Chapfer13 Intersections Generel - T r a f i deflection island /> Figure 13.5: Typical Four-Leg Roundabout 13.9 - Intersection Types (3) U-turns On divided roads, side roads are often connected to the main alignment by three-leg T-intersections that permit only right turning movements. These *right-in, right-out" intersections can only be accessed from the main road by vehicles travelling in one direction and so opportunities need to be provided for vehicles moving the opposite direction to turn around. This can sometimes be achieved at a roundabout or a signalised intersection, but often, a dedicated U-turning facility must be provided. Figure 13.6 shows a typical layout. figure 13.6: Typical U-turn Page 13-9 Kuwait HgRway Design Manual Chapter 13 - Intersections General 13.10 - Intersection Types (4) Signalised Intersections While not, strictly speaking, an intersection type in its own right, signalisation may be provided on a number of at-grade layouts to control the movement of traffic and thereby improve safety and increase capacity. . Signalised intersections may be designed as such frorn the outset, or signals may be added to a major 1 minor, roundabout or U-turn layout at a later stage. Figure 13.7 is an illustration of a four-leg signalised intersection. Figure 13.7: TypicaE Four-leg SlgnaHsed Intersection 3.1 I - Intersection Types (5) Interchanges This type of intersection removes all major vehicle conflict frorn the main line by means of grade separation, although certain elements within the interchange may be designed as at-grade intersections. Where no at-grade elements exist, an intersection is generally referred to as a free-flew interchange. A typical Diamond Interchange (which includes two signallised intersections) is shown in Figure 13.8, while Figure 13.9 shows a typical Free-flow Interchange. interchange types are wide ranging, and this subject is dealt with more fully in Chapter j 8 of this Manual. Page 13-10 Kuwnfl Highmy Design Manual Chepfer13 Intersections General - Figure 13.8: Diamond Interchange Figure $3.9: Free-flow Interchange t Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, The Highways Agency, Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions, UK Government, various dates A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2001, AASHTO, 2001 Kuwatt Hlghwey Design Manuel 14.4 Introduction This section provides advice and standards for the geometric design of major 1 minor intersections with regard to traffic operation and safety. Major 1 minor intersections provide the simplest arrangement where two roads join. Their operation relies on one of the roads (the major road) being given priority, by means of signs and road markings, over those on the other (the minor road). Accordingly, they are appropriate where roads of generally low status within the hierarchy intersect. 14.2 Safety The rate of accidents is usually higher on urban roads than on rural roads. Most vehicular and pedestrian accidents occur at major I minor junctions. Poorly judged left turn movements onto and from the major road and dangerous overtaking manoeuvres usually accompany these accidents. Consequently, the designer should review each intersection on an individual basis. Major / minor intersections are safest when the angle of intersection of the road centrelines lies in the range 60° to 120°, and the designer should seek to achieve this within the centrefine alignment. 14.3 Types of Major I Minor Intersection There are two suitable types of major E minor intersections for use in Kuwait. These are three-leg intersections (T-intersections) and four-leg intetsections (Crossroads and Staggered Intersections), f-intersections are further subdivided into simple, flared and free right turn arrangements. These are dealt with in general terms in this section, and subsequent sections of this chapter give guidance on the various geometric elements required for the proper design of all major 1 minor intersections. fable 14.1 gives guidance on the selection of suitable types of intersections, given the different classes of the major and minor roads. Page 14-1 Kuwait Highway Design Manuaf Chepter 14 At Grade InlerseEtions Table 14.t: Suitable Major I Minor Intersection Types Major leg Minor leg Type Suitable layouts Local Road Local Road 3-leg Simple T Flared T with minor leg splitter island #-leg Simple crossroads Staggered intersection 34% Simple T Flared T with minor leg splitter island T with kerbed median (rural roads) T on divided road with median opening Signalised or mundabout (rural roads) 4-leg Simple crossroads Staggered intersection Signalised or roundabout (rural roads) Secondary Road Local Road Secondary Road 3-leg ' Flared T with minor Reg splitter island T with kerbed median (rural roads) T on divided road with median opening Signalised or roundabout Primary Road Secondary Road 4-leg Signalised or roundabout 3-leg Ton divided road with median opening Ton divided road without median opening Signalised or roundabout Interchange 4-leg Primary Road 34% 4-'eg Special Road Primary Road Special Road 14.3.1 Signalised or roundabout Interchange f on divided road without median opening Signalised or roundabout preferred interchange Signafised or roundabout Inferchange Interchange 3-leg Intersections 14.3.1.I Simple T Intersection Figure 14.1 shows the simplest form of major I miner intersection. Where the kerb lines on both roads intersect, a radius is provided to assist turning manoeuvres, but no other geometric changes are made to the cross section of either road. This form of intersection is most suited to residential areas. Page f 4-2 - KuwH Highway Design Manual Ch~pterf 4 A l Grade Fntersections i Figure 14.1 F Simple T-intersection In industrial areas where kerb radii are designed to accommodate heavy vehicles, the mouth of the intersection can become very wide, and it is good practice to provide a splitter island on the minor leg, Where the minor road intersects the main tine at an angle outside the range 70 to 110 degrees, the provision of a splitter island enhances safety and reduces the width of the paved area. Flared T with Minor Leg Splitter Island A splitter island can be provided to separate left turns on undivided roads, to control problems arising when drivers "cut the cornef. In this layout, as shown in Figure 14.2, the right of way on the minor mad is widened in order to provide the additional space to accommodate a splitter island. This layout is particularly suitable for use (in both urban and rural areas) where any of the following conditions apply: There are significant levels of pedestrian movement across the minor leg. More than one-third af the traffic approaching on the minor leg turns left. The intersection is used regularly by turning trucks or buses. A prominent island location for a 'stop" sign is desired, paflicularly in rural areas. Figure f4.2: Flared T with Minor Leg Splitter Island Where the minor road makes a skew approach to the main line, the introduction of a circular curve on the minor approach alignment may bring the minor leg nearer to the perpendicular, if the Right of Way width permits. The objective is to seek an angle in Page 14-3 KuwaH Highwiy Design Manual CAapfer f 4 Al Grade Intemectims the range 70 to 110 degrees, Where the intersection angle lies outside the range 60 to 120 degrees, consideration should be given to the provision of a right-turning roadway in order to reduce the width of the bell mouth. Flaring may also be applied to the main line, in special situations, to provide space for through vehicles to pass those waiting to turn left. In this case it is preferable ta maintain the alignment of the centreline and provide the necessary widening asymmetrically on the opposite side to the minor leg. Intersection with Main Line (Kerbed Median) In this arrangement, as shown in Figure 14.3, a kerbed median is provided along the major road. A single through lane is provided in each direction, and the layout is designed to discourage potentially hazardous passing manoeuvres in the vicinity of the intersection. This type of layout should only be used in rural areas, and is normally warranted where more than one left-turning vehicle is expected to be waiting on the major leg at any one time. Figure 14.3: T-intersection with Main Line Channelisation The provision of the auxiliary left-turning lane requires additional .cross-sectional width. Wldening can be achieved either symmetrically about the major road centreline (as shown in Figure f4.3), or asymmetrically (with the through lane on the minor road side being maintained on a straight alignment). Page 1 4 4 T-intersection on a Divided Road, with Median Opening This type of intersection is sometimes used on a collector or secondary arterial to provide access at a mid-block location. Figure 14.4 represents a typical example. The layout is such that it can be readily converted to a signalised intersection if the demand warrants it. - Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chapter 14 At Grade Intersections Figure 14.4: T-intersectionon a Divided Road, with Median Opening In Kuwait, a layout on a divided read that permits left turns both into and out of the minor road it is not considered suitable. The left turning movement from the minor road is normally omitted and may be catered for at a U-turn an appropriate distance further downstream. Weaving considerations then become a significant factor in the design process. Alternatively, if all movements are to be provided at the intersection then a roundabout or signalised solution is generally required. T-intersection on a Divided Road, without Median Opening This arrangement, as shown in Figure 74.5, is the most frequent type of mid-block connection onto a Primary Road. If it is provided in conjunction with a pair of U-turns, adequate weaving capacity on the Primary Road both before and after the intersection should be ensured. At a future date, this layout can easily be converted to operate with a median opening, and signalisation may be added. Figure 14.5: T-intersection on a Dlvided Road, without Median Opening Page 14-5 Kuweii Highway Design Manual Chap&t 14 At Grade Inierseetions 14.3.2 4-leg Intersections Simple Crossroads The layout shown In Figure 14.6 is only suitable for use where Local Roads meet other Local Roads or Secondary Roads and where low traffic volumes are expected. This is because of the number of conflicting vehicle paths through a crossroads. Minor leg splitter islands should always be used, in order to improve driver comprehension of the layout and to provide a suitable and prominent location for Stop signs to be sited. Figure 14.6: Simple Crossroads Staggered T-intersection At some locations, a Staggered T-intersection is preferable to a simple crossroads layout, since it reduces the number of potentially conflicting vehicle paths. On the other hand, it provides hrvo intersection locations in close proximity rather than one intersection. As with the crossroads layout, this type of intersection is only considered appropriate when connecting Local Roads either to each other or to a Secondary Road. Figure 14.7 shows two alternatives, the lewright stagger and the rightrleft stagger. The IeWright stagger is generally preferred, because the queuing of left-turning vehicles on the major road occurs on the approaches to, rather than within, the intersection. Page 1 4 4 Kuwaft Highwey Design Manuel Chapter 14 At Grade Intersections VARIES Mln 30m a) Left t Right stagger . . b) Right l Left stagger Figure 14.7: Staggered T Intersection q4.4 Capacity The road hierarchy (Table 14.1) limits the selection of intersection type, however, it is necessary to check that the selected intersection type has adequate capacity to handle the predicted traffic demand. Close liaison with the traffic engineer is required at an early stage. If there is a lack of capacity, consideration should be given, firstly to the adoption of a major J minor layout of a higher standard, and secondly to the provision of a signalised intersection. In the tatter case, it is always preferable to begin the design process afresh rather than simply to impose signals on a layout designed for majorI minor operation. Where there are high volumes of left-turning vehicles on most approaches, a roundabout may be a suitable solution. 14.5 Pedestrian Considerations Major 1 minor intersections can pose problems for pedestrians, especially in areas with dominant pedestrian Rows, or where the entry to the minor road is wide and lacks a splitter island. The needs of pedestrians should be borne in mind. If there is a need Yo provide a signalised pedestrian crossing on one leg, then the intersection should be signalised as a whole. 14.6 Alignment The alignment of the main line through an intersection is determined in the normal manner by the application of the standards relevant to the 'Design Speed, as set out in Chapters 5 and 6 of this Manual. Page 14-7 K m r Y Highway Design Manual Chepler 14 At Grade Intersections For the minor road(s), vehicle-operating speeds tend to be lower, as drivers either accelerate away from the intersection, or anticipate on their approach that they may have to bring their vehicles to a halt. Accordingly, the designer may use his judgment in selecting the alignment elements, but should always ensure that vehicle speed can be safely maintained, meets the anticipated, operating speed for the movements concerned, and bears an appropriate relationship to the operating speeds on adjacent sections of road. In all cases, the designer should check that the guidance given in the following sections of this Chapter is adhered to. Steep gradients should be avoided on minor leg approaches. The vertical alignment should be flattened to a maximum gradient of 2% (up or down)far a minimum of 15m before the Give Way or Stop line. 14.7 Visibility 14.7.1 Visibility on the Main Alignment Drivers on the main line should be able to see the minor road entry from a distance of 1.5 times the Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) appropriate for the Design Speed. This is to ensure that they can perceive the intersection and react to its presence. SSD should also be provided to the back of any anticipated queues, for example of vehicles waiting to turn left. d4.f.2 Visibility on the Minor Road Approach Drivers should 'be able to see the point at which they are expected to stop or give way from an adequate distance. This means that at least full SSD appropriate to the design speed of the minor road should be provided. In the following instances, Decision Sight Distance (DSD), which is greater than SSD, should be provided: On a rural ioad leading to a stop sign On an urban road leading to a stop sign or traffic signals Where unusual manoeuvres are required at the intersection Where there is a significant amount of visual distraction See Section 4.5 of this Manual for further details. At a f-intersection, consideration should be given to the use of planting (or to the provision of other barriers to forward view) beyond the intersection. This provides an approaching driver with a visual signal that the alignment is coming to an end. At crossroads, other means of increasing the awareness of the driver of the intersection layout should be considered. Splitter islands are always provided, and they may provide a suitable location for a maximum size stop sign. 14.7.3 Visibility for Emerging Vehicles Drivers of emerging vehicles need an adequate view of other vehicles whose paths they intersect. This view should be perceived in good time, rather than when the vehicle arrives at the give way or stop line. This leads to a requirement for sight triangles, as shown in Figure 14.8. Page 1 4 4 KuwaW W~hwayDesign Manual , . Y r Fullwidth of intersection 5 - . Y . : - ----.------------ --- -- - ---T.P. T.P Appmach triangle # Cmssing triangle For defination of distance X and Y seu paragraph 14.8 There are two sight triangles, both of which have a visibifi envelope in the vertical plane- that is the same as for Safe Passing Sight Distance(see Section 4.4 of this .manual). The lower boundary for clear vision is therefore from a driver eye height of 1.05m to an object height also of 1-05rn. Firatly, the approaching driver neds to see and comprehend the layout of the intersection, and this is achieved through the provision of clear visibility, with no obstructions, on the approach triangle. The reference line for this is the nearer edge of the travelled way of the main alignment, and the full width of the intersection at the reference line should be clearty visible from a point 15m before that line. Secondly, the driver needs to be able to identify when it is safe' for him to proceed into or across the traffic R o w on the main line, and this is achieved through the provision of clear visibility at all points within the crossing triangk. The reference line is again the nearer edge of the travelled way of the main alignment, but the distance (Y) along this line, and the distance (X) back into the minor road, are both variable, depending upon #e circum&ances. Table 14.2 and Table 14.3 k t out the relevant information. Wdhin the crossing triangle, isolated obstructions to the sigM line (single sign posts, lighting columns etc) are permissible, but c a n should be taken to ensure that a combination of slim obstructions together do not block the vision of a driver. table 14.2: 'X' Dlshncm for Crossing Sight Triangle Chcumstances - . . . 'X' Dlstiance(m) (see Figure 145) Normal provision In rural areas 15 In urban areas I0 Minimum provision Generally In densely developed urban locations 5 b2.5 K m i ! Highway Des&n Manual Chapler 74 At Grade Inkcsections - Table 14.3: 'YWistances for Crossing Sight Triangle Design Speed of Major Road (kph) 'XI Distance (m) (see Figure 14.8) 30 70 40 90 50 135 60 I35 70 760 80 180 90 205 100 225 130 245 120 270 If the major road is one way (or one half of a divided roadway, with only right turning from the minor road being allowed), a single crossing sight triangle in the direction of approaching traffic is necessary. If the minor road serves as a one-way exit from the major road, no sight triangle is required, but adequate forward visibility for turning vehicles should be provided. 14.7.4 - - Visibility on Rig ht-turning Roadways - Corner Radii Corners may be of constant radius (simple) or may use s compound curve, ofwhich the three-centred compound curve, shown in Figure 14.9, is in most general use. This is described by its three radii, in the order in which a driver would encounter them, together with the offset of the middle radius. Thus a 30m-l0m-60m, 1.5m offset, describes a curve with an initial circular radius (Rl) of 30m, followed by a section of cuwe with a radius (R2) of 1 Om whose centre is 11.5m{R2+offset) from the extended channel line, followed by a curve with a radius (R3) of 60m. Page 14-10 - Vehicles parked within sight triangles obstruct visibility. Parking bays and access driveways should therefore be located outside the triangles. Care should also be taken in the placing of any signs, landscaping or items of street furniture within the sight triangles, so that the obstructive effect is minimised. The Stopping Sight Distance, which accords with the relevant speed, should be provided, as described in Section 14.7. 14.8 I Kuwait H i g b w y Design Manual Chapter 14 At Grade Interseclions Figure 14.9: Three-Centred Compound Cuwe Table 14.4: Corner Radii at Major I Minor Intersections Rural Roads These arrangements are generally appropriate for vehicles up to the size of a bus (BUS) or a single-unit truck (SU).Mere larger vehicles are anticipated on more than an occasional basis, adequate radii should be provided, normally using a compound curve. Table 14.5 gives general guidance on curves, which should avoid encroachment on to adjacent lanes, but the designer is referred to the extensive advice in AASHTO' (Exhibit 9-79 and 9-20,and the accompanying Exhibits 9-21 to 9-28). Checking with templates or by use of computer software is recommended where larger semi-trailers are expected to operate regularly. Table 14.5: Three-Centred Corner Radii for Semi-trailers Page 14-1 1 Kuweit HIghw~yDesign Manual Cheptar I 4 At Grade Inlerseclions 14.10.3 Corner Radii where Right Turning Does Not Occur In circumstances where right turning does not occur, for example because it is prohibited by traffic regulation or if it 3s catered for by means of a separate rightturning roadway, a kerb radius of around l m should be provided. 94.11 Cane Widths 14.11.1 Cane WidthsonThrough Lanes The lanes on the major road, which continue through the intersection, should be the same width as the lanes before and after the intersection. 14.11.2 Lane Widths on Left-turning Lanes on the Major Road An auxiliary left-turning lane should be at least as wide as the adjacent through lane. Where the left turn lane is protected, as shown in Figure 14.4, a width, which provides 4m between the kerbs on the protected length, would be chosen. DoubleFane, len-turning lanes, if required, should always be signalised, and should comply with the standards set out in Chapter 17 of the manual. 14.11.3 Lane Wjdths on Auxiliary Righi-turning Lanes Depending on the volume and speed of turning traffic relative to through traffic, it is sometimes appropriate to develop an auxiliary right-turning lane on the main alignment in advance of the intersection. This allows turning vehicles to decelerate clear of the through traffic. The auxiliary right-turning lane, as shown in Figure 14.10, should normally be the same width as the adjacent through lane. Figure 14.10: Auxiliary Right-turning Lane 14.11.4 Lane Ndths on Right-turning Roadways On right-turning roadways, added width is requited in order to cater for the swept path of larger design vehicles. If large vehicles (typically WB-15 or larger) are to be catered for, then the width should be checked using the swept path template for that vehicle. For radii above 12511,see Table 5.6 for details of lane widening requirements. Page 14-12 Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chapter 14 At Grede lnterseciions On turning roadways longer than 30m, it is recommended that allowance should normally be made for broken down vehicles. On shorter roadways, the designer should consider whether or not to provide for this eventuality, bearing in mind the presence of any alternative route for right turning vehicles that may exist within the intersection. Turning roadway widths are set out in Table 14.6. Table 14.6: Width of Right-Turning Roadways 14.11.5 Lane Widths on the Minor Road Approach For intersections without a minor leg splitter island, it is normal practice to maintain the width of the minor road lanes up to the intersection. For intersections with a minor leg splitter island, it is good practice to widen the travelled way at the approach to the intersection. The minimum approach lane width at the start of the splitter island should be 4.0m, or, if two separate approach lanes are being provided, 2 x 3.5rn. The width of the lane entering the minor road at this point should also be a minimum of 4.Qrn. This is illustrated in Figure 14.1f . If the minor lag is a divided road, then no change in cross-section is required. Consideration should, however, be given to signalising the intersection or to the adoption of a roundabout, Kuwait Highway Design Menuel Chapter 14 At Gmde IntemeFlions a) Single lane approach b) Two lane approach Figure 14.11: Minor Road Approach with Splitter Island 74.12 Islands 14.12.1 General Physical or painted guide islands can usefully separate trafic movements. Minimising conflicts by separation means that drivers are faced with simple decisions on their choices of movement at any one time, thus enhancing safety. 74.32.2 Dimensions of Physical (kerbed) Islands Splitter islands on the minor road shall be at least q.2m wide and 5.0m long, and shall be set back by at least 0.5m from the nearest edge of the main line travelled way. Where significant numbers of pedestrians are expected to use an island as a means of crossing the minor road, its width should be 3.5m or more. The median island at a T-intersection with a kerbed mainline (as shown in Figure 14.3) should be 12m wide (including median shoulders, ili any) immediately downstream of the crossing point. This width can shelter buses and most single unit trucks turning left from the minor road. Were use by longer vehicles is expected and a roundabout is not feasible, the width needed for shelter is at feast the length of the design vehicle. The physical characteristics of the site and the swept paths of the design vehicles usually determine the dimensions of other kerbed islands, but the area of islands should generally be not less than 6m2 if kerbed or 3m2 if painted. For triangular islands, this is approximately equivalent to a length of side of 3.5m (kerbed) or 2.5m (painted). 14.12.3 Painted Islands Painted islands should be delineated in accordance with the Kuwait Traffic Signs ~anual*. Page 14-14 - K u w d Highwey Design Mmuaf Chepfer 14 A1 Grede lntemctiwrs - -1 14.10.4 Physical (kerbed) Islands fhe approach end of a physical island should be obvious to the approaching driver and clear of vehicle paths. Guidance on the appropriate form of signage is contained in the Kuwait Traffic Signs bIanual2. For median islands in the major road (that is, for a kerbed single-lane), it is generally appropriate to provide a nose down unit at the start of the island, as shown in Figure 14-12. For splitter islands in the minor road, a nose down unit a2 the furthest end from the intersection may be appropriate in a rural area, but in urban areas the island is usually entirely delineated by upstand kerbs. Other islands should be treated on their merits, but are generally unlikely to require special nose treatment. Nwma! upstand wrb 11 Nose dcnnrn unit % W e M surfx& Figure 14.12: Nose Down at the End of a Median Island 14.10.5 Offsets ta Physical Islands It is normal to offset the nose of an island in order ta lead a driver more safely into the kerbed path that he must follow. typical offsets are shewn on Figure 14.13 for median islands and Figure 14.14 for triangular islands. Splitter islands in the mouth of the minor road approach should be set back at least 0.6m from the through travelled way, and greater setback (or increased kerb radii) may be warranted by the swept path of the chosen design vehicle, if BUS or larger. Figure 14.1 3: Offsets to Kerbed Median Islands Page 14-15 K w i f Highw8y Design M~nual Chapksr 14 At Grade Intersections SMALL a"""" a) Mo Shoulder b) Wflh Shoulder Figure 14.14: Offsea to Kerbed Triangular Islands 14.13 Tapers Median islands are used on a kerbed mainline (Figure 14.3) with staggered Tintersections (Figure 14.7). The rate at which the road width can safely be increased on the approach to the median depends on the Design Speed of the main alignment, and is set out in Table 14.7, W~deningat this rate can be applied on both sides of the centreline. For splitter islands in the minor road, the taper, if required, is applied at a maximum rate of 1 :lo. Page 14-16 - - Kuwait Highwey Design !d8rtua/ Chapter f4 At Grade Inlersections 7 1 Table 14.7: Taper Rates to Median Islands 14.13.2 Tapers to Auxiliary Lea-turning Lanes Auxiliary left-turning lanes are found in kerbed main line layouts (Figure 14-31, at staggered T-intersections (Figure 14.7) and on divided roads with a left turn from the main alignment (Figure 14.4). Table 14.8 gives the taper rate to develop the auxiliary lane. ' Table 14.8: Left-Turning Auxiliary Lane Taper Design Speed (kmlh) ---. 1 Auxiliary Lane Taper Rate 50 1 :5 60 1:5 7Q 1:5 80 f :8 90 1:8 100 7:10 f 10 1:lO i20 1:lS On divided roads, with design speeds of 80kmlh to120krnJh, the change in alignment at both ends of the taper should be smoothed using large radius curves, the typical radii being in of the order of 200m to 600m. 14.13.3 Tapers to Rig ht-turning Auxiliary Lanes Where a right-turning auxiliaty lane is provided on the main alignment, it has a leadin taper of 1 :-I5(if it is an auxiliary lane prior to the intersection exit) or a run-out taper of 1:15 (if it is an auxiliary lane beyond the intersection entry). Page 14-17 K w i t Highway Design Manrref C h w r 14 At Grade htemectians 14.12 Right-turning Roadways Every right-turning roadway, whether it be major-to-minor or minor-to-major, has an exit terminal, where it leaves one alignment, and an entry terminal, where it joins the next alignment. Exit terminals may be either direct or tapered. Entry terminals may be either 'Give Way" or tapered. The choice of which terminal to adopt depends on a number of factors, including the relative traffic volumes, speeds and the space available. The choice should be made by the designer, in consultation with the traffic engineer. Figure 14.1 5 is a composite layout showing the use of all four terminal types, GIVE WAY ENTRY Inner kerb tangential to main alignment kerb TAPERED I I )\ I 4 -ED ENTRY 1 I Llnner kerb tangential to minor read kerb DIRECT EXIT 1 I Figure 14.q5: Rlght-turning Roadway Termlnalls In the DIRECT EXIT terminal, the inner edge of the travelled way of the turning roadway is directly tangential to the edge of the travelled way of the main alignment. In the TAPERED EXIT terminal, the running width is increased over the tapered section until it reaches the width of the turning roadway, then curves away tangentially from that point. The taper rate should be as for a lead-in taper of 1:15. In the GIVE WAY ENTRY terminal, the inner edge is directly tangential to the edge of the alignment being joined. Traffic from the turning roadway therefore has no merging area, but is directed by road signs to Give Way. In the TAPERED ENTRY terminal, the turning roadway becomes parallel with the edge of the travelled way of the main alignment, and then the width is reduced over the tapered section, allowing a gradual merging of the two traffic streams. f he length of the tapered section should be the same as that of a run-out taper of 3 :15. 14.1 3 Deceleration and Queuing There are two situations to be considered, namely left-turning auxiliary lanes and right-turning auxiliary lanes. In the former, queues can normally be anticipated, as vehicles have to wait for gaps in the opposing stream of traffic. The length of the auxiliary lane is therefore the sum of the deceleration length and the queue length. In the latter case, however, queuing rarely occurs, and the length of the auxiliary lane is the same as the deceleration length. Page t4-1 B Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chapter 14 At Grade Interseclmns 14.15.1 Deceleration in Left-turning Auxiliary Lanes The provision of the braking distance element of Stopping Sight Distance to the back of any stationary queue within a left-turning lane provides a safe situation under heavy traffic flow conditions. It allows a more leisurely deceleration during periods of lighter traffic flow when the queue is shorter. This is the basis for the absolute minimum values set out in Table 14.9. Table 14.9: Minimum Deceleration Length in Left-Turning Auxiliary Lanes * On urban toads with interredion spacing less than 400m, see Section 14.15.2 for reduced standards 14.15.2 Queuing in Leflturning Auxiliary Lanes The queue length is entirely dependent on the volume of traffic wishing to make the lefl turn manoeuvre and the opposing Row on the main line. Advice should be sought from the trafic engineer. On urban roads with a design speed of 7Okrnlh or less and average intersection spacing of 400m or less, it is often impractical to provide the full deceleration and queuing length. It is normal to assume under heavy flow conditions that much of the deceleration occurs in the through lanes, and so the overall length of the left-turning lane should be taken as the longer of (a) the queue length, to cater for conditions when the queue is at a maximum and speeds are low, or (b) the deceleration length, to reflect the situation under light traffic flow when there is no queue present. Protection of lefl turn lanes (as shown in Figure 14.4) may be beneficial, and, if provided, the geometry should be the same as for U-turns (see Chapter 16). 14.15.3 Deceleration in Rig ht-turning Auxiliary Lanes Deceleration in right-turning auxiliary lanes enables vehicle speed to be reduced clear of the through running lanes to that commensurate with the radius of the right turn. For this. purpose, the speed commensurate with the right turn radius can be assessed from the data in Table 14.1 0. The deceleration length can then be obtained from the chart presented in Figure 14.16, using the appropriate speed curve. Page 14-19 Kuwail H@way Deslgn Manual Chapter 14 At Grade Intersections Table 14.30: Speed Assessments forRight Turns at Intersections The values obtained from Figure 14.16 represent the length of the auxiliary lane (measured from the end of the lead-in taper to the start of the exit curve), as shown on Figure 14.10. They should be increased by 20% for down gradients of 3% and 4%, or by 35% for down gradients of 5% or more. Up gradients theoretically reduce the length required, but this should generally be ignored. Where spatial constraints dictate, however, allowance for this shortening may be made, reducing the values obtained from Figure 14.16 by 10% for up gradients of 3% and 4% up, and 20% for up gradients 5% or more. Page 14-20 K w i t Highway Design Manual Chapter14 At Grade Intemecths 100 Deceleration length (m) Figure 14.46: Deceleration Length In Right-Turn Auxiliary Lane Turning Length 14.q6 Where the median gap caters only for left-turning vehicles into a minor road, the layout should be similar to that for a U-turn, and Chapter 16 of this manual gives the ' relevant advice. Where (exceptionally) the median gap caters for left-turning vehicles into and out of the minor road, the turning length (the median gap) should always be 12m or more. If vehicles larger than single-unit trucks (SU) or buses (BUS) are anticipated, the swept Page 14-21 K m i t Highway h s 5 n Menunl Chapter 14 At Grade Intersections path of the left turn should be checked and the median nose designed to suit the relevant design vehicle. Further guidance is given in AASHTQ'. q4.17 Staggered T-intersection Spacing The separation between opposing legs of a staggered T-intersection (shown on Figure 14.7) is offen dictated by physical considerations, but the following criteria should be adopted: For a leftlriqht stasqer Absolute minimum separation (where vehicles larger than SU are not anticipated} Desirable minimum separation 50m (to cater for largest size trucks) For a riqhtlleft staqaer Deceleration and queuing lengths in accordance with Section 4. T 5 Auxiliary lane tapers in accordance with Table 14.9 Minimum width of median island on the mainline* m e auxiliary lane taper lengths may averlap t 4.18 Drainage The crossfall or normal crown of the main alignment should be continued through the intersection, and the minor leg adjusted to tie in. Superelevation of turning roadways is desirable, but should not exceed 4% in urban areas. Consideration should be given to surface water drainage and care should be taken to ensure that there are no relatively flat areas where ponding might occur. 34.13 Summary of Design Process As the design of majorlminor intersections is a complex process, the flow chart in Figure 14.17 is provided to guide the designer. Page 1422 KuwaH Highway Design Manual Chapter14 At Grade Intersections ' lnitia! Sketch Layout Select Major I Minor Configuration Layout 4 n 7 Trafk Engineering Capacity Assessment Standard Cross Sections & Lane Widths Consider Local ~onditiohs& Planning Considerations Select Leg Type L Select Suitable I , 4 Layout I Not OK I1 I Preliminary Design 1 I I Check Process Pedestrian Movements Design Speeds Turning Radii Visibility Lane Widths Island Locations & Sizes Turning Roadway Geometry Deceleration & Queuing Safety Refined Preliminaw Design Layout u Traffic Engineering Capacity Analyses t J ,,,- Not OK I Final Design Figure 14.17: Summary of Design Process for Major I Minor Intersections A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001, AASHTO, 2001 Kuwait Traffic Signs Manual, 1988 - Kuwait Highway Qeesign Manuel Ch8phf $5 Roundabouts + 15.1 Introduction This section deals with the main geometric design features of roundabouts. A roundabout can be provided on any class of road where at-grade intersections are permissible. It is therefore an appropriate form of intersection on all roads except Special Roads, where at-grade intersections are not to be used. The designer's main concern must be to produce a layout that is inherently safe, and to check that it has adequate capacity, rather than to allow capacity considerations to override good layout practice. If capacity and safety cannot both be achieved, then an alternative form of intersection should be sought. Because of the interaction between traffic streams that occurs at a roundabout, the calculation of capacity is complex and requires the use of relevant computer software. The designer is therefore reliant on the input of the traffic engineer to advise on whether a roundabout is likely to operate within capacity. The designer may welt need to design and redesign the layout on an iterative basis to achieve a layout that meets the traffic demand. It is reasonable to assume that roundabouts on Local Roads will operate within capacity, and it is likely that roundabouts on Secondary Roads can be designed to do so too. On Primary Roads, adequate capacity may oflen be difficult to achieve whilst maintaining a safe layout. The roundabout elements of grade-separated interchanges (as described in Chapter 18 of this manual) should be designed as if they were at-grade roundabouts. 15.2 General Principles The principal objective of roundabout design is to secure the safe interaction of tramc between crossing traffic streams with minimum delay. This is achieved by a combination of geometric layout features that should be matched to the volumes of traffic in the various streams, to vehicle speeds, and to any locational constraints that apply. There is a balance to be struck in the design of a roundabout. In capacity terms, the provision of wide approaches and circulating pavement is beneficial, but can lead to high speeds through the roundabout under conditions of light traffkc flow. From a safety viewpoint, the roundabout should be designed to limit through speeds by means of adequate deflection angles and entry path curvature, and this may constrain pavement widths and thus limit the available capacity. The guidance given in this Chapter sets out desirable geometric standards for the various elements within a roundabout, but it is recognized that it may no2 always be possible to achieve all the standards. The designer must then consider which of them, if any, may be exceeded without a significant adverse effect on the accident risk, and should consider whether an alternative form of intersection would be preferable. Kuwait H @ h y D e a n Manual 15.3 General Features of a Roundabout 15.3.1 Layout A roundabout has a one-way circulating pavement around a central island that is 15m or more in diameter. The entries are designed to permit more than one vehicle to enter the roundabout side-by-side, and the approaches may be 'flared' to achieve adequate entry width. Figure 15.1 depicts a typical arrangement. Entries from undivided roads should be provided with kerbed median islands of roughly triangular shape where they meet the roundabout. The medians of divided roads should be'widened in a similar manner. Figure f 5.1: Typical Roundabout 15.3.2 Number of Entries The number of entries recommended is either three or four. Roundabouts perfom particularly well with three legs, being more efficient than signals, provided that the traffic demand is evenly balanced between the legs, If the number of entries is greater than four, driver comprehension can be adversely affected. The roundabout also becomes larger, and it is likely that higher circulating speeds will occur. Six legs should be considered as the absolute maximum. t 5.3.3 Signalised Roundabouts Signals may be introduced on existing roundabouts, but a signalised roundabout should not be serected for a new design layout. 15.3.4 Mini Roundabouts Mini roundabouts with either kerbed or painted central islands o f diameters are considered unsuitable for adoption in Kuwait. Page 1 5 2 less than 15m - Rdundabouts -7 15.3.5 The Design Process As the procedure for the design of a roundabout is a complex one, Figure 15.2 sets it out in the form of a flow chart. Firstly, it is necessary to sketch an initial layout in sufficient detail for the traffic engineer to advise on capacity issues. His response will give a first indication of the entry widths that might be required in order that the layout can accommodate the design year flows. The designer then takes these widths, and refines the layout, checking the following factors (referencesin brackets being to the sections of this chapter): Is the central island an appropriate size? (15.5) Is the Inscribed Circle Diameter adequate for the design vehicle? (1 5.6) Does the circulating roadway accommodate vehicles entering side-by-side? (15.7) Have the required entry widths been achieved? (15.8) Is the flare design adequate on each entry? (15.9) * Is there adequate entry path deflection on each entry? (15.9) Are all entry angles within the acceptable range? (15.10) Is the radius on each entry above the acceptable minimum? (15.1 1) Are desirable gradients able to be achieved? (15.12) Does the geometry of the exits meet the guidelines? (15.13) The result of this process is a preliminaq design, which again is assessed for capacity. Any improvements that are suggested by the traffic engineer should be considered and adopted where appropriate. The designer then repeats the check process above, and makes further checks: Is the visibility adequate? (5.14) I o on the approach (15.14.3) o to the lefl(15.14.4) o forward at entry (15.14.5) o when circulating (15.74.6) o of any pedestrian crossing (15.14.7) Can adequate crossfall be provided? (f 5.15) Is drainage properly catered for? (15.15) Are the safety criteria respected? (15.1 7) This set of checks will then yield a final design, and it is prudent to refer this final to the traffic engineer for his confirmation that it is operationally satisfactory. 45.4 Capacity of Roundabout The capacity at a roundabout can be estimated using a gap acceptance technique with basic parameters of critical gap and follow-up time. It has generally been assumed that the performance of each leg of a roundabout can be analysed independently of other legs. The approach capacity Qe is a function of circulating Page 15-3 KuweH Highwey Design Manuel Chapler V5 Roundabouh flow Qc. The approach capacity is given by the following equations developed by TRRL' and given in DMRB'. Q, = k (F - FcQJ where k = 1 - 0.00347(0- 30)- 0.978 [(Tlr) - 0.051 F = 303 X2 F,= 0.210to(l+0.2X2) tD = 1 * 0.5/(1+M) M = exp [(D-60)110] X S = v + ( e - v ) / ( I +2S) S = 1.6(e-v)II e = entry width v = approachhalfwidth . I = effective flare length S = sharpness of flare D = inscribed circular diameter 0 = entry angle a = entr)r radius The equation of Qe is applicable to all roundabout types, except those that are incorporated into grade-separated interchanges. Table 15.1: Values of Geometric Parameters The following steps should be used to calculate the capacity of a roundabout. 1. Define geometry and traffic conditions for the roundabout. 2. Determine the circulating flow, Q,, at each leg of the roundabout. 3. Callcutate the capacity, Qa, for each approach using the above equation. 4. Determine the valumelcapacity (VIC)ratio using approach volumes and Q,. 5. Assess the general performance of the roundabout on the basis of the VIC ratio. The VIC ratio for each approach should be below 0.85. Page 15-4 Kuwed Highway Design Manuel Chapter f5 Reundebouts Initial Sketch Layout Initial Sketch Layout Traffic Engineering Capacity Analysis 4 Entry Widths (Preliminary) --- -I I I I i I I I I I 1 1 Pavement Width I I I I 1 I Not OK I Entry Path Deflection I I I 1 I * Exit Geometry I I I I I Final Checks Visibility a Crossfall Drainage Safety Final Design Layout Engineering * Traffic Capacity Check 1 -----I Final Design Layout Figure 15.2 : Design Procedure Page 1 5-5 Kw8It Higbwy Design Menual Chapter 15 Roundabavts 75.5 Minimum Sire of Island The minimum diameter for a central idand is 15rn. 15.6 Inscribed Circle Diameter The Inscribed Circle Diameter (ICD) is the diameter of the largest circle, which can be inserted within the outline of the intersection, medians and median islands being ignored for this purpose. Figure 15.3 shows how the ICD is measured. Figure d 5.3: Inscribed Circle Diameter The selected design vehicle determines the size of the smallest acceptable 1CD. It is good practice to allow a tolerance of l m from both inner and outer kerbs, and typical minimum lCDs are set out in Table 15.2. An ICD of 33m caters for all design vehicles with the exception of W B - T O and WB-35. It should be noted, however, that for roundabouts of below 40m ICD, it is difficult to achieve adequate deflections. In such cases, consideration could be given to the use of a larger, low-profile central island which would provide adequate deflection for standard vehicles but allow overrun of all or pad of the island by the rear wheels of ,articulated vehicles and trailers. These 'collars' should have the same profile as the circulating pavement, but be paved in a distinctly coloured andlor textured material and be edged with dropped kerbs with an upstand of 50rnrn. There is no maximum prescribed ICD, as capacity, physical constraints and safety requirements normally determine the roundabout dimensions at large or heavily trafficked intersections. Kuwait Highway DesfgnM~nual Chapter i 5 Roundabouts Table 15.2: Minimum Inscribed Circle Diameters by Design Vehicle Reefer to Table 2.4 for detaits on design vehid- 3 5.7 Circulating Pavement The circulating pavement should, if possible, be circular in plan, and its width should generaliy net exceed 15m. However, flush block-paved 'collars' around the central island can be used to provide additional width if long vehicle turning movements need to be catered for on smaller roundabouts. The width of the circulating pavement should be constant and should be between 1.0 and 1.2 times the width of the widest entry. It may be necessary to exceed 1.2 on smaller ICD roundabouts, but care should be taken to ensure that the wider pavement does not lead to vehicle paths with less than adequate deflection. It is normal practice to avoid short lengths of reverse curve between an entry and the subsequent exit by linking these curves or joining them with straights between the entry radius and the exit radius. One method is to increase the exit radius. However, where there is a considerable distance between the entry and the next exit, as with three-leg layouts, reverse curvature may be unavoidable. The circulating pavement must be wide enough ta allow those vehicles that have entered the roundabout side-by-side to continue side-by-side. Due allowance should be made for increased width because of the curve, as set out in Table 15.3. For island diameters of less than 30m, the width requirements should always be checked using a relevant software package or wept path templates. Paga 1 5 7 Kuweit Highwey Design Msnual Table 15.3: Minimum Width of Glrculatlng Pavement 15.8 Entry Width The relationship between entry width and capacity is highly significant. The most effective way of increasing the capacity of an approach is by providing greater entry width. The Entry Width (e) is shown in Figure 15.4 and is measured from point A, where the median side of the entry pavement meets the outer side of the circulating pavement, to point B, perpendicular to the outer kerb. Figure 75.4 also shows the Approach Half Width (v) which is measured between points G and M, and which is used in capacity calculations, It is the width of the pavement available to approaching vehicles prior to any widening. $ WE- Fi : :'+ A Point of maximum entry deflection at left hand and of Give Way line e Entry width v Approach half width 1!1 I Effective flare length Flgure q5.4: Average Effective Flare Length It is good practice to add at least one extra lane to the number of lanes on the approaching road, but as a general rule, not more than hrvo lanes should be added and no entry should be more than four lanes wide. Each enZv lane should lead into a corresponding allocation of road space on the circulating pavement. The practical range for entry width is 6m to 15m, but for undivided roads, the upper limit should be 10.5m. Page 1 5 4 Chepter 15 Roundabouts - The Average Effective Flare Length (I), as shown on Figure 15.4 is measured between points C and F. The line DG is a parallel offset from the centreline (or edge of median) AH at a distance of v. The line CF is a parallel offset from the kerbline t3G at a distance of (e-v)12. Flare length I should not exceed loom, however, it should be noted that beyond 40m,any expected extra capacity would be negligible. There may be some cases, usually associated with low predicted flows, where increased entry width is not operationally necessary. It is recommended nevertheless that a minimum of two entry lanes be provided, as this gives greater flexibility in dealing with abnormal flows, provides a passing facility in the event of vehicle breakdown, and assist the manoeuvring of long*vehicles. 15.9 Entry Path Deflection One of the most important safety checks is for vehicle path deflection on entry to a roundabout. It is necessary to ensure that excessive speeds through the roundabout cannot occur. For design purposes, the vehicle entry path should be such that the radius of the tightest curve on the entry path does not exceed 100m (see Figure 15.5). Figure 15.5: Entry Path Cuwature 15.9.f Constructing the Entry Path To define the entry path, the following assumptions are made: The entering vehicle is 2m wide and takes the 'straight aheadmovement at a four-leg roundabout and across the head of the T at a three-leg roundabout. a There is no other traffic on the approach and on the circulating pavement. The driver negotiates the site constraints with minimum deflections,ignoring all lane markings. Page 1 5 9 Kuweif Highway Design MenW Chapter 15 Roundabouts The initial approach position for centreline of the entry path curvature (which must be at least 50m before the Give Way line) is no closer than Im to the outer kerb and no nearer than I m to the centreline of an undivided road or the inner kerb of a divided road. (This ensures that all approach alignments are examined and that no vehicle path can exceed the recommended maximum radius of curvature.) The vehicle proceeds towards the Give Way line, and continues towards the central island of the roundabout, with the centreline of its path never coming closer than im to any kerb. , . 15.9.2 The centre line of the most realistic path that a vehicle would take in its complete passage through the intersection, on a srnooth alignment, without sharp transitions and meeting these assumptions, is then drawn to a scale not less than 1500 using a flexible curve (or equivalent computer drafting techniques). Any reverse of curvature in the vehicle path around the central island must be drawn so that there is no sharp deviation between that curve and the entry curve. The exact path d r a m will be a matter of personal judgment and the results should be examined for compliance and consistency with the appropriate clauses in this Sedfon. Where path radii are close to the permitted maximum of loom, more than one independent assessment of the vehicle paths should be carried out. Measuring the Entry Path Curvature The entry path curvature is measured over the length of 20m in which the tightest radius occurs, on the portion of the path in the vicinity of the 'Give Way' line (but not more than 50m in advance of it). This is between points X and Y on Figure 15.5. The tightest radius is measured by means of suitable curve Zempjates or an appropriate computer technique. 1 5.9.3 Achieving Entry Deflection One method for creating entry deflection on new schemes where there are no other constraints is to offset the approach roads, as shown in Figure 15.6. This helps with the overall design, reduces the size of roundabouts, minimizes land acquisition and assists with the construction of 'easy exits'. Figure 15.6: Staggered Approach Roads Page 15-40 However, if is not good practice to generate entry deflection by sharply deviating the approach roads to the left close to the roundabout and then to the right at entry. w,,r In urban areas, the restrictions on space available coupled with the turning width requirements of large goods vehicles may necessitate small roundabouts which s cannot provide sufficient entry deflection to the right by means of the central island alone. In these cases deflection can be generated by means of enlargq trafiic .islands or by means of mountable 'collars' as described in Section 15.6. I l i . . 15.10. Entry Angle -ITI .db -, a+...: ,I# T,I 1 - )I+;~J - be:: ( ~ ~ l > ! ~ j 2 ~ f i t l & The entry angle (a) serves as a geometric proxy for the conflict angle between entering and circulating streams. The method of measuring the entry angle is set out -\, -, [ in Figure 15.7. rn .... 91') )U 1IU p-rn-ril .*a -dP-,, 8 8 . * -5-,r . m ,r @ = Entry angre r = Entry radius d Figure 1S.7: Entry Angle $, : it. 1 % i-rQt: f4 t l T t # !x! t, ;&' m':J The line EF is midway between the outer kerb and the median line or the edge of any median island. Where this curved line intersects the 'Give Way' line, the tangent B'C is drawn. A'D' is the centreline of the circulating pavement. The entry angle (0) is measured as the acute angle between the line B'C' and the tangent to A'D' at the point of intersection between B'C' and A'D'. The relationship btween entry angle and entry capacity is a weak inverse one; as the angle increases, so capacity decreases slightly. However, care should be faken in the choice of entry angle, because angles that are too high and angles that are too low may both result in increased accident potential. The entry angle should if possibleiie between 2 4 and 40°, with a figure of around 30° being the optimum. Small entry angles force drivers into positions where they must either look over their left shoulders or attempt a true merge using their mirrors (with the attendant problems of disregarding the Give Way line and the encouragement of high entry speeds). Large enlry angles produce excessive entry deflection and can lead to sharp braking at entries accompanied by 'nose to tail' accidents, especially in rural areas. Kuwait Highway Design Menual 15.1 1 Entry Radius The entry radius (r) is measured as the minimum radius of curvature of the outer kerb line at entry, as shown on Figure 15.3. For some designs, the an: of minimum radius may extend into the following exit, but this is not important provided that a half or more of the arc length is within the entry region. The optimum entry radius is 20m. The minimum entry radius should be 6m (1Om if significant numbers of trucks are anticipated). Radii above 20m producing very little consequential increase in capacity. Very large entry radii almost certainly result in inadequate entry deflection. 15.12 Gradients It is good practice to keep longitudinal gradients within the range -2% to *2% at the roundabout entries, around the circulating pavement and at the exits. 15.13 Exits The principle of 'easy exits' should always be applied. A kerb radius of about 40m at the mouth of the exit is desirable, but for larger, rural roundabouts, this may be increased to suit the overall intersection geometry. In any case, the exit radius should not be less than 20m or greater than 200rn. At the beginning of an exit, its width, measured at right angles to the exit radius, should allow far one traffic lane more than the number on the link downstream. For example, if the downstream Fink is an undivided road with one lane in each direction, the exit width should be the width of two lanes, and if the link is a four lane, divided road, three lanes width should be provided on the exit. On an undivided road, this extra width should be reduced on the outer edge in such a way that exiting vehicles are not encouraged to encroach into the path of oncoming vehicles at the end of the traffic deflection island. Narrowing should be achieved using a taper of between 1:$5 and 1:20, but if the exit road is on a right hand curve, it may be necessary to extend the taper length and the length of the traffic defection island. In exits leading to undivided roads, a minimum width of 6m should be maintained adjacent to traffic deflection islands, to allow Zraffic to pass a disabled vehicle. 15.14 Visibility The provision of good vision at roundabouts is an important factor, and adequate visibility should be provided: on the approach totheleft forward at the entry on the circulating pavement to any pedestrian crossing 15.14.1 Eye and Object Heights Visibility to the left and across the central island of a roundabout should be obtainable from a driver3 eye height of 4.05rn to an object height of 1.05n-1,and the KuwH Hignway Design hdanuaE envelope of visibility should extend to 2.4m above the road surface. All other visibilities should be assessed in accordance with the envelope for Stopping Sight Distance set out in Figure 4.1. Where signs are to be erected on a median, verge or deflection island within the envelope of visibility, including to the left, the mounting height should not be less than 2 . l m above the pavement surface, and the envelope needs to be carefully checked on sites where there are significant changes in gradient. 5.14.2 Obstructions within Visibility Envelopes Signs, street furniture and planting should not be placed within the visibility envelopes in such a manner that they obstruct visibility. Isolated slim projections such as lamp columns, sign supports or bridge columns can be ignored provided they are less than Q.5mwide. The presence of pedestrians on sidewalks can impede visibility, and this should be borne in mind when locating sidewalks in areas with high pedestrian activity. 15.14.3 Visibility on the Approach On the approach to a roundabout, normal Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) applies, in accordance with the appropriate design speed, as described in Chapter 4. The SSD is measured to the Give Way line, as shown in Figure 15.8. _ SSO -- - - - ---,- +e-. - -______-----+---- _ + + + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - Divided Road SSD - --- - A - --+- _ _ +_ _ + _ _ - ---- m ---__I_ Undivided Road Vehicle position centre d outer lane Figure 15.8: Visibility on the Approach Page 15-13 Kuwait H&hway Design Manual Chapter $5 Roundabouls 3 5.14.4 Visibility to the Left Drivers of all vehicles at the Give Way line should be able to see the full width of the circulating pavement to their left, from the 'Give Way' line for an adequate distance 'a' (measured along the centreline of the circulating pavement as indicated in Table 15.4 and shown in Figure 15.9. Table 3 5.4: Visibility at Roundabouts Inscribed Circle Diameter (m) Visibility Distance (m) -- 140 Whole Intersection >40-160 40 >60-S100 50 3 100 70 b. Half lane widlh. carriageway over which visibility shall be obtained fram viewpoint d Figure 15.4: Visibility to the Left from the Give Way Lfne The area which should be able to be seen from the centreline of the inner approach lane for a distance of 15m back from the 'Give Way' line, is as shown in Figure 15.10. Page 1514 Chapter 15 Roundabouts a. Visibility distance for circulating tramc. camiageway over which visibility shall be obtained from viewpoint 4 b. Half lane width. I Figure 95.10: Visibility to the Left from 15m behind the Give Way Une These requirements apply to all roundabouts, including those with parapets on either side of the circulating pavement. A check should also be made to ensure that the combination of cross-falls and longitudinal grades does not restrict visibility. Excessive visibility at entry, or intervjsibility between adjacent entries, can result in approach and entry speeds greater than those, which are desirable for the intersection geometry. The selective use of landscaping may be helpful E n preventing drivers approaching a roundabout from seeing the previous entry mouth until they are 15m from the Give Way line. Restricting the forward visibility along the approach alignment so that it equals the SSD appropriate for the design speed of the approach (which can be achieved using combination of alignment and landscaping techniques) can bring safety benefits. 15.14.5 Foward Visibility at Entry Drivers of all vehicles approaching the Give Way line should be able to see the full width of the circulating pavement ahead of them for a distance 'a' (measured along the centreline of the circulating pavement appropriate to the size of the roundabout, as indicated in Table 15.3. The visibility should be checked from the centre of the outer lane at a distance of 15m back from the Give Way line as shown in Figure 15.11. Page 15-15 Kuwaft Highway Resign ManuaE a. Visibitii distance for circulating traffic. b. Half lane width. Area of circulatory carriageway over which visibility shall be obtained from viewpoint a Figure 15.$1: Forward Visibility at Entry 15.14.6 Circulatory Visibility Drivers of all vehicles circulating on a roundabout should be able to see the full width of the circulating pavement ahead of them for a distance 'a' appropriate to the site of roundabout, as given in Table 15.3. This visibility should be checked from a line 2m outside the central island, as shown in Figure 15.12. obtained from viewpoint 4 a. Visibiliy distance. Figure 15.12: Circulatory Visibility Page 1516 Cheplrtr 15 Roundabouts It is oflen useful te improve the visibility of central islands by the use of landscaping, but unless this is done with care the planting may obstruct circulating visibility. 15.14.7 Pedestrian Crossing Visibility Roundabouts sometimes have pedestrian crossings across one or more legs. Drivers of all vehicles approaching such a pedestrian crossing across an entry should be able to see it from at least a distance equal to the SSD (as set out in Table 4.1 of this Manual) appropriate for the design speed of the approach link. Where a crossing is located on an exit (and is within 50m af the point at which vehicles leave the circulating pavement), drivers of all vehicles at the Give Way line of the previous entry should be able to see the full width of the crossing, as shown in Figure 15.73. It is recognized, however, that in some urban areas, adjacent development may prevent such a visibility splay being achieved. b. Half lane width. minimum area over which unobstructed visibility is required from view point 6 when crossing is within 50m of exit. Figure 15.13: Visibility to Pedestrian Crossings at Next Exit 15.15 Crossfall and Drainage Steep grades should be avoided on roundabout approaches, Where this cannot be accomplished, they should be flattened to a maximum of 2% before entry. Crossfall and longiludinal gradient combine to provide the slope necessary to drain surface water from the pavement. Thus, the value and direction of the greatest slope (resulting from the combination of crossfall and gradient) should always be taken into account when considering drainage. Generally speaking, superelevation is provided in order to assist vehicles when travelling round a curve. Its values, when used, are equal to or greater than those necessary for surface water drainage. Superelevation is not required on the circulating pavement of roundabouts irrespective of their size, whereas crossfall is required so that surface wafer can drain effectively. On the approaches and exits of roundabouts, however, superelevation can be introduced to assist drivers in negotiating the associated curves. Page 15-17 Kuwait Highwoy Design Manual Chapmr f5 Roundabouts Crossfall on the circulating pavement can be inwards (towards the central island), a normal crown profile, or outwards, Inward crossfall may be appropriate on very large roundabouts, where circulating speeds are high, but elsewhere the fail should normally be normal crown or oufwards. To provide comfort and to enable drivers to remain in control, the maximum algebraic sum of opposing crossfall grades at a crown line should not be greater than 5%. Normal crossfall for drainage on roundabouts should not exceed 2%. To avoid ponding, longitudinal edge profiles should be graded at not less than 0.5%. The application of proper grades and crossfalls may not necessarily ensure satisfactory drainage, and therefore, the correct siting and spacing of gullies is critical for emcient drainage. 15.1 5.1 Entries Curves may be tightened and the degree of superelevation should be appropriate to the speed of vehicles as they approach the roundabout. It should not, however, exceed 5%. In cases where superelevation is used, it should be reduced in the vicinity of the Give Way line to the crossfall required merely for drainage, since with adequate advance signing and entry deflection, speeds on approaches should be reducing. 15. 5.2 Circulating Pavement Values of crossfall should be no greater than those required for drainage. On larger roundabouts, it may be beneficial for the crossfall to be inwards to assist vehicles. A normal crown profile can be achieved in the following way. A crown line is formed where the enty and exit pavements meet a conflicting inward crossfall on the circulating pavement. This crown line can either join the end of the traffic deflector islands from entry to exit (as shown in Figure 15.1 31, or can be arranged to divide the circulating pavement in the proportion 2:1, internal to external. The conflicting crossfall at the crown lines have a direct effect on driver comforf and, if excessive, can be a significant contributory factor in load shedding and truck rollover accidents. The maximum permitted algebraic difference in crossfall is 5%, and lesser values are desirable, particularly for roundabouts with smaller ICDs. Care needs to be taken during detailed design and at the construction stage to ensure that a satisfactory pavement profile without sharp changes in crossfall is achieved. A rounded crown is essential. With smaller lCDs it may be more appropriate to apply outward crossfall across the full width of the circulating pavement. 15.15.3 Exits Superelevation appropriate for the horizontal alignment should be provided where necessary to assist vehicles to accelerate safely away from the roundabout. However, as with entries, cross falls adjacent to the roundabout should be those required for sutface water drainage. If the exit leads into a left hand curve, superelevation should not be introduced too quickly and to such an extent that vehicles tend to encroach into an adjacent lane. 15.16 ~i~ht-turning Roadways Segregated right turn lanes can provide an improved service to vehicles intending to leave a roundabout at the first exit. Figure 15,14 shows a roundabout that incorporates right-turning roadways. Page 15-18 Figure 15.14: Segregated Right Turn Lane The operation of the right-turning roadway can be impaired by traffic queuing to use the roundabout itself, and the designer should ensure that entry to the roadway is clear of likely queuing traffic. The use of right-turning roadways in areas where pedestrians are expected to cross should be considered very carefully. Crossing should only be permitted if adequate sight lines are available and if the island is sufficiently wide to accommodate the anticipated peak number of pedestrians. If these criteria cannot be met, pedestrian fences should be introduced to prevent crossing, or the right turning roadway should be omitted altogether. Right turning roadways should be designed so as not to induce high speeds. The design speed should not exceed that of either of the roads, and any desired speed reduction should be achieved at the entry to the roadway rather than within it. Forward visibility should be the appropriate SSD for the selected design speed. Kuwait Highmy Design Manual Cheplar15 Roundabouts The width of the right turning roadway should be in accordance with Lane Wdths on Right-turning Roadways in Chapter 14. Because tight turns can still be made by way of the roundabout proper, the presence of a disabled vehicle on the right turning roadway should not cause significant problems, and the designer should choose whether or not to cafer for this occurrence. , The merging between the vehicles from a right turning roadway and the other vehicles exiting the roundabout should take place within §Om of the roundabout, while speeds are still comparatively Sow. Ideally there should not be a forced merge, and Give Way operation may be necessary. Tapers should be designed in the same , manner as at major 1 minor intersections (see Right Turning Roadway terminals in Chapter 14). 5.17 Safety at Roundabouts Roundabouts generally have lower accident rates than signalised intersections of similar capacity. The severity of accidents at roundabouts is also considerably lower than at other types of intersectian. The factor that has the greatest influence on safety at roundabouts is vehicle speed, at either the entry or within the roundabout. Geometric features that can have a major contributory effect in causing excessive entry and circulating speeds are: Inadequateentry deflection A very small entry angle that encourages fast merging manoeuvres with circulating traffic Poor visibility to the "ive Way' line More than four entries, necessitating a large roundabout configuration Additional safety aspects to be considered when designing a roundabout layout include: Visibility to the Left at Entry: This has comparatively little influence upon accident risk. There is nothing to be gained by increasing visibility above the recommended level. Crest Curves: Roundabouts should not be sited on crest curves, as this impairs fatward visibility and driver comprehension. Speeds: A design which encourages entry to the roundabout at low speed and which enables drivers to accelerate steadily on exit contribute significantly to safety, allowing the intersection to be lei7 clear for following road users. This can be achieved by adopting smaljer kerb radii on entry and larger kerb radii en exit. Care should be taken with the choice of kerb type for the central island of a roundabout. A safety problem can arise where profile barriers are used. They can be a danger to vehicles over-running the entry. Profile barriers are designed for impact at a glancing angle and more direct impacts can result in loss of control or overturning of vehicles, unless the approach speed is low. Where profile barriers are used on approaches, pedestrians should be prevented from crossing the road. The Traffic Capacity of Roundabouts, RM Kimer, Transport and Raad Research Laboratory report hR 942, Crowthorne, 1980 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, The Highways Agency, Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions, UK Government, various dates Page 15-20 Kuwaif Highway Design Manual 16.1 General On a divided primary road, it is often possible to provide access to secondary roads by adopting a "right-in, right-out" intersection arrangement. However, access is denied to traffic travelling on the opposite carriageway. In most cases, this difficulty is resolved by allowing U-turns to take place at the intersections tying before and after the secondary road. In other cases, the solution is to provide for left turns through the median, directly into the secondary road. Serious consideration should be given to providing movements at conventional junctions before opting for a U-turn facility. The provision of U-turn facilities is therefore only appropriate in a limited number of situations. U-turns should only be provided for one of the following reasons: To accommodate a minor traftic movement beyond an intersection that is not othewise catered for at that intersection, and where the next available intersection is some way downstream. To remove U-turning vehicles in advance of an intersection, if their presence would hinder the safe and effective operation of that intersection. Safety is a major concern at all intersections and U-turns can be particularly hazardous, especially on high volume, high speed roads, The provision of a U-turn facility must be carefully considered against the potential for accidents before deciding whether to incorporate a U-turn into the design. U-turn facilities should not be provided on Special Roads, as this movement should be catered for within grade-separated interchanges. 'U-turns are not suitable For roads with more than three lanes in each direction. U-turns should only be provided on Primaty Roads with the approval of the MPW and Kuwait Municipality. The following safety issues are of particular importance. 1. Entry to the U-turn: Vehicles enter the U-turn facility from the lane nearest to the median, which normally carries the fastest moving vehicles. Deceleration should take place clear of this traffic in a dedicated lane within the median. Adequate median width and deceleration length must therefore be provided. 2. Stacking within the U-turn lane: Vehicles queuing to make U-turn manoeuvres should be clear of the through traffic lanes. There should be sufficient length within the U-turn lane for vehicles to decelerate and to stop at the back of any queuing vehicles, even at peak times. If the volume of traffic making the U-turn requires traffic to queue in the fast lane of the mainline, then a conventional junction should be provided. 3. Lane discipline within the U-turn lane: At peak times, there is a tendency for drive,rs to decelerate in the inner lane alongside the queue and to then force their way in at the front of the queue. This practice is both anti-social and dangerous, and closes down one through lane (thereby reducing capacity on the mainline). The layout of the U-turn facility should discourage this practice. 4. Crossing of the opposing traffic: Drivers in the U-turn facility need an unobstructed view of the approaching traffic, so that they can judge gap acceptance or rejection. The vehicle should be at right angles to the approaching traffic when waiting to cross the opposing flow. Lighting columns or trees in the Page 1 6 1 Kuwait Highwey Dasign Manual median of a curved alignment may obstruct sight lines. The U-turning driver must be able to see and be seen. 5. Joining the main traffic stream: When the speed of approaching vehicles is high, there is little latitude for error. The driver making the U-turn can choose to turn very tightly into the inner lane or to swing more widely into the outer lane. The approaching driver on the main line must anticipate that action and make any lane-changing manoeuvre necessary, should the U-turning vehicle have chosen too short a gap. The width of the road should be sufficient that relevant design vehicle can make the turn without encroaching beyond the outer edges of the pavement. , , In some instances, this leads to widening of the median, or, where this cannot be achieved, the adoption of 'local bulbing' on the far side of the U-turn. The median should be wide enough to provide a protected lane for U-turning vehicles and an adequate inner radius for the manoeuvre. U-turns are frequently associated with weaving movements, particularly where a pair of U-turns is provided in conjunction with a right-in, right-out intersection. Weaving capacity should always be checked to determine the weaving length required. Wherever a U-turn facility is to be provided, the reciprocal U-turn should also be provided. If a minor road has only right turns in and out, a pair of U-turns should be provided in order to cater for the left turns, both in and out. This helps to present a consistent layout to drivers. U-turningvehicles follow paths that are close to the physical limits for the operation of the vehicle. The layout should be checked, using a vehicle template for the design vehicle, to ensure that swept paths remain within the travelled way. Figure 16.1 shows the elements that make up the standard U-turn facility. Channefisingnose width 7 1 Median width figure 16.1: Elements 05 U-turn Page 16-2 Kuweil Highway Design Manuel Chepler f 6 U-Turns 16.2 Entry Taper The entry taper is the length over which the U-turn lane develops from zero to its full width. Table 1 8.1 gives the taper length, which depends upon design speed. Table 16.1: U-turn Entry Tapers At design speeds of 80kmlh and above, the change in alignment at both ends of the entry taper should be smoothed using large radius curves, typical radii being in the range 200m to 600m. 16.3 Deceleration Length Minimum values for deceleration lengths are set out in Table 16.2. Table 76.2: U-turn Deceleration Length (m) Up-gradient Design Speed (krnlh) Greater Ihan % ' (m) 60 75* 85* 95' 70 90" 105* 120* 80 115 130 145 90 135 155 165 100 160 185 210 110 185 21 5 245 120 215 250 285 Gradient Level to ~ 4 % (m) Downgradient Greater than 4% Iml * On urban roads with intersection spacing less than 400m, see Section 18.4 for reduced standards. Page 16-3 Kuwffit Hahway Design Manual Chapter 16 U-Turns 36.4 Queue Length and Protected Length The queue length is dependent on the volume of traffic wishing to make the U-turn manoeuvre and the opposing flow on the main line. If the U-turn is signalised, the timing of green light will dictate the queue length. In both cases, advice should be sought from a traffic engineer. Part of the queue length should be protected by a channelising nose, This should extend over one third of the maximum queue length, subject to a minimum protected length of 15m and a maximum of 30m. On urban secondary roads, it may be impractical to provide full standard U-turn facilities. Under heavy flow conditions, much of the deceleration will occur in the through lanes. The length of the U-turn lane should be taken as the longer of either the queue length, to cater for conditions when the queue is at a maximum and speeds are low, or the deceleration length, to reflect the situation under light traffic conditions when there is no queue present. The protected length should be the minimum value of 4 5m. 16.5 Channelising Nose Width The channelising nose, which is delineated by painted kerbs and preceded by retroreflective road studs, should normally be 2.0m wide. This may be reduced in urban areas. The minimum width of around 0.3m is achieved by laying kerbs back-to-back. 16.6 Reduced Median Width This width allows vehicles at the head of the U-turn to begin to turn while protected by the median and should normally be 5m or more. In difficult locations this may be reduced to a minimum of 2.0m (in rural areas) or 1 .Om (in urban areas). "t.7 U-turn Lane Width The standard width for a U-turn lane (between kerbs) is 3.7rn. The resultant width of the unprotected part of the U-turn lane therefore lies within the range of 4.0m to 5.7rn. 16.8 Median Width Combining these elements indicates that the desirable median width required is 10.7m or more, and the minimum is 5.0m. This is reflected in the standard crosssections, which provide a median width of at least 6m, except in restricted situations, where U-turns should not be provided. 16.9 Mouth Treatment The mouth of the U-turn lane should accommodate the swept paths of the design vehicles used. Where a U-turn is designed to handle vehicles larger than cars, greater width, by means of an over-run area of a different colour and texture from the general travelled way, should be provided. An over-run area should be block paved and edged with a kerb laid flat, with an upstand of 50mm above the adjacent travelled way. The minimum inner kerb radius at the U-turn mouth is 4.0m. The minimum outer kerb radius is 14.0m for all vehicles, or 11.Om for cars only. Page 16-4 KUWBI?HDhway Design Manual Chapter I 6 U-rums 16.1 0 Summary The values quoted in Sections 16.4 to 16.9 are summarized in Table 16.3 below. Table 16.3: Summary of Various Geometric Factors On some urban roads(see 16.4) 16.1 U-turn Diameter The types of vehicles using the facility determine the U-turn diameter, and the recommended minima are given in Table 16.4. fable 16.4: Minimum U-turn Diameter Situation Minimum Diameter (m) Cars only 15 All vehicles 28 - It can be seen that the space required for a general U-turn (28m) is greater than the desirable minimum U-turn lane width (3.7m) plus the desirable minimum reduced median width (5m) plus the typical width of a three-lane road ( 7 1.71~11, which together amount to only 20.4m. Similarly it is not possible to provide a car-only U-turn to absolute minimum standards (3.7117+ 1m + 7.4m = 12.1 rn) on a two-lane road. To prevent vehicles over-running the edge of the pavement or colliding with the kerb under such circumstances, a wider median should be provided. Where this cannot be achieved, local bulbing should be considered. Page 16-5 Kuw& HQhway Design Manual 16.1 2 Median Widening Where medians are widened in order to accommodate U-turns, the two pavements should be designed independently, in accordance with the horizontal alignment The widening can be applied standards appropriate to the design speed. symmetrically. Alternatively, one of the pavements can be maintained on its original alignment. 16.13 Local Bulbing Local bulbing allows vehicles making U-turn manoeuvres to pull over beyond the edge of the travelled way. Two local bulbing arrangements are shown in Figure 16.2. Layout A is intended for Secondary Roads and is designed to provide additional road space to accommodate the swept path of the U-turning vehicle. Layout B is intended for Primary Roads and allows the U-turning vehicle to move completely into an auxiliary outer lane, and then to accelerate and merge with the outer through lane. A: Secondary Roads €3: Primary Roads Figure 16.2: Local 8ulbing Payouts The bulb area in Layout A should be paved in a visibly different material (for example, red brick pavers) so that drivers on the main line do not perceive the area as either part of the through pavement or as a lay-by. The bulb area should be separated from the rest of the travelled way by a kerb laid flat, with an upstand of 50mm. In Layout 5, the bulb area may be denoted by colovred surfacing or painted markings, but shouId be a contiguous part of the adjacent pavement or shoulder. Dimensions are given in Table 16.5. Page 1 6 4 Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chapter 16 U-Turns - Table 16.5: Local Bulblng Recommended Dimensions Radius (m) Road Class Layout A Secondary Roads Layout B Primary Roads Special Roads I Auxiliary Length (m) Merge Taper (11 (2) (3) (41 4 nfa nla 1:s nfa 8 50 1 :20 Grade separation should be provided The Median Gap should be determined by the swept paths of the design vehicles to be accommodated. The Bulb Offset should be determined as follows. For Layout A, the necessary U-turn diameter, up to a maximum offset of 4m. If this is insufficient, then the median should be widened. For Layout B, 4m (absolute minimum) to 8m (maximum). The auxiliary lane may be reduced to 4m downstream of the manoeuvring area, and should continue at a constant 4m width until the merge taper. Swept paths should be checked, and if the arrangement described is insufficient, the median should be widened. Page 16-7 Kuwea Highway Design M e n d 7.1 General Signalisation uses the principle of time segregation to eliminate conflicting movements and increase capacity at an at-grade intersection. Although it can be applied to existing unsignalised intersections, the best results are obtained when an intersection is designed from the outset to operate under signal control. The details of the design depend heavily on the forecast traffic movements and volumes, and the phasing of the signal operation will be similarly influenced. The designer should therefore ensure that liaison with the traffic engineer takes place at a very early stage in the design process, so that the operational needs can be properly taken into account. The purpose of this Chapter of the manual is not to set out the principles of signal control and operation, for which the reader is referred to publications such as the US Highway Capacity Manual', the US Manual of Uniform Traffic Control ~ e v i c e sand ~ the UK Design Manual for Roads and !3ridges3, but to provide guidance on the geometric considerations which should apply to intersections operating under signal control. q7.2 Applicability of Major I Minor Intersection Principles In general, the guidance given for major J minor intersection layout applies equally to signalised intersections, with the following qualifications: Sight triangles need to be provided so that the intersection operates safely even if the signals fail. Where one route is clearly the mare important, then majorIminor sight triangles are applied to vehicles on the minor approaches in the normal manner. If all the intersecting legs are apparently of equal priority, then the sight triangle should be checked at all approaches. Lane widths are sometimes reduced at signals, but the minimum width should be 3.0m. 17.3 Specific Requirements at Signalised Intersections Signal indications show the driver whether or not he should proceed, and it is important that the signal heads should be clearly visible to the approaching driver and ta the driver who has stopped as instructed. The designer is referred to the Kuwait Traffic Signs Manuala. Signals are usually located forward of the stop line. Double-headed signals may be required where traffic lanes are being separately signalised. Overhead signals, mounted on cantilevers or gantries, may be provided. 17.4 Width of Medians Care should be taken to ensure that medians are wide enough to accommodate any necessary signals and to provide a minimum clearance of 0.3m between the edge of the signals and the edge of the travelled way. Table 17.1 gives details. Page 17-1 Kmv8II Highway Design Manuel Chapter 17 Signelised Intersections Table 17.2: Minimum Median Width at SIgnalised lntersectiona (to accommodate signal heads) Situation Minimum Median Width (m) Single-headed signal 1.5 . Double-headed signal 2.0 These minima are adequate to accommodate the occasional pedestrian who has been unable te cross both halves of the road in the time available and so needs to wait in the median. However, if the signal phasing requires pedestrians to cross in two stages, or if no specific pedestrian phase is provided, a wider median should be provided. Consideration should also be given to the provision of a "sheep pen" arrangement, such as shown in Figuse 17.1 below. This layout minirnises the risk of pedestrians continuing beyond the median on the erroneous assumption that they have right-ofway over traffic on both halves of the road. The layout also provides a safer waiting area in the median. Pedestrian Fence 0.5m (Min) 1 t 0.5m (Mln) Figure 17.1: "Sheep Pen" Arrangement for Pedestrians at Signals (where crossing occurs in two separate stages) Table 17.2 gives the minimum median width required to accommodate pedestrians in straight across (i.e. conventional) and "sheep penn layouts. Table 17.2: Minimum Width of MedFan at Signalised Intersections (to accommodate waiting pedestrians) Layout Straight across ' "Sheep Pen" Page 17-2 Mlnlmurn Median Wtdth (m) 2 3.5 ' Kuwail H b h w ~ yDesign Manual Chapter I? SignaIised Intersections In areas where there is vety high pedestrian activity, the total area available to pedestrians should be capable of accommodating the highest number predicted to occur during a signal cycle. As a design guide, use 0.6m2of clear space per person. 17.5 Size of Islands Similar considerations apply to the size of channelising islands within an intersection, so that signal equipment (and signs) can be properly located and pedestrians can be safely accommodated. The minimum size for a triangular island, regardless of these factors, should be 6m2. 17.6 Vehicular Swept Paths There should be adequate provision of road space to accommodate the selected design vehicle(s), and this should be checked using computer software or the relevant templates. Particular care should be taken where two or three lanes of traftic turn together. In such situations, more than the minimum road space should be provided. The layout and space requirements for multiple-lane turning movements are a direct consequence of the physical dimensions of the intersection and the radii of the turns. Accordingly, no standard layouts and dimensions can be given, and the importance of undertaking a proper analysis of swept paths using templates or software is again ernphasised. On right-turning roadways, the information in Table 14.6 should be adopted. 17.7 Location of Pedestrian Crossing Facilities There are two main criteria for the location of a pedestrian crossing within an intersection. Firstly, the crossing should be sufficiently far foward of the stop line that crossing pedestrians do not feel intimidated by the presence of stationary traffic awaiting the green signal. A clear zone of 2m from the stop line to the crossing can give comfort to pedestrians. * Secondly, the crossing should be separated by sufficient distance from any parallel moving traff~cthat a reasonable level of safety can be ensured. Given that the median nose is set back by a minimum of 0.5m from the edge of the travelled way, a further setback of 1.5m gives a pedestrian clear zone of 2m from traffic that is moving while they cross. Pedestrian crossings of right-turning roadways need to be designed with considerable care, the following points being important. Pedestrian crossings of multiple-lane turning roadways should be signalised. Pedestrian crossings of single-lane turning roadways should be considered where large pedestrian numbers, lengthy pedestrian delays or excessively hazardous crossing would result. At a signalised crossing, the primaty signal must be clearly visible to approaching drivers, the minimum sight distance being the SSD for the design speed of the approaching road. At. an uncontrolled crossing, pedestrians need an adequate view of approaching traffic so that they can accurately judge the gaps and cross in safety. The minimum Page 17-3 Safe Crossing Sight Distance(SCSD)from the pedestrian to the approaching vehicle is set out in Table 17.3. Table 17.3: Safe Crossing Sight Distance for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing of Single-lane Right-turning Roadway 17.8 Width of Pedestrian Crossing Facilities Crossings should normally be 3m in width and should accommodate up to 600 pedestrians per hour. Where higher levels of pedestrian activity are predicted, the width should be increased as set out in Table 17.4. Crossings wider than 6.0m should not normally be provided. fable 17.4: Width of Pedestrian Crossings at Signalised lntenectiona d7.9 Design Flow (pedestrianstmin) RecommendedPedestrian Crossing Width (m) up to 10 3.0 (minimum) 12 3.6 15 4.5 20 and above 6.0 (maximum) Designing for Queue Lengths in Left-turning Lanes The traffic engineer should provide estimates of the average numbers of left-turning #vehiclesper cycle of the signal operation in the design peak period in order to calculate the required storage length. As a general guideline, a minimum storage length of 120m should be provided. 17.10 Signalised 'Roundabouts It is possible to improve the operation of roundabouts that are prone to 'locking up' by the introduction of signals. The design of the signal phasing is critical to the operation Page 1 7 4 Kuweil Highway Design Menu81 Chepkr 17 Signalised Intersections and the traffic engineer will need to model the roundabout using a relevant computer simulation s o h a r e package. Additional useful guidance is available from the UK Transport Research ~aboratory'. The outcome of the traffic engineer's study may indicate that geometric modifications would be beneficial. Modifications could include widening of the external approaches and rationalisation of the layout and pavement markings on the circulating pavement. Signalised roundabouts should not be selected for new intersections as they are very sensitive to traffic volume and are difficult to modify. 17.1 1 U-turns at Signalised Intersections Many of the considerations set out in Chapter 16 can be applied directly to U-turns at signals. The designer should decide at the outset whether U-turns are to be permitted, and if so, whether trucks are to be accommodated. Alternatively, provision of a free-standing U-turn facility in advance of the intersection should be considered. Local bulbing is dealt with in a different manner at signals and recommended arrangements are shown in Figure 17-2and Figure 47.3. The following points should be noted: It is rarely necessary to provide local bulbing for buses and trucks. The pavement should be designed to accommodate the relevant swept path (U-turn diameter 28m). Local bulbing f ~ private r cars is likely to be required only at signalised installations with a narrow median and two exit lanes. In such instances the required U-turn diameter of 15m cannot be achieved. The paved width of the local bulbing should be designed to provide the required TJ-durn diameter, but should be no wider than 4m. The area should be paved in a contrasting material (for example red block paving) and bounded by a kerb laid flat, with an upstand of 50rnrn. \A 'LKerb Laid Flat I \- Upstand Kerb Block Paved Area Figure 47.2: Widening for U-turns at Signalised Intersections {with right-turning roadway) Page 17-5 *: I:, '12- ' -P -(s.:-c:;. -.I: I - ?E*57?) S ' yi1-211 t&z?ELTk?IZI %TI ' X Y N I F - 2 F3,XTl'Qll3~~~ =Ftl T ?C f W : , L ~:':&iuc IS: i : i m rixk14, h&i;- h 1 k . M ;jlh11231;14. * j ~ w T miwhiL~:r;P .i,*~:-.-I?l~! a~fir~ W i. &I ,.v,lW .' k *-eb&-* 1 l,i~, +: -z j.-,: ---------------. ..I+. i -: ,"I Block Paved Area i a ut urn Figure 17.3: Widening k r U-turns at Slgnalfsed Intersections (wrth no right-turning roadway) ' Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, 2000 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Millennium Edition, US Department of L r ) w . 7 Transport, 2001 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, The Highways Agency, Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, UK Government, Various dates Kuwait Traffjc Signs Manual (Chapter Q), 1988 q 4-71 IF-? ' l . q . W + l c1 Use of TRANSYT at Signallsed Roundabouts (Research Repott 274), Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthome, UK, 1990 t : t '3- Kuweit HigRwey Design Manuel Chapier 18 Grade Separetbns end fnterchenges 18 GRADE SEPARATIONS AND ~NTERCHANGES 18.1 Introduction This section covers grade separated Interchanges, provides overview of common types, describes elements of interchanges, and design requirements for each type. Grade Separations are used to enable two roads to cross each other without interconnection, using a bridge or underpass. Fully Grade-separated (or Free Flow) Interchanges are used to vertically separate some or all of the conflicting streams of traffic, using one or more bridges or underpasses. Conflicts are eliminated, leaving only merging and diverging movements, which occur at ramp terminals. The following factors determine the need for grade-separated interchanges. (a) Design Designation When a road is designated to have full access control, grade separation is warranted, with interchanges at all intersecting roads. Interchanges are the only type of intersection provided on Special Roads, regardless of traffic volume considerations. This is to ensure a consistent standard of provision for the users of these longerdistance facilities and to provide the maximum level of safety appropriate to the higher operating speeds. (b) Reduction of Intersection Congestion Grade separations are used when an at-grade intersection is subject to greater congestion than others along its route. On Primary Roads, interchanges are appropriate where levels of conflicting traffic are high, but it should be noted that uniformity of intersection type on this class of road is unimportant. Interchanges will rarely be warranted on toads of a lower class than Primary Roads. (c) Safety Improvement Grade separations are used when a high number of serious or fatal accidents occur at a particular at-grade intersection. They are only used when cheaper safety measures are not possible. Grade separation may offer a more cost-effective solution than an at-grade intersection in a hilly terrain. (e) Road User Benefits Cast-benefit analysis may indicate the provision of an interchange that considerably reduces delays. {fj Traffic Levels An Interchange is warranted where design flows are greater than the capacity of an at-grade intersection. Lower flows may also be sufficient to justify one, particularly if the volume of cross traffic is significant. 18.2 Types of Interchange Table 18.1 shows the different types of interchanges: Kuwafl Highway Design Manual Chapter 18 Grade Sepemtim and Intefchanges Table 18.1: Types of Interchange Number of L V Number of Bridges 3-leg Single Free Flow Interchanges Trumpet ( 1 d2.j) Half Cloverleaf (18.2.2) Other Interchanges (Some At-grade Elements) 3-leg Compact (I8.2.4) Multiple 3-leg Direct (1 8.2.3)* Partial Cloverleaf (1 8.2.8) 4-leg Single Cloverleaf (18.2.5) I tvlultiple 4-leg Direct (18.2.6) 4-leg Hybrid (1 8.2.7) 4-leg Compact (18.2.9) Diamond (1 8.2.10) Dumbbell (18.2.11) Grade-separated Roundabout (1 8.2.12) , The advantages and disadvantages of each type of interchange are set out in the following sections. Interchanges can be designed to cater for more than four legs. In such cases, interchanges should be arranged to cater for the unique circumstances that exist. Elements within the interchange should conform to relevant guidance given in this Chapter. 18.2.1 Trumpet Interchange A: Left-hand trumpet B: Right-hand trumpet C: Preferred left-hand trumpet with skew brFdge Figure 18.q: Trumpet Interchange Page 18-2 Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chapter 76 Grade Separatbns and Interchanges Arrangement (A) depicts a left-hand trumpet, while arrangement ( 0 ) shows a righthand one. There is no straight-ahead escape route in either layout for a driver approaching at speed up the stern af the T, often over a crest curve. Arrangement (A) is slightly preferable in that vehicles have a larger radius curve to negotiate. Arrangement(C),which is a lefl-hand trumpet, improves on (A) by providing an even greater radius for the left-hand curve termination of the route approaching up the stem of the T, although at the expense of a tighter loop for vehicles leaving the mainline. Table q8.2: Advantages and Disadvantages of aTrumpet Interchange Advantages Requires only one bridge. Provides relatively high-speed, direct or semi-direct links for all movements. Layouts are simple to sign. Moderate land-take. Exit precedes entry, sa no weaving movements. Disadvantages Right-hand trumpet (B) unsuitable for termination of a high-speed route; Lefthand skew trumpet (C)may be acceptable. U-turning by emergency and maintenance vehicles not possible. I 18.2.2 Half Cloverleaf Interchange A: Simple B: W3tI-i C-D road Figure 18.2: Half Cloverleaf Interchange The half cloverleaf is a 3-leg Interchange, but has little to commend it over the trumpet interchange. It introduces unnecessary weaving of the South to West and the East to South movements. Its sole advantage is the ability to allow the intersecting road to be extended Northwards at some future date. Page 18-3 Kuwait HIghwey Design Manuel Chapter $8 Grade Separations end Interchenpes Table 18.3: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Half Cloverleaf Interchange Advantages Provides moderate-speed, direct or semi-direct links for all movements, Layouts are simple to sign. Only one bridge required. Moderate land-take. Permits future expansion into 4-leg interchange. Provides U-turning for emergency and maintenance vehicles approaching on the stem of the T. 18.2.3 Disadvantages Not suitable for the termination of a high- .speed route. introduces significant weaving movements. Arrangement (B) with the link road is preferred, but weaving still exists. U-turning not possible for vehicles on the mainline. 3-Leg Direct Interchange (Delta) A: Fully conventional C: Partially conventional B:Fully conventional 3-level D: Unconventional * Unconventional: diverge right to travel left ? Unconventional : mainline turns through 90" Figure 18.3: 3-leg Direct Interchange Arrangement (A) is the conventional layout. Traffic on the mainline leaves by a conventional ramp located on the right side of the road and trafk joining the mainline does so from the right. Traffic approaching the mainline along the stem of the T Page 1 8 4 ' Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chepler l 8 Grede Seperaihs and Interchanges diverges to the right if wishing to travel to the right along the main line, and similarly to the left if travelling left. Arrangement (B) is a conventional layout, but on three levels. Arrangement (C)is somewhat unconventional, in that trafic approaching along the stem of the T diverges to the right to travel left along the mainline, and vice-versa. Such an arrangement might be considered appropriate where there is a heavier flow in the SE quadrant than the SW quadrant of the intersection, but where both these flows are exceeded by the through flow on the mainline. Arrangement (D) is unconventional in that the mainline is designed to turn through 90 degrees in the SE quadrant. This layout could be appropriate in circumstances where the flow in the SE quadrant is dominant and the flow in the SW quadrant is lowest, Table 18.4: Advantages and Disadvantages of a 3-leg Direct Interchange Advantages Provides high-speed, direct links for all movements. Conventional layouts are simple to sign. Suitable for the termination of a highspeed route. No weaving movements. 18.2.4 Disadvantages a Requires two or three bridges. Relatively high land-take. U-Zumifig by emergency maintenance vehicles not possible. 3-Leg Compact Interchange Figure 18.4: 3-leg Compact Interchange Kuwait Highway Design Manual chapter 18 Grade Separations end Interchanges 3-leg Compact Inte'rchanges can be used in rural or urban locations. They are simple, low-speed versions of half cleverleaves. A typical compact interchange is shown in Figure 18.4. The objectives of compact grade-separation are as follows: Provide a safe means of crossing a high-speed route. Reduce the environmental impact of grade-separated interchanges by providing a compact junction layout. Regulate and maintain vehicle speed for minor route traffic through the interchange at a level appropriate to the layout standards. Remove left turning movements from the major route. Provide an operationally efficient junction layout. Provide an economic solution for modifying an existing at-grade intersection to grade-separated standards. Compact Interchanges can also be provided on single carriageways. The only major disadvantage is that high-speed traffic on the major route will exit on a tight loop radius. Adequate advanced signing, good visibility and chevron signing at the exit point will reduce the hazard. If all such junctions along a route were the same, then drivers would be aware of the tightness of the loops and would adapt accordingly. Table 18.5: Advantages and Disadvantages of Compact Interchanges Disadvantages Advantages w Provides low-speed, semi-direct links for some movements. , w Page 1&6 Layouts are simpbe to sign. Permits future expansion into 4-leg interchange. Requires only one bridge. No weaving movements. Less land-take and lower cost than partial cloverleaves. Provides U-turning for emergency and maintenance vehicles on the mainline. r Introduces at-grade movements, normally at signalised intersections. High-speed traffic on the mainline will exit on a tight loop radius. Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chapter 18 Grade Separatmns and lnierchanges 18.2.5 Cloverleaf Interchange A: Simple B: 1 pair of C-D roads C: 2 pairs of C-D roads Figure 18.5: Cloverleaf Interchange The standard form (A) provides the driver on both main alignments with the following sequence of elements: 'I. An off-slip (for the leaving right-turn traffic) 2. An on-slip (for the joining lefl-turn traffic from the loop) 3. A weaving section, often relatively short 4. An off-slip (for the leaving left-turn traffic to the loop) 5. An on-slip (far the joining right-turn traffic) This can' be difficult to sign, because there are two exits in succession and drivers have to decide in advance on their compass direction (for example, Route South or Route North). This layout also leads to turbulence in the weaving areas, and even in through lanes, where vehicles do not theoretically need to change lanes. For these reasons, a link road is normally provided, as shown in (B) and (C), This simplifies the signing oust one exit, fo!lowed by a compass decision) and ensures that all weaving takes place away from the mainline on a link road where every vehicle weaves. Chepier 18 Grade Sepemths end Iniemhenges Table f 8.6: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Cloverleaf Interchange Advantages Provides moderate-speed, direct or semi-direct links for all movements. Requires only one bridge. Allows U-turning for emergency and maintenance vehicles. Disadvantages 1 Entails significant weaving. Link roads normally required, as with arrangements (B) and (C). Dimcurt to sign. Left-turning traffic leaves by the second exit on the right. Considerable land-take. 18.2.6. 4-leg Direct Interchange Figure 18.6: 4-leg Direct Interchange The 4-leg direct interchange provides high-speed connections for all movements. Layout (A) locates three structures at a single location, which minimises land take but requires considerable earthworks to achieve the necessary level differences for this four-level crossing. Layout (B) restricts all the crossings to two-level, but as a consequence, requires five structures. Land-take is greater, but earthworks are considerably reduced. Many other arrangements, symmetrical and asymmetrical, are possible. Page 18-8 Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chepter 18 Grade Seperelions and Interchanges Table 18.7: Advantages and Disadvantage of a &leg Direct Interchange 1 Advantages Provides high-speed, direct links for all movements. Layouts are simple to sign. a Disadvantages Requires three, four or five bridges. Relatively high land-take. 4-level layout (A) is dimcult to integrate into a flat landscape. U-turning by emergency and maintenance vehicles not possible. 4-leg Hybrid Interchange Figure 18.7: 4-leg Hybrid Interchange (example) It is possible to produce designs that incorporate features of several types of interchange. This figure shows one such hybrid, which uses the direct form, but replaces two of the direct connections by loops. It is not possible to comment on the generic advantages and disadvantages of hybrid junctions, as each will have its unique atlributes, Page 1 8 9 Kuwaif Highway Design Menual Chapter f8 Grade Sepsrations and Interchanges 18.2.8 Partial Cloverleaf Interchange Figure 18.8: Partial Cloverleaf Interchange Many forms of partial cloverleaf are possible, with one to three loops in various quadrants. The one illustrated (with two loops in opposite quadrants) eliminates weaving on the main line, albeit by accepting at-grade left turning on the minor road. Table 18.8: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Partial Cloverleaf Interchange Advantages Provides moderate-speed, semi-direct links for some movements. Requires only one bridge. Can enable the elimination of weaving (as with the layout shown in Figure 18.8). Layouts are simple to sign it weaving is eliminated. Page 1 8 10 Disadvantages = lntrduces at-grade movements, normally at signalised intersections. Requires more land than Diamond Interchanges. Left-turning traffic leaves the minor road at the second exit on the right, Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chepkr 18 Grede Sepemtrbnsand Interchanges 18.2.9 4-leg Compact Interchange Figure 18.9: 4-leg Compact Interchange 4-leg Compact Interchanges can be used in rural or urban locations. They are simple, low-speed versions of partial doverleaves. Typical compact interchanges are shown in Figure 18.9. the objectives of compact grade-separation are as previously described in Section 7 8.2.4. Arrangement (A) might be considered appropriate when the majority of the fraffic on the minor route wishes to cross the major route, Arrangement (8)should be used where the minor road traffic movement is primaFily turning onto and off the major carriageway. Compact Interchanges can also be provided on single carriageways. Table 18.9: Advantages and Disadvantages of Compact Interchanges Advantages Provides law-speed, semidirect links for some or all movements. Requires only one bridge. = No weaving movements. Less land-take and tower cost than half cloverleaves. Provides U-turning for emergency and maintenance vehicles on the mainline. Disadvantages Introduces at-grade movements, normally at signalised intersections. WithLayout(A), High-speedtrafficon the mainline will exit on a tight loop radius. Page I&? I Kuwait H & M y Design Menuat Chapter $8 Grede Sepsrai&nsend Iniemhanges :- 18.2.10 Diamond Interchange A: Full diamond *. , ,..I . 1 , B: Split diamond 'J 7 C: Overlap diamond 0:Single-point diamond Figure 18.10: Dhmond Interchange The Diamond lnterchange is probably the most common form of grade-separated intersection, in which the ramps connect to the lower-category road by means of signalised, at-grade intersections. Arrangement (A) is the conventional full diamond, with two sets of signals. Arrangement (B), the split diamond, is sometimes adopted where the spacing of adjacent cross arterials is too close to allow the ramps to effect the necessary level difference. This layout, in which there are four sets of signals, is particularfy suited to situations where the cross-arterials are one-way streets operating in opposite directions. Another solution to this situation is the overlapping diamond shown in arrangement (C). This layout requires two additional bridges but retains the four sets of signals. Again this works well with one-way cross-arterials. A major difficulty with arrangement (A) is the fact that all the left turns "hook* to the right their opposites, rather than "sliding" past them. This can impose a significant capacity limitation on the intersection, generally necessitating four-stage signal operation. Arrangement (D), the single point diamond, gets around that difficulty by allowing all left turns to "slide" to the left of each other, albeit at the expense of a layout that requires more space and is potentially more prone to driver .misunderstanding, With such slide turns, the signal operation can be reduced l o - - -three-stage. , . , Table 18.10: Advantag- Cmfw GredeSeparebknsBndm?mm@s and Disadvantages of Dlsmond Interchanges SplIt Full DIamond Diamond Overlap Diamond Single Pslnt Diamond Very small land-take d Q r/ V Easy to sign rr rl # # intersections V r/ J Single bridge only cf cl U-turning possible for mainline trarffic ci # v vZ No weaving sections on mainline v + * + Advantages: Conventional at-grade 0 ' Maximises spacing between intersectionson mainline # C, - Disadvantages: tower capcity on minor road x X x Left-turns interact X XS Xs X X X X X X X X X = Weaving on frontage road Greater possibility of wrong-way entry fo ramp = Difficult to expand the intersection in the future 1 Ssmnd bMge pmbabty requiredIn any avant 2 May be possible, but dffiWlt to sign and c o M 3 Not if crass sire& are one-way x Kuweil Highway Design Menlrel Chapfsr I 8 Grade Separations and I n ~ 8 n ~ e s 18.2.11 Dumbbell Interchange Figure 18.11: Dumbbell Interchange The advantages and disadvantages of the dumbbell intersection are similar to those of the full diambnd. Additionally, the dumbbell scores by eliminating problems arising from the interaction of left turns, but has the disadvantage that queues may develop on the off-slip as ather traffic always has priority. 1 8.2.12 Grade-separated Roundabout A: Simple B: >Level Figure 18.12: Grade-separated Roundabout Page 18-14 Koweif Highwey Design Manual Chapfer 18 Grade SepamfEwrs and 1nten:hanges Arrangement (A) is the simple form of this intersection, using two bridges and a large rotary pavement. When traffic volumes increase, there is adequate space to permit the introduction of signals to the roundabout entries and to further increase capacity by modest widening on the approaches. At higher volumes still, arrangement (B) can be adopted. This layout, known as a three-level roundabout, takes the cross-traffic on a direct ramp, leaving the roundabout to handle only turning traffic. Such a layout can be introduced incrementally if the median of the cross route Is constructed at the outset with a width sufficient to accommodate the future flyover. Table 18.14: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Grade-separated Roundabout Advantages 8 Easily understood, conventional layout. Simple to sign. Can be signalised to provide additional capacity or to manage queues on offslips. 18.3 Selection of Interchange Type 18.3.j General Disadvantages Requires two or more bridges. Higher land-take than diamond or dumbbell layouts. Unsignalised layouts can lock up if there is a lack of capaciiy downstream. The following paragraphs cover the design procedures for selecting the form of interchange most suitable for a particular location. Chapters 3 to 6 cover the geometric design standards for the individual elements within the chosen interchange. The designer should prepare a number of preliminary sketch designs, and these are to be compared and considered before the final selection of the interchange type and the production of a preliminary design. 18.3.2 System Interchanges System Interchanges are those that connect a Special Road to another Special Road. They should always be free-flow interchanges of the types described in Table 18.1. 18.3.3 Service Interchanges Service Interchanges connect to roads of a lower class than Special Roads. If the road is a Primary Road, then the full range of interchange options can justifiably be considered. For Secondary Roads, interchanges that incorporate some at-grade movements (see Table 18.1) are the norm. A 8.3.4 Route Strategy ~nterchab~es in rural areas can be considered independently of each other, since the spacing of interchanges is most probably very great. Topographical and traffic flow considerations predominate, but consistency of exit patterns and minimisation of weaving on the mainline will have a considerable influence on the choice of interchange. In urban areas, the selection of interchange type is limited, because of issues of capacity, weaving and lane balance on the mainline. This is due to the fact the Page i & i 5 Kuwait Highwey Design Manuel Ch8phsr 18 Gmde Sepamlionsand Intemhenges interchanges are closer, and each interchange is likely ta be influenced by the next, both upstream and downstream. On a continuous urban route, all the interchanges should be considered together as a system. Arrangements for the entire corridor can be sketched and alternative interchange strategies can be developed, analyzed and compared. The designer should consider the intersecting minor roads and confirm that they are suitable for the additional traffic that an interchange will transfer on to them. Due to the amount of land that cloverleaf interchanges occupy, they are the least suitable for use in urban areas. Traffic Flows and Design Year 18.3.5 Interchanges are designed using Design Hour Volumes (DHV), as described in Chapter 2. Of particular importance for interchange design is the volume of traffjc predicted to undertake each turning maneuver. , Interchange Spacing within the Network 18.3.6 The designer should consider the position of the interchange within the entire road network when selecting the form of grade-separated facility. The aim should be the provision of a consistent interchange strategy that maximizes safety across the network. The indicative minimum spacing of intersections set out in Chapter 13 (Table 13.1) is aimed at providing adequate lengths of uninterrupted flow appropriate to the road dass. This length must accommodate any weaving that may occur on the intervening section of road between !he last on-slip of one interchange and the first off-slip of the subsequent one. Guidance on the design of weaving sections is given later in this Chapter. Initial Information, Requirements and Decisions Selection of the type of interchange is based on the following: 18.3.7 the class, cross-section and Design Speed of all the intersecting roads. the DHV. the location and nature of any engineering constraints to the scheme, such as Iand ownership, planning constraints, existing and proposed utilities, topography, dry wadi courses and ground conditions. The location and nature of any environmental constraints, such as proximity to dwellings, proximity to buildings of historic or cultural significance, severance of communities, plants of particular importance, animal habitats, animal tracks and migration routes, environmentally sensitive buildings (noise I air quality). The designer must carry out the following before deciding on the type of interchange to use: Discuss the overall interchange strategy with the MPW and Kuwait Municipality. a Agree the DHV (including turning volumes) with the MPW and Kuwait Municipality. Decide which turning movements are to be accommodated. Decide which movements within the interchange are to be given priority with grade-separated links and which movements (if any) are to be accommodated through at-grade intersections. Confirm the vertical and lateral clearances for structures. Page I S 1 6 Kuweit Highway Desjgn Manual Chapter 18 Grad8 Separations end I n t e ~ ~ h a m s 18.3.8 Type of Interchange for Preliminary Design Before starting the preliminary design, the type of interchange has to be selected using the guidance given previously in this Chapter. For a given location two or mare solutions may be worked up into outline designs (usually in sketch form) for preliminary eva tuation. The choice of 'over or under' frequently arises, and no firm guidance can be given. In general, one of the roads is likely to have a higher design speed than the other and so will require longer verfical curves to achieve the necessary level difference. Keeping the major route at or near existing ground level may prove more economic. However, this also implies that the associated at-grade intersections will be constructed either above or below ground level, where restrictions to forward visibility may become an issue. Note that any scheme that involves pavement levels below existing ground levels requires careful design, especially where water table levels are high, for example near the coast. 8.3.9 Preliminary Design The following items need to be defined in the preliminary design: Safety implications for road users. Number of lanes required for each movement. Design speed for individual elements within the interchange. Horizontal radii (especially important for loops). Vertical clearances for structures. Maximum pavement gradients. Lengths of slips, links and loops. Lengths of weaving sections (between and within interchanges). Provision for crossing traffic (not wishing to join the mainline). Provision for pedestrians. Estimate of construction cost. - The designer must also consider: Method and phasing of construction. Prevision for and methods of maintenance. Environmental effects, including landscaping. Provision for lighting and signing. Provision for fences and barriers. The preliminary design will need to be discussed with the MPW and Kuwait Municipa lily and their approval received before the designer progresses further. Certain elements of the preliminary design may need to be worked up in greater detail if requested by the MPW or Kuwait Municipality. 18.4 Lane Provision Initial estimates of lane prevision are undertaken on the basis that the DHV should be accommodated, using the Maximum Service Flow Rates fpr pcu per hour per lane given in Table 2.1. The designer may wish to increase the lane provision above the Page 18-17 Kuwaa Highway Design Manual Chapter f 8 Gmde Separetimsand Interchanges minimum number required to accommodate the predicted future flow, for operational or lane balance reasons. Lane balance considerations are important, Three basic principles apply: 1. Entries The number of lanes beyond !wo merging traffic streams should not be less than the sum of all the upstream traffic lanes minus one. 2. Exits The number of approach lanes to an exit should either be equal to or one less than the number of lanes on the mainline beyond the exit plus the number of diverging lanes at the exit. 3. Lane Drops The travelled way of a road should not be reduced 'by more than one lane at any location. Mainline lane drops within a junction (3 lanes prior to the diverge, 2 lanes between the diverge and t h e merge, then back to 3 lanes) are not generally recommended on operational and safety ground. Figure 18.13 shows some typical situations. MERGING DIVERGING @ ONE I LANE UNDER SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF PRINCIPLE 2 Figure 18.13: Typleal Examples of Lane Balance Page 18-16 Kuwait Highway Desbn Manual Chepler i8 Grade Sepemtions and Enterchenges 38.5 Design Speed The design speed of the connecting roadways needs to be determined after establishing the design speeds of both the major and minor routes. Three different conditions are relevant: Links that are free-flow, connecting the two alignments directly and generally turning through an angle of 90 degrees. Slips that connect from a merge or diverge on one alignment to an at-grade intersection on the other. Loops that are free-flow, connecting the two alignments directly and generally turning through an angle of 270 degrees. Usually, the connecting elements are assigned lower design speeds than those on the mainline. The stepping-up of design speed on leaving a connecting road causes no difficulty. The steppingdown of design speed on leaving the mainline should be handled carefully. Table 18.1 2: Design Speeds for Connecting Roadways * Higher Design Speeds may be appropriak in rural areas. These design speeds apply to the connecting roadway itself, Merges and diverges should be designed in accordance with the design speed of the mainline. 78.6 Diverge Design 18.6.1 Selection of Layout Type The recommended standards for diverging lanes are based on a mainline operating speed of 100 kmlh, which seems the most appropriate for those roads in Kuwait that will utilise grade separated junctions. The recommended layouts may be adopted for lower or higher speeds with suitable adjustment to the proposed standards. There are two types of exit arrangement available to the designer, namely the direct type and parallel type. The direct diverging lane, i.e. where the diverging lane exits via a straight taper, is preferred under normal conditions. The parallel type provides a greater length over which exiting manoeuvres can take place. Both taper and parallel layouts can be used with or without a lane-drop on the through mainline, and both can be used with a single-lane or two-lane off-slip. Page 18-19 Kuweil Highway Design Manuel Chapter 18 Gmde deepamtions a d Interchanges The method of deciding on the most appropriate diverging lane layout to accommodate design year flows is described in the following paragraphs, It should be noted that the most suitable layout for a diverge should not be considered in isolation. The other junctions along the mainline route should also be considered, so that drivers may be presented with a consistent set of layout features. The mainline and link flows should be assessed in terms of pculh in the design year, and the worst combination of these flows, taking account of different peak periods, used as a base, The base flows should then be adjusted for non-standard traffic composition and gradient as shown in Table 18.13. The gradient should be measured over a distance of one kilometre, centred upon the nose of the diverge lane. Table 18.13: Percentage Corrections to Predicted Flows for ComposRion and Gradient Percentage of HGVs on Link or Mainline befng Considered ' Gradient on Mainline 5 20 15 20 25 30 35 40 Downhill, Level or 1 % Uphill -8 -4 0 *4 +8 +I2 *16 *20 - 2% Uphill +2 +6 *I0 +14 +I8 +22 +26 +30 2% - 3% Uphill +f2 +20 +24 *16 +28 *32 +26 +40 7% The adjusted design flows should then be plotted on Figure 18.14 to identify the appropriate flow region,which is indicated alphabetically. Using Table 18.A4, the types of layout suitable for handling the flow region assessed as above, are identified. f he shaded diverging lane types are likely to prove the most acceptable in terms of level of service. Where flow combinations are close ta boundaries between different flow regions, the layout types indicated for the adjacent flow region should also be considered. Page 48-20 K m i t Highmy Design Menus! Chapter 78 Grade Separetians and Inferehanges 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Downstream Mainline Flow in pculh Figure 18.14: Flow Regions for Diverging Layouts Table 18.14: Type of Diverging Layout Appropriate ta Flow Region The diverging lane types are shown on Figure 18.15 to Figure 18.18. In conjunction with Table 18.14, the following notes on each layout type should be considered when deciding upon the most appropriate layout. Page 1 &-21 Kuwait Hhhwey Design Manuel Chapbr l 8 Grade SeperatMs end InteWnges Type 1 and 3 - Figure 18.15 The direct diverging lane is the most economical layout for single lane links. It is appropriate up to fiows of approximately 1000 pcuh after correction and where site conditions are favourable. Where the diverge is situated on a left hand curve, or where the intersection is an a gradient, the parallel diverging lane layout is more appropriate. Type 2 and 5 - Figure 18.1 6 The direct diverging lane layout is appropriate for exiting flows around the limit of the. single lane exit but where site conditions do not favour a single lane. The standard layout where two exit lanes are required, and where'there is no lane drop, is shown in the parallel diverging lane layout. The parallel diverging lane layout is particularly preferred when the diverge is situated on a left hand curve. Type 4 and 6 - Figure 18.17 Where a lane is dropped at the intersection types 4 and 6 layouts are appropriate. The direct diverging lane may be used in favourable site conditions, whereas the parallel type layout is more appropriate on left hand curves. - Type 7, 8 and 9 Figure 18.18 Types 7 and 8 are appropriate along routes with lane drop I lane gain at interchanges. Type 9 may be used at the divergence of two routes of equal importance and'carrying equal volumes of traffic, where neither branch is considered to be the main through route. This type of diverge is also referred to as a Major Fork. 18.6.2 Geometric Parameters for Diverges A diverge taper shall generally be 1:25. A taper of 1:40 should be adopted, to give additional space for diverging traffic, at single lane links or at two lane links where one lane is dropped from a three-lane main line The length of diverge nose should be a minimum of 70m. More generous diverging layouts may be required under the following adverse site conditions: If the mainline is on a significant right hand curve, a direct taper would result in a tangential alignment and would be confusing to drivers. If the main line is on a steep upgrade, a longer distance is needed for the diverging manoeuvre to enable faster vehicles approaching in the outer lanes to penetrate through those heavy vehicles that are moving slowly in the right hand lane. When the mainline is on a steep downgrade, a problem may arise associated with the high speed of vehicles on the mainline right hand lane. In these situations an extra diverging lane 3.7m wide and at least 170111long with a 7Om taper should be provided. The design parameters are set out in Figure 18.1 5 to Figure t 8.18 on the following pages. Page 18-22 Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chapk?r18 Gnde Sepamtbns and Interchanges Chapter f8 Grade Separations and lnterchenges Page 18-24 Kuwait Highwey Design Manual &8& Chapter 18 Separations and lnlerchsnges Page 18-25 Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chapter 18 Grade Seaarations and Inkmhanaes Page f &26 Kuwait Highway Design Manual Chapter 18 Grade Sepamtbns and Inkrchsnges 18.6.3 Deceleration Distance Vehicles leaving the mainline need enough distance to enable them to decelerate clear of the mainline to the design speed that pertains on the connecting roadway. Design features to the lower design speed standard must not be introduced before deceleration beyond the tip of the painted nose has occurred. 18.6.4 Forward Visibility Forward visibility extends over the entire length of a road, therefore might cross into areas of different design speed. For the three areas, the following criteria should be used: Over the taper length design speed. - apply Over the deceleration distance mainline design. visibility standards appropriate to the mainline - apply visibility standards appropriate to the - Thereafter apply visibility standards appropriate to the connecting roadway design speed. 18.6.5 Superelevation Normally the main line superelevation continues across the width of the diverging lane, However, presenting a reversal of the mainline superelevation on the approach to a right-hand curved off ramp may be essential when the mainline is on a left-hand curve. In this case the magnitude of the differential between the two falls should not exceed 4%. Beyond the painted nose, the vertical profile of the mainline and the off-slip may diverge, and this effect may be made more pronounced if superelevation is being developed on the off-slip. Care must be taken to ensure that the fall across the paved gore is not too great, and a value of 4% should be taken as a working maximum. The superelevation across the recovery area (beyond the paved gore) should be the same as that of the mainline, and the design of the transition from the crossfall prevailing in the gore area requires careful consideration. 18.6.6 Left Off-slips Ramps leaving from the lefi (inner) side of the pavement are not recommended. If they are to be used, they should be treated as major forks (Type 9). Adequate overhead signing and full Decision Sight Distance must be provided in all cases. 18.7 Merge Design 18.7.1 Selection of Layout Type As with diverging lanes, a mainline operating speed of 100 km/h has been used in arriving at fhe recommended standards. The recommended layouts may be adopted for lower or higher speeds with suitable adjustment to the proposed standards, as before. There are two types of entry arrangement available to the designer, namely the taper type and parallel type. In normal circumstances the direct entry, where the merging lane joins the main road via a straight taper, is preferred. Situations will occur however where a more generous layout, including a parallel merging lane plus taper, will be justified by difficult site conditions. The parallel type provides greater length for merging the entering flow in to the trafic on the mainline. Page 18-21 Kuweil Highway Design Manual Both can be used with or without a lane-gain on the through mainline, and both can be used with a single-lane or two-lane on-slip. At higher entry flows, two merging lanes may be required and the resulting layout may be of the direct or ghost island type. The method of deciding on the appropriate merge layout that will provide the required capacity to cater for the design Rows is described in the following paragraphs. It should be remembered that the recommended layout may require adjustment due to outside influences, such as a policy decision to provide the same number of lanes throughout the whole mainline route. Design year flows in pcuh should be obtained for the'mainline and the entry slip. The worst combination of these flows, allowing for possible different timing of peaks, is then used as a base. The base flows are adjusted for non-standard combinations of traffic composition and gradient as indicated in Table 18.13. The gradient should be measured over a distance of one kilometre of the mainline, centred on the merge nose. The adjusted design year flows in pculh are then plotted on Figure 18.19 to identify the appropriate flow region, which Is indicated alphabetically. Having identified the flow region to which the adjusted design year flows correspond, Table 18.15 should be consulfed to find the merging layout types that will provide the required capacity. The most appropriate layout types are indicated with shading. Where flow combinations are close to the boundaries between different flow regions, the layout types indicated for the adjacent flow region should also be considered. o 1000 2000 3000 Upstteam Mainline Flow in pculh Figure 18-19: Flow Reglons for Merging Layouts a000 5000 Kuwuit Highway Design Menuat Chapter 18 Grade Separelhs and kfechanges l a ble d8.15: Type of Merging Layout Appropriate to Flow Region Diverging Lane Type I 2 Upstream Mainline 2 2 3 3 4 5 - 3 4 3 Number Link 1 21 22 of LanesDownstream 2 3 2 3 Mainline 18.7.2 8 9 - 4 I 2 - 3 2 3 2 Geometric Parameters for Merges For the direct entry-merging lane a taper of 1:40 is recommended. For single lane entries, h~wever,this should be increased to I:50 wherever possible. The length of merge nose should be a minimum of 85m to provide adequate sideways visibility for merging traffic. As stated previously, an additional length of parallel merging lane may be required in the following types of conditions: Where the main line is on a significant lefi hand curve. In this ease, visibility is limited and the direct entry is not as effective because the angle of convergence is too great. By providing a length of parallel lane, drivers are able to observe conditions on the mainline by using their driving mirrors rather than turning their heads. Where the mainline and hence the merging lane are on a steep up-gradient, the problem is one of matching speeds. A greater distance is required for merging vehicles to accelerate. Where the mainline is on a steep down-gradient, there may also be problems associated with the high speed of vehicles in the near side lane. In these ,situations, an additional merging lane, 3.7m wide and a minimum of 150m long, with a 70m taper should be provided. The merging lane types, showing geometric parameters, are given in Figure 18.20 to Figure 18.23. The following notes on each type should also be considered in deciding upon the appropriate layout. Page 18-29 Kweit Highway Design Menuai Chapter 18 Grade Sepamfionsend Interchanges - Types 1 and 4 Figure 18.20 The direct entry is the most economical merging layout for single lane slips. It will cater for entry flows up to approximately 1000 pcuh, after correction, but should only be used under favourable site conditions. Where the main line is situated on a right hand curve, where the main line is on a gradient or where for other reasons it is necessary to provide greater definition of the merging lane, the more generous parallel type merging lane layout should be adopted. ' - Types 2 and 5 Figure 18.21 The direct entry layout is suitable for the higher entry flows near the limit of a single lane entry but where diverse geometric conditions render a single lane entry unsuitable. The ghost island layout is the more normal and preferred layout where entry Rows dictate a two-lane entry but where there is no need for the addition of an extra lane downstream. The layout permits the left hand traffic on the slip to enter the mainline early and to dissipate to form gaps for the second merging lane. Both layouts can accommodate a single Fane slip, widened to a two-lane entry, where appropriate. - Types 3 and 6 Figure 18.22 Where an extra lane is required for downstream traffic, these layouts are appropriate. The parallel entry layout gives the right hand lane of the slip free entry while the left hand lane of the link merges with the slower traffic on the main line. The ghost island provides free entry for the faster traffic on the slip and subsequent merging of the slower traffic and is to be preferred for the higher ranges of traffic in this category. The ghost island entry is also preferred on right hand curves and uphill slips. In both layouts, the slower moving traffic on the mainline must eventually merge into the nearside lane, but there is no immediate necessity to do so. Types 7, 8 and 9 Figure 18.23 Types 7 and 9 are appropriate on routes where lane drop 1 lane gain interchanges are used. Type 8 is more appropriate in the situation where two routes of equal status and carrying equal volumes of traffic meet. It is advisable to prevent immediate weaving by the use of double white lines and such lines, although varying with site conditions, should be extended for least 50m. Page t 8-30 - II 185m 1 :50 TAPER .I 85m NOSE MIN 1:40 TAPER 1 I DIRECT ENTRY MERGING LANE (TYPES 1 8 4) F k - p & ~ k Z r p * ]MIN 1:40 TAPER PARALLEL MERGING LANE (TYPES 1 & 4) Figure 18.20: Direct and Parallel Merging Lanes Type 1 and 4 K w i t Highwey Design Manuel Chpter 18 Grade Sepamtions and Inferchanges Page 18-32 f 85m 1 :50 TAPER I NOSE MINf:4OTAPER I DIRECT ENTRY MERGING LANE (TYPES 3 & 61 GHOST ISMHD MERGING LANE (TYPES 3 &A Ffgurs 18.22: Direct and Parallel Merging Lanes Type 3 and 6 Kuwait Highway Design Manuel Chapter 18 Grade Sepemfions and Inferchanges -- Page 18-34 Kuwait Hlghway Design Manual Chapier 18 Grade S e p a m t h and lnterchenws 3 8.7.3 Acceleration Distance Vehicles joining the main line need enough distance to enable them to gain enough speed to be able to merge smoothly into the flow on the main line, and this acceleration should take place clear of the mainline. Acceleration distance is measured along the slip road to Ihe point at which the width of the travelled way of the slip falls below 3.7rn. 18.7.4 Forward Visibility The forward visibility appropriate to the slip design speed should be provided until the vehicle reaches the physical nose. Thereafter, the visibility should be in accordance with the design speed of the mainline. 18.7.5 Superelevation Similar considerations applying to entries as apply to exits, 18.8 Connecting Roadways 48.8.1 Width A lane width of 3.7m should be adopted on all connecting roadways, with widening only being provided where the horizontal curvature requires it. Due allowance must be made for the consequence of a stalled vehicle on the connecting roadway. Two-lane facilities provide for passing, but on a single-lane facility, adequate shoulder width should be provided to allow passing of the largest design vehicles. The geometric considerations are the same as apply to right-turning roadways in at-grade intersections. Details can be found in Section 14.1 1.4. 18.8.2 Shoulders and Lateral Clearances The following advice on shoulders and lateral clearances on slips should be adopted in Kuwait: When shoulders are provided on slips, they should have a uniform width for the full length of slip. Slips with a design speed of more than 60kmh should have a left shoulder width of 0.6mto 1.2m and right shoulder width of 1.2m to 3.0m. For other slips, the sum of the lefl and right shoulder widths should not exceed 3.6m, with a shoulder width of 0.6m to 1.2m on the left and the remainder on the right. The single-lane slip widths from Table 14.6 for Case 2 should be modified when shoulders are provided on the slip. The slip lane width should be reduced by the total width of both right and left shoulder. However, the slip lane width should never be less than required for Case 1. For merges and diverges on Special Roads, where the slip shoulder is narrower than that on the mainline, the shoulder width of the through lane should be carried into the diverge, and should begin within the merge, with the transition to the narrower slip shoulder effected smoothly along the slip road proper. Abrupt change should be avoided. Where ramps pass under structures, the total roadway width should be carried through without change. Desirably, structural supports should be located either behind a safety barrier or beyond the clear tone (Chapter 8 of this manual gives guidance on clear tones and the use of barriers). Page 18-35 Kfmelf Nlghwny Design Manual Slips on overpasses should have the full approach roadway width carried over the structure. 18.8.3 Gradient Gradients of up to 2% more than those relevant to the mainline may be adopted, giving the maxima shown in Table 18.16. Table 48.16: Maximum Grades on Connecting Roadways Main tine Class Maximum Grade on Connecting Roadway Special Roads Primary Roads Where a roadway connects a Special Road to a Primar)~or Secondary Road, the maximum grade for the Special Road (that is, 6%) should prevail. On loops, the gradient should be uniform throughout the length of the cutve, and is generally determined by the radius of the loop and the vertical separation of the roadways. The maximum superelevation for connecting roadways is normally 4%, but values of up to 6% may be considered in urban areas. For loops, however, the maximum value is 8%. 18.8.5 Vertical Alignment - Effect on Horizontal Geometry The designer should consider the following issues: What is the likely construction thickness at over bridge decks? This depends on factors such as the span, the skew, the form of construction chosen, and whether the bridge has open or closed abutments What vertical clearance is required between the two road profiles? This is the construction thickness plus a clearance of at least 5.5~1.AS both roadways are likely to be super elevated, and possibly on vertical curves, it is necessary to check all four corners of the structure over the road pavement to ensure that minimum headroom is maintained at all points. What vertical alignment should be adopted in order to achieve the necessary vertical clearance between profiles? The chosen alignment generally dictates the horizontal location of the nose relative to the bridge structure. What slope should be used for the earthworks between the roads? This figure, which depends on the nature of the material concerned, should be agreed with the MPW before design begins. It has a direct effect on how close the connecting roadway can be ta the main line, and so the horizontal geometry should be checked at all points for compliance with this maximum slope value. Where physical constraints would require the adoption of steeper slopes, consideration should be given to the use of retaining walls or elevated viaduct structures, as these enable the tvvo horizontal alignments to be kept close together. Kvweit Highwey Design Menuel Chepler 18 Gmde Separationsand Interchanges 18.9 Spacing of Merges and Diverges 18.9.1 Possible Arrangements There are four possibilities when considering two adjacent merges or diverges: Both are exits. Both are entries. The first is an exit and the second an entry. The first is an entry and the second an exit. These are dealt with in turn below. 18.9.2 Exit 1 Exit Suitable distances between the noses of successive exits from the mainline should be adopted to present drivers with simple options. Similarly, having left the mainline, the driver should not immediately be given a further choice as the slip roads splits again, This decision should have to be made some distance beyond the mainline exit nose. Refer to Table q8.17 to obtain the minimum distances, measured from one painted nose to the next. 18-9.3 Entry / Entry When two traffic streams join, this generally produces an area of turbulence for a distance downstream. A subsequent entry therefore needs to be located far enough downstream to avoid this unstable area, and Table 18.17 sets out the recommended spacing. 18.9.4 Exit I Entry This is the safest of the four layouts, and this is reflected in the shorter distances set out in Table 18.14. 18.9.5 Entry 1 Exit This is the most complex of the four layouts, as weaving of traffic streams will occur. Only if the slips are sufficiently far apart do they operate as a merge, followed by a length of open road, followed by a diverge. Two considerations apply: 7 . There is a minimum distance between the noses to ensure safe operation even under very light flow conditions - this is the minimum spacing. 2. There is a minimum distance between the noses to permit the traffic streams in the design year to cross each other safely - this is the weaving length. Consideration 1 is purely geometric, and is dealt with here. Relevant values are given in Table 18.17. Consideration 2 is determined by the volumes of weaving traffic and is dealt with in Section 18.10. Kuwait Highway Design ManlraE Cbsprer 18 Grade Separatiwrsand Interchanges Table 18.f7: Recommended Minimum Spacing Between Successive Entries and l or Exits Entry to or Exit to Exit Exit to Entry Entry to ExR (Weaving) Turning Roadways NOT APPLICABLE TO CLOVERLEAF LOOP W P S Special Road Primary Road Special Road Primary Road System Inter- change Service Interchange System to Service Interchange Special Road Primary Road Service to Service Interchange Special Road - 18.10 Primary Road Weaving A weaving section is the section of a carriageway where there is movement of traffic in the same general direction, but where vehicles within hrvo or more traffic streams intersect at a small angle so that the vehicles from one stream can cross into another stream gradually. If all vehicles are to cross each other safely, then there must be both sufficient width on the road, and sufficient length between the relevant entry and subsequent exit points. Both of these elements depend directly on the volume of traffic in each stream, and must to be calculated by the traffic engineer. These calculations are outside the scope of this manual, and the designer is referred to the Highway Capacity ~ a n u a l ' .In essence, the length of the weaving section depends on the weaving traffic volumes (ignoring the non-weaving flows) and the operating speed. The width depends on the total flow on the weaving section, with weaving streams being given an appropriate additional weighting factor over nonweaving streams. Where weaving volumes are high, and non-weaving volumes are relatively low, the designer should consider carefully whether the amount of weaving could be reduced, for example by reversing the ramp arrangements. Weaving at cloverleaf interchanges is generally best handled on link roads. Without these, the turbulence generally interferes with the smooth Row of traffic on the mainline and safety can be jeopardised. Weaving calculations must always be undertaken, as the outcome may well influence the design of the loops, or indeed dictate that another form of interchange be used. 18.11 tink Roads Link roads can be provided as a means of eliminating weaving on the mainline. They are normally found within an interchange, but may be considered for use between interchanges if weaving difficulties are anticipated. Link roads are at least two lanes in width, and generally adopt a design speed IOkmh lhto 20kmfh less than that of the Kuwait Highwey Design Manual mainline. Decision Sight Distance to the downstream exit point should normally be provided for drivers on a link weaving length. Link roads should be considered for all cloverleaf interchanges, which inherently generate significant weaving movements. When weaving volumes exceed IOOOpculh, link roads should always be provided. Although the provision of link roads increases the land take through an interchange, the lower design speed may enable smaller loop radii to be adopted, thus offsetting this disadvantage. Where a continuous length of link road is provided, transfer roads are provided to link it te the main line at suitable intervals. Both ends of the transfer road are designed as dip merges or diverges of the appropriate standard. 18.1 2 Other Design Considerations 18.12.1 Abnormal Load Requirements The designer should seek guidance from the MPW and Kuwait Municipality to ascertain whether any additional clearance or headroom is required at specific structures in order to accommodate the movement of abnormal loads. f 8.12.2 Superelevation The relevant recommendations in Chapter 5 of this manual should be used to design the superelevation and crossfall, making sure that the entire pavement drains effectively and that there is no risk of long vehicles grounding at changes of superelevation. 18.12.3 Pedestrian Crossings Provision for pedestrian crossing at grade-separations and interchanges should also be grade-separated from main line traffic. 18.12.4 Safety Barriers Special consideration should be given to the safety barrier treatment at the physical nose of off-slips. High-speed vehicles that stray into the gore area are at particular risk, and the ends of safety barriers at these locations should be given special treatment to reduce the dangers of head-on impact. Consideration should also be given to the provision of energy absorbing terminations for these locations, particularly if bridge piers or other massive elements are located in the gore area. Chapter 8 gives further information. Direction and warning signs for interchanges may be large and possibly gantrymounted. The need for protection of isolated signs supports and gantry legs should be carefully assessed. In addition to safety barriers, consideration should be given to provision OF barriers to prevent unauthorised movements within an interchange. Movements across verges between slips or links and the mainline are highly dangerous and must be strongly discouraged. 18.12.5 Signing Effective and clear signing is essential for the safe operation of any intersection, This is particularly true for interchanges, where vehicle speed and traffic volumes are high. Signs are large and frequently gantry-mounted, and adequate space must be allowed for the large foundations and clearances required. Kuwait Highway Design Manuel C h ~ p l a18 r Gmde Separationsand hterchanges Detailed guidance on signing is provided in the Kuwait Traffic Signs Manualz. The designer should consider the signing requirements at the preliminary design stage. At this early stage the designer can also identify suitable locations for signs and check that visibility is not likely to be obscured, for example by a preceding overbridge. 18.12.6 Lighting The potential for accidents throughout the road nehvork c a n be reduced by appropriate lighting. The lighting requirements must be considered during the preliminary design stage, keeping in mind that special attention is required for the bases of tall lighting supports. 18.12.7 Utilities Information about existing or proposed sewices must be obtained from the Utility Authorities at an early stage in the design process. Diversion or modification to services can have a major impact on the cost of an interchange. Utility Authorities may also request the provision of services reservations through the interchange to accommodate future provision. Chapter 8 gives further information, 18.12.8 Emergency Vehicles During preliminary design, the Designer should consider how emergency vehicles would teach the scene of an incident. Provision of additional clearance width beneath structures could be considered, along with emergency median crossovers with demountable safety barriers. The potential advantage of an interchange that permits U-turns by emergency vehicles should also be borne in mind. 18.12.9 Maintenance Provisions Maintenance of the pavement and the structures will be required during the life of the scheme, and the designer should consider the implications of maintenance strategies and traffic management on the layout of his proposed interchange. The designer must ensure that the interchange can be safely maintained and that traffic movements can be reasonably accommodated while maintenance operations are taking place. 18.12.10 Environmental Issues The designer should attempt to overcome any unacceptable environmental impacts. Any impacts that remain should be minimised as far as possible. The main impact of interchanges is visual intrusion due to their sheer size. Careful landscaping can reduce the impad of large structures above ground level and a combination of hard and soft landscaping often achieves the best results. The designer should use materials in keeping with the surroundings and should carefully consider colours, textures and styles. In proposing soft landscaping, the designer must consider how the planting can be safely maintained thro~~ghout the year and define an appropriate watering regime. Landscaping cannot be allowed to interfere with the operational requirements of the interchange, and in particular, landscaping features must not interfere with sight distances, obaruct visibility of signs, or reduce the effectiveness of road lighting. 1 Highway Capacity Manual (Special Report 209),Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington DC, 1997 Kuwaif Traffic Signs Manual, 1988 Page 1840 Ministry of Public Works Roads Administration PART 2 Kuwait Bridges and Highway Structures Design Manual Edition 1 March 2004 Kuwait Bridges and Hkhwey Stmtums Design Manual TabC of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.1 Vertical Clearance 2-1 -- 2.2 Approach Slabs--- 2.3 Deck Drainage 2.4 Architectural Consideration 3.1 Design Live Loading - 2-1 2-1 - - ------- 2-2 -- -- 3-1 - 3-1 3-2 3.2 Dead toads 3.3 N n d Loads 3.4 Thermal Forces 3-2 3.5 'Uplift 3-2 3.6 Seismic Loading 3-2 --- 3-7 Movement Rating --- 3.8 Bearing Friction Forces 3.9 3-3 - Differential Settlement -3-3 3.10 Distribution of Loads----- 3-3 --4-1 ------ 4.7 Design Method 4.2 Superficial Soils- 4.3 Ground Water and Sulfates- 3-2 4-1 --- 4-1 -. ------ 5.2 Factors of Safety 5.3 Expansion and Contraction Joints 7.1 Live Load Surcharge 8.7 Concrete- 5-1 5-1 -- 7-1 -- 8.2 Concrete Protection Against Aggressive Soils-- 8.3 Reinforcement --------------- 8.4 Slab Design --- -- 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-2 Kuweit Bridges and Highway Slrvctures Design ManusE Table of Contenfs 8.5 -- Slab Thickness 8.6 Protection Against Corrosion 8.7 Design Method 8-2 -- --- -- 83 8-5 - 9.2 Allowable Stresses -- 9-1 ------ 9-1 9.3 Shear 9.4 Concrete 9-2 9.5 Precast Pre-tensioned I-beams 9-2 9.6 Post-tensioned Box Girder Bridges --- 9-3 9.7 Prestressed Voided Slab 96 9.8 Prestressed Box Beams 9-7 - --- 10.1 Design Method - 10.2 Materials -- 10-1 10-1 - 10.3 Allowable Fatigue Stresses 10-1 10.4 Load Cycles--- -10-1 10.5 Charpy V-Notch Impact Requirement 10-1 ----- 10.6 Stiffeners and Connections 10-1 I 1.? Movement Criteria 11-7 12.1 Movement Rating --- 12-1 12.2 Common Deck Joint Types - 12-2 -------- 13-1 -- 13.1 Movement Criteria--- 73.2 Types of Bearings Recommended ------------------- 13-1 73.3 Bearing Schedule- 13-5 14.1 Vertical Fixed Restrainers 14-1 14.2 Vertical Expansion Restrainers 14.3 Shear Keys14.4 Keyed Hinge ----- --- 14-1 - 14-1 14-1 Kuwait Bridges and Highway SInrctums Design Manual Jabfe of Contents 18.1 Design Loads 16.2 Design Details -- --- iii -- j6-1 16-1 Kuwait Bndges and Highway Structures Design Manual Bridges and highway related structures shall be designed and constructed in accordance with The American Association of State Highway and Transpadstion Officials ((AASHTO) Publication, "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges" and all active Interim Specifications up ta date of commencement of the design agreement. The following chapters describe design requirements stated by the Ministry of Public Works, prov~deguidance on the interpretation of AASHTOs requirements and list specific requirements related to local conditions. These design criteria are not intended to replace AASHTO but to be used as a supplement. The designer shall be aware of other constraints, exercise judgment on the application of these guidelines. The purpose of this design portion of this manual is to list the MPWs criteria and provide guidance on the interpretation and application of AASHTO Design Standards. This portion shall be read in conjunction with other chapters of this manual. Any conflicting requirements shall be raised to MPW and resolved prior to completion of design. This manual should be used as a guide only. It will always be the responsibility of the designer to ensure that the guidelines offered in this manual are applied properly and modified as needed to suit particular project's requirement. The Designer may propose variations if, in hislher judgment, such criteria are required. However, all deviations from the criteria must be justified and approved in writing from MPW. Page 1-1 KuwaH Bridges and Highway Structures Design Manual Chapter2 Gene& Features of Design The general features of design shall be as specified in Section 2 of AASHTO except as clarified or modified in this manual. Vertical Clearance The following are recommended design minimum vertical clearances for structures: Structure Type Highway Traffic Structures passing over Motornays, Expressways, Rural and Urban Arterial) Minimum Clearance (m) Posted Clearance (m) 5.5 minimum* 6.0 preferred* over the entire roadway width 5.2 Pedestrian Overpasses 6.0 5.2 Tunnels 5.5 5.0 Sign Structures 6.0 - * The preferred Vertical Clearance under highway bridges is 6.0rn. However, in urban areas where it is difficult to physically provide this clearance, 5.5m shall be the absolute minimum Other structures may be identified by Ministy of Public Works for special clearance requirement. Approach Slabs Concrete approach slabs shall be used on all structures, Approach slabs sewer a dual purpose of providing a transition structure from the bridge to the approach roadway should the roadway embankment settle and of eliminating the live load surcharge of the abutment back wall when the conditions specified in AASHTO 3.20.4 are satisfied. Approach slabs are to be designed using the Service Load Design Method and shall cover the entire roadway width including the shoulders, from wing wall to wing wall. Deck Drainage On grade separation structures, roadway drains shall not discharge water into unprotected embankment slopes or within 5rn of the traveled roadway below, nor shall drains be located less than 1.5m from the centerlines of abutments or piers. In urban areas collection of deck drainage in a pipe system may be required, with down drains in or on pier columns discharging into storm drainage collecter systems. Consideration should always be given to provide collector drains and discharge systems on the approach roadway gutter rather than on the bridge. For bridges with sidewalks, expansion joints shall be turned up at the curb line to prevent roadway water from entering sidewalk areas. Appropriate means shall be taken to ensure that sidewalk drainage does not pond and that the water does not escape around the wing walls and erode the embankment. Page 2-1 K w i t BrEdges and Highway Structures Design Manual Chapter 2 General Feeturns of Design 2.4 Architectural Consideration Bridges shall be designed to be slim in appearance, be in harmony with the surroundings and respect local culture. Architectural treatment, which is simple and elegant, shall be used when appropriate. It is vev important to provide uniformity of design for structures in same interchange and along a particular route. Page 2-2 Kuwait Bridges and Highwey S h c l u t ~ sDesign Manual Chepter 3 Loads shall be as specified in Section 3 of AASHTO except as clarified or modified in this manual. Design Live Loading Highway Load (AASHTO Section 3.7): Loading on Interstate Highway Bridges (HS20) multiplied by the factor of 1.5 (49 Tonnes). - Overload (AASHTO Section 3.5.2): In addition to the above, design shall be adequate to carry infrequent "overload" of 90 Tonne, 5-axle Military Vehicle. One single Military Vehicle in one direction only shall cross the bridge at any one time, occupying any traffic lane without concurrent loading in the rest of this lane (no other normal Zraffrc). The rest of the bridge (all other lanes) can be loaded with normal traffic in both directions. Military Vehicles in convoys shall be spaced a minimum of IOOm. Loading combination for overload shall be Group If3 of AASHTO with 10% value for Maximum Unit Stress over Allowable Basic Unit Stress. Overload Vehicle (Dimensions in mm, Weight in Tonnes) Dead Loads Dead loads and dead load combinations shall be as per AASHTO. However, all bridges shall be designed for additional load: - Future Wearing Surface: I . 2 k ~ l r n *applied over the entire width of roadway from curb to curb to allow for future wearing surface. This load is in addition to any wearing surface applied at time of construction. However, the weight of Future Wearing Surface shall be excluded form deflection calculations. Utilities: shall be as per specific bridge requirements. The design shall allow for a SkNllinear metre of bridge for future utilities distributed over all the beams uniformly. When concrete deck slabs are used as wearing surface, the top 15mm shall not be considered part of the structural member when computing strength but it shall be included in dead load computation. Page 3-1 Kuwait Bridges and Highwey Structures Design Manual 3.3 Wind Loads Wind loads shall be applied to structures as per AASHTO. To compute wind load intensities, wind speed shall be taken as 3 IOkph with gusts of 150kph. 3.4 Thermal Forces Thermal forces shall be considered in accordance with AASHTO using the following parameters: Ambient temperature range from + 5% to + 55% Assuming a construction temperature range of 15 "Cto 39 OC Temperature rise (I 5 OC to 55 OC)= 40°C Temperature fall (39 'C to 5 OC) = 34'C Mean relative humidity: 20% to 60% 3.5 Uplift Provisions shall be made to attach the superstructure to the substructure 'by ensuring that the calculated uplift is resisted by tension members capable of resisting the largest force developed under the following conditions: 100% of calculated uplift caused by combination of loadings in which live load plus impact loading is increased by 100%. 150% of the calculated uplift at working level. 100% of calculated uplift at Load Factor level. 3.6 Seismic Loading As a minimum, bridges have to be designed to AASHTO Section Division I-A Seismic Design for Acceleration of Coefficient Less than 9% or 0.09 and Importance Classification [I. 3.7 Movement Rating Provisions shall be made in the design of structures to resist induced stresses or to provide for movement resulting form the variation in temperature and anticipated shortening due to creep, shrinkage or pre-stressing. Accommodation of thermal and shortening movements will entail consideration of deck expansion joints, bearing systems, restraining devices and the interaction of these three items. The required movement rating is equal to the total anticipated movement. The calculated movements used in determining the required movement rating shall be as per AASHTO except as modified below: Mean Temperature: 2792. To allow for the effect of long-term creep and shrinkage in pre-cast concrete members, additional shortening shall be considered. For joints, 20mm per IOOm is recommended. For bearings, 40mm per TOOm is recommended. To allow for the effect of long-term creep and shrinkage in post-tensioned box girder bridges, additional shortening shall be considered. For joints, 40mm per 100m is recommended. For bearings, 80mm per 100m is recommended. Kuwait Bridges and Hlghwey Sfnrctures Design Manual Chapfer3 Losds t 3.8 Bearing Friction Forces Friction forces due to elastorneric bearing pads or TFE surfaces shall be based on the manufacturers' data for the bearing used. 3.9 Differential Sefllernent Differential settlement shall be considered in the design when indicated in the Geotechnical Report. The Geotechnical Report should provide the magnitude of differential settlement to be used in the design. Differential settlement, if required, shall be considered the same as temperature and shrinkage farces and included in Group IV, V and VI load combinations. 3. I 0 Distribution of Loads The Designer shall determine distribution of Live Loads in accordance with Section 3 Part C of MSHTO. Page 3-3 Kuwaif Bridges and Highway Sinrcbms Deslgn Menual Chapter 4 Foundations Foundation design shall be based on soil investigation specific to the location under design. An Interpretive Geotechnical Report should be submitted as part of design calculations. Soil suwey test results shall be included with contract documents. Design Method Service Load Design method shall be used for designing foundations. If Load Factor method is to be used by the Consultant, prior written permission is required form MPW. 4.2 Superficial Soils In most areas, the geology of Kuwait City comprises of Eocene Limestone at depth completely obscured by superficial deposits. The superficial deposits comprise of a lower marine sand, known locally as Gatch, overlain by windblown sands, made ground or a combination of both. This superficial windblown sandstmade ground was found to extend to depths of up to 6m though generally in the range f.5m to 2m. These materials are highly variable with recorded SPT *Nnvalues in the range from 4 to in excess of 50. Due to the generally weak and variable nature of these materials, no structures are to be founded in them. Ground Water and Sulfates Ground water is present at many locations at shallow depth depths. If dewatering will be required during the construction of such structures, the designer shall address the issue of the effect of dewatering on soil and adjacent foundation. Remedial measures shall be specified to protect adjacent structures. The groundwater is generally sulfate rich due to the presence of gypsum and other minerals within the soils, and will therefore be aggressive towards concrete. Thus it will be necessary to design any concrete structure below or close to the groundwater to withstand sulfate attack. The designer shall refer to recognized codes of practice to address this important issue. See Chapter 8 (Reinforced Concrete) for additional details. Page 4-1. Kuwait Bridges and HMhway Structures Design Af81?l18/ Chapier 5 Retaining Wells 5. $ General On the Kuwait Motorway System, two types of retaining walls have been successfully used: Non-Gravity Cantilevered Walls (reinforced concrete) Mechanically Stabilized Earth For mechanically stabilized earth, if proprietary systems are to be specified, the supplier shalt be requested to submit full documentation of successful application of the system in similar conditions. Relevant material test results shall be requested. As a minimum the following should be included in shop drawing: The minimum factor of safety against overturning The minimum factor of safety against sliding Maximum coefficient of friction against sliding Phi angle of the backfill Allowable bearing pressure Minimum design life Water table level Elevation of footing bottom Maximum tolerable deflection Where utilities are to be placed near the retaining walls, the mechanically stabilized earth using reinforcement strips or bars shall be carefully detailed to ensure that access to such utilities is provided without having to cut the reinforcement. Factors of Safety Retaining Walls shall be designed for a minimum Factor of Safety as follows: Sliding: 1.5 Overturning: 2.0 For Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall: Sliding: 1.5 Overturning: 2.0 Pullout Resistance: 1.5 for wall heights equal or less than 1Im 2.0 for wall heights over 11m Bearing Capacity: 3.0 Slope Stability: T .5 Expansion and Contraction Joints For reinforced concrete walls, construction joints shall be provided at a distance not exceeding 9m and expansion joints at a distance not exceeding 27m. All joints shall be filled with appropriate joint filler. Page 5-1 Kuwaif Bridges and Highway StrucfuresDesign Menuel Chapter 6 Culverts Culverts shall be designed in accordance with Section 6 of AASHTQ using similar live loading specified for bridges in Chapter 3 of this Design Manual. Selection of concrete and concrete protection measures shall take into account the particular ground conditions. Because there are several areas in Kuwait with high sulfate content combined with varying ground water depth, underground concrete structures wilt require additional protection measures. See Section 8 (Reinforced Concrete) for additional details. Page 6-1 Kuwait Bridges end Highway Structures Design MBnual Chapter 7 Su~stmtwre The substructure shall be designed to allow easy inspection Abutments on mechanically stabilized earth shall not be allowed except with prior permit in writing form the MPW. 7.1 Live Load Surcharge Where live load is present near retaining walls or abutment, a live load surcharge load equivalent to I m of soil as a minimum shall be added. Kuwait Bridges snd Highw~yStructrrws Design Manrrd Chapter 8 Rehfomd Concrete 8 REINFORCED CONCRETE Reinforced concrete design criteria shall be as specified in Section 8 of AASHTO except as clarified or modified En this manual. Concrete Concrete for highway structures shall have, as a minimum, the following 28 day Cylinder Strength: Decks and Barriers f ' c = 30MPa Abutments f ' c = 20MPa Pier Columns and Shafts f ' c = 30MPa Drilled Shafts f ' c=3OMPa Retaining Wall Stems f ' c = 24MPa Footings f1c=20MPa For design, Cube Strength and Cylinder Strength can be assumed as follows unless specifically listed othenvise in the design calculations: Concrete Protection Against Aggressive Soils Ground water is present at many locations at shallow depth. The groundwater is generally sulfate rich due to the presence of gypsum and other minerals within the soils, and will therefore be aggressive towards concrete. Thus it will be necessary to design any concrete structure below or close lo the groundwater to withstand sulfate and other chemical attack. Concrete mix design and concrete protection requirements shall be in accordance with BRE Special Digest (Parts 1 to 4) CONCRETE IN AGGRESSIVE GROUND requirements. This guide is published in the UK by ConsEruction Research Communications Limited. The designer has to specify in design calculations the following: Structural Performance Level SPL Kuwait h+dges end Highway S1Nclures &sign M8nUaf DS Class for the Soil Aggressive Chemical Environment for Concrete (ACEC) Class for the Ground Concrete Grade and Cement Type 8.3 Reinforcement When epoxy coated bars are deemed necessary by the designer, the specifications should indicate that fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcement steel conforming to AASHTO M 31M (ASTMA615M) Grade 400. All reinforcement shall be Grade 400 as a minimum. 8.4 Slab Design Slabs shall be designed in accordance with the criteria specified in Section 3 of AASHTO except as clarified or modified below. All reinforcing bars shall be straight bars top and bottom, The use of truss bars will not be permitted. For skews less than or equal to 20 degrees, the transverse bars shall be placed parallel to the skew. For skews greater than 20 degrees, the transverse bars shall be placed normal to the girders. Use of steel stay-in-place forms is discouraged and should be considered only in special conditions and after obtaining written approval from MPW. Some circumstances that warrant such use include: bridges over heavily traveled roads that cannot be closed for traffic for a reasonable period and bridges with extremely difficult access. A discussion on their use shall be made in the design concept report. If use of steel stay-in-place forms is not recommended during design, they will not be allowed during construction due to the extra dead load. Contractor requests for usage during construction will not be approved. 8.5 Slab Thickness The thickness of new deck slabs shall be designed in 5mm increments with the minimum thickness as shown below, unless othewise directed by the MPW. Design span shah be as defined in AASHTO. This table does not pertain to slab on grade. Minimum Slab Thickness Span m) Page 8-2 fhi~kness Imm) 0.000 to 2.100 190 2.tOV to 2.400 200 2.401 to 2.700 2 10 2.701 to 3.000 220 3.001 to 3.300 230 3.301 to 3.600 240 3.60T to 3.900 250 Kuwait Bridges and H ~ h w a yStructures Design Manual CRaprer 8 Reinfoad Concrete 8.6 Protection Against Corrosion The minimum clearance for top reinforcing in new decks shall be 55mm. For bottom steel, 25mm is adequate. 8.7 Design Method All reinforced concrete members that are entirely below grade such as footings, but not ceiurnns or members that are intended to retain water, shall be designed using AASHTO's Service Load Design method (ASD). Deck slab transverse reinforcement shall be designed using AASHTO's Service Load Design method (ASD). All other members shall be designed In accordance with the applicable provisions of AASHTO, the Strength Design method (LFD). Page 8-3 Kuwait Bridges end Highway Structures Design Manual Chapter 9 Prestressed Concrete General Prestress design criteria shall be as specified in Section 9 of AASHTO except as clarified or modified in this manual. Members shall be designed to meet both Service Load Design and Strength Design (Load Factor Design) criteria as specified in AASHTO. Prestressing steel for precast prestressed members and cast-in-place posttensioned members shall be 12.7mm diameter "Uncoated Seven-wire High Tensile Cold Drawn Low Relaxation Strand for Prestressed Concrete" as specified in ASTM A416, Grade 270. Use of 15.2mm diameter strand is allowed for cast-in-place post-tensioned members only. The yield point stress of prestressing steel fy, may be assumed equal to 0.90 fc for low relaxation strand. Section properties shall be based on gross area of members. Use of the transformed area of bonded reinforcement shall only be used for unusual structures and only when approved. Web reinforcement for shear shall consist of rebars, not welded wire fabric. The minimum top cover for slab reinforcement shall be 55mm. Allowable Stresses The maximum allowable tensile stresses in a pre-compressed tensile zone at service load affer losses have occurred shall be in accordance with AASHTO except as modified below: Allowable tension in concrete shall be based on Severe Corrosive Exposure conditions. For overload group, the allowable tension can be increased up to 0.5 dfc (metric units) under service loads. Shear Shear design shall be in accordance with Ultimate Strength Design Method contained in the latest M S H T O Specifications. Prestressed concrete members shall be reinforced for diagonal' tension stresses. Shear reinforcement shall be placed perpendicular to the axis of the member with spacing not-to-exceed three-fourths the depth of the member. The critical sections for shear in simply supported beams will usually not be near the ends of the span where the shear is a maximum, but at some point away from the ends in a region of high moment. For the'design of web reinforcement in simply supported members carrying moving loads, it is recommended that shear be investigated only in the middle half of the span length. The web reinforcement required at the quartet points should be used throughout the outer quarters of the span if the critical shear section is included within the design section. For continuous bridges whose individual spans consist of precast, prestressed girders, web reinforcement shall be designed for the full length of interior spans and Page 9-1 K u W W g e s end H @ h y Shcfures Design Manuel for the interior three-quarters of the exterior span and based on the critical shear design section. 9.4 Concrete The following concrete strengths are the acceptable. Use of higher strengths may require prior approval of MPW. = 35MPa Maximum Fc = 41MPa Minimum f'c 9.5 Precast Pre-tensioned I-beams 9.5-d Live Load Continuous Beams To minimize the number of deck joints, girders shall be designed as composite section, simple supported beams for live load plus impact and composite dead load. The superstructure shall be constructed continuous with the negative moment reinforcing designed considering continuity over intermediate supports for live load plus impact and composite dead loads. The positive moment connection may be designed using the method described in the PCA publication 'Design of Continuous Highway Bridges with Precast, Prestressed Concrete Girders". In determining the positive restraint moment, use 30 days as the length, of time between casting the girders and deck closure. The development length of the strands may be based on the criteria contained in Report No. FHWA-RD-77-14, 'End Connections of Pretensioned I-beam Bridges" November 1974. In determining the number and pattern of strands extended, preference shall be given to limiting the number of strands by increasing the extension length and alternating the pattern to increase contractibility. 9.5.2 Debonded Strands When using strands to pretension, precast beams, the use of de-bonded strands shall be limited to end blocks. 9-5.3 Deflection The Release Deflection equals the deflection the prestress girder undergoes at the time of strand release. The Release Deflection includes the dead load of the girder and the release prestressing force (including the effects of elastic shortening). The Initial Deflection equals the deflection the prestress girder undergoes at the time of erection prior to the diaphragm or deck pours. The Initial Deflection includes the deflection due to the dead load of the girder, the initial prestressing and the effects of creep and shrinkage up to the time of erection. The time of erection should be assumed to be 60 days after release. The Final Deflection equals the deflection due to the dead load of the deck slab, diaphragms and barriers and the effects of long term creep on the composite girders. The effects of the future wearing surfaces shall be excluded from deflection calculations. Minimum build-up (Haunch) at the edge of Type 111 girders and smaller shall be 15rnrn. For Type IV, V and VI girders the minimum build-up shall be 25mm. This minimum build-up at the critical section will ensure that the flange of the girder will not encroach into the gross depth of the slab. The tops of the erected girders shall be surveyed in the field prior to placement of the deck forming. If the tops of the ereGded girder elevations are higher than the Page 9-2 Kuweif Bn-dges and Highway Slmtures Design Manual Chapter 9 Prestressed Concrete finish grade plus camber elevations minus the deck slab and buildup thickness, adjustments will have to be made in the roadway profile or in the girder seat elevations. Encroachment into the slab of up to 15mm will be allowed for random occurrences. 9.5.4 Shear The value of 'd" to be used in shear calculations shall equal the depth of the beam plus the effective depth of the slab with a minimum d = 0.80 times the overall depth. The shear shall be calculated assuming full continuity for composite dead load and live load plus impact. For single span structures, use the shear design spacing at the X point for sections from the end of the beam to % point. For continuous multi-span structures, use the shear design spacing required from the % point to the pier for the section from the % point to the abutment end to obtain a symmetrical reinforcing pattern for all girders. 9.5.5 Method of Analysis The dead load shall be assumed to be unsupported and carried by the girders only. The location of the harped point of the strand should be located as required by design with the preferable locations being near the 1110 of the span as measured from the midspan of the girder. 9.5.6 Bearing Pads Laminated neoprene bearing pads should be used for relatively light reactions and moderate superstructure movements. Pot type bearings should be used for heavy reactions large superstructure movements and superstructure on horizontal curve alignment. Allow an extra 40mm movement per 100m of girder length for long-term creep and shortening due to prestressing. Elastomeric bearing pads will be a maximum width of 50mm less than the normal width of the botdorn flange to accommodate the 20rnrn side chamfer and should be set back 50mm from the end of the girder to avoid spalling of the girder ends, 9.5.7 Creep Factor Use a creep actor of 3 when calculating long-term deflections. 9.5.8 Oifferentiai Shrinkage Differential shrinkage should be considered in the design when the effects become significant and when approved by the Project Manager. 9.5.9 Method of Analysis AASHTO Type V and Type VI modified girders should be used in place of type V and type VI regular girder whenever possible. The theoretical build-up depth shall be ignored for calculation of composite section properties. Post-tensioned Box Girder Bridges Post-tensioned Box Girder Bridges shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO specifications. Girders shall be designed by Working Stress Method and checked Page 9 3 K m i t Bddges and Highway Sh-ucturas Design Menual by the Ultimate Stress Method (Load Factor Design). The deck slab is to be designed by the Working Stress Method. Concrete strength to be used is similar to previous section. 9.6.1 Bearing Pads Allow an extra 80mm movement per 7OOm of girder length for long-term creep and shortening due to post-tensioning. 9.6.2 Creep and Shrinkage For restrained members in continuous bridges where shortening due to posttensioning induces moments and shears, a shrinkage and creep coefficient of 1.5 shall be used for design of substructure elements with the total movement equal to 1.5 times the initial shortening. For superstructure elements, no creep factor should be applied except for long-term deflection considerations. 9.6.3 Flange and Web Thickness - Box Girder Minimum top slab thickness shall be 19Omm. Minimum bottom dab thickness shall be 150mm. Minimum web thickness shall be 300mm (measured normal to girder for sloping exterior webs). Interior webs shall be constructed vertical. 9.6.4 Diaphragms A single 250mm thick intermediate diaphragm shall be placed at the mid-span for all bridges. Special consideration for additional diaphragms should be given to box girders with large skews, curved boxes and boxes over 2m in depth. Diaphragms shall be placed parallel to abutments and piers for skews less than or equal to 20 degrees and normal to girders and staggered for skews over 20 degrees. Diaphragms shall be cast integral with girder webs. 9.6.5 Deflections The deflection shall be calculated using dead load including barriers, but no the future wearing surface, a modulus of elasticity Ec = 4800 df c (MPa), gross section properties and calculated final losses. The additional long-term deflection shall be calculated by multiplying the deflection by b o . An additional parabolic shaped deflection with a peak equal to 30mm per IOOm should be added to the total deflection for simple spans. The final long-term deflection shall be the sum of the dMection, the additional longterm deflection and the additional deflection for simple spans. The camber shown on the plans shall be the final long-term deflection. 9.6.6 Allowable Stresses - Prestressing Steel In calculating the stress in the Prestressing steel after seating, the friction and anchor set losses only should be included. For post-tensioned members, overstressing for short periods of time to offset seating and friction losses is permitted but the maximum allowable jacking stress for low relaxation strand shall be limited to 0.78 f s. 9.6.7 Allowable Stresses - Concrete In calculating the temporary stress in the concrete before losses due to creep and shrinkage, the friction, anchor set and elastic shortening losses should be included. Page 9-4 KrrweH Bridges and Highway Stwctures Design Manual Chapter 9 Prestressed Concrete Special consideration shall be given to bridges supported on false work with large openings where deflections could be harmful to the structure. Unless false work requirements are strengthened or other means taken to ensure the bridge does not form tension cracks prior to tensioning, the maximum allowable tension in a precompressed tensile zone shall be limited to zero. 9.6.8 Loss of Prestress For multi-span bridges, the cable path should have its low point at the mid-span. If the information of actual system to be used in post-tensioning is not available, the design should be based on usage of galvanized rigid ducts with K = 0.00066 (per metre) and p = 0.25. Anchor set losses should be based on 16mm set. For creep of concrete, the variable fcds should be calculated using the total dead load applied after prestressing, including the 1.2 k ~ l r future n ~ wearing surface. 9.6.9 Flexural Strength In determining the negative ultimate moment capacity, the top layer of temperature and shrinkage and bottom layer of distribution reinforcing may be used. In determining the positive ultimate moment capacity, the longitudinal flange reinforcing may be used. 9.6.10 Shear Girder webs will be designed for shear using the Ultimate Strength Method. The maximum girder web stirrup spacing will be 300mm within 6m from the front face of the abutment diaphragms. This will eliminate the need for re-spacing the web stirrups at the point of web Rare if the post-tensioning system requires flaring, The value of "d"to be used in shear calculations shall be the larger of the calcutated "dl'value or 0.8 times the overall effective depth. Horizontal shear shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of AASHTO 9.20.4. Calculations shall include the shear due to secondary moment and cable shear. For curved box girder bridges, the shear due to torsion shall be included. 9.6.11 Flange Reinforcement Reinforcing in the bottom slab of box girders shall confom to the provisions of AASHTO 8.17 except that the minimum distributed reinforcing in the bottom flanges parallel to the girders as specified in AASHTO 8,17.2.3.T shall be modified to be 0.30percent of the flange area. 9.6.12 Method of Analysis The superstructure may be designed using the system as described below: The bottom slab, in the vicinity of the intermediate support, may be flared to increase its thickness at the face of the support when the required concrete strength exceeds 320 kglcm2. When thickened, the bottom slab thickness should be increased by a minimum of 50 percent. The length of the flare should be at least one-tenth of the span length (measured from the center of the support) unless design computations indicate that a longer flare is required, Page 9-5 Kuwaft Bridges end Highwey SMures Design Manual Chapter9 Prestressed Cancrefe Section properties at the face of the support should be used throughout the support; i.e. the solid cap properties should not be included in the model. Negative moments should be reduced to reflect the effect of the width of the integral support. Dead load forces should not produce any tension in the extreme fibers of the superstructure. For box girders with severe doping webs or boxes over 2m deep, transverse flange forces induced by laterally inclined longitudinal post-tensioning shall be considered . in the design, Single span structures should be jacked from one end only. Symmetrical two span structures may be jacked from one end only or jacked from both ends. Unsymmetrical bridges should be jacked from one end or both ends as required by the design. Three span or longer structures should be jacked from both ends. Several prestressing systems should be checked to verify that the eccentricity and anchorage details will work. In determining the center of gravity of the strands, the Z factor, the difference between the center of gravity of the strands and the center of the ducts, shall be considered. For structures over 120m in length, in determining the c.g. of the strands, the diameter of the ducts should 'be oversized by 13mm to allow for ease of pulling the strands. For horizontally curved bridges, special care shall be taken in detailing stirrups and duct ties. Friction losses should be based on both vertical and horizontal curvatures. In designing for horizontal curvature, the exterior web with the smallest radius shall be used. Consideration to the -1- 5% variation allowed per web shall be included. , 9.7 Prestressed Voided Slab 9.7.1 End Blocks End Blocks should be 380mm long with sufficient steel provided to resist the tensile forces due to concentrated prestressing loads. 9.7.2 Diaphragms Diaphragms shall be cast within the slab at midspan for spans over 12m. 9.7.3 Lateral Ties One lateral tie shall be provided through each diaphragm located at the mid-depth of the section. 9.7.4 Shear Keys After shear keys have been filled with an approved non-shrink mortar, lateral ties shall be placed and tightened. 9.7.5 Barriers Barriers shall have a 6mm open joints at the mid-span to prevent the barrier from acting as an edge beam and causing long-term differential deflection of the exterior beam. Kuwait Bridges end Highway Stmtures Design Menual Chepfer 9 P~stressedConcrete 9.8 Prestressed Box Beams 9.8.1 End Blocks End Blocks 450mm long shall be provided at each end and sufficient steel shall be provided in the end blocks to resist the tensile force due to the prestressing loads. 9.8.2 Diaphragms Diaphragms, cast within the beam, shall be provided at the midspan for spans up to 15m, at the third points for spans from 15m to 22m and at quarter points for spans over 22m. 9.8.3 Lateral Ties One lateral ties shall be provided through each diaphragm located at the mid-depth of the section. However, for the 990rnrn and 1065rnrn deep sections, when adjacent units are tied in pairs for skewed bridges, in lieu of continuous ties, We ties shall be provided, located at the third points of the section depth. 9.8-4 Shear Keys After shear keys have been filled with an approved non-shrink, low slump mortar, lateral ties shall be placed and tightened. Page 4 7 Kuweif Bridges and Higtnwy SImtures Design Manuel Chapter 10 Sfmturel Steel 'to Structural steel design criteria shall be as specified in Section 10 of AASHTO except as clarified or modified in this manual. 10.1 Design Method The Service Load Design Method (allowable stress design) shall be used except that the strength design method (load factor design) may be used for major or unusual structures when approved. Materials Material shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO article 10.2 with the selection based on stress requirements and over all economy. The preferred maximum thickness of tension flanges is 50mm. Tension flanges thicker than 50mm shall be normalized. Allowabfe Fatigue Stresses Splices stiffeners, shear connectors and bracing details shall be designed categories. A through C details in order to limit the fatigue stress. using Category E details shall not be used. Load Cycles The stress cycle case to be used in AASHTO, Table 10.3.2shall be Case 1. Charpy V-Notch Impact Requirement M e r e applicable, the Charpy V-Notch impact requirements for structural steel shall be for temperature Zone I. Stiffeners and Connections Intermediate stiffeners shall be placed only on the inside face of exterior girders. The number and the location of the girder shop and field splices shall be determined so as minimize fabricated and erected mst of the girders. All connections except field connections shall be welded. ASTM A325M high strength bolts shall be used for field connections. Page 10-1 Kuwait Bridges and Highway Shuctums Design Manual Chapter II Expansion wd Contraction 'l 11 EXPANSION AND CQNTRACTION 1?.I Movement Criteria Provisions shall be made in the design'of structures to resist induce stresses or to provide for movements resulting from variations in temperature and anticipated shortening due to creep, shrinkage or prestressing. Accommodation of thermal and shortening movements will entail consideration of deck expansion joints, bearing systems, restraining devices and the interaction of these three items. The main purpose of the deck joints is to .seal the joints opening to obtain a watertight joint while allowing for vertical, horizontal and or/ rotational movement. The bearings are required to transmit the vertical and lateral loads from the superstructure to the substructure units and to allow for movement in the unrestrained directions. Restraining devices are required to limit the displacement in the restrained directions. Improper design or construction of any of these devices could adversely affect the operation of the other devices. The required movement rating is equal to the total article movement (i.e. the difference between the widest and the narrowest opening of a joint). The calculated movements used in determining the required movement rating shall be as specified in AASHTO except as modified below: Mean temperature and temperature ranges shall be as specified in this manual. f o allow for the effects of the long term creep and shrinkage in precast prestressed concrete members, the following additional shortening shall be considered: Joint: 20mm per IOOm Bearings: 40mm per 100m To allow for the effects of long term creep and shrinkage in post-tensioned box girder bridges, the following additional shortening shall be included: Joints: 40mm per IOOm Bearings: 80mm per 100m Kuwait Brjdges and Highrey Stm1ums Design Manual Chapter f2 Deck Joints Kwait rnotonvay system has utilized several types of joints. Many joints have exhibited problems with mortar infill adjacent to asphalt pavement. Therefore, for shod span bridges, joints at piers shall be eliminated as much as possible by using continuous deck construction. When deck joints are used, they shall be designed properly and durable deck joints shall be specified. Movement Rating The movement rating for joints for steel structures shall be based primarily on the thermal expansion and contraction characteristics of the superstructure, while for concrete structures the effect of shortening due to creep and shrinkage and where applicable, prestressing shall also be based on the temperature variations as measured from the assumed mean temperature. Published movements ratings are usually based on the difference between the maximum and minimum opening without consideration to the required minimum installation width. In determining the movement rating, consideration must be given to the installation width required ta install the seal element. Other factors, which should be considered in the determining the required movement rating, include consideration of the effects of any skew, anticipated settlement and rotations due to live loads and dead loads, where appropriate. Items requiring attention include: The type of anchorage system to be used. The method of joint termination at the ends. The method of running joints through barriers, sidewalks andIor medians. Physical limit of size of joints. Susceptibility of joint to leakage. Possible interference with post-tensioning anchorages. Selection of appropriate modular proprietary systems that meet design requirements. Forces applied to the surrounding concrete by the joint. Available types of joints include compression seal strip seals, and nodular joints. Compression seal joints and strip seal joints are generic and should be detailed on the plans, by standards and or/ covered in the special provisions. Modular joints are proprietaty and require that the designer specify allowable joint types and style in the special provisions. Information concerning specific design parameters and installation details of modular joints should be obtained from literature supplied by the manufacturer of the system. It is the responsibility of the designer to review the proprietaw joint literature and related manufacturer' specifications to ensure that the selected joints types are properly specified and compatible with the design requirements. The following features of joints should be shown on the plans or shop drawings: Blockout details showing a second pour, including blockout dimensions and additional reinforcing required, Page 12-1 Kuwait Bridges and Highway Structures Design Manual Chapter 12 Deck Joints Required end treatment in barriers or curbs, including enough details or explanation to accommodate each of the proprietary systems selected (i.e. cover plates, etc). Consideration to traffic control in determining section pattern lengths. Movement rating. Assumed temperature and opening at time of installation with temperature correction factors. Actual horizontal length of joint measured from in side of the barrier face to inside of barrier face corrected foe skew. For modular joints, the joints style, gland type, steel edge beam material shall be specified. 'I2.2 Common Deck Joint Types 12.2.1 compression Seals The compression seal element should have a shape factor of I:Itwidth to height) to minimize sidewall pressure. The size of the compression seal shall be specified on the plans. Effective movement ratings for this type of joint range up to 50rnm, Advantages for this type of join include its low cost, proven performance and acceptance for use on pedestrian walkways. However, this type of joint cannot be unbolted and easily raised, generates pressure and it is not good for high skews or horizontal direction changes. 12.2.2 Strip Seals Effective movement ratings for this type of joint range up to 100mm. This type of joint is best used when the movement rating is beyond the capacity of compression seals and for large skews. Strip seals joints will require cover plates for pedestrian walkways. 12.2.3 Modular Joints Modular joints are very complex joint systems. Effective movements ratings range from 100mm up to 750rnrn. Modular joints are the best choice for movement's ratings over 100mm. Page 12-2 Kvweit Bridges and Highway SImtures Design Manuel Kuwait motorway bridges built in the early 1980's have exhibited severe bearing deterioration such as excessive bulging, tearing, and separation of laminated pads. The fojlowing recommendations shall be addressed in design and detailing of bearings for new bridges. Bearings shall be accessible and easily inspected by providing enough vertical and lateral clearances. Pot bearings should not be covered and should have permanent marking indicating initial position (rotation and displacement) and height (when loaded) of bearing. Bridge seat and beam end diaphragms shall be detailed to allow jacking of bridge from bridge seat whenever is practical in case of bearing replacement. Design of fixed bearings should avoid using elastomeric pads with holes for anchor rods as this makes bearing replacement extremely dimcult. r Cln-reinforced elastomeric bearing pads shall not be used unless for very light leading. Reinforced elastomeric pads shall be of neoprene (not natural rubber) and used only for short span precast beams. Movement Criteria Because bearings must be designed to install at temperatures other than the mean temperature, the movement rating should be based on the full temperature range and not the rise or fall from a mean temperature. Calculation of the movement rating shall include: Thermal movement, shortening due ta creep, shrinkage and prestressed shortening. For cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete box girder bridges both the elastic and long term prestress shortening effects shall be considered. An initial offset of the top sliding surface from the centerline of bearing should be calculated and shown on the plans or shop drawings so that the top sliding surface will be centered over the bottom sliding surface and the centerline of bearing afler all shrinkage, creep and post-tensioning shortening has taken place in the superstructure. Types of Bearings Recommended Permissible beating types include, elastomeric bearing pads, steel bearings, sliding elastomeric bearings and high- laad multi-rotational bearings (pot, disc or spherical). Because of previous problems with existing bearings, all bearings types including electrometric bearing pads shall be designed for impact. Elastomeric Bearing Pads Elastorneric bearing pads shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO. Bearing pads shall be designed and to be constructed using steel laminates. If fiberglass laminates are needed, this has to be indicated. The following data should be shown on the plans or shop drawings: Length, Width and Thickness of Pad Page 13-3 KWH Bridges and Highway Stnretures Design Manual Chapter $3 Beerings Owrometer Hardness 1 Design Methods (A or B) Design Load Low temperature tone (A, B or C) Elastomer Grade (0,2 or 3) Shear Modulus Generally, bearing pads shall be Durometer 60-Elastomer with steel reinforcement. Design Method A shall be used for design. If space constraints require smaller bearings and Design Method B is used to justify smaller bearings, the specifications shall dearly indicate the required testing and quality control procedure required. Pads shall have a minimum thickness of 25mm and generally with maximum thickness around t OOrnm. Holes will not be allowed in the pads. Where possible, width and length dimensions shall be detailed in even 50mm increments. Where used with prestressed I-girders, pads shall be sized a minimum width of 50mm less than the nominal width of the girder base to accommodate the 20mm side chamfer and shall be set back 50mm from the end of the girder to avoid spalling of the girder ends. Elastameric pads should not be used in cases where deck joints or bearings limit vertical movements, such as in holder style sliding steel plate joints or widening where existing steel bearings are !to remain. Where elastomeric bearing pads with greased sliding plates are used on posttensioned box girder bridges to limit the required thickness of the pad, the pad thickness should be determined based on temperature movements only, with the initial and long term shorfening assumed to be taken by the sliding surface. Elastameric bearing pads are the preferred bearing type for new steel girders, precast prestressed girders and short span post-tensioned box girder bridges. Steel Bearings Steel bearings may consist of rockers or fixed or expansion assemblies, which conform to the requirements, specified in Section 1 Q of AASMTO. Steel bearings are not a preferred bearing type and their use should normally be limited to situations where new bearings are to match the existing bearings type on bridge widening projects, Sliding Elastomeric Bearings Sliding elastomeric bearings consist of an upper steel bearing plate anchored to the superstructure, a stainless steel undersurface and an elastorneric pad with Teflon coated upper surface. The Teflon surface shall be attached to a IOmm minimum thick plate, which is vulcanized to the elastorneric pad. The bearing accommodates horizontal movement through the Teflon sliding surface and rotation through the elastomeric bearing with the thickness of the elastomeric bearing determined by the rotational and friction force requirements. Keepers may be used for horizontal restrain of the pads. Anchor bolts with slotted keeper plates may provide vertical restraint or individual vertical restraint as appropriate. The pad dimensions and all Page 1 9 2 :, ) - Kuwait BrEdges and Highwey Stuetutes Design Manual Cheprer if3 Beatims details of the anchorage and restraint systems shall be shown on the plans. The special provisions should allow for proprietary alternates. Sliding elastorneric bearings should be considered for applications where regular elastomeric bearing pads would exceed 100mm in height or where special access details would be required for other proprietary bearings in such places as hinges. 13.2.4 High Load Multi-Rotational Bearings High load multi-rotational fixed bearings consist of a rotational element of the Pottype, Disc-type or Spherical-type. High-load. multi-rotational expansion bearings consist of a rotational element of the Pot-type, Disc-type or Spherical-type, sliding surfaces to accommodate translation and guide bars to limit movement in specified directions when required. Pot bearings consist of a rotational element comprised of an elastorneric disc totally confined within a steel cylinder. Disc bearings consist of a rotational element comprised of a polyether urethane disc confined by upper and lower steel bearing plates and restricted from horizontal movement by limiting rings and a shear restriction mechanism. Spherical bearings consist of a rotational element comprised of a spherical bottom convex plate and mating spherical top concave plate. These design criteria were prepared for the broad range of normal applications and the specified limits of loads, farces and movements. The design and manufacture of multi-rotational bearings relies heavily on the principles of engineering mechanics and extensive practical experience in bearing design and manufacture. Therefore, in special cases where structural requirements fall outside the normal limits, a bearing manufacturer should be consulted. Rotational Requirements he' rotational requirements of these bearings are treated in a new way. Rotational requirements of the bearings, Rb, are determined by: Rb= Rs+Rc Where Rb = Rotation capacity designed info the bearings. Rs = Anticipated rotation of the structure in service. (Includes live loads and rotations induced by constructionIerection sequences). Rc = Rotation induced in the bearing by construction tolerances, 0.02 radians maximum. Use - Use of mufti rotational bearings is especially indicated where: Low profile, high load bearings are required. . Long span, curved, or skewed bridges and other similar structures of complex design are required. Long slender columns or light frames and members exhibit minimum stiffness or rigidity. Settlement of the substructure is anticipated. Self-aligning capabilities are required. Large movements are anticipated. Kuweit Brfdges and Highway Slnrctures Design Menuat Chapter 73 Economical, long life, or low maintenance bearings are desirable. Regular eiastomeric bearing pads would exceed 100mm in height. 7 Design Criteria Since special details are required to allow for access of inspection, repair or replacement of the bearings, the replacing of joints to eliminate the need for use these bearing types should be considered. Some structural considerations in use of multi- rotational bearings are listed below. Reference to "this specification" refers to the design criterja below. 1. Vedical and horizontal loads shall be assumed to occur simultaneously. All loads are service loads. Minimum vertical laads are dead loads and superimposed dead loads excluding the future wearing surface, and live loads and impact. 2. The total recommended clearance between all guiding and guided sliding surfaces is 1.5mm in order to limit edge stress on guiding interfaces. 3. Avoid specifying total spacing of more than 1.5mrn between guides and guided components where possible. 4. In specifying the horizontal force capacity of bearings, i is recommended only one fixed or guided expansion bearing shall be assumed to resist the sum of all the horizontal forces at each abutment. Bent, column, hinge or pier. 5. Where feasible provide at last two fixed or guided expansion bearings each able to resist all horizontal forces at each abutment, column, hinge or pier far design redundancy. 6. Some press-fit guide bar details in common use have proven unsatisfactory in resisting horizontal loads. When analyzing these designs, consideration should be given to the possibility of rolling of the bar in the recess. 7. Multi-rotational bearings should not be used at vertical loads less than 20% of their vertical capacity. Bearings for less than 20% vertical capacity require special design. 8. Special consideration in bearing design shall be given where high horizontal to vertical load (above 0.30)is anticipated. 9. Frictional resistance of bearing slide surfaces should be neglected when calculating horizontal load capacity. do. The installed alignment of bearing guiding systems relative to the anticipated movement direction of the structure should be carefully considered to avoid bearing guide system failure. Special studies or designs may be required on curved or skewed structures to ensure correct installation. 11. The substructure and superstrwcture should be designed so as to remain rigid under all service conditions in areas around and in contact with the bearings, paying particular attention to the use of stiffness at extreme points of movements. Kuwslt Btiuges and HIQ~?W@YShuctums Desjgn MenueE A2. The substructure and superstructure design should permit bearings to be removed for inspection or rehabilitation by minimum jacking of the structure. Jacking points shall be provided in the structural design. 13, The minimum structure rotational, Rs, of bearings covered in the specification is 0.01 radians. Rs comprise live loads and rotations induced by constructionlerection sequences. 14. The maximum construction rotation, RG (rotation induced by construction tolerances), is 0.03 radians but is cautioned to investigate the cost and practicality of the changes contemplated. 15. Recommended coefficients of friction for structure design follows: Untilled sheet or woven fiber PTFEfstainless steel 0.04 Filled PTFE sheetlstainless steel 0.08 The above coefficients of friction are based on he average stress and limits of edge stress of PTFE in this specification. Out of level installations within the limits of this specification and normal in service oxidation of the stainless steel mating surface. Service conditions, where exceptional corrosion of the stainless steel mating surface may occur, will require special assessment of the long-term coefficient of friction. 16. Pot, disc and spherical multi-rotational bearings should not be mixed at the same expansion joint or bent. The differing deflection characteristics and differing rotation characteristics may result in damage to the bearings and 1 or structure. 17. Contract drawings and documents should contain a bearing schedule. 18. Some bearing tests are very costly to perform. Other bearings tests cannot be performed because of the unavailability of test equipment. The following test requirements should be careful'ly considered before specifying them: Vertical toads exceeding 2,250,000kg. Horizontal loads exceeding 225,000kg. The simultaneous application of horizontal and vertical loads where the horizontal loads exceeds 75% of the vertical loads. Xriaxial test loading. The requirement for dynamic rotation of the test bearing while under vertical loads. 13.3 Bearing Schedule A bearing schedule shall be included in the contract drawings or as built documents and shall contain the following as minimum: A schedule of all minimum and maximum vertical and horizontal service loads. Minimum structure and construction rotation requirements. Magnitude and direction of movements at all bearing support points. Page 13-5 Kuweit W g e s and Highmy S f m f u ~Design s ManuaE Chapfer f3 Bearings Quantity, type (fixed, expansion or guided expansion). Plan view, alignment and location of all bearing units. Allowable upper and lower bearing contact pressure. Fixing or anchorage details and I or requirements. 9 Grades, bevels and slopes of all bearings. Allowable coefficient of friction of slides surfaces. Surface coating requirements and the appropriate specifications. Seismic requirements, if any. Uplift details, temporary attachments or other requirements. Installation scheme. Bearing preset details, if required. Design rotation movement and other requirements in the bearing schedule should only refer to the requirements of the structure where the bearings are to be used. Page $ 3 6 Kuwait E w e s and Highway Shretures Design Manual Restraining devices are meant to prohibit movement in a specified direction. Restraining devices shall be designed to resist the imposed loads including earthquakes as specified in AASHTO and as modified in this manual. Restraining devices could include concrete shear keys or end blocks, horizontal or vertical cable restrainers or mechanical restraining devices that would be an integral part of bearing or a separate system. Restraining device to prohibit vertical displacement at expansion ends shall be designed to allow for inspection and future replacement of bearings. Allowable restraining devices include, but are not limited to the following: vertical fixed restrainers, vertical expansion restrainers, external shear keys, internal shear keys and keyed hinges. 14.1 Vertical Fixed Restrainers Vertical fixed restrainers consist of cable and appropriate hardware and are designed to allow rotation but no translation in either horizontal directions. 14.2 Vertical Expansion Restrainers Vertical expansion restrainers consist of cable and appropriate hardware and are designed to allow rotation and longitudinal translation but no transverse translation. Some limited vertical displacement is allowed to permit replacement of bearing if required. 14.3 Shear Keys Shear keys are reinforced blocks designed to limit transverse displacement while allowing longitudinal and rotational movements. External shear keys are preferable to internal restrainers since they are more accessible for repairs and easier to construction. 94.4 Keyed Hinge A keyed hinge is a restraining device, which limits displacements in both horizontal directions while allowing rotation. For a typical expansion seat abutment where restraining devices are required, the restraining devices will consist of vet-tial expansion restrainers and external shear keys. For a typical seat abutment for a post-tension box girder bridge, restraining devices will consist of vertical fixed restrainers and external shear keys. For a typical pinned seat abutment for a prestressed girder bridge, restraining and external or internal shear keys. For a typical pinned pier, restraining devices will consist of vertical expansion, restrainers and internal shear keys. For a typical pinned pier, restraining devices will consist of vertical fixed restrainers and internal shear keys or a keyed hinge. Page 14-1 Kwsit Bfidges end Highway Structures Desfgn Manual Chapter f5 Sign SuppoH Structures Sign support structures shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO1sStandard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signals. Page 15-1 Kuwait Bndges and Highwey Stmchms Design Manual Chap& 16 Pedestrian Bridges Pedestrian bridges shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO's Guide Specifications for Design of Pedestrian Bridges except as clarified or modified in this manual. 16.1 Design Loads 16.1.3 Pedestrian Live Load Pedestrian Live Load shall be as per Section 1.2.1 of AASHTO1s Guide Specifications for Design of Pedestrian Bridges. However, Live Load shall not be less than 4.3kPa for walkway area, 16.1.2 Vehicle Load When ramps are used the b~idgeshall be designed for a maintenance vehicle. If not specified by MPW, the maintenance vehicle shall be: When the bridge dear deck width is less than 3.00rn, H-5 x 1.05 truck shall be used with total weight of 47kN. When fhe bridge clear deck width b larger than 3.00m, M-10 x 1.05 truck shall be used with total weight of 94kN. All bridges regardless of width shall be designed for a single load equal 25kN placed at location to produce maximum stress. 16.2 Design Details In addition to the requirements of Section 1.3 of AASHTO's Guide Specifications for Design of Pedestrian Bridges, the following shall apply: 16.2. t Stairs and Ramps Where necessary or as directed by the owner, ramp type approaches shail be provided in addition to auxiliary stairways. The ramps shall be 2.5m wide with a maximum grade of 8.33%. The preferred grade is 5%, which shall be used where possible. Where the total rise of a ramp exceeds 3.5n-4, horizontal landings shall be provided at equal intervals along the length of the ramp. Each section of ramp shall not have a rise more than 3.5m. The length of the landing shall not be less than 2m. When ramps are provided, auxiliary stairnays width shall be no less than 1.Elm. For auxiliary stairways, the stairs shail have 280mm treads and 180rnrn risers. Non-slip nosing shall be provided on stairs with Intermediate platforms. In special circumstances where provision of ramps and auxiliary stairs is not possible, stairs only or ramps only can be provided. This will require prior approval MPW. Where stairs only are used: The number of steps in single flight of stairs shall not be more than 20. The risers and treads of each step in a single flight shall be uniform. The riser shall not be more than 150mrn and the treads shall not be less than 30Omm. Page 16-1 KuwsH Bndges and Highway Stnrdutes Design Manuel Chepter 36 Pedestrien Bridges Completely open risers are not acceptable. 16.2.2 Handrails Handrails shall be provided on both sides of stairs, ramps and ramp approached. 16.2.3 Walkway The width of walkway shall be no less than 2.0rn. When the bridge is covered or a canopy is provided the minimum headroom for all walks shall be 2.3m. The surfacing of walkways shall be have a slip resistant finish which has a skid resistance against rubber, leather or composition of sole material of not less than 65 units under wet conditions. f 6.2.4 Railing Railing for pedestrian bridges must comply with the geometry and strength requirements of current AASHfO's Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges Section 2. Pedestrian railing openings between horizontal or vertical members must be small enough that a 150mm sphere cannot pass through them. Railing can be metal or concrete or combination of the two materials. Where the walkway is near residential areas or where people would be present around the bridge, consideration shall be given to providing a solid railing, which provides visual barrier and protect the privacy of users of bridge and nearby residences. 16.2.5 Enclosed Walkways Enclosure may be required to protect users from direct sunlight or to prevent users of the bridge from dropping objects on highway. Enclosure will only be needed when specified by the MPW. 16.2.6 Lighting Pedestrian bridges shall be illuminated adequately. Page 16-2 Ministry of Public Works Roads Administration PART 3 Kuwait Highway Drainage Design Manual Edition 1 March 2004 Tabk of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Planning and Coordination 2.1 Design S torn---------- 2.2 Catchment Areas 2.3 Rational Method 3.1 Pavement Drainage --- 1-7 2-1 -- -- 2-7 3-1 3.2 Storm Drains 6 2-6 3-4 3.3 Roadside Channels 3-7 3.4 Storage Facilities- 3-7 3.5 Stormwater Pumping Stations 3.7 Subsurface Drainage 3.8 Highway Crossing Culverts 3-9 4.1 Utilities 4-7 4.2 Right-of-way- 4-1 4.3 Service Life 4.4 Environmental Issues - 5.1 Hyd~+ology - 5-1 5.2 inlets 5-1 5.3 Conduits-- 5.4 Other - 3-7 -3-8 -4-1 - 4-1 --- -5-1 Losses 5-2 5.5 Cost Estimating 5-2 DOCUMENTATION, CONSTRUCT~ON AND MA IWNAHCE--------------------------- 6-1 6.1 Documentation6.2 6-1 -- Construction 6.3 Maintenance - --- 6-1 6-2 Kuwaif Highway Wrainege Deslgn Manuel Stormwater drainage for Kuwait highway systems shall be designed in accordance with Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. The Kuwait Highway Drainage Design Manual is not intended to replace AASHTO. It is a supplement that gives guidanoe on the interpretation of AASHTO's requirements as they relate to local conditions in Kuwait. Highway drainage should be designed to be compatible with existing drainage patterns and facilities. It should also protect the highway and the road user from the hazards of flooding. The purpose of highway drainage is threefold. To prevent adverse interference to existing drainage systems. To protect the travelled roadway from design flood events. To provide for the removal of storm water from the roadway sub grade and the embankment. This manual is primarily concerned with stormwater from rain falling within the rightof-way and from adjacent overland flow. Guidance is given on how to design drainage systems that collect, convey and discharge stormwater runoff. Stormwater drainage systems may include the following elements: Pavement drainage Inlets Storm drains Roadside drainage channels Stormwater storage facilities Pumping stations Subsurface drainage Highway crossing culverts Advice is also given on culvert design for cross drainage provision at wadi crossings or open channels, computer modelling, and system construction and maintenance. 1.q Planning and Coordination Planning and coordination should begin early on in the project with a comprehensive study of the existing drainage patterns and facilities, followed by an examination of the potential impacts of the proposd highway. Close cemmunicartion and coordinate with all agencies that have interests E n drainage matters will help the designer provide a drainage system that will benefit both the highway user and the local residents or businesses. Agencies include MPW, EPA and Kuwait Municipality. Page 1-1 K m i t Hbhway Dminage Design ManuaE Stormwater drainage design is dependant on an estimate of magnitude, voiurne and distribution of stormwater runoff. An overestimate of run-off may result in excessive expenditure of construction funds. An underestimate may result in storm damage and traffic disruption due to poor performance of the drainage system. Kuwait is located in an arid region and experiences very little rainfall. When rain occurs, it is generally characterised by severe thunderstorms of limited geographic extent. An instantaneous peak flow rate, such as that determined by the Rational Method, is therefore considered sufficient for use in the design of highway drainage systems in Kuwait. Complex drainage systems employing pumping stations and storage facilities may require the use of hydrographs. Techniques applied should be commensurate with cost, risk and importance of the system. The designer is referred to Hydrology, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASMTO. Given the lack of rain in Kuwait and the length of most projects, it may be impractical or even impossible to calibrate or validate either hydrologic or hydraulic data. If required, methods for calibrating data should be agreed with MPW. 2.1 Design Storm In order to calculate peak flow rates, it is necessary to identify the relationship between rainfall intensity, frequency and duration. Rainfall intensity for a given duration and frequency shall be selected from the cunres developed by MPW. Rainfall intensity I frequency / duration curves for Kuwait have been prepared by MPW for frequencies of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and f 00 years, as shown in Figure 2.1.The rainfall data is given in Table 2.I. Page 2-1 Kuweif Highway Drainege Design Menual Page 2-2 Table 2.1 Rainfall Intensity I Duration I Frequency intensity (Vslha) Duntion 2-Y.ar Return Period 6-Year R-rn Period 90-Year Return Period 26-Year R a m Period 50-Year Return Period 100-Year R a M Pedod 5 129.4 209.5 257.9 314.0 352.4 387.9 6 123.5 200.1 246.8 301-7 339.6 375.0 7 117.8 190.7 235.8 289.3 328.8 362.1 8 111.8 181.5 225.1 277.5 314.5 3.48.8 Q 106.3 172.9 215.1 266.4 303.1 338.4 10 101.1 164.8 205.8 256.2 292.7 328.2 11 96.3 157.6 197.5 247.2 283.8 319.4 12 92.0 152.O 190.0 238.2 275.7 311.9 13 88.0 145.1 183.2 232.0 268.6 305.2 84.3 139.5 1n.o 225.3 282.0 299.1 15 80.9 134.4 171.7 219.0 255.8 293.4 18 77.8 129.8 165.5 212.9 249.7 287.6 77 75.0 125.0 160.2 207.4 243.8 281.9 18 72.4 120.8 155.2 201.§ 238.1 276.4 19 70.0 116.8 150.5 198.3 232.8 271.3 20 67.9 113.3 146.2 191.5 227.9 266.6 21 65.9 110.1 142.4 187.2 223.5 262.4 22 64.1 107.2 139.0 183.3 219.6 258.7 23 62.4 104.5 t 35.8 179.7 215.9 255.2 24 60.8 101-9 132.7 17B.4 212.5 251.3 25 59.3 99.5 129.8 173.1 209.2 247.7 26 57.7 97.0 126.9 169.8 205.9 244.8 14 - Dun'0n 2-ye.r Return Period 5-Year Return Period 10-Year Return Period 26-Year Return Period SO-Year Retwrn Period 100-Year Redurn Period 27 56.2 94.6 124.0 166.8 202.6 241.2 28 54.7 29 53.3 90.0 118.5 160.3 196.2 234.7 30 52.0 87.9 116.0 157.4 193.1 231 .I 31 50.9 86.0 113.7 154.7 190.2 228.2 -- 32 49.9 84.3 111.6 152.0 t 87.3 225.0 . 33 49.0 82.7 109.5 149.5 184.4 221.8 34 48.1 81.2 107.6 147.1 181.7 218.9 35 47.3 79.7 105.7 144.7 178.9 216.0 38 46.4 78.3 103.8 142.3 176.2 213.1 92.2 121.2 199.4 163.4 238.3 - - - : 3 h .A 7.1 c I I 4 , . ..>. - !, s.:> ; 38 44.7 75.4 100.1 137.6 170.7 207.4 :P. 30 43.9 73.9 98.2 135.2 168.0 204.8 40 43.0 72.4 96.3 132.8 165.2 202.3 41 42.2 71.0 94.4 130.4 162.5 199.4 42 41.4 69.6 92.6 128.1 159.9 196.9 43 40.6 68.2 90.9 f26.0 157.4 1M.7 44 40.0 67.2 89.6 124.2 155.4 192.2 45 39.3 66.1 88.2 122.5 153.5 790.0 50 37.0 62.4 83.5 110.5 146.3 181.5 80 331 56.2 75.6 106.1 133.9 166.9 4 A - . I.: .I ..a. I 37 45.6 76.8 102.0 140.0 173.4 210.2 - - - & . 14 - - ,. r ,.L -. - Pape 2 4 70 29.7 50.8 08.6 98.8 122.8 153.5 - 80 26.8 46.0 62.3 88.2 112.1 140.7 Kuwait Hi~hwayDdnage Design Manual Intensity (Ilslha) Duration (mins) SO-Year Return Period - - - - - - - - - - Period f 00-Year Return Period p p 90 24.5 42.2 57.3 81.3 103.5 130.2 100 22.6 38.8 52.6 74.8 95.3 f20,l I10 20.8 35.7 48.4 68.9 87.8 110.7 120 19.3 33.0 44.7 63.6 81.1 102.3 130 18.0 30.8 41-7 59.2 75.5 95.2 140 16.8 28.6 38.6 54.8 69.9 88.1 150 16.0 27.0 36.4 51.6 65.8 82.9 160 15.1 25.5 34.4 48.7 62.0 78.1 170 14.7 24.7 33.3 47.0 f 80 14.0 23.5 31.7 44.7 75.3 59.9 I 56.9 71.5 For local roads in residential areas, a minimum storm duration of 15 minutes should be used. Storm durations for other areas should be agreed with MPW early on in the design process. The design storm frequency, or return period, should be selected according to the importance of the road, expected traffic volumes, anticipated development in the area and the potential for damage to adjacent facilities. For highway drainage systems,the frequencies are as follows: Road Classification Design Frequency (yr) Special Road Network 0 Primary Road Network 10 Secondary Road Network 10 Local Road Network 5 Atypical situations may require further consideration. The drainage of a depressed roadway, for example, may warrant a higher design frequency than that of an atgrade roadway. K w f t Highway Drainage D e a n MBRWB~ Acceptable frequency limits for crossing culverts where roads cross watercourses (wadis) or open channels are as follows: Road Classification Design Frequency (yr) Special Road Network 50 Primary Road Network 50 Secondary Road Network 50 Local Road Nehnrork 25 Certain land uses may require additional protection from overland flow. Frequencies for these areas are as follows: Land Use Design Frequency (yr) Hospitals, Airport 100 KOC 50 Higher frequencies may also be required where adjacent facilities need additional protection. These facilities include fresh water storage reservoirs, electricity substations and foul or stormwater pumping stations or treatment plants. Frequencies at these locations should be agreed with MPW. Catchment Areas A catchment area is usually surrounded by an easily discernable topographic divide. This divide is the line that separates the rainfall onto two adjacent wtchrnent areas, ensuring the runoff is directed into one or the others collection system. Determining the size of the catchment area that contributes flow to the drainage system is an important step in hydrologic analysis. Field inspections should be undertaken to confirm the boundaries of catchment areas, as topographic maps are not always current. Plans of existing stormwater drain systems may also be a valuable source of drainage boundary information. Once the boundaries of contributing areas have been established, they should be delineated on a base map. Rural catchment areas should include the areas within the right-of-way subject to direct precipitation and the broader natural catchment areas within which the road runs. Urban catchment areas shall incorporate the areas within the right-of-way subject to direct precipitation and any adjacent contributing areas assessed from development plans or topographic maps. The shape of the area affects the rate at which water is supplied to the storm drain narrow watersheds may have lower runoff rates than fan or pearshaped watersheds. system. Long The slope of the catchment area is also related to surface runoff. Steeper basins yield a quicker response time than flat basins. Kuwait H @ M yDmlnage Design Manuel Chapter 2 HvdmFosy For further information on drainage areas, refer ta Hydrology, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. Rational Method There are a number of methods for estimating flood peaks, storm durations and runoff volumes. One of the simplest, the Rational Method, is an empirical formula that expresses a relationship between rainfall intensity, catchment area and runoff, as follows: Where: Q = Peak discharge (11s) C = Average of the runoff coefficients assigned to different contributing areas I = Rainfall intensity for the selected frequency and time of concentration (Ilslha) A = Catchment area (ha) Discharge, as computed by this method, assumes that the discharge has the same frequency as the selected rainfall intensity. Because of the assumption that rainfall is of equal intensity over the entire watershed, and because its frequency is not truly related to flood frequency, it is recommended that this method be used only for estimating runoff from areas of 80ha or less on highway drainage schemes. Rain failing on the earth's surface is either retained where it falls, passes through the soil surface as infiltration, or finds its way into the storm drain system. The amount of infiltration varies for differing surfaces. Runoff coefficients are used to determine the percentage of the runoff that will reach the storm drain system. The following runoff coefficients should be used in Kuwait: Surface Type Pavement Runoff Coefficient 0.90 Residential single family 0.70- 0.90 0.50 - 0.80 0.50 - 0.70 0.40 - 0.60 Lawns, parks or green areas 0.T 0 - 0.20 Commercial development Industrial development Residential multiple family Undeveloped desert areas 0.15 The use of average coefficients for different kinds af surfaces assumes that the coefficient does not vary. The designer should be aware that, in practice, the runoff coefffcient for any particular surface varies with respect to the length of time of prior wetting. Page 2-7 K w / t HbbWRy Dminage Design MBRUB~ For guidance on other methods of estimating flood peaks, durations and volumes, refer to Hydrology, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. Kuwait Highway Drainage D e w Manual The function of the drainage system is to collect, convey and release stormwater runoff, generally from within the highway corridor, The collection elements include the roadway pavement, channels and inlet structures. The conveyance and release of stormwater can be achieved by using closed conduits or open channels. All of these elements are discussed in detail in this section. 3.1. Pavement Drainage Pavement drainage occurs in two different ways. The first involves sheet Row across the pavement surface. The second occurs where kerbs contain and channel the runoff within the gutter until it can be removed via an inlet. 3.1.1 Surface Drainage of Pavements Effective surface drainage of the road pavement is essential for effective maintenance of the roadway and for the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Water on the pavement can interrupt traffic, reduce skid resistance, increase potential for hydroplaning, reduce visibility due to spray and cause dificulty in steering. In addition, accelerating, braking or cornering forces may cause the driver to lose control. The accumulation of stormwater runoff on the pavement is dependant on the longitudinal slope, crossfall, width, surface texture and rainfall intensity. Potentially hazardous locations include curves, superelevation and associated transitions, wide pavements, bridge decks or anywhere where excess water may accurnu!ate. For information of pavement surface properties and methods of calculating resuttant flow paths and water depths, refer to Stom Drain Systems, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. The water depth required to produce a sufficient loss of friction to present a major driving hazard is in the range of 1.5mm to 5mm. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to prevent water from exceeding these depths on wide pavements during high intensity rainfall similar to that experienced in Kuwait. It is therefore considered the driver's responsibility to exercise caution when driving during wet conditions. 3.1.2 Kerbs and Gutters A limited right-of-way within an urban environment wit1 often precludes the use of roadside ditches to collect and convey runoff. In these situations, kerbs and gutters are commonly used. Kerbs vary in shapes and sizes. Gutters begin at the intersection of the pavement surface and base of the kerb. They extend from the kerb toward the roadway centreline. Gutters are generally between 0.3m and 1.8m wide. Gutters need not necessarily have the same crossfall or be constructed of the same material as the road pavement. Care should be taken alongside flush or dropped kerbs, where there may be little or no gutter available for runoff conveyance. Gutters may also be positioned on inverted crowns, where flush kerbs delineate between a travelled way and a parking bay, for example. Page 3-1 Kuwait Highway Dmiage De&n Manuel Chapter 3 System Design The kerb and gutter form a triangular channel that c a n convey runoff from low intensity storms events without interruption to traffic. However, when the design storm occurs, the width of runoff may spread to include parking bays,shoulders or a certain section of the travelled way. The limits of allowable water spread should be set after considering the following: Volume and speed of traffic Number of lanes Presence of gutters, shoulder or parking bays Extent of roadway width that can be sacrificed in a design storm Safety The allowable water spread, or ponded width, shall be limited to an absolute maximum of 2.5m. A modified Manning's equation can be used to compute the spread of flow in s triangular gutter if the rate of discharge, pavement crossfall, longitudinal slope and Manning's roughness coefficient are known, as follows: T Q = ( 0.376 1 n ) s:.~~ ~ . ~ ~ or 7 = 1.443 [( Q n ) 1 ( s:." SO.' and d=TS, Where: Q = Rate of discharge (m3/s) n = Manning's roughness coefficient (for asphalt pavements n = 0.013 to 0.017) S = Longitudinal slope ( d m ) S, = Crossfall (mlm) T = Top width of water surface (m) d = Depth of flow at deepest point (m) The maximum surface water depth, or ponded depth, shall be limited to 150rnm and the minimum longitudinal slope for a gutter shall be 0.3%, Inlets Inlets enable the stormwater to be removed from the roadway area. Inlets must be properly located and sized so that kerb and gutter drainage is effective. Several types of inlet are available for intercepting water flow and these include: Grate inlets - horizontal gullies (including Motorway Type E gullies) 1 Kerb opening inlets - vertical gullies Combination inlets - combined gullies (including Motorway Type A gullies) Slotted drain inlets The following information is needed in order to properly locate the inlets: Plan and profile of the road f opographic plans of the adjacent area Typical road cross section Superelevation information There are a number of locations where inlets should be provided regardless of contributing drainage areas. These include: Sag points in the gutter profile - = Immediately upstream of median breaks or mergeldivergesnoses. Immediately upstream of bridges Immediately upstream of crossfall reversals Immediately upstream of pedestrian crossings At the end of channels in cut sections On side streets immediately upstream of intersections Behind kerbs, shoulders of footpath to drain low areas In locations where significant ponding may occur, such as on sag curves, it may be necessary to place flanking inlets on each side of the inlet at the low point of the sag. For further information on Ranking inlets, refer to Storm Drain Systems, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. Concentrated runoff from large area adjacent to the road should be intercepted prior to reaching the pavement. Large volumes of water can be collected more efficiently in channels rather than being allowed to flow onto pavements and into pavement inlets. inlet sire and location are interrelated. For example, the use of lower capacity inlets rquires more inlets, the use of higher capacity inlets allows for fewer inlets. It should also be noted that the use of more, lower capacity inlets enables a decrease in the allowable spread in the gutter. The inlet capacity is a fundion of the inlet types, the geometry of the opening, the longitudinal slope and the crossfall. The MPW has established standard inlet lengths and sizes in order to facilitate design and control constructian costs, as shown on the MPW Standard Detail Drawings. Carryover represents the portion of the total flaw that is allowed to bypass an inlet and flow on to the next. Inlets sized to allow some carryover optirnises the number of inlets by making more efficient use of the allowable spread in the gutter. However, inlets that are provided regardless of contributing drainage areas, as listed above, should be sired to intercept 100% of the design flow. All sag inlets should be sized to accommodate the total design flow. Calculations for inlet spacing should be submitted to MPW for approval. Further information on different types of inlet, such as grate inlets, kerb opening inlets, combination inlets, slotted drain inlets and bridge deck inlets, can be found in Storm Drain Systems,Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. MPW prefers the use of Motorway Type A and E inlets. However, other types of inlets may be used if appropriate. Page 3-3 Kuwait Highway Drainage Design Manual Chapter 3 System Design 3.2 Storm Drains The storm drain is part of the highway drainage system that receives water through inlets and conveys the water through conduits to an outfall. The storm drain is made up of pipes, boxes and other closed conduits, inlet structures, manholes and other miscellaneous structures. It is important to understand the hydraulics of stem drains in order to select the correct criteria, to develop a sound design process and to design the appurtenant structures. The hydraulics of storms drains is further explained in Storm Drain Systems, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. 3.2.1 Design Criteria Design criteria describe the limiting factors that produce an acceptable design. These factors include: Flood frequency (see Chapter 2) Allowable high water at inlets and manholes Minimum flow velocities to prevent deposition Clashes with other utilities Soil conditions Future expansion of the system Future land development r Other Government ciieria Maxjmum high water is the maximum allowable elevation of the water surface (hydraulic gradient) in the storm drain. This is especially relevant at inlet and manholes where there is access from the storm drain to the ground suhce. Maximum high water should not interfere with the functioning of an inlet or reach a manhole cover. A minimum slope of 0.1% shall be used for stormwater drains. A generally accepted self-cleansing velocity is 0.9mls. The absolute minimum actual velocity of the design flow shall be 0.75mJs. MPW requires that minimum pipe diameter for single inlet connections shall be 250mm (30Omm for concrete pipes) and the minimum slope shall be 1%. The minimum pipe diameter for double inlet connections shall be 300rnm, the minimum slope shall be 1% and the maximum slope shall be 12%. The maximum length for an inlet connection shall be 25m. Pipes used in stormwater drain systems can be concrete, HDPE or any other material approved by MPW. The minimum pipe diameter shall be 300mm (400mrn for the Special Road Network). The following pipe diameters are available in Kuwait: 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600,700,800,900,1000,1200, 3400, 1600, 1800 and 2000mm. Pipe details are shown on MPW Standard Detail Drawings. MPW prefers a maximum design flow velocity of JmEs for unreinforced concrete pipes and 5nils for reinforced concrete pipes. A minimum cover depth of 1.5m to all conduits is recommended by MPW. However, the minimum cover to pipe connections for grate inlets may be reduced 1.15m, if required. The minimum cover for kerb opening or combined inlets may be reduced to 1.dm. Page 3 4 Kuweit Highway Drainage Design Menuat Chap& 3 System Design 3,2.2 Design Process The design process is the compilation of all the activities discussed in this manual. There is no fixed order in which these activities must be performed, nor are all the activities required on every project. The designer must select the steps that are most appropriate. The design process is one of trial and error. The design will continue to change and adjustments will be required as the design progresses.. Data acquisition is the first step, followed by the pavement drainage design. This yields information such as road crossfalls and longitudinal slopes, inlet locations and catchment areas. Having accumulated this information, the designer then prepares a storm drain system plan, which delineates main and lateral drainage runs, whilst ensuring that all inlets are efficiently connected and directed to an ouffall. The following aspects should be addressed. Minimum and maximum conduit sizes should be determined Conflicts with utilities should be avoided Deep trenches should be minimised Alternate main and lateral runs should be compared for cost and efficiency The outfall should be low enough to provide an efficient conduit dope The layout should enable construction with minimum disruption to traffic Alteration to existing drainage patterns should be minirnised The storm drain network must be arranged so that all lines have gravity access to an ouffall, othenrvise a pumping station will be required. The designer then sizes the conduits and checks the hydraulic adequacy and efficiency of the system. This is done by computing the hydraulic gradient for all the main and lateral lines in the system. Computing the hydraulic gradient for more onerous flood frequencies will also enable the designer to evaluate the risks associated with larger floods. The designer should then review the entire design before final acceptance and inclusion in the highway project. At this stage, the following items should be considered: Elimination of over design Improving compatibility with other construction processes Opportunities for better satisfying the drainage needs The following equations shall be used in the calculation of pipe capacities. Average velacity shall be calculated using the Manning's equation: and R=AIP Where V = Average velocity (rnls) n = Manning" coefficient of roughness (for concrete pipes n = 0.013) R = Hydraulic radius (m) Page 9 5 Kuwait Hthway Dtainage Dedgn Menuel Chepter 3 System Design S = Pipe slope (mlm} A = Cross-sectional area of flow(m2) R = Wetted perimeter (m) Flow rates shall be calculated using the continuity equation: . Where ' Q = Flow rate (m3/s) V = Average velocity (mls) A = Crass-sectional area offlow (m2) Appurtenant Structures Drain runs are connected by appurtenant structures such as inlets and manholes. Manholes enable access for inspection and maintenance purposes. Junction chambers within manholes join two or mare drain runs together or connect conduits of different types, sires or shapes. Manholes are positioned at changes in direction, slope and storm drain size changes, as well as at conduit intersections or where inlet connections are made. Manholes should also be placed at intervals along lengthy sections of conduit. The maximum length of conduit between manholes shall be 50-70m for pipes of 1400mm diameter or less and 700-200m far pipes of greater diameter. Manholes in Kuwait are usually constructed of reinforced concrete and should be designed to withstand both live and dead loads that may be imposed on them. Manholes should be provided with corrosion resistant access steps. Details of various types of typical manholes are shown on the MPW Standard Detail Drawings. Typical manholes are considered to have pipes entering and leaving at either angles of 0° (&5' ) or 90° (W). Manholes losses should be considered as part of the design process and conduits passing through manholes should have good hydraulic properties in order to minimise these losses. If possible, the slope of storm drain should be continued through the manhole. If the conduit size is increased on the downstream side of a manhole, then the soffit levels of the inlet and outlet conduits shall be matched. If this is not possible, a minimum drop of 50mm is recommended. If, for some reason, the height of the conduit on the downstream sire is lower than that of the upstream conduit, the invert levels of the conduits should be matched. Manhole necks are required where the depth kom ground level to invert level exceeds the fallowing values for the corresponding pipe diameters. Depth (mm) Pipe Diameter (mm) 2800 300-1600 3000 1800 3230 2000 K m i S Highway Oreinwe Design M~nuel chapter3 System Design '$ The manhole frame and cover should be made of cast iron and must be designed to support the expected loads. It is preferable to locate manholes away from traffic. Surface topography shall also be considered when locating manholes. Junction chambers of different types are also shown on the MPW Standard Detail Drawings. For further information on methods of calculating head losses in manholes or junction chambers, refer to Design of Urban Highway Drai~age, FHWA. Roadside Channels Roads located within an extensive right of way or within a rural environment may be better drained using roadside channels or ditches. Roadside channels senre the following functions: Drain the roadway surface Drain the roadway base and sub grade = Prevent surface runoff from reaching the roadway Channels may also be used to direct flow to or from a stom drain conduit. Further details can be found in Hydraulic Analysis and Design of Open Channels, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. Storage Facilities Temporary storage or detention of excess stormwater runoff may be required to prevent the overloading of existing downstream storm drain systems. The storage and regulated release of stormwater can reduce the frequency and extent of downstream flooding, soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution. For further design details, refer to Storm 'Drain Systems, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. Stormwater Pumping Stations Stormwater pumping stations remove water from highway facilities that cannot be drained by gravity. Because of the costs and potential maintenance problems, a pumping station should only be used when no other system is feasible. Some of the general considerations involved in the design of pumping stations include: a Location Hydrology Wet well or dry well station Number and capacity of pumps Types of pumps Types of power Storage to reduce peak flow rates Maintenance requirements Emergency backup systems Page 3-7 Kuwea Highway Dminage Demn Manual Chapter 3 System DeMn For further information, refer to Storm Drain Systems, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO and the Manual for Highway Stormwater Pumping Stations, FHWA. Outfalls transfer collected water to an acceptable point of release, usually referred to as the "receiving waters". In Kuwait, these may include the sea, overland flow (wadis), percolation areas or other storm drains. An outfall may be an open channel or a closed conduit. St is the most downstream element of the storm drain system. Ouifalls can range from a few meters to several kilometres in length, and as such may extend well beyond the limits of the highway corridor. Additional right-of-way requirements may have a significant bearing on the location of the outfall. Open channel outfalls are less expensive than closed conduit outfalls and provide a safety factor against storms in excess of the design storm. However they require more maintenance and are often used as dumping grounds. Closed conduits should be used where the right of way is too narrow far an open channel or there is a risk of flooding to adjacent property. Closed conduits are difficult and expensive to enlarge, therefore provision for the future should be accommodated in the design. For Kuwait, sea outfall invert levels shall equate to a Mean Lower Low Water level of +0.50m. Specific considerations should be given to environmentally sensitive receiving waters. Contamination due to the discharge of untreated stormwater can be mitigated by incorporating interceptors into the system or by relocating the outfaH. Subsurface Drainage Subsurfam water in generally collected in a separate system that is connected to the main storm drain system. Water trapped beneath the pavement surface but within the roadbed structure or foundation can cause a rapid deterioration af the pavement. Subsurface drainage systems are designed to remove or prevent water from reaching the roadbed. There are several sources of water that can enter sub grades or pavement layers. These are: Surface water infiltrating through porous or cracked pavements or unsealed joints Lateral seepage into the edges from a saturated median or shoulders Upward seepage from groundwater Capillary action from underlying groundwater Accumulated water vapour from temperature variations and humidity Water can be removed from embankment slopes, pavement layers and sub grades using a number of different systems. These include: Horizontal drains Pipe underdrains Vertical wells Sub grade drainage systems Edge drain cotlector systems KuwaB Highway Dminage DersEgn Menuel Chapter 3 Syslem Qesfgn S for further design details, refer to Storm Drain Systems, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. Highway Crossing Culverts The function of a culvert is to convey surface water across or from the highway right-of-way. In addition to its hydraulic functions, if must also carry construction and highway traffic, and earth loads. Culvert design involves both hydraulic and structural design. For information on the hydraulic aspects of culvert design, refer to Hydraulic Design of Culverts, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. For information on the structural aspects of culvert design, refer to the Kuwait Bridges and Highway Structures Design Manual. Page 3-9 Kuwea Hbhway Dreinege D e a n Manual Chapter 4 Other Factom Affecting &s@n 7 The drainage aspects of highway design are affected by many factors that are only peripherally related to hydrology and hydraulics. Some of these are discussed in the following section. Utilities Since highways and utilities often share the sdme right-of-way, coordination with the service authorities is necessary to accommodate their current and future needs. Widening an existing highway may incur problems due to a restricted right-of way and numerous existing utilities that lie within it. When storm drains and utilities are in conflict, there are three options: Relocate the utility Relocate the storm drain Provide a structure to accommodate both the stom drain and the utility Approval for relocation of utilities should be sought from the relevant utility authority. Placing the storm drain under the roadway in order to avoid utility conflicts is not recommended for the following reasons: Manholes may be required in the roadway Maintenance operations will interfere with traffic flow Settlement problems can result from poor backfilling, infiltration or pipe failure Right-of-way It may be necessary to buy additional land to accommodate drainage features. Approval far purchase of additional right-of-way should be sought from MPW and Kuwait Municipality early on in the design process. Sewice Life Service life is generally defined as the number of years of relatively maintenancefree life of the conduit material. The design service life should be based an: a Service life of the facility lrnportance of the facility Difficulties associated with repair or replacement Future demands on the facility ' Service design life for the different elements of the storm drain system should be agreed with MPW early on in the design process. Environmental bsues Erosion and sedimentation can be very visible, particularly on urban projects. Etosion control features should be carefully designed, installed and maintained in Page 4-1 K m i t # & h e y Dtwinep Design Manual Chapter 4 Other Factors Alfectng DesQn sensitive surroundings. Refer to Erosion and Sediment Control in Highway Construction, Highway Drainage Guidelines, AASHTO. Hazardous spills occurring on the highway may be transported through the storm drain system to the outfall. Interceptors may be required if the receiving waters are deemed sensitive to pollutants. At several locations in Kuwait, contaminated groundwater has been encountered. Dewatering of excavations during construction may lead to the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Water removed from the ground during dewatering procedures should be treated in accordance with EPA requirements. KrmsrY Highway Dmlnaga Cwign Manusf Storm drain modelling s o h a r e mathematically models the occurrence of a storm in a storm drain system. This section gives an overview of the desirable features and functions ofmodelling software. Variables such as runofl rates, storm patterns, profile elevations and inlet locations are input into the model. The model can then be used to evaluate the performance of an existing system or identify the geometric requirements of a new system. There should be no limit to the size of the system that can be anatysed in a single nm. It may be necessary to evaluate extensive existing systems in order to obtain input for a smaller proposed highway system. The software should allow for the systematic entry of design data in a logical order and format. It is also essential that the storm drain model be modular in structure. 5.1 Hydrology Hydrologic methods in storm drain modelling software fall into two categories, peak discharge determination and surface hydrologic simulatian. Peak discharge procedures, such as the Rational Method, are common, easy to use and applicable to most highway storm drain systems in Kuwait. Using computer software greatly simplifies the tedious, repetitive and time-consuming calculations required. It also provides well-organised hydrologic documentation. Surface hydrological simulation attempts to model the rainfall-runoff process. The software can madel synthetically formulated design storms or actual historical storms, accounting for all the water that falls on a land segment. The software establishes a hydrograph that represents the amount of rain falling during specified time steps of a set length. Hydrographs are only required for the design of highly complex storm drain systems. Inlets The computer model should assist the designer in determining optimum spacing and siring of inlets, and should allow for the selection of different inlet types such as grate, weir, slot or any combination of these. The software should also be capable of dividing gutter flow into two components, the flow intercepted by the inlet and the carryover flow. Conduits The model should be able to simulate a variety of flow conditions in the conduit system and appurtenances. Flow conditions may be affected by conduit type, manholes or angular changes in profile or alignment. The model should allow the designer to select a variety of conduit shapes (circular, box, arch, elliptical or oval) and roughness values (rnaterjal, lined or unlined). The model should be able to compute and display hydraulic gradients. Supercritical flow introduces complexities into gradient analyses. Pipe runs encountering supercritical flow must be clearly identified within the model so that the designer can provide the necessary high velocity facilities and to ensure that the hydraulic gradient computations are reasonable, Page 5-1 K m f t HhInuay Drainags Design Manlral chapter 5 Computer Mod@!liing 5.4 Other Losses The model should have the ability to compwte energy losses, such as those at manholes, bends or transitions, and adjust the energy gradient accordingly. 5.5 Cost Estimating A desirable feature of the software is the ability to select the best alternative, taking into account financing, operating and maintenance costs. The model should also be able to calculate the cost of a stem drain system with sufficient accuracy so as to be used in the final cost estimate. ' Chapter6 DocumenZafion. Cdnshiefkm and Meinfenam 6 DOCUMENTATION, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 6.1 Documentation Documentation is an important feature of design and facilitates the incorporation of proposed systems into existing systems. Knowledge of the methodology and criteria used in past designs is necessary for the accurate interpretation of design data. A design drainage manual should accompany the design drawings and should include the following: Design criteria Photographs a Contoured survey plans showing catchment boundaries and flow directions Records of existing drainage systems Drawings from previous projects Proposed drainage details Documentation of hydrologic and hydraulic data in the f o m of drawings, notes, correspondence and calculations should be included in the appendices. As-built records offer the best documentation of drainage features. These should include: Plan and profile drawings showing drainage structure sizes Invert levels Detail drawings of structure types * Design drainage plans showing flow quantities, flow directions and catchment boundaries Drainage calculations 6.2 Construction Different personnel may perform the design and construction functions. Adequate communication between these two groups of personnel should be maintained throughout the construction period. The designer should always be consulted when construction changes occur as these changes may affect the performance of the drainage facilities. The designer should aim to achieve a proper balanoe between material and construction costs. For example, the least expensive material may not be the proper choice because the constructions costs may be greater than for a more expensive material. Changes in land use or utilities added after the design is complete may bring about an extensive redesign of a storm drain system. This reinforces the need for full cooperation with MPW, Kuwait Municipality, service providers, developers and any other interested parties during the design phase. Temporary traffic detours should include provision for temporary drainage. Page 6 1