ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering AL-ALBAIT UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING FACULATY CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Transportation Engineering (0704381) By ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH 2nd semester / 2016 0 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.1 Introduction Transportation: movement of people and goods. Modes of transportation: 1. Highway transportation. 2. Rail transportation. 3. Air transportation. 4. Water transportation. 5. Pipe line transportation. 6. Intelligent transportation?! Roles of transportation in society : A. Economically : 1. Availability of goods and services. 2. Effective use of natural resources. 3. Expansion of trade. 4. Decentralization of industries and promotion of regional specialization. 5. Increasing large scale production and reducing the cost of production. 6. Providing competition that produces low prices and high quality. Transportation level is an index of economy and development. B. Socially : 1. Provides mobility for cultural, recreational and social purposes. 2. Affect population distribution and housing requirements. 3. Affect employment opportunities. C. Environmentally : 1. Its pollution affects the air, water, and land qualities which are dangerous to human, animals and plant lives. D. Politically : 1. Increase the ability of the country to defend itself. 2. Promotes the political unity of the nation. 1 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Transportation engineering: is a branch of the engineering that deals with planning, design and operation of the various transportation systems and their components to achieve a safe, efficient, convenient and economical movement of persons and goods. Transportation problems: 1. 2. 3. 4. System approach to problems solving: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identifying the problem. Defining goals and objectives in solving the problems. Searching for alternative methods of meeting the requirement. Choosing and developing the best alternative. Implementing its operation. Trends in transportation development: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Traffic problems ''Congestion''. Environment problems ''Pollution ''. Energy problems ''oil''. Safety problems '' crashes ''. Integration of transportation systems. Optimization of transportation systems. Employment of computers and new technologies. Minimization of energy use. Increasing efficiency of existing facilities. Physical elements of the transportation system: 1. Travel ways: highways, waterways, railways …….etc. 2. Terminals: Airports, water ports, train stations …. Etc. 3. Carriers: automobiles, trains, airplanes, ships …. Etc. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 2 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.2 Transportation system planning. 2.1. Introduction: Transportation planning: is methodological process of preparing physical facilities and services of all modes for future transportation needs. Transportation may be considering a science that depends on ability to solve highly technical problems. Transportation planning must take in to consideration all modes, all traffic (people and goods), and all social, economic, political, and environmental factors. 2.2. Urban transportation planning (UTP): The expansion of urban areas with population growth and economic activities are the principal factors causing continuous increase of passenger travel. The cost of providing the needed transportation facilities has reached an all time high and has rapidly been increasing annually. The urban transportation planning (UTP) process should produce a plan that take in to account almost aspect of urban life. The plan should be rigid enough to provide the necessary direction and control over future growth. See figure 2.1: an example of urban transportation planning. 3 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 2.1: urban transportation planning. 4 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 2.2: traffic flow in urban area. 2.2.1. Trends in urban transportation planning: Planners should consider the following classes: 1. The impact of transportation facilities on general quality of the urban environment. 2. The impact of transportation investments on the benefit and cost distribution. 3. The impact on the spatial distribution of urban activities. 4. The impact of demanding public involvement on transportation policies and developments. 5. The impact of transportation energy shortage on alternative transportation policies and developments. 2.2.2. Overall urban transportation planning process: Urban transportation includes such issues: 1. Energy shortage. 2. Environmental impact. 3. Citizen participation. 4. Social equity. 5 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering There are two kinds of plans: 1. Long range plan (15 years or more). 2. Short range plan (1 - 5 years). Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) organization long range plan planning work programs transportation system managment (TSM) plan refinment transportation improvment program continuing process Figure 2.3: overall transportation planning process. 6 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering organization objectives inventory analysis forecasts plan development plan test and evaluation implementation Figure 2.4: long range urban transportation planning process. 7 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Objectives : 1. Minimize travel time. 2. Minimize travel cost. 3. Maximize safety. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Organization : Centralized state staff. Local staff. Semi – independent organization. Regional planning commission. Contract study organization. The Staff of a planning group typically includes: 1. Transportation engineer. 2. Urban planner. 3. Geographer. 4. Economist. 5. Sociologists. 6. Systems analysts. 7. Computer specialists. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Inventory : Population. Land use. Economy activity. Facilities. Analysis : Mathematical models. Forecasting the future target data. Trip generation models. Trip distribution models. Forecast : Predicts future conditions in urban area (15 years). Plan development: 1. Several alternative plans for land use and transportation system should be developed. 2. The transportation system should be related to the cost of construction and operation. 3. Transportation networks are planned using the forecasted condition. 8 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Plan test and evaluation: 1. Test all alternative to choose the best one. 2. The first test (safety and service). 3. The second test (economy). Implementation: After the best plan selected, the process of implementation begins. Continuing studies: Continuous studies affect the plan. Plans should be reviewed and updated every five years. Continues studies should involve : 1. Travel operation and conditions. 2. Economy. 3. Population characters. 2.2.3. Transportation system management(TSM) : TSM projects fall in to the following major categories : 1. Traffic operation improvement programs. 2. Exclusive lanes for high occupancy vehicles (HOV). 3. Provisions for parking. 4. Pedestrian and bicycle facilities. 5. Provision for public transportation. General TSM planning process: 1. Setting objectives. 2. Identifying problems. 3. Formulation of alternative strategies and actions. 4. Evaluation of selection strategies and actions. 5. Implementation. 6. Surveillance impact. 9 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Alternative for improvements: A. Reduce demand: 1. Pricing. 2. Peak period scheduling. 3. Ride sharing. 4. Improving public transportation. 5. Facilitating bicycle travel. B. Capacity oriented alternatives : 1. Improving traffic operations (removal of parking). 2. Freeway operations management (access). 3. Using larger public transportation vehicles. 4. Improving pedestrian facilities. 5. Improving urban goods movement (off street loading zones). 2.2.4. Urban goods movement(UGM) planning : Two reasons have been commonly given for the present concern with goods movement: 1. Hidden costs concern with goods movement. 2. Using of trucks (parking, its movement with stream and air and noise pollution). Urban goods movement study program : 1. Objectives. 2. Design (regional, area, facilities). 3. Pilot Data collection. 4. Basic data collection. 5. Data assessment. 6. Short range goods transportation operation plan. 7. Goods movement model development. 8. Goods movement activity forecast : - It should be specified enough to predict : a. Quantity of goods being moved (rail or trailer). b. Time of day movement occurs. c. Season of year movement occurs. d. Location in terms of geography. 9. Good assignment (time/cost). 10. Long range goods transportation system plan. 10 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2.3. Statewide transportation planning (STP). Statewide transportation planning (STP): process those results in recommendations leading to the attainment of set of goals that have been dictated by public policy in the movement of persons and goods between city pairs within the boundaries of a state. 2.3.1. Organization : A. Modal organization : 1. Highways. 2. Airways. 3. Transit. 4. Railroads. 5. Waterways. B. Functional organization : 1. Planning. 2. Design. 3. Constructions. 4. Safety. 5. Operations. C. Mixed organization : 1. Highways. 2. Airways. 3. Transit. 4. Planning. 5. Administration. 2.3.2. General methodology : Statewide transportation planning methodologies fall in to three categories: 1. Needs - Standard approach: - Advantage: simply done. - Disadvantage : a. Intermodal connections are not identified. b. It is not easily accomplished. c. Benefits to users are not directly measured. 11 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2. Single mode simulation – evaluation approach : - In this approach there are essentially four steps leading to statewide plan: a. b. c. d. Goals. Development of plans to attain these goals. Simulation of the present and future network. Evaluation of the plan. 3. Multi mode simulation – evaluation approach : - The steps involved in this approach are these : a. Forecast of the demands for transportation. b. The demands are then allocated between the various modes. - Advantages: greater efficiency. Disadvantages: complex (many data may not exist). 2.3.3. Statewide transportation planning steps : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Defined model fall in to the following categories : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Goals. Identification of the component of the system. Modeling of interaction between these components. Analysis. Evaluation. Framework. Travel demand, simulation and impact prediction. Econometric, land use, activity allocation and simulation. Resource allocation, policies and programming. Comparison and evaluation. Data collection. Major purposes of the framework are: 1. System performance analysis. 2. Activity allocation analysis. 3. Cost analysis. 12 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2.4. Transportation demand forecasts: Demand forecasting: an attempt to predict the future demand for transportation services and facilities. The work involved in transportation demand forecasts consists of both passengers travel and goods movements. 80% of all persons trips in urban areas have either or destination at home. 60% of transit trips were for work. The variables used in trip generation analysis are of two types: 1. Continues variables include : a. Family income. b. Vehicle ownership. c. Trip length. d. Land use density (population, employment, .etc.) e. Geographical location. f. Time of day. 2. Discontinuous variables include : a. Trip purpose. b. Land use at origin and destination. c. Mode. A general multiple linear regressions can be found in most statistics books can be written in the following form: Y = a0 + a1 x1 + a2 x2 +……..+ an xn + e Where: Y : dependent variable. X1, ….., Xn : independent variables. a’s : constants (regression coefficients). .e : error. 13 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2.4.1. Modal spilt : The purpose of modal spilt analysis is to forecast the proportion of the total number of predicted trips to be allocated to the various transportation modes: - The modes of particular interests in urban planning : 1. The automobile. 2. Public transit. - The modes of particular interests in statewide planning : 1. Railroad. 2. Airlines. Variables used for spilt analysis are : 1. Characteristics of the trip. 2. Characteristics of the trip maker. 3. Characteristics of the transportation system. Trip – end model: 𝒏 𝐐𝐢 = ∑ 𝐀𝐣 𝐅𝐢𝐣 𝒋=𝟏 Where: Qi : Accessibility index for zone I to all other zones. Aj : Attractions in zone j. Fij : travel time friction (from zone I to zone j) = 1/ ( door to door travel time)𝑏 b: an exponent that varies with trip purpose and travel time range . n: number of zones. 14 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Trip – interchange model : 1. Relative door to door Travel time: Travel time ratio = X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 X6 + X7 + X8 Where: X1: Time spent in transit vehicle. X2: Transfer time between transit vehicles. X3: time spent waiting for transit vehicle. X4: walking time to transit vehicle. X5: walking time from transit vehicle. X6: auto driving time. X7: parking delay at destination. X8: walking time from parking place to destination. 2. Relative travel cost : - The ratio of out of pocket travel cost via transit to the travel cost via auto : Travel cost ratio = 𝑿𝟗∗𝑿𝟏𝟑 (𝑿𝟏𝟎+𝑿𝟏𝟏+𝟎.𝟓𝑿𝟏𝟐) Where: X9: transit fare. X10: cost of gasoline. X11: cost of oil change lubrication. X12: parking cost at destination. X13: average car occupancy 15 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 3. Economic status of trip maker : As the income increase, automobile owner ship increases and the use of transit decreases. 4. Relative travel service. Travel service ratio = 𝑿𝟐+𝑿𝟑+𝑿𝟒+𝑿𝟓 𝑿𝟕+𝑿𝟖 Where: X2: Transfer time between transit vehicles. X3: time spent waiting for transit vehicle. X4: walking time to transit vehicle. X5: walking time from transit vehicle. X7: parking delay at destination. X8: walking time from parking place to destination. Travel assignment: T = T0 {1+0.15(𝑽/𝑪)𝟒 } Where: T: travel time. T0: free flow travel time (ideal condition). V: assigned volume. C: capacity. 16 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2.5. Transportation system evaluation: Evaluation about alternatives transportation plan based on: 1. Level of service. (LOS). 2. Objectives. A good evaluation will ideally achieve the following ends : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Useful in the formulation of new plan. Related to objectives. Flexible. Sensitive to cost. Useful in the time evaluation. Provide a workable framework of analysis. Evaluation methods fall in to four categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.6. Pure judgments. Engineering economy. Willingness to pay concept. Cost effectiveness analysis. Transportation planning issues : Four significant issues in today’s transportation planning : 1. 2. 3. 4. Energy conservation. Environmental impact. Citizen participation. Social equity. 4. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 17 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.3 Highway planning Concerned with the development of the functional and economical highway network to provide for present and future needs. Highway functional classification: (1) The major roads (national roads / Principal arterials ) include: High speeds. Separated lanes. No access, no signals & no at grade intersections if possible. Interchanges are noticeable. Class A: Trunk Roads / freeways A national route that links two major or important cities or towns or places ( i.e Bagdad international street ). Class B: Regional roads / highways Secondary national routes connecting a trunk roads or regional headquarters in a region. (i.e. Amman – Mafraq street). (2) The minor roads (district roads / Local roads ) include: Lower speeds. May be separated or not. Access, signals, circles & at grade intersections are noticeable. Spatial facilities are needed (bridges, tunnels, pedestrians needs, etc). Class C: Collector roads: - A road linking a district headquarters (i.e. Mafraq) and a division centre Azraq). - A road linking a division centre ( i.e. Azraq ) with any other division centre (i.e. Safawi ). - A route linking a division centre (i.e. Mafraq ) with a ward centre ( Umejmal). 18 (i.e. ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - A road within urban area carrying through traffic which predominantly originates from and destined out of the town and links with either regional or a trunk road ( URBAN ROADS) Class D: Feeder roads: - A road within urban area that links a collector road and other minor road within the vicinity and collects or distributes traffic between residential, industrial and principal business centres CBD of the town. - A village access road linking wards to other wards centers (i.e. Umejmal/ Zatari ). Class E: Community roads: - A road within a village or a road which links a village to a village. Figure 3-1: Relationship of Functionally Classified Systems in Serving Traffic Mobility and Land Access 19 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 3-2: Hierarchy of Movement Figure 3-3: Channelization of Trips 20 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 3-4: Schematic Illustration of a Functionally Classified Rural Highway Network Figure 3-5: Schematic Illustration of a Portion of a Suburban Street Network 21 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Road inventory: A road inventory includes : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location of boundary lines of all governmental units. Cultural features adjacent to roadway. Right of way (ROW). Riding quality and physical condition of surface roadway (PCI). Bridges and interchanges. Railway crossing. Geometric elements (sight distance, super elevation, clearance, number of lanes, etc). 8. Services provided by highways (phones, mailbox, etc). 9. Land use information. - Traffic studies: Traffic studies provide information on : 1. Characteristics of traffic flow (volume, speed, classification, etc). 2. Driver characteristics (perception reaction, ages, etc). 3. Level of service LOS and capacity of highway facilities. Basic types of traffic counts: 1. Continuous volume counts : - Obtained by installing automatic detectors for counting and recording the number of vehicles passing the location each hour or less on a daily basis throughout the year and over number of years. 2. Seasonal volume counts : - Obtained by installing automatic detectors for counting and recording the number of vehicles passing the location for seven consecutive days and repeated on scheduled for four , six or twelve times a year. 22 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 3. Coverage volume counts : - To provide volume at sufficient number of locations by installing an automatic traffic detectors for period of 24 or 48 consecutive hours, usually once a year. 4. Classification counts : - In addition to the volume counts , vehicles should be classified as to type and counted on integrated schedule , this includes weekdays and weekends classifications ( 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM). Financial planning studies : - Road use, road life, and sufficiency studies are important in determining the continued fiscal needs, costs, and benefits of improvements. - Road use study: identifies the amount and characteristics of traffic using the highway. Road life study: determines the estimated average service life for each type of highway surface. Sufficiency study: evaluates the ability of the roadway to carry its quota of traffic in safe mode. - - Highway needs studies: Providing a summary of realistic needs to inform the public of highway needs, to aid highway administrators in programming the required projects, resources, and funds. Fiscal study: - Evaluates the present fiscal policy of the state and recommends to the legislature an adequate and fair future policy based on highway needs. - It also investigates the portion of the highway tax burden that will be borne by the land, the user, and the nonuser. 23 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Highway programming : - Priority programming is the rational selection of proposed construction projects on the basis of relative agency. - The next phase of programming is the scheduling of both time and funds of each functional class. Project scheduling and monitoring: - Identify and describe all activities that are necessary for developing the project from start to end , including : 1. Actual work. 2. Time for approval. 3. Reviews. 4. Coordination. - Components of the scheduling and monitoring system: 1. Activity list. 2. A standard work flow diagram. 3. Progress reports (showing amount of accomplished work). 4. Status reports (showing relationship of progress to the schedule). - Benefits from the well designed scheduling : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assure scheduled dates are met. Improve coordination between agencies and within the department. Time saving. Permit timely use of funds. Allow sequencing of projects to better serve the users. Improve response to unforeseen conditions ( funding , cut , design changes , etc). 5. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh CH.4 24 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Traffic flow characteristics Basic traffic variables: 1. Speed (u): km/hr or mile/hr (mph). 2. Volume (q): vehicle / hour (vph). 3. Density (k): vehicle / mile (vpm). Speed: The distance traveled by a vehicle during a unit of time (mph). Usually speeds take the normal probability distribution. 1. Time mean speed( spot speed) ut : - Average speeds of a group of vehicles at one point (using radar or very short section). Time mean speed is the arithmetic mean of speeds. 2. Space mean speed ( average travel speed) us : - It is average speeds of a group of vehicles at a long section. Us = ∑ 𝐿𝑖 / ∑ 𝑇𝑖 Where: Li: length of segments. Ti: time spent in trip. Always us ≤ ut. Ut = us + σs²/us Us = ut - σt²/ut 25 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering σs², σt²: variances of space speed and time speed respectively. Average running speed: only the time while the vehicle in motion (stopping times are excluded) ‘’ another type of space mean speed. Volume : - Is the number of vehicles that pass a point a long a roadway or traffic lane per unit of time (vpd/vph/vpm). Flow rate: is the equivalent hourly rate for vehicles passing a long a roadway or for traffic during an interval less than one hour (usually 15 minutes) (vph). Peak hour factor (PHF): is the ratio of the peak hour volume to the peak flow rate of flow within the hour. Average daily traffic (ADT): is the number of vehicles that pass on the roadway during a period of 24 hours over certain number of days. - If the number of days is 365, it becomes average annual daily traffic (AADT). Design hourly volume (DHV): is the future hourly volume that used for design, it is usually based on the 30th highest hourly volume of the design year. The design volume for the future : (AADTf) = AADTp (1+i)ⁿ Where: n: design period in years. i:growth factor. Headway : Time headway (ht): the difference between the time the front of a vehicle arrives at a point on the highway and the front of the next vehicle arrives at the same point in seconds. - Time headway distribution helps to measure platooning in the traffic stream and can be used to obtain delay measures due to various traffic controls. 26 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering ht=3600/q Where: q: flow rate (vph). Space headway (hs): is the distance between the front bumpers of successive vehicles at any given instant. hs= 5280/k hs=ht*us*(5280/3600). Where: hs: average space headway (ft/veh) us:space mean speed (sec). 5200:# of ft in mile. 3600:# of seconds in hour. Traffic flow relationships: Relationship between volume, speed and density. Uninterrupted flow: a vehicle traversing a section of lane or roadway is not required to stop by any cause external to the traffic stream. Interrupted flow : a vehicle traversing a section of a lane or roadway is required to stop by a cause outside the traffic stream .( due to signal , intersection , etc) - Stoppage of vehicle by a cause internal to the traffic stream doesnot constitutes interrupted flow. 27 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 28 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 4.1: Fundamental Diagrams of Traffic Flow. 29 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Green shields Model( linear): Where: Us: space mean speed. Uf: free flow speed. Kj: jam density. Green bergs model (logarithmic): Where: Us: space mean speed. Um: speed at qmax.. Kj: jam density. Traffic flow theory: - It is a discipline that attempts to analyze the traffic stream from a theoretical stand point. - the three best known approaches are : 1. Hydrodynamic analogies: the basic assumption is that high density traffic will behave like a continuous fluid having a certain density and fluid velocity. 2. Car following theory: it is a microscopic approach, describes vehicular flow as a series of inter-vehicular interaction. 30 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering The main assumption is that a driver tries to keep the relative speed between his vehicle and the vehicle in front of him as small as possible. 3. Queuing theory: it is a microscopic model; it is concerned with waiting queues and there delays. The model consists of three elements: a. Arrival characteristics (input). b. Service characteristic (out put). c. Queue discipline (FIFO,LIFO) eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 31 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.5 Highway capacity and level of service (LOS) - - Highway capacity is a quantitative and qualitative measure which permits evaluation of both the adequacy and the quality of vehicle service being provided. The capacity of a facility: It is the maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles reasonably can be expected to traverse a point or a uniform section of a lane or roadway during a given time period under prevailing roadway , traffic , and control condition. Any change in the prevailing conditions changes the capacity of the facility. Factors affecting highway capacity: 1. Roadway conditions: lane width, lateral clearance, surface conditions, grades, etc. 2. Traffic conditions: % trucks, traffic interruptions, etc. Ideal conditions : - Under ideal conditions highway can accommodate maximum traffic volume. - Ideal roadway conditions assume : 1. Good weather. 2. Good pavement conditions. 3. Familiar users. 4. Uninterrupted flow. 5. Only passenger cars in traffic stream. 6. Lane width (3.6m) , shoulder width (1.8m). 7. Level terrain. 8. No access. 9. Obstructions distance ≥1.8m. 10. Free flow speed of 100 km/h for multilane highway. 11. No passing zones on 2lane/2way. 12. No traffic obstructions (conflict). …etc. 32 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Highest capacity under ideal conditions according to HCM : Freeways: 2400 pc/h/lane. Multilane highway: 2200 pc/h/lane. 2lane/2way: 2800 vph for both directions. Highway users judge the quality of service through the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Travel speed. Traffic interruptions. Freedom to maneuver. Safety. Driving comfort. Operating cost. Etc. Level of service LOS: - It is a quality measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally in terms of such service measures as speed and travel time, freedom of maneuver, traffic interruptions, and comfort. - 6 LOS - The service flow rates generally are based on 15-minutes period, typically, the hourly service flow rate is defined as four times the peak 15 minute volume. - Most design or planning efforts typically use future service flow rate at LOS C or LOS D, to ensure an acceptable operating service for facility users. - Travel speed and density on freeways, delay at signalized intersections, and walking speed for pedestrians are examples of performance measures that characterize flow conditions on a facility. - For LOS F, it is difficult to predict flow due to stop and start conditions. - A F The service flow rate : It is the maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles can be expected to traverse a point or uniform segment of a lane or roadway during a given period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions while maintaining a designated level of service. 33 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Level of Service A: Free-flow operations in which vehicles are completely unimpeded in their ability to maneuver. Under these conditions, motorists experience a high level of physical and psychological comfort, and the effects of incidents or point breakdowns are easily absorbed. Level of Service B: Traffic is moving under reasonably free-flow conditions, and freeflow speeds are sustained. The ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is only slightly restricted. A high level of physical and psychological comfort is provided and the effects of minor incidents and point breakdowns are easily absorbed. Level of Service C: Speeds are at or near the free-flow speed, but freedom to maneuver is noticeably restricted. Lane changes require more care and vigilance by the driver. When minor incidents occur, local deterioration in service will be substantial. Queues may be expected to form behind any significant blockage. Level of Service D: Speeds can begin to decline slightly and density increases more quickly with increasing flows. Freedom to maneuver is more noticeably limited, and drivers experience reduced physical and psychological comfort. Vehicle spacing average 165 ft (8 car lengths) and maximum density is 35 pc/mi/ln. Because there is so little space to absorb disruptions, minor incidents can be expected to create queuing. Level of Service E: Operations are volatile because there are virtually no useable gaps. Maneuvers such as lane changes or merging of traffic from entrance ramps will result in a disturbance of the traffic stream. Minor incidents result in immediate and extensive queuing. Capacity is reached at its highest density value of 45 pc/mi/ln. Level of Service F: Operation is under breakdown conditions in vehicular flow. These conditions prevail in queues behind freeway sections experiencing temporary or longterm reductions in capacity. The flow conditions are such that the number of vehicles that can pass a point is less than the number of vehicles arriving upstream of the point or at merging or weaving areas where the number of vehicles arriving is greater than the number discharged. Breakdown occurs when the ratio of forecasted demand to capacity exceeds 1.00. 34 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 5.1: Levels of Service for Freeways. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 35 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.6 Uniform Traffic Laws and Control Devices Manual on uniform traffic control devices (MUTCD) Main purposes of traffic control devices (TCD): 1. Increase safety. 2. Increase capacity. 3. Reduce delay. Main highway traffic control devices (TCD): 1. Markings. 2. Signs. 3. Signals. To be effective, traffic control device should meet the following basic requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fulfill a need. Command attention. Convey a clear and simple meaning. Command respect from road users. Give a adequate time for proper responds. TCD can be effective through : 1. Design. 2. Placement. 3. Operation. 4. Maintenance. 5. Uniformity. Pavement markings: - Used to regulate and guide the traffic providing channels to different movements. - Advantages : - 1. No physical obstruction to traffic. 2. Low cost. 3. Ease of removal when required. Disadvantages : 36 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 1. 2. 3. 4. - TCD uses : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. - Obliterated easily by snow or soil. Wearing out rapidly. No physical separation of conflicting movements. Not effective under low visibility. Centerlines. Lane lines. Pavement edge lines. No passing zones. Lane reduction transitions. Stop lines. Crosswalks. Parking spaces. Curb marking. Etc. Object markings : Any dangerous obstruction close to the traveled way should be marked. (Bridge, trees, islands, signal support, etc) Marking shapes and color: diagonal black and white strips. - Delineators : Reflecting devices mounted at the road to indicate the roadway alignment especially at horizontal curves. - Studs (cat eyes): At ground reflecting devices used as centerlines, lanelines, and pavement edges. Figure 6.1: an example of pavement markings. Signs: 37 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Signs Classification : a. Regulatory signs: provide information about laws and regulation. 1. Right of way signs. 2. Speed signs. 3. Movement signs. 4. Parking signs. 5. Pedestrian signs. Figure 6.2: an example of regulatory signs. b. Warning signs: warn the drivers where caution is required. 38 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 1. Indicate changes in horizontal alignment. 2. Indicate intersections. 3. Warn that the drivers should expect TCD. 4. Warn converging traffic lanes. 5. Indicate narrow roadways. 6. Indicate changes in highway geometry. 7. Advise of unusual grades. 8. Advice at grade rail crossing. 9. Indicate sudden change in surface condition. 10. Indicate unexpected entrances and crossings. 11. Other signs (speed limit, animal crossing, etc). Figure 6.3: an example of warning signs. c. Guide signs: guide the drivers where to find routes and locate items. 1. Route markers. 39 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2. Direction and destination markers. 3. Information signs. Figure 6.4: an example of guide signs. 40 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 6.5: Examples, influence of cut height and slope on traversability 41 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Color code: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Black: regulation. White: regulation. Yellow: warning. Red: stop or prohibition. Green: direction guidance. Orange: temporary traffic control. Brown: recreational and cultural interest area guidance. Blue: road user services guidance, tourist’s information and evacuation routes. Etc. Channelization : - Using islands and lane markings to separate the intersecting, merging diverging, waving, and turning movements. - Advantages : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Separate through movement from opposite movements. Control the merging, diverging and crossing movements. Reduce paved areas. Refuge Island for pedestrian. Provide a space for signs. Provide storage lanes. TCD and conflict points: - TCD are used to reduce or/and organize the conflict points at intersections. - Three type of conflicts are : 1. Merging. 2. Diverging. 3. Crossing. - Number of conflicts depends on : 1. Number of approaches. 2. Turning movements. 3. Type of TCD. 42 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 6.6: conflict points at intersection (4-leg). eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 43 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.7 Traffic System Control Intersection types: 1. at grade intersection. 2. Grade separated interchange. 3. Grade separations without ramps. Figure 7.1: 4-leg intersections. 44 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 7.2: some types of interchanges. - Uses of interchanges: Trumpet and Y: 3-leg intersection. Diamond: Major X minor. Full cloverleaf: Major X Major. Directional: freeway X freeway. 45 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Intersection control types: 1. Yield signs: slow down to give right of way, stopping not mandatory. Used at minor roads with speed limit ≥ 10 mph and right turn lanes without acceleration lanes. 2. Stop signs: stopping is mandatory. Used at intersections with restricted view or high volumes or accidents. Two ways stop TWS: traffic on minor approaches stop. All Way Stop AWS: traffic on all approaches stop, used when traffic on all approaches are approximately equal. 3. Signals: used when necessary (8 warrants). Advantages of signals: 1. Orderly and coordinate movement of traffic. 2. Increases safety. Signal types : 1. Pre-timed: fixed time, use dials. 2. Semi-actuated: provide green time to the major street until detectors on minor street approaches actuate demand for signal. Provide minimum and maximum green for minor and minimum green for major. 3. Fully - actuated: detectors on all approaches, minimum and maximum green time on all approaches. 4. Volume-density: green times and cycle lengths are readjusted constantly, sensing devices measure volume and density. Signal warrants: A traffic control signal should be installed : 1. Unless one or more of (MUTCD) warrants are met. 46 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2. Engineering studies indicates that installing a signal will improve the overall safety or operation of the intersection. 3. If it will seriously disturb progressive traffic flow. Traffic signal warrants: Warrant 1:8-hour vehicular volume. Warrant 2: 4-hour vehicular volume. Warrant 3: peak hour. Warrant 4: pedestrian volume. Warrant 5: school crossing. Warrant 6: coordinated signal system. Warrant 7: crash experience. Warrant 8: roadway network. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 47 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.8 Design of highway facilities Highway design standards: - Design standards depend on functional classes. Freeways: high speeds, wide lanes, mostly straight horizontal and vertical alignment. Collector and local streets: low speeds, high access density, etc. Design level of service LOS: - Table 8.1: appropriate level of service for specifid combinations of area and terrain types. Functional class Rural level Rural rolling Rural mountainous Urban and sub urban freeway B B C C arterial B B C C collector C C D D local D D D D Geometric design elements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Alignments (horizontal / plan and vertical / profile). Cross section. Sight distance (stopping sight distance SSD and passing sight distance PSD). Intersections and interchanges. Other facilities (drainage, medians, parking, pedestrian and bicycle needs, and buses lane). Horizontal alignment: Figure 8.1: Elements of a circular curve. 48 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Consists of series of tangents connected by circular curves. The alignments must be continues, without sudden changes which may be dangers to drivers. In the design of highway curves , it is necessary to consider : 1. Design speed (V). 2. Degree of curvature (radius R). 3. Super elevation (e). 𝐑𝐦𝐢𝐧 = ( 𝐕² ) 𝟏𝟐𝟕(𝐞 + 𝐟) Where: Rmin: Minimum Radius for Road Curves (m). V: Design Speed (km/h). e: Cross fall of road or the maximum super elevation (%/100). The value of e may represent the simple removal of adverse cross fall or include super elevation (e = positive for cross slopes sloping down towards the inside of the curve and otherwise negative). f: Coefficient of side friction force developed between the vehicle’s tires and road pavement (see Table 8.2 ). Table 8.2: Side friction factors for different design speeds Design Speed (km/h) Limiting value of (f) 30 0.17 40 0.17 50 0.16 60 0.15 70 0.14 80 0.14 90 0.13 100 0.12 110 0.11 120 0.09 49 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 8.2: central force - Vehicles enter or leave circular curves following transition paths, at high speeds the transition paths may mix lanes and create hazardous conditions. - Spiral curves are used to connect tangents with simple curves, which help in widening the pavement around the circular curve and give a desirable arrangement for super elevation run off. Figure 8.3: super elevation 50 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 8.4: elements of super elevation. - The length of super elevation run-off is given by the formula: Lr = ( Where: (w ∗ n1) ∗ ed ) ∗ (bw) Δs Lr : Length of super elevation runoff (m). ed : Value of design super elevation in percent. Δs : rate of change of super elevation (relative gradient) in percentage as given in Table 3.3 w : width of one traffic lane, m. n1 : number of lanes rotated. bw : adjustment factor for number of lanes rotated (Table 3.4) Table 8.3: Maximum and Minimum rate of Change of Super elevation. Design Speed Km/h Max. Δs (%) Min. Δs (%) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 51 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Table 8.4: Adjustment Factors for Number of Lanes Rotated - Number of lanes Rotated Adjustment Factor 1 2 3 1.00 0.75 0.67 Length Increase Relative to OneLane Rotated (=n1bw) 1.0 1.5 2.0 The minimum length of tangent run out is calculated by the formula below: Where: e0 Lt = ( ) ∗ (Lr) ed Lt : minimum length of tangent run out, m. Lr : Length of super elevation runoff. ed : Value of design super elevation in percent, %. e0 : Normal Cross Slope in percent, %. Ls = Lr + Lt Where: Ls : minimum length of spiral curve(m). Lr : minimum length of tangent run off, m. Lt : minimum length of tangent run out, m. Or 𝐿𝑠 = Where: Ls : minimum length of spiral curve(ft). V: Design Speed (mile/h). R: Radius for Road Curves (ft). C: constant rainging from 1 to 3. 52 3.15 V³ RC ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Vertical alignments : It is a series of a tangents grades connected by parabolic vertical curves. Figure 8.5: Vertical Curves in roads Table 8.5: Maximum Grades (%) Terrain 40 50 60 Flat 5 Rolling 7 6 8 Mountainous 10 9 8 Design Speed (km/h) 70 80 90 100 5 4 3.5 3 6 5 4.5 7 7 110 3 120 3 Table 8.6: Recommended standards for maximum grades, % Type of terrain Freeways Rural highways Urban highways Level 3-4 3-5 5-8 rolling 4-5 5–6 6-9 mountainous 5-6 5-8 8 - 11 53 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - In general: maximum grade = 8%. - the vertical curves lengths are related to K by the formula: L = KA Where: L = Length of vertical curve. K = Rate of vertical Curvature (the required length of crest/ sag curve to a 1% change in gradients) A = Algebraic difference between the gradients (g2-g1) Sight Distance SD: - It is the length of highway a head which is visible to the drivers. - Stopping sight distance SSD: is the sum of the perception reaction distance and the breaking distance. The minimum stopping sight distance a long highway should be long enough to permit a driver traveling at the design speed to stop in order to avoid hitting an object on the road. 𝒅 = 𝟏. 𝟒𝟕 𝑽 ∗ 𝒕 + Where: V : speed (mph) t: reaction time (sec) = 2.5 sec. f:coefficient of skidding friction. g:grade %. 54 𝑽² 𝟑𝟎(𝒇 ± 𝒈) ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Table 8.7: SSD on level terrain. Table 8.8: SSD on grade. 55 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Passing Sight Distance (PSD): is the minimum distance a head that must be clear to the driver on a passing maneuver. PSD is important in 2lane/2 way. The passing sight distance is generally determined by a formula with four components, as follows: d1 = initial maneuver distance, including a time for perception and reaction. d2 = distance during which passing vehicle is in the opposing lane. d3 = clearance distance between vehicles at the end of the maneuver. d4 = distance traversed by the opposing vehicle. Figure 8.6: Passing Sight Distances. 56 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 8.7: Passing Sight Distances elements. 57 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 8.8: Passing Sight Distances for design of 2lane/2way. Pavement cross sections: - Lane: 3.25m — 3.75 m (3.2 m — 3.6 m AASHTOO). Number of lanes ( approximate) : N = DDHV / SFLi DDHV = AADT * K * D Where: DDHV: directional design hourly volume (vehicle/hour). K: % of AADT in peak hour (0.1 for urban and 0.15 – 0.20 for rural). D: directional factor (0.5 for urban and 0.65 for rural). SFLi : lane service flow rate ( table 3.24) 58 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Table 8.9: Level-of-Service Criteria for Basic Freeway Sections 59 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Shoulder : ½ lane width (1.8 m) - Advantages of shoulder : 1. Increase safety. 2. Increase capacity. 3. Used as emergency lane. 4. Protect pavement layer from water. Etc. Parking lanes ( on street parking) : 2.5 m – 3.0 m Used in urban area. - Sidewalks : 1.5 m – 2.0 m - Used in dense pedestrian areas. Median ( in divided highway) : 1.5m – 20.0 m Median barriers are used with narrow median. Advantages of wide medians: 1. 2. 3. 4. - Future extension of lanes. Maintain vegetation. Reduce headlight glare of opposing traffic. Different elevation of the two adjacent roads that may provide lower cost and separate super elevation. Etc. Right Of Way ROW: make it as wide as possible, spatially in the rural areas. For 2lane/2way: (20 m – 30 m). for freeways: ( 60 – 100 m ) - pavement slopes ( crown):(2.0% -- 2.5 % for lane & 3.0 % – 3.5 % for shoulder ) Used for drainage purposes. - Road sides slopes : Side slop: next to the shoulder (6:1 --- 1.5:1) depending on the height of cutting. Back slope: next to the ditch in the cut section (4:1 – 1.5:1) depending on the soil properties. 60 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 8.9: Typical cross section for a dual carriageway, design class 1 Figure 8.10: Typical cross sections for two lane paved roads. - Curbs: used in urban and suburban roadways. If it closes to traffic lane: Low, flat, lip type, 45º. If it far from traffic lane: barrier type, 90º. 61 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Ditches: should be located beyond the shoulder limits and below pavement layers. Types: U-shape & V-shape. U-shape is safer and need less maintenance. - Other elements: Bike lane. Mail box turnouts. Border strip for utilities. Guardrails: used for fills having more than 2.5 m height and sharper than 3:1 slopes. When using guardrails, shoulder width should be extended 0.5 m or 2 ft more. Types of guardrails : 1. Steel (W-beam or Box). 2. Concrete. Automobile parking facilities: - Curb on street parking should be prohibited at: 1. Major Street. 2. Bus stops. 3. Pedestrian cross walk. 4. Fire plugs (5m). 5. Vicinity of intersection : UN signalized intersection: 10 m. Signalized intersection: 20 m. Driveways: 5m. - Parallel parking is preferred over angled parking for safety. Angled parking is preferred over parallel parking for capacity. Use diagonal 45º. - Marking the parking makes its use more efficient. 62 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Off – street parking: - Most important aspect is the choice of site. - Maximum walking distance accepted by parkers depends on : 1. Trip purpose: (office workers 150 m, shoppers 50 m). 2. City size: the smaller the city the shorter the accepted walking distance. 3. Cost of parking. - Parkers prefer parking facilities that are : 1. Close to destination. 2. Easily accessible. 3. Safe. 4. Cost little or no money. - Lay out of parking lots: Types : 1. 90º parking with two way traffic. 2. 45º - 75º parking with one way traffic. Stall width: 3.0 m. Stall depth: 6.0 m. - Parking dimensions are functions of the parking angles. - Best parking lay out depends on : 1. 2. 3. 4. Size and shape of the area. Type of facilities (self parking, attendant). Type of parker (short term, long term). Type of operation (one way, two ways). 63 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 8.11: parking stall layout elements. 64 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Garage design criteria: Single lane entrances and exits with 3.6m. Ceiling height of 2.5 m. Access between floors by : 1. Ramp: Rmin = 9m, width = 3.6 m. 2. Sloped floors: 4% for self parking, 10% for attendant. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 65 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.9 Highway safety Elements of highway system: 1. Road. 2. Vehicle. 3. Driver. 4. Pedestrian. - Current procedures for identifying accident – prone locations: Due to limited budgets, it is essential that agencies making highway safety improvements direct resources to real problem locations. - Procedures for identifying accident : 1. Spot maps. Marking the location of each accident on a map. A map hung on a wall with pins to mark accidents is useful. Computer graphics easily produce spot maps. Figure 9.1: Collision Diagram 66 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2. Accidents frequencies. Identify accident – prone locations through lists of locations (spot sections, intersections, etc) ranked by the number of reported accidents. 3. Accident rates. - Use data for last 5 years. A. For Highway section : - Accident rates in terms of accidents per 100 million vehicle miles using the formula : 𝑹𝑺𝑬𝑪 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑨 𝟑𝟔𝟓 ∗ 𝑻 ∗ 𝑽 ∗ 𝑳 Where: RSEC: accident rate for the section per 100 MVM. A: number of reported accidents. T: time frame of the analysis, years. V: AADT. L: length of section, mile. - B. For intersection : Accident rate in terms of accidents per 1 million entering vehicles ( per MEV) from the equation: 𝑹𝑴𝑬𝑽 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑨 𝟑𝟔𝟓 ∗ 𝑻 ∗ 𝑽 Where: RMEV: accident rate for the intersection per 1 MVE. A: number of reported accidents. T: time frame of the analysis, years. V: AADT. 4. Accounting for severity. Fatal accident F= 12 points (or 9.5 points, some country 8 points). Injury accidents I= 3 points (or 3.5 points). Equivalent Property Damage Only EPDO = 1 point. 67 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Table 9.1: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Summary of Accident Unit Costs, 2000 5. Classic statistical method. - After ranking locations of interest by frequency or rate (adjusting for severity if necessary), analysts could choose the top n locations for further detailed analysis. - Analysts will select a location if it satisfies the inequality : OBi ˃ XA + K*S Where: OB: accident frequency or rate at location i. XA: mean frequency or rate for all locations under consideration. K: constant corresponding to level of confidence. S: sample standard deviation for all locations. Table 9.2: Constant Corresponding to Level of Confidence. 68 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Example : Baghdad freeway has an accident rate of 210 accidents per 100 million vehicle miles (MVM) , the mean accident rate for all sections in the jurisdiction is 89 per 100 MVM and the standard deviation corresponding to this mean rate is 64 per 100 million MVM , should an analyst flag Baghdad street as hazardous with 90% confidence? Solution: OBi ˃ XA + K*S 300˃95 + (1.645 * 70) 210 ˃ 190 eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 69 the section is hazard. ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.10 Urban Mass Transit UMT Most recent urban public transport systems are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Articulated bus. Bus rapid transit BRT. Light rail transit LRT. Metro. Advantages of mass transit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High capacity. Energy efficiency. Less pollution. Reduce congestion. Lower cost. System classification: A. By route type : 1. Cross town. 2. Radial. 3. Circumferential. 4. Grid. B. By service : 1. 2. 3. 4. Residential collection system. Feeder system. Line-haul system. Down town distribution system. Performance measures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cost efficiency (cost per passenger mile). Labor productivity (passenger miles per employee). Energy efficiency (energy consumption per passenger mile). Accessibility (within walking distance). Quality of service (LOS: A-F based on travel time, % of trip on time). 70 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering System economics: - There are five categories of system economics : 1. Operating wages and benefits (straight time and overtime wages). 2. Transportation cost (fuel, maintenance, etc). 3. Vehicle costs (insurance, license, office expenditures, etc). 4. Fixed overhead costs (managements, office expenditures, etc). 5. Capital costs (depreciation…). Transit financing: 1. 2. 3. 4. General taxes (property, sales, and income taxes). Auto disincentive taxes (gasoline, registration, parking taxes). Direct benefit financing (local government subsides). Non-transit related taxes (cigarette taxes). Transit rate: F=Fb + K*N Where: F: fare to be paid. Fb: base fare. K: increment in price per zone. N: number of zones crossed. Types of bus service: 1. Local bus transit: provides service on city streets and subject to interferences from other traffic. 2. Rapid bus transit: has exclusive right of way and can maintain higher speeds. 3. Subscription bus service: works on a daily or weekly basis. 4. Dial – A- bus system: users call a central computer and request a bus, used for elderly and handicapped. 71 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering System components: - A. Bus transit vehicle: The transit bus has a seat capacity of ten or more passengers. For local busses, the area also provides space for standees in case of high demand. - Types of vehicles : 1. 2. 3. 4. Minibus (L= 6 m– 6.5 m, no. of seats = 16-24). Conventional (L= 10m-13m, no. of seats = 35-54). Articulated (L= 18m-20m, no. of seats = 35-70). Double deck (L=8m-10m, no. of seats = 50-90). B. Bus travel way : 1. Shared travel way (affected by traffic delay and congestion). 2. Reserved lanes (separated from other types of vehicles). 3. Bus streets. 4. Traffic signal preemption. - Warrants for reserved lanes : 1. Freeways: at least 300 busses during peak hour. 2. Urban streets: at least 30 busses during peak hour. C. Bus stop: - - - The main goals in planning and designing bus stops: 1. Provide direct bus access to and from express roads and bus ways. 2. Minimize bus layover in order to maximize berth capacity. 3. Separate loading from unloading operations. 4. Utilize each berth by minimizing the number of different routes. 5. Minimize walking distance to walking bus lines. 6. Utilize automobile parking to reduce bus mileage in low density residential areas. Maximum spacing of stops for local bus system is about 0.5 miles (750 m). Bus stops ( according to their location from intersections ) are : 1. Near side (the bus is going to turn right on the same intersection). 2. Far side (the bus is going to turn left on the next intersection). 3. Midblock (the bus is going straight or intersection stops are not possible). Special bus stop turnout is provided on freeways near park and ride services. 72 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Bus stop may have only a sign, a bench, or a shelter. Shelters may have advertising, telephones, scheduling information, etc. Operating characteristics: A. Service routes: - The factors that affect bus demand are : 1. Density of residential areas. 2. Non residential areas size and density. 3. Distance between residential and non residential areas. 4. Average auto ownership. 5. Level of service of the bus system. 6. Bus fares. - The factors that affect the bus route configurations: 1. The overall system service. 2. The geography of the area. 3. Streets available for bus use. 4. Other competing transit services in the area. - Route layouts: 1. Radial. 2. Circumferential. 3. Grid. B. Service frequency : f=n/N Where: f:frequency ( busses / hour). n:demand for service(passenger / hour). N: maximum number of passengers per bus ( bus capacity). h= T a + T b h:minimum headway between busses in minutes. Ta: average dwell time for alighting in seconds. Tb: average dwell time for boarding in seconds. - Dwell time: the total amount of time a bus spends at a bus stop. 73 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Tb=Aa+C……………for lighting only. Tb=Bb+C……………for boarding only. a,b : average alighting , boarding service time per passenger in seconds. A,B : alighting , boarding passengers per bus in peak 15 min. C: clearance time between successive busses in seconds. a= 1.5 - - 2.5 seconds. b= 2.5 – 3.5 seconds for fare collected by the drivers. = 1.5 – 2.5 seconds for fare collected before boarding. C=15 seconds. C. Service capacity : - The factors that affect the capacity of a bus way are: 1. Road way capacity. 2. Bus station platform capacity. 3. Headway. 4. Vehicle capacity : determined by: a. Seating capacity (number of seats). b. Standing capacity (number of standing considering health and safety standards). Ct = Ca + z*Cb Rc = 60 Ct / h Where: Ct: total vehicle capacity. Ca: vehicle seating capacity. Cb: ultimate vehicle standing capacity. Z: allowable fraction of ultimate vehicle standing capacity. Rc: maximum route capacity ( passengers / hour). h: minimum head way in minutes. D. Scheduling : - Where vehicle headways are greater than 10 minutes, the headway must be in 5 minutes increments (15, 20, 25, 30, etc). eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 74 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.11 Air Transportation Air craft characteristics: 1. Weight: affect the design of pavement thickness for run way, taxi way, and aprons. 2. Size: the aircraft length, width, and height affect the size of airport facilities (width of runway and taxiway, parking areas, hangers and maintenance sheds, turning radii, etc). 3. Capacity: passengers and cargo capacity affect the design of ground services (terminal size, baggage handling facilities, departure lounges, gate positions, etc). 4. Range: affect the frequency of operations. Figure 11.1: runway and taxiway. Runway length: - Until 1950’s piston aircraft needed runway length of 8000 ft. Large jet aircrafts needed runway length of 12000 ft. Jet aircrafts needed longer runways because : 1. Low thrust characteristics at low speeds. 2. Swept wings with high loadings. 75 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Using turbofans reduced the need for long runways since it increases the thrust capability. (In addition, turbofans decrease the noise levels). Passenger capacity: - - Increasing passenger capacity led to pedestrian congestions in air passenger terminals (departure and arrival lounges, baggage handling and access and egress procedures). Higher capacity aircrafts are motivated by reducing operating costs (labor, fuel, etc). Cruising speed: - B747: 550 mph. Concorde: 1450 mph. Future goal: 3000 mph, but this is not efficient due to the high cost and low fuel efficiency. Future trends in air transport characteristics: - The trend is to increase capacity and speed, but increasing in speed is not safe and is not economical. Airport planning and layout: - Airport demand depends on : 1. Population and their density. 2. Economic character. 3. Proximity to other airports. - Demand is referred to as annual passenger flow that is corrected to monthly, daily, peak day, and peak hour flow. 76 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Selection of airport site: desk study ( plans,wind direction , costs , etc) phisical inspections ( alternative sites) evaluation and recommendations ( 10 criteria) Figure 11.2: selection of airport site procedure given by Federal airports association FAA. - Evaluation and recommendation criteria : 1. Convenience to users (center of most cities). 2. Availability of land and its cost. 3. Design and layout of the airport (orientation). 4. Airspace obstruction (other airport, towers, etc). 5. Engineering factors (level topography). 6. Social and environment factors (noise and pollution). 7. Availability of utilities (water, electricity, etc). 8. Atmospheric conditions (fog, snow, dust, etc). 9. Hazard of birds. 10. Coordination with other airports. 77 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Runway orientation : Figure 11.3: runway orientation. - Aircrafts may not maneuver safely on a runway when the wind contains a large component at right angle to the direction of travel (crosswind). Cross wind speed component should be ≤ certain value according to the type of aircraft expected to use the airport. FAA standards: 95% of the time cross wind should be less than the maximum allowable. 78 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.4: wind speed and direction instrument. 79 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Wind Rose Method: A graphical procedure utilizing a wind rose is used to determine the best runway orientation. 10 years of wind observations are required. Wind data are arranged according to velocity, direction and frequency . Figure 11.5: wind rose method. - Steps to determine the best runway orientation and to determine the percentage of time that orientation conforms to the cross-wind standards: 1. Place the template on the wind rose so that the middle line passes through the center of the wind rose. 2. Rotate the template to get the maximum sum of percentages between the outside lines of the template. 3. Read the bearing of runway on the outer scale of the wind rose, beneath the centerline of the template. 4. Check cross-wind. 80 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Example: The table indicates the % of time wind velocity can be expected. Wind Direction N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW CALMS TOTAL Typical Wind Data Percentage of Winds 5-15mph 4.8 3.7 1.5 2.3 2.4 5 6.4 7.3 4.4 2.6 1.6 3.1 1.9 5.8 4.8 7.8 15-25mph 1.3 0.8 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.1 3.2 7.7 2.2 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.3 2.6 2.4 4.9 0-5 MPH 81 25-30mph 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 total 6.2 4.5 1.6 2.6 2.8 6.1 9.7 15.3 6.7 3.5 1.7 3.5 2.2 8.6 7.4 13.0 4.6 100% ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Objects affecting navigable airspace: - Obstacles should be removed or clearly marked. - FAA regulation defines imaginary surfaces free of objects hazardous to air navigation. 82 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.7: obstructions standard in the vicinity of airports. Obstacle height: Within 3 nautical miles a height of 200 ft above the established airport level (longest runway ˃ 3200 ft) and the height increases 100 ft for every 1 nautical mile up to max 500 ft. - Another methods: 1. Horizontal surface: horizontal plane 150 ft above airport elevation (radius= 5000 ft). 2. Conical surface: a surface extending outward and upward from horizontal surface at a slope of 20:1 for a horizontal distance of 4000 ft. 3. Primary surface: has the same elevation of the centerline of the runway and extend 200 ft beyond each end of the runway (width 250 to 500 ft based on type of runway). 4. Approach surface: inner edge of approach surface is the same width as the primary surface but it extends outward and upward with a slope based on runway type. 83 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 5. Transitional surface: surfaces with slope extend with a slope of 7: 1 from the sides of the primary surfaces to the sides of the approach surfaces. Figure 11.8: airway clearance requirements. Runway capacity: - Saturation capacity: maximum number of aircraft operations that can be handled during a given period under conditions of continues demand. - Runway capacity depends on: 1. Aircraft mix. 84 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 2. 3. 4. 5. Weather. Visual flight rules VFR or instrument flight rules IFR. Layout and design of the system. Arrival/departure ratio. - Air craft mix: 1. Class A: small engine aircraft (wt ≤ 12500 lb). 2. Class B: small multi engine aircraft (wt ≤ 12500 lb). 3. Class C: large aircraft (12500 lb ˂ wt ≤ 300000lb). 4. Class D: heavy aircraft (wt ˃ 300000lb). - Mix index = C% + 3*D% Table 11.1: airport capacities for long range planning purposes. 85 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Runway configuration: Best run way configuration depends on : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - Safety requirements. Wind direction. Topography. Available space shape and a mount. Airport design. Types of runway configuration : 1. Single. 2. Non-intersecting divergent runway. 3. Parallel runway. 4. Offset parallel. 5. Intersecting runway. . 86 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.9: Types of runway configuration: Figure 11.10: single runway. 87 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.11: Non-intersecting divergent runway. Figure 11.12: parallel runway. 88 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.13: offset parallel runway. Figure 11.14: intersecting runway. 89 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Airport passenger terminal area: - Terminal area includes: 1. Automobile parking lots. 2. Aircraft parking aprons. 3. Passenger terminal buildings. 4. Facilities for intra and inter terminal transportation. - Terminal area should accommodate peak hour traffic to avoid delay. Types of airports: 1. Utility airports: includes small buildings for commercial activities and maintenance and administration buildings for pilots, passengers and visitors. 2. Hub airports: large airports. Figure 11.15: typical air trip. 90 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Terminal planning and design: - Involves four organizations: 1. Airport owner: financing. 2. Federal government: immigration, customs, and inspection. 3. Airlines: each has its own needs. 4. Concessionaires: restaurants, shops, car rentals, etc. health Terminal layout concepts: - Design objectives : 1. Adequate space. 2. Flexibility to cope with technology. 3. Reduce walking distances for pedestrians and taxiing requirements for aircrafts. 4. Obtain revenues. 5. Acceptable working environment for airport and walking staff. Terminal layout schemes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Frontal (queen alia). Pier finger. Satellite (Los Angeles). Remote apron (Jeddah). Remote pier (linear). Remote pier (cruciform), (Atlanta). Gate arrival (Chicago). 91 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.16: Terminal layout schemes. Intra and inter terminal transportation: - Results of a study: 1. Average walking distance to nearest gate = 565 ft. 2. Average walking distance to farthest gate = 1342 ft. 3. Average walking distance between airlines = 4091 ft. - Large airports use: moving sidewalks, vehicle system, and mobile lounges. 92 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Automotive parking and circulation needs: - More than 50 % of passengers use cars to or from airports. Parking spacing should be within 400 ft from terminal building (maximum 1000 ft). Multi level parking structures are used. - Parking users: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Passengers. Visitors brining passengers. Employees. Business callers. Rental cars and taxis. - Spaces for employees can be far by providing shuttle busses. - Vehicular circulation: 1. Counter clockwise. 2. One way. 3. No at grade intersection. - Curb parking should be provided for pickup and drop off. Terminal apron space requirements: - Apron: an area for parking of aircraft. - Size of gate positions depends on size and maneuverability of aircraft. - Number of gate ( stand ) positions depends on : 1. The peak volume of aircraft to be served. 2. How long each aircraft occupies a gate position. - Gate occupancy time depends on : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Type of air craft. Number of passengers. Amount of baggage. Magnitude and nature of other services required. Efficiency of apron personal. 93 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Required number of stands ( USA standards) , n = V*T/ U Where: V: design hour volume for departures or arrivals (aircraft / hour). T: weighted mean stand occupancy (hour). U: utilization factors (0.6 – 0.8). - Required number of stands ( European standards) , n = M*Q*T Where: M: design hour volume for departures or arrivals (aircraft / hour). Q: proportions of arrivals to total movements. T: mean stand occupancy (hour). - Future stands ={ ( present stands – 2 ) * - Aircraft parking configurations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠 Perpendicular Nose in. Perpendicular Nose out. Parallel. Angled Nose in. Angled Nose out. Figure 11.17: aircraft parking types. 94 }+2 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Terminal building: - Space should be provided for : 1. Facilities for passengers : tickets sales , waiting areas , baggage checking and calming , security , flight information , telephones , gift shops , car rentals , medical services , hotels , motels , restaurants , barbers , shops , etc. 2. Aircraft operations: communication center, operation rooms for crews. 3. Airport operations and maintenance: air traffic control, ground traffic control, airport administration, FAA offices, airport maintenance, fire protection, utilities. Design considerations: - Terminal building should be flexible for future expansion (staged design, using partitions, etc). Use multi level buildings for passenger’s circulation. Figure 11.18: apron terminal area. 95 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.19: general aviation terminal area. 96 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Figure 11.20: Passenger flow diagram for U.S. domestic arrivals and departures eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh 97 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering CH.12 Rail Transportation Service characteristics of rail transportation : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Service safety. Travel speed. Performance reliability. Comfort and convenience. Travel cost. Rail road locomotives: - Engine types: 1. Electric. 2. Diesel-electric. 3. Steam. 4. Gas-turbine-electric. 5. Diesel-hydraulic. Etc. - Intra city (urban) rail service: closely spaced stations require the train to accelerate and decelerate between stations causing delay and low speed. - Intercity rail service: large distances between stations help the train to keep higher speeds without the need to accelerate or decelerate. Factors affecting the transit car selection: 1. 2. 3. 4. - Acceleration rate. Station spacing. Speed capability. Overall line- haul travel speeds. Maximum allowable acceleration rate : 8 ft/s² (all seated). 5 ft/s² (standees are expected). 98 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Rail way design: - The rail travel way (track) consists of two steel rails at fixed distance a part. - The rails are anchored to cross ties which are set in a bed of gravel. - +Generally railroads are built at land surface. - At crossing waterways and valleys, and through mountains bridges and tunnels are used. Route selection: - Avoid places to frequent slides and rock falls. River and stream crossings should be made as far upstream as conditions permit. Number of crossings of highways and other rail lines should be minimized. Provide good drainage. Soil study and sub grade: - Soil analysis is related to the design of rail road travel ways. Sub grade is the foundation on which the roadway is constructed. Soils represent the material of which the road bed is constructed. Rail way cross section: - Sub grade width: In fill areas: 22 ft (height ˂ 20 ft). 24 ft (20 ≤ height ≤ 50 ft). 26 ft (height ˃ 50 ft). In cut area: 30 – 40 ft (may be more in open area). Cross section elements: 1. Ballast. - Ballast is the material in which the track structure is imbedded for the purpose of holding the track to line and grade. 99 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Material: crushed stone and washed river gravel. - Grain size: 1.5 – 1.75 inches. - Sub ballast: used when ballast material is expensive, there is a short of supply, or very low sub grade quality exists. - Ballast depth: 6 – 30 inches depending on wheel loading, traffic density and speed, type and condition of foundation. - Sub ballast depth: 12 inches. - Ballast quality standards should be tested for : - a. b. c. d. Wear resistance. Cleanness. Frost resistance. Unit weight. a. b. c. d. e. Distribute wheel loading. Anchor the track. Provide immediate drainage. Minimize dust. Inhibits vegetation. Ballast is used for : 2. Cross ties (sleepers). - Materials : a. Treated wood. b. Concrete (pre-stressed and reinforced). - Section: (6 x 6 inch) up to (7 x 9 inches). - Length: 8, 8.5 and 9 ft. - Average spacing: 21 inch. - Function of crossties: a. Spreading loads to ballast. b. Providing correct gage between rails. c. Anchoring the track. 100 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering d. Making the needed adjustments to vertical profile. 3. Rails. - Continuous inverted T-shape steel beam. - Function: transmits loads to crossties via tie plates and fastenings. - Length: 1440 ft (in the past 39 ft). - Advantages of long rails: a. Less maintenance costs. b. Higher speeds are allowed. c. Less damage. d. Smoother ride. - Rail gage: 4 ft + 8.5 inch. 4. Tie plates. - Laid on the crossties under rails. - Dimensions: (7 inch – 8 inch) x (10 inch – 14 inch) x (0.56 inch – 1 inch). - Functions : a. Preventing damage to the wood crossties by distributing the wheel loads. b. Holding the rails to proper gage. c. Offsetting the outward lateral thrust of the wheel loads. 5. Fastenings. - Used to anchor the tie plates to the crossties. 6. Rail anchors. - Used to anchor the rails to the ballast in order to reduce the longitudinal movements and control the temperature expansions of rails. 7. Rail joints. 101 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Functions: a. Provide smooth continuity of rail ends. b. Transfer the wheel loads between rail ends. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh CH.13 102 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Water Transportation Introduction: - Water mode of transportation was available 8000 years ago. - 99% of overseas freight transportation use ships because: 1. It has the lowest cost. 2. It is the most suitable mode for commodities that have large volumes and heavy weights. - In water transportation, time should not be critical. - Example of cargo: 1. Petroleum products. 2. Coal. 3. Machinery. 4. Vehicles and parts. 5. Wood. 6. Containers (large scale). Waterborne vessels (ships): - Trend: towards automation. - Automation advantages: 1. More efficiency. 2. Less labor costs. - Automation disadvantages: 1. Low adaptability to other uses. 2. Risks the rapid technological obsolescence. Principle classes of service for shipping industry: 1. Linear service: predetermined schedules between specific ports. 2. Non-linear service: no schedules, chartering and special voyages. 3. Tanker service: for the carriage of liquid cargo. Passenger ships: 103 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Few passenger ships remain in service due its low speeds compared with other modes of transportation. Types of passenger ships: 1. Passenger ferries (for short distance). 2. Cruising ships (for recreation). General cargo ships: - Trend is increasing the size and speed. Bulk carriers: - Used for carrying the ore and coal. Tankers: - Liquid cargo (oil, asphalt, gasoline, chemicals, etc.). - Trends: increase the capacity (from 600000 ton to 1000000 ton). Spatial ships: - Container ships: carries containers with standard size. (Example: 8*8*20 ft). - Barge carrying ships: carries its loading and unloading equipments. - Roll on – roll off ships: carries loaded pickups and trucks. Ships characteristics: 1. Dimensions: Length: governs the length and layout of the sea port terminal. Beam: governs the width of channels and basins, and cargo handling equipments. Draft: governs the depths of channels, basins, and ports. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cargo carrying capacity. Cargo handling (crane, pumps). Types of cargo. Shape. Mooring equipment. Maneuverability. Design of harbors: 104 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering - Harbor: partially enclosed water area to protect ships from waves and winds and control the erosion of the beach. - Port: portion of the harbor for commercial activities. Environmental consideration: - Winds: - Cause horizontal forces on all structures at the boundaries of the port. Current : - Cause horizontal forces on all structures above water level. Waves : - Protection should be provided against biological (termites attack wood) and chemical (rust of steel) factors. Similar to waves but has lower speed. Tide : - Rising and falling of water surface ( caused by the gravitational attractions of the moon and the sun. Classes of harbors: - According to structures: 1. Natural: formed in bays and inlets. 2. Artificial: using artificial structures. - According to uses : 1. Commercial: for trade. 2. Military: navy. Desirable features of harbor site: 105 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sufficient depth (21 – 37 ft up to 94 ft for tankers). Secure anchorage. Adequate anchorage area. Narrow channel entrance. Protection against wave action. Good soil conditions (firm and cohesive). shape and size of anchorage area depend on : 1. Maximum number of ships to be served. 2. Ship sizes. 3. Mooring method (single or tow anchors). 4. Maneuverability requirements. 5. Topography. Rule of thumb: Width of entrance = length of largest ship. Breakwaters and jetties: - - Breakwaters: built parallel to the shorelines to protect the shore area from waves. Jutties: built perpendicular to the shoreline to maintain a protected entrance channel. Breakwater types: 1. Rubble mound (large stone): natural or artificial (concrete units). 2. Wall breakwaters : made of : a. Timber cribs filled with large stones. b. Concrete caissons filled with sand. c. Sheet pilling. 3. Composite: both 1 and 2. The number of berths required to be determined using the Poisson probability distribution: 106 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering 𝑷𝒏 = (𝑻 (𝒏 )ʱ𝒆−𝒏 ) / h! Where: Pn : probability of the number of the units of time that h ships are present during T time – units. n: the average number of ships present. e: 2.71828 The annual port capacity Q in tons is given by the following equation: Q = Nb * R * T (% occupancy / 100) Where: Nb: number of berths. R: annual average cargo handling rate per berth (tons/day). T: time period, usually 365 days. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh CH.14 107 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) - The ITS started by IVHS. - Goal: to improve transportation safety and efficiency using the current and emerging technologies (information processing, communications, control, electronics, etc). - IVHS: using the available technologies to improve the efficiency and safety of traffic operation by automating the driving of the vehicles on the highways through automation of the longitudinal control, communication and steering providing very short and safe headway. - Produced headways are expected to be as short as 0.5 sec providing lane capacity of 7200 vph. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS): - ITS: used to benefits from the new technologies in all transportation systems. ITS has the following major areas: 1. Travel management: a. Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS): network detection, traffic assignment, real time adaptive signals control, incident detection, ramp metering, electronic toll collection, congestion management. b. Advanced Traffic Information Systems ( ATIS): Navigation information by in car screen or radio. Changeable messages signs (speed, weather, engine conditions, vehicle locations, route guidance, shops, etc). c. Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS): Traveler information (TV, internet). Electronic fare payment. Priority at signals. Automatic vehicle location (AVL). d. Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS): Traveler information for rural roads. Safety and incident detection. 108 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering Medical and emergency services. 2. Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO): One time stopping for information and weight check. Technology desired to reduce cost , enhance driver safety , and improve service to customers. 3. Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems (AVCSS): Better control of vehicle, such as antilock brakes, and automatic cruise control. In future detect the edge of the lane or other vehicles and alert the driver or make steering or baking corrections automatically. In future, allow reduced vehicle spacing and increase capacity. 4. Automated Highway Systems (AHS): Another name for IVHS based on automated driving (easily controlled at roadway segments but not at intersections). Challenges and problems for AHS (IVHS) : 1. Cost. 2. Legal issues: who is responsible for accidents? 3. Performance of old cars. eng. Ra'id Arrhaibeh جامعة ال البيت االردنية 109 ENG. RA'ID ARRHAIBEH Transportation Engineering كلية الهندسة قسم الهندسة المدنية هـندســــــــــة المواصــــــالت )(0704381 للمهندس :رائد محمد الرحيبة الفصل الدراسي الثاني 5102 – 5102 / الطبعة الثانية 110