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Design Load Calculations for Cubicle - Seismic & Live Loads

1.1 Dead load calculations:
3 CT’s = 28 * 3 = 84 kgf or 824 N
9 CT’s = 54 * 9 = 486 kgf or 4767.66 N
NGR = 70 kgf or 686.7 N
NGT = 600 kgf or 5886 N
Junction box 1 = 55 kgf or 539.55 N
Junction box 2 = 20 kgf or 196.2 N
Insulators = 1 * 4 = 4 kgf or 39.24 N
Seal of bush = 5 kgf or 49.05 N
CU bar = 4 kgf or 39.24 N
Heaters = 8 * 4 = 32 kgf or 314 N
Earth bus bars = 25 kgf or 245.25 N
Other components lump sum = 15 kgf or 147.15 N
Total weight of components =10100 kgf or 99081 N
Total weight of Bottom Mount for C103 Cubicle = 10100 kgf or 99081 N
1.2 Floor live load:
Floor live load intensity = 150 kgf/m2 (Assumed)
Floor area of cubicle = 8.6868 m2
Floor live load = 150 *8.6868 = 1303.02 kgf or 12,782.62 N
Therefore, total floor live load = 1303.02 kgf or 12,782.62 N
1.3 Seismic load:
Taiwan Building Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary, 2011 (SDSCB)
Occupancy Type: First category
Importance Factor: 1.5
Ground Type: III
SSD = 0.8
S1D = 0.45
SSM = 1.0
S1M = 0.55
Near Fault adjustment based on SDSCB: Tachia Active Fault
Distance: 8 km (Approximately)
NA = 1.10, NV=1.15, Fa=1.0, Fv=1.5 (design level earthquake)
NA = 1.05, NV=1.15, Fa=1.0, Fv=1.4 (Maximum Considered Earthquake, MCE)
The skid will be transported to the site of operation by road truck, rail car, vessel crane, and
lift truck. All of these modes shall be considered in the design and construction of the
equipment so that the equipment arrives at the site of operation in an undamaged condition,
ready to be assembled and operated. The system shall be designed to take a loading up to
2.5 G in all directions during shipment (not including glass or plastic).
Seismic Design Base Shear for General Sites:
In the current seismic building code in Taiwan, the elastic seismic demand is represented by
the design spectral response acceleration, SaD corresponding to a uniform seismic hazard
level of 10% probability of exceedance within 50 years. Based on the uniform hazard
analysis, the mapped design 5% damped spectral response acceleration at short periods
(SsD) and at 1 second (S1D) have been tabulated for each municipal unit of village, town or
city level. For the sake of simplicity, only four levels of S sD and S1D were defined for both the
10/15 and the 2/50 hazard levels as shown in Table 1.
The mapped spectral response acceleration parameters must be modified using the site
coefficients in order to include the local site effects. Thus the site-adjusted spectral response
accelerations at short periods (SDS) and at 1.0 second (SD1) are expressed as:
Where site coefficients Fa and Fv are given in Tables 2 and 3. These coefficients are functions
of the soil type and the mapped spectral response acceleration parameters, S sD for Fa and
S1D for Fv, respectively. From the above provisions it is evident that the non linear
amplification effects of soil layers have been considered.
Based on the soil structure in the upper 30 meters below the ground surface, a given site can
be classified into one of the three classes using the V S30 –method, as shown in Table 3. The
site class parameter VS30 is defined as the averaged shear wave velocity for all soil layers in
the top 30 meters, and is determined by:
Where Vsi is the shear wave velocity, and di is the thickness of any soil layer in the top 30
meters. The shear wave velocity at any soil layer can be obtained from the PS logging data,
or estimated by the following equations:
Where Ni is the standard penetration resistance as measured in the field without corrections,
and qui is the unconfined compression strength (in kgf/cm 2)
Based on the site adjusted spectral response acceleration parameters SDS and SD1, the
design spectral response acceleration SaD for a given structure can be developed by using
the following:
Where T is the structure’s fundamental period given in seconds. The shape of the design
response spectrum is illustrated in Fig. 1. The fundamental period can be determined by the
following approximate equations:
(1) Moment resisting frame systems not enclosed or adjoined by more rigid components
that will prevent the frames from deflecting under seismic forces:
Steel moment-resisting frame: T= 0.085hn3/4
RC or SRC moment-resisting frame: T= 0.07hn3/4
(2) Eccentrically braced steel frames: T= 0.07hn3/4
(3) Others: T=0.05hn3/4
Where hn is the height (in meters) of the building above the base in addition the
fundamental period can also be estimated by a properly sub stained analysis.
However the estimated period shall not exceed the product of the approximate
fundamental period and the coefficient for the upper limit of the calculated period
Mapped spectral response accelerations for short period, SS=0.093 g
Mapped spectral response accelerations for a 1-sec period, S1=0.055 g
Occupancy Type: Category III
Site classification: D
Site specifications:
Maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration for short period,
[Ref. 1 & 2]
= 1.6 * 0.093 = 0.15 g (Table 11.4-1)
Maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at 1-sec period,
SM1= Fv* S1
= 2.4 * 0.055 = 0.13 g (Table 11.4-2)
Design spectral response acceleration parameters
5% damped design spectral response acceleration at short period,
* 0.15 = 0.1g
5% damped design spectral response acceleration at 1-sec period,
SD1 =
* SM1
* 0.13 = 0.087 g
Design spectral response acceleration (Sa)
1) For periods less than or equal to TO
Sa =
0.6 *
* T  0.4 * S DS
2) For periods greater than or equal to TO
3) For periods greater than TS
Sa =
TO = 0.2*
TS =
S D1
S D1
= 0.2*
= 0.174
S D1 0.087
= 0.87
From section as per equation, 12.8-7, CT =0.0488,
x=3/4=0.75 as per Table 12.8-2 (for all other structural systems)
Ta = CT*(Hn)3/4
= 0.0488* (2.845)3/4
= 0.1069
Since SD1 = 0.087 01, Cu = 1.7
T = CU * Ta
= 1.7 * 0.1069
= 0.181
Since, T > To
Sa = SDS = 0.1 g
Design base shear, Vb = [SDS/(R/Ie)] * W
[Ref. 1 & 2]
R = 2.5, the response modification factor [Table 12.2-1]
Ie = 1.25, occupancy importance factor [Table 1.5-2]
W = 2900 Kgf, the effective seismic weight of the structure,
Design base shear, Vb = [0.1g/ (1.25/1.25)] * W
Vb = 0.1g * W = 0.1 * 2900 = 290 kgf or 2845 N
Earthquake or seismic load, E =  * Vb + 0.2 SDS * D
[Ref. 1 & 2]
 = redundancy/reliability factor = 1
SDS = design spectral response acceleration = 0.1g
Vb = the earthquake loads due to base shear, V or the design lateral force, Fp
D = effect of dead load = 2900 kgf
E = 1.0 * 290 + 0.2 * 0.1 * 2900
= 348 kgf or 3414 N or 0.12 g
(0.12 g in Horizontal direction and 0.02 g in vertical direction)
1.6 Load cases considered:
Load case 1: Dead Load
Load case 2: Roof live Load
Load case 3: Snow Load
Load case 4: Wind Load-X
Load case 5: Wind Load-Y
Load case 6: Seismic -X
Load case 7: Seismic -Y
Load case 8: Seismic –Z (+ve)
Load case 9: Seismic –Z (-ve)
Load combinations considered as per ASCE-07-2010:
Load combination 10 [1]:
1.2*Dead load + 1.6*Roof Live load + 0.5*Snow load
Load combination 11 [2]:
1.2*Dead load + 1.6*Wind (X+Y) + 0.5*Roof Live load + 0.5*Snow load
Load combination 12 [3]:
1.2*Dead load + 1.0*Seismic (X+Y+Z) + 0.5*Roof Live load + 0.2*Snow load