Implementation of Best Practices for Improvements in Reformer Performance and Reliability Ya,a imernationai operates manu/acluring/acilities globally which include twelve operating ammonia plants. Ya,a has developed a global best practice document which outlines the important parameters to be used in managing the reform ers within these plants for efficient, safe, and reliable operation. Quest Integrity has assisted Yara in the implementation of elements o/Steam Reformer Best Practice to have Q l..'onsistent approach to the strategic management o/their sleam reformers worldwide. This paper discusses the best practice elements of the Yara Reformer Catalyst Tube Lifecycle Management and the management process used to implement these objectives. Included in the paper are examples offacility training performed for plant operators and reliability groups, implementation of reformer tube temperature management, and performance and reliability of monitoring performed for steam reformers. The paper will conclude with the short and long-term benefits to Yara as realized through tlris implementation. Giuseppe Franceschini Process Owner Inspection, Yara International James R. Widrig Manager, Advanced Engineering, Quest Integrity, LLC J fonn and could be improved. The number and frequency of tube failures occurring at some of the sites was indicative of the improvement opportunity. More efficient, safe and reliable operation of these assets was viewed as criti cal to the company's success and reason for the focus on a spec ific best practice. Quest Integrity was recognized by Yara for their reliability expertise in the ammonia and broader syngas industry, specific servi ce and technology for reformers, and as a Introduction T he implementation of a best practice fo r the life cycle management of reformer tubes was an enterpri se-wide goal for Yara International. Yara management recognized that they operated a large number of steam-methane reformers (refonners) globally and the management of these assets was not uni- 2015 115 AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL provider of world class products and services. Together, Yara and Quest Integrity developed a project scope and a plan to provide training for operators and reliability groups, implementation of tube temperature management, and reforme r performance and reliability surveys of this global set of assets. These best practice program elements of Reformer Care were implemented for all of the Yara International reformer assets during the time span ofmid-20l3 to early 20 15. Basic Elements of Yara Catalyst Tubes Management Best Practice Reformer catalyst tube reliability involves the whole Production Facility Organization (Inspection, Production, and Maintenance) in order to systematically address all the phases of the tube life-cycle. Yara' s approach to the life cycle management of reformer tubes, as documented in the best practice document Yara BP63 (BP63), involves training of personnel at both an operating and management level to ensure that they have an understanding of materials, common damage mechanisms, and inspection and monitoring techniques. This knowledge is used to evaluate manufacturing or fabrication deficiencies, deterioration or damage in service and the life cycle effects of operation deviations. The goal is to make optimum use of the refonuer tubes (plus the pigtai ls and headers) over the expected li fe and avoid untime ly and costly premature failures. Overview of Yara Reformers Yara has 12 operating ammonia plants located worldwide. These ammonia plants and reformers vary in process technology, reformer design, capacity, and age as well as production efficiency and reliabi lity. The reformers are a combination of Top-Fired, Side-Fired and Terrace Wall designs (Table I). The oldest reformer in the system is the Yara Le Havre, France, reformer commissioned in 1967 and the newest reformer is the Yara Tertre, Belgium, reformer commissioned/rebuilt in 20 I0 following a firebox explosion. There are a total of 3, 180 tubes in these 12 reformers. The oldest tubes were installed in 1977 in Porsgrunn, Norway, and Ferrara, Italy. The average age of the installed reformer tubes is around 20 years. R. Io ...... '''' Bell. Pial .... 036001 F. rrara . B201 Side· FlIOI Pilbara, 101-MP FIIlId P ..... gNnn , F201 Slul. kll. H401 Slul. kll. "~, T. r1 .., BIOI Tr1nldad, H2030 Tr1nldad, "'" Trinidad, H901D ,, -'',,,-Side· L"Hn ·r•• Slul. kll. H301 ,,'- Side· Side· ".... ,,'" Side· .... Terrace W.II Terrace W. II Yea. buill '"~ ~~n '"~ Design TulH. 4.16 "' ". {MP'I m, ." 1975 '" 3.73 HK40 '" 3.80 ~, 4.0 1 '" 3.30 "' "' "' "' "' "' ,~. ,,~ m' 1983 1987 ". ". ". ." ,.g 3.62 3.62 ,.~ "" '" 3.79 1986 3.76 ~, HOof TuIHMa· ter1a l P Modified Modified Modlfifll '" ,~ ,~ Modified '" Modified '" Modified Modified "' Modified "' "' "' Specific steps are defined and accomplished to manage reformer tubes over each operating cycle fo r the reformer. The operating cycle is defined as the period of time between two consecutive turnarounds, typically 4 or 5 years (Figure I). These asset management steps include an initial survey of the reformer conditions during operation soon after start-up, continuing visual inspection and tube temperature surveys on a regular basis, life assessment of reformer tubes and components prior to a scheduled turnaround, inspection and assessment during a turnarounds, and careful observation and execution of start-up and commissioning (Table 2). The cycle of the activities is then repeated. 1.Operlltion: Sta rt-up Acfivilies: " 2 ". 5. T/A e.>tecution Acfivilies: B, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,~ '" Modified '" Modified '" ... Operation: TlA preparation (typica lly 1 yearbelore TIA) Acfiviries: 6, 7 ". '" "" '" Table I. OvervIew ofYara reform ers Terrace Wall AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL 2. Operation: lew weeks after start-up Activities: 14 J. Operation: NNormal" Acfiviries: 5 Figure I. Catalyst tube operating cycle Modified 116 2015 Pha5e Activity Respon5ible 1.0peratioo: Start-up 1. Regular and frequent vlSlJallnspeclions of the tube to avoid over-flring during start-up 2. If the loca l firing is reduced (to bealty decrease the tube temperature) it is advisable not increasing the genera l level of fi ring in order to avoid the "wind-6own" effect 1. 2 First Line Maintenance (operationa l personnel. Production) 3. On-line reformer survey few weeks after TIA a. Physical condition of the bume.-s b. Bowing evidence and colour variation between the rerom-tubes c. RefractO!)' condition d. Reformer operaUng parameters as compared to the design basis e. Maximum allowable temperature (MAT) calculation f. Tube metal temperature meaSlJrements Vs MAT g. Temperature spread between reformer tubes h. Carbon formation margin Monrtoring catalyst performa nce· activity and pressure drop are within expectations for a catalyst of a given age j . Combusbon survey 2. Operation: few weeks after start-up 3, 4. First Line Maintenance (operationa l personnel. Production )" Extemal Specialized Contractor , 4. Fumace balancing 5. On-line inspection and monitoring: a. Visua l inspecUon (every sh ift) · L Sign ifICant colour variations or presence of hot bands ii iii. 3. Operation· "Normal" " " Sa. First Line Maintenence Tubes away from each other, tube bowing SignifICant tube bent resuHing in a horizontal displacement Burner. evidence of backfiring. fou ling or deposit Refractory damage (operationa l personnel , Production) 5b. First Line Maintenance (operationa l personnel. Production) b. Tube temperature measurement with an optical pyrometer (every month) 5c Inspection c. Tube temperature analysis and operation recommendation development (every mont h) L Temperature spread among the tubes Vs maximum recommended spread (50"C) ii Maximum skin metal temperature values Vs MAT 6. Preliminary tube residual me assessment. damage ctass projection. prel iminary lubes retirement planning (preliminary estimation of the number of tubes 10 be replaced at next TIA) 4. Operation: TIA preparation (typOcally 1 year before TIA) 7. Tube purchasing : Quality Control 6.7. Inspection and Maintenance a. Accurate Manufacturer selection b. Certificate and NOT report revKiw c_Workshop visrt d.IO Lase~ baseline meaSlJrement 8 _TIA catalyst tube inspection· 8 _Maintenance. Inspection + Extemal SpecialiZed Contractor a.lf catalyst is replaced (10 access) 10 Laser Profile + EC b _11 catalyst is not replaced. (00 access): 00 Laser Profile + EC 9. Reformer tubes cond ition assessment: coupling inspection and residua l life calculation , damage class projection at the next operating period, applying retirement criteria 10. Reporting reformer tubes condition assessment results: reformer tubes creep damage class mapping 5 _TIA execution " " " Tubes replacement according to assessment results at point 10 above Metallurgical analysis of retired tube samples Cil-l<Il~1 <;hil-rging: instrument pressv~ to oonfirm the creep damage class QrQP meil-"I,"ement Qf Ci!-lil-I~t in e~ t\lbe with PQrtil-ble 14 Burners: visuil-I inspection. maintenance il-nd testing beforE! sl<lrt-up to avoid Ioc<II overhealing due to burners malfunctioning 9. Inspection .. Extemal Specialized Contractor 10_Inspection + Extemal Specialized Contractor " Maintenanoe 12: Inspection + Extemal Specialized Contractor 13: First Line Maintenance (operationa l personnel. Production) + Extemal Specialized Contractor 14. Maintenance Table 2. Catalyst tubes management actlvlfles 2015 117 AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL During the 201 3 survey, a Cost-Benefit analysis was performed to estimate the potential benefit of a full and unifonn implementation of BP63. Thi s analysis was executed according to API 581 [2] ca lcu lating the tube probabi lity of failure due to creep in the follo wing 2 conditions: Reformer Survey and Cost-Benefit Analysis - Why Yara asked for assistance for its BP63 implementation In 20 13, two years after the deve lopment of BP63, Yara performed a survey on all of the reformer assets. From the survey, Yara recognized that the management of these assets was not unifonn and could be improved (Table 3). The catalyst tubes failure hi story data included in the survey detennined that an average of 8 tube failures every 3 years were occurring (not inc luding tube fai lures due to incidents/trips), It was also clear that the a reas with the greatest room for improvement were the temperature monitoring progra m and the residual life assessment of the catalyst tubes. • • Full impl ementation of Yara BP63: " hi ghly effective" inspecti on, monitoring and assessment program 2013 Basis or actual situation: "fairly effective" inspection, monitoring and assessment program The result of the analysis showed a significant potentia l benefit (Table 4). Number of fa ilures il J yeiltS {cillcuJarion ilccot;(/ing 10 AP1581 : comlf'mH( illhe ilClUillslluarion, by retexmer survey) CalOJlaled failulefreQl.Jl!ncy. lf2 [n'oflailures /(years • n' of tubes )] Full implemenla~c:noIYara SP63 (high ty ellective inspection ITKInnoringandassessmel1) • 5.84E.()4 CalOJlaled failureheQUency. 1f1(n' offailures /{ye ars 'n' oltubes)] 2013, Actual situ abon (fairly effective inspection, monitorl1g and assessment) 2.77E'()3 Tolal number of tubes 3180 EsUmaled number of tubes with ITKIre than 25 years 01 service, n ,5< TIme period forthe Cost.senelit analysis,t [Years] 3 Tube failures in 3years, F2 ,,112' t ' n Full implemenlatic:noIYaraSP63 Tube failures in 3years, Fl - fll' t' n 2013,Actual situation Tube failures lHferenee in 3yea rs , F2-FI U 7.' 6.3 Cos/.Bener-/f analysis rex 12 Ammooia Unirs Economic COnSeQIIJence 01' Failure, COF [I(E I Failure) Inspection, MoMoring,Assessment Cost Estimation for 12 Ammonia Units in3years, C2 [k€) 1000 1434 Full implemenlatic:noI YaraBP63 Inspection, Monnoring,Assessment Cost Estimation for 12 Ammon ia Units in3years , CI [k€) 360 2013,Actual situation Cost 2"· (F2'COF + C2) [k€J Full implementatiooolYaraBP63 Cost 1 ". (FI'COF" CI ) [k€I -il260 2013,Actual situation Benefil in J years, (CosI2 ·3134 COSlf) {I!€} 5126 Annual bener-If, (Cosr 2 - Cosr 1)1 J {Iff} 1708 Table 4. BP63 lmplementatron: Cost-Benefit Table 3. Yara reformer survey result AMMON IA TEC HNICAL MANUAL 118 2015 Based upon the 2013 reformer survey and the estimated potential benefit, Yara selected Quest Integrity to assist with the global implementation of BP63 through a specialized program of "Reformer Care" with the ultimate objective to reduce the number and frequency of catalyst tube failures. and identity and recommend performance and reliability strategies for improvement These elements were chosen by Yara to close the gaps (against BP63) identified during the 2013 reformer survey, with particular focus on Maxi mum Allowable Temperature (MAT) determination, temperature monitoring and residual life assessment of the catalyst tubes. "Reformer Care" "Reformer Care" Implementation Example Quest Integrity's "Reformer Care" includes data analysis, remaining life assessment, and engineering solutions. These services can be applied individually to address a specific issue or may be grouped to together to apply to a wide-range of integrity issues. The implementation of the "Reformer Care" services was accomplished according to a schedule developed by Yara. The schedule was based upon Yara's evaluation of several factors including the turnaround timing of the reformers, histOIY of operational and reliability issues, age of reformer tubes and planned replacements, and availability of site personnel. These services offer a unique solution to attain operational safety and reliability goals, enable proactive decision making, eliminate premature harvesting of reformer tubes, improve knowledge of turnaround requirements and reduces costs with proper planning, increase the understanding of reformer operation and limitations, and addresses all reformer systems. The Yara Global Inspection Group had the overall responsibility for coordinating on-site training activities and coordination of information about the reformers to Quest Integrity ahead of the onsite work. Information exchanged included operating and design information, inspection results, and fai lure and replacement history. This information was used to develop specific training materials for each of the reformers, provide background information for evaluation of the reformers, and to customize the temperature correction software application for each reformer. Site work and training was completed in 4-5 days per reformer. Yara selected a sub-set of these "Reformer Care" serv ices or program elements to assist with their global implementation of BP63. This set provided Yara with a specialized program of "Reformer Care" to assist with the strategic management of the twelve reformers located in eight production complexes around the globe. These key elements included: • • • • • 2015 Training for operators on visual inspection of reformers including tubes conditions, burner operation, and general condition Training for operators on tube temperature measurement practices Implementation of reformer tube temperature correction procedures Recommendations for maximum allowable tube metal temperatures Reformer Performance Monitoring to evaluate the current condition in service Training The on-site training for Yara personnel was accomp lished in both a classroom and field environment. Typical training attendance was 10-20 people and a mixture of operation, reliability, and inspection personnel. Quest Integrity senior engineers delivered the training, performed equipment field surveys, demonstrations and practical application of methods presented in the cl assroom. The training classroom and field applica- 119 AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL tion portions of the work were accomplished in 2-days and split between reformer performance monitoring and reformer tube temperature measurement and corrections. common reformer tube fai lures. This training included normal and abnormal tube conditions, bowed tubes, hot spots, bulges, cold tubes, and conditions due to catalyst damage and poisoning. Training specific to burners in operation was included to address burner characteristics and design, correct ope ration of the burner, adjustments, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Practical training on tube and reformer visual inspection during operator rounds was discussed in the classroom and then practiced in the field by participants using specifically prepared check list (Figure 2). Reformer Performance Monitoring The topics covered in the training included background information on reformer reliability management, recognition and troubleshooting of reformer performance issues, reformer tube damage mechanisms and inspection, fitness-forservice and remaining life of reformer tubes, and how to recognize, troubleshoot and prevent A Q/tJ:!:::;,;::..::::::: MONITORING CHECKLIST REFORMER PERFORMANCE FIRE BOX INSPECTION TO BE PERFORMED EVERY SHIFT TO BE PERFORMED EVERY SHIFT TI\RGET ...cTUAL c::::J c::::::J c::::::J c::::::J c::::J c:::::::J c::::J c:::::::J c::::J c:::::::J c::::J c::::::J c::::J c::::::J c::::J c:::::::J c::::J c::::::J DRAFT O2ICO/NOX BRIOGEWALL T EMPERATURE STACK TE MPERATURE FUEL PRESSURE PILOT FUEL PRESSURE PREHEAT AIR TEMPERATURE PROCESS INIOUT TE MPERATURE o o o o o o o o o STEAM TO CARBON RATIO RADIANT SECTION TUBE BULGING. BOWING. HOTSPOTS TUBE COlOR TUBE EXTERNAL SCALING CATALYST ISSUES REFRACTORY COLOR FLOOR REFRACTORY WALL REFRACTORY TUNNEL REFRACTORY ROOF REFRACTORY BURNER INSPECTION TO BE PERFORMED EVERY SHIFT T"mparal"" BURt£RNO. Color Guida . -• UNSTABLE FLAME ~~ • _ _ _ _ _ BAD FLAME PATIERN (1"-0_ ....,..•_ ....) _ _ _ _ PLUGGED TIPS _ _ _ _ COOL BURNER TILE • _ _ _ _ PILOT TIP NOT GLOWING 0 -_. 0 :,\'::f 0 r,:=:", 0 ......... RUI .;oo.,)OOf • _ _ _ _ AIR REGISTER STUCK IN/OUT PIGTAILS TUBE HANGER/SPRINGS CONVECTION/DUCTS Io/FD FANS ~..., TRAMP AIR '- - ' TUBE PENETRATIONS SIGHT PORTS FUNCTIONAL (SEA L) EXPLOSION DOORS, FLANGES, HOLES, LEAKING AIR IN BOX 0 0 ~"F 0 . ="_"'t' PILOT AIR NOT WORKING EXTERNAl OR NOT WORKING _ _ _ _ AIR REGISTER OPEN WHILE BURNER OFF _ _ _ _ FUEL VALVE PINCHED Figure 2. Tube and reformer visual inspection check list AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL 120 2015 required to obtain consistent temperature measurements. The classroom training was followed by practical application of the techniques to gain familiarity and a level of proficiency with the IR measurement instruments. Temperatures recorded in the field were then corrected through demonstration and practical experience with Quest Integrity's CorrectIR™ software application. Reformer Tube Temperature Management Accurate measurement of reformer tube-skin temperatures is a crucial input to a tube life prediction model (not directly based upon measured creep damage) and is also critical in optimizing productivity and ensuring optimum reformer operation. Radiation thermometry is a practicable and reliable method for determining tube-skin temperatures in reformers provided certain measurement corrective practices are used. Radiation thermometry in reformers is prone to a number of errors arising principally from the effects of tube emissivity, reflected radiation and flue gas (Figure 3). Radiation thermometer readings and thermal images must have corrections applied in order to obtain the tme tube-skin temperatures. These corrections depend in a complex way on the geometry of the reformer, the temperature distribution of objects surrounding any individual tube, and the location of that tube in the reformer. The corrections also depend on the operating characteristics of the radiation thermometer or thermal imager used to make the measurements. ~ r "T "..., Temperature Correction - CorrectlRTM As an element of the Reformer Care implementation, Yara implemented an lR temperature correction program to establish the actual reformer tube metal temperatures. In order to determine the true tube temperatures, corrections must be made to the thermometer readings based on the geometry of the furnace, the emissivity of the tube material, atmospheric effects, and knowledge of the operating characteristics of the thennometer itself. The correction of refonner radiance temperature readings (measured without correction) to corrected temperatures is accomplished using Quest Integrity's CorrectIR™ software (Figure 4) and method. The methodology and software is based upon the work of Dr. Peter Saunders. CorrectIR™ accomplishes: , 1. Corrects radiance measurements for calibration, size of source effect, flue gas emissions and other instrument and environmental errors 2. Calculates the uncertainty associated with individual factors 3. Calculates the effective background temperature taking into account rigorous geometry for each tube 4. Calculates the Tube Corrected "true" tube temperature and the total uncertainty ~~.. ···::::'·········· 1 ~........... .. . . . . . . . I Figure 3. Radiation thermometry errors: effects o/tube emissivity, reflected radiation and flue gas The second day of classroom and field training was dedicated to the Infrared Radiation (IR) temperature measurement theory and techniques for reformer tubes. The classroom training discussed the application of IR pyrometers and imaging cameras for monitoring reformer tube temperatures along with the operator techniques 2015 A sample output of the temperature corrections performed using CorrectIR™ is shown in Figure 4. Tubes are referenced by the Tube Row, Tube Number, Height (location of the temperature measurement point from the reformer floor), and Sight Door from which the temperature was measured. The Tube Reading is the uncorrected 121 AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL temperature measured by the IR instrument. CorrectIR ™ performs the calculation of the Tube Corrected "true" temperature and the total uncertainty for the "true" temperature. Implementation o f the CorrectLR™ across the twelve (12) reformers in the Yara system is a key reliability element to sustainin g reformer tube of the assets. life and optimization I) Cotr«t1R • North Zo<w 1 Rl CoI.ot fiIt.~~J:!<Ip o~ B .. . I'uwf _ _ Ta.dvoord c.... 1TIbo."....... I 0 1..,._(5_/Io>; .. T.........) 0 """"," T..,.I....,. (1<81 ""'tnJouI...-;-,gj O ~ldrn.Ii«"' " i Row T_ ' 0, " " " "" "" ., " ""'" ,, ,., ., '" ., '" , " B " " " "" V U " '", "" ", " ~ . .. __ to ..... boo. Ho:/oIIt (m) 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.7f> 0.76 0.76 0.7f> 0.7f> 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.7f> 0.7f> T..,.o... V..,.T..... ...'- "., "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "AA • ea......... c-.:t... ·r T_R.~""f ,~, "AA "AA ,~, "" 1591 ,~ 1591 ,~ ,~o 1520.91 154o.a6 1533.17 154'.22 1542.22 1554.16 1541.86 1S58.C] T.... o:o..«t.oI · f 1471.14 14'>4.B9 14B!i.72 1~.~7 14%.82 1512.05 1496.116 1516.156 1484.74 "" 1533.15 1545.21 1552.23 1556.18 153S.Oti 1546.17 1527.22 1540.22 1549.16 1554.05 1611 1560.'" ,~ 1~7U.18 )jU.ll If>10 155'.21 1511.18 ,,~ ,~, ,~, ,~, "" 1574 ,~ ,~ 14~.7S 1~.156 151U2 1487.~ 1500.98 1476.73 1493.21 lS04.76 1511.44 1518.12 T..... I T ..... """""' . . . . . . 15.97 14.n 15.5] 14.58 15.03 14.2 15.26 14.41 If>.16 15.41 14.92 ".,. 16.07 15.45 "n 15.17 15.2 14.7 14.49 14.01 14.71 Figure 4. Results of Temperature Correction with Quest Integrity's CorreclfRTM software stances when compared to operating temperature limits, these corrected "true" temperatures would allow for increase firing and ammonia production currently. Baseline Reformer Tube lR Survey and T ube Wall Temperature Limits As an element of Reformer Care, Quest Integrity completed reformer tube temperatures surveys of each of the Yara refonners. These surveys were conducted using IR Imaging Cameras and in some cases IR pyrometers. Quest Integrity also provided recommended TWT limits (Maximum Allowabl e Temperature, MAT) for each of the Yara reformers. Quest Integrity has developed a unique creep material model for HP Alloys that accounts for material aging and creep strain rate with respect to stress, temperature and time. This proprietary creep materia l model is called LifeQuest™ Refonner. LifeQuest™ Refonner was used to Reliable and Safe tube metal temperature operating The surveys provided Yara with a baseline survey of tube metal temperatures which were corrected using CorrcctIR™. The corrected tube wall temperatures (TWT) were lower than the measured radiance temperatures. In many in- AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL 122 2015 limits for the Yara reformers. The main difference between the original design life estimates provided by the tube manufacturer or the furnace designer and the Quest Integrity service life estimate is that for the original design the tubes are assumed to have retained their original mean or lower bound as manufactured creep properties whereas the Quest Integrity model takes into account that the creep properties will progressively degrade (Figure 5). This information was also provided as a creep rupture life curve for each reformer. - er in operation to assist with balancing the refonner firing and to deliver a reliability strategy to ensure the safe and reliable long term operation of the reformers. The survey and reliability strategy included the following essential elements to achieve optimum performance and reliability of the reformers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HPNb - HP micro - Lower bound Safety and Environmental Operating Performance Reliability Issues Reformer Tube Condition Reformer Mechanical Condition Burner Mechanical Condition Recommended Corrective Actions for the Reformers eJ(·service ... As cast • The issues found during the survey (examples are shown in the figures from 6 to 12) as well as other industry best practices are were addressed by a set of corrective actions. Principled execution towards accomplishing these strategic actions will lead to a higher level of performance and reliability with respect to the reformer. Ex-service LMP Parameter Figure 5. As Cast and Aged Reformer Tube Material Properties The creep rupture life curve for the reformer tubes are used to assess the life impact from changes in operating conditions. With a corrected tube metal temperature (plus uncertainty) value above the Safe limit, the creep rupture life could potentially be extremely short resulting in tube failure during the operating period. Finally, during a reformer shutdown, the actual consumed creep life may be measured and calculated by utilizing Quest Integrity's proprietary inspection tools, LOTIS® and MANTIS™ and the Level 3 LifeQuest™ Reformer assessment program. Figure 6. fara Sluiskil H50J reformer: external scale on upper tubes Performance and Reliability Monitoring Quest Integrity perfonned a Reformer survey to evaluate each of the Yara reformers. The primary objective of the work was to observe the reform- 2015 123 AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL Figure 9. Yara Ferrara B201 reformer: bowed tubes; uneven tube colour; flame impingement on tubes; tramp air entering/rom burners out-of service with air registers open Figure 7. Yara Sluiskil H501 reformer: tube appearance as "Hot" due to external scale Figure Yara Ferrara out 0/service with both primary and secondary air register open causing tramp air Figure 8. fara Tertre BIOI reformer: flame pattern with baking soda test AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL 124 2015 Reformer catalyst tube reliability involves the whole Production Facility Organization (Inspection, Production, and Maintenance) to systematica lly address all the phases of the tube life-cycle. Each phase of the tube li fe -cycle includes several specialist activities which are described in detail in Yara Best Practice document BP63. Together, and only if properly executed, a ll these activities reduce the probability of failure of catalyst tubes with a positive impact on plant reliability. flashback Although is too early to evaluate the real benefit (reduction of tube fai lure frequency) of BP63 implementation through the "Reformer Care" program, one significant result has already been achieved: operation, reliabili ty~ inspection and management personnel have now a clear understanding of the service related tube damage mechanisms, of the effects of excursions from design conditions, and, finally, of the monitoring and inspection techniques that have to be applied in order to avoid premature tube failures. Proper implementation with a structured approach, as described in Yara BP63, requires specialised technical support and personnel training. For this reason Yara selected Quest Integrity to develop together a program of "'Reformer Care" to assist with the strategic management of the twelve Yara reformers. Figure J2. Yara Ferrara B201 reformer: thermal image ofexternal hot spot at edge of sight door The full set of Quest Integrity Group "Reformer Care" services can be applied individually to address a specific issue or may be grouped to together to apply to a wide-range of integrity issues. Yara selected a sub-set of these "Reformer Care" services or program elements to specifically assist with their global implementation of Yara BP63. Conclusions References [1 ] Yara Best Practice BP63, Life-cycle management of reformer catalyst tubes (Yarn Internal Document) [2] API Publication 581 First Edition, May Quest Integrity Group and Yara International worked together to deliver a set of "Reformer Care" services to Yara's Production Facilities. The overall objective was to reduce the number and frequency of catalyst tube failures. 2015 2000 125 AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL AMMONIA TECHNICAL MANUAL 126 2015