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John Proctor's Letter: Salem Witch Trials Explanation

Luis Guerrero
English Class
From Your Father
I wanted to write to you my beautiful children of how much I
love you and the type of father I am. You guys mean everything to me including
your mother and are the most important people in my life. I want you guys to know
the answer to the following question which is ‘’ What is John Proctor’’. John
Proctor is a man with a wonderful wife and kids who had faith in God. Troubled
within a court trial of witchcraft that originally was started by Abigail Williams.
The problems all escalated because of her and ruined the lives of many people here
in Salem. I Want this to be the answer to this question. I also want you guys to
know I love you all, what happened to me was unfair but I was unfaithful so I
wasn't a great person. If I never had an affair with Abigail Williams none of this
would have escalated and nobody would have died including myself. Your mother
will take care of you guys and knows she loves you guys as much as me or even
more! I can not let my name be ruined over the witch trials, for this reason i will
confess without showing the paper to the whole town. I care too much for my rep
and name to let it be torn apart by something that isn't true. I hope you guys grow
up to be great men and respect those around you!
Sincerely, Your dad John Proctor