Uploaded by Helen Zhang

Helen Zhang - ENG3U - Literary Criticism Assignment (3)

ENG3U - Literary Criticism Assignment
Due date: Thursday, Oct. 14th
Work Periods: Thurs. Sep. 30th and Fri. Oct. 1
On Google Classroom: turn in assignment + rubric
On Turnitin.com: turn in assignment copy only . Assignment will not be marked if it is not
uploaded to Turnitin.com.
Instructions: For this unit assignment, you will write a short paper examining a short film, from
the list of choices below, through a Social Criticism lens. You will complete a Close Reading of
the chosen film to inform your analysis.
Social Criticism is the lens that looks at the extent by which a text supports or criticizes the
status quo (i.e. the current situation) of a society. We've also learned about two specific forms of
social criticism: Gender and Marxist. You can choose to examine the film through a general
social lens, gender lens, or Marxist lens.
Short film choices:
1. "Here's the Plan" - by Fernanda Frick (18 mins)
2. "Model Citizen" - by David James Armsby (5 mins)
3. "Best Friend" - by Gobelins (6 mins)
Using your close reading and social criticism, write a short paper that:
- has an opening sentence that clearly states what social statement the film makes
- uses THREE (3) pieces of Close Reading evidence to support that social statement
Please review the rubric to ensure you are meeting the expectations for the assignment. You
should also review the SAMPLE outline for "The Dinner Party" to aid you in formulating your
opening sentence and arguments. You can also review this student exemplar to get a general
idea of how a short paper can look like.
Your short paper must follow these format requirements:
ONE (1) single page, maximum 1.5 pages (420 words), double-spaced, 12 point font,
Times New Roman, 1-inch margins throughout
Include the word count at the end of your paper
No title page
First and last name, teacher name, course code, date, and title
Note: This is a short paper, and not a formal essay, so one (1) large paragraph that
encapsulates your whole argument is appropriate. Use transition words to aid with structure and
STEP 1 - Complete a Close Reading of your chosen film before you begin your
short paper. Consult the PACTSO Significance Checklist to assist you in this step.
Check out this SAMPLE PACTSO analysis.
PACTSO Element
(include 3 points)
Significant Example(s) from the film
Setting: A dystopian era or world. Story takes place in either a post-industrial or
post-digital world. However, the old-style television and newspaper suggest that
the setting is in the past (around the 1950s). The protagonists live in Autodale,
an automated town where technology and robots have control over the social
system and the lives of citizens who live in the town. The protagonists live in a
house within Autodale.
Exposition: The Robinson family is introduced. Mr. Robinson (father), Mrs.
Robinson (mother), and Junior (son) are seen fulfilling their daily responsibilities
and tasks. They are living in a cycle, where they repeat the same responsibilities
and actions every day. Joe (the robot) checks in on the Robinsons every day to
make sure they are fulfilling their individual roles as model citizens.
Rising Action: When Junior (the son) grows up and reaches the age to start his
own ‘model’ family, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson’s daily cycle starts to slow down. Mr.
and Mrs. Robinson’s duty to raise their child ends.
Climax: Once Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Robinson reach an old age and finish their
duty to raise their child, their cycle ends. They are ultimately labeled as ‘ugly’ and
executed by the robots because they are no longer needed by the social system.
Atmosphere - What is
the atmosphere and
how is it shown?
(include 1 point)
Depressing and unsettling
Characters - How are
the character's
(include 3 points)
Character Revelation: Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Robinson: dutiful, obedient → Mr.
Robinson and Mrs. Robinson abide by the rules of the social system even when
they know that they're going to be executed (by the Robots) once they become
'ugly' and worthless to the social system. They even thank Joe before their
execution, which shows how obedient they are to this oppressive society.
Character Revelation: Mr. Robinson or Father (protagonist): responsible,
reliable → He works and provides for his family by earning money. He is the
breadwinner and the head of the family.
Character Revelation: Mrs. Robinson or Mother (protagonist): affectionate,
loving, and caring → She always welcomes her husband home with a hug when
he comes back from work and she gives kisses to her husband. Her liking of
waltzing also suggests that she is an affectionate, loving and caring person.
Character Revelation: Mrs. Robinson or Mother (protagonist): responsible →
She is responsible for cooking food/dinner for the family.
*sometimes the theme
may be the statement
made by the author about
their society
(include 1 point)
Stylistic devices
(include 1 point)
Symbolism: masks are typically associated with a hidden personality or identity
→ perhaps, the use of masks represents the lack of individualism in society and
how uniformity/conformity and perfection itself destroys individualism. The masks
symbolize uniformity/conformity → the masks represent how all the citizens lack
personality. It represents how they all dress/look the same and act the same.
Their faces or identities are covered so that they can fit into the role of being a
model citizen in Autodale.
fit into the aesthetic of Autodale.
The masks that they wear is a symbol of status and uniformity and it is not forced
onto them but something they take pride in wearing. The children must grow up
and be exactly like their parents and they are not granted the freedom to be
original or to be their own person.
(literary devices)
(include 1 point)
STEP 2 - Use your understanding of the story which you've detailed in your Close
Reading to determine whether the film supports/reinforces or criticizes an aspect
or flaw of society.
Formulate a statement that you will prove in your short paper.
See the SAMPLE outline to guide you in outlining your paper.
Literary Criticism - Marking Rubric (40 marks)
Level 4
(10 marks)
Highly accurate and
appropriate lens used
- accuracy of lens
applied and opening
The Lens is clearly and
effectively stated using
a well- constructed
‘social statement’
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Mostly accurate and
appropriate lens
Somewhat accurate
and appropriate lens
The lens applied is not
accurate for the piece
being analysed
The Lens is well
stated using a well
constructed ‘social
The Lens is
somewhat well
stated using a
The Lens is not well
stated and does not use
the ‘social statement’
‘social statement’
Thinking (10 marks)
Close reading is
completed accurately
and thoroughly, showing
nuanced interpretation
Close reading is
accurately and
mostly thoroughly
Close reading is
somewhat accurate;
somewhat thorough
Close reading is not
completed accurately
(10 marks)
Uses highly convincing
and appropriate
evidence from ‘close
reading’ to support
Uses mostly
convincing and
evidence from ‘close
reading’ to support
Uses somewhat
convincing and
evidence from ‘close
reading’ to support
Does not use convincing
or appropriate evidence
from ‘close reading’ to
support criticism
(10 marks)
Writing is free from any
spelling or grammatical
Writing is mostly
free from any
spelling or
grammatical errors
Writing has spelling
and grammatical
errors that distract
the reader
Writing has too many
spelling and grammatical
errors which make the
piece difficult to read
Paragraph is mostly
mostly uses the
appropriate format,
often has smooth
transitions and
sequence of ideas
Paragraph is
somewhat uses the
appropriate format,
and does not often
have smooth
transitions or
sequence of ideas
Paragraph is not
sophisticated, does not
use the appropriate
format, and reads very
choppy with little/no
sequence of ideas
Paragraph is
sophisticated, expertly
uses the appropriate
format, has smooth
transitions and
sequence of ideas
Female gender criticism
- The woman wears a dress and headband
- Cooks dinner for the family
- Welcomes the father home with a hug
Male gender criticism
- The men all wear pants or suits
- Father/man likes to read the newspaper
- Father/man works and provides for the family
Expectation of gender roles
- “Splendid! Taking after his father I hope”
- Suggests that their son Junior should also grow up to wear masculine clothes, to
work/provide for the family, to be the head of the family, and to have manly hobbies like
reading the newspaper after a hard day at work.
- Individualism is highly discouraged and everyone is expected to be the same, following
the same life cycle
The robots check in with the families every day to check if they are taking on their gender roles
and responsibilities properly. People that don’t follow these gender roles, get branded as ugly
and executed by the robots.