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WWI to Great Depression US History Test Questions

WWI to Great Depression
1 The government of the United States first became
directly involved in supporting the price of agricultural
products as a result of
(1) increased imports of foreign food products during
the Progressive Era
(2) the Depression of the 1930's
(3) participation in World War II
(4) the global need for more food after World War II
2 The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
established during the New Deal, were important
because they
(1) increased the supply of money in the economy
(2) guaranteed loans to failing businesses and banks
(3) attempted to restore public confidence in
financial institutions
(4) provided grants to unemployed workers
3 President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s response to Supreme
Court decisions that declared several New Deal laws
unconstitutional was to
(1) ask Congress to limit the Court’s jurisdiction
(2) propose legislation to increase the size of the
(3) demand the resignation of several justices
(4) ignore the Court’s rulings
4 The major purpose of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
bank holiday of 1933 was to
(1) restore public confidence in the nation’s banks
(2) reinforce strict laws to punish banks charging high
interest rates
(3) reduce the number of banks to a manageable
(4) encourage the nation’s banks to loan more money
to failing businesses
5 Public disregard for Prohibition and for laws prohibiting
gambling indicates that
(1) the American film industry has great influence on
public opinion
(2) the system of checks and balances does not work
(3) attempts to legislate public morality may be
met with strong resistance
(4) American citizens have little, if any, respect for
6 Prior to entering World War I, the United States
protested Germany’s use of submarine warfare primarily
because it
violated the Monroe Doctrine
discouraged immigration to the United States
posed a direct threat to American cities
violated the principle of freedom of the seas
7 Many farmers failed to share in the general prosperity of
the 1920s mainly because they
lacked new farm machinery to increase production
did not have sufficient numbers of farm laborers
had to pay high wages to their workers
received low prices for crops due to
8 President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reelection in 1940
created a controversy that eventually led to
(1) the Supreme Court declaring the election
(2) the establishment of presidential term limits
(3) an effort to increase voter participation
(4) an attempt to increase the number of Justices on
the Supreme Court
9 Which pair of events illustrates an accurate
cause-and-effect relationship?
(1) Sacco and Vanzetti trial ratification of the
woman suffrage amendment
(2) rebirth of the KKK formation of the Populist
(3) Red Scare demand for limits on immigration
(4) high food prices start of the Great Depression
10 President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor
policy was designed mainly to
(1) reduce border conflicts with Canada
(2) increase acceptance of minorities within the
United States
(3) encourage Germany and the Soviet Union to
resolve their differences
(4) improve relations with Latin America
WWI to Great Depression
11 The "dust bowls" described by John Steinbeck in The
Grapes of Wrath had the greatest impact on
residents of urban slums
workers in factory sweatshops
plantation owners in the rural south
farmers on the Great Plains
12 A main reason that demand for American farm goods
dropped dramatically in the 1920's was that
(1) European need for imported farm products
declined after World War I
(2) fashion styles required less cotton material than
previous styles
(3) Americans refused to buy foods that were
genetically altered
(4) people left the cities to return to the farms
13 A major criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
programs to combat the Great Depression was that
these programs
reduced the power of the Federal Government
ignored the plight of homeowners with mortgages
provided too much protection for big business
made people dependent on the Federal
14 What was an underlying cause of the Great
(1) unequal distribution of income throughout the
(2) adoption of high federal income tax rates during
the 1920s
(3) failure of American farmers to produce enough
food after World War I
(4) rapid increase in federal defense spending
following World War I
15 The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s most enhanced
American culture by
(1) pressuring southern states to extend voting rights
(2) expanding African American access to education
(3) popularizing African American contributions
to the arts
(4) convincing the Supreme Court to allow
affirmative action
16 During World War I, what was President Woodrow
Wilson's purpose in outlining the Fourteen Points?
(1) asking Congress for additional funding for the
war effort
(2) suggesting a peace plan to prevent future wars
(3) proposing war crimes trials for leaders of enemy
(4) calling for military alliances against aggressor
17 The Red Scare, the growth of the Ku Klux Klan, and
the murder convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti were
influenced by
the rise of organized crime
the passage of immigration quota acts
a distrust of foreigners
an effort to stop fascism
18 In the 1920s, which economic factor led to the Great
lack of investment in the stock market
attempt by the United States to promote free trade
failure to develop new consumer goods industries
overproduction of farm products and
manufactured goods
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 19 and 20 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
19 The main idea of this 1937 cartoon about President Franklin D. Roosevelt is that the president is
trying to increase the public's respect for the Supreme Court
seeking the Supreme Court's help against his political opponents
attempting to exercise too much influence over the Supreme Court
refusing to allow the Supreme Court to review legislation
WWI to Great Depression
20 One outcome of the situation referred to in the cartoon was that
President Roosevelt decided not to seek reelection
the Supreme Court ended most New Deal programs
President Roosevelt was impeached for abuse of his powers
Congress rejected President Roosevelt's effort to pack the Supreme Court
21 Which event of the 1920s symbolized a conflict over
cultural values?
Base your answers to questions 23 and 24 on the
cartoon below.
election of Herbert Hoover
transatlantic flight of Charles Lindbergh
Scopes trial
stock market crash
22 One common theme in many of the writings of Ernest
Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Langston Hughes
(1) the need to regulate business
(2) the benefits of mass production
(3) optimism for reforms promised by the Great
(4) dissatisfaction with the American culture of
the 1920
23 To try to correct the problem shown in the cartoon,
President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed
(1) increasing the number of justices on the
Supreme Court
(2) raising the salaries of federal judges
(3) reducing the Supreme Court's use of judicial
(4) exercising his veto power over Supreme Court
24 President Roosevelt's attempt to correct the problem
shown in the cartoon resulted in
(1) the quick end of New Deal reforms
(2) resignations of several federal judges
(3) congressional rejection of the president's
(4) a decrease in the authority of the Supreme Court
WWI to Great Depression
25 What was the goal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's 29 The conviction of John Scopes in 1925 for teaching
plan to add more justices to the Supreme Court?
about evolution supported the ideas of those
Americans who
(1) to help the Supreme Court implement its
(1) believed in religious freedom and the separation
of church and state
(2) to limit judicial opposition to New Deal
(2) hoped to lessen the differences between rural and
urban lifestyles
(3) to convince Congress to enact new economic
(3) wanted to promote traditional fundamentalist
(4) to replace the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(4) favored the changes resulting from the new
26 Which statement best describes Franklin Roosevelt's
technology of the 1920's
New Deal programs?
(1) They reduced the number of people who could
participate in governmental decision-making.
(2) They expanded the economic role of
government, while attempting to preserve
(3) They stressed the need for state and local
government leadership rather than national
(4) They emphasized the importance of the gold
standard as the basis for economic recovery.
30 A major reason the United States became involved in
World War I was to
31 In the United States, the decade of the 1920's was
characterized by
(1) a willingness to encourage immigration to the
United States
(2) increased consumer borrowing and spending
(3) the active involvement of the United States in
European affairs
(4) major reforms in national labor legislation
27 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's controversy with the
Supreme Court was a result of
(1) the requirement that all judges must retire at age
(2) his belief that the Court was too liberal in its
(3) the Court's unwillingness to accept difficult cases
(4) the Court's opposition to several New Deal
fulfill treaty obligations to European allies
protect the shipping rights of a neutral nation
reinforce the Monroe Doctrine
gain colonies in the Pacific
32 Breadlines, Hoovervilles, and the Bonus Army were all
direct results of
28 In the years before the United States entered World
War I, President Woodrow Wilson violated his position
of strict neutrality by
(1) secretly sending troops to fight for the democratic
(2) openly encouraging Mexico to send troops to
support the Allies
(3) supporting economic policies that favored the
Allied nations
(4) using United States warships to attack German
housing shortages in the 1920s
relief efforts of the New Deal
mechanization of agriculture
unemployment during the Great Depression
What was a central belief of the Transcendentalists?
People can rise above basic reason.
Morality is relative.
Salvation can be found only in good works.
People's fates are predestined.
During World War I, relations between the United
States and Mexico were characterized mainly by
military alliances
a shared defense program
improved political and economic ties
hostility and suspicion
WWI to Great Depression
35 During the 20th century, economic opportunities for
women and minorities in the United States have
increased most during periods of
(1) war
(3) nativist agitation
(2) recession
(4) overseas expansion
36 What was a major reason for United States entry into
World War I?
(1) to overthrow the czarist government of Russia
(2) to keep Latin America from being attacked by
(3) to maintain freedom of the seas
(4) to break up the colonial empires of the Allies
37 Which heading would be most appropriate for the
partial outline below?
A. Wages lagging behind the cost of living
B. Overproduction of consumer goods
C. Excessive buying on credit
Mercantilist Economic Theory
Features of a Bull Stock Market
Monopolistic Business Practices
Causes of the Great Depression
38 Many opponents of New Deal programs claimed that
these programs violated the American tradition of
welfare capitalism
governmental regulation of business
collective bargaining
individual responsibility
39 Deficit spending by the Federal Government as a
means of reviving the economy is based on the idea
(1) purchasing power will increase and economic
growth will be stimulated
(2) only the National Government can operate
businesses efficiently
(3) the National Government should turn its revenue
over to the states
(4) lower interest rates will encourage investment
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 40 and 41 on the song lyrics below and on your knowledge of social
Dust Storm Disaster
On the 14th of April of 1935,
There struck the worst of dust storms that ever filled the sky.
You could see the dust storm comin', the cloud looked deathlike black,
And through our mighty nation, it left a dreadful track...
The storm took place at sundown, it lasted through the night,
When we looked out next morning, we saw a terrible sight.
We saw outside our window where wheat fields they had grown
Was now a rippling ocean of dust the wind had blown.
It covered up our fences, it covered up our barns,
It covered up our tractor in the wild and dusty storm.
We loaded our jalopies and piled our families in,
We rattled down that highway to never come back again.
–Woody Guthrie
40 Which region of the United States was most directly affected by the situation described in this song?
(1) Southeast
(3) Great Plains
(2) Great Lakes
(4) Pacific Northwest
41 These song lyrics were written about people who became
sharecroppers in the South
migrant farm workers on the West Coast
fishermen in New England
coal miners in the Ohio River valley
42 The national policy of Prohibition ended when the
strengthened food and drug laws
legalized alcohol for medical purposes
ratified the 21st amendment
banned interstate shipment of alcoholic beverages
43 Which action by Germany prompted the United States
to enter World War I?
attacking British shipping
forming an alliance with Austria-Hungary
resuming unrestricted submarine warfare
invading France
44 The convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti in the 1920s
most closely reflected the
increase in nativist attitudes
federal government’s war on crime
corruption of political machines
rise in labor unrest
45 What was one cause of the stock market crash of 1929
and the Great Depression that followed?
(1) Costs associated with World War I had
bankrupted the economy.
(2) Speculators had purchased shares of stock on
margin with borrowed funds.
(3) Federal tax cuts had caused high inflation.
(4) Low farm production had weakened banks.
WWI to Great Depression
46 Which New Deal reforms most directly targeted the
basic problem of the victims of the Dust Bowl?
(1) guaranteeing workers the right to organize and
bargain collectively
(2) regulating the sale of stocks and bonds
(3) providing farmers low-cost loans and parity
(4) raising individual and corporate income tax rates
Base your answers to questions 47 and 48 on the
cartoon below, and on your knowledge of social
48 Based on the cartoon, which conclusion is valid?
(1) The New Deal was a military as well as a
political force.
(2) Congress accepted most of President Franklin
D. Roosevelt's plans for dealing with the
(3) President Franklin D. Roosevelt strictly followed
the concept of checks and balances.
(4) The judiciary of the 1930's was controlled by the
49 The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner
Act) affected workers by
(1) protecting their right to form unions and
bargain collectively
(2) preventing public employee unions from going
on strike
(3) providing federal pensions for retired workers
(4) forbidding racial discrimination in employment
50 ". . . economic depression cannot be cured by
legislative action or executive pronouncement. . . The
best contribution of government lies in [stimulating] . .
. voluntary [economic recovery programs] in the
community. The government – national, state, and
local – can join with the community in such programs
and do its part."
–Herbert Hoover
47 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's unhappiness with the
governmental situation suggested in the cartoon led
him to
(1) attempt to increase the number of United
States Supreme Court Justices
(2) abandon many of his New Deal economic
(3) refuse to be nominated for a third Presidential
(4) turn over the responsibility for economic
recovery to the states
This quotation suggests most clearly that in times of
economic crisis
(1) the national government should take full
responsibility for solving economic problems
(2) people should be patient and economic problems
will solve themselves
(3) voluntary and private organizations, with
government encouragement, should deal with
economic problems
(4) the government should not be expected to deal
with economic problems since it did not cause
WWI to Great Depression
51 The New Deal was a major change in United States
history because
(1) previous administrations had not had to deal with
(2) it established the precedent of balanced Federal
(3) the government became more heavily involved
in important aspects of the economy
(4) it led to a clash between the branches of
52 Which major trend characterized the 1920's and
continues today?
(1) retail buying on installment credit
(2) legal discrimination against eastern European
(3) the steadily increasing power of established
(4) the mass migration of northern blacks to southern
rural areas
53 What was a major cause of the Great Depression?
(1) decrease in the production of goods during most
of the 1920s
(2) unequal distribution of wealth in the United
(3) overregulation of the banking industry
(4) low tariffs on foreign goods
54 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proposal to add
additional justices to the Supreme Court was seen by
his opponents as a threat to the
principle of federalism
power of the executive branch
two-party political system
system of checks and balances
55 In the 1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed
the federal government’s role in the economy by
reducing programs to help the unemployed
ending efforts at trustbusting
raising tariffs to protect domestic industries
using deficit spending to stimulate economic
WWI to Great Depression
56 Base your answer to the following question on the photograph below and on your knowledge of social
emergence of "Hoovervilles" like the one shown in the photograph?
What was the main reason for the
Many Americans had lost jobs during the Great Depression.
Thousands of homes had been destroyed by the effects of the Dust Bowl.
Housing projects could not keep up with the demand for homes needed by the poor.
Preparations for World War II had created a shortage of building materials.
57 "Section 202. (a) Every qualified individual shall be
entitled to receive . . . on the date he attains the age of
sixty-five, . . . and ending on the date of his death, an
old-age benefit . . ."
A major purpose of this section of Federal legislation
was to
(1) guarantee an annual income to experienced
(2) assure adequate medical care for the elderly
(3) reward workers for their support of the union
(4) provide economic assistance to retired workers
58 Which generalization is consistent with the ruling of
the United States Supreme Court in Schenck v. United
(1) The freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are
virtually unlimited.
(2) Government has the right to suspend any rights at
any time.
(3) Individual rights can be limited in the national
(4) The balance between individual rights and the
general social welfare almost always favors
individual rights.
59 To help win World War II, the federal government
found it necessary to
return to the gold standard
outlaw labor unions
impose rationing and price controls
integrate the militar
WWI to Great Depression
60 Which feature of the immigration laws of the 1920's
was different from prior laws?
63 Base your answer to question on the chart below and
on your knowledge of social studies.
(1) Quotas were set to limit immigration from
many countries.
(2) Preference was granted to Chinese immigrants.
(3) Refugees from war-torn Europe were encouraged
to enter the United States.
(4) Efforts were made to stop illegal immigration
from Latin America.
61 Base your answer on the graph below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
This graph supports the idea that the United States
entered World War I to
limit the spread of communism in Europe
protect its economic interests
stop attacks on its warships
punish Germany for war crimes
62 "Radical Immigrants Deported"
"Bombs Explode on Wall Street"
"Palmer Raids Criticized by Congress"
These post-World War I headlines are most closely
associated with the
(1) Volstead Act
(3) Scopes trial
(2) Ku Klux Klan
(4) Red Scare
Which conclusion is most clearly supported by the
information in the chart?
(1) President Herbert Hoover's economic policies
expanded job opportunities.
(2) The United States unemployment rate reached its
highest level in 1938.
(3) President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal
programs failed to address the unemployment
(4) World War II ended the high unemployment
rates of the Great Depression.
WWI to Great Depression
64 A major result of the New Deal was that it
eliminated poverty in the United States
extended the merit system in the civil service
destroyed the private enterprise system
greatly increased the size and power of the
Federal Government
65 Which fundamental economic problem of farmers did
New Deal policies attempt to solve?
scarcity of fertile land
shortage of labor
lack of transportation facilities
66 The Supreme Court declared some New Deal laws
unconstitutional because these laws
(1) overextended the power of the federal
(2) forced the federal government into heavy debt
(3) ignored the rights of minority groups and women
(4) failed to solve the problems for which they were
67 What was a major result of Prohibition in the United
States during the 1920s?
restriction of immigration
growth of communism
destruction of family values
increase in organized crime
68 One result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New
Deal was that it
raised the national debt
weakened labor unions
deregulated the stock market
repealed federal antitrust laws
69 In 1920, women gained the right to vote as a result of a
presidential order
Supreme Court decision
national election
constitutional amendment
70 Which movement’s primary goal was the ratification
of a constitutional amendment authorizing Prohibition?
(1) abolitionist
(3) temperance
(2) Populist
(4) settlement house
71 The term Dust Bowl is most closely associated with
which historical circumstance?
(1) a major drought that occurred during the
(2) logging practices in the Pacific Northwest in the
(3) an increase in pollution during the 1960s
(4) the migration to the Sun Belt in the 1970s
72 A major goal of the immigration acts of the 1920s was
(1) allow unlimited immigration from Southeast Asia
(2) assure equal numbers of immigrants from all
(3) favor wealthy and well-educated immigrants
(4) use quotas to limit immigration from southern
and eastern Europe
73 Which statement best summarizes President Herbert
Hoover's approach to the Great Depression?
(1) The Federal Government should provide
substantial relief to the unemployed.
(2) High unemployment is good for the economy.
(3) Unemployed workers should be patient
because prosperity will eventually trickle
down to them.
(4) Helping the unemployed poor should be the first
concern of government.
74 A result of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s was
(1) restoration of buildings and the infrastructure in
New York City
(2) increased recognition of African-American
writers and musicians
(3) end of racial segregation laws in New York State
(4) appointment of several African Americans as
presidential advisors
75 During World War I, many American women helped
gain support for the suffrage movement by
protesting against the war
joining the military service
lobbying for child-care facilities
working in wartime industries
WWI to Great Depression
76 "The age of Franklin D. Roosevelt set the agenda for
the postwar era. Long after Roosevelt was gone, New
Deal ideas shaped policies."
Which statement best supports the idea expressed in
this quotation?
(1) The government continues to have a major
role in economic affairs.
(2) The military has as many troops today as they did
in World War II.
(3) The Presidency has been controlled by the
Democratic Party since the New Deal.
(4) The President continues to have limited powers
in foreign affairs.
77 ". . . There's no chance of progress and reform in an
administration in which war plays the principal part..."
— President-elect Woodrow Wilson, 1913
In this statement, President-elect Wilson was
expressing the belief that
(1) the United States should enter World War I
(2) reform movements are strengthened by war
(3) the nation will require a change in leadership if it
goes to war
(4) the Progressive movement would be best
served by continued peace
78 Labor unions increased their power and influence
during the Great Depression of the 1930's mainly
(1) major corporations began to support the goals of
labor unions
(2) unions gained major rights under Federal law
(3) many people were employed by the Federal
(4) union leaders were elected to government offices
79 A major effect of the Harlem Renaissance was that it
(1) exposed corruption in New York City politics
(2) led to the end of the Great Migration
(3) increased awareness of African American
(4) inspired the Progressive movement
80 After World War I, which factor was the major
cause of the migration of many African Americans to
the North?
(1) the start of the Harlem Renaissance
(2) increased job opportunities in Northern cities
(3) laws passed in Northern States to end racial
(4) Federal Government job-training programs
81 During President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term,
what was the greatest obstacle to his New Deal
(1) decisions of the United States Supreme Court,
declaring some legislation unconstitutional
(2) lack of support from the American voters
(3) opposition of labor unions
(4) refusal of Democrats to support most of the bills
favored by the President
82 The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) of
1935 strengthened labor unions because it legalized
collective bargaining
the open shop
the sit-down strike
83 One motivation for the passage of the immigration
quota acts of 1921 and 1924 was
(1) congressional support for free, unlimited
(2) the industrialists' need for workers from southern
and eastern Europe
(3) the prevailing mood of welcome to new foreign
(4) a recurrence of nativist attitudes following
World War I
84 Motion pictures were popular during the Great
Depression partly because
(1) they were regarded as the best source of
education and culture
(2) they were an inexpensive means of escaping
the reality of economic hardship
(3) few other forms of leisure-time activities were
(4) Americans wanted to imitate European lifestyles
WWI to Great Depression
85 A major reason for the emergence of a "consumer
culture" in the 1920's was that
(1) the Federal Government encouraged labor to
(2) enforcement of antitrust laws resulted in higher
(3) minimum-wage laws expanded buying power
(4) advertising and installment payments
encouraged buying
86 Which government action most benefited the labor
union movement?
(1) sending Federal troops to end the Pullman strike
(2) passage of the Wagner Act, guaranteeing
workers the right to organize and to bargain
(3) imposition of wage and price controls during
several Presidential administrations
(4) enactment of right-to-work laws at various times
87 The "clear and present danger" ruling in the Supreme
Court case Schenck v. United States (1919) confirmed
the idea that
(1) prayer in public schools is unconstitutional
(2) racism in the United States is illegal
(3) interstate commerce can be regulated by state
(4) constitutional rights are not absolute
88 “Troops Break Up Bonus Army Protest”
“FDR Proclaims Bank Holiday”
“Misery Created by Dust Bowl”
These headlines concern events that occurred during
(1) Civil War
(2) Progressive Era
(3) Great Depression (4) Cold War
89 Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Sinclair
Lewis were popular authors who often wrote about
(1) the problems of urban life in the 1890s
(2) disillusionment with American society in the
(3) the migration of farmers in the 1930s
(4) water and air pollution in the 1960s
90 Which situation helped cause the stock market crash of
(1) excessive speculation and buying on margin
(2) unwillingness of people to invest in new
(3) increased government spending
(4) too much government regulation of business
91 The changing image of women during the 1920s was
symbolized by the
(1) passage of an equal pay act
(2) drafting of women into the army
(3) popularity of the flappers and their style of
(4) appointment of several women to President
Calvin Coolidge’s cabinet
WWI to Great Depression
92 Base your answer on the photograph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
The situation shown in this photograph occurred in which region?
(1) Ohio River valley
(3) Rocky Mountains
(2) Great Plains
(4) Northeast
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 93 and 94 on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
95 Base your answer on the chart below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
Which conclusion is best supported by the information
on the chart?
(1) Business advertising has succeeded in selling
more products.
(2) Violence by labor had increased throughout the
(3) Economic conditions had become worse.
(4) The stock market had recovered in 1933.
93 President Roosevelt responded to the situation
illustrated in the cartoon by
(1) calling for repeal of many New Deal programs
(2) demanding popular election of members of the
judicial branch
(3) asking voters to elect more Democrats to
(4) proposing to increase the number of justices
on the Supreme Court
94 What is the main idea of this cartoon?
(1) The legislative branch disagreed with the
executive branch during the presidency of
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
(2) President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted the
Supreme Court to support his programs.
(3) Justices of the Supreme Court were not asked for
their opinion about New Deal programs.
(4) The three branches of government agreed on the
correct response to the Great Depression.
96 Which principle is illustrated by the passage of the
Sedition Act of 1798, the suspension of habeas corpus
in 1861, and the adoption of the Espionage Act in
(1) National interest is sometimes given priority
over individual rights.
(2) National crises often result in restriction of the
powers of the executive branch.
(3) The Supreme Court consistently defends the Bill
of Rights.
(4) Congress expands its other powers when it
declares war.
97 The strongest opposition to President Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s New Deal programs came from
(1) western farmers
(3) factory workers
(2) business leaders
(4) recent immigrants
98 The Scopes trial of the 1920s dealt with a conflict
communism and capitalism
Protestants and Catholics
science and religion
labor and management
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 99 and 100 on the
passage below and on your knowledge of social
...2. We propose to limit the amount any one man
can earn in one year or inherit to $1 million to the
3. Now, by limiting the size of the fortunes and
incomes of the big men, we will throw into the
government Treasury the money and property from
which we will care for the millions of people who
have nothing; and with this money we will provide
a home and the comforts of home, with such
common conveniences as radio and automobile, for
every family in America, free of debt....
— Senator Huey Long, 1935
99 Based on these statements by Senator Long, one
reason for the suffering caused by the Great
Depression was the
(1) failure of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to sign
relief legislation
(2) overproduction of military equipment
(3) uneven distribution of income that favored the
(4) failure of labor unions to accept shorter work
100 President Franklin D. Roosevelt responded to the
circumstances described in this passage by
(1) renewing New Deal programs to help big
(2) raising taxes to assure a balanced federal budget
(3) stressing free market economic principles
(4) increasing New Deal efforts for relief and
101 Which statement best explains a major cause of the
Great Depression in the United States?
(1) High income tax rates forced many workers
into poverty.
(2) Large quantities of foreign imports forced
American companies out of business.
(3) The government controlled almost every
aspect of the American economy.
(4) Factories and farms produced more products
than Americans could afford to buy.
102 The Tennessee trial of John T. Scopes in 1925
illustrated a conflict concerning what?
free competition in the marketplace
due process of law
freedom of the press
religious beliefs and scientific theories
103 One result of the New Deal programs that dealt with
the Great Depression is that the Federal Government
(1) emphasized the role of the private sector in
economic activities
(2) was restricted to regulating economic affairs
(3) became smaller and more streamlined in dealing
with social issues
(4) became more involved in the lives of citizens
104 Which statement most accurately describes
conditions of American farmers during the economic
boom of the mid-1920s?
(1) Shortages of fertile land and farm equipment
lowered farm income.
(2) Overproduction helped keep farmers from
participating in the prosperity of the times.
(3) Subsidies and other government programs
dramatically increased farmers’ incomes.
(4) Higher prices for farm products resulted in a
higher standard of living for farmers.
105 The intent of the United States immigration laws of
the 1920s was to
(1) increase economic opportunities for recent
(2) encourage cultural diversity
(3) restore an open-door policy toward immigration
(4) restrict immigration through the use of
106 Senator Huey Long, Dr. Francis Townsend, and
Father Charles Coughlin are best known as
(1) members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
(2) outspoken critics of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's New Deal
(3) supporters of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
reelection campaign in 1940
(4) members of the Supreme Court nominated by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
WWI to Great Depression
107 Which is a valid conclusion based upon a study of the
New Deal?
(1) Labor, but not business, was affected.
(2) It resulted in a government budget surplus.
(3) It forced individuals to accept responsibility for
their own economic welfare.
(4) It continued to influence United States
economic policy for many years.
Base your answers to questions 110 and 111 on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
108 Base your answer on the map below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
110 Which action by President Franklin D. Roosevelt best
supports the cartoon's viewpoint?
The situation shown in the map threatened the United
States policy of
(1) intervention
(3) neutrality
(2) containment
(4) collective security
109 A major reason that President Franklin D. Roosevelt
proposed adding Justices to the Supreme Court in
1937 was to
(1) make the Court processes more democratic
(2) end corruption and favoritism in handling cases
(3) influence Court decisions related to New Deal
(4) ensure the appointment of members of minority
proposal of Social Security legislation
creation of the Tennessee Vally Authority
proposal to "pack" the Supreme Court
entrance into World War II
111 The main idea of the cartoon is that
(1) the New Deal was threat to constitutional
government in the United States
(2) American citizens strongly supported President
Franklin D. Roosevelt's programs
(3) the Constitution was strengthened by New Deal
(4) President Franklin D. Roosevelt established
programs without the knowledge of Congress
112 The main reason President Franklin D. Roosevelt
attempted to increase the number of Justices on the
United States Supreme Court was to
(1) force the Court to hear cases involving the rights
of minorities and women
(2) speed up the Court's review of cases
(3) increase the independence of the Court
(4) make the Court more supportive of New Deal
WWI to Great Depression
113 A main goal of the agricultural policy of the New
Deal was to
decrease farm surpluses
reduce farm imports
increase the productivity of farms
encourage farmers to move to the cities
114 Many members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
own political party opposed his plan
to add more Justices to the Supreme Court. These
Democrats were against this plan because
(1) disagreed with most New Deal legislation
(2) wanted to weaken President Roosevelt's image
for the next election
(3) wanted to protect the concept of separation of
(4) agreed with the Court's rulings on civil rights
115 Which economic condition of the 1920s was a major
cause of the Great Depression?
Farm prices rose dramatically.
Industry overproduced consumer goods.
Banks were reluctant to lend money.
Demand increased faster than supply.
116 The Republican Presidents of the 1920's generally
followed a foreign policy based on
(1) collective security (2) brinkmanship
(3) noninvolvement (4) militarism
117 In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was
criticized for his proposal to add justices to the
United States Supreme Court because these
appointments would have
(1) broken earlier campaign promises
(2) violated the constitutional limit on the number
of justices
(3) threatened the system of checks and balances
(4) established a more conservative Court
118 What was one similarity between the Red Scare
following World War I and the Cold War following
World War II?
(1) Fear of communism led to the suppression of
the civil liberties of some Americans.
(2) Large numbers of Russian revolutionaries
settled in the United States.
(3) Congressional investigations proved that the
Federal Government was heavily infiltrated by
Communist spies.
(4) Renewed fighting between wartime enemies
was a constant threat.
119 "You cannot extend the mastery of government over
the daily working life of the people without, at the
same time, making it the master of the people's souls
and thought."
–President Herbert Hoover
The idea expressed in the quotation is a basis for
President Hoover's belief that the problems of the
Great Depression could best be solved by
(1) nationalizing major industries
(2) requiring business to pay a minimum wage to
(3) relying mostly on private enterprise and
individual initiative to improve economic
(4) creating government job programs for the
120 Critics of the New Deal claimed that the Tennessee
Valley Authority (TVA) and the Social Security
System threatened the United States economy by
applying socialist principles
imposing unfair working hours
decreasing government spending
eroding antitrust laws
121 In the 1930's, the enactment of New Deal programs
demonstrated a belief that
(1) corporations were best left to operate without
government interference
(2) state governments should give up control over
commerce inside their states
(3) the Federal Government must concern itself
with the people's economic well-being
(4) the United States Constitution was not relevant
to 20th-century life
WWI to Great Depression
122 Base your answer on the quotation below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
...I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the
American people. Let us all here assembled constitute
ourselves prophets of a new order of competence and
of courage. This is more than a political campaign; it
is a call to arms. Give me your help, not to win votes
alone, but to win in this crusade to restore America to
its own people.
– Franklin D. Roosevelt, Acceptance Speech,
Democratic National Convention, 1932
In this statement, Franklin D. Roosevelt promised to
build up the military
reduce government interference in business
end an isolationist foreign policy
provide government assistance to combat the
Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 123 and 124 on
the chart below and your knowledge of social studies.
123 One reason for the passage of the laws shown in this chart was to
limit economic growth
protect the jobs of workers in the United States
improve working conditions in American factories
promote non-European immigration
124 What was an effect of the immigration laws of 1921 and 1924?
reduction of immigration from southern and eastern Europe and Asia
establishment of equality among ethnic groups seeking entrance to the United States
increase in the total number of immigrants allowed to enter the United States
removal of restrictions from the nations of northern and western Europe
WWI to Great Depression
125 What was one economic consequence of President
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal?
(1) Bank deregulation encouraged investment.
(2) Major industries were nationalized.
(3) Balanced budgets became the model for
economic stability.
(4) The role of the federal government in the
economy expanded.
126 What was a major result of Prohibition in the United
States during the 1920s?
restriction of immigration
growth of communism
destruction of family values
increase in organized crime
127 Which events best support the image of the 1920's as
a decade of nativist sentiment?
(1) the passage of the National Origins Act and
the rise of the Ku Klux Klan
(2) the Scopes trial and the passage of women's
(3) the Washington Naval Conference and the
Kellogg-Briand Pact
(4) the growth of the auto industry and the Teapot
Dome affair
128 Which situation was the immediate cause of the
United States entry into World War I in 1917?
The League of Nations requested help.
The Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor.
Nazi tyranny threatened Western democracy.
German submarines sank United States
merchant ships.
Base your answers to questions 129 through 131 on
this discussion and on your knowledge of social
studies. The discussion below refers to the New Deal
era of the late 1930's.
Speaker A: Our nation's economy has been ruined by
costly government programs that destroy freedom of
enterprise and individual initiative.
Speaker B: I strongly disagree. Our economy will be
helped by public works projects, unemployment
insurance systems, and old-age retirement insurance.
This is peaceful revolution.
Speaker C: We have had no revolution. We are simply
witnessing the evolution of an idea that began in the
days of Populism and Progressivism.
Speaker D: We need not concern ourselves with
whether these changes are revolutionary or
evolutionary, or whether or not the budget is balanced.
The important thing is to conserve our resources, and
we are seeking ways to do this through the democratic
129 The positions taken by speakers B and D are best
exemplified by such measures as the
(1) Securities and Exchange Commission and the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(2) Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act and the
Export-Import Bank
(3) Social Security Act and the Tennessee Valley
(4) National Recovery Act and the Gold Reserve
130 Which President based his economic theories on the
idea expressed by speaker A?
(1) Harry Truman
(3) Jimmy Carter
(2) Lyndon Johnson
(4) Ronald Reagan
131 The idea referred to by speaker C is
a regulatory role for the government
the free and unlimited coinage of silver
civil rights for minorities
an income tax amendment
WWI to Great Depression
132 Since 1930, during periods of economic recession,
which fiscal action has been taken by the United
States Government to stimulate the economy?
maintaining a large budgetary surplus
increasing corporate income taxes
lowering personal income taxes
raising interest rates on loans
133 A major reason the United States entered 'World War
I was to
maintain freedom of the seas
stop impressment of United States sailors
protect United States cities from foreign attacks
counter a German invasion of Latin America
134 One major result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
New Deal policy was that it
(1) weakened the power of the chief executive
(2) strengthened the policy of laissez-faire
(3) increased the power of the Federal
(4) expanded the importance of States rights
135 Which economic practice became significantly more
widespread during the 1920s?
governmental regulation of business
stock market speculation
dependence on government welfare programs
reduction of tariff rates
136 Which conditions are most characteristic of an
economic depression?
(1) high unemployment and overproduction
(2) large business investments and low taxes
(3) too much money in circulation and high stock
(4) high employment and increased real estate
137 What was a guiding principle of the New Deal
economic policies?
(1) Pro-business tax breaks would solve the
problems associated with urban poverty.
(2) Antitrust legislation would destroy the free
market economy of the United States.
(3) Rugged individualism must be allowed to solve
social inequality.
(4) Government must assume more
responsibility for helping the poor
138 A function of the regulatory agencies of the Federal
Government is to
(1) protect profits of major manufacturing
(2) determine prices in the stock market
(3) enforce laws governing businesses
(4) establish the types of taxes local governments
can levy
WWI to Great Depression
139 Base your answer to the following question on the photograph below and on your knowledge of social
Why were communities such as the one shown in this photograph from the 1930s called
because of Hoover's support for federal programs to provide jobs for the unemployed
because of Hoover's refusal to provide direct federal aid to the homeless
because of Hoover's efforts to help the residents return to their farms
because of Hoover's emergency relief program to provide food to the poor
140 During the 1930s, poor land management and severe
drought conditions across parts of the Midwest
resulted in the
(1) formation of the United States Department of
(2) creation of wheat surpluses
(3) growth of the Granger movement
(4) development of Dust Bowl conditions on the
Great Plain
141 A major difference between the philosophies of
President Herbert Hoover and President Franklin D.
Roosevelt in responding to the Great Depression is
that Roosevelt
(1) wanted to rely on private charities to provide
(2) stressed the need for individual self-reliance
(3) supported direct relief to people out of work
(4) thought the government should not be involved
in economic reform
WWI to Great Depression
142 Base your answer to the question on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
143 Base your answer to the following question on
the statements below and on your knowledge of social
Statement A: The best way to economic recovery is to
subsidize industry so that it will hire more workers
and expand production.
Statement B: If jobs are not available, the government
must create jobs for those who are unemployed.
Statement C: According to human nature, the most
talented people will always come out on top.
Statement D: Our government is responsible for the
nation's economic well-being.
Which statements most strongly support the actions of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt?
(1) A and C
(3) C and D
(2) B and C
(4) B and D
144 Which choice is the best description of the Lost
The cartoon illustrates President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's dissatisfaction with
(1) Congress leading the nation into World War II
(2) Congress resisting proposals to strengthen the
(3) New Deal programs being declared
(4) being unable to appoint minorities to the
Supreme Court
(1) Writers who moved to Europe because they
were disenchanted with American culture.
(2) Actors who protested the immorality of the
Roaring Twenties.
(3) Influential philosophers who believed that life
was meaningless.
(4) Journalists who warned of the Great Depression.
145 Which issue was the focus of the Supreme Court
decision in Schenck v. United States (1919)?
freedom of speech for war protesters
relocation of ethnic minority groups
use of detention camps for enemy aliens
integration of military forces
146 The Red Scare, the National Origins Acts of the
1920's, and the verdict in the Sacco and Vanzetti trial
are examples of negative American attitudes toward
business leaders
African Americans
labor union leaders
WWI to Great Depression
147 Base your answer to following question on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
148 During President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term,
what was the greatest obstacle to his New Deal
(1) decisions of the United States Supreme
Court, declaring some legislation
(2) lack of support from the American voters
(3) opposition of labor unions
(4) refusal of Congress to pass most of the bills
favored by the president
149 In the United States, the Red Scare of 1919 and the
McCarthy Era of the early 1950's were periods of
(1) severe economic depression
(2) widespread support for groups promoting
international anarchy
(3) great growth in art, literature, and music
(4) persecution of people suspected of holding
anti-American political views
150 During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson used
his wartime powers to
Win passage of quota acts
grant all women the right to vote
expand freedom of the press
increase government control of the economy
151 The "clear and present danger" test that resulted from
the Supreme Court decision in Schenck v. United
States placed limits on the
Which statement about President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's plans for a second term most accurately
expresses the main idea of the cartoon?
(1) Congress will give President Roosevelt a free
hand to lead the nation.
(2) The American people will trust Congress to
control President Roosevelt.
(3) President Roosevelt will seek direction from the
(4) The Great Depression will no longer be a
serious concern.
(1) free speech protections granted by the first
(2) powers of Congress under the elastic clause
(3) rights of the accused in criminal cases
(4) powers of the President during wartime
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 152 and 153 on the
statements of speakers below and on your knowledge
of social studies.
Speaker A: "Government support for the arts makes the
same sense as government support for the construction
of dams and roads. We must support our creative
Speaker B: "Today, people are starving in our own
land. To give public funds to something as frivolous as
the arts would be an insult to the poor."
Speaker C: "The arts should be supported in the same
manner they were after the Civil War, by contributions
from wealthy individuals. Today, those individuals
have been replaced by corporations."
Speaker D: "With government support for the arts will
come government control. The relationship between
the arts and the government must be like that of the
separation of church and state – absolute."
152 Which speaker would be most opposed to the
relationship between the arts and the government that
exists in totalitarian countries?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
153 Which speaker would most favor the type of
government support for the arts found in the New
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
154 A lasting effect of the New Deal has been a belief that
government should
(1) own the principal means of producing goods
and services
(2) allow natural market forces to determine
economic conditions
(3) maintain a balanced federal budget during hard
economic times
(4) assume responsibility for the well-being of its
155 During the Great Depression, expressions such as
Hoovervilles and Hoover blankets showed that
President Hoover
was seen as a role model
used the military to aid the unemployed
was blamed for the suffering of the poor
supported relief and public housing for the
156 Which aspect of the New Deal programs was most
clearly a continuation of Progressive Era policies?
(1) government regulation of business activities
(2) restoration of the cultural and tribal traditions of
Native American Indians
(3) free health care for all Americans
(4) government purchase of surplus farm products
157 A major idea in the philosophy behind the New Deal
was that
(1) the states should accept more responsibility for
the funding of social programs
(2) individual citizens should solve their own
(3) private organizations are best equipped to solve
social problems
(4) the resources of the Federal Government
should be used to solve social problems
158 Which Presidential action was perceived as a threat to
the system of checks and balances?
(1) George Washington's appointments to his
(2) Abraham Lincoln's issuance of the
Emancipation Proclamation
(3) Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to increase the
size of the Supreme Court
(4) Ronald Reagan's supply-side economic
159 The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the
Works Progress Administration (WPA) were both
New Deal programs developed to address the
problem of
excessive stock market speculation
high unemployment
increased use of credit
limited income of senior citizens
WWI to Great Depression
160 A lasting result of the New Deal in the United States
has been the
164 Base your answer to the following question on the
tables below and on your knowledge of social studies.
(1) reduction of the national debt
(2) control of stock prices by the Federal
(3) joint effort of business and labor to strengthen
the Presidency
(4) assumption by the Federal Government of
greater responsibility for the nation's well
161 “Harding Rejects Wilson’s Foreign Policy—Wants
Return to ‘Normalcy’”
“Coolidge Declares: ‘The Chief Business of the
American People Is Business’”
“Hoover Calls for ‘Rugged Individualism’;
Paternalism and Socialism”
Which policy of Republican presidents in the 1920s
is most consistent with the positions stated in these
(1) The United States should assist unions and
provide old-age insurance.
(2) The United States should acquire and protect an
(3) The federal government should support the poor
and raise farm prices.
(4) The federal government should assist
business and limit foreign commitments.
162 The main purpose of New Deal measures such as the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was to
(1) provide immediate employment opportunities
(2) develop rules to limit speculation and
safeguard savings
(3) enable the Federal Government to take over
failing industries
(4) assure a guaranteed income for American
163 Much of the economic growth of the 1920s was based
increased trade with other nations
the production of new consumer goods
rising prices of agricultural products
the rapid development of the West
Which situation is associated with the trends in
agriculture shown in these tables?
Farm foreclosures decreased.
Farm size was substantially reduced.
Farm output declined.
Farmers became a smaller percentage of the
labor force.
165 Base your answer to the following question on the
quotation below and on your knowledge of social
"Korematsu was not excluded from the military area
because of hostility to him or his race. He was
excluded because we are at war with the Japanese
Empire, because the . . . authorities feared an
invasion of our West Coast and felt constrained to
take proper security measures."
—Justice Hugo Black
Korematsu v. United States, 1944
Which generalization is supported by this quotation?
(1) Individual rights need to be maintained in
national emergencies.
(2) The Supreme Court lacks the power to block
presidential actions taken during wartime.
(3) Individual rights can be restricted under
certain circumstances.
(4) Only the Supreme Court can alter the
constitutional rights of American citizens.
WWI to Great Depression
166 Which combination of factors contributed most to the
start of the Great Depression of the 1930's?
(1) immigration restrictions and a lack of skilled
(2) high taxes and overspending on social welfare
(3) United States war debts and the declining value
of the dollar
(4) overproduction and the excessive use of
167 The National Industrial Recovery Act and the
National Labor Relations Act are often cited as
evidence that New Deal legislation
tried to keep the costs of labor down
sympathized with the interests of workers
blamed unions for slowing economic recovery
favored management over unions
168 President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to pack the
United States Supreme Court, but Congress did not
support him. This situation is an example of
Congress undermining the separation of powers
the president using the unwritten constitution
the use of the system of checks and balances
how federalism was preserved by one branch of
169 Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the
Great Depression?
increasing government intervention
nationalization of investment banks
decreasing reliance on credit
widening gaps between the rich and the poor
WWI to Great Depression
170 Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
This cartoonist believes that President Franklin D. Roosevelt's actions related to the Supreme Court
embraced by most of the American public
necessary to protect the Bill of Rights
harmful to the system of checks and balances
needed to navigate safely through the Great Depression
WWI to Great Depression
171 Base your answer on the graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
The low level of immigration between 1930 and 1945 is most directly related to
passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act
the Great Depression and World War II
the Cold War and the civil rights movement
improvements in living standards in Europe and Asia
172 The influence of nativism during the 1920s is best
illustrated by the
increase in the popularity of the automobile
emergence of the flappers
expansion of trusts and monopolies
growth of the Ku Klux Klan
173 During the 1920s, installment buying, income
inequality, and stock market speculation contributed
to the
(1) introduction of supply-side economics
(2) return of laissez-faire economic principles
(3) economic weaknesses that helped bring about
the Great Depression
(4) decision to lower tariff rates
174 The “clear and present danger” doctrine stated by the
Supreme Court in the case of Schenck v. United
States (1919) had an important impact on the Bill of
Rights because it
limited the powers of the president
placed limits on freedom of speech
clarified standards for a fair trial
expanded the rights of persons accused of
175 What was the major cause of African American
migration from the rural South to northern cities
during World War I?
offers of free public education
availability of factory jobs
desire to live in integrated neighborhoods
opportunity to gain religious freedom
WWI to Great Depression
176 In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to
increase the number of Supreme Court justices
(1) some justices complained they were unable to
handle the heavy caseload
(2) some regions of the country were not
represented on the Court
(3) the Court needed more minority representation
(4) the Court had declared several New Deal
programs unconstitutional
177 A major purpose for the creation of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) during the
1930's was to
(1) limit government borrowing
(2) break up banking monopolies
(3) strengthen consumer confidence in the
banking system
(4) implement monetary policies to fight the
178 What was a major reason for United States entry into
World War I?
(1) to overthrow the czarist government of Russia
(2) to keep Latin America from being attacked by
(3) to maintain freedom of the seas
(4) to break up the colonial empires of the Allies
179 The New Deal tried to solve many problems of the
Great Depression by
(1) providing federal aid to many sectors of the
(2) reducing taxes on big business to stimulate job
(3) lowering federal spending to maintain a
balanced budget
(4) decreasing foreign competition by raising tariffs
180 During the 1920s, the United States changed its
immigration policy by passing new laws that
(1) provided incentives to attract more immigrants
to factory jobs
(2) encouraged Chinese immigrants to enter the
(3) allowed unrestricted immigration of war
refugees from Vietnam
(4) established quotas that reduced the number
of immigrants from certain countries
181 Which group of Americans generally failed to
experience the economic prosperity of the 1920s?
(1) farmers
(3) consumers
(2) retailers
(4) manufacturers
182 Which opinion contributed to the restrictive
immigration legislation of the 1920's?
(1) Religious differences are not important.
(2) Well-educated immigrants should be kept out of
the country.
(3) Only skilled workers are needed for factory
(4) Some immigrant groups will never be
183 The "clear and present danger" ruling of the Supreme
Court in Schenck v. United States illustrates the
continuing conflict between
(1) free speech and governmental authority
(2) the use of search warrants and the rights of the
(3) state powers and Federal powers
(4) religious freedom and separation of church and
184 What is one lasting effect of the New Deal?
(1) Organized labor continues to grow in size and
(2) Many government programs started in the
1930's continue in the 1990's.
(3) Women have finally attained: equal economic
(4) The Republican Party has continued to control
the National Government since the 1930's.
185 Critics charged that President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
plan to increase the number of Supreme Court
Justices was clearly in conflict with
(1) the Supreme Court's practice of judicial restraint
(2) the constitutional principle of checks and
(3) attempts of Congress to limit judicial
(4) efforts to restrict the number of terms a
President could serve
WWI to Great Depression
186 The prosperity of the United States in the mid-1920s
resulted in part from
increased demand for new consumer goods
high-wage contracts negotiated by labor unions
record-high farm prices
increased government regulation of the
187 Base your answer to the following question on the
poem below and on your knowledge of social studies.
I, Too
I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"
They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed —
I, too, am America.
— Langston Hughes, in Rampersad and Roessel, eds.,
The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes,
Alfred A. Knopf
This Langston Hughes poem illustrates a major
theme of the Harlem Renaissance by
(1) supporting the creation of colleges operated by
African Americans
(2) stressing the need for economic reform
(3) expressing the pride and hope of many
African Americans
(4) detailing mistreatment of African Americans by
the music industry
WWI to Great Depression
188 The growth of the automobile industry after World
War I changed the United States economy by
(1) stimulating the development of other new
(2) decreasing employment opportunities for
assembly-line workers
(3) increasing the number of railroad passengers
(4) encouraging government operation of major
189 During the 1920s, the Scopes trial and the dispute
over Prohibition showed the clash between
rich people and poor people
traditional values and modernism
business owners and labor unions
the national government and state governments
190 The popularity of escapist novels and movies during
the Great Depression is evidence that
(1) the Great Depression was not really a time of
economic distress
(2) popular culture is shaped by economic and
social conditions
(3) American society did not try to solve the
problems of the Great Depression
(4) the greatest employment opportunities for the
average person in the 1930's were in the field of
Base your answers to questions 191 and 192 on
the song below and on your knowledge of social
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
They used to tell me I was building a dream
And so I followed the mob.
When there was earth to plow or guns to bear,
I was always there, right on the job.
They used to tell me I was building a dream
With peace and glory ahead — Why should I be
standing in line, just waiting
for bread?
Once I built a railroad, I made it run,
Made it race against time.
Once I built a railroad, now it's done —
Brother, can you spare a dime?...
Once in khaki suits, gee, we looked swell
Full of that Yankee Doodle-de-dum.
Half a million boots went slogging through hell,
And I was the kid with the drum....
— E. Y. Harburg and J. Gorney, 1932
191 Which program was created to deal with the problem
identified in this song?
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
192 Which statement most accurately expresses the main
idea of this song?
(1) Railroad workers were often overpaid.
(2) The average wage in 1930 was 10 cents an hour.
(3) Soldiers never have difficulty finding jobs when
they return from war.
(4) Hard times threaten economic opportunity.
193 The Scopes trial of 1925 illustrated the
(1) desire for new voting rights laws
(2) need for better private schools
(3) conflict between Protestant fundamentalism
and science
(4) effects of the Red Scare on the legal system
WWI to Great Depression
194 Base your answer on the cartoon below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
196 Which argument was used by the Supreme Court in
reaching its “clear and present danger” ruling in
Schenck v. United States (1919)?
(1) The military is under civilian control.
(2) Powers are separated between the federal and
state governments.
(3) Constitutional rights are not absolute.
(4) The Constitution provides for equal protection
under the laws
197 The Social Security Act (1935) is considered an
important program because it
(1) brought about a quick end to the Great
(2) provided employment for those in need of a job
(3) established a progressive income tax
(4) extended support to elderly citizens
198 Which change in the buying habits of American
consumers occurred during the 1920's?
What is the main idea of this cartoon?
(1) President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to
end Supreme Court opposition to the New
(2) Congress refused to pass New Deal legislation.
(3) President Franklin D. Roosevelt had not faced
any opposition to his New Deal.
(4) Congress voted to increase the size of the
Supreme Court.
195 The conflict between science and religion in the
1920's was most clearly shown in
trial of John Scopes
arrest of Sacco and Vanzetti
nativist reactions to immigration
poetry of the Harlem Renaissance
(1) The number of credit purchases increased.
(2) Locally made products were preferred over
national brands.
(3) Preferences for imported goods greatly
(4) Homemade products experienced a revival in
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 199 and 200 on the
map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
203 Base your answer to the following question on the
map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
199 In the 1930s, the shaded area outlined on the map
became known as the
Rust Belt
Dust Bowl
Continental Divide
Mississippi Delta
200 In the 1930s, what was a major impact of the events
that occurred in the shaded area on the region's
(1) A large number of people migrated west.
(2) Many people arrived seeking economic
(3) Farm prosperity raised land values.
(4) Major dam building ended annual flooding.
201 What was one factor that led to the Great Depression?
(1) government limitations on the amount of money
in circulation
(2) high wages paid by employers
(3) increases in the tax rate for corporations
(4) excessive speculation in the stock market
202 During the New Deal, the Federal Government
attempted to improve conditions for farmers by
ending the practice of sharecropping
supporting the formation of farmworker unions
raising tariffs on farm imports
paying farmers to take land out of
Which region of the United States suffered most
directly from the Dust Bowl?
(1) Southwest
(2) Pacific Northwest
(3) Rocky Mountains (4) Great Plains
204 The 1920's are often called the "Roaring Twenties"
because the decade was noted for
changing cultural values
economic depression
political reform
overseas expansion
205 Which statement concerning immigration to the
United States during the early part of the 20th century
is most accurate?
(1) Immigration generally had little influence on
American society.
(2) Heavy immigration from eastern and
southern Europe led to the establishment of
(3) Border patrols were set up to check illegal
immigration from Latin America.
(4) Most immigrants were middle class and upper
class people from northern Europe.
WWI to Great Depression
206 During World War I, many African Americans living
in the South moved to northern cities primarily
(1) more workers were needed in industry
(2) prejudice had been eliminated in the North
(3) affirmative action programs provided better
training opportunities
(4) the cost of living in the cities was lower
207 During the 1920s, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, the
Palmer raids, and the revival of the Ku Klux Klan
demonstrate that
(1) nativist sentiments were on the rise
(2) cultural values were similar between urban and
rural Americans
(3) popular support for international involvement
was increasing
(4) public support for limiting immigration was
208 Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the
Great Depression?
rising cost of mass-produced goods
increasing income tax rates
falling tariff rates
widening income gap between the rich and
the poor
209 During the Great Depression of the 1930s and the
economic crisis of 2008-2010, the federal
government initiated reforms in the banking system
(1) strengthen federal control over the financial
(2) eliminate the flow of capital to foreign countries
(3) promote laissez-faire business practices
(4) provide for a more equitable distribution of
210 As part of the New Deal, the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) were created to
(1) allow for a quick recovery of stock prices
(2) provide direct loans to businesses
(3) protect individual investors from stock fraud
and bank failure
(4) allow banks and companies to invest in the
stock market
211 Which event most influenced President Woodrow
Wilson's decision to enter World War I
(1) defeat of russia by Germany
(2) assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
(3) raids by Mexico on the southwestern United
(4) renewal of unrestricted submarine warfare
by Germany
212 The repeal of national Prohibition in 1933 showed
(1) alcohol consumption was not socially
(2) the government should lower the drinking age
(3) crime rates had fallen to record low levels
(4) unpopular laws are difficult to enforce
213 From 1914 to 1916, as World War I raged in
Europe, Americans were not able to "remain
neutral in thought as well as action" mainly
(1) United States membership in military alliances
required the nation to fight
(2) United States newspapers encouraged a policy
of imperialist expansion
(3) the warring powers interfered with the
United States right to freedom of the seas
(4) President Woodrow Wilson supported the war
aims of Germany and Austria-Hungary
214 "Instead of meeting on the front porch under the
watchful eyes of adults, our young people are now
traveling to the next town or city and spending long
hours together in what are virtually 'private rooms on
wheels.' "
The concern voiced in this quotation from the 1920's
was most probably caused by the rapid development
the railroad
the automobile
movies and movie theaters
regular bus service between cities
WWI to Great Depression
215 The return to "normalcy" during the 1920's can best
be described as an attempt to
(1) expand social welfare programs
(2) show greater tolerance toward immigrant groups
(3) reduce the role of government in regulating
the economy
(4) increase United States intervention in European
political affairs
Base your answers to questions 216 and 217 on the
passage below and on your knowledge of social
We intend to begin on the first of February
unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor
in spite of this to keep the United States of
America neutral. In the event of this not
succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of
alliance on the following basis: make war together,
make peace together, generous financial support
and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to
reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico,
and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to
— Telegram of January 19, 1917
216 This telegram was part of an effort to
(1) form an alliance between Germany and the
United States
(2) convince several western states to secede from
the United States
(3) bring Mexico into World War I on the side of
Great Britain and France
(4) enlist Mexican support for Germany if the
United States declared war
217 Publication of this telegram in United States
newspapers helped to
(1) reelect Woodrow Wilson as president
(2) convince the American public to support
entrance into World War I
(3) encourage Congress to pass neutrality
(4) grant statehood to Arizona and New Mexico
218 Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington are noted for
their contributions to the cultural movement of the
1920s known as the
Gospel of Wealth
Lost Generation
Harlem Renaissance
Gilded Age
219 The Dust Bowl experiences of the Oklahoma farmers
during the Great Depression demonstrated the
effect of geography on people's lives
success of government farm subsidies
limitation of civil liberties during times of crisis
result of the Indian Removal Act
Base your answers to questions 220 and 221 on the
passage below and on your knowledge of social
. . . It has been impossible in so short a space to
review the entire menace of the internal revolution
in this country as I know it, but this may serve to
arouse the American citizen to its reality, its
danger, and the great need of united effort to stamp
it out, under our feet, if needs be. It is being done.
The Department of Justice will pursue the attack of
these "Reds" upon the Government of the United
States with vigilance, and no alien, advocating the
overthrow of existing law and order in this country,
shall escape arrest and prompt deportation ....
- Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, "The Case
Against the 'Reds'," 1920
220 The alleged danger referred to in this passage
contributed to the
elimination of the military draft
ratification of the Treaty of Versailles
changing of United States immigration policy
failure of the American Federation of Labor
221 Based on this passage, in 1920 the Attorney General
of the United States advocated the deportation of
communist and anarchist immigrants
men who avoided the draft in World War I
citizens who criticized the government
wartime workers from Latin America
WWI to Great Depression
222 Which event led to the other three?
(1) migration of 300,000 people to California to
find work
(2) development of Dust Bowl conditions on the
Great Plains
(3) passage of New Deal legislation to conserve soil
(4) publication of John Steinbeck's novel The
Grapes of Wrath
226 Base your answer on the graph below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
223 A lasting result of the New Deal in the United
States has been the
(1) reduction of the national debt
(2) control of stock prices by the Federal
(3) joint effort of business and labor to strengthen
the Presidency
(4) federal government assuming a greater
responsibility for the nation's well being
224 During the twentieth century, United States farmers
have responded to a decline in farm income by
cheaper storage facilities
a return to subsistence agriculture
government price supports
lower prices for farm products
225 President Woodrow Wilson’s policy of strict
neutrality during the early years of World War I was
challenged by
(1) German violations of freedom of the seas
(2) British disrespect for the Roosevelt corollary
(3) attacks by Mexicans on United States border
(4) the refusal of the League of Nations to supply
The major reason for the change in the number of
bank failures between the early 1930's and 1937 is
that by 1937
(1) new banking laws had restored public
confidence in the nation's banks
(2) most people were too poor to have any savings
(3) the government had purchased and was now
operating the nation's banks
(4) most Americans had transferred their savings
to European banks
WWI to Great Depression
227 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
229 Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B
Johnson supported domestic policies that
favored only one region of the nation
attempted to increase the wealth of the rich
led to tax cuts for all Americans
provided direct help to those in need
230 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's court-packing
proposal was criticized because it
(1) attempted to give more power to the judicial
(2) directly violated the Federal-state relationship
(3) threatened the system of checks and balances
in the Federal Government
(4) violated the constitutional guarantee of the
right to legal counsel
231 During the 1920s, controversies concerning the
Scopes trial, national Prohibition, and the behavior of
“flappers” were all signs of disagreement over
the return to normalcy
traditional values and changing lifestyles
causes of the Great Depression
the benefits of new technology
232 Which economic factor was a major cause of the
Great Depression?
Based on this cartoon, economic recovery would
(1) fewer regulations by the federal government
(2) increased taxes on the, working class
(3) more money in the hands of lower-income
(4) protective tariffs on foreign goods
228 Since the Great Depression of the 1930's, which
action has the Federal Government most often taken
to lower the unemployment rate?
increased government spending
raised individual and corporate taxes
raised the retirement age
increased the minimum wage
purchase of stocks on credit
increases in taxes on business
reduction of tariffs on imports
failure to produce enough consumer goods
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 233 and 234 on the
photograph below and on your knowledge of social
236 A major reason for creating the Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) in 1933 was to
(1) build and manage a turnpike in the valley
(2) provide health care benefits for southerners
(3) encourage African Americans to settle in the
(4) improve economic conditions in a poor rural
237 Republican opponents of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt criticized the New Deal program on the
grounds that it
233 During the 1930s, the conditions shown in this
photograph occurred mainly
on the Atlantic Coast
on the Great Plains
in the Rocky Mountains
in the Pacific Northwest
234 Many farmers in the region affected by the conditions
shown in this photograph reacted by
(1) migrating to California
(2) accepting aid from the Tennessee Valley
(3) investing in better farm equipment
(4) marching on Washington, D.C.
235 Which statement expresses the New Deal philosophy
about the role of government?
(1) In a capitalist economy, the main duty of the
government is to protect business profits.
(2) Government should control the prices of goods
and services.
(3) Government must become involved in the
economy to benefit the people.
(4) Balancing the budget is more important than
creating jobs.
spent more money than was taken in
weakened the power of the executive branch
failed to include labor legislation
promoted the ideas of laissez-faire economics
238 What is one lasting effect of the New Deal?
(1) Organized labor continues to decline in size and
(2) Many government programs started in the
1930's continue in the 1990's.
(3) Women have finally attained equal economic
(4) The Republican Party has continued to control
the national government since the 1930's.
239 Which combination of factors contributed most to the
start of the Great Depression of the 1930's?
(1) immigration restrictions and a lack of skilled
(2) high taxes and overspending on social welfare
(3) United States war debts and the declining value
of the dollar
(4) overproduction and the excessive use of
240 Most conservatives who opposed President Franklin
D. Roosevelt's policies believed that the New Deal
endangering the free enterprise system
threatening national security
ignoring problems faced by rural Americans
failing to enact needed social welfare reforms
WWI to Great Depression
241 "There are too many foreigners and undesirables
coming into the United States. Let's pull up the
Which concept is best illustrated by this statement?
social mobility
reverse discrimination
242 Opponents of the New Deal criticized President
Franklin D. Roosevelt for
(1) expanding the role and size of the federal
(2) permitting banks to operate without government
(3) weakening the executive branch
(4) reducing spending to balance the budget
243 During the 1920's, the prevailing view of
government's role in the United States economy was
that the government should
control the means of production
promote the welfare state
play a major role through regulatory action
interfere as little as possible
WWI to Great Depression
244 Base your answer on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.
This cartoon is portraying a situation that resulted from the
public rejection of the New Deal
economic downturn of the late 1920s
failure of the Civilian Conservation Corps
opposition to the Treaty of Versaille.
245 Which situation was a major cause of the Great
(1) The United States economy depended on
foreign trade.
(2) Prices for agricultural products reached an
all-time high.
(3) Consumer demand was low, while industrial
production was high.
(4) Labor unions grew rapidly.
246 The New Deal was similar to the earlier Progressive
movement in that both
(1) attempted to reform the economic system
(2) aimed to overcome severe economic
(3) emphasized the need to control the evils of
organized labor
(4) made strong efforts to fight racial segregation
247 Passage of the Social Security Act (1935) helped
American workers by
creating jobs for the unemployed
guaranteeing a minimum wage
legalizing the right to join labor unions
providing financial assistance after
248 The development and operation of the Tennessee
Valley Authority by the United States Government is
an example of
(1) Federal intervention to meet regional needs
(2) experimentation with nuclear technology
(3) Government's attempt to earn maximum profits
in business
(4) a return to laissez-faire economics
WWI to Great Depression
249 What was a principle reason for rapid economic
growth in the United States during the 1920s?
prosperity of American agriculture
increase of American imports
development of many new consumer goods
increased spending on defense
250 Base your answer to the following question on the
graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
252 In an effort to resolve conflicts with the frontier
settlers in the 1870s, the federal government forced
Native American Indians to
move west of the Mississippi River
live on reservations with definite boundaries
relocate to urban industrial centers
help build the transcontinental railroad
253 Which geographic area was most seriously affected
by the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?
Atlantic Coastal Plain
Ohio River valley
Great Plains
Pacific Coast
254 The War Industries Board, the War Labor Board, and
the Food Administration were all created as part of
the United States war effort in World War I. Their
creation demonstrates that in time of war
(1) individual freedoms are suspended
(2) government becomes more involved in
directing the economy
(3) the United States adopts a socialist economy
(4) farming is given an equal status with industry
255 The 1925 trial of John Scopes involved a conflict
Data from this graph support the conclusion that
World War I
(1) caused the United States trade deficit to increase
(2) cost the United States many billions of dollars
(3) was a significant benefit to the American
(4) created an unfavorable balance of trade
251 Which development led to the other three?
decline in the availability of mass transit
expansion of roads and highways
rise of the automobile industry
growth of suburban housing
communists and industrialists
science and religion
the Ku Klux Klan and civil rights advocates
supporters and opponents of a ban on the sale of
alcoholic beverages
256 A major difference between the New Deal and the
policies followed by earlier administrations was that
the New Deal
(1) emphasized and encouraged rugged
(2) advocated socialism as a solution to the
problems of the times
(3) provided the government with a more active
role in the economy
(4) was able to eliminate discrimination in
WWI to Great Depression
257 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
260 In the 1930s, one factor that accounted for the
westward migration of farmers from the Great Plains
(1) high farm prices
(3) the Dust Bowl
(2) new technologies
(4) the baby boom
261 What was a major factor leading to the erosion of
regional cultural differences in the 1920s?
(1) development of television
(2) growing popularity of radio and motion
(3) publication of novels by F. Scott Fitzgerald and
Sinclair Lewis
(4) expansion of air travel after Charles Lindbergh’s
262 The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920's was a
period when African Americans
Which constitutional principle is illustrated in this
checks and balances
States rights
executive privilege
258 During the late 1800s, the principles of Social
Darwinism were used to justify
support for unlimited immigration
desegregation of public facilities
the use of strikes by organized labor
the accumulation of great wealth
industrialists by industrialists
259 What event proved that even during the Roaring
Twenties, religious fundamentalists still had strong
influence over American politics?
the Great Depression
the Red Scare
the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
the Scopes Trial
(1) left the United States in large numbers to settle
in Nigeria
(2) created noteworthy works of art and
(3) migrated to the West in search of land and jobs
(4) used civil disobedience to fight segregation in
the Armed Forces
WWI to Great Depression
263 Base your answer on the photograph below and on
your knowledge of social studies.
265 Base your answer to question on the photograph
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
The conditions shown in this 1936 photograph were
caused mainly by
Which New Deal agency was created to provide
employment for individuals such as the man in the
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
264 Which statement best illustrates a basic idea of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal?
(1) Communism provides the only real solution to
economic problems.
(2) Unemployed workers should rely on the states
rather than on the federal government for help.
(3) The United States reached its economic peak in
the 1920s and is now a declining industrial
(4) The economy sometimes needs public money
to encourage business activity.
periods of widespread flooding
deforestation and overgrazing
global warming
drought and poor farming techniques
266 After World War I, why did American farmers fail to
share in the general economic growth of the United
(1) Many immigrants were settling in the west and
competing with the farmers.
(2) The Federal Government reduced the number of
acres on which farmers could grow subsidized
(3) Farmers could not produce enough to keep up
with demand.
(4) Overproduction and competition caused
falling prices.
267 Henry Ford’s use of the assembly line in the
production of automobiles led directly to
(1) a decrease in the number of automobiles
(2) a decrease in the cost of automobiles
(3) an increase in the unemployment rate
(4) an increase in the time needed to produce a
single automobile
WWI to Great Depression
268 During the New Deal, the main purpose of the
Agricultural Adjustment Acts was to
(1) stimulate farm production to provide food for
unemployed city workers
(2) assist farmers in relocating to towns and cities
(3) produce a farm surplus for export to foreign
(4) increase farm income by controlling
269 Which foreign policy did Warren G. Harding support
when he used the phrase “return to normalcy” during
his presidential campaign of 1920?
(1) appeasement
(3) containment
(2) internationalism
(4) isolationism
270 Which statement about Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New
Deal program is most accurate?
Protective tariff rates increased.
Social welfare programs were expanded.
Government regulation of business was reduced.
Government support of environmental
conservation ended.
271 The "boom" years of the 1920's were characterized by
(1) decreases in both agricultural surpluses and
farm foreclosures
(2) limited investment capital and declining
numbers of workers in the labor force
(3) widespread use of the automobile and an
increase in buying
(4) increased regulation of the marketplace by both
Federal and state governments
272 During President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first two
terms, the strongest opposition to his New Deal
policies came from
big business
labor union members
the poor
Western farmers
273 Until the New Deal, the basic approach of
government in the United States for handling a
depression was to
allow the economy to adjust itself
ask other nations for economic aid
establish massive deficit-spending programs
try a variety of approaches from inaction to
274 President Herbert Hoover's refusal to provide funds
for the unemployed during the Depression was based
on his belief that
(1) the unemployment problem was not serious
(2) workers would not accept government
(3) labor unions should provide for the unemployed
(4) Federal relief programs would destroy
individual initiative
275 How did the United States emerge from World War I,
in terms of international trade and finance?
as a leading creditor nation
dependent on Middle Eastern oil
burdened with a huge trade deficit
responsible for rebuilding the economies of both
wartime allies and enemies
276 Which factor encouraged an American policy of
neutrality during the 1930s?
(1) disillusionment with World War I and its
(2) decline in the military readiness of other nations
(3) repeal of Prohibition
(4) economic prosperity of the period
277 The 1920s are often called the Roaring Twenties
because the decade was noted for
political reform
economic depression
social and cultural changes
ending Prohibition
WWI to Great Depression
278 Duke Ellington, Langston Hughes, and Bessie Smith
are most closely associated with efforts to
(1) expand the Back to Africa movement
(2) fight discrimination through the judicial system
(3) promote the cultural identity of African
Americans through the arts
(4) establish the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
279 The Scopes Trial of 1925 is an example of
(1) the effects of assimilation on American culture
(2) a clash between scientific ideas and religious
(3) an increase in violence in American society
(4) government intervention in racial conflicts
280 "... Our whole system of self-government will
crumble either if officials elect what laws they will
enforce or citizens elect what laws they will support.
The worst evil of disregard for some law is that it
destroys respect for all law...."
— President Herbert Hoover, 1929
Which issue is President Hoover discussing in this
national Prohibition
environmental conservation
Social Security taxes
voting rights for women
281 In stating the principle of a "clear and present danger"
in Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court
established that
(1) constitutional rights are not absolute
(2) the Constitution guarantees the right to privacy
(3) Congress can pass a law to eliminate any part of
the Bill of Rights
(4) all individual rights are eliminated during
282 Franklin Roosevelt's foreign policy toward Latin
American nations differed most from that of earlier
administrations in that it stressed
aggressive imperialism
hemispheric cooperation
economic domination
283 One reason for the economic decline in the United
States in the late 1920's was
a drastic reduction in tariffs
industrial and agricultural overproduction
excessive government regulation
insufficient capital for investment
284 During the Great Depression, one way New Deal
programs tried to stimulate economic recovery was by
raising tariff rates
increasing interest rates
creating public works jobs
lowering the minimum wage
285 Which statement is accurate about American culture
during the Great Depression?
(1) The Federal Government provided money to
support the arts.
(2) Most movies featured realistic themes and
unhappy endings.
(3) Rock-and-roll music became popular.
(4) Interest in professional sports declined.
286 A major goal of the New Deal was to
keep the United States out of war
provide work for the unemployed
conserve natural resources
establish wage and price controls
287 Which is the most valid statement concerning the
social welfare programs of the New Deal period?
(1) Charitable causes received little private
financial support.
(2) Health care costs were greater in rural areas than
in urban areas.
(3) Government assumed responsibility for
functions previously performed by other
(4) State governments refused to participate in
programs for the poor.
288 Which group of Americans generally failed to
experience the economic prosperity of the 1920s?
(1) farmers
(3) consumers
(2) retailers
(4) manufacturers
WWI to Great Depression
289 Which action was a result of the other three?
(1) Germany’s policy of unrestricted submarine
(2) United States entry into World War I
(3) interception of the Zimmermann Note
(4) United States loans to Allied nations
290 During the New Deal period, Congress blocked
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's attempt to
pay farmers not to produce crops
decrease Federal spending
regulate the banking industry
appoint additional Justices to the Supreme
291 Which groups were most helped by the Wagner Act
and the Fair Labor Standards Act, passed during the
New Deal?
workers and labor unions
stockbrokers and investors
large businesses and corporations
farmers and landowners
292 Which factors were the major causes of the Red Scare
and the Palmer Raids, which followed World War I?
(1) success of the Communist Party in
congressional and Presidential elections
(2) race riots in Los Angeles and the revival of the
Ku Klux Klan
(3) failure of the United States to join the League of
Nations and the unpaid German war debts
(4) the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia
and workers' strikes in the United States
293 The march of the “Bonus Army” and referring to
shantytowns as “Hoovervilles” in the early 1930s
(1) growing discontent with Republican efforts
to deal with the Great Depression
(2) state projects that created jobs for the
(3) federal attempts to restore confidence in the
American economy
(4) the president’s success in solving social
294 Which New Deal program was chiefly designed to
correct abuses in the stock market?
Federal Emergency Relief Act
Civilian Conservation Corps
Works Progress Administration
Securities and Exchange Commission
295 During the New Deal, the Federal Government
attempted to improve the farm economy by
reducing the production of agricultural goods
opening up more land for homesteaders
raising tariffs to reduce foreign competition
lowering property taxes on farmland
296 Much of the domestic legislation of the New Deal
was based on the idea that the government should
(1) own and operate the nation's key industries
(2) assign the responsibility to local communities
for social welfare programs
(3) protect individuals against risks that they can
not handle on their own
(4) allow the return of trusts and monopolies as
major economic forces
297 The response of President George Washington to
warring European nations in the 1790's was most
similar to the response of President
(1) Woodrow Wilson to the start of World War I
(2) Harry Truman to the invasion of South Korea
(3) Lyndon Johnson to communist expansion in
Southeast Asia
(4) George Bush to the invasion of Kuwait
298 In the United States, a major cause of the Great
Depression was
(1) excessive government spending on the military
(2) the rapid decrease in consumer demand and
purchasing power
(3) the large deficits resulting from World War I
(4) increased government spending on social
welfare programs
WWI to Great Depression
299 Which action is often viewed as the most serious
attempt to undermine the independence of the
Base your answers to questions 303 and 304 on the
photograph below and on your knowledge of social
(1) appointment of conservative Supreme Court
Justices by President Ronald Reagan
(2) President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to
reorganize the Supreme Court
(3) appointment of Supreme Court Justices to
unlimited terms of office
(4) periodic increases in the salaries of Supreme
Court Justices
300 During President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
administration, which situation was viewed by critics
as a threat to the principle of separation of powers?
(1) changing the date of the Presidential
(2) congressional support of banking legislation
(3) proposing the expansion of Supreme Court
(4) passage of Social Security legislation
301 Which event is most closely associated with the end
of the Great Depression?
(1) passage of the Social Security Act
(2) beginning of World War II
(3) reelection of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
(4) announcement of the Marshall Plan
302 What was the primary motive behind President
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1937 proposal to add
members to the Supreme Court?
(1) removal of Republican justices from the Court
(2) ending the Court’s use of judicial review
(3) assuring United States neutrality at the start of
World War II
(4) protection of New Deal programs from
unfavorable Court decisions
303 In which geographic region of the nation was this
1935 photograph taken?
(1) New England
(2) Southeast
(3) Pacific Northwest (4) Great Plains
304 The conditions shown in the photograph were mainly
the result of
(1) government subsidies to increase crop
(2) migrations from farms to cities
(3) poor farming methods and sustained drought
(4) reduced tariffs on farm machinery and crops
305 The most immediate goal of the New Deal programs
proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt was to
(1) have the states assume responsibility for relief
(2) control wages and prices
(3) conserve natural resources
(4) provide work for the unemployed
306 Langston Hughes, Bessie Smith, and Duke Ellington
are most closely associated with the
Gilded Age
Populist movement
Harlem Renaissance
Cold War
WWI to Great Depression
307 Present-day United States immigration laws provide
(1) a quota system for all countries outside Western
(2) admission of only displaced persons and
(3) transfers of unused quotas of Western European
nations to Asian nations
(4) admission of immigrants on the basis of
standards not related to race or nationality
308 Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), United States v. E. C.
Knight Co. (1895), and Schechter Poultry
Corporation v. United States (1935) are all Supreme
Court cases dealing with
(1) presidential power during wartime
(2) federal authority to regulate interstate
(3) protection of students' religious freedom
(4) government regulation of passenger
309 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's clashes with the
United States Supreme Court over his New Deal
programs best illustrate
(1) federalism that was carried to extremes
(2) separation of powers in operation
(3) refusal of the Supreme Court to engage in
judicial review
(4) weaknesses in the constitutional amendment
310 A major impact of New Deal legislation has been
(1) the dominance of the judiciary over the
legislative and executive branches
(2) a weakening of the President's influence in
(3) a stronger link between the national and local
levels of government
(4) a reduction in the power of the Federal
Government over the states
311 One major way President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
New Deal tried to combat the effects of the Great
Depression was by
(1) keeping workers’ wages low
(2) increasing protective tariff rates
(3) giving states more control over the federal
(4) funding public works relief programs
312 Which feature of the economic boom of the 1920's
contributed most to the stock market crash of 1929?
increased use of the automobile
growth of the entertainment industry
use of new energy sources
speculation in real estate and other
313 In the 1880s and the 1920s, low prices for United
States agricultural products were the result of
the overproduction of staple crops
a shortage of usable farm land
competition from cheaper imported goods
inflationary monetary policies
WWI to Great Depression
314 Base your answer to this question on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
316 A study of the "flappers" of the 1920's would indicate
(1) some women rejected traditional feminine
(2) many women were elected to national political
(3) women were fired from traditionally male
(4) the earning power of women was equal to that
of men in the same occupation
317 The farm policy of the New Deal was designed to
(1) decrease Federal involvement in agriculture
(2) reduce prices of farm products to aid factory
(3) enlarge farms by approving corporate mergers
(4) increase prices of farm products by reducing
farm output
318 Critics charged that New Deal policies favored
socialism because the federal government
The cartoonist is commenting on President Franklin
(1) win congressional approval for his Supreme
Court nominees
(2) gain Supreme Court support for his
legislative program
(3) set up a retirement plan for Supreme Court
(4) keep members of Congress off the Supreme
315 "Europeans can't buy goods from Americans because
Europeans can't sell goods in the American market.
Obviously, they don't have the chance to earn the
money they need to buy our goods."
This statement focuses on which cause of the Great
restriction of credit by banks
high protective tariffs
low wages of American workers
overspeculation on the stock market
(1) took ownership of most major industries
(2) favored farmers over workers and business
(3) increased its responsibility for the welfare of
the economy
(4) declined to prosecute business monopolies
319 One similarity between the popular culture of the
1920s and the popular culture of the 1950s is that
many Americans in both periods had
a welcoming attitude toward immigrants
a strong desire to own consumer goods
an increased interest in rural lifestyles
an exaggerated distrust of new technology
320 Which condition increased the negative effects of the
Great Depression?
(1) Factories had to decrease production because
of low demand.
(2) Low levels of unemployment created labor
(3) The demand for imported products increased.
(4) The Federal Government raised taxes
WWI to Great Depression
321 Which book describes how the Dust Bowl of the
1930s affected farmers of the Great Plains?
325 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below.
How the Other Half Lives
The Jungle
The Grapes of Wrath
Silent Spring
322 Base your answer to the following question on the
song lyrics below and on your knowledge of social
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
. . . Once I built a tower, up to the sun,
brick and rivet and lime.
Once I built a tower, now it's done-Brother, can you spare a dime? . . .
— E. Y. Harburg and J. Gorney
These song lyrics are most closely related to
the writers of the Harlem Renaissance
unemployment during the Great Depression
the "Lost Generation" following World War I
business expansion during the 1950s
323 Many of the songs, movies, and books of the 1930s
are similar in that they
(1) romanticized urban life
(2) relived the bad times of the past
(3) helped people escape from the realities of
everyday life
(4) pointed out the mistakes that led to the Great
324 During the 1920s, Congress passed a series of
immigration laws that were primarily designed to
(1) increase immigration from Asia
(2) expand the workforce for the growing economy
(3) limit immigration from southern and eastern
(4) prohibit immigration from Latin America
The cartoonist is commenting on President Franklin
D. Roosevelt's efforts to
veto several bills sent him by Congress
end New Deal programs
gain quick passage of his legislation
slow down the legislative process
326 "Public Ignores Prohibition Restrictions"
"Evolution and Creation Debated in Scopes Trial"
"Women Bring Change to the Industrial Workforce"
What do headlines such as these from the 1920s
(1) conflict between traditional and modern
(2) trend toward mass consumption of consumer
(3) hostility of certain groups toward ethnic
(4) debate over the role of government in the
WWI to Great Depression
327 The economic boom of the 1920s was primarily
caused by the
(1) new economic policies of the League of’
(2) development of new consumer goods
(3) advent of advertising on radio
(4) elimination of barriers to international trade
328 During times of war, civil liberties in the United
States have often been restricted because
(1) the majority of Americans opposed the war
(2) martial law was usually adopted
(3) national security received greater priority
(4) enemy spies encouraged antiwar protests
329 Base your answer to the following question on the
song excerpt below and on your knowledge of social
“Come all of you good workers,
Good news to you I’ll tell
Of how the good old union
Has come in here to dwell . . .
Don’t scab for the bosses,
Don’t listen to their lies.
Us poor folks haven’t got a chance
Unless we organize.”
— Florence Reece,
“Which Side Are You On?”
This song from the 1930s expresses
criticism of labor unions
support for the rights of workers
sympathy for Communist Party protests
anger against government welfare programs
330 Occurring after the Worcester v. Georgia decision,
what forced march of the Cherokees from Georgia to
Oklahoma under Andrew Jackson often called?
the Trail of Tears
Little Big Horn
the Seminole War
the Cherokee Removal Act
331 Which generalization can best be drawn from the
experiment with national Prohibition (1919–1933)?
(1) Social attitudes can make laws difficult to
(2) Americans resent higher taxes.
(3) Morality can be legislated successfully.
(4) People will sacrifice willingly for the common
332 During most of the 1920s, which group experienced
the most severe economic problems?
owners of small family farms
workers in the automobile industry
bankers in urban centers
entertainers in the field of radio
333 The prohibition of alcoholic beverages, the Scopes
Trial, and the passage of the National Origins Act all
occurred during the 1920's. These events are evidence
that during this decade
(1) the reform spirit of the Progressive movement
was as strong as ever
(2) relations between blacks and whites began to
(3) there was a conflict between old and new
American ideals
(4) the country was more receptive to socialist ideas
334 In 1948, President Harry Truman showed his support
for civil rights by issuing an executive order to
(1) end the immigration quota system
(2) assure equal status for women in military
(3) ban racial segregation in the military
(4) guarantee jobs for Native American Indians
335 The economic boom of the 1920s was fueled in part
government subsidies paid to farmers
tariff reductions on European goods
increased investment in the stock market
construction by the Tennessee Valley Authority
WWI to Great Depression
336 During his reelection campaign in 1916, President
Woodrow Wilson used the slogan, "He kept us out of
war." In April of 1917, Wilson asked Congress to
declare war on Germany. What helped bring about
this change?
(1) Bolshevik forces increased their strength in
Germany and Italy.
(2) Britain was invaded by nations of the Central
(3) Russia signed a treaty of alliance with the
Central Powers.
(4) Germany resumed unrestricted submarine
337 The Harlem Renaissance can best be described as a
renewal of religious fundamentalism
revival of Dutch culture in New York City
new era in Broadway musicals
black expression of racial heritage
338 What was one effect of the Bolshevik Revolution
(October 1917) on the United States?
(1) Nativism increased, leading to the Red Scare.
(2) Federal courts banned anti-immigrant groups.
(3) The Allied powers needed fewer United States
(4) Immigration laws were changed to allow
refugees from Russia.
339 The power of labor unions increased during the New
Deal mainly because
(1) a new spirit of cooperation existed between
employers and government
(2) a shortage of skilled and unskilled laborers
(3) management changed its attitude toward
organized labor
(4) Federal legislation guaranteed labor's right
to organize and bargain collectively
340 Which amendment to the United States Constitution
realized the principal goal of the Seneca Falls
Convention of 1848?
13th, ending slavery
16th, creating a graduated income tax
18th, establishing Prohibition
19th, providing for women's suffrage
341 The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s can best be
described as
(1) an organization created to help promote
African-American businesses
(2) a movement that sought to draw people back to
the inner cities
(3) a relief program to provide jobs for minority
(4) a period of great achievement by
African-American writers, artists, and
342 Congress refused to enact President Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s court-packing plan because the plan
(1) threatened to upset the constitutional system
of checks and balances
(2) entrusted too much power to the judicial branch
(3) called for an increase in income taxes
(4) required passage of a constitutional amendment
343 Which statement about the stock market crash of
1929 is most accurate?
(1) It was the single cause of the Great Depression.
(2) It was caused by the effects of the Great
(3) It continued long after the Great Depression
(4) It helped lead to the Great Depression.
344 Which event of the 1920s best reflects the conflict in
American society between science and religion?
passage of the quota acts
Scopes trial
trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
Red Scare
345 Which development most clearly illustrates the
nativist attitudes that existed in the United States in
the 1920s?
(1) limits on immigration established by the
Quota Acts
(2) pro-business policies of the federal government
(3) artistic and literary achievements of the Harlem
(4) conflicts between religion and science as shown
in the Scopes Trial
WWI to Great Depression
346 At the beginning of World War I, President Woodrow
Wilson continued the traditional foreign policy of the
United States by
asking Congress to declare war against Germany
refusing to allow trade with either side
adopting a policy of neutrality
sending troops to aid Britain and France
347 In the 1930s, which geographic factor most
influenced the westward migration of thousands of
people from the southern Great Plains?
extended drought in farming areas
excessive flooding of the Mississippi River
serious earthquakes in Pacific coastal areas
destructive hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico
348 Which New Deal agency had the creation of new jobs
as its primary goal?
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
349 The Scopes trial and the Sacco and Vanzetti case both
disputes over the death penalty
clashes over cultural values
protests by temperance leaders
challenges to search and seizure protections
350 During the 1920s, much of the debt accumulated by
consumers was due to
installment buying of manufactured goods
overproduction of farm products
long strikes by labor unions
raising income taxes
351 In the 1920's, the Sacco and Vanzetti case, the Red
Scare, and the activities of the Ku Klux Klan all
threats to civil liberties
victories over discrimination and persecution
support for the Prohibition movement
greater social freedom for Americans
352 "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer
soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis,
shrink from the service of their country ...."
Which attitude is best reflected in this quotation?
(1) neutrality
(3) colonialism
(2) nationalism
(4) imperialism
353 Immigration laws passed during the 1920s changed
United States policy by
establishing immigration quotas
allowing only skilled workers into the country
favoring immigration from Asia
encouraging an increase in immigration to the
United States
354 Participants in the Harlem Renaissance encouraged
black Americans to
demand political supremacy
take pride in their culture
take violent action against the government
leave the South and come to the North
355 In the 1920's and 1930's, one result of women's
success in gaining the right to vote was
(1) many women were elected to political offices
(2) Congress passed laws to end other forms of
discrimination against women
(3) more votes were cast in elections, but there
were few changes in their outcome
(4) the vote was extended to other groups to which
it had been denied
356 What was the major reason that African Americans
migrated to northern cities during and after World
War I?
(1) A surplus of cotton led to widespread farm
foreclosures in the South.
(2) Discrimination had been eliminated in the
(3) Political opportunities had expanded in the
(4) Industrial jobs were available in the North.
WWI to Great Depression
357 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
360 The rapid, worldwide spread of the Great Depression
of the 1930's was evidence of
(1) the failure of government job programs
(2) global financial interdependence
(3) a shortage of American factories making
consumer goods
(4) the negative effects of unrestricted immigration
361 The Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act
(1918) were used by President Woodrow Wilson's
administration during World War I to
(1) discourage congressional support for the war
(2) place German Americans in internment camps
(3) remove Communists from government positions
(4) silence critics of the war effort
During which period were several Federal laws
passed to implement the immigration policy
suggested by the cartoon?
(1) colonial period
(3) early 1920's
(2) early 1800's
(4) Great Depression
358 In the case Schenck v. United States, the United
States Supreme Court settled the issue of limits on
individual freedoms during wartime by establishing
clear and present danger test
states’ rights principle
separate but equal doctrine
popular sovereignty principle
359 An important factor contributing to the start of the
Great Depression in the United States was the
increase in military spending
failure to maintain the gold standard
reduction of tariff rates
uneven distribution of wealth
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 362 and 363 on the
poem below and on your knowledge of social studies.
“I, Too, Sing America”
I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I’ll sit at the table
When company comes.
Nobody’ll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”
They’ll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed—
I, too, am America.
— Langston Hughes, 1926
362 The main purpose of this poem was to
(1) end the institution of slavery
(2) demonstrate self-respect by African
(3) maintain separation of the races
(4) promote the back-to-Africa movement
363 This poem was a literary contribution from the
abolitionist movement
Progressive Era
Prohibition movement
Harlem Renaissance
364 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal reflected
his belief that during a depression the federal
government should
assume ownership of failed corporations
return to laissez-faire capitalistic principles
take a leadership role in economic recovery
help farmers instead of industrial workers
WWI to Great Depression
365 Base the answer to your question on the graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Which conclusion is best supported by the information on the graph?
The level of automobile production remained constant.
The average American family found the automobile too expensive to purchase.
By 1929, most of the automobiles in the world were produced in the United States.
Changes in economic conditions led to changes in automobile production.
366 The Harlem Renaissance was influenced by the
(1) migration of African Americans from the
rural South to the urban North
(2) passage of federal laws outlawing racial
discrimination in public facilities
(3) racial integration of the military during World
War I
(4) use of affirmative action after World War II
367 The economic boom and the financial speculation of
the 1920's were caused in part by
(1) installment buying and an unregulated stock
(2) the expansion of civil rights to women and
(3) the mobilization of the economy for war
(4) increased government restrictions on big
368 In the 1920's, the growth of the Ku Klux Klan and the
passage of restrictive immigration laws reflected a
growing American belief in
(1) nativism
(3) imperialism
(2) socialism
(4) internationalism
369 "The business of America is business."
In this 1924 statement, President Calvin Coolidge
was expressing the idea that
(1) workers should have a greater role in
influencing business decisions
(2) the United States should end trade with other
countries and become economically
(3) basic industries should be owned by the Federal
(4) the economy functions best if government
allows business to operate freely
370 Which group of Americans generally failed to
experience the economic prosperity of the 1920s?
(1) farmers
(3) consumers
(2) retailers
(4) manufacturers
371 The creation of the Federal Reserve System was an
attempt to
introduce national health insurance
regulate the money supply
create a progressive tax policy
shift more responsibilities to the states
WWI to Great Depression
372 A major effect of the National Labor Relations Act
(Wagner Act, 1935) was that labor unions
(1) were soon controlled by large corporations
(2) experienced increasing difficulty in gaining new
(3) obtained the right to bargain collectively
(4) lost the right to strike
373 Which statement most accurately describes United
States immigration policy since 1920?
(1) Any person wishing to immigrate to the United
States has been welcomed.
(2) Limits have been placed on the numbers of
immigrants allowed to enter the United
(3) Only immigrants with jobs or relatives in the
United States have been admitted.
(4) Immigrants have been required to speak English
before they can be admitted to the United States.
374 "The New Deal was able to approach the agony of the
Depression in the pragmatic spirit which in time
rekindled hope . . . that free men could manage their
own economic destiny."
–Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
376 The Fair Labor Standards Act, passed in 1938, helped
American workers by
banning the closed shop
creating universal health insurance
establishing a federal minimum wage
ending the outsourcing of American jobs
377 A major reason the United States entered World War I
was to
(1) gain additional colonial possessions
(2) react to the bombing of Pearl Harbor
(3) safeguard freedom of the seas for United
States ships
(4) honor prewar commitments to its military allies
378 Which group did not fare well during The Coolidge
prosperity in the 1920's?
small farmers
automobile manufacturers
stock market speculators
379 • Teapot Dome Scandal
• Harlem Renaissance
• Scopes trial
The author of this quotation suggests that the New
During which decade did these events occur?
(1) began the downfall of capitalism
(2) proposed unworkable and irrational solutions
(3) demonstrated the need for constitutional limits
to Presidential power
(4) met the demands of a crisis without
destroying traditional American values
380 A major difference between the programs of the
Presidential administrations of the 1920's and the
programs of the New Deal was that the New Deal
375 After World War I, one way in which the Red Scare,
the passing of the Quota Acts, and the growth of the
Ku Klux Klan were similar is that they all
(1) exploited fears about people who were
considered un-American
(2) encouraged the assimilation of new immigrants
into American society
(3) supported the goals of the suffrage movement
(4) exhibited prejudice against African Americans
(1) 1920s
(3) 1940s
(2) 1930s
(4) 1950s
(1) eliminated job discrimination for women and
(2) emphasized Federal Government
involvement in the economy
(3) encouraged rugged individualism
(4) promoted supply-side economics
WWI to Great Depression
381 Base your answer to question on the cartoon below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
383 "The tools of government which we had in 1933 are
outmoded. We have had to forge new tools for a new
role of government in a democracy – a role of new
responsibility for new needs and increased
responsibility for old needs, long neglected."
–– Franklin D. Roosevelt
President Roosevelt made this statement in order to
(1) justify an increase in the number of new
Supreme Court justices
(2) defend the New Deal programs
(3) support a renewal of laissez-faire government
(4) secure aid for democratic countries in Europe
384 The Harlem Renaissance was important to American
society because it
(1) highlighted the cultural achievements of
African Americans
(2) isolated African Americans from mainstream
(3) provided new political opportunities for African
(4) brought an end to racial segregation in the North
385 In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court
decided that a "clear and present danger" to the
United States permitted
Based on this cartoon, President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's goal concerning the Supreme Cout was to
(1) increase ethnic and racial diversity
(2) insure support for New Deal legislation
(3) appoint justices who would use a strict
interpretation of the Constitution
(4) strengthen judicial independence
382 A condition of the 1920's that helped cause the Great
Depression of the 1930's was
(1) overspeculation in land in the West
(2) overdependence on foreign trade
(3) overproduction of goods by factories and
(4) overspending on social programs by the
(1) the expansion of Presidential power in time of
(2) the establishment of a peacetime draft
(3) restrictions of first amendment rights
(4) limitations on the voting rights of minorities
WWI to Great Depression
386 Base your answer to question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.
We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in
spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make
Mexico a proposal or alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together,
generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost
territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona....
— Zimmerman telegram, 1917
The disclosure of this document contributed to
a declaration of war against Mexico
the entry of the United States into World War I
the passage of the Treaty of Versailles
a restriction on immigration from Latin America
387 At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, most
Americans believed that
(1) their country should stay out of the war
(2) sending direct aid to Russia was necessary and
(3) the government should immediately declare war
against Germany
(4) the government should be more concerned with
conditions in the Far East than with events in
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 388 through 390 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
388 This 1937 cartoon is criticizing President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to
reduce the number of federal courts
impeach current Supreme Court justices
give states the power to appoint Supreme Court justices
increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court
389 One reason President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed the plan shown in the cartoon was that the
Supreme Court had
challenged his right to run for a third term
rejected several important Cabinet appointments
ruled against laws to protect the rights of minorities
declared parts of key New Deal programs unconstitutional
390 Many members of Congress opposed the plan shown in the cartoon because it would
reduce the power of the president
upset the system of checks and balances
destroy the system of federalism
cost too much to implement
WWI to Great Depression
391 The New Deal changed American political thinking
because it was based on the principle that the
(1) economy will fix itself if left alone
(2) federal government should attempt to solve
social and economic problems
(3) political parties must work together to deal with
national problems
(4) states should take a leadership position in
solving social issues
392 The Harlem Renaissance promoted African American
culture by
(1) increasing factory employment opportunities for
(2) encouraging immigration from Africa
(3) focusing attention on artistic contributions
(4) bringing an end to legalized racial segregation
393 One of the major causes of the stock market crash of
1929 was
excessive buying of stocks on margin
overconsumption of goods and services
failure of international banking systems
low prices of stocks and bonds
394 Mark Twain, Langston Hughes, and John Steinbeck
made their most important contributions to the United
States in the field of
(1) music
(3) literature
(2) politics
(4) business
395 Which argument did President Woodrow Wilson use
to persuade Congress to enter World War I?
(1) making the world safe for democracy
(2) retaliating against the Japanese bombing of
Pearl Harbor
(3) assisting the neutral nations with their defense
(4) removing the Nazi threat from the Western
396 The Great Migration during World War I refers to the
movement of
(1) factory workers from the Northeast to the Sun
(2) communists deported to Russia as undesirable
(3) African Americans to northern cities to find
(4) refugees fleeing from eastern Europe to the
United States
397 A major long-term result of the New Deal was that
(1) state governments increased their powers of
(2) the government established a "safety net" to
protect the poor
(3) the executive branch gave up much of its
decision-making power to Congress
(4) Congress was required to balance the Federal
budget before instituting new programs
398 Which action did President Franklin D. Roosevelt
take that helped organized labor gain
strength during the New Deal?
(1) requiring the American Federation of Labor to
admit skilled workers
(2) allowing women to work in government
(3) signing the National Labor Relations Act
(Wagner Act)
(4) selecting John L. Lewis as his Secretary of
399 A major factor contributing to the Great Depression
of the 1930's in the United States was the
decline in farm prosperity in the 1920's
recent increase in population due to immigration
closing of the frontier
heavy military spending in the 1920's
WWI to Great Depression
400 What was a primary reason for the great migration of
African Americans to northern cities during World
War I?
404 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below and your knowledge of social studies.
(1) Job opportunities were available in northern
(2) Jim Crow laws in the South had been repealed.
(3) Voting rights laws had been passed in northern
(4) The federal government had guaranteed an end
to discrimination.
401 The creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority is an
example of
federal intervention to meet regional needs
state-funded regional transportation
free-market capitalism
laissez-faire economics
402 Which aspect of life during the 1920's most likely
caused the decade to be labeled the "Roaring
technological improvement
social change
political reform
territorial expansion
403 Automobiles, radio, motion pictures, and television
are technological advances of the 20th century. These
inventions affect American life because they
(1) are less popular than had been anticipated
(2) tend to standardize American culture
(3) have little impact on traditional lifestyles and
(4) are generally too expensive for ordinary
working people
How was the situation illustrated in the cartoon
(1) The United States entered World War II after the
attack on Pearl Harbor.
(2) The Supreme Court used its power of judicial
(3) Congress rejected the president's plan to
pack the Supreme Court.
(4) The president vetoed Congress's attempt to
reform the judiciary system.
405 One way in which the Gold Rush in 1849 and the
Dust Bowl of the 1930s are similar is that both
resulted in
a war with other countries
the sale of cheap federal land
an increase in westward migration
the removal of Native American Indians to
WWI to Great Depression
406 Which factor contributed to the Red Scare in the
United States during the 1920's?
(1) Germany's attacks on United States cargo ships
(2) the radical nature of the national administration
in power
(3) widespread hostility toward big business
(4) success of the Communist Revolution in
407 Base your answer to question on the poster below and
on your knowledge of social studies.
This poster was used during the administration of
President Woodrow Wilson to
convince men to enlist in the military services
help finance the war effort
support membership in the League of Nations
emphasize the goals of the Fourteen Points
408 Which event led to the start of the Great Depression?
Red Scare (1919-1920)
election of President Herbert Hoover (1928)
stock market crash (1929)
passage of the Emergency Banking Act (1933)
409 National attention was drawn to the Scopes trial of
1925 because the case
(1) represented a conflict between science and
(2) reversed a previous Supreme Court decision on
free speech
(3) upheld the right of veterans to protest in
Washington, D. C.
(4) revealed the extent of prejudice against
WWI to Great Depression
410 Base your answer to question on the maps below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Which conclusion is most clearly supported by the information provided by these maps?
The Great Depression altered American political preferences.
The Republican Party remained strong in the deep South.
The Democratic Party lost support in the Northeast between the two elections.
Most voters believed in traditional approaches to economic problems.
WWI to Great Depression
411 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
414 The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) of
1935 gave labor unions the right to
represent workers in collective bargaining
insist on an open shop in the workplace
establish quotas on immigration
use blacklists and yellow dog contracts
415 The New Deal programs of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt changed the United States economy by
(1) restoring the principle of a balanced budget
(2) expanding the trustbusting practices of
Progressive Era presidents
(3) encouraging greater production of agricultural
(4) increasing government involvement with
both business and labor
416 A major weakness in the prosperity of the 1920's was
that it was
Which factor contributed most to the situation shown
in the cartoon?
low tariff rates
shortages of consumer goods
nonregulation of banks
creation of a national bank
412 In 1933, the most immediate job facing President
Franklin D. Roosevelt was to
reform the tariff system
help the unemployed
keep the nation out of war
protect the nation's overseas possessions
413 What is one lasting effect of the New Deal?
(1) Organized labor continued to decline in size and
(2) Many government programs started in the
1930's continue in the 1990's.
(3) Women have finally attained equal economic
(4) The Republican Party has continued to control
the national government since the 1930's.
confined to the industrial states of the Northeast
accompanied by runaway inflation
based on large Federal expenditures
unevenly distributed through the population
417 What was a basic cause of the Great Depression of
the 1930s?
(1) Too many antitrust laws were passed.
(2) Tariffs on foreign manufactured goods were
(3) The distribution of income was unequal.
(4) Immigration was not limited.
418 Which conditions are most characteristic of a
high production and high demand
few jobs and little demand
much money in circulation and high stock prices
supply meeting demand and high employment
419 President Franklin D. Roosevelt believed that
declaring a bank holiday and creating the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) would help
the nation’s banking system by
restoring public confidence in the banks
reducing government regulation of banks
restricting foreign investments
granting tax relief to individuals
WWI to Great Depression
420 By proclaiming the Open Door policy in 1899, the
United States was attempting to
(1) keep Japan from attacking and colonizing China
(2) increase trade between Russia and the United
(3) ensure equal trading opportunities in China
(4) prevent European countries from colonizing the
Western Hemisphere
421 The migrations of African Americans from the South
to the North during World War I and World War II are
most directly related to
the availability of factory jobs
a widespread farming crisis
plans to pursue military careers
access to free land
422 The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s expanded the
influence of African Americans by
(1) financing the construction of apartments in New
York City
(2) gaining passage of civil rights legislation
(3) helping elect African Americans to high political
(4) promoting the artistic contributions of
African Americans
423 Which is the most valid generalization to be drawn
from the study of Prohibition in the United States?
(1) Social attitudes can make laws difficult to
(2) Increased taxes affect consumer spending.
(3) Morality can be legislated successfully.
(4) People will sacrifice willingly for the common
424 In the United States, a major effect of the Great
Depression of the 1930's was to
(1) reinforce traditional beliefs in rugged
(2) give political control to the Socialist Party
(3) make increased governmental intervention in
the economy more acceptable
(4) strengthen the demand for the acquisition of
overseas territories
425 In the United States, one of the basic causes of the
Great Depression that began in 1929 was the
lack of available credit
abundance of purchasing power of farmers
low protective tariffs of the 1920's
overexpansion of industrial production
426 What was a major cause of the Great Depression?
overproduction and underconsumption
a decrease in the supply of consumer goods
an increase in demand for imported products
an increase in the price of wheat on the world
427 Which is an accurate statement about American
society during the 1920's?
(1) The public expressed great interest in sports
heroes and movie stars.
(2) Social attitudes were identical to those of earlier
(3) Political figures were widely praised as role
(4) Achieving equal opportunity for minorities
became a major social goal.
428 The New Deal reform that helped labor unions win
the right to represent workers was the
(1) creation of Social Security
(2) formation of the Securities and Exchange
(3) passage of the National Labor Relations
(Wagner) Act
(4) establishment of unemployment insurance
429 The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to a third term
as President in 1940 was controversial primarily
because this action
upset the system of checks and balances
violated an amendment to the Constitution
challenged a long-held political tradition
interfered with the functioning of the electoral
WWI to Great Depression
430 In the 1920s, the passage of the Quota Acts and the
trial of Sacco and Vanzetti illustrate that many
Americans were
intolerant of ethnic minorities
committed to racial integration
worried about foreign wars
determined to increase immigration
431 A major result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
New Deal was
(1) a decline in the Federal deficit
(2) an expansion of the power of the Federal
(3) a change in the voting rights of women
(4) a reinstatement of the gold standard for United
States currency
432 The economic prosperity of the 1920s was mainly the
result of the
adoption of lower tariff rates
stricter enforcement of antitrust laws
success of most United States farmers
development of new industries for consumer
433 Which is a valid conclusion based on a study of the
presidencies of Thomas Jefferson and Franklin D.
(1) Strong third parties develop when the two major
parties ignore popular demands
(2) Presidential success depends mainly on a
sympathetic Supreme Court
(3) Economic crisis can force a President to
suspend basic civil liberties
(4) A President's political program may change
in the face of current needs
434 During the 1920s, members of the Ku Klux Klan
were closely associated with
(1) favoring increased urbanization
(2) promoting nativist ideas and policies
(3) expanding educational opportunities for
(4) opposing the deportation of political dissidents
435 The policies of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and
Franklin D. Roosevelt that differed most were those
conservation of natural resources
the protection of the consumer
relations with Latin American nations
the power of the Presidency
436 The works of Duke Ellington and Langston Hughes
reflected the
expanding role of women in the 1920s
achievements of the Harlem Renaissance
architectural innovations of the 1930s
influence of southern European immigrant
437 Which event of the 1920's was most inconsistent with
the racial and ethnic intolerance of the decade?
Red Scare
Harlem Renaissance
Sacco-Vanzetti trial
resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan
438 The United States found it difficult to remain neutral
during the first three years of World War I because of
its desire to
(1) expand its interests in the Caribbean
(2) control the Suez Canal
(3) maintain freedom of the seas for trade with
European nations
(4) obtain migrant workers for American farms
439 Which federal agency, created during the New Deal,
was intended to prevent serious problems in the stock
Social Security Administration
Works Progress Administration
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Securities and Exchange Commission
WWI to Great Depression
440 "In times of economic depression, it is the
responsibility of government to create programs that
would provide jobs to the unemployed. The revenues
that would be generated will repay the government
This philosophy was most clearly carried out by the
Presidential administration of
Woodrow Wilson
Warren G. Harding
Herbert Hoover
Franklin D. Roosevelt
444 Which characteristic of the 1920's is best illustrated
by the Red Scare, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, and
the activities of the Ku Klux Klan?
increased nativism
belief in unlimited progress
growth in humanitarian causes
faith in big business
445 Base your answer to question on the photograph
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
441 In the mid-1930's, critics viewed Franklin D.
Roosevelt's plan to pack the Supreme Court with
additional Justices as
(1) an ineffective response to the problems of the
Great Depression
(2) a violation of the principle of checks and
(3) a threat to representative government
(4) the beginning of socialism in the judicial system
442 What was a major result of President Herbert
Hoover’s use of the military to drive the Bonus Army
out of the nation’s capital?
(1) Army veterans widely approved President
Hoover’s decision.
(2) President Hoover’s reelection campaign was
(3) Habeas corpus was suspended across the
(4) The Supreme Court declared the action
443 The Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) helped
American workers by
(1) establishing health plans
(2) legalizing strikes and boycotts
(3) establishing a minimum wage in many
(4) making labor unions accept women and African
Americans as members
Many Americans responded to photographs such as
this by
(1) opposing government subsidies for low-income
(2) petitioning Congress to decrease funding for the
Veterans Administration
(3) demanding legislation to increase the power of
the military
(4) criticizing the government for its treatment
of World War I veterans
WWI to Great Depression
446 What was the primary reason many African
Americans migrated to the North both during and
after World War I?
(1) More economic opportunities existed in the
(2) Few chances to gain political office were
available in the South.
(3) Racism and discrimination had been eliminated
in the North.
(4) Southern cities were overcrowded.
447 Which economic factor contributed most directly to
the start of the Great Depression?
low worker productivity
high income taxes
decreasing tariff rates
buying stocks on margin
448 New Deal programs such as the Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Works Progress
Administration (WPA) were primarily intended to
unemployed workers
449 A major feature of the immigration legislation of the
1920's is that this legislation
(1) gave preference to immigrants from northern
and western Europe
(2) encouraged Asians to migrate to the United
(3) provided equal quotas for all nations
(4) restricted immigration from countries that were
enemies of the United States in World War I
450 Which economic condition was a major cause of the
Great Depression?
(1) high wages of industrial workers
(2) deficit spending by the federal government
(3) inability of industry to produce enough
consumer goods
(4) uneven distribution of income between the
rich and the poor
451 During the 1920s, which economic trend helped
cause the Great Depression?
buying goods on credit
saving rather than spending
continuing shortages of consumer goods
imposing low tariffs on imported products
452 During the 1920s, the Palmer raids, immigration
quotas, and the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti resulted
(1) racial prejudice against African Americans
(2) opposition to the Ku Klux Klan
(3) the fear that American values were
threatened by radical ideas
(4) the need to strengthen national defense
453 An immediate result of the Supreme Court decisions
in Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States
(1935) and United States v. Butler (1936) was that
(1) some aspects of the New Deal were declared
(2) State governments took over relief agencies
(3) Congress was forced to abandon efforts to
improve the economy
(4) the constitutional authority of the President was
greatly expanded
454 The "clear and present danger" principle stated by the
Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States (1919)
had the effect of
(1) prohibiting the president from implementing a
military draft
(2) preventing the wartime internment of citizens
(3) restricting the formation of defense alliances
(4) limiting freedom of speech during wartime
455 The "clear and present danger" doctrine established in
Schenck v. United States (1919) concerned the issue
freedom of speech
the right to bear arms
the right to an attorney
separation of church and state
WWI to Great Depression
456 What was a major reason American farmers failed to
obtain a fair share of the economic prosperity of the
Crops failed due to poor weather conditions.
The government controlled food prices.
Farm crops were overproduced.
Banks refused to lend money to farmers.
457 Base your answer on the cartoon below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
459 "American citizens act within their indisputable rights
in taking their ships and in traveling whenever their
legitimate business calls them upon the high seas...."
United States efforts to protect the rights described in
this quotation were a main reason that the United
(1) entered World War I in 1917
(2) passed restrictive immigration laws in the
(3) adopted a policy of high protective tariffs in the
(4) established a blockade against Cuba in 1962
460 President Woodrow Wilson's statement "The world
must be made safe for democracy" was made to
justify his decision to
end United States imperialism in Latin America
support tariff reform
send troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa
ask Congress to declare war against Germany
461 The United States Supreme Court in Schenk v. United
States (1919) ruled that freedom of speech may be
limited during national emergencies when the speech
This cartoon portrays President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's attempt to
(1) continue life terms for Supreme Court justices
(2) increase Presidential influence on the
Supreme Court
(3) prevent Congress from interfering with the
Federal Court system
(4) strengthen the independence of the Supreme
458 In the 1920s, both Langston Hughes and Duke
Ellington made major contributions to
economic growth
educational reform
the creative arts
political leadership
threatens the principle of States rights
conflicts with national economic policies
interferes with a presidential campaign
presents a clear and present danger to the
462 One way in which the economic principles of
Republican presidents Warren G. Harding and Calvin
Coolidge were similar is that both believed that
government should
raise income taxes
provide relief payments to unemployed workers
limit its regulation of business activities
purchase surplus farm products
WWI to Great Depression
463 One difference between the administrations of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President
Herbert Hoover is that Roosevelt was
467 Base your answer to question on the cartoon below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
(1) unwilling to allow government agencies to
establish jobs programs
(2) unable to win congressional support for his
economic program
(3) able to ignore economic issues for most of his
first term in office
(4) more willing to use government intervention
to solve economic problems
464 The Supreme Court decision in Schenck v. United
States (1919) supported the position that during a
national emergency
(1) internal migration may be restricted
(2) civil liberties of United States citizens may be
(3) Congress may take control of the economy
(4) minority groups may be segregated from the
general population
465 Which statement most accurately describes the relief,
recovery, and reform measures of President Franklin
D. Roosevelt's New Deal?
(1) They were implemented with little controversy.
(2) They represented a major change in the role
of government.
(3) They lasted only until the Depression was over.
(4) They relied on rugged individualism rather than
government programs.
466 The Chinese Exclusion Act, the Gentlemen's
Agreement, and the National Origins Act all show
that at times the United States
(1) opposed the principle of open immigration
(2) supported the restriction of immigration from
western Europe
(3) encouraged immigrants who would provide
cheap labor
(4) favored immigration from all parts of the world
Which statement most accurately expresses the main
idea of the cartoon?
(1) President Franklin D. Roosevelt should limit the
powers of Congress.
(2) Actions by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
threaten American democracy.
(3) President Franklin D. Roosevelt is more
powerful than European dictators.
(4) The Supreme Court is helping President
Franklin D. Roosevelt reorganize his
468 President Herbert Hoover’s response to the Great
Depression was often criticized because it
(1) wasted money on new social programs
(2) caused widespread rioting and looting in major
(3) raised taxes on businesses and the wealthy
(4) failed to provide direct relief for the neediest
WWI to Great Depression
469 President Franklin D. Roosevelt believed that
declaring a bank holiday and creating the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) would aid the
nation's banking system by
restricting foreign investments
eliminating government regulation of banks
restoring public confidence in banks
granting tax relief
470 In the 1920's, one reason for placing restrictions on
immigration to the United States was that
(1) factory owners were hiring only native-born
(2) Congress was concerned about radical ideas
being brought into the United States
(3) the United States was overcrowded and could
not accept more immigrants
(4) many foreign governments demanded the
United States close its borders to immigrants
471 Which legislation best illustrates that laws must be
accepted by a large-portion of the population or they
become impossible to enforce?
establishment of immigration quotas
placement of high tariffs on imports
passage of Prohibition
banning of prayer in public schools
472 Base your answer to the question on the poem below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
Mother to Son
Well, son, I'll tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor— Bare.
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.
So boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps
Cause you finds it kinder hard.
Don't you fall now— For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
—Langston Hughes, 1922
One purpose of this poem, written during the Harlem
Renaissance, was to
(1) explain the advantages of inner-city life
(2) discuss ideas in the language used by immigrant
(3) ask African Americans to accept things as they
(4) encourage African Americans to continue
their struggle for equality
473 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to increase the
size of the Supreme Court reflected his desire to
make the Court
sympathetic to New Deal programs
committed to African-American rights
independent of Congress
responsive to business
WWI to Great Depression
474 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
477 An accurate statement about the Great Depression of
the 1930's is that
(1) agriculture was the only sector of the economy
to escape the effects of the Depression
(2) the trade barriers erected by major nations
helped to keep the Depression confined to the
United States
(3) a variety of factors combined to bring about
the economic collapse
(4) a massive response by the Federal Government
under the Hoover administration failed to bring
about recovery
478 Base your answer to question on the posters below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
The main idea of the cartoon is that the New Deal
(1) threatens the Constitution and the American
(2) threatens the two-party political system
(3) provides American citizens with greater political
(4) provides protection from foreign tyranny
475 What were two basic causes of the Dust Bowl during
the early 1930s?
(1) strip mining and toxic waste dumping
(2) overfarming and severe drought
(3) clear-cutting of forests and construction of
(4) overpopulation and urban sprawl
476 The contributions of Langston Hughes and Duke
Ellington illustrate the importance of the Harlem
Renaissance to
economic growth
educational reform
the creative arts
political leadership
The United States government published these World
War I posters to encourage Americans to
increase military enlistments
reduce the use of consumer goods
invest in the war effort
conserve scarce resources for the military
479 Which action is an example of nativism in the 1920s?
(1) widespread violation of Prohibition laws
(2) efforts to improve living conditions for Native
American Indians
(3) passage of laws restricting immigration
(4) provision of credit to farmers
WWI to Great Depression
480 In the 1920's, the depressed situation of United States
agriculture was chiefly caused by
overregulation by government
mechanization and overproduction
inefficient production techniques
stock-market speculation
481 The clash between President Franklin D. Roosevelt
and the United States Supreme Court over New Deal
laws best illustrates the operation of
due process
checks and balances
the two-party system
482 Which situation was a basic cause of the Great
continued increases in wages for workers
excessive profits for farmers
overregulation of the stock market
overproduction of consumer goods
483 Which characteristic of the 1920s is illustrated by the
trial of Sacco and Vanzetti?
hostility toward woman’s suffrage
support for segregation
opposition to separation of church and state
intolerance toward immigrants
484 What was a main result of national Prohibition during
the 1920s?
Respect for the law decreased.
Woman’s suffrage was restricted.
Racial prejudice increased.
Religious tolerance grew.
485 When the Great Depression began in 1929, the most
common economic belief supported by the
Republican Party was that
(1) an increase in defense spending would stimulate
the economy
(2) unemployed workers should receive Federal
unemployment benefits
(3) the government should assume control of
(4) the economy would recover on its own
486 During the early 1930s, the main goal of the Bonus
Army was to pressure the Hoover administration to
strengthen the nation's defenses
end the military draft
bring American troops home from overseas
support the early payment of money
promised to veterans
487 "The business of America is business."
— President Calvin Coolidge
By making this statement, President Coolidge was
expressing his support for
higher taxes on corporations
banking regulations
democratic socialism
the free-enterprise system
488 Much of the domestic legislation of the New Deal
period was based on the idea that the federal
government should
(1) favor big business over labor and farming
(2) assume some responsibility for the welfare of
(3) own and operate the major industries of the
(4) require local communities to be responsible for
social welfare programs
489 The United States entered World War I mainly
because the United States
(1) wanted to protect its colonial empire in the
Pacific Ocean area
(2) believed that its rights as a neutral nation
had been violated
(3) was required by treaty obligations to aid France
and Great Britain
(4) suffered a direct military attack
490 Which American author was part of the Harlem
Renaissance of the 1920s?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
Langston Hughes
John Steinbeck
WWI to Great Depression
491 Which factor contributed most to the repeal of
national Prohibition in 1933?
the inability of government to enforce the law
an improvement in the economy
a decline in organized crime
the start of World War II
492 Supporters of a graduated national income tax argued
that it was the fairest type of tax because the
(1) rate of taxation was the same for all persons
(2) rate of taxation increased as incomes rose
(3) income tax provided the most revenue for the
(4) income tax replaced state and local government
493 Which action by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
challenged the principle of checks and balances?
(1) frequently vetoing New Deal legislation
(2) trying to increase the number of justices on
the Supreme Court
(3) taking over the Senate's treaty ratification power
(4) desegregating defense industries
494 A major characteristic of the United States economy
during the 1920's was the
(1) slowdown in the use of technology in industry
(2) general prosperity of farmers
(3) uneven distribution of income among
(4) increase in the strength of organized labor
495 A major goal of the Government in creating the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was to
(1) increase the government's tax revenue
(2) provide jobs for the unemployed
(3) restore the public's faith in financial
(4) stimulate economic growth
496 Base your answer to question on the passage below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
... And then the dispossessed were drawn west
-from Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico;
from Nevada and Arkansas families, tribes,
dusted out, tractored out. Carloads, caravans,
homeless and hungry; twenty thousand and fifty
thousand and a hundred thousand and two
hundred thousand. They streamed over the
mountains, hungry and restless-restless as ants,
scurrying to flnd work to do----to lift, to push, to
pull, to pick, to cut-anything, any burden to bear,
for food. The kids are hungry. We got no place to
live. Like ants scurrying for work, for food, and
most of all for land ....
- John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
The movement of the people described in this
passage was primarily the result of the
(1) effects of severe drought conditions on the
Great Plains
(2) high cost of the machinery needed to maintain
family farms
(3) overpopulation of the Midwest caused by the
Homestead Act
(4) construction of the interstate highway system
497 The New Deal changed political thinking in the
United States because it supported the idea that the
(1) rights of workers are less important than the
interests of business
(2) Supreme Court should leave an important role
to play in the economy
(3) government should become more involved in
the social and economic life of the people
(4) president's foreign policy is more important than
his domestic policy
WWI to Great Depression
498 Base your answer on the graph below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
Which statement is best supported by the information
in the graph?
(1) The New Deal had no effect in reducing
(2) Unemployment reached its peak within a year
after the stock market crash.
(3) Unemployment was a major issue in the
Presidential election of 1932.
(4) Increased production in the early stages of
World War II had little effect on unemployment.
499 Which feature of the immigration laws of the 1920's
was different from prior laws?
(1) Quotas were set to limit immigration from
many countries
(2) Preference was granted to Chinese immigrants.
(3) Refugees from war-torn Europe were
encouraged to enter the United States.
(4) Efforts were made to stop illegal immigration
from Latin America.
500 Which action is an example of nativism in the 1920s?
(1) widespread violation of Prohibition laws
(2) efforts to improve living conditions for Native
American Indians
(3) passage of laws restricting immigration
(4) provision of credit to farmers
Base your answer to this question on the statement
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
. . . With a profound sense of the solemn and even
tragical character of the step I am taking and of
the grave responsibilities which it involves, but in
unhesitating obedience to what I deem my
constitutional duty, I advise that the Congress
declare the recent course of the Imperial German
Government to he in fact nothing less than war
against the government and.people of the United
States; that it formally accept the status of
belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it,
and that it take immediate steps not only to put
the country in a more thorough state of defense
but also to exert all its power and employ all its
resources to bring the Government of the German
Empire to terms and end the war. . .
Which presidential action is the focus of this
(1) William McKinley's request for war in 1898
(2) Theodore Roosevelt's support for the
Panamanian revolt in 1903
(3) William Howard Taft's decision to send troops
to Latin America in 1912
(4) Woodrow Wilson's response to unrestricted
submarine warfare in 1917
502 The primary purpose of the National Labor Relations
Act of 1935 (Wagner Act) was to
(1) allow factory owners to use court injunctions
against workers
(2) guarantee collective bargaining rights
(3) establish the Social Security system
(4) ban the use of strikes by unions
503 Which goal of the New Deal resulted in the
establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC)?
(1) preventing the recurrence of conditions that
contributed to the Great Depression
(2) helping low-income citizens by redistributing
(3) stimulating consumer demand by creating jobs
(4) aiding business recovery with government
WWI to Great Depression
504 Which factor contributed most to the growth of
nativist attitudes in the United States in the years
immediately following World War I?
the establishment of national Prohibition
a decline of organized religions
the increase in the number of settlement houses
the large numbers of immigrants from
southern and eastern Europe
505 During the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, African
American authors and artists used literature and art to
end segregation of public facilities
promote affirmative action programs
celebrate the richness of their heritage
urge voters to elect more African Americans to
political office
506 At the beginning of World War I, how did President
Woodrow Wilson follow a traditional United States
foreign policy?
(1) by refusing to permit trade with either side in
the conflict
(2) by sending troops to aid Great Britain
(3) by declaring American neutrality
(4) by requesting an immediate declaration of war
against the aggressors
507 The 1925 trial of John Scopes reflects the conflict
science and religion
isolation and international involvement
traditional roles and new roles for women
Prohibition and organized crime
508 Which principle is illustrated by the passage of the
Sedition Act of 1798, the suspension of habeas
corpus in 1861, and the adoption of the Espionage
Act in 1917?
(1) National interest is sometimes given priority
over individual rights.
(2) National crises often result in restriction of the
powers of the executive branch.
(3) The Supreme Court consistently defends the Bill
of Rights.
(4) Congress expands its other powers when it
declares war.
509 In the decade after World War I, both organized labor
and nativist groups favored passage of laws that
reduce immigration
end racial segregation
guarantee pensions for retired workers
provide citizenship for Native American Indians
WWI to Great Depression
510 Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
What was the most likely cause of the election results shown on the map?
Most voters blamed President Herbert Hoover for the Great Depression.
It is difficult to defeat an incumbent president.
Franklin D. Roosevelt had more business experience than Herbert Hoover.
Republican Party popularity had been
declining for several elections.
WWI to Great Depression
511 Base your answer on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.
The main idea of the cartoon is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to
impeach justices who did not support him
control the decisions of the Supreme Court
create higher qualifications for justices
encourage the Supreme Court to act more efficiently
WWI to Great Depression
512 Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below.
514 Base your answer on the graph below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
Which situation best accounts for the differences in
Federal income and spending between 1928 and
1936, as shown in the graph?
This cartoon illustrates that President Franklin D.
Roosevelt caused a controversy based on
(1) increased military spending in the early 1930s
(2) a plan to assume some of the powers reserved to
the states
(3) efforts to counter the Dust Bowl with federal
conservation measures
(4) proposals that violated the principle of
separation of powers
513 Which geographic feature most influenced the ability
of the United States to protect its mainland from
attack during World War I?
(1) Gulf of Mexico
(3) Pacific Ocean
(2) Great Lakes
(4) Atlantic Ocean
(1) government funding of programs to combat
economic problems
(2) increase in personal income tax rates
(3) military spending for World War II
(4) United States trade imbalance with Japan
515 Which statement about the United States economy
during the 1920s is true?
(1) Federal regulation of business was strengthened.
(2) The purchase of stocks steadily declined.
(3) Mass production increased the supply of
consumer goods.
(4) Republican Party presidents supported
unemployment insurance.
WWI to Great Depression
Base your answers to questions 516 and 517 on the
quotation below.
"The quotas established by the immigration act of
1921 . . . were unsatisfactory for two reasons: they
admitted too large a number of immigrants; they did
not discriminate sufficiently in favor of immigration
from Northern and Western Europe."
– Henry Steele Commager
516 This quotation can be used to demonstrate the way in
which the United States Government was influenced
(1) nativism
(3) humanitarianism
(2) progressivism
(4) containment
517 To achieve the goals stated in the quotation, Congress
passed the Immigration Act of 1924, which provided
(1) an increase in the number of immigrants
admitted annually
(2) the elimination of most aspects of the quota
(3) a reduction in immigration from southern
and eastern Europe
(4) a return to an open immigration policy
518 What was one feature of the United States economy
during the 1920s that contributed to the Great
increase in federal regulation
expansion of easy credit
growth of the trade deficit
influence of foreign corporations
519 In the United States, attempts to enforce laws relating
to Prohibition led to a public awareness that
(1) violators of Federal laws inevitably receive
severe punishment
(2) unpopular laws are difficult, if not impossible
to enforce
(3) government should limit itself only to actions
clearly defined in the Constitution
(4) government action determines social behavior
520 "The annual quota of any nationality shall be 2 per
centum of the number of foreign-born individuals of
such nationality resident in continental United States
as determined by the United States census of 1890,
but the minimum quota of any nationality shall be
– Section 11a, Immigration Act of 1924
The passage of this act reflects the American public's
perception that
(1) too many immigrants were corning into the
(2) dictatorships were emerging in western Europe
(3) fewer workers were needed in consumer goods
(4) economic prosperity was dependent on
unskilled foreign labor
521 What did the decline of Progressivism during World
War I and of the New Deal at the start of World War
II show?
(1) That the problems these movements faced were
effectively solved.
(2) That domestic programs may be
overshadowed by wartime priorities.
(3) That balanced budgets are more important to the
public than social reforms.
(4) That Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin
D. Roosevelt lacked the leadership to continue
these movements.
522 Which conclusion can be drawn from the occurrence
of the Red Scare and the decision of the Supreme
Court in Schenck v. United States?
(1) Immigrants to the United States are consistently
denied equal protection under the law.
(2) A person's best protection from persecution rests
with the Supreme Court.
(3) Civil rights are sometimes compromised by
the public's fear of radical political groups.
(4) Violent protests in the United States are usually
met with a violent response from the
WWI to Great Depression
523 During the second half of the 1920s, which economic
trend was a major cause of the Great Depression?
deficits in the federal budget
reductions in tariff rates
creation of national and state sales taxes
overproduction and underconsumption
524 Which factor led to agricultural overproduction and
falling farm prices during the 1920s?
(1) decline in European demand after World
War I
(2) lower tariffs enacted by Congress
(3) lack of access to cheap credit
(4) decreasing population in cities of the South
525 What was a major reason the United States entered
World War I (1917)?
(1) The Japanese had occupied Manchuria.
(2) Foreign troops had landed on American soil.
(3) The Austro-Hungarian Empire had invaded
(4) Germany had resumed unrestricted
submarine warfare.
WWI to Great Depression
526 Base your answer to on the graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Which statement about the period from 1918 through 1929 is most clearly supported
by information in the graph?
The percentage of income controlled by the wealthiest Americans declined.
The income gap between the wealthiest fifth and the rest of the population increased.
The overall per capita income in the United States declined.
The percentage of income controlled by the poor steadily increased.
527 National Prohibition, as authorized by the 18th
amendment, stated that
(1) Americans must be 18 years old to purchase
alcoholic beverages
(2) only imported alcoholic beverages would be
(3) alcoholic beverages could be sold only in
government-run stores
(4) the manufacture and sale of alcoholic
beverages was banned
528 Which generalization most accurately describes
the literary works of Langston Hughes, Sinclair
Lewis, and John Steinbeck?
(1) Politics and art seldom mix well.
(2) The best literature concerns the lives of the
(3) Literature often reflects the times in which it
is created.
(4) Traditional American themes are the most
529 A significant contribution to the industrialization of
the United States was Henry Ford’s development of
the assembly line
electric-powered vehicles
the first holding company
a new process for making steel
WWI to Great Depression
530 New Deal strategies for dealing with the economic
depression of the 1930's were most frequently
criticized because they ran contrary to a tradition of
a welfare state
government regulation
531 Which conditions are most characteristic of an
economic depression?
(1) high unemployment and overproduction
(2) large business investments and low taxes
(3) too much money in circulation and high stock
(4) high employment and increased real estate
532 Base your answer on the passage below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
...I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad,
It is not in despair that I paint you that picture. I
paint it for you in hope—because the Nation,
seeing and understanding the injustice in it,
proposes to paint it out. We are determined to
make every American citizen the subject of his
country's interest and concern; and we will never
regard any faithful, law-abiding group within our
borders as superfluous. The test of our progress is
not whether we add more to the abundance of
those who have much; it is whether we provide
enough for those who have too little...
—President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Second Inaugural
Address, January 20, 1937
President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the
situation described in this speech by
(1) reducing the influence of labor unions
(2) supporting programs to aid the poor and
(3) promoting the interests of big business
(4) adopting the trickle-down economic theory
533 Which geographic area is most closely associated
with the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?
Great Lakes basin
Mississippi River valley
Appalachian Mountains
Great Plains
534 In the 1920's, the Immigration Act of 1924 and the
Sacco-Vanzetti trial were typical of the
rejection of traditional customs and beliefs
acceptance of cultural differences
increase in nativism and intolerance
support of humanitarian causes
535 Why did many United States farmers fail to benefit
from the economic prosperity of the 1920s?
(1) No technological advances were made in
(2) Levels of farm production declined.
(3) Farm exports were heavily taxed.
(4) Agricultural goods were overproduced
536 In the 1920s, controversies over Prohibition, the
National Origins Act, and the Scopes trial all
reflected disagreement over the
effects of demobilization
cultural values of the American people
role of the federal government in the economy
influence of labor unions on American life
537 During President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
administration, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) were created as a way to
(1) provide jobs to those who were unemployed
(2) raise revenue for relief and recovery programs
(3) limit risks associated with savings and
(4) implement the new income tax amendment
WWI to Great Depression
538 One similarity between the 1920's and the 1960's in
the United States is that during both decades
(1) traditional standards of dress, conduct, and
conformity were challenged
(2) involvement in international peacekeeping
organizations was rejected
(3) economic conditions led to a severe depression
(4) civil rights legislation improved conditions for
539 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to "pack" the
Supreme Court was unsuccessful and unpopular
mainly because this plan
endangered the concept of federalism
would have increased the power of the judiciary
threatened the system of checks and balances
would have amended the Bill of Rights
540 "They used to tell me I was building a dream,
With peace and glory ahead.
Why should I be standing on line just waiting for
Once I built a railroad, made it run,
Made it race against time.
Once I built a railroad. Now it's done.
Brother, can you spare a dime?"
542 In 1920, when Presidential candidate Warren G.
Harding called for "a return to normalcy," he was
(1) increased support for Progressive Era programs
and the League of Nations
(2) increased farm production and an emphasis on
the rural lifestyle
(3) reduced international involvement and less
government regulation of business
(4) reduced racial segregation and the elimination
of discrimination against women
543 A significant cause of the Great Depression of the
1930's was that
(1) some banking policies were unsound and had
led to the overexpansion of credit
(2) a decrease in protective tariffs had opened
American business to competition from abroad
(3) a wave of violent strikes had paralyzed the
major industries
(4) consumer goods were relatively inexpensive
544 Base your answer to the following question on the
graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
The words of this song suggest that the American
dream of economic success
(1) can be achieved only through hard work
(2) holds its greatest opportunities during periods
of war
(3) is forfeited by people on welfare
(4) can be shattered by forces beyond an
individual's control
541 One goal of many Harlem Renaissance writers was to
(1) increase pride in African American culture
(2) support existing racial barriers
(3) cut off connections with mainstream American
(4) encourage African Americans to create their
own political party
Based on the graph, which is an accurate statement
about the Great Depression?
(1) It was overcome without the use of deficit
(2) It was the first downturn in the nation's
economic history.
(3) Urban areas of the nation were affected, but not
rural areas.
(4) The lowest point was during the first half of
the 1930's.
WWI to Great Depression
545 The term Harlem Renaissance best describes
(1) state and federal laws passed to end racial
(2) urban renewal efforts in New York City
(3) government programs to promote African
American businesses
(4) a period of African American cultural
546 Base your answer to the following question on the photograph below and on your knowledge of social
Communities such as the one shown in this photograph from the 1930s were called "Hoovervilles"
because of President Herbert Hoover's
support for federal programs to provide jobs for the unemployed
refusal to provide direct federal aid to the homeless
efforts to help the residents return to their farms
emergency relief program to provide food to the poor
WWI to Great Depression
547 Base your answer on the cartoon below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
549 " ... They call it a 'negotiated peace.' Nonsense! Is it a
negotiated peace if a gang of outlaws surrounds your
community and on threat of extermination makes you
pay tribute to save your own skins? ... "
- President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Fireside Chat,
December 29, 1940
In this quotation, the expression "gang of outlaws"
was meant to apply to the
Maoist rebels in China
fascist dictators in Europe
communist revolutionaries in Poland
North Korean invaders of South Korea
550 The "flappers" of the 1920's gained public attention
mainly because they
What is the main idea of the cartoon?
(1) President Franklin D. Roosevelt used a
system of trial and error to improve the
(2) President Franklin D. Roosevelt consistently
adopted the Depression remedies proposed by
(3) Congress and the President were unable to cope
with the Depression.
(4) The President and Congress constantly fought
over Depression-Era programs.
548 In the 1920's, the belief in never-ending prosperity
helped to promote
(1) a renewal of interest in handmade goods
(2) strict enforcement of governmental financial
(3) massive government efforts to increase the
incomes of farmers
(4) heavy increases in stock speculation
(1) often refused to conform to society's
(2) fought for the right of women to vote
(3) fled the United States to live in Europe
(4) worked for equal status in employment
551 After the election of 1932, a friend told President
Franklin D. Roosevelt that if he succeeded he would
go down in history as the greatest American
President. Roosevelt replied, "Yet if I fail, I may be
the last one." This response reflected President
Roosevelt's belief that the
(1) Constitution limited him to two terms in the
(2) military was seriously considering a takeover of
the government
(3) Great Depression threatened the people's
faith in democracy
(4) American people were opposed to major
changes in the role of government
552 The 1920's are sometimes called the "Roaring
Twenties" because
(1) foreign trade prospered after World War I
(2) the United States assumed a leadership role in
world affairs
(3) political reforms made government more
(4) widespread social and economic change
WWI to Great Depression
553 Base your answer to question on the poster below and
on your knowledge of social studies.
555 What was President Woodrow Wilson's stated policy
toward the warring nations of Europe prior to United
States entry into World War I?
(1) neutrality
(3) internationalism
(2) containment
(4) dollar diplomacy
556 The migration of African Americans to the North
during and following World War I was mainly a result
of the
success of military desegregation
efforts of the civil rights movement
availability of new factory jobs
impact of affirmative action programs
557 Soon after Franklin D. Roosevelt became President in
1933, he supported
(1) stronger civil rights laws to protect African
(2) increased enforcement of Federal antitrust laws
(3) expanded programs of direct relief to the
(4) increased farm output to feed the hungry
558 The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to the
Presidency in 1932 reflected the desire of many
Americans to
The cooperation mentioned in the poster was
intended to be between
business and government
consumers and producers
workers and retirees
socialists and capitalists
554 A primary aim of United States immigration policy in
the 1920's was to
(1) encourage immigration of well-educated and
wealthy persons
(2) increase the number of immigrants from Asia
and Latin America
(3) limit immigration from southern and eastern
European nations
(4) help solve the World War I refugee problem
(1) return to a policy of laissez-faire
(2) abandon capitalism in favor of socialism
(3) continue the domestic policies of the Hoover
(4) have government take an active role in
solving economic problems
559 Which idea is closest to a basic principle of Franklin
D. Roosevelt's New Deal program?
(1) the Jeffersonian belief that government should
pursue a policy of laissez-faire
(2) the belief of 19th-century industrialists that
trusts and monopolies benefited the economy
(3) the post-Reconstruction Southern policy that
prevented blacks from gaining economic power
(4) the progressive philosophy that the powers of
government should be used to solve social
and economic problems
WWI to Great Depression
560 Base your answer to question on the cartoon below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
561 Which statement best describes the labor movement
during the 1930's?
(1) It grew rapidly once the right to organize was
protected by law.
(2) Only organizations of skilled craft unions
survived the Depression.
(3) Unions almost disappeared as a result of the
(4) Unions joined together to promote a socialist
solution to the Depression.
562 What is a major function of the Federal Reserve
Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission?
(1) writing legislation affecting economic issues
(2) enforcing tariff laws and collecting duties on
(3) guarding against fraud and corruption in
government agencies
(4) regulating certain economic activities of
banks and the stock market
563 In terms of international trade and finance, the United
States emerged from World War I
Which statement most accurately expresses the
viewpoint of the cartoonist?
(1) New Deal programs are endangering the
(2) Most Americans support New Deal programs
(3) Supreme Court decisions are overturning New
Deal programs.
(4) New Deal programs emphasize health care
as a leading creditor nation
dependent on Middle Eastern oil
burdened with a huge trade deficit
responsible for rebuilding the economies of both
wartime allies and enemies