Pseudopotentials: From Ultrahard to Ultrasoft Shaw and Harrison, Phys Rev. 163, 604 (1967). Johan M. Carlsson Theory department Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Faradayweg 4-6, D14195 Berlin email: Outline • What is a pseudo potential? • Historical pseudo potentials • Norm conserving pseudo potentials • Ultrasoft pseudo potentials • How to generate an (ultrasoft) pseudo potential • Testing your pseudo potential What is a pseudo potential? The solid state Hamiltonian contains contributions from the ion-ion, ion-electron and electron-electron interaction: H=Tkin+VII +VeI + VH + VXC The Born-Oppenheimer approximation states that we can consider the motion of the electrons and ions independently. The electron-ion interaction can then be seen as the electrons are interacting with the rigid ions. The valence electrons determine the chemical bonding of atoms into molecules and crystals. The atom 2p E (eV) 2s Valence electrons Vpot 1s Ze2 =− 4πε0r Core electrons r (Å) Core electrons are tightly bound to the core. Valence electrons experience the core as screened by the core electrons, i.e. an effect potential -> pseudo potential What is a pseudo potential? The core electrons screen the nucleus, such that the valence electrons only experience an effective pseudo potential, which is much smoother than the bare nuclear Coulumb potential. I.e. the pseudo potential mimics how the valence electrons experience the world. VPS VAE r (au) Why do we use pseudo potentials? Most of the chemistry and physics of materials is determined by the valence electrons. Advantages: More efficient calculations: Smoother potentials decrease the number of expansion coefficients for the Kohn-Sham orbitals Disadvantages: The wavefunctions inside the pseudo potential region deviate from the true behaviour. Less degrees of freedom, since the core electrons are frozen into the pseudo potential History of Pseudo potentials: Hard core pseudo potentials Shaw and Harrison, Phys Rev. 163, 604 (1967). Early attempts: Cut off the Coulomb potential and insert a repulsive core. Ok for analytical calculations, but bad if you are expanding your wavefunctions in a basis set. Empirical pseudo potentials • Generated by fitting to experimental data in order to reproduce particular properties, such as: • Band structure • Bulk properties • Work well for the systems they are designed for. • But they cannot be used for other systems: They are not transferable Ab-initio pseudo potentials Generate the pseudo potentials based on a ab-initio allelectron atomic calculation. The goal is to have a consistent procedure where the pseudo potential generation and the solid state calculation keep the same level of accuracy. Use physical criteria for the generation of the pseudo potentials to maintain as much of the properties of the all-electron calculation, such that the wave function of the valence electrons are unchanged by the introduction of the pseudo potential. Ab-initio pseudo potentials 1) The pseudo wave functions should be identical to the all-electron wave functions outside the cut-off radius. ψ AE (r) = φ PsP (r),r > rc 2) The eigenvalues should be conserved. ∈ iAE =∈ iPsP 3) The total charge of each pseudo wave function should equal the charge of the all-electron wave function => Norm-conservation criteria: rc ∫ 0 4) ψiAE (r) 2 rc dr = ∫ φiPsP (r) 2 dr 0 The scattering properties of the pseudo potential should be conserved. d d ln{ψ AE (r)} = ln{φ PsP (r)} r=rlog D r=rlog D dr dr D. R. Hamann, M. Schlüter, and C. Chang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1494 (1979). Norm conservation Gauss law: n(r′)dr′ V (r ) = ∫ r − r′ implies that the potential outside a charge distribution only depends on the charge inside the distribution, but not the shape. I.e. the electrons outside the core region would not notice if the charge distribution is replaced by a smoother one inside the core region as long as the total charge is not changed. The norm conserving pseudo potential The norm conserving pseudo potentials are usually divided into a local potential, that can be described by a radial function, Vloc ( r ) and a non-local part. VNL = ∑ χ l Vl χ l l The non-local part is the deviation from the all-electron potential inside the core region. Carbon Vloc The projectors for each angular momenta l, are defined VAE ⎛ h 2∇ 2 ⎞ + Vloc (r )− ∈i ⎟⎟ φi ps χ l = ⎜⎜ − ⎝ 2m ⎠ The total pseudo potential can be written as: r (au) V ps = Vloc (r ) + ∑ χ l Vl χ l l L. Kleinmann and D. M. Bylander, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1425 (1982). Non-linear core-correction: The poor mans all-electron method The exchange-correlation energy is a non-linear functional of the electron density. There may be regions where the core and valence charge overlap, such that the electron density is higher than just the valence density. The exchangecorrelation energy for the valence electrons is then underestimated. ρ (r ) rψ (r ) Solution: The non-linear core correction: Add a fraction of the core charge to the valence charge in the region where the core and valence charge overlap. r (au) r (au) S. G. Louie, S. Froyen, and M. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1738 (1982). Ultrasoft pseudo potentials D. Vanderbildt, Phys. Rev. B 41, 7892 (1990): ψAE4s Release the norm conservation criteria to obtain smoother pseudo wave functions. This can be done by splitting the pseudo wave functions into two parts: Ultrasoft valence wave function that do not fulfill the norm conservation criteria: φUS4s φιUS(r) Plus a core augmentation charge (charge deficit in the core region): * * Qnm (r) = ψ AE n (r)ψ AE m (r) − φ US n (r)φ US m (r) Q4s (r) Zinc 4s The ultrasoft pseudo potential The ultrasoft pseudopotential takes the form: 0 V US = Vloc (r) + ∑ Dnm βnI βmI nmI The β-projector functions are defined through: βn = ∑ m χm χ m φn And they are strictly localized inside the cut-off region for the wave functions since the χ-functions are defined through χ n = (∈ n −Tˆ − Vloc ) φ n And D is defined by 0 Dnm = φ n χ m + ∈ m qnm The scattering properties of the pseudo potential can be improved by using more than one β-projector function per angular momentum channel. Ultrasoft charge density Necessary to use a generalized eigenvalue formalism. Introduce the overlap operator S: Sˆ = 1 + ∑ qnm βnI βmI nmI Where rc qnm = ∫ Qnm (r )dr 0 The charge density is now defined through: 2 I n(r) = ∑ φi* (r)Sˆ φi (r) =∑ [φi (r) + ∑ Qnm (r) φi βnI βmI φi i i nmI ] Kohn-Sham formalism The ultrasoft pseudo potential 0 βnI βmI V US = Vloc (r) + ∑ Dnm nmI is determined by Vloc(r), D0 nm, Qnm(r) and βn (r). The Kohn-Sham equations take the form: H φiUS =∈ i Sˆ φiUS Where H has an additional non-local term: −h 2∇ 2 I +V eff(r) + ∑ Dnm βnI βmI H= 2m nmI And the D-function needs to be updated during the self consistent calculation according to: I 0 I Dnm = Dnm + ∫ Veff (r )Qnm dr The major approximation is that the augmentation charge is not updated in the self-consistent calculation. Ultrasoft vs Norm conserving pseudo potentials Disadvantage: Additional terms in the Kohn-Sham formalism More operations per computational cycle. Advantage: Less plane waves required for the ultrasoft pseudo wavefunctions The reduction of the basis set dominate for larger systems. Generating Ultrasoft pseudo potentials Atomic all-electron calculation Õ wavefunctions ψAE and eigenvalues ∈AE Choose the cut-off radius and construct the pseudo wavefunctions: φUS Zinc 3p 4s rψ 3d r (au) The augmentation charge The Q-functions for the augmentation charge is generated as the difference between the all-electron and the pseudo wave functions: * Zinc 4s ψAE4s φUS4s - * Qnm (r) = ψ AE n (r)ψ AE m (r) − φ US n (r)φ US m (r) = Q4s (r) The Beta-projector functions The Beta-projector functions: χm βn = ∑ m χ m φn Define the non-local part of the pseudo potential. Wave functions Beta functions φp1 βs1 φp2 φs1 φs2 r (au) βp2 r (au) βs2 βp1 The Beta-projector functions Select the number of Beta-projector functions and the eigenvalues to optimize the scattering properties of the pseudo potential Zinc: One Beta per angular momentum channel Zinc: Two Betas per angular momentum channel d d p p s s Energy (au) Energy (au) Adding a second Beta function per angular momentum channel improves the scattering properties over a longer energy interval. The local potential The local potential Vloc, is finally obtained by inverting the Schrödinger equation. Choose the cut-off radius and the angular momentum for the local potential. Carbon Vloc VAE r (au) The local potential is important for the scattering of higher angular momentum components, that are not explicitly taken care of by the Beta-projectors. Fine tuning the pseudo potential The parts of the pseudo potential is finally smoothened. This process is controled by cut-off parameters pc and qc. Be careful not to over optimize the smoothening process to obtain a very soft potential. This may lead to that very high fourier component occur. Is it necessary to use the non-linear core correction? Real space Q-functions Fourier transformed Q-functions qc r (au) q (au) Testing the pseudo potentials First step: Checking with the generator program: Do the eigenvalues agree with the all-electron eigenvalues? Are there any ghost states? The scattering properties: Do the logarithmic derivatives of the pseudo potential agree with the all-electron potential? Carbon f d d ln{φ PsP (r)} r= rlog D dr s p Energy (au) Convergence Test ΔE (eV/atom) C_00PBEOpt.uspcc C_00PBE.usp Ecut (eV) Check that the pseudo potential really converges. Molecules Test the bond length, binding energy and vibration frequency. Ebind(eV/molecule) rC_00PBEOpt.uspcc rC_00PBE.usp C_00PBE.usp C_00PBEOpt.uspcc O2 molecule Ebind d(Å) (eV) Vib freq (cm-1) C_00PBE.usp 1.24 5.67 1602 C_00PBEOpt.uspcc 1.22 6.05 1576 All-electron* 1.22 6.24 Experiment* 1.21 5.12 d (Å) Be careful to not choose a too large cut-off radius. *Peier et. al., J.Chem.Phys.122, 234102 (2005). Optimize the pseudo potential to reproduce the all-electron value, not the experimental result! Bulk properties a0=equilibrium lattice parameter and V0 equilibrium volume Ecoh=cohesive energy B0=Bulk modulus= V d2E dV2 The bulk properties can be determined using the Murnaghan equation of state: B′ ⎡ ⎛V0 ⎞ ⎤ B0V V0 E(V ) = E0 + ⎢B′(1− ) −1+ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎝V ⎠ ⎦ V B′( B′ −1) ⎣ E0=total energy at equilibrium lattice constant, B0=Bulk modulus, B’ =first derivative of B0 with respect to pressure Murnaghan, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 30, 244 (1944) Bulk properties of diamond Test the lattice parameter, cohesive energy and Bulk modulus. B′ ⎡ ⎛V0 ⎞ ⎤ B0V V0 E(V ) = E0 + ⎢B′(1− ) −1+ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎝V ⎠ ⎦ V B′( B′ −1) ⎣ Ecoh(eV/molecule) a(Å) Ecoh (eV) C_00PBE.usp C_00PBEOpt.uspcc a (Å) Bulk modulus (GPa) C_00PBE.usp 3.567 7.58 420 C_00PBEOpt.u spcc 3.571 7.66 423 All-electron* 3.572 433 Experiment+ 3.57 7.37 *Kunc et al., Hi. Pres. Res. 24, 101 (2004). +C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics. 442 Summary The pseudo potentials mimics how the valence electrons experience the screened core potential. The pseudo potential makes the calculations more efficient. Before you start a calculation: TEST YOUR PSEUDO POTENTIAL!!!!! Being able to generate your pseudo potantial gives you full control over your calculations References D. R. Hamann, M. Schlüter, and C. Chang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1494 (1979). L. Kleinmann and D. M. Bylander, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1425 (1982). S. G. Louie, S. Froyen, and M. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1738 (1982). D. Vanderbildt, Phys. Rev. B 41, 7892 (1990). K. Laasonen, A. Pasquarello, R. Car, C. Lee, and D. Vanderbildt, Phys. Rev. B 47, 10142 (1993).