P.O.W.E.R. Broker™ Recruiting System TAB 1 FOUNDATION... Belief System Recruiter’s Creed Four Ways to Grow a Business The “Key of 3” Funnel System Core System Assessment (Gap Analysis) Goals & Analysis (worksheets a/b/c...SAMPLE) (worksheets a/b/c...for your use) Effective Desk Occupancy (EDO) Standards/Expectations 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 14 15 TAB 2 MARKETING & ADVERTISING SYSTEMS... Advertising (Print/Online) Personality/Aptitude Assessment The Real Estate Simulator™ – FAQ’s Agent Type online Recruiting Assessment 19 28 33 34 TAB 3 TARGET MARKETING... Prospecting Tips Neighborhoods (Phone or face-to-face) Conversational Prospecting Other Professionals Other Sources Licensee Applicants Pre-License Schools Postcard Campaign (Neighborhoods) Agent Referrals (from existing associates) SOI/Legacy Plan Past Clients 35 36 37 38 42 43 44 45 47 50 TAB 4 FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM... Sample Letters Tracking Summary 53 55 TAB 5 90-DAY PROSPECTING PLAN... Summary of Prospecting Activities 90-Day “Action Plan” Weekly Summary Report Weekly Recruiting Journal Recruiting Results Form 56 57 58 59 60 TAB 6 HIRING A RECRUITING ‘PROSPECTOR’... Responsibilities Compensation TAB 7 RECRUITING ‘EXPERIENCED’ SALES ASSOCIATES... The Creed (Leadership/Opportunity) ‘Unique Value Proposition’ (UVP) Consensus Candidate Just Licensed Licensed for 6 Months One Year in the Business or Million Dollar Producer Top Producer Postcard/E-mail ‘Drip Campaign’ The ‘ACCELERATED’ Campaign Summary of ‘Experienced Agent’ Recruiting Activities 61 62 63 63-A 65 66 67 68 69 70 73 80 TAB 8 CAREER SEMINARS... Set-Up/Action Plan/Opportunities Presentation Guide Career Information Sessions 81 88 91 TAB 9 INTERVIEW & SELECTION... Staging the ‘Perfect Interview’ “Core Value” Selection Follow-Up to the Interview 94 100 106 TAB 10 COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE... Letter of Expectation/Commitment to Excellence Productivity Model 108 111 FOUNDATION Subject Belief System Recruiter’s Creed Four Ways To Grow Your Business Key Of 3 Funnel System Core System Assessment (GAP Analysis) Goals and Analysis Effective Desk Occupancy (E.D.O.) Standards/Expectations BELIEF SYSTEM 1. What DO You Believe In? As a professional in residential real estate? As a broker/owner of a real estate company? As a leader of people? 2. DO you believe: RECRUITING foremost priority in building and maintaining a highly real estate company? How you start new sales associates makes all the difference in their overall productivity and longevity (with you)? Comprehensive, ongoing training builds competent and productive sales associates? Setting goals with each individual builds and retains competent, productive and reliable sales associates? “One on One” accountability meetings held on a routine basis builds and retains motivated, Success Expectations (minimum standards) lead to more highly productive and consistent sales associates? Holding open houses in large numbers, on a routine (weekly) basis, is the most productive method of and helps in decreasing the cost of advertising? Sales associates prospecting on a routine and regular basis are more consistent in their production and in achieving their goals? Each sales associate should be competent in delivering the most competitive and compelling listing presentation in the market place? You and your sales associates should be providing your clients and customers, the most comprehensive and competitive, “one-stop shopping” services in the market place (FSA)? 1 BELIEF SYSTEM Continued Your company deserves and should be commanding “full commissions” on every listing? Capturing and managing all leads produces higher conversion ratios and leads to more sales and listings; cost effectively? Budgeting and business planning provide you the road map necessary to achieve your goals? Operating systems ensure quality and consistency in everything you do; perpetuates the proper activities and habits among your staff; and leads to the outcome you desire in your operations? Tracking and measuring every aspect of your business through (KPIs); will assist you in building more productive, effective and consistent operating systems and services? A “consumer centric” business that focuses on clients and customers foundation upon which to build and maintain a thriving real estate business in the 2000s? Competent support staff helps to create happier, more productive sales associates who stay with you longer? Providing your staff with a highly functional and attractive environment, designed for growth and the future, helps retain your sales associates and recruit new ones? Recognition, even for the small stuff, can make the difference in someone’s production and maybe even their career? Everything you do, everything you are should promote tradition, long term opportunity and stability? 2 RECRUITER’S CREED “ …that you the Broker/Manager conduct the day to day recruiting activities is irrelevant; that the activities get done, is… ” 3 FOUR WAYS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS 1) Get more production from your existing associates… 2) Get more associates like the ones you already have… 3) Combination of 1 and 2 4) Mass Recruiting = M/A 4 THE “KEY OF 3” For the recruitment of “New” sales associates: Focus on “The Key of 3” and the results will follow. All prospecting, career events and interviews are conducted for the sole purpose of: 3 candidates committed to attending license school 2 of whom graduate with their license 1 of whom turns out to be an average producer 3 in school per month x 12 months = 36 2 who actually get a license x 12 months = 24 1 of whom turn out to be an average producer = 12 1 year = 12 new associates x ____________ = _____________ Closed Sides Your average APPP* 2 years = 24 new associates x ____________ = _____________ Closed Sides Your average APPP* 3 years = 36 new associates x_____________ = _____________ Closed Sides Your average APPP* X _____________ Average Company Dollar Per Transaction = _____________ Company Dollar Focus on putting 3 people in school each month; the rest will follow… ***Annual Per Person Productivity 5 Rainmaker, Real Star or Real Estate Simulator 6 CORE SYSTEMS ASSESSMENT 7 Unique Value Proposition/UVP Standards / Expectations Mergers and Acquisitions Interview / Selection Value Displays Lead Capture Career Nights Marketing / Advertising Targeted Prospecting Plan Goals Written RECRUITING TO BRING IN AGENTS 0 PARTIAL FULL CORE SYSTEM ASSESSMENT YES BUDGET NO GOALS & ANALYSIS WORKSHEET A SUCCESS FORMULA Gross Commission Income - (Determine Measurement Period) Total sides - (same Measurement Period) 1. ______________ ÷ 2. ______________ Average Gross Commission (per side) 3. ______________ (Line 1 divided byline 2)= GCI / per side Costs of Sales: The company revenue is reduced by the cost of sales, which are commissions to sales associates, royalties and any other direct costs (E&O insurance, national advertising, sign installation, etc.) These costs are directly related to the production of revenue and not administrative or operating costs. Note: It is suggested that sales associate commissions be calculated after certain costs are deducted from gross revenue; i.e., E&O insurance, client follow up, national advertising, royalties and other items determined by you. E L A. Costs of Sales (before agent split) Royalties (____% x Line 3) P National Advertising (____% x Line 3) Errors & Omissions Insurance M A Client Follow Up Other* S B. Agent Commission Line 3 Minus (A) Total Costs of Sales: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Total (A) = _______________ x _______________% (agent split) = _______________ Agent Commission (B) ______________ + ______________ = 4 ______________ (A) (B) Operating Income Per Side (Line 3 minus Line 4) (Total Cost of Sales) 5. ______________ You won’t miss it. And, it will increase your bottom line by whatever percentage you deduct (6 - 10%). 8 WORKSHEET B SUCCESS FORMULA Company Budget: Include only operating expenses. Do not include royalties, national advertising, commissions paid to sales associates or any other “cost of sales.” ______________________ Average Monthly Operating Expense + ______________________ Profit (Goal) = 6. _____________________ Total Monthly Budget ______________________ = Operating Income Per Side (Line 5 on Worksheet A) 7. _____________________ Number of sided needed for monthly budget Sides needed to meet Company Budget: ______________________ Monthly Company Budget (Line 6) ÷ E L Per-Person Productivity (PPP) P ______________________ Number of Closed Sides (Line 2 - Worksheet A) ÷ ______________________ Sales Associares with at least 1 closed side = ______________________ Current Annual Per Person Productivity (Line 8) ÷ ______________________ Number of Months in measurement period = 9. _____________________ Monthly Per Person Productivity (MPPP) ______________________ Number of Sides needed to meet budget per month (Line 7) ÷ ______________________ MPPP (Line 9) = 10. _____________________ Required # of Producing Associates monthly ______________________ Producing Associates (Left of #8) ÷ ______________________ Total licensees during same measurement period (get from your records) = 11. _____________________ % of Producing Associates (Positive Base) ______________________ Requires # of Producing Associates (Line 10) ÷ ______________________ % of Producing Associates vs. Licensees (Line 11) = 12. _____________________ Total Licensees needed to meet company goals Final Analysis M A S 9 8 . _____________________ Annual Per Person Productivity (APPP) WORKSHEET C Current number of Licensees (See Worksheet B, left of line 11.) 13. Anticipated agent turnover (Line 13 x ____ %) 14. - _______________ E L Probable net associate population by year end, if no recruiting took place during the year. (Line 13 - Line 14) P M A Licensees needed to meet company goals (Worksheet B, left of line 12.) S LESS: Net Sales Associates (Line 15) Total Recruits needed GOAL: Represents additional number of (Recruits) needed NOW... to be on track for reaching goals. 10 (_______________) 15. = (_______________) Net Sales Associates 16. (_______________) 17. - _______________ 18. = ________________ WORKSHEET A SUCCESS FORMULA Gross Commission Income - (Determine Measurement Period) 1. ______________ Total sides -(same Measurement Period) 2. ______________ Average Gross Commission (per side) 3. ______________ (Line 1 divided byline 2)= GCI / per side Costs of Sales: The company revenue is reduced by the cost of sales, which are commissions to sales associates, royalties and any other direct costs (E&O insurance, national advertising, sign installation, etc.) These costs are directly related to the production of revenue and not administrative or operating costs. Note: It is suggested that sales associate commissions be calculated after certain costs are deducted from gross revenue; i.e., E&O insurance, client follow up, national advertising, royalties and other items determined by you. A. Costs of Sales (before agent split) Royalties (____% x Line 3) _______________ National Advertising (____% x Line 3) _______________ Errors & Omissions Insurance _______________ Client Follow Up _______________ Other* _______________ _______________ Total (A) B. Agent Commission Line 3 Minus (A) Total Costs of Sales: = _______________ x _______________% (agent split) = _______________ Agent Commission (B) ______________ + ______________ = 4 ______________ (A) (B) Operating Income Per Side (Line 3 minus Line 4) (Total Cost of Sales) 5. ______________ You won’t miss it. And, it will increase your bottom line by whatever percentage you deduct (6 - 10%). 11 WORKSHEET B SUCCESS FORMULA Company Budget: Include only operating expenses. Do not include royalties, national advertising, commissions paid to sales associates or any other “cost of sales.” ______________________ Average Monthly Operating Expense + ______________________ Profit (Goal) = 6. _____________________ Total Monthly Budget ______________________ = Operating Income Per Side (Line 5 on Worksheet A) 7. _____________________ Number of sided needed for monthly budget Sides needed to meet Company Budget: ______________________ Monthly Company Budget (Line 6) ÷ Per-Person Productivity (PPP) ______________________ Number of Closed Sides (Line 2 - Worksheet A) ÷ ______________________ Sales Associares with at least 1 closed side = ______________________ Current Annual Per Person Productivity ÷ ______________________ Number of Months in measurement period = 9. _____________________ Monthly Per Person Productivity (MPPP) ______________________ Number of Sides needed to meet budget per month (Line 7) ÷ ______________________ MPPP (Line 9) = 10. _____________________ Required # of Producing Associates monthly ______________________ Producing Associates (Left of #8) ÷ ______________________ Total licensees during same measurement period (get from your records) = 11. _____________________ % of Producing Associates (Positive Base) ______________________ Requires # of Producing Associates (Line 10) ÷ ______________________ % of Producing Associates vs. Licensees (Line 11) = 12. _____________________ Total Licensees needed to meet company goals 8 . _____________________ Annual Per Person Productivity (APPP) Final Analysis 12 WORKSHEET C Current number of Licensees (See Worksheet B, left of line 11.) 13. Anticipated agent turnover (Line 13 x ____ %) 14. - _______________ Probable net associate population by year end, if no recruiting took place during the year. (Line 13 - Line 14) (_______________) 15. = (_______________) Net Sales Associates Licensees needed to meet company goals (Worksheet B, left of line 12.) 16. LESS: Net Sales Associates (Line 15) 17. - _______________ Total Recruits needed GOAL: Represents additional number of (Recruits) needed NOW... to be on track for reaching goals. 13 (_______________) 18. = ________________ EFFECTIVE DESK OCCUPANCY 14 EFFECTIVE DESK OCCUPANCY STANDARDS / EXPECTATIONS Subject Expectations Notice of Probation Succeeding at Leadership Achievement Track SUCCESS EXPECTATIONS At ____________________________, our goal is to be the most competent and professional team of real estate practitioners in the marketplace. After all, our customers and clients have come to expect the very best in service from each and every one of us. As outlined in our company “Letter of Expectation” we have established certain standards of image, activity and productivity. In order to continue on our journey of delivering the very best in service and professionalism, we must adhere to these standards. As of ___/___/___, we will be adhering to our production standards as outlined in the “expectation letter”. Those standards are as follows: 1. At least ____closed sides every __ months OR 2. At least $________closed commissions every ___ months OR 3. At least $______ closed company dollar every ___ months standards, will be placed on probation during the next measurement period; which will be the If, during the probation period, a team member meets or exceeds the production standards, that team member will be removed from probation immediately. If, on the other hand, a team member is unable or unwilling to meet the production standards during the probation period, that team member may be asked to place their license with a referral company or to simply transfer their license. Our standards are in place to ensure that we are a team of professionals, who are known for their competence and success. Our goal is to be the very best in the marketplace! If you have any questions about these expectations, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me. _______________ Date __________________________ Sales Associate COMPANY NAME / LOGO HERE 15 NOTICE OF PROBATION FROM: _____________________ TO: ________________________ RE: _______________________ Date: ____/____/____ As outlined in our company “Letter of Expectation” and as presented on ___/___/___; we have been adhering to our company production standards. As you will recall, we measure the production of each of our sales associates every ___ months, based on the calendar year. respective goals. However, we do have a minimum standard at which all associates must produce. During the ___ month measurement period of ___/___/___ through ___/___/___, your personal production fell below the published standards. Therefore, during the period beginning ___/___/___ and ending ___/___/___, you will be placed on probation. If your production meets or exceeds the standards at any time during the probation period or at the end of the probation period, you will immediately be taken off probation. If on the other hand your production remains below the standard, one of the following would happen: 1. You would continue on probation for another ___ months. This decision would be based upon your progress made during the initial probation period and is at the sole discretion of management… 3. Your license would be sent back to the state licensing department… 4. Your license would be place in our “referral company” where you could still earn income through referral fees… _____________, we sincerely want you to be successful here at ___________________. However, we do have certain standards which must be met. Our success is not measured by the number of sales associates who leave us. Please contact me immediately to arrange a time to meet. We have a complete program designed to assist you in meeting and exceeding the standards as outlined in our company policy. 16 SUCCEEDING AT LEADERSHIP To simply place someone on probation for sub-par performance is not in keeping with earning the right to de-hire. Remember, our responsibility is to provide the environment, the leadership, the systems, tools, and the track for success. We can’t make anyone successful, but we can provide the opportunity for success. Therefore, what must we have in place in order for a sub-par sales associate to achieve the standards we’ve put in place? SYSTEMS ACTIVITIES TOOLS SERVICES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ What are the options for those associates who cannot or will not perform to the standard? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 17 ACHIEVEMENT TRACK FOR SUB-STANDARD PRODUCERS NAME __________________________________________ ACTIONS NEEDED DATE FOR COMPLETION _________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _______________________ SPECIFIC PRODUCTION NEEDED: DATE FOR COMPLETION GCI/CO$ ___________ ______________________ SIDES ___________ ______________________ MINIMUM WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Floor time Session ________ Open House ________ Expired Listing Contacts ________ FSBO Contacts ________ Neighborhood Contacts ________ Target Market Contacts ________ Listing Presentation ________ 18 Prospecting Action Plan MARKETING/ ADVERTISING SYSTEMS Subject Advertising (Print/Online) Personality/Aptitude Assessment RECRUITING ADS TWO THINGS MAKE RECRUITING ADS WORK: CONSISTENCY AND PERSISTENCE The ads never need to be huge and gaudy. Rather short and to the point. What makes them successful quality. That’s being consistent! The second point is that the ads should appear more than just a few times. They should be put into the paper and left there. The only thing that changes is the actual ad content. That’s known as persistence! We’ll show you how to double your income and keep your old job while you’re doing it. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. We’ll train you. Call Marilyn at ABC Realty today about a new career in real estate. 555-1122 Want to DOUBLE your income? We’ll show you how. We’ll train you while you keep your old job. Before you quit your old job, we’ll show you how to DOUBLE your income. Absolutely NO EXPERIENCE wanted. We’ll train you. After that -- you can quit your job, because you’ll have a new CAREER in Real Estate. Call Marilyn at ABC today. 555-1122 No experience wanted! We’ll train you - FREE! You can earn while you learn! Call Marilyn at ABC Realty today. 555-1122 BREAKFAST CLUB Join us for breakfast and we’ll treat you to an Investment opportunity, a Career opportunity and a meal. Call Marilyn at ABC Realty today.555-1122 START A NEW CAREER Our training system will have you making money without quitting your present job. For more information call Marilyn at ABC Realty today. 555-1122 END THE DEAD END Are you trapped in a career you don’t love? A career in Real Estate can provide you the path to unlimited possibilities and income. Call Marilyn at ABC Realty today. 555-1122 YOUR EXPERIENCE COUNTS Successful Real Estate professionals come from all walks of life. Many from backgrounds just like yours. Call Marilyn about a career in Real Estate today, and bring your experience with you. 555-1122 19 CRAIGSLIST, CAREERBUILDER OR MONSTER RECRUITING AD The key to posting a successful Craigslist recruiting ad is to post it often. Ads appear on Craiglist based on the time they were posted, with the most recent posts toward the top of the page. You won’t be able to repost the same ad twice, so you’ll need to simply change the Title of the ad and repost it at least once a week to see success. You can copy and paste the exact same message into the body of the ad…only the Title must change. Sample Craigslist Ad – Education/Teaching Section Thought about making a change? If you are thinking about making a change, you should know that former teachers make incredibly successful Realtors. So if you think real estate might be for you, we invite you to join the company voted the #1 Best Place to Work in (your market)...become a Real Estate Associate with (your company). Be sure to ask us about our Scholarship Reimbursement Program! Have you wondered how successful you could be in a real estate career? Visit www. (your website) The (your market) area is still one of the strongest real estate markets in the country. (Your company) is the: - - Insert your statistics here *Based on RealTrends 500 As the #1 real estate company in (your market) we are not only surviving, we are growing! Why? We offer our associates: - - Insert your value proposition here - And much more! To learn more, we recommend you attend one of our weekly free career seminars held at your local beginning your career, provide you information on the schooling and licensing process, and answer all of your questions. Visit (your website) to sign up online for the career information session nearest you or call (your phone number) Location: 20 BECOME A REALTOR-SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM AVAILABLE We invite you to learn more about the company that’s consistently (your company accolade and name). We take steps to ensure our associates succeed, providing the very best in advanced technology, training, marketing and advertising. At (your company), our focus is YOU! You may not think about it, but now is a great time to start a career in real estate. Now more than ever, home buyers and sellers need a Trusted Advisor for real estate and the (your market) area is one of the strongest real estate markets in the country. Have you wondered how successful you could be in a real estate career? Click here to take our quick, And be sure to ask us about our Scholarship Reimbursement Program for getting your real estate license with the (your real estate school)! What Skills Do You Need? Prospecting – Prospecting is the most important responsibility you have to your business. A successful real estate agent spends approximately 35% of their time engaged in direct prospecting activities. Servicing – These are activities that directly service the client. Examples are: listing presentations, buyer needs analysis, showing homes, etc. A successful agent spends approximately 35% of their time engaged in these activities. Administration – These activities fall into two categories: Those activities that are required to close a transaction (i.e. inspections) and those activities that are required as a marketing manager and business manager of a company (i.e. mailing newsletters). A successful agent spends approximately 30% of their time engaged in these activities. Visit (your website) to sign up online for the career information session nearest you or call (your locations! Company Description success and continual expansion. (Your company) (your market), with more than (# of associates) sales associates, the (your market) leading new homes and relocation divisions, a mortgage company, title company, insurance company, an REO division, a concierge division dedicated to home and move-related services, one of (your state) best real estate schools and one of the top real estate websites in (your state). 20-a (Your company) training program is designed to help you become productive and successful as quickly as possible in your career. Our curriculum is delivered to you in phases as you begin and advance your business. (Your company) believes that there is no better way to learn than to be able to follow the lead of another great professional. Our mentoring program is a one-of-a-kind way to learn from the best. From the exceptional training with proven results to the support services available, (your company) offers unparalleled guidance to its associates. Throughout the years, our company’s founders and have always focused on serving the industry and the community in which the company has prospered. (Your company) has been the leading full-service real estate provider in the (your market) market for over (# of years) years. We are proud to be locally owned and operated and are committed to serving We offer our associates: - Insert your value proposition here - And much more! 20-b LIVE, WORK, PLAY - THE (YOUR COMPANY) WAY Date: 2011-03-16, 9:53AM EDT Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here At (your company) we are taking bold and dramatic steps to ensure that our team members succeed, even in this constantly evolving market. We provide state of the art Technology and Marketing to generate more leads and better business tools to our associates. If you believe as we do, that there advantage of every opportunity to succeed. -Insert your company highlights or stats (year). (your website and phone number) out how successful you could be (your RealSTAR website) 10 minutes could change your life... 20-c NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Date: 2011-02-21, 1:02PM EST Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here Want to DOUBLE your income? We’ll show you how. We’ll train you while you earn. Find out more about a new career in real estate at the #1 Real Estate Company in (your market) Take our FREE, quick personality assessment (your career website) could be in real estate...10 minutes could change your life! 20-d TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING Date: 2011-02-21, 1:05PM EST Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here No experience wanted! We’ll train you – FREE! You can earn while you learn! Take our FREE, quick personality assessment at (your career website) you could be in real estate...10 minutes could change your life! 20-e CRAIGSLIST, CAREERBUILDER OR MONSTER RECRUITING AD CONTINUED (COMPANY) has been the leading full-service real estate provider in our market. We are proud to be locally owned and operated and are committed to serving the real estate and home-ownership needs of our community (COMPANY) is the: - Bullet Points - Bullet Points - Bullet Points - Bullet Points - Bullet Points We offer our associates: - Bullet Points - Bullet Points - Bullet Points - Bullet Points - Bullet Point 21 GUIDELINES TO SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING A. Be creative and persistent. Stick to it week in and week out and be willing to mix things up! B. Experiment / Trial & Error. Alternate ads from the weekday paper to the then the following week in your weekly (usually Wednesday) local publications. C. Place your advertisements online, as well! The newspaper isn’t the only place to advertise for recruiting. Websites like Craigslist.com are very successful to make the phone ring. D. The ads above are eight ad ideas designed for “high volume” calls. They require an effective “screening” system. Note: The words in these ads lend themselves to attracting part-timers.You may change or eliminate phrases such as “Keep your old job. Bear in mind however, that you should discuss the goal of transitioning to full time during your interviews and career sessions. E. Since these ads will yield a tremendous number of calls, the following system will be helpful: 1. Never take incoming recruiting calls. You will constantly be dropping what you are 2. 3. Designate a person to actually handle the call. 22 Prospecting Action Plan RESPONDING TO AD CALLS Subject Disposition of Calls Prospect Information Return Call Appointment Dialog Career Session DISPOSITION OF CALLS OPTIONS FOR HANDLING RECRUIT CALLS ordinator or receptionist. They would perform a very quick “Screening process” and then: OPTION #1 SET AN APPOINTMENT FOR A CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW WITH “RECRUITER” a. time slots for interviews should be established in advance by recruiter b. therefore, your designated representative knows when to set an appointment with prospects OPTION #2 GET NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF PROSPECT (CALLER) AND SET A TIME FOR THE “RECRUITER” TO CALL THEM BACK a. at least 2 “call back” times should be established in advance by recruiter b. if prospect cannot take call at either time, have prospect provide time OPTION #3 MAKE A RESERVATION FOR THE PROSPECT TO ATTEND THE NEXT “CAREER SEMINAR” prospect at career session…its an opportunity to do some qualifying & screening before interview 23 Date: ________________________________________ PROSPECTIVE RECRUIT INFORMATION Name:______________________________ Address:____________________________ ___________________________________ Phone Number:____________________Cell:_____________________Email:_____________________ Area/Neighborhood:______________________________ Call Back “Thank you for sharing this information. May I have Mr. /Mrs. on (day) at (time) or on (day) at (time) ? Our next Career Session is (day) at (time) RECRUITER . We will be holding it at APPOINTMENT WITH BROKER give you a call (place) .” CAREER SEMINAR Day: ________________________________ Day: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Time: ________________________________ Time: _________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ “Thank you for calling. I will send you some information about our company our system. In the meantime, please give me a call if you have any questions.” Follow-up package sent: ( ) Yes ( ) No Date: ________________________________________ Follow-up call prior to Career Seminar 24 THE RETURN CALL What interests you about a career in Real Estate? _____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ How long lived in area? (Stability) _____________________________________________________________________ Activities involved in? (Credibility and Sphere) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ How long at present job? (Responsibility) _____________________________________________________________________ Any problems with working evenings or weekends? (Ambition) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Kind of income looking for? (Reality vs. Ambition) _____________________________________________________________________ APPOINTMENT FOR INTERVIEW Day: __________________________ Date: __________________________ Time: __________________________ CAREER SEMINAR RESERVATION Day: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Time: ___________________________ Follow-Up calls: (dates) _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 25 APPOINTMENTS ANSWERING PHONE INQUIRIES It is vital that the people handling the inquiries be sharp, pleasant people and service-oriented. Proper orientation to the career opportunity concept will make this person more aware and appreciative of the need to get as much information from the caller as possible. Caller: “Hello. I’m calling for some information about your ad in the paper about a career opportunity.” Receiver: “Certainly, thank you for calling. My name is ______________________. What’s yours? (WFA) May I have your phone number and address, so that I could send you some information in today’s mail?” (Send follow-up package) Caller: (Gives information.) Receiver: “I’m scheduling appointments for (Broker/Manager) and I need to ask you a few questions, okay?” Caller: (Answers the question.) Receiver: “What kind of work are you in now, _______________? Caller: (Answers the question.) Receiver: “Do you have any sales or people experience?” Caller: (Answers the question.) Receiver: “What interests you most about a career in real estate?” Caller: (Answers the question.) Receiver: “In the state of __________, you must be at least ________ years old to get a real estate license. Do you meet this requirement?” Caller: (Answers the question.) Receiver: “M/M ___________. _____(Broker)_____ will be contacting you at ___(time/date)____ . Okay? (If not, give alternate time.) NOTE: You must establish a time within 24 hours when you will get back with these prospects. Inform your people to offer two options for the call back time (each time should be exact, such as 4:15, etc) when they will be contacted. 26 CAREER SEMINAR ANSWERING PHONE INQUIRIES It is vital that the people handling the inquiries be sharp, pleasant people and service-oriented. By participating in the planning of your career session he/she will be more aware and appreciative of the need to help get the public to turn out for your career session. Caller: “Hello. I’m calling for some information on your career session.” Receiver: “Certainly, thank you for calling. If you’ll just give me your name and address, I’ll send you some information in today’s mail.” Caller: (Gives information.) Receiver: We still have some space available for our next career session on ___/___/___. I can make a reservation for you right now. Would you like me to do that for you? Great! If by any chance you cannot make that date, please let me know. We usually end up with a waiting list. My name is ______________. By the way, may I ask how you heard about our career sessions?” Caller: Answers the question. (If newspaper, which day?) Receiver: “Thank you. It really helps us to know how you heard about it. What kind of work are you in now, ______________?” Caller: Answers the question. Receiver: “___________, I have reserved a space for you at our career session. Please bring your wife/husband as our guest if he/she can make it. It has been our experience that they will really enjoy the program also. And again, thank you for calling. Be sure to enter information on phone inquiry form. 27 ADVERTISING SYSTEM SET UP 2. These ads will be placed: Online: 3. These ads will be placed: Daily Weekly 4. Who will place these ads: 5. When: (Day of the Week/Month) 6. Ads will be rotated how often: 7. Who will respond to inquiries: Online: Phone: Email: 8. Disposition of all responders (response options) Call Back: Day Time Set Appt.: Day Time Career Session Invitation: Day Time 9. Who will send C/N invitations: (When) (Day/Time) 10. Who will send C/N reservations: (When) (Day/Time) 27a Prospecting Action Plan PERSONALITY/ APTITUDE TOOLS RealSTAR at a Glance 1. Simplicity – It is so easy to get complicated and too detailed. We have taken every step to insure that this system stays simple. 2. Time Involved – When you are recruiting, “online” potential candidates are looking for quick solutions… This assessment takes less than 10 minutes to complete. All the conventional wisdom dictates that to keep an online visitor through completion of the assessment the best results are achieved when the online “experience” takes less than 10 minutes. 3. Customization of the results page – We know that ultimately the result of the assessment is in a marketing piece for “your” company not our company. 4. Delivery of the results page – As you will see the results are immediate. That is immediate for the candidate, as well as you receive the results immediately. 5. Consent – On the registration form the candidate gives their consent to you receiving their assessment results. 6. Accuracy – In all the thousands of assessments that have been completed, in our knowledge we have received no word that anyone has disagreed with the results. 7. Content – There are 60 “choice” type questions that deal with life situations not real estate. As far as asking real estate task-related questions to an individual who is not trained in real estate, the results would be meaningless. 8. Length of the assessment results – To maintain consistency with our desire for simplicity the RealSTAR offers exactly what brokers need today, a simple straight forward solution to the evermounting pressure for recruiting. Not only is this program simple and straightforward but many would agree that we include with it the very best management training available in the industry. address any unique circumstances you may have. Cliff Baird, MBA, PhD. www.realstarrecruits.com THE REAL ESTATE SIMULATOR™ WHAT IS THE REAL ESTATE SIMULATOR™? The Real Estate Simulator™ is a web-based assessment tool that helps brokers recruit, select, train and manage the complete recruiting process. HOW DOES THE REAL ESTATE SIMULATOR™ WORK? The Real Estate Simulator™ accomplishes this by evaluating selling skills, personality and IQ. This is the only The highlight is a simulation where a person gets to play the role of a real estate agent by interacting with virtual clients interested in buying and selling property. Potential recruits are taken through the whole sales cycle from building a rapport to closing the deal. As they go through the simulation their actions are compared to top performers. Brokers get an attractive “clickable” banner site placed on their sites with a message that entices recruits like “Are you interested in a career in Real Estate? Try our Real Estate Simulator™ to see if it’s right for you” When a potential recruit clicks on the banner, they are taken instantly to a contact information form followed by the results. These results can be used to “hook” candidates in for an interview. The report indicates the kinds of questions brokers can focus on as well as the kind of investment they have to make to get the person up training needs. HOW DOES THE REAL ESTATE SIMULATOR™ HELP BROKERS? This powerful recruiting-lead generator has helped brokers from across North America: 1) Increase the number of recruits 2) Choose agents that will provide a strong Return on Investment 3) Target training efforts to reduce skills’ gaps. WHY IS THE REAL ESTATE SIMULATOR™ EFFECTIVE? The Real Estate Simulator™ is unlike all other assessment tools in eight important ways: 1) It is designed for the real estate profession 2) It is delivered via the Internet 3) It is interactive 4) It addresses the key questions that new recruits want answered 5) It demonstrates brokers’ commitment to agents’ success 6) It helps brokers build relationships with recruits – regardless of their experience 7) It sets brokers apart from the competition 8) It allows the broker to identify an agent’s strengths and weakness. Finally, to ensure that The Real Estate Simulator™ is always relevant, it is constantly being validated with managers, agents, and brokers within the Real Estate industry. WWW.REALESTATESIMULATOR.COM 33 AGENT TYPE ONLINE RECRUITING ASSESSMENT FROM RAINMAKERS MARKETING,LLC INTERESTED PEOPLE FIND YOU an online personality assessment to engage prospective recruits in the process of seeing if a career in real estate is right for them. cost per potential recruit of less than $10.00. This System is easy to use, inexpensive, and effectively increases the number of prospects that commit to sitting down with a recruiter or manager to discuss career opportunities with your company. POST IT WHERE THEY ARE LOOKING Craig’s List to promote their career assessment test. SPEND RECRUITING $ WISELY most responses. your potential recruits. Contact: Dwayne Mosley. Rainmakers Marketing, LLC 262-439-8879 Dwayne@wemakeitrain.com 34 Prospecting Action Plan TARGET MARKETING Subject Prospecting Tips Neighborhoods (Phone or Face to Face) Conversational Prospecting Other Professionals - Cosmetologists - Insurance - Teacher License Applicants Pre-License Schools Postcard Campaign (Neighborhoods) Agent Referrals (From Existing Associates) Past Clients PROSPECTING TIPS Recruiter / Broker Make time, at least 3 days per week to make 5 calls by phone and 5 personal contacts. 10:00 - 11:30 am Saturday morning. capable of calling within 72 hours Note: If you’re making personal contacts in neighborhoods, make them at the same times you would make phone calls: 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday- Thursday and 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. Be consistent and persistent 35 PROSPECTING NEIGHBORHOODS/MARKETPLACE (DOOR/PHONE) DIALOGUE: Broker: “Hi, M/M_______________? I’m_____________, President of ___________________. Perhaps you’ve heard of us? I was wondering if you could help me for just a moment? to represent us in this area and that’s why I’m calling. I’m looking for someone looking to from your area (or neighborhood). Other than Broker: “Hi, M/M___________________? I’m ______________ representing _____________. Perhaps you’ve heard of us? (WFA) area/neighborhood, and that’s why I’m calling -- to see if you could help me for just a moment. M/M___________________, we’re looking for people who are bright, honest, ambitious and would like to double their income. We only have three positions available, SUMMARY get back with referring party with follow-up results. 36 CONVERSATIONAL PROSPECTING DIALOGUE: “Hi! How are you today? (WFA) Fine. My name is____________________. What’s yours? (HAND THEM A BUSINESS CARD) ___________, have you ever thought about the possibility of doubling your income? (WFA) Have you ever considered Real Estate? (WFA) I’ve found that a great many of my top sales people came from backgrounds just like yours! I’m holding a Career Seminar on ____(day)____, ____(date)____ at ____(time)____ at ____ (location)____. I’d like to make a reservation for you, unless you’d prefer to come in for a In the meantime, I’ll send you some information in the mail. What’s your address?” a. If not interested: “Who do you know that might be interested in doubling their income?” b. Close for interview or Career Seminar; Get name and address 37 PROSPECTING ACTION PLAN TARGET MARKETING OTHER PROFESSIONALS SOURCE: inside salespeople, outside salespeople, brokers, housewives and on and on! APPROACH: NOTE: Many “Target Prospects” are registered or licensed in their respective Professional Registration. 38 SAMPLE LETTER Date Mary “Cosmetologist” 1234 Sunshine Parkway St. Louis, Missouri 63000 Dear Mary, In your business, you obviously get to meet and know a wide range of people. I’m sure many times you develop friendships with your clients. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the opportunity to help some of those people with other aspects of their life as well as their appearance? A career in real estate could be that opportunity. Before you decide it’s not for you, consider a few things: You could very possibly DOUBLE your income. You could still keep your job as a cosmetologist. You’d have the opportunity to help friends with their home buying needs. At (office name), we realize that as a cosmetologist you already use many of the skills it takes to be a successful sales associate in real estate: You’re a good listener; you manage your time well, and you are used to keeping up with a changing business. These are just some of the reasons why you should consider a career as a Real Estate Sales Professional. I’ve included some information that will tell you more about the career opportunities with our company. If you’d like more information, Mary, please feel free to call me: (phone #); or fill out the enclosed reply card and drop it in the mail. We’ll contact you at your convenience. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure 39 SAMPLE LETTER Date John “Insurance” 1234 Sunshine Parkway St. Louis, Missouri 63000 Dear John, In your business, you obviously get to meet and know a wide range of people. I’m sure many times you develop friendships with your clients. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the opportunity to help some of those people with obtaining the “American Dream”, as well as insurance? A career in real estate could be that opportunity. Before you decide it’s not for you, consider a few things: Real Estate is a natural companion to insurance, as most home buyers are in need of insurance. Selling real estate will mean built-in leads for your insurance business and vice versa. At (office name), we realize that as an insurance agent, you already have many of the skills it takes to be successful at real estate: You’re a good listener; you already have sales and presentation skills, and you manage your time well. These are just some of the reasons you should consider a career as a Real Estate Sales Professional. I’ve included some information that will tell you more about the career opportunities with our company. If you’d like more information, John, please feel free to call me at: (phone #); or fill out the reply card and drop it in the mail. We’ll contact you at your convenience. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure 40 SAMPLE LETTER Date Terry “Teacher” 1234 Sunshine Parkway St. Louis, Missouri 63000 Dear Terry, There are some basic skills that every teacher must possess, in order to do the job well. Some of those skills are listening, presenting ideas and time management. It just so happens those are the very same skills that every successful sales person possesses; especially in the field of Real Estate. At (office name), we are always looking for people with the particular skills and abilities necessary to be successful in Real Estate. As a teacher, you most likely possess those skills and abilities. Before you decide that a career in Real Estate doesn’t interest you, please consider a few things: You can keep your teaching position AND sell real estate. You could very possibly DOUBLE your income. Recognition is a top priority with us. We believe talent like yours should be used to its fullest potential. That’s why you should consider a second career, or even a full time career in real estate. I’ve included some information that will tell you more about the opportunities available with our company. If you’d like more information Terry, please feel free to call me at my office: (phone #); or fill out the enclosed reply card and drop it in the mail. We’ll contact you at your convenience. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure 41 TARGET MARKETING SOURCES OF PROSPECTS 42 PROSPECTING ACTION PLAN APPLICANT LETTER Date Dear _______, Congratulations! You’re on your way to an exciting new career in real estate! The first and most important step in reaching your goals is choosing the right company. At _________________________ we know you’ll feel right at home. You’ll get all the support you need to make your business thrive and give your clients every advantage. You’ll grow in a family of professionals who share you exuberance, talent and drive. You’ll receive the support of local, hands-on managers, and be valued and rewarded for being the best you can be. We have ___ sales offices over a four county area. Please go to www.________________ to find the office you would like to interview and partner with. Need help deciding? Call our corporate office at XXX-XXX-XXXX for assistance. We look forward to helping you get started. Sincerely, Name, CEO Company Name 43 PROSPECTING ACTION PLAN Real Estate License Schools You may or may not have access to school rosters. If not: (A) Market to “applicant list” (B) If applicant list is not available, then market to: (C) New licensee list 44 Prospecting Action Plan POSTCARD SYSTEM Subject Postcard System Sample Postcards Response POSTCARD SYSTEM 1. 2. Print or write message on the reverse side of one card. 3. Do not put a salutation on card, but do put your close and signature on card. 4. Use a felt tip marker or pen (black). 5. Take cards to printer and have them print message on card. 6. (Example: “Dear Bob”) (Use same felt tip pen.) 7. 8. An assistant can do this. 9. See examples of messages on next page. SUMMARY career seminar. Note: In today’s world of technological advancements; these postcards could 45 POSTCARD SYSTEM NEIGHBORHOOD #1 NEIGHBORHOOD #2 Dear Bob, Dear Mary, I’ve been trying to reach you and have been unable to do so. I need to speak with you about a position with my firm. You could very possibly double your income the first year. We are expanding our firm in your area. I need to speak with you about a sales position. You could very possibly double your income and you can work your own hours. If interested, call me at 555-1122 on Thursday between 2:45 and 4 p.m. If interested, please call me at 555-1122 on Tuesday between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Thank you, Thank you, Joe Broker Joe Broker PROFESSIONAL PERSON #3 NEIGHBORHOOD OR PROFESSIONAL PERSON #4 Dear John, Dear Mary, I have been trying to reach you and have been unable to do so. I need to speak with you about a position with my firm. I’ve been trying to reach you and have been unable to do so. I need to speak with you about a sales position with my real estate firm. You could very possibly double your income, and this work fits in perfectly with your schedule as a (firefighter, teacher, etc.) You could very possibly double your income while working your own schedule. Please call meet 555-1122 on Wednesday between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. to set a time together. If interested, please call me at 555-1122 on Thursday between 2:15 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. Thank you, Thank you, Joe Broker Joe Broker 46 SAMPLE RESPONSE TO A POSTCARD CALL DIALOGUE “Hi! My name is _____________. What’s yours? (WFA) First of all____________, let me say thank you for taking the time to call me. You’re probably wondering why you received a postcard from us. _____________, At any rate __________, I need three bright, honest and ambitious people interested in doubling their income. And I’m combing a highly selected area of homes using this Tell me, ____(name)____, what caused you to call?” Close for career seminar or interview. If not interested, ask if they know of anyone who is. 47 Prospecting Action Plan ASSOCIATE REFERRAL Subject Legacy Agent S.O.I. THE LEGACY PLAN (Company’s Name) is pleased to have a rewards program for sales associates who recruit successful new associates. Our company encourages sales associates to assist in recruiting additional sales associates. As a result in 2009, (Company’s Name) will begin the new Legacy Plan; a revenue sharing incentive program to offer stronger rewards to associates who actively participate in the business building process. Associates will be rewarded based on the following model: 4% 1% 1st Generation 2nd Generation Associate 1st Generation — A (Company’s Name) Sponsor Associate recruits a prospective associate to join the company. The Sponsor Associate receives 4% of the company dollar generated by this new associate for as long as both associates are with (Company’s Name) . 2nd Generation — A (Company’s Name) Sponsor Associate will also receive 1% of the company dollar generated by any associate that is recruited by a 1st Generation associate. In otherwords, a (Company’s Name) Sponsor Associate will receive 4% of the company dollar produced by anyone they recruit (1st Generation) and 1% of the company dollar produced by anyone recruited by their 1st generation associate (Second Generation); for as long as each associate is with (Company’s Name) . There is no limit as to the number of 1S1 and 2nd Generation associates a (Company’s Name) Sponsor Associate may refer; however, the Legacy Plan does not go beyond 2nd Generation. In order for an associate to be enrolled into the Legacy Plan, the Sponsor Associate must physically 48 THE LEGACY PLAN CONTINUED This will exclude those recruits who: 1. Have already enrolled in and/or is attending the (Company’s Name) Real Estate School; and is already in the (Company’s Name) recruiting pipeline. 2. Have attended a (Company’s Name) 3. Have already been contacted by career seminar (Company’s Name) Management and/or staff In order for a Sponsor Associate to be able to participate in the Legacy Plan, he/she must be licensed with (Company’s Name) . If the associate has a license with our Referral Company, they are allowed to participate in the Legacy Plan and will receive the program’s rewards. In order for the prospective associate to qualify as a Legacy Plan recruit; he/she must at least have a license with our “Referral Company”. (Company’s Name) interpretation of the Plan as it may apply to any person, matter, or circumstance will be made by management in its discretion. Policies & Guidelines are subject to change as we gain experience with this new program. Ample notice will be given in advance of any changes to these Policies & Guidelines. 49 STAFF-GENERATED “SPHERE OF INFLUENCE” Have each of your staff suggest one or two people (friends, relatives, acquaintances) whom they Send each person on the list a personal letter, inviting him or her to come talk to you about a career SAMPLE LETTER TO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Note: Only send out the number of letters you can, and will, follow-up with a phone contact. Dear Susan, I was speaking with Joe Jackson (recommending agent) this morning and your name came up in the conversation. Joe spoke very highly of you and even suggested I contact you about a career in real estate. Joe said you are a highly motivated person, with good communication skills who just might be interested in a lucrative and rewarding career in Real Estate. Joe believes you have exactly what it takes to be very successful in our industry. As a result of my conversation with Joe, I’d really like to meet with you and discuss the possibilities. I am always looking for quality people who are self-motivated and success oriented. And it sounds like you may be just the kind of person I’m looking for. A career in real estate offers new challenges, freedom from the 9 to 5 routine, and the opportunity to get paid what you are worth. If any of these sounds interesting to you, please give me a call. I think the possibilities are endless, and I’d like to talk to you about some of them. In the meantime, I’ll be contacting you shortly to explore those possibilities. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker Vice President 50 Prospecting Action Plan PAST CLIENT Subject Letter Script SAMPLE LETTER TO PAST CLIENTS Date Name Address Dear Mr. and Mrs. Client, As a valued client of ours, I would like to personally invite you to our next Career Seminar. Many of the people we help with finding or selling a home realize that real estate is a very attractive and rewarding business opportunity. I am now expanding my firm and I’m looking for bright, ambitious and honest people; interested in doubling their income. That is why I am offering you this opportunity to look at a career in real estate. (Name of Agent) enjoyed working with you in (buying/selling) your home and feels that you might just be a real asset to our firm. The next Career Seminar will be held at (Place) on (Day) , (Date) at (Time) . I’ll call you in the next few days to discuss the possibilities further. I have enclosed some information about my company and our company. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure 51 PAST CLIENTS In this campaign, you may choose to call past clients directly or send invitations and then call. Recommendation: Send invitation followed by call TELEPHONE SCRIPT (Use when calling past clients directly.) “Hi, M/M______________? M/M______________? I’m, ________________, representing _______________. I’m calling as a follow up to a letter I sent you the other day. First of all, I wanted to make sure you’re (happy with your new house) or (everything went well with the sale of your home). and honest people interested in doubling their income. I’d like to extend a special invitation to you to come to our next Career Seminar. We have found attractive and rewarding business opportunity. And I wanted to offer you the opportunity to take a closer look at a career in real estate.” OR Who do you know that might be interested in doubling their income?” NOTES: transaction was a favorable experience for that past client 52 Prospecting Action Plan FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM Subject Sample Letters Tracking Summary CAREER SEMINAR INQUIRY Date Dear Mr. Prospect: Thank you for your interest in a career in real estate. Today, more than ever, real estate is providing many people an opportunity to fulfill their dreams and reach their goals. At ________________, we’re very proud of the career opportunity we’ve been able to provide to our associates. Enclosed you’ll find some very helpful information about real estate and our company. I’m looking forward to meeting you at our next Career Seminar on ____(day)¬¬¬____, ____(date)____, at ____(time)____. Reservations have been made for you. If for any reason you can’t make it, please call and we’ll make new arrangements. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure Send a business card and the “Career Oriented” brochure with this letter. SAMPLE FOLLOW-UP LETTER 53 INTERVIEW/APPOINTMENT SAMPLE FOLLOW-UP LETTER Date Dear Mr. Prospect: Thank you for your interest in a career in real estate. Today, more than ever, real estate is providing many people an opportunity to fulfill their dreams and reach their goals. At _____________, we’re very proud of the lucrative career opportunity we’ve been able to provide to our associates. Enclosed you’ll find some very helpful information about real estate and our company. I’m looking forward to meeting you when we get together on ____(day)____, ____ (date)____, at ____(time)____. If for any reason you can’t make it, please call and well’ make new arrangements. See you on the ____(date)____. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure 54 PROSPECT FOLLOW-UP Date: ___________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ How Contacted: Face to Face prospecting ______________________________ Phone ______________________________ Mail ______________________________ Referral ______________________________ Ad ______________________________ Other ______________________________ Response: _________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ Next Contact Date: Result: _________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ 55 Prospecting Action Plan 90 DAY PROSPECTING PLAN Subject Summary of Prospecting Activities 90 Day “Action Plan” Weekly Summary Report (Learning Your Laws of Averages) Weekly Recruiting Journal (A Different Way to Look at Activities) Recruiting Results Form (Another Way to Keep Track) SUMMARY OF PROSPECTING ACTIVITIES 1. Advertising (traditional/online)...passive 2. Marquee/sidewalk sign/windown sign (now hiring/agents wanted)...passive 3. RealStar/Real Estate Simulator/Rainmaker...passive/proactive a. promoted on back of business cards, all print material, website, etc. 4. Conversational prospecting...proactive a. restaurants, grocery store, vendors to your company, etc. 5. Target Marketing (geographic)...passive; except for ‘gold calling’ (proactive) a. neighborhood (“gold calling”/letter/postcard system) 6. Target Marketing (demographic)...proactive, unless not followed by phone call a. insurance b. cosmetologists c. teachers d. real estate school rosters e. applicant lists f. new licensee lists g. past clients h. agent SOI Note: (6 a-h) should be a letter, followed by a phone call within 72 hours; so only send the number of each, that you intend to follow-up on with a personal call; otherwise, it’s just passive prospecting... total... 56 90 DAY RECRUITING PROSPECTING PLAN THE PASSIVE PROSPECTING ACTIVITIES I’LL COMMIT TO FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS ARE: 1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________ THE PRO-ACTIVE PROSPECTING ACTIVITIES I’LL COMMIT TO FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS ARE: 1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________ THE NUMBER OF CONTACTS FROM EACH “PRO-ACTIVE” PROSPECTING ACTIVITY THAT I’LL COMMIT TO: ACTIVITY DAYS TIME DAILY NUMBER OF CONTACT GOALS PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. ____________ __________ _________ _________________ _______________ 2. ____________ __________ _________ _________________ _______________ 3. ____________ __________ _________ _________________ _______________ Interview Goals per week: Person #:__________ Days:__________ Time:__________ Resposible __________ CAREER SESSIONS PLANNED (recommend weekly session) DATE TIME PLACE FACILITATOR SET UP: PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. ____________ __________ _________ _________________ _______________ 2. ____________ __________ _________ _________________ _______________ 3. ____________ __________ _________ _________________ _______________ 4. ____________ __________ _________ _________________ _______________ Broker/Manager _____________________________________ 57 WEEKLY SUMMARY OF RECRUITING ACTIVITY WEEK OF:____________ ACTUAL CONTACTS MADE PROACTIVE ACTIVITES MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT WEEKLY TOTAL 1. __________________________ ____________________________________________ 2. __________________________ ____________________________________________ 3. __________________________ ____________________________________________ Totals ____________________________________________ SUMMARY OF RESULTS ______________________________________ Number of attendees at Career Seminar ____________________________________________ Number of enrollments to Pre-license Training _______________________________________ Number of licensed associates obtained Broker/Recruiter/Mgr. ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Business Phone _______________________________________________________________ Fax # _______________________________________________________________________ EMAIL Address _______________________________________________________________ 58 59 Licensee List (letter/postcard) TV Experienced Agents Attended Closing # of Contacts ____ Co-op Agent # of Contacts ____ Open House Agent # of Contacts ____ Target Audience (Teachers, etc.) Phone # of Contacts ____ Face to Face # of Contacts ____ Target Neighborhood Phone # of Contacts ____ Face to ace # of Contacts ____ -Experienced Agents -New Recruits Postcards/Email Campaign TARGET AUDIENCE Letter/Postcard (followed by call) Legacy Introduction Other Past Client (letter/phone) Legacy Introductions (agent SOI) School Attendees Applicant List Licensee List (New/6 mos/12 mos) Other PROACTIVE PROSPECTING Applicant List (letter/postcard) Radio New Recruits School (letter/postcard) LICENSEES Online ADVERTISING PASSIVE PROSPECTING MANAGER WEEKLY RECRUITING JOURNAL # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ # of Contacts ____ Social Media Real Star Career Builder Business Plan INTERNET 60 Experience Agents School New Experienced # of Interviews # Enrolled # Hired # Hired __________ _________ __________ _________ __________ _________ __________ _________ __________ _________ __________ _________ New Recruits # of Interviews __________ _________ Net Gain/Loss Career Seminar # of Attendees _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ Experienced Agents # of Contacts (Monthly) Cumulative (Annual) Cumulative _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/____/___ ___/____/____ # Terminated New Recruits # of Contacts Week Ending RECRUITING RESULTS HIRING A RECRUITING PROSPECTOR Subject Responsibilities Compensation RECRUITING PROSPECTOR SOURCES: Administrative Assistant High School Students Homemaker (part-time) Inactive Sales Associates Part-time Sales Associates SYSTEMS: Recruiting Prospector’s responsibilities would include: Make _____________ phone contacts per day. Make _____________ phone contacts per evening. Make _____________ face to face contacts per day (optional: broker). Mail _____________ postcards per week. Mail _____________ past clients per week. Mail _____________ existing-agent letters per week. Mail _____________ target-market letters per week. Email ______ e-Postcards per week (or month) Email ______ e-mail drip campaigns every month Email ______ e-Newsletters every month (or quarter) during the week. All can be found on the Roadmap under Stop point 4 61 RECRUITING PROSPECTOR CONTINUED PAY STRUCTURE: (Contract Labor, Outside Contractor) _____________ per hour. _____________ per week _____________ per interview _____________ per Pre-license Enrollee _____________ per Pre-license Graduate _____________ for each transaction up to 12 months EXAMPLES: **(after 14 months) $ 25 x 8 monthly interviews $ 75 x 3 monthly enrollees $125 x 2 monthly graduates $150 x 1 monthly transaction (24 agents x 1/2 tx per month Base Pay of $150 per week x =$200 x 12 months =$225 x 12 months =$250 x 12 months =$150 x 12 months txs 12 months) = $600 x 12 months Total Annual Income = $ 2,400 = $ 2,700 = $ 3,000 = $21,600 (for 1st 12 months) =$ 7,200 =$36,900 **It will take one full year to get to the “full plan” of compensation, plus 2 months to get started with full scale activities Recruiting prospector works about 25-30 hours per week at most. If an “experienced associate” is recruited, pay recruiter a one time bonus based on experienced associate’s previous year’s production (documented); And perhaps, a bonus or override on each closing for one year. 62 Prospecting Action Plan RECRUITING EXPERIENCED SALES ASSOCIATES Subject The Creed (Leadership/Opportunity) Unique Value Proposition (UVP) Consensus Candidate (Letter/Script) Just Licensed (Letter/Script) 6-Month License (Letter/Script) 1-Year License/Million $ Producer (Letter/Script) Top Producer (Letter/Script) Postcard/E-mail Drip Campaign The Accelerated Campaign Summary RECRUITING EXPERIENCED SALES ASSOCIATES THE CREED TO HIRING THE “EXISTING” SALES ASSOCIATE: “YOU DON’T HIRE OR EVEN STEAL EXISTING ASSOCIATES; YOU ATTRACT THEM!” Attracting existing sales associates to your company has everything to do with: In other words: Tradition, credibility and opportunity attract quality, experienced associates. It may be that you and your company are not yet ready to attract existing associates. There may be some things you still need to put into place before you’re ready. See checklist on next page. The Ultimate Question is: What is your “PERCEIVED IMAGE” in the local industry? THE 2 REASONS A SALES ASSOCIATE LEAVES YOU OR JOINS YOU: LEADERSHIP/OPPORTUNITY LEADERSHIP 1. Personal relationship with broker/manager (Attitude/Environment) LEADERSHIP 2. Recognition (Motivation/Environment/ Attitude) OPPORTUNITY 3. Training (Opportunity/Motivation) LEADERSHIP 4. Management Support (Direction/Goals/Interest) LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY 5. Compensation (Competitive/Sensible) 63 WHAT IS YOUR UNIQUE (ULTIMATE) VALUE PROPOSITION? (UVP) 1. Can you name at least three reasons why any or all of your associates joined 2. Can you name at least three reasons why any or all of your accociates stay 3. Why not ask your associates; ask these two questions at your next sales meeting...then build your UVP! Your UVP Should Have 3 Components 1. Overarching “Statement” 2. Primary DDU (s)…Ultimate Differentiators Different/Distinctive/Unique (3-4) 3. Remaining DDU(s)… (unlimited) Note: Do you have something as minimal as a tri-fold pamphlet promoting your UVP and DDU(s)? 63-A RECRUITING EXISTING AGENTS THE BEST METHOD OF RECRUITING IS TO KEEP THE SALES ASSOCIATES YOU HAVE. “No one can recruit your sales associates away from you; you can however, lose them!” “The most productive sales associates make the most money; not necessarily the associate with the highest split!” Questions to ask yourself before going after “experienced” sales associates: 1. Have I ever tried to recruit existing agents? 2. Do I normally go after the new licensees or existing agents, and why? 3. Do I presently need more agents? 5. Should I go out and try to recruit the top producers in my community? Things to keep in mind: 1. The number one recruiting market has always been the new licensee. Because of this we’re missing 90% of the market- existing productive agents. 3. Today, other brokers are trying to recruit your people. 4. Every new licensee is being recruited by everyone else in town. 5. Be careful of “bottom line” management in recruiting. Spend some money on recruiting. 6. Meet experienced recruits with pre-printed cards. 7. Article XXIV no longer exists. 8. It takes a stronger sales person to recruit experienced agents than new recruits. 64 CONSENSUS RECRUITING Send personal letters to any agent who co-ops a sale with one of your associates expressing your Have your associates vote on one person. Then actively recruit that “Consensus Candidate” with the help of your agents. Example: Have an agent call the “Consensus Candidate” one day. Another agent can send a personal note. You, and the person who nominated the candidate, can take the “CC” to lunch. SAMPLE LETTER TO CO-OP AGENTS Date Dear (Co-op Agent): Thank you for your help and cooperation with the sale on 1234 Smiley Road. Jim Smith of my office tells me it was a pleasure working with you. Please let me say how nice it is to hear about true professionalism among other associates; I know that’s a quality we work very hard to achieve at ABC Realty. Because Jim spoke so highly of you, I’d like to extend an open invitation to you. If at any time you would like to visit our office, it would be a pleasure to meet with you. I’m always interested in having someone of your caliber on my staff. And, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the benefits of associating with our company. Of course, if you are presently contractually engaged, I do not want to interfere. Please feel free to call me. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, ABC REALTY Joe Broker 65 SAMPLE LETTER “Just Licensed” Date Mary Agent 1234 Sunshine Parkway St. Louis, Missouri 63000 Dear Mary, Congratulations from everyone at (office name) on passing your real estate exam in January. Now that you’ve been in the real estate business for a few months, let me ask you a few questions: Are you getting the training you thought you would? Are you getting enough management support? Are you making the money you thought you would? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, I’d like to remind you that you have the power to change your situation! I’d like to tell you about the most comprehensive Training System in the industry; designed so you can EARN while you LEARN. In addition, we can assist you in developing a complete “activity plan”, customized to help you reach and achieve your fullest potential! Finally, I can show you how our TRAINING and SUPPORT can make you money - NOW! Let us share our experience and knowledge with you. Of course, if you are presently contractually unable to discuss this matter with us. We don’t want to interfere. If you are interested in more information or a confidential interview, please me at (phone #), or fill out the enclosed reply card, and we’ll contact you at your convenience. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President 66 SAMPLE LETTER “Licensed for Six Months” Date Mary Agent 1234 Sunshine Parkway St. Louis, Missouri 63000 Dear Mary, During your first six months in the real estate business, I’m sure you’ve learned much about the industry; but have you been provided specific training in: Developing a perpetual “Book of Business”? Generating qualified leads for you? Ongoing career development? Business planning? These are just some of the reasons why our sales associates are so successful. We’d like to tell you more about what we can do for you. Of course, if you are presently contractually unable to discuss this matter with us, we don’t want to interfere. If you are interested in more information or a confidential interview, please call me: (phone #), or simply fill out the enclosed reply card, and we’ll contact you at your convenience. Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure Enclosure 67 SAMPLE LETTER “One Year in Business” or “Million-Dollar Producer” Date John Top Producer 1224 Sunshine Parkway St. Louis, Missouri 63000 Dear John, Congratulations on a fine year! I’m sure you worked very hard and deserve all that you have achieved. As you are most probably aware, one of the challenges that many sales associates face in our business, is that of consistency. No matter how good a year one might have, it seems they are always starting over the next year. At ____________________, we have solved that dilemma. One of the many commitments we make to our sales associates, is that of helping each person “build a book of business.” This helps insure an ever increasing and consistent income; Year in and year out! Additionally, we are committed to providing our sales associates with the finest personal training and COACHING in the industry. The programs and services we can offer you are very comprehensive. So, I’ve included our company brochure to further illuminate those opportunities. We’d like to discuss the opportunities open to you in our system; but if you are presently contractually engaged; we don’t want to interfere. If you’d like to talk privately, please call me at (phone #) Sincerely, ABC Realty Joe Broker President Enclosure 68 TOP PRODUCER Dear _____________, There’s just no getting around it-we’re in one of the most challenging markets the real estate industry has ever faced! The bad news is that many sales associates and real estate companies will not survive the next 18-36 months. The good news is that for those with a solid foundation beneath them and the skill and ability to “weather the storm”; there is a wonderful opportunity to not only survive, but to THRIVE! At ______________________________________ we are taking bold and dramatic steps to ensure that our team members succeed, even in this very tough market. And we’d like to see you succeed right along with us! Having a solid “footing” and exceptional abilities will help you survive in this market; But, having an exceptional partner along side, can help you thrive and prosper! We believe that there are three distinct benefits sales professionals will need in order to flourish in today’s economic climate: 1. A “CUSTOMIZED” COMPENSATION PLAN…a plan designed specifically for you, to reward your performance and improve your “split”; and one that holds the line on your expenses or even eliminates them. 2. LEADS… This year alone, _________________________________________ will distribute over ___________ of buyer and seller leads to our sales associates; and right now, that benefit alone may be the single most important factor in getting you through this challenging time. 3. COACHING…Each of our sales managers is a certified coach via the_________ Coaching System. In short, that means we can and we will personally work with you in executing your plans. We are prepared and ready to meet with you on a weekly basis if you choose; in order to ensure your success. If you believe as we do, that your business partner should be providing you leads, coaching, higher commission splits and lower expenses; then we are in agreement, and together we can take this market by storm! Right now we owe it to ourselves to make sure we take advantage of every opportunity to succeed. Thank you for your consideration and please feel free to contact me to explore the possibilities further. Until then I remain, Sincerely Yours in Service, Name CEO Company Name P.S. If you are currently under contract and are unable to discuss matters further, please advise me, as I do not want to interfere with that contract. 69 EXPERIENCED AGENT POSTCARD/E-MAIL DRIP CAMPAIGN SET-UP 1. Determine messages using your Company’s “Unique Value Proposition” a) What are the “Key Messages” you want to convey? 2. Using your local MLS or Broker Metrics or Real Data strategies; compile the list of sales associates in your primary market; who are you looking for? a) Top Producers b) “Decliners” c) “Rising Stars” d) Agents below your company average production THE CAMPAIGN 1. Send/e-mail one postcard per week; or one every other week 2. After sending four e-mails/postcards (4-8 weeks) call candidate or invite them for coffee, etc. a) follow the schedule after every four e-mail/postcards Note: (See “Accelerated Recruiting Campaign” for scripts) 70 EXPERIENCED AGENT POSTCARD SYSTEM Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME). Sales associates at our company earn on average 76% commission splits. Wondering how? Just ask. In today’s real estate market, you need a partner you can trust. Let us be your perfect partner. Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME). and to learn more, please visit our website. and to learn more, please visit our website. There are some things you can’t do without… #1 Real Estate Company in the Area. ____ Years in a Row. (WEBSITE) Like the family culture at our company. Our unique quality and character is just one of the reasons our agents voted us #1 Best Place to Work. Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME). Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME). and to learn more, please visit our website. and to learn more, please visit our website. You could earn $250,000 Our company distributed thousands of leads to our sales associates last year. Do business the _____________ way: Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME). Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME). and to learn more, please visit our website. and to learn more, please visit our website. 71 EXPERIENCED AGENT POSTCARD SYSTEM CONTINUED Exceptional Coaching No Desk Fees No Agent Transaction Fees Up to 90% Split Every sales manager at our can work for you! coach…and our coaching is FREE! Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME) family. Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME) family. and to learn more, please visit our website. and to learn more, please visit our website. Our company was named the #10 company in our area for Philanthropic Giving in 2007 & 2008. We believe in giving back to the communities in which we live and thrive. Our associates save an average of $200 annually on Realtor.com. Some save literally thousands because of our special partnership with Realtor.com. Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME) family. Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME) family. and to learn more, please visit our website. and to learn more, please visit our website. Build Your Legacy. Our company is proud to have a rewards program for associates who help bring other associate to our company. out that our Legacy Program is a great retirement program! Are you ready to join the best team in town? We invite you to join the (COMPANY NAME) family. and to learn more, please visit our website. 72 RECRUITING EXPERIENCED AGENTS The “Accelerated” Campaign SET UP STEP #1: Identify your “recruiting sphere” (primary targets) TOOL: Broker Metrics - Volume/Units…LTM/PTM NOTE: you need to become real familiar w/RDS and/or Broker Metrics STEP #2: Use “growth” tab to identify: - Game Changers (Top Tier Producers) - Rising Stars (newer agents steadily climbing) - Decliners (agents w/dramatic decline in production) STEP #3: Create a database of “recruit(able)” information - “Export Contact Information” tab - Export/download to your desktop/print info - Type in competitors web address; hit space bar; type agent name - All the contact information you’ll need is there STEP #4: Summary of BM production reports - Game Changers, Decliners, Rising Stars, Outstanding Month 73 MAKING CONTACT STEP #2: Commit to 4 hours per week; 1 hour a day – 4 days a week STEP #3: For certain kinds of calls there is “SLY DIAL” (267) 759-3425 - when you’re trying to get in a lot of calls - when, for whatever reason, you’d prefer to leave a message AXIOM #1: The purpose of the call is to get an appointment; not to try to recruit someone on the phone! AXIOM #2: Always appeal to the Ego! AXIOM #3: In these scenarios, always follow your call with a letter or note of thanks; looking forward to meeting you; or congrats. NOTE: Mail merger is available on BM AXIOM #4: Use the assumptive close; don’t ask for appointment, assume you’re going to meet; it’s only a matter of when and where… 74 The Call Phone Dialogue/Script #1: Agent with (Outstanding Month) meet you and to buy you a cup of coffee. I’m available Tuesday and Wednesday and I sure hope you can make it; if you would, please call my cell phone and let me know what time works best for you. Phone Dialogue/Script #2: (Rising Star) …John, I’ve noticed that you have grown your business dramatically over the past _____ months; what a wonderful achievement in such a tough economy – Congratulations! John, I’ve heard some great things about you and I’d sure love to meet you and buy you lunch… Phone Dialogue/Script #3: (Top Producer) …Sally, I’ve always had great admiration for you; year after year you’re among the best of the best and I just thought it was time to meet you; I’d sure love to buy you a cup of coffee… Phone Dialogue/Script #4: (Game Changer) …Jane, I’ve always had great admiration for you; year after year you’re among the best of the best and I just thought it was time to meet you; I’d love to send a town car to pick you up and have lunch; OR, ____________________, our (President; Chairman; Broker) asked me to call you because he/she would love to send a car to pick you up to meet him/her for lunch… Phone Dialogue/Script #5: Agent on the (Decline) …Bob, I’ve always had great admiration for you and your stature within the real estate community; you have always been such a tremendous agent; the economy has obviously had a profound impact on all of us. I’d sure love to buy you a cup of coffee… 75 HANDLING “PUSHBACK” Should someone call back and leave a message; or say to you while speaking to them: “I’m happy at __________ company; OR, I love my manager __________… Your Response: I simply wanted to meet you and get to know you a little better over a cup of coffee; I’m available… 76 THE APPOINTMENT STEP #1: Learn about the potential recruit (establishing rapport) STEP #2: Discuss your original purpose for contacting them STEP #3: Discussion points STEP #4: At the appropriate time ask: (Core Question) “…If you were to ever consider a move, what criteria would you use to make your decision?” NOTE: Listen to what they have to say, and they will tell you what it takes to get them interested in you/your company… Candidate: I’m happy at __________; or I’m happy with my manager __________... Your Response: I agree, __________ is a good company; or __________ is a good manager; of course I believe that __________ is better! What do you like most about __________ ? (listen intently) What do you like least? (listen intently) OR ter, OR, I think __________ is better! You know, most college graduates that go on to get their master’s degree, go to a different college; not all, but most! It’s because they’re looking for a new, perhaps, better environment so they can learn and grow. I think real estate is much the same; it may take a change in environment, or coaching or business planning to take you to the next level (for Rising Star, Top Tier, Outstanding Month agents). Make sense? 77 THE APPOINTMENT Continued Candidate: What kind of split can I get, or what kind of split are you offering? Your Response: __________, you know as well as I do that compensation is important to everyone; and I know you wouldn’t consider moving to another company if your compensation were to go backwards; believe me, we can work the math out… Let me ask you a question…if all compensation plans are identical, what would be the most important thing you’d be looking for in a company? (listen intently) NOTE: Depending on how the conversation is going, you could try a “sharper” closing technique: __________, if I can make the math work to your satisfaction, are you interested in coming to __________? OR __________, I’ll make the math work for you; what I’m really interested in knowing is if you want to be with __________... (listen intently) __________, if I can convince you that __________ is a better environment for building your business; and that I can demonstrate to you in no uncertain terms, that you can dramatically improve _________, if for no other reason, I’d like you to consider _________ as the place to be, if you ever decide to leave __________; how would you feel about that? NOTE: fortable in closing the candidate. - 78 RULES TO REMEMBER “unique value proposition” “It’s about following you, because you can lead them to where they’ve not been before – Higher, Better production and income; you’re Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is important, but not as critical as having them believe in your leadership!” SUPPLEMENTAL o GCI or CO$ net growth (annually, quarterly) o Measure monthly your net gain or loss - GCI/CO$ hired less GCI/CO$ terminated already have. Do for them what you’d do for new candidates (letters/cards/calls) o o o o o o o o Congratulations on a great month Game Changer (Top Tier) – Best of Best (consistently) Decliners (crashing and burning) Big Sale Congratulations on 1st year in business Rising Star Congratulations on 6 months in business Congratulations on getting license o Find anybody’s birthday 79 EXPERIENCED AGENT RECRUITING ACTIVITIES Summary 1. Consensus Agent 2. School Roster 3. New Licensee 4. 6 Months in the Business 5. 12+ Months in the Business 6. Ongoing Postcard Campaign 8. Stop in at Closing 9. Stop by Open House 10. Take an agent to lunch once a week. 11. Accelerated Recruiting Campaign NOTE: Recruiting experienced sales associates is a process not an event! 80 CAREER SEMINAR Subject Set-Up/Action Plan/Opportunities Presentation Guide (Discussion Topics/Talking Points) Career Information Sessions (Short, Sweet and To The Point) CAREER SEMINAR DATE / ACTION PLAN Advertising: What: ____________________________________________________________________ Where: ____________________________________________________________________ When: ____________________________________________________________________ Who: ____________________________________________________________________ Personal Contacts: What: ____________________________________________________________________ Where: ____________________________________________________________________ When: ____________________________________________________________________ Who: ____________________________________________________________________ Where: Facilities / Equipment: _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________ Time: _________________________________ Who sets up: ________________________________________________________________ Career SeminarFacilitator: _____________________________________________________ 81 WHAT YOU SHOULD GET FROM A CAREER SEMINAR: and professional. WHAT YOU SHOULD AVOID: excite your attendees with the “Big Picture” of a career in real estate. Be prepared and rehearsed. everyone. Instruct staff prior to the Career Seminar what you want from them. PROSPECTING TECHNIQUES: need sales associates local media. 82 CAREER SEMINAR CHECKLIST Miscellaneous items publications this manual) cookies and/or brownies, etc.) Have in Place Prior to Your Meeting Equipment and Furnishings and in good repair wall to show presentation and clutter-free presentation outside facility Equipment and Furnishings (continued) display in meeting area and collated be playing in room professional 83 84 REFRESHMENTS DISPLAY (OPTIONAL) LECTERN CAREER SEMINAR ROOM SET-UP CHART SIGN-IN HANDOUTS LAPTOP/ PROJECTOR 85 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Address Name GUEST LIST CAREER SEMINAR How did you hear about this? ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ Phone IMPORTANT TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAREER SEMINAR meeting room of a local bank, hotel or title company. Make sure the location projects the right image for you. handouts and a nametag. GAME PLAN FOR SUCCESS EVERY TUESDAY 7:00 PM YOUR OFFICE INVITE PROSPECTS TO FOLLOWING WEEK’S SEMINAR; NOT THIS WEEK’S EVERY RESERVATION FOLLOWED BY A CONFIRMATION LETTER OR CARD EVERY CONFIRMATION LETTER OR CARD FOLLOWED BY A “REMINDER” PHONE CALL THE DAY BEFORE THE EVENT 86 PROSPECTING OPPORTUNITIES Real estate schools Adult education centers Previous buyers, sellers, investors Church, Schools and social groups Hairdressers, housewives Former employer, retirees Military personnel and spouses, veterans Local politicians, Rotarians Chamber/Junior Chamber of Commerce members Teachers, nurses, secretaries, waitresses Homeowners’ associates, neighbors Auto dealer/staff Gas station owner/staff Accountant/bookkeeper/staff Banks and S&L employees Employment agencies Retail employees Mortgage company employees FSBOs Past clients and customers 87 CAREER SEMINAR PRESENTATION GUIDE Subject Career Seminar Program CAREER SEMINAR PROGRAM DISCUSSION TOPIC DIALOGUE success just by being here. information to make a “yes” or “no” decision on real estate. are considering a new career have concerns about their “ability to succeed”. bar none! than ever before in history. Quality Service. more attractive. In Your Real Estate Partner? 7. Associate with Excellence! 88 CAREER SEMINAR PROGRAM CONTINUED DISCUSSION TOPIC DIALOGUE Driving Business To You (USP – Unique Selling Proposition UVP – Unique Value Proposition) (mortgage, title, insurance, etc.) having their own website millennium strategy for marketing & prospecting 89 CAREER SEMINAR PROGRAM CONTINUED DISCUSSION TOPIC DIALOGUE at all levels 22. Testimonials – (Optional) New Agent Working for (Company’s Name) is absolutely wonderful. First of all the training this company offers is best by far. Extensive material and knowledgeable agents inspire me daily. As a new agent, I can honestly say that I am respected and treated like one of the family. I am now a proud member of this company. Experienced Agent One reason why I joined (Company’s Name) was because I liked training and the close follow up we were never made to feel like we were imposing on them when asking a question. Although we were all independent of each other I felt everyone was in our corner to succeed. We have strong leadership at _____ and in this every changing world that is a comfort. The Company is innovative, supportive and continues to explore avenues to help us succeed. I feel no need to look elsewhere. 23. How Do I Get Started? real estate license 27. Any Questions? 28. Thank Everyone for Coming!! 90 CAREER SEMINAR CAREER INFORMATION SESSIONS (CIS) Subject Career Seminar Program Career Information Sessions (CIS) (Short, Sweet and to the Point) last about 30-45 minutes. There are only four questions to be answered at these sessions: 1. How do I get started? Explain your state’s educational and licensing requirements. Provide handouts about local schools, schedules and pricing. BE ABLE TO ENROLL THEM RIGHT THERE IN YOUR OFFICE. 2. How much will it cost to get a license and get started in my new career? Provide each participant with a handout outlining the costs associated with getting a license and costs associated with starting their career. Your outline of costs, provide them with a timeline of when each cost is due. 3. How much can I earn; what are the possibilities and realities? Provide each participant with an income grid (see below) outlining your company’s averages (Sales price, commissions, commission splits, etc.). Show them the reality of average income earnings and the possibilities for them if they become a top producer. 4. What do I do next? Ask them if they have any questions; tell them to take some time and think about what you’ve shared. If still seminar. DO NOT TRY TO SELL THEM ON YOUR “UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION (UVP). You’re looking to see who will call you back. If they do, you probably have a winner. At the end of the session thank them for coming. Do not tell them you will call them. Give them your card and ask every week for three months with all dates for your career sessions. Note: It’s best to include all dates of your career sessions in every ad for the next 12 weeks. If ad space is too expensive, you can remove the “old dates” each week from each new ad. At the end of 12 weeks, take a break for 2-4 weeks, then begin again. Consistency and patience is the name of the game. prospecting to once a month or every other week, you would tell them it is too inconsistent. 91 Career Information Sessions MARKETING/ADVERTISING AD # 1 REAL ESTATE SCHOOL STARTING SOON QUESTIONS? 1. HOW DO I GET STARTED IN REAL ESTATE? 2. WHAT DOES IT COST TO GET LICENSED? 3. HOW MUCH CAN I EARN? 4. WHAT NEXT? WE HAVE ANSWERS! PLEASE JOIN US AT ONE OF OUR FOLLOWING INFORMATION SESSIONS: DATES: TIME: RUN YOUR ADS EVERY WEEK FOR THREE MONTHS; THEN TAKE A BREAK FOR 2-4 WEEKS. MEASURE YOUR RESULTS, TWEAK YOUR SYSTEM, THEN GO AGAIN. ALTERNATE AD: Have you ever thought about getting into REAL ESTATE? We’ve got the answers to all your questions. Join us! DATE: TIME: 92 Career Information Sessions (Initial Expenses) REAL ESTATE SCHOOL $ _______________ BACKGROUND CHECK $ _______________ TAKING THE TEST APPLICATION FEE TEST LICENSE FEE SUB TOTAL $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ REALTOR AFFILIATION NAR STATE ASSOCIATION MLS LOCKBOX SUB TOTAL $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ SALES TRAINING FAST START LISTING PRESENTATION MATERIALS SUB TOTAL $ _______ $ _______ $ _______________ $ _______________ $ _______________ PERSONAL MARKETING - 4 open house signs - 4 sign riders - 2 car signs - business cards - name badge - photo -announcement cards SUB TOTAL $ _______________ GRAND TOTAL $ _______________ 93 INTERVIEW & SELECTION Subject Staging the Perfect Interview Core Value Selection Follow-up to the Interview 94 STAGING “The Perfect Interview” Six Questions to Consider 1. Who is (should) greet the candidate? 2. How do (should) the candidate be greeted? 3. Where should the candidate be taken? 4. When should you (interviewer) come and get them? 5. Where should you take them (when will/should you conduct the interview)? 6. How will you provide their initial recognition 95 96 97 98 99 CORE VALUES 1. What are your “Core Values” (beliefs)? 2. What characteristics does one need to possess in order to be successful in your company? 4. Your “Core Values”? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Characteristics needed to be successful in my company: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 100 CORE VALUES 6. What questions can I ask that will help me determine if someone possesses those characteristics necessary to be successful in my company? Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________________ Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________________ Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________________ Characteristics ______________________________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________________ Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________________ Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________________ Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________________ 101 “CORE VALUES / CHARACTERISTICS” Candidate: __________________________________ Date: __________________ Manager: Are you willing to invest your precious time in this person? INDUSTRIOUS: Willing to work hard to achieve a goal. To work diligently and on one’s own initiative. WILL TO WIN: Enjoyment of competitive activities. To be the best. To out-do others. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE: Ability to comprehend and assemble facts. To acquire knowledge. A degree of effective intelligence. HONESTY: A Quality of basic sincerity in every relationship. Integrity. Reliability. INITIATIVE: Taking action when needed, without prodding. Willingness to initiate action. PERCEPTION: To see what is really there. SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE: The degree to which the social patterns of the job are normal and natural to the candidate. AMBITION: A continuing desire to know more, to gain skill, to increase his position in life. The level of aspiration. CONFIDENCE: A fundamental belief an individual has in his own ability. A belief in himself. The tendency to make one’s own decisions. 102 “CORE VALUES / CHARACTERISTICS” PERSISTENCE: TACT: The talent of being graceful and diplomatic with others. Personal charm. COMMUNICATIVE ABILITY: The ability to talk, listen, write and understand ideas clearly. MOTIVATION: The need to achieve. The drive the individual has to achieve objectives. HAPPINESS: A state of well-being. An attitude that life is worth living. A willingness to exhibit enthusiasm. PHYSICAL HEALTH: EMOTIONAL STABILITY: The ability to tolerate frustrations and stand up under disappointments. To avoid extreme variations of emotion. PERSONAL IMPACT: Outward appearances. Expressed enthusiasm and general likableness. Consideration of others. DOMINANCE: The need to control and direct the activities of others and the forces within one’s environment. ACCEPTANCE: The capacity to make and hold friends. To maintain good working relationships and personal acceptance by others. 103 CORE VALUES EXAMPLES: Sense of Humor… “What’s the funniest, most embarrassing thing that has happened to you? How did you handle it?” Initiative… “What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to do in your business life?” Ambition… “Where do you want to go? Or, where do you want to be in “x” years?” 104 INTERVIEW & SELECTION INTERVIEW FOLLOW-UP SAMPLE FOLLOW-UP LETTER (AFTER FIRST INTERVIEW) Date Dear Mrs. Prospect: I enjoyed meeting with you the other day. Your honest and sincerity were very impressive. I think you’ll agree we have some exciting reasons to get together again. It is my hope that you’ll have time to discuss this opportunity with your family as well as interview other companies before we meet again. It’s very important that you are sure about your decision and that you have the support of your family. I’m looking forward to seeing you again on (date) at (time). In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Office Name Joe Broker 105 SAMPLE FOLLOW-UP LETTER (AFTER FIRST INTERVIEW) Date Dear Mr. Prospect: I enjoyed meeting and speaking with you the other day. I always enjoy speaking with people about real estate. One on the most critical elements of being successful and happy in any business is timing. Real estate is no exception. After our discussions the other day, I feel this may not be the best time for you. Yet, I sincerely thank you for your consideration. Good Luck and call on me if I ma be of help to you in any way. Sincerely, Office Name Joe Broker 106 COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE Subject Letter of Expectation/ Commitment to Excellence Productivity Model EXAMPLE LETTER OF EXPECTION (It is not done yet. Make as comprehensive as possible. Personalize salutation to each associate) to run on will insure your success in this business, and with our company. Part of this track is reaching agreement on a number of issues. All of our sales associates receive this letter upon hiring and have found that future problems were alleviated through this clear communication. Training For Our Newly Licensed Agents or Agents With Limited Experience Our training curriculum is designed to bring you into production quickly. We expect your full cooperation and attention in completing this dynamic and useful curriculum. There is much technical information to be learned. will focus on these technical issues. They must be mastered for liability and performance reasons. (a brief outline of topics covered, time frame) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ you far & above the competition. All Sales Associates On a regular basis we offer career development opportunities designed for all agents with all levels of experience. This business is ever changing and it is important to keep up with new trends, changes in laws _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Goal Setting Personal Production goals are the driving force behind your business plan. They should be written and reviewed regularly for progress against them. Management will work with you to formulate the goals on an annual basis. All___________________sales associates will set goals that are consistent with the minimum production standard our company adheres to. Prospecting The lifeblood of our business is Prospecting. Although there will be opportunities for you to work leads generated by the company, your continued success will only be assured with a systematic prospecting campaign. Management will work with you to craft a prospecting plan tailored to meet your goals. 108 EXAMPLE LETTER OF EXPECTATION (CON’T) Success Expectations (Minimum Production Standards) tive sales associates remain keen enough, in their skills, to provide the quality service our customers expect our doors, hurts the image that you are representing. In addition, our company maintains a vast array of support services for our sales associates and customers. In order to continue, the company needs to meet productivity. The minimum standards for each category are: (activity) 1.____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________________ (productivity) 1.____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________________ Professionalism ourselves in our professional image in the marketplace. Your ability to look like a successful professional will open doors that will otherwise close and, quit possibly, remain closed throughout your career as a result of selves in putting the customer at the top of our priority ladder. I all encounters we expect all ________sales We have to be able to communicate. Some information is not suited to the “Memo”. For this reason, we designed to provide motivating and helpful information. Performance Reviews Periodically, we will work together in review of your performance. This is an opportunity for collaboration and Our interest is in your success and we will share proven systems, tools and techniques to keep you producing at a high level. These performance reviews may take place as often as monthly. _____________________________ Sales Associate _____________________________ Broker 109 COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE any 30-day period. utmost importance. If I’m a seasoned sales associate, I can also determine if I’m on track by monitoring my activities during any 30-day period. So, whether I’m a rookie or a seasoned veteran, the 30-day Fast Start/SuccessTrak Activity System can provide me the track to follow to reach my goals. To that end, I hereby commit to participating in and following the SuccessTrak System to the fullest over the next 30 days! Name___________________________________________________________ Date____________________________________________________________ Broker __________________________________________________________ Date____________________________________________________________ 110 111 Know How *Teach (Learn) *$% (Practice) *Contest (Execute) Expectations *!&# !$ $ %$ * &#% #$ *Action *Feedback *Improvement *Repeat Accountability *$&%$ * !' % *&%)! Productivity PRODUCTIVITY MODEL SUCCESS EXPECTATIONS As you were introduced to previously, the Productivity Model is our foundation for building success. As a reminder, the Productivity Model is: Expectations + Know How x Accountability = Productivity We know that by understanding your goals and helping you understand our expectation of you, fully engaging in the educational opportunities provided, and giving your manager permission to hold you accountable to activity, you will be successful. You and your manager will have an opportunity to discuss your success goals. Here, we will outline our expectations of you. Activity Expectations We believe that the following list represents an important set of expectations, which will lead to your success in real estate: (mortgage, title, insurance, home warranty). Performance Expectations Having productive sales associates is important to our company in order to promote a positive workplace, maintain a quality experience for our client, and continue to provide a vast array of support services to you and the client. Below are our expectations for you: 2 buyer-side contracts per month. maintain a minimum level of business of 12 closed sides. Summary Feeling uncomfortable after reading these expectations is natural. However, failing to create activity and performance clarity for you is just as negligent as not providing tools and training. If these expectations exceed your personal goals, please speak with your manager. If these expectations are less than your personal goals then reach out and use all the tools that our company provides you to accomplish your level of success. 112