Uploaded by Narvaez Alyzza

Robotics History: A Timeline of Key Inventions & Concepts

1st Industrial Revolution –18th Century
1801 –Joseph Jacquerd invents a
textile machine that is operated
by punch cards
1892 –in the US Seward Babbit designed
motorized crane with gripper to remove
ingots from a furnace
2nd Industrial Revolution –19thCentury
1921 –First reference
to the world robot
appears a in a play
opening in London
Entitled “Rossums
Universal Robots”.
The play was written
by Czechoslovakian
Karel Capek
introduces the world
robot from the Czeck
ROBOTA meaning
serf or subservient
1939 –Isaac Asimovs science fiction writing
introduces robots designed for humanity and
work safely. He formulates the “Three Laws of
1946 –George David patents a general-purpose
playback device for controlling machines.
1948 –Norbert Wiener, a professor at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
publishes Cybernetics, a book that describes the
concept of communications and control in
electronic, mechanical, and biological systems.
1951 –A tele-operator equipped
articulated arm is designed by Raymond
Goertz for the Atomic Energy Commission.
Devol’srobotic arm was designed for
high-speed handling of parts up to
500 pounds and could perform a
variety of tasks. Unimation, Inc—the
first robotics company in the world —
was formed when Devolmet Joseph
Engelbergerin 1956.
3rd Industrial Revolution –70s in the
1959- First commercially
available robot was sold by
Planet Corporation, USA.
1964- Devol developed continuous path control for
robots. Remington Rand released the UMAC control,
the first commercially available general-purpose
1968/70 Scheinman Built his first hydraulically
powered arm at Stanford and the first electrically
powered arm at MIT.
1971- "Structured Light" vision
system was developed at
Stanford and IBM. WAVE—
the first robot programming
language to automatically
plan smooth trajectories and
which could use rudimentary
force and touch sensing to
control a manipulator was
developed at Stanford.
1974- First version of
AL—a robot
language for realtime control of
concurrent multiple
devices with
sensory/motor control
was developed at
Stanford. Threelegged walking
machine was built at
the University of
d First Vicarmrobot
arm controlled by a
minicomputer. Olivetti
built a minicomputercontrolled robot
1976- Space hunting of robots started Viking 1 robot
rover, built by NASA, landed on Mars. First Scheinman
arm robot controlled by an LSI-11 microprocessor
was built by Vicarm. Remote Center Compliance
Device—a compliant robot wrist used to make noncompliant parts was developed at Draper Labs.
Vision system and AL programming language were
interfaced at Stanford. BARPY speech understanding
system was completed at Carnegie Mellon by
1980- First robot to pick randomly stacked connecting rods out of a bin was
developed at the University of Rhode Island. Mobile robot which could move
through a simple obstacle course was developed by Moravec at Stanford
1996- A Robotuna fish robot was
developed by David Barrett at
MIT. The University of South Florida,
Tampa, USA, developed
Gastrobot, a robot that digests
organic mass to produce
CO2used later for power. This
engine is known as 'Chew Chew'.
2000- Honda builds a humanoid
robot ASHIMO, walking like a
human being and reacting. Sony
unveils humanoid robots, Sony
Dream Robots (SDR), at Robodex S.
Mussa-Invaldi, a computational
neurologist hooks up a lamprey
brain to sensors to control a robot.
2001- LEGO releases the Mindstorms
Unimate Builder's set after the first and
second releases in 1999 and 2000,
respectively. MD Robotics of Canada
developed the space station Remote
Manipulator (SSRMS) for assembly of
International Space Station. Honda's
ASHIMO robot walks smoothly and
climbs the stairs. It rings the opening
bell at NY Stock Exchange.
2003- Sony releases the AIBO
ERS-7 third-generation
robotic pet. Epson unveils the
Monsieur II-P—a microrobot
and Micro Flying Robot (10 g
and measuring 70 mm), the
smallest robot helicopter.
2004- The Robot rovers 'Spirit' lands on
Mars and 'Opportunity' safely lands on
Meridium Planum.