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Gravel Cycling Guide: Bikes, Modifications, and Tips

Begi Guide To
Gravel Cycling
Gravel riding is now the most popular
kind of cycling. In the United States
(presumably), a group of brothers took a
detour off the beaten path on their road
bikes and published the footage to
Instagram. The rest, as they say, is
history. Since the advent of the bicycle,
gravel riding has been a popular form of
Do you need a gravel bike?
Purchasing a gravel bike is a fantastic investment if you want to do a bunch of
gravel and some off riding and you have the monetary capacity to acquire
another motorcycle. They're a lot of fun, and they'll significantly enhance your
off-road riding experience.
To test the waters with your road bike on a dry day and some relatively easy
trails, if you are hesitant, start with your road bike on a dry day and some pretty
easy trails. If you find yourself falling in love with it, you may want to consider
purchasing a new bike.
A gravel bike's most significant advantage is that it can be converted into a fully
functional road cycle by just mounting a pair of slick tires on it. You may not want
to use it for a race or a rapid group ride, but it will be enough for the vast
majority of road riding.
Can road bikes be modified to perform gravel?
Many current road bikes now have greater tyre clearance and
disc brakes, allowing them to be used as and road cycles. These
all-arounders are a fantastic choice since they provide pretty
about everything you could need in a bicycle.
To determine whether or not your bike is appropriate, the best
choice is to bring it into your local bike store and ask them for
their recommendations.
In this case, it's essential to realize that you'll most likely only
be able to put narrow off-road tyres on your road bike. Because
riding a tremendous fat tyre through the mud is one of the
most enjoyable aspects of off-roading, going the extra mile and
making an investment.
Gravel biking for beginners- Some pointers
Having said that, one thing you may want to consider is your pedal/shoe/cleat
set up, which you can find out more about here. If you're riding with clipless road
pedals (the sort that you clip into), you may want to consider switching to an offroad setup instead.
Off-road riding generally entails some walking, and slogging through the gravel or
mud in road shoes or cleats isn't healthy for either you or your riding
Because you can clip in on both sides (which is preferable at slower speeds) and
that the metal cleats can be walked on for days, off-road SPDs are the ideal
pedals for gravel riding.
Contact Us
Call On: +971 4 341 3396
Address: P.O. Box 7734
Al Budoor Bldg., Above Thomas Cook Al
Rostamani Exchange,
3rd Floor, Room No.13#
Al Baniyas Square, Deira –
Dubai, UAE