ORIENTATION OF PARENTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MODULAR DISTANCE LEARNING Attend Work What should the parents do? Attend orientation intended for them Work closely with the teacher concerned and Knowledge Source (KS) Receive and return Receive and return the modules on the schedule given by the school Report Report to the teacher the progress of the modular instruction and if the child can cope with the lessons What should the parents do to make the learning fun and if the KS is not available? 1. Plan a routine together 1 2. Have open conversations 3 4. Protect children online 4 5. Stay in touch with your children’s education facility 2 3. Start with shorter learning session 1. Plan a routine together Factor in age-appropriate education programmes that can be followed online, on television or through the radio. Factor in play time and time for reading. Use everyday activities as learning opportunities for your children. 2. Have open conversations Encourage your children to ask questions and express their feelings with you; Try not to minimize or avoid their concerns; Be sure to acknowledge their feelings and assure them that it is natural to feel scared; and Listen and give them your full attention. 3. Start with shorter learning session • have 30 or 45-minute session, start with 10 minute and build up from there. • within a session, combine online or screen time with activities exercises 4. Protect Children online • Digital platforms provide an opportunity for children to keep learning, take part in play and keep in touch with their friends. • establish rules together about how, when, and where the internet can be used. 5. Stay in touch with your children’s education facility • stay in touch with their teacher or school to stay informed • ask questions and get more guidance. • Parent groups or community groups can also be a good way to support each other with your home schooling` What is KNOWLEDGE SOURCE (KS)? A person who can help the teacher and parents in the teaching-learning process using an alternative delivery mode in place of face to face (F2F) scheme. A person who has the capability to work with the parents and children or teens. Who could be the Knowledge Source? A college graduate or undergraduate of any course. A functional literate adult member of the family A bilingual A residents of the barangay who is able and of good health condition With good moral standing in the community. • After identifying the KS in the community, there should be a memorandum of agreement with the school. How can the KS cope with the Task? • Orient the KS of the task ahead, the what, the why and the how. • Provide the materials and information needed in the performance of his/her task (The assigned area, the teacher whom he will work with, the list of the students whom he will assist) • Meet the, at least once a month for updates, learners’ progress, the response of parents and feedbacks. Learning Modalities I. Face to Face Learning II. Distance Learning 1. Modular Distance Learning - Print/digital/electronic copy 2. Online Distance Learning 1. Synchronous – the presence of teacher is needed 2. Asynchronous – the presence of the teacher is not needed 3. TV/Radio-Based Learning 3. Home Schooling It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela TEACHERS OF PACIANO A. SENA MHS HOMEROOM PTA ELECTION PROCESS OF MDL IMPLEMENTATION HOMEROOM PTA ELECTION Thank you!