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Kish Island Navigation: Traffic Routes & Anchorage Guide

In the Approaches to the Kish Port and Off Kish Island
Reference chart: British Admiralty 2887, 2019 Edition.
Note: This chart is based on World Geodetic System 1984 datum (WGS 84).
An integrated traffic routeing scheme for the Kish island area consists of several elements
1) Recommended Two-Way Routes
Description of the Kish-Aftab Two-Way Route
(a) A two-way route, 1.0 nautical mile wide is bounded by a line connecting the following
geographical positions:
26°42′.50 N, 053°55′.50 E
26°36′.00 N, 054°01′.00 E
26°39′.00 N, 053°57′.70 E
26°37′.80 N, 054°00′.70 E
26°38′.00 N, 053°59′.50 E
26°38′.80 N, 053°59′.00 E
26°35′.50 N, 054°00′.10 E
26°42′.50 N, 053°56′.60 E
(b) A two-way route consists of two traffic lanes (inbound & outbound) separated by a centre
line drawn in a direction aligned 330° – 150° to/from Fairway Buoy connecting the following
geographical positions:
26°42′.50 N, 053°56′.00 E
26°37′.90 N, 054°00′.00 E
(10) 26°38′.90 N, 053°58′.20 E
26°35′.80 N, 054°00′.50 E
(c) A traffic lane, 0.5 nautical mile wide, is established on each side of the separation line.
(d) Ships including landing craft travelling from or towards a Aftab port must be use the twoway route. The routeing schemes do not apply to any size or category of ship in domestic traffic
with passengers and/or goods between Kish/Aftab ports .
(e) The gaps in the route indicate the areas where a concentration of crossing traffic is likely to
be met. Ships must joining or leaving the route at the nearest point of the route to the port of
departure or destination which permits a safe passage from or to that port.
Description of the Kish-Charak Two-Way Route
(a) A two-way route, 1.0 nautical mile wide is bounded by a line connecting the following
geographical positions:
26°41′.80 N, 054°13′.20 E
26°35′.00 N, 054°02′.10 E
26°38′.00 N, 054°05′.60 E
26°36′.80 N, 054°06′.00 E
26°37′.00 N, 054°04′.10 E
26°37′.80 N, 054°07′.50 E
26°36′.00 N, 054°01′.30 E
26°41′.00 N, 054°14′.00 E
(b) A two-way route consists of two traffic lanes (inbound & outbound) separated by a centre
line drawn in a direction aligned 060° – 240° to/from Fairway Buoy connecting the following
geographical positions:
(21) 26°41′.40 N, 054°13′.60 E
(23) 26°36′.90 N, 054°05′.00 E
(22) 26°37′.90 N, 054°06′.50 E
(24) 26°35′.50 N, 054°01′.90 E
(c) A traffic lane, 0.5 nautical mile wide, is established on each side of the separation line.
(d) Ships including passenger ships travelling from or towards a Charak port must be use the
two-way route. The routeing schemes do not apply to any size or category of ship in domestic
traffic with passengers and/or goods between Kish/Charak ports.
(e) The gaps in the route indicate the areas where a concentration of crossing traffic is likely to
be met. Ships must joining or leaving the route at the nearest point of the route to the port of
departure or destination which permits a safe passage from or to that port.
2) Precautionary Areas
Description of the Precautionary Areas
(a) A circular precautionary area of radius 1.0 nautical miles is centred upon the geographical
position of Fairway Buoy (light-white, Rhythm-ISO.4S) as a focal point:
26°35′.00 N, 054°00′.10 E
(b) A precautionary area with recommended direction of traffic flow across the Recommended
Two-Way Route (Kish-Aftab) is established and bounded by a line connecting the following
geographical positions:
26°39′.00 N, 053°57′.70 E
26°37′.80 N, 054°00′.70 E
26°38′.00 N, 053°59′.50 E
26°38′.80 N, 053°59′.00 E
(c) A precautionary area with recommended direction of traffic flow across the Recommended
Two-Way Route (Kish-Charak) is established and bounded by a line connecting the following
geographical positions:
26°38′.00 N, 054°05′.60 E
26°36′.80 N, 054°06′.00 E
26°37′.00 N, 054°04′.10 E
26°37′.80 N, 054°07′.50 E
 All precautions, including if necessary a reduction of speed, should be taken in the
precautionary areas. It is important that ships passing in this area listen to the appropriate VHF
broadcasts by the Kish port VTS which provide information concerning traffic, navigation and
visibility conditions in this area.
 Ships leaving the Kish port and planning to cross the two-way routes, should be aware of heavy
traffic in the routes, as well as inbound/outbound traffic, and alter course and/or speed at an
appropriate point.
 Ships proceeding in the traffic flow in the precautionary areas and the adjacent coast of the
island should proceed with caution, as heavy traffic, especially of small boats, fishing boats and
pleasure craft, from all directions may be encountered.
 Ships intending to enter the port, when navigating in the precautionary areas, should proceed
so as to keep Fair way Buoy on the port side.
 Ship movement in the port area is monitored and supervised by a Kish port VTS on a 24-hour
basis. Any ship planning to enter precautionary areas is requested to port authorities and
comply with his instructions while transiting the areas.
3) Areas to be avoided
Description of the area to be avoided
(a) An area to be avoided is established and bounded by a line connecting the following
geographical positions:
26°34′.00 N, 053°59′.80 E
26°36′.50 N, 053°55′.00 E
26°35′.40 N, 054°00′.00 E
26°34′.00 N, 053°56′.00 E
26°35′.00 N, 053°59′.30 E
(b) An area to be avoided is established and bounded by a line connecting the following
geographical positions:
26°33′.70 N, 054°01′.80 E
26°30′.00 N, 054°05′.00 E
26°34′.00 N, 054°01′.80 E
26°30′.00 N, 054°01′.80 E
26°31′.00 N, 054°05′.00 E
 For reasons of conservation of unique biodiversity, nature and beautiful scenery and reasons
of environmental protection and in order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to
the marine environment, critical ecosystems and economy of Kish Island due to marine casualty
in these sensitive areas, which is in the close vicinity of important sea corals and extensive
reefs an areas to be avoided for all ships, except authorized or in cases of emergency to avoid
immediate danger.
 Ships, other than those that are engaged in water sports and recreational tour, should avoid
these areas as much as possible. When sailing such ships within this area, navigating officers
should take utmost precaution and take special notice of Kish port VTS. Local knowledge is
essential for safe passage because of navigational hazards in the area.
 Mariners are warned not to enter these areas and, in particular, not to anchor in it, even in an
4) Recommended direction of traffic flow
(a) The established direction of the traffic flow for west-eastbound is 312°.
(b) The established direction of the traffic flow for east-westbound is 132°.
(c) The established direction of the traffic flow for Kish port approach is aligned 098° – 278°
(Fairway Buoy leading line)
5) Anchorage
Merchant Anchorage:
Anchorage bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
26°36′.00 N, 054°06′.00 E
26°36′.00 N, 054°10′.50 E
26°32′.00 N, 054°06′.00 E
26°32′.00 N, 054°10′.50 E
Small Craft Anchorage:
Anchorage bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
26°37′.50 N, 053°55′.00 E
26°36′.00 N, 053°59′.30 E
26°36′.50 N, 053°55′.00 E
26°35′.00 N, 053°59′.30 E