• a fluid hose to supply coating to the Applicator Training Bulletin spray gun (if using a pressurized gun); • an air hose to supply atomizing air to the spray gun; and • an air spray paint gun. The most important element in air spray application is the person operating the gun. The operator is responsible for applying the coating, using a technique best suited to the job, and keeping equipment in good working order. Air Compressor The air compressor needs to supply clean, dry air of sufficient volume and pressure for all of the components in the air spray system. Typically, each full-production spray gun requires 15–20 CFM of compressed air, and each air-driven agitator requires 10–15 CFM of compressed air. Air pressure at the air It is essential to follow proper equipment setup and maintenance procedures during air spray coating operations. All photos and figures courtesy of Finishing Brands, Inc. (DeVilbiss, Ransburg, BGK, and Binks). compressor of 90–100 psi is recommended. Air compressors are usually equipped with an air receiver tank, drain, and oil separator. Setting Up, Operating, and Maintaining Air Spray Equipment F Compressed Air Filter An air filter will be needed between the compressor and the pot, especially on humid days. It is important to periodically drain irst, why spray? Use of spray the proper methods of setting up, operat- moisture from the air filtration unit. If the technology to apply your coating ing, and maintaining air spray equipment, unit is equipped with an automatic drain, brings advantages of speed; uni- specifically conventional and high volume ensure that a preventative maintenance pro- formity of application for quality low pressure (HVLP) technologies. Low vol- gram is in place. control and lower coating costs; ume medium pressure (LVMP) technology is and reduced labor expenses when com- also addressed. pared with using a brush or roller, especially on irregular surfaces and intricate shapes. The two most common methods of paint Air Supply Hose Check the air hose and fittings from the air Setting Up Air Spray Operations compressor to the paint tank or pump to Figure 1 shows one configuration of an air make sure they are in good condition and spray application are air atomized spray and spray equipment system. Components need- free of leaks. The inside diameter (ID) of the airless spray. Air atomized spray uses com- ed to apply coatings by air spray are: air hose needed is based on the length of pressed air to atomize, or transform, a • an air compressor; the hose and the number of guns and air coating into very fine particles or droplets • a compressed air filter; agitators used. Typically, for a one-gun set- as it exits the spray gun. In airless spray, a • an air supply hose from compressor to up, a 3⁄8-inch ID air hose up to 50 feet long pump pressurizes the coating at a high level paint tank or pump; is sufficient. and forces it through a small elliptical ori- • air regulators with gauges; fice, or opening, as it exits the spray gun, • a container for the coating (pressure-feed Coating Containers causing the paint to atomize hydraulically. tank or pot, gravity/siphon cup, or paint pump); Siphon or gravity gun setups use a cup • a paint agitator, if necessary; attached to the gun to deliver the coating. This Applicator Training Bulletin describes 16 JPCL June 2014 / paintsquare.com For bigger jobs that require more paint, using a pressure-feed paint tank, also called a pressure pot, is an economical method of supplying coating to the spray gun. Flow is positive and uniform as paint is forced out of Editor’s Note: This Applicator Training Bulletin is an update of an original article on conventional air equipment, written by Herb Chilman and Jerry Gonser of Spray-Quip, Inc. The article originally appeared in the June 1989 issue of the JPCL and was updated for this issue by Steve Stalker for Finishing Brands, Inc. (DeVilbiss, Ransburg, BGK, and Binks). the tank by applying compressed air to the coating. Increasing or reducing the tank air to the gun. As with a tank, the paint pres- The standard paint hose liner is nylon; the pressure increases or decreases the flow of sure is controlled by the pump air regulator. standard air hose liner is a synthetic rubber. paint from the tank. Maximum tank working The paint pump has several advantages pressures can vary from 60–110 psi. Read over a pressure tank. The pump normally Spray Gun the rating on a tank before using it. draws the paint from the original paint con- The operation of an air atomized spray gun tainer, can operate at higher pressures, is involves atomizing a stream of fluid with a able, clamp-on lid that has a sealing gasket. lighter in weight, and is easier to clean than stream of compressed air. The air-to-paint The lid forms an airtight seal when securely the tank. However, a pump is more complex balance is controlled by the viscosity (thin- clamped to the tank shell. Sizes of tanks vary than a tank and does not deliver paint as ness or thickness) of the paint and the air from two quarts to twenty gallons; two and uniformly as a tank. pressure put on the paint in relation to the The tank is a metal container with a remov- volume and pressure of atomizing air. The five gallon tanks are the most common. Hoses spray gun has a fan control knob for adjust- tube and an outlet manifold (or a bottom out- The fluid and air hoses that supply paint and ing fan width within the limits of the air cap. let used with heavy or highly-filled paints), a atomizing air from the tank or pump to the Figure 2 shows the various parts of a typi- fluid outlet valve, a safety relief valve on the spray gun should be serviceable, clean, and cal air spray gun. tank lid, a tank air vent valve, and tank air of the proper size and inside wall construc- pressure regulator(s) with gauge(s). Consider tion. The normal sizes are ⁄16-inch ID for sure (LVMP) guns have been developed. LVMP accessories such as an air-driven paint agita- paint and 3⁄8-inch ID for air. When paint is vis- has the atomization benefits of conventional tor to easily mix or keep paint in suspension. cous (thick, for example), highly filled, or air spray and the efficiency of HVLP. If you are Tank liners also make cleanup easier. pressure-sensitive, or when the hose run is not required by a regulatory agency to use over 50 feet long, a ⁄8-inch ID paint hose HVLP, LVMP is highly recommended. Other features of the tank are a fluid-riser A paint pump can be used in place of a 5 3 pressure pot. The paint pump pressurizes may be recommended. Follow the paint man- paint and forces it from a source container ufacturer’s instructions on proper hose size. In recent years, low volume medium pres- If you are not using a spray gun designed in the last ten years, the air reduction savings for modern spray guns will typically be greater than the cost of purchasing new spray guns. Start-Up Procedure and Operation Begin setting up the equipment by connecting the air hose and the paint hose to the spray gun and pressure tank. Then, turn the tank and gun air regulator handles counterclockwise so there will be zero pressure when the main air supply is connected to the tank. Next, pull the ring on the safety pressure relief valve on the tank, to make Fig. 1: Typical air spray pressurized system (single regulated) configuration, using a pressurefeed paint tank Fig. 2: Various parts of a typical spray gun sure it operates freely. Close the main air supply valve on the tank, and tighten the tank lid clamps. You are now ready to connect the main air supply hose to the tank. paintsquare.com / JPCL June 2014 17 Applicator Training Bulletin Once the main air supply hose is securely connected to the pressure tank, slowly bubbles are pushed out and a solid trigger open until the paint begins to run. stream is achieved. There should be even distribution of the paint across the full width of the pattern. The fan open the main air supply valve on the tank. Look at the regulator air gauge. If it shows Setting Pressures on a control knob is normally adjusted fully pressure, turn the handle counter-clockwise Pressurized System counter-clockwise. If the distribution is not to reduce pressures to zero. • Step 1: Using control knob on fluid regu- even but is symmetrical, a different fluid tip lator, set fluid pressure at 5–10 psi. may help. If the pattern is not symmetrical, check for proper operation of the tank and • Step 2: Using control knob on air regulator, there is a problem with either the air cap or fittings. Adjust the tank regulator to 10 psi set air atomization pressure at 30–35 psi. the fluid tip/needle that must be corrected. to pressurize the tank. Look and listen for • Step 3: Spray a test pattern (fast pass) • Step 2: If the pattern produced by the leaks around the tank lid and fittings on the on a piece of paper, cardboard, or wood. above test appears normal, rotate the air cap lid, as well as leaks at paint hose connec- From that test pattern, determine if the par- back to a normal spraying position and begin tions to the tank and the gun. ticle size is small enough and uniform spraying. (Check the service literature for typi- throughout the pattern to achieve the cal pattern size for the cap you are using). air, adjust the fluid adjustment screw until required finish quality. If particle size is too • Step 3: With the fluid adjusting screw the trigger can be fully pulled toward the large or is giving too much texture in the fin- properly set, and the air pressure set at rear of the gun. While holding the trigger to ish, turn the atomization pressure up in 3–5 approximately 30 psi, make a few test its maximum travel, turn the fluid adjust- psi increments until particle size and texture passes with the gun on some clean paper. If ment knob clockwise until it stops. Prior to loading the paint into the tank, Prior to connecting the gun to fluid and of finish is acceptable. there are variations in particle size specks Adjust the air regulator to the spray gun • Step 4: Spray a part with these settings. and/or large globs, the paint is not atomiz- to 20 psi. Check for air leaks at hose and If you are not able to keep up with the pro- ing properly. gun connections. duction rate required or if the finish is • Step 4: If the paint is not atomizing proper- starved for material, increase the fluid pres- ly, increase the air pressure slightly and make etc.) to the correct spraying viscosity sug- sure in 2–4 psi increments using the fluid another test pass. Continue this sequence gested by the manufacturer. Remember that regulator control knob (or use a larger until the paint particle size is uniform. spraying viscosity can vary considerably capacity fluid tip) until required wet cover- • Step 5: If the pattern seems starved for with the temperature of the paint. age is accomplished. material, and the fluid adjusting screw is set • Step 5: Remember, as you turn up the to maximum travel, the atomization air pres- ture will help ensure the consistent atomiza- fluid pressure, the particle size will increase. sure may be too high, or the material may tion of the coating. Load the prepared paint Once the coverage required is obtained, it be too heavy. Recheck the viscosity or into the pressure tank. Clamp the lid tight, will be necessary to re-adjust the atomization reduce the air pressure. tum the air regulator handles counter-clock- pressure in 3–5 psi increments, as explained • Step 6: If the material is spraying too wise so that zero pressure shows when the in Step 3, to insure required particle size and heavily and sagging, reduce the material main air supply is on, and then tum on the finish texture is achieved. flow by turning the fluid adjusting screw main air supply. • Step 6: If using HVLP, use an “Air Cap (clockwise). Prepare the coating (by mixing, thinning, Maintaining a consistent coating tempera- Hold the spray gun and point it toward Test Kit” to verify that the air cap pressure The proper spray technique is to hold the a grounded waste container. Trigger the is not above 10 psi, if required by a regula- gun perpendicular to the surface to be spray gun fully. No air or paint should be tory agency. sprayed at a distance of approximately 12 flowing from the gun. While holding the Proper setup utilizes no more fluid and gun with the trigger fully depressed, you air pressure than is needed to produce the should then fill the paint hose with paint required quality and a flow rate that will by increasing the tank pressure regulator meet production requirements. to 5 psi for thin materials or 10 psi for inches. Swinging the gun in an arc will greatly reduce the quality of the painted surface. Maintenance Following a few maintenance procedures thick materials. Remember, the hose is Setting Pressures on a Gravity or can help ensure the quality of your work. full of air, so keep the gun open to Suction Feed System • During start-up and operation, periodically remove the air. Let the stream of paint • Step 1: Spray a horizontal test pattern (air check air gauges and pressure relief valves. continue to flow from the gun until all air cap horns in a vertical position). Hold the • Drain air filters periodically. Lubricate and 18 JPCL June 2014 / paintsquare.com adjust the spray gun paint needle packing To clean the equipment, first pour a small remove and roll up the air supply hose. All daily. amount of cleanup solvent into the tank, components should then be stored in a • Because the gun air cap and fluid nozzle and wash the sides of the tank and the secure area. determine the quality of your spray pattern, paint riser tube, agitator, etc. Then, install you should clean the air cap and fluid noz- the tank lid, pressurize the tank, shut off Conclusion zle as needed, following the manufacturer’s the atomizing air to the gun, remove the air The success of any spray job depends on directions. cap, and trigger the gun. Be sure to catch the skill of the operator and on his or her • Use only the proper wrenches and clean- the cleanup solvent in a grounded waste understanding of the equipment with which ing brushes. Do not use items such as container. Repeat the operation until the he or she is working. To ensure a success- channel locks or steel brushes, which will tank, hose, and gun are clean. During the ful spray application, remember these key damage the cap or nozzle. final operation, blow the system dry using points. compressed air. Next, remove the spray • Follow paint and equipment manufactur- Cleanup gun, wipe it clean, and lubricate it. Do not ers’ recommendations. To prepare for the cleanup procedure, turn put the gun in a bucket of solvent to clean • Use properly sized equipment. off the tank air pressure, vent the tank, it; the solvent will attack the packings, caus- • Follow the spraying, maintenance, loosen the air cap ring of the spray gun by ing the gun to leak. Remove the air and fluid cleanup, and safety procedures described turning it three times, hold a cloth over the hoses and roll them up. Remove the tank above. air cap, and pull the trigger to force paint lid, wipe the tank and the lid clean, and • Use common sense. back into the tank. Remove the tank lid reassemble them. Once these parts are from the tank, and pour paint from the tank reassembled, tum off the air at the com- back into the original container. pressor, relieve the air pressure, and Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric Next month: Conforming with Job Requirements HOW CAN CONTRAK HELP YOUR Over $2.4B BUSINESS? Put a Price Tag on Your Market Total Dollars Awarded in Q1 of 2013 Size Up Your Competition Most Contracts Awarded in Q1 of 2013 Utility Service Co., Inc. Glenn O.Hawbaker Smith-Rowe, LLC Wyman & Simpson, Inc. All States Painting, Inc. Most Specified Brands in Q1 2013 21% 18% Contractors with the Most Bids in Q1 of 2013 TMI Coating, Inc. Utility Service Co., Inc. 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