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Self-Driving Car in Virtual World: Machine Learning Project

Self driving car in a
virtual world using
Machine Learning
Team Members: S.Ajay Kowshik , S.Dhinesh Kumar
Mentor: Mrs. .Latha Selvi , HOD
College Name: St.Joseph’s College of Engineering
Department: Information Technology
To create a self driving car prototype.
Motivation behind this project
Nowadays there are many people that would like their car to drive
on its own.
The advancement in technology of cars and machine learning
algorithms is the motivation behind this project.
In the modern era, the vehicles are focused to be automated to give human
driver relaxed driving. In the field of automobile various aspects have been
considered which makes a vehicle automated. Google, the biggest network
has started working on the self-driving cars since 2010 and still developing
new changes to give a whole new level to the automated vehicles. In this
project we have focused on creating a automated car in a virtual world with
the help of Udacity. The prototype analyzes the virtual world and drives safely
without encountering any obstacles.
Literature Survey
Design and implementation of
self-driving car - August 2020
Fathy, M., Ashraf, N., Ismail,
O., Fouad, S., Shaheen, L., &
Hamdy, A. Procedia Computer
Lane detection technique based on
perspective transformation and
histogram analysis for self-driving
cars -May 2020 Muthalagu, R.,
Bolimera, A., & Kalaichelvi, V.
Computers & Electrical
Road lane detection algorithm, disparity
map algorithm , Anomalies detection using
Support Vector Machine classification
Image Processing
Literature Survey
How will self-driving vehicles affect U.S.
megaregion traffic? The case of the Texas
Triangle- December 2020
Huang, Y., Kockelman, K. M., &
Quarles, N.
Deep learning for object detection and
scene perception in self-driving cars:
Survey, challenges, and open issues February 2021
Gupta, A., Anpalagan, A., Guan,
L., & Khwaja, A. SGupta, A.,
Anpalagan, A., Guan, L., &
Khwaja, A. S
Proposed System
Benefits of this project
● Will greatly help game developers to
implement realistic cars in their
● Act as a stepping stone for self
driving cars in the real world.
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