Table of Contents Workshop Scope and Overview ................................................................................................. 3 Application Overview.................................................................................................................. 5 Staff interface ......................................................................................................................... 6 Record template ..................................................................................................................... 9 Navigation panel ................................................................................................................. 9 Rollover texts .....................................................................................................................10 Records and sub-records ...................................................................................................10 Data entry considerations within the staff interface ................................................................13 Public interface ......................................................................................................................14 General browsing ...............................................................................................................16 Sorting ...............................................................................................................................16 Filtering by text ..................................................................................................................16 Filtering by term .................................................................................................................17 Browsing by classification ..................................................................................................17 Searching...........................................................................................................................18 Functional Overview of the Digital Object Module .....................................................................20 Terminology and concepts.....................................................................................................20 Use cases .............................................................................................................................21 Linking Digital Objects to Accession and/or Resource records, and workflow considerations 23 Data entry and the hierarchical interface ...............................................................................24 Viewing modes ......................................................................................................................25 Build a Simple Digital Object .....................................................................................................29 Basic steps ............................................................................................................................29 Add additional metadata ........................................................................................................29 Exercise 1: Simple Digital Object ...........................................................................................31 Adding Agent Sub-Records .......................................................................................................33 Functional overview ...............................................................................................................33 Creating and managing Agent records ..................................................................................34 Creating Agent records ......................................................................................................36 Exercise 2: Agents.................................................................................................................40 Adding Subject Sub-Records ....................................................................................................41 Functional overview ...............................................................................................................41 Creating and managing Subject records ................................................................................42 1 Creating a Subject record ..................................................................................................42 Exercise 3: Subjects ..............................................................................................................44 Build a Complex Digital Object ..................................................................................................45 Basic steps ............................................................................................................................45 Add additional metadata ........................................................................................................45 Add multiple components using the Rapid Data Entry (RDE) tool ..........................................46 Exercise 4: Complex Digital Object........................................................................................48 Importing Digital Object Metadata .............................................................................................49 Importing records ..................................................................................................................49 Exercise 5: Import .................................................................................................................51 Exporting Digital Object Metadata .............................................................................................52 Exporting records ..................................................................................................................52 Exporting Resource Records with Links to Digital Objects ........................................................54 Exercise 6: Export .................................................................................................................55 Appendix A: Digital Object Data Fields ......................................................................................56 Basic Information ...................................................................................................................56 File Versions..........................................................................................................................56 Dates .....................................................................................................................................57 Extents ..................................................................................................................................58 Notes .....................................................................................................................................58 External Documents ..............................................................................................................59 Rights Statements .................................................................................................................59 Collection Management .........................................................................................................59 User Defined .........................................................................................................................60 Appendix B: Linking from Accession and/or Resource Records to Digital Objects in ArchivesSpace ..........................................................................................................................62 Appendix C: Linking from Resource Records to Digital Objects in an External System .............64 2 Workshop Scope and Overview Introductions Instructors Participants Learning objectives Upon completing this workshop, you’ll have a working knowledge of the following areas: The functional scope of the ArchivesSpace Digital Objects module How ArchivesSpace might be used in tandem with external digital asset management systems Model, create, and update simple and complex Digital Object records Link and relate Digital Object records to Resource and Accession records Generate Digital Object metadata exports in standardized data formats such as METS, MODS, and Dublin Core You will also become more familiar with applying a content standard, in this case DACS, where applicable, to determine the kind and form of data recorded in a Digital Object record. What won’t be covered This workshop will not cover or only cursorily touch on, the following aspects of ArchivesSpace: Installation, upgrading and repairing the application. Working with the underlying database application. The following specific ArchivesSpace functional areas and processes: o Repository records o User records o Location records 3 o Accession records o Resource records o Event records o Collection Management records o Classification records o Importing legacy data o Rights records o Encoding inline tags o Multi-part notes o Merge/Transfer functions o Reports o Customizing the application Future ArchivesSpace development. As noted, if time permits we may touch lightly on some of the topics listed above as not being within the scope of the workshop. You will find more information about these topics, and topics covered in more detail in this workshop, in the ArchivesSpace member services documentation. NOTE: All screenshots in this workbook are of ArchivesSpace version 1.0.9. Post-workshop resources ArchivesSpace Help Center: Downloading, installing, and running the software: Follow-up questions: 4 Application Overview ArchivesSpace is: Designed as an open source, online database application to support basic collection management, archival processing, and production of access instruments, including finding aids and catalog records. A publically accessible interface for searching archival finding aids at an institution. Governed by a membership community. An application that promotes data standardization: o Informed by DACS, the U.S. national content standard for archival description; and also informed by international archival descriptive standards -- ISAD(G) and ISAAR (CPF). o Supports the use of data value standards for subject headings, dates, languages, and other descriptive data. o Supports exports into common data structure standards: EAD, MARCXML, Dublin Core, MODS, METS. An application that promotes efficiency: o Integrates a range of archival functions. o Facilitates repurposing of data. o Automates encoding and reporting. An application that lowers local staff training costs. 5 Staff interface The initial Staff Interface is divided up in four command areas or zones: 1: Repository / Instance Management 3: Creating, Editing, Deleting Records 1: 4: Misc: Searching, Importing, Reporting 2: User Permissions & Preferences Management Repository / Instance Management: For identifying and selecting repositories, identifying users, and configuring controlled values lists and preferences at the instance and repository levels. 6 2: User Permissions & Preferences Management: 3: Creating, Editing, Deleting Records: Accession, Resource, and Digital Object records are known collectively as archival objects or material description records. Resource and Digital Object records both allow for multi-level description or the presence of component records. 7 The other records—Subject, Agent, Location, Event, and Classification—are for either amplifying the description record, indicating the whereabouts of described material(s), and recording actions done to the described materials. All of the record types of the Create option can be created independent of any other record and then later linked to other records. For example, subject and agent records can be created in advance of their linking to material description records. Note that Collection Management records only appear as an option on the Browse record option and not on the Create record option. That is because a Collection Management record is assumed to be about certain material and, thus, can only be created in the context of a material description record for the material, i.e., an Accession, Resource, or Digital Object record. 4: Misc; Searching, Importing, Reporting: for Searching records in the instance, importing formatted data into a repository, and reporting information about data recorded for the repository. 8 Record template Navigation panel The navigation panel on the left side of the ArchivesSpace staff interface provides a snapshot of the major high-level sections of an ArchivesSpace record. Clicking on any section of the navigation panel takes the staff user directly to the ArchivesSpace data fields associated with that section, highlighting the selected section, as shown in the illustration below of the data fields associated with the Collections Management section of an ArchivesSpace Resource record. An ArchivesSpace record is a linear document, and, while scrolling through a record, the highlighted section of the navigation panel will change to keep the staff user oriented to the current position within the record. 9 Rollover texts Rollover texts are associated with almost all of the labels in the ArchivesSpace records; hover your mouse over a particular heading or label to see the rollover text. Typically, the rollover consists of a definition of the element, a reference to the appropriate rule in DACS or to elements in export data formats, such as MARC, and examples of good practice. The rollover texts can be completely modified, with the understanding that the resultant modifications are for all users within one implementation and thus in a multi-repository installation, cannot be constrained only to the users of one repository versus another. The rollover feature provides a repository the means to integrate its processing procedures directly into the application. Records and sub-records ArchivesSpace comprises a series of types of records, which are the primary vehicles for organizing data in the application. There are also sub-records, which are related to one or more of the primary record types in ArchivesSpace. These records and sub-records serve as the basis for linking among records in the ArchivesSpace database. The following groupings should help you to better understand the various record types and how they relate to one another. Repository record Provides information about the repository having custody of the resources being described. An ArchivesSpace installation can be used by a number of different repositories, each with its own Repository record. A Repository record includes subrecords that allow for the expression of a repository’s data defaults and basic characteristics of the physical repository, as well as its holdings and staff users. 10 User record Allows individual users to have ArchivesSpace accounts with varying levels of permission to access and make changes in parts of the database. Only System Administrators and Repository Managers can create, alter, and delete User records. Accession record Records information documenting the accession transaction, and can include information about the accession and basic collection management data. Resource record Describes a unit of materials, from an item to a manuscript collection or record group, being managed according to archival principles. Resource records can be single or multi-level records as defined in ISAD(G) and DACS. The Resource record can contain links Digital Object records and material instances (e.g., text, microform, tape). Digital Object record The Digital Object record is optimized for recording metadata for digitized facsimiles or born-digital resources. The Digital Object record can either be single- or multilevel, that is, it can have sub-components just like a Resource record. Moreover, the record can represent the structural relationship between the metadata and associated digital files-whether as simple relationships (e.g., a metadata record associated with a scanned image, and its derivatives) or complex relationships (e.g., a metadata record for a multipaged item; and additionally, a metadata record for each scanned page, and its derivatives). One or more file versions can be referenced from the Digital Object metadata record.1 The Digital Object record can be created from within a Resource record, or created independently and then either linked or not to a Resource record. Subject record Describes the principal themes or topical contents of the records being described, as well as format and genre characteristics or occupations, that are important as access points. Subject records can be simple or compound hierarchical records, and can be applied at any level of description for Accessions, Resources, and Digital Objects. Agent record Describes persons, families, or corporate entities that have a specified relationship to the records being described, such as creator, source (i.e., donor), subject, rights owner, or to an Event. The Agent record is also used for managing relationships among named entities. Classification record Used to create or edit a hierarchy of record groups, subgroups or fonds, at as few or as many levels as required by a repository. Classifications define a repository’s overall 1 Note that ArchivesSpace does not provide native support for storing and managing files referenced from Digital Object records. The assumption is that the files will be stored and managed in an external digital asset management system or network- or web-accessible location. 11 arrangement scheme. ArchivesSpace displays a classification in a tree structure containing a hierarchy of categories and subcategories. A tree is formed from a root term (shown in the system by the classification name) and the branches (subgroups) of the tree are the classification terms. Each classification term can itself contain zero or more classification terms. The classification tree is formed of classification terms with a classification name at the root (shown at the top of the structure). Location record Describes any storage locations--shelves, drawers, file cabinets, bins, walls, etc.--where a repository stores archival materials. Location records are designed to track both temporary locations prior to processing and permanent storage locations. Location records are intended to represent physical shelving spaces and not web-accessible file locations. The latter can be represented using URIs recorded as part of Digital Object records. Event record Describes an action involving a selected object in the archival repository (at any level in a multilevel hierarchy) and an agent. Events represent a specific action that one or more agents undertook in relation to one or more archival objects at a specific date and time or a range of dates and times. Events can be used, for example, to document actions that alter archival records, create new relationships between archival records, or record validity and integrity checks for born-digital records. Each ArchivesSpace record has available to it several sub-record types. A sub-record is a linked record that can only be created and edited through the primary record. Some subrecords are required in some contexts, such as the Extents sub-record for a Resource record. All sub-records have their own requirements. Sub-records in ArchivesSpace include: Dates sub-record For recording types of dates about the material or entity being described, e.g., date of creation, of broadcast, or publication. Occurs in Accessions, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, Digital Object component, and Deaccession records. Extents sub-record For recording the extent for the whole or part(s) of the described material. Occurs in Accessions, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, Digital Object component, and Deaccession records. Notes sub-record For recording notes providing more detailed description of processed archival materials. Occurs in Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, and Digital Object component records. Rights sub-record For indicating the rights status of the material being described. Occurs in Accession, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, and Digital Object component records. 12 Deaccessions sub-record For indicating materials that have been removed from an accession or from a processed collection. Occurs in Accession and Resource records. Collection Management sub-record For recording information about the processing of the materials being described. Occurs in Accession, Resource, and Digital Object records. Data entry considerations within the staff interface When multiple users edit a record at the same time ArchivesSpace is a networked application in which more than one user can access and view the same record at the same time. A situation may occur where two people attempt to save the same record at exactly the same time. ArchivesSpace resolves this potential conflict with the “first to save wins” method. What this means is that if two people open the same record, both edit it independently then both save it, the first person to save will be successful, the second person to save will receive an error message indicating the local copy of the record is now outdated and they must reload the record and reenter any unsaved changes. Remember to save frequently when editing records that others may want to edit as well. Required data fields ArchivesSpace marks required fields with a red asterisk and bold type. This image shows a typical form with the required fields indicated. If a sub-form or field is conditionally required, this is noted in a text box when you hover over the field (also known as a tool tip). Conditionally required fields are marked with a gray asterisk. 13 Special characters within data fields Special characters, or text from any international writing system, can be inputted directly as UTF-8 Unicode. Punctuation within data fields ArchivesSpace does not supply any end punctuation after text entered within data fields. Expanding data fields Some data fields can be expanded to allow for entering multiple lines of text -- or long narrative statements. Select and drag the bottom right corner of the data field, to expand it. Public interface ArchivesSpace includes a public interface, which is intended to make Resource, Digital Object, and Accession records entered in the staff interface discoverable by end (i.e. public) users. Use of the public interface is optional. Instead of using the public interface, some repositories will choose to export metadata outputs (e.g. EAD, MARCXML, or EAC-CPF files) into other systems. Under its default configurations, the public interface will be available at port 8081 of the same server where the staff interface is found: e.g. This port location can be customized at or after the time of installation, or can be mapped to a more user-friendly URL. 14 ArchivesSpace automatically indexes all information entered into the system. Using this index, it publishes a website containing Resource records and component descriptions (i.e. finding aids), Digital Object records and component descriptions, and Accession records. It also provides the ability to browse and sort these record types on various parameters, such as names, subjects, and classifications, and it includes limited capability to display certain digital object files (i.e. images) inline in the system. Display of a particular record (and its children) can be toggled on or off in the public interface, using the Publish radio button that is available on the staff interface for most public records: As soon as you enter a record or edit an existing record in the staff interface, it will “go live” on the public interface, unless Publish is unchecked or turned off. 15 When you are logged in to the staff interface as a staff user, the public interface will contain a link to the staff-side record (an edit button): General browsing In the public interface, you can browse by repository, resource title (under the “Collections” menu), digital object title, accession title, subject, name, and classification. Three basic methods can be used to navigate through browse lists and these methods can be combined, giving the public user power to affect the display of lists. Sorting When in a browsing pane, records can be sorted on values specific to a particular record type. For example, resources can be sorted by title, date created, and date last modified. Filtering by text 16 Users can filter browse lists to show only records containing a particular string of text or keywords. These filters can be easily removed after a search has been completed. Filtering by term Browse lists can be filtered by clicking on the desired term in the list of subjects in the list on the left: Browsing by classification Once a classification system has been defined and after resources have been linked to a classification, public users will be able to browse classifications, with related records grouped under their classifications, as illustrated in these screenshots from a test instance of ArchivesSpace. 17 This screenshot shows a portion of the records linked to the Admissions & Records -> Admissions subgroup: Searching ArchivesSpace’s Public Interface also includes a search tool, enabling basic “Google-style” keyword searching plus an advanced search option. This screenshot shows both the basic search box on the right, with the advanced options expanded below. 18 By default, search results for a keyword search are presented by relevance, and various record types are intermingled in the result set. Records can be filtered and sorted, as noted in the browsing section above, and as shown in this screenshot: The default sort display is by relevance. 19 Functional Overview of the Digital Object Module Terminology and concepts ArchivesSpace enables the description of digital objects, such as digitized archival resources or born-digital materials. A “digital object” can be defined as an entity comprising the following three items: Metadata record: Metadata can range from descriptive information to support discovery of the resource, to rights information or technical details about the digital files that make up the object. It can also include structural metadata, defining the logical or physical relationship(s) of the content files comprising a complex digital object (as discussed further below). Metadata is represented in the form of a structured data record. Content file(s): Digital files that range from still to moving images, to audio recordings, to textual documents such as PDF records. Typically, a digital object may include multiple content files, sometimes, but not always, of the same type (e.g., an image file vs. an audio file). For example, with image-based objects, you might have a TIFF master image, a JPEG service image, and a GIF thumbnail reference image. A link or digital wrapper that relates the metadata record and content file(s). This characterization is based on the California Digital Library’s (CDL) definition of digital objects ( When creating a Digital Object record in ArchivesSpace, you’ll be presented with a range of data field options for constructing a metadata record for a given object. The File Version data field is used to indicate and link to those content files associated with a given digital object. The digital object may be a simple object or a complex object: A simple object is one in which the intellectual content of the object is contained in one digital content file (and its variants). A digital image of the Golden Gate Bridge is a simple digital object. So too, is a PDF document comprising Melville’s Moby Dick. Simple objects are single-level in structure. They comprise a metadata record (representing a description for the entire item), associated with a content file (and its variants). A complex object is one in which the intellectual content is distributed over two or more digital content files. A digitized version of a 24-page diary would be a complex object if each page were represented by a different digital image file. Complex digital files require structural metadata so that the parts of the whole will be presented in the right sequence to the end user. 20 Complex objects are multi-level in structure. They comprise a parent-level metadata record (representing a description for the entire item). Under the parent-level description, they have one or more child-level components records. Each component is associated with a content file (and its variants). Components may have metadata as rich as that in the parent-level digital object record - or components may have metadata that consists of little more than a label and a file version. When building an object in ArchivesSpace, you have the flexibility to model them as either simple or complex varieties. For example, a multi-page book could be digitized and formatted into a single PDF file. In this case, it could be modeled as a simple object. Alternatively, it could be digitized and formatted into multiple image files (e.g., one image per page). In this case, it could be modeled as a complex object. Furthermore, the complex object could have a flat structure – or a hierarchical structure. Use cases By using ArchivesSpace to manage Digital Object metadata, you can conveniently and efficiently manage descriptions of your archival holdings within a single system. Moreover, you can inter-relate Accession and Resource records (through links) with associated Digital Object records in the system. You can then publish the Accession or Resource record through the ArchivesSpace public interface (and you can additionally export the Resource record as an EAD finding aid). The resulting Accession or Resource records will have links to their associated digital object records – hence providing users with more comprehensive access to your holdings. 21 Functionally, ArchivesSpace supports the management of Digital Object metadata – which can in turn be exported with references to all associated content files, and packaged into a digital wrapper using the Metadata and Encoding Transmission Standard (METS) format. The METS files hence contain a complete representation of the digital object, and it can subsequently be transmitted to a preservation service for long-term storage, and/or to a publication service for dissemination to end users. Within the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model, METS files generated from ArchivesSpace can more specifically be viewed as “Submission Information Packages”.2 It is important to note that ArchivesSpace is optimized for managing metadata records; ArchivesSpace does not support the direct management of content files. The assumption is that the files will be stored and managed in a network- or web-accessible location, such as a file server or a digital asset management system that is capable of managing the files. That said, the software can be used to support a range of use cases. Two key use cases are summarized below. Use case #1: You want to use ArchivesSpace as your primary management and publication platform for Digital Object records In this scenario, you use ArchivesSpace as your primary software for creating and managing Digital Objects for your repository. (Again, this assumes that you have an external digital asset management system to manage your content files, or that they are stored on a network or web-accessible location). Within your Accession and/or Resource records, you’ll include links at the relevant levels of description to associated Digital Object records. (Or alternatively, you choose to leave the Digital Objects as “standalone” entities – and not to link your Accession and/or Resource records to Digital Objects). You’ll use ArchivesSpace as your primary vehicle to publish your Accession and Resource records and Digital Object records (leveraging the public interface). Optionally and additionally, you can also contribute Resource records (e.g., as EAD finding aids) and Digital Object records (e.g., as METS records) to an external system, such as a statewide or regional aggregator. Use case #2: You use a different system to manage digital objects, but you want Resource records in ArchivesSpace to link to those digital objects In this scenario, you’re using a different software platform or digital management system to manage and publish digital objects. 2 For more information about the OAIS reference model, see 22 Within your Accession and/or Resource records, you’ll include links at the relevant levels of description to associated digital objects. You’ll use ArchivesSpace as a vehicle to publish your Resource records (leveraging the public interface). The main contents of this workbook primarily address use cases #1. For instructions on using ArchivesSpace for use case #2, see Appendix C. Linking Digital Objects to Accession and/or Resource records, and workflow considerations Digital Object records can be structurally linked to associated Accession and Resource records. In the case of Resource records, Digital Objects can be linked from the relevant level of description – such as file- or item-level descriptions. Within the staff interface, the Digital Objects will be displayed within the context of the Instances section of the Accession record, Resource record, or Resource component record. Within the public interface, the Digital Objects will be displayed in a similar manner. ArchivesSpace supports several workflow options for linking Digital Objects to Accession and/or Resource records: Workflow option 1: Create a Digital Object record within the context of an associated Accession or Resource record (and automatically link the Digital Object record to the associated Accession or Resource record) Workflow option 2: Create a Digital Object record directly in the Digital Object module. Subsequently link to the Digital Object record from an associated Accession or Resource record. Alternatively, if the Digital Objects are “standalone” entities that are not associated with any Accession or Resource record, do not link them together. The procedures for linking Digital Objects to Accession and/or Resource records are treated more fully below, in subsequent sections of the workbook. 23 Data entry and the hierarchical interface The Digital Object data entry screen presents digital objects and its components within a hierarchical interface, which is displayed near the top of the interface. In the hierarchical view, the top folder represents the primary digital object record. Simple objects are single-level in structure. They have a single, top folder comprising the Digital Object record, as shown in the example below. Simple object example Complex objects are multi-level in structure. They have a single, top folder comprising the parent-level Digital Object record; child-level folders represent component records. To display the record for any component record, click on the title of the component. This helps you navigate directly to a given record for editing or review. 24 Complex object example Viewing modes When selecting a Digital Object record from a browse or search results view, the default presentation is the View interface. The following are the command functions: 25 Add Event: This option is for adding Event records. Events represent a specific action that one or more agents undertook in relation to a given Digital Object, a specific date and time (or in a range of dates and times). Repository staff may use event records for several reasons, including: to document actions that modify Digital Objects (e.g., fixity checking, validation), to document actions that create new relationships between Digital Objects records, or to document validity and integrity checks. Publish all: Use this button to indicate that metadata for the entire Digital Object record (include metadata associated with any components) should be published through the ArchivesSpace public interface. Export: Use this button to export metadata for a given Digital Object. Merge: Use this function to combine the content of one digital object record into another digital object record, for example, to make a complex digital object from several simple digital objects. Transfer: Use this function to change the repository context of a digital object record, that is, to change its repository context from Repository A to Repository B. Suppress: Use this button to suppress from staff view a digital object record or component or a digital object that has been removed from the repository’s collection. The record remains in the repository as a trace that the repository owned the digital object and chose to de-accession it. The record can be included in staff views or removed from them, and recalled as needed. Delete: Use this button to delete a selected record or component; unlike “Suppress”, the “Delete” option will permanently remove the data from the ArchivesSpace database. Select the Edit button to toggle to the Edit interface, which is used to create or modify Digital Object records. The following are the command functions: 26 Left/Right Arrows: The left pointing and right pointing arrows enable navigation up (left) or down (right), one component at a time. Add Child: This button will open a new component record that is hierarchically subordinate to the context record (the record from which you use the Add Child button). Each Child record represents a level of hierarchy. ArchivesSpace will support an unlimited hierarchy. Add Sibling: This button will open a new component record that is at the same level as the context record and that follows the context record within the component sequence. ArchivesSpace places no limit on the number of sibling records. Cut/Paste: When selecting a given component record, using the Cut button will “copy” the component record; you can then use the Paste button to add the copied record to a different place in the digital object structure. Move: You can rearrange a multi-level description using this option or by dragging and dropping. You can: o Move a component to a new position within the same level, o Promote a component, i.e., move it higher in the hierarchy, or 27 o Demote a component, i.e., move it lower in the hierarchy. Bear in mind that all components that are children of a component that is moved will move with their parent component. Rapid Data Entry: This option is for entering a series of components at the same level that have very similar metadata, e.g., date, rights statement, etc. The Rapid Data Entry option is discussed in greater detail below. Add Event: (Same function as described in the View interface). Suppress: (Same function as described in the View interface) Delete: (Same function as described in the View interface) 28 Build a Simple Digital Object Basic steps 1. Choose your workflow option for creating a new Digital Object: Workflow option 1: Create a Digital Object record within the context of an associated Accession or Resource record (and automatically link the Digital Object record to the associated Accession or Resource record) In this scenario, launch the associated Resource record (from the toolbar, select Browse->Resources or Create->Resources) At the specific level of description (e.g., file, item) where you’d like to add a Digital Object, navigate to the Instances and specify “Add Digital Object” Choose “Create” You will be presented with the Digital Object data entry screen Workflow option 2: Create a Digital Object record directly in the Digital Object module. Subsequently link to the Digital Object record from an associated Accession or Resource record (as described in Appendix B of this workbook). Or alternatively, if the Digital Objects are “standalone” entities that are not associated with any Accession or Resource record, do not link them together. In this scenario, create a new Digital Object record (from the toolbar, select Create->Digital Objects) You will be presented with the Digital Object data entry screen 2. Enter a Title, comprising a descriptive or transcribed title for the resource. 3. Enter an Identifier, comprising a unique identifier for the digital object as a whole. Examples include an ARK, HANDLE, a URI, or any string that uniquely identifies the digital object within the context of the repository 3. Save the record by pressing the button at the bottom right corner of the window. If you are entering multiple records, the button will save the record you are working in and open a new record Add additional metadata Title and Identifier are the only two data elements ArchivesSpace requires for a valid digital object record. 29 After the required data has been entered, you can continue to describe the Digital Object using the sub-records available in the left navigation bar. When you add a sub-record, depending on the type of record, specific fields may be required. If any required information is missing, you will be prompted to add the required information. In particular, the following sub-records can be used for a more comprehensive description of the Digital Object, as well as to support discovery and use: File Versions Dates Agents Subjects Notes Rights Statement For information about additional sub-record fields, see Appendix A. 30 Exercise 1: Simple Digital Object Pre-Exercise Steps Before creating your first Digital Object record, you will need to establish a Repository and User record in your ArchivesSpace instance: Login as a System Administrator / update your Repository record 1. Sign into ArchivesSpace as a System Administrator (user name “admin”, password “admin”). 2. Select the YNHSC Repository record. 3. Complete the repository record for the Your Name Here Special Collections department by adding the following data: Organization/Agency Code: ma-cdu Parent Institution Name: Carpe Diem University Country: United States Home Page URL: Create a Simple Digital Object Context YNHSC conducted preservation scanning of two watercolors from the “Jedediah Horcrux Congreave fly fishing correspondence and photographs” (YNHSC.MS.292) collection. The watercolors were scanned as high-resolution master TIFF and service JPEG images. The Exercise 31 1. Download the Exercise Samples file at, and save it to your workstation. Refer to the section “Exercise 1a-1b” in that document, to build your simple Digital Object records. 2. Create two simple Digital Object records – one for each watercolor: Create each Digital Object record directly within the context of the “Jedediah Horcrux Congreave” Resource record (workflow option 1). Declare them as Instances linked from the “Correspondence, 1925-1935” file. Be sure to add all notes (Immediate Source of Acquisition, Conditions Governing Use, Scope and Content note, etc.) in a preferred sequence. Also add File Version sub-records for a master TIFF and service JPEG images. 32 Adding Agent Sub-Records Functional overview Agent records identify persons, families, or corporate entities that have a specified relationship (such as source, creator, topic, rights owner) to Digital Object records or to an event. The Agent record is also used for managing relationships among names. Agents are established and controlled separately from Digital Object records in ArchivesSpace and are associated with material descriptions by linking. Agent records can be associated with Digital Objects through one of three primary relational modes: Creator: designates the primary responsibility for the digital object’s content. The Creator can be a person, family, or corporate entity responsible for the archival provenance of the material being described, or for the intellectual content of that same material. Source: Designates the immediate source of acquisition of the material being described. Subject: Designates that the digital object is topically about the named person, family, or corporate entity in some respect. Agent records can be one of four types in ArchivesSpace: Person Family Corporate Entity Software Agent records in ArchivesSpace are designed to conform with the International Council on Archives’ International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families, 2nd edition (ISAAR(CPF)). They are also designed to support output in the Encoded Archival Context--Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) data structure and interchange standard. If an authority record cannot be located and copied from an authorities database, agent records can be created according to data content rules established in standards such as the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition (AACR2) and DACS. ArchivesSpace users are encouraged to use the DACS rules for forms of names when creating Agent records in ArchivesSpace Agents can be linked as creators or subjects in Digital Object (and component) records. Agents can also be linked as sources in Digital Object records only. (This information can be captured 33 in an “Immediate source of acquisition” note at any level of a digital object description, however). Note: Agent records linked to Digital Object component records will not be exported to MARCXML records. The same is true for Subject records. Creating and managing Agent records The following fields are required for the four types of Agent records: Person Primary Part of Name (DACS references 9.8, 11.5, 12.1-12.11) Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20) Sort Name (automated if selected) Name Order (default value of “indirect” provided; you may change to “direct”) Family Family Name (DACS references 9.8, 11.5, 12.29) Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20) Sort Name (automated if selected) Corporate Entity Primary Part of Name (DACS references 9.8, 11.5, 14) Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20) Sort Name (automated if selected) Software Software Name Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20) Sort Name (automated if selected) 34 For personal names, the Primary Part of Name field serves to separate the principal sorting element of the name from the remainder of the name, the latter of which is generally input into the Rest of Name field. Guidance on when to use the additional fields that are available for an Agent record should come from the subfields in an authority record for the name found in a national database such as the NACO Authority File or from a content standard such as DACS or AACR2. For Family names, the Family Name field serves to hold the family name. Subfields in an existing authority record or rules in a content standard should guide you in inputting information into the Agent record's available fields. For corporate entities, the Primary Part of Name field holds the principal name by which the corporate entity is known. Your content standard of choice, or the subfields in the authority record for names already found in an authority file, will provide guidance to help you determine how and when to enter a corporate name subordinately using the Subordinate Name fields in the Agent record. For software, the Software Name field serves to hold the name of the software. Source Source is the data field used to indicate that a name has been found in a standard authority file. Five default values are provided in a drop-down menu: Local sources: Designates an authority file created and maintained at your repository. NACO Authority File3 NAD / ARK II Name Authority Database: Designates the National Archives Database of Sweden.4 Union List of Artist Names5 Unspecified ingested source: If names are imported in Accession or Resource records, the Source field will contain this value to flag the record for review to assure it is the authoritative form of the name. 3 Name Authority Cooperative Program. Additional information is available online at . 4 Additional information about this ISAAR(CPF)- and EAC-based resource is available online at . 5 Additional information about this resource is available online at . 35 This list may be customized and additional values added by the repository, or in the process of importing legacy data. Rules Rules is the data field used to indicate the data content standard used to formulate the name entry. You should only use the Rules field when you have not found the name in an existing authority file, in which case you should use the Source field instead. Four default values are provided in a drop-down menu: Anglo-American Cataloging Rules6 Describing Archives: a Content Standard Local rules: Designates a data content standard created and maintained by your repository Resource Description and Access This list may be customized and additional values added by the repository, or in the process of importing legacy data. Sort Name Sort Name is the data field that contains the complete, concatenated version of the name containing all individual elements. This is the form of the name that will be shown within ArchivesSpace displays and is exported in reports and standardized outputs such as MARCXML and EAD. Creating Agent records If you are starting from ArchivesSpace home: 1. On the main toolbar, click Create, select Agent, and select the type of agent you want to create: Person, Family, Corporate Entity, or Software. 2. Enter the Source of the name, if found in an authority file; if not found in an authority file, indicate the Rules used to construct the name. 3. Enter the authoritative form of the name in Primary Part of Name (for a personal or corporate name) or the Family Name or Software Name. 6 Additional information about this resource is available online at . 36 4. Save the Agent record by pressing the Save Person | Family | Corporate Entity | Software command button at the bottom of the record. If entering more than one Agent record, save the record by pressing the +1 command button. This will save the current record and open a new Agent record screen so a subsequent record can be entered. If you are already working in a Digital Object record: 1. On the left navigation bar, click Agent Links and then click Add Agent Link. 2. Next to Role, click the drop-down list button, and select the role of the agent in relation to the accession or resource you are linking it to: Creator, Source, or Subject. 3. Add a value for Relator, if you want. 4. Next to Agent, either start typing to see if the desired agent already exists, or click on the drop-down list and select Browse to browse existing Agent records. If you know there is no record for your agent, or you cannot find one when you type or browse, click on Create, and select Person, Family, Corporate Entity, or Software, depending on what type of Agent record you wish to create. 37 5. Enter the Source of the name, if found in an authority file; if not found in an authority file indicate the Rules used to construct the name. 6. Enter the authoritative form of the name in Primary Part of Name (for a personal or corporate name) or the Family Name or Software Name. 7. Save the Agent record by pressing the Save Person | Family | Corporate Entity | Software command button at the bottom of the record. If entering more than one Agent record, save the record by pressing the +1 command button. This will save the current record and open a new Agent record for the same type of agent. The following sub-records are available in all Agent records: Dates of Existence: If you decide to include dates, you will need to select either Range or Single from the Type (of date) menu and either provide dates or describe the date or date range in the Expression field. Other name forms: Used to capture non-authoritative forms of the name, or if you wish to use a different form of the name for display purposes. They are added by clicking on Add Name Form. Dates of name use: If you wish to identify the era in which an agent was known by a particular name. You will need to select either Range or Single from the Type (of date) menu and either provide dates or describe the date or date range in the Expression field. Contact details: Useful for holding contact information for sources of collections in particular. If a contact is added, the Contact Name is the only required field. Notes: A place to put additional descriptive information about an agent, such as a biographical note or an administrative history. This field will be included in EAC exports. Related agents: A way of specifying how different agents relate to each other. Select Associative Relationship, Earlier/Later Relationship, or Parent/Child Relationship from the drop-down menu. External documents: This sub-record contains any links to external documentation, e.g. biographical files, reference works, etc. about this agent. The document may be of any 38 form or content. A web accessible file, a network accessible file, a file on the same computer as the application, etc. Both Title and Location (ideally a resolvable URI ) are required fields. 39 Exercise 2: Agents The Exercise 1. Refer to the Exercise Samples file (“Exercise 2”) that you previously downloaded at, for some initial Agent headings to add to the simple Digital Object record that you created. 2. Add a few additional relevant Agent headings. Be sure to indicate the relevant Source or Rules for each Agent record that you create. The following online resources may also be helpful: The NACO (Library of Congress) Name Authority File, available at or Virtual International Authority File (VIAF), available at 40 Adding Subject Sub-Records Functional overview Subject records are used to control information about topics, geographic names, genre and form terms, occupations, functions, and uniform titles that serve as important access points to facilitate discovery of the materials being described. These records are established and controlled separately from resource descriptions in ArchivesSpace and are associated with accession, resource, and digital object descriptions by linking. The terms that serve as access points for collection materials function most effectively when derived from broadly shared standard thesauri or controlled vocabularies such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)7 or the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT).8 The output formats (e.g., EAD, MARCXML) that you generate from your resource descriptions in ArchivesSpace will be much more effective if you utilize standard thesauri or controlled vocabularies to select terms, and document your usage locally so that you can apply common terms, as appropriate, in a consistent manner across all of your resource descriptions. Subjects can be one of 10 types in ArchivesSpace: Cultural context Function Genre/form Geographic Occupation Style/period Technique Temporal Topical Uniform title Personal, family, and corporate names that are used as subjects are managed as Agent records in ArchivesSpace; therefore a name type is not an option within Subject records. 7 Additional information about this resource is available online at Additional information about this resource is available online at 8 41 Subject records can be linked to Digital Object (and component) records in order to provide subject and other types of controlled vocabulary access to those materials at all appropriate levels of granularity and at whatever points in local repository workflows this type of description is done. Note: as with Agent records, Subject records linked to Digital Object component records will not be exported to MARCXML records. You or someone at your repository should be familiar with the rules for using the specific thesaurus, authority file, or controlled vocabulary (data value standards) from which you derive subject and controlled vocabulary records. Appendix B, on pages 141-145 in DACS, provides a helpful list of the primary data value standards used by US archivists in doing archival description. Creating and managing Subject records ArchivesSpace requires two elements in a Subject or other controlled vocabulary record: Term: Open text field. Use this field to indicate the subject heading or controlled vocabulary term or phrase describing the content, coverage, or resource type of the materials. Subject Type: Choose from a drop-down list. This indicates the type of term being recorded (e.g., function, genre/form, geographic name, occupation, topic, uniform title). Creating a Subject record 1. If you are already working in a Digital Object record: on the left navigation bar, click Subjects, and then click Add Subject. Click the drop-down list button, and then click Create. If you are starting from ArchivesSpace home: on the main toolbar, click Create and select Subject. 2. Enter the required Term and Subject Type information. 3. If the Subject record includes a term subdivision, click Add Term/Subdivision and enter information for the Term and Subject Type for the subdivision. You can add additional subdivisions as needed. 4. Click Save Subject. If any required element is missing, you will be prompted to add the information. 42 Below is a summary of selected additional, optional key data fields that you might consider using to record additional information for the Subject record: Basic Information Authority ID: Open text field. The unique identifier for the record within the source from which it was acquired, (i.e. an LCSH number). The identifier may be represented as an URI. Source: Choose from drop-down list. Use this field to identify the thesaurus or controlled vocabulary from which the term was taken. The content of this field is selected from a drop-down list derived from what was at the time the Library of Congress MARC Code List Part IV: Term, Name, and Title Sources.9 Items may be added or deleted from the list to meet the needs of the repository. The option Local is available for cases when the term used has not been derived from one of the thesauri or controlled vocabularies provided in the list, and is maintained in a local list of preferred terms. Scope Note: Open text field. A note that explains and clarifies what is meant and what is not meant in the definition of the term and in its use as a subject heading. This is typically used for a term with a local source. External Documents sub-records This sub-record allows links to external documentation that discusses how a particular Subject record is to be used. 9 Title: Open text field. The title of an external document. The document may be of any form or content. A web accessible file, a network accessible file, a file on the same computer as the application, etc. Location: Open text field. The location of the file, ideally a resolvable URI. Example: Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this External Document will be published to the public interface. Additional information about this resource is available online at 43 Exercise 3: Subjects The Exercise 1. Refer to the Exercise Samples file (“Exercise 3”) that you previously downloaded at, for some initial subject headings to add to the simple Digital Object record that you created. 2. Add a few additional relevant Subject headings. Be sure to indicate the relevant Source for each Subject record that you create. The following online resources may be helpful in this exercise: The Library of Congress Subject Headings, available at or The Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus, available at The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, available at The Library of Congress Thesaurus of Graphic Materials, Part I: Subject Terms, available at The Library of Congress Thesaurus of Graphic Materials, Part II: Genre & Physical Characteristic Terms, available at 44 Build a Complex Digital Object Basic steps 1. Follow the process for creating a simple digital object, as outlined in the previous section of this workbook. 2. After the parent-level Digital Object record has been created, add component records using the hierarchical navigation bar. Select the parent-level Digital Object record in the hierarchical navigation bar, to set it as the context record. Use the following command functions to build the component hierarchy: o Add Child: This button will open a new component record that is hierarchically subordinate to the context record (the record from which you use the Add Child button). Each Child record represents a level of hierarchy. ArchivesSpace will support an unlimited hierarchy. o Add Sibling: This button will open a new component record that is at the same level as the context record and that follows the context record within the component sequence. ArchivesSpace places no limit on the number of sibling records. For each component record, ArchivesSpace requires at least one of the following metadata elements in a Digital Object record: Label, Title, or Date. Add additional metadata After the required data has been entered, you can continue to describe the component using the sub-records available in the left navigation bar. When you add a sub-record, depending on the type of record, specific fields may be required. If any required information is missing, you will be prompted to add the required information. We suggest indicating File Versions at each of the lowest child-level component records, in a given hierarchy. For information about additional sub-record fields, see Appendix A. 45 Add multiple components using the Rapid Data Entry (RDE) tool The Rapid Data Entry (RDE) tool supports repeated entry of Digital Object component records at the same level, thus requiring fewer mouse clicks than when adding individual component records using the Add Child or Add Sibling buttons. Through the use of “sticky values” and other mechanisms, the RDE tool provides a more efficient interface for entering components, where multiple components of the same level and same basic content are entered one after another. To create component records using the RDE: 1. Select a component record in the hierarchical navigation bar, to set it as the context record. Component records added through the RDE will be hierarchically subordinate to this context record. 2. Select Rapid Data Entry at the top of the multi-level description. 3. Within the first row of the table, enter the desired metadata for a given component. A Label, Title, or Date element is required for each component. 4. Select Add Row to add another row, or use Shift + Return to add another row using all the data in the previous row. 5. Select Validate Rows to check that all rows are properly encoded. 6. Select Save Rows to save the row(s) to the Digital Object record. You can do the following to the RDE tool during a given session: Remove columns from view using the Columns: ## visible display configuration option. Turn sticky values on and off by clicking on the label for a data column. Reorder the left-to-right sequence of the data columns using the Reorder Columns option. Designate a value to fill all occurrences within a data column using the Fill Column option. 46 47 Exercise 4: Complex Digital Object Context YNHSC conducted preservation scanning of two pieces of correspondence from the “Jedediah Horcrux Congreave fly fishing correspondence and photographs” (YNHSC.MS.292) collection. The first item comprises a letter from Julia Child to Congreave. The second item comprises a letter from Congreave to his father, with attached photographs. All items were scanned as highresolution master TIFF and service JPEG images. The Exercise 1. Refer to the Exercise Samples file (“Exercise 4a-4b”) that you previously downloaded at, to build your complex Digital Object records. 2. Create two complex Digital Object records, directly in the Digital Object module (workflow option 2). The first object will comprise the letter from Julia Child to Congreave. This first object will have a flat structure. The second object will comprise for the letter from Congreave to his father. This second object will have a hierarchical structure. Add relevant Agent and Subject headings. Be sure to add all notes (Immediate Source of Acquisition, Conditions Governing Use, Scope and Content note, etc.) in a preferred sequence. Also add File Version sub-records for a master TIFF and service JPEG images. 3. Link each complex Digital Object record to the “Correspondence, 1952-1992” file, within the “Jedediah Horcrux Congreave” Resource record. 48 Importing Digital Object Metadata ArchivesSpace supports the importing of metadata – specifically formatted into commaseparated value spreadsheets – to generate new Digital Object records within the application. An example of where this feature might be used is when you want to migrate digital object metadata from an external system to centralize the management of that information within ArchivesSpace. Metadata (to be imported) must be formatted and normalized according to ArchivesSpace CSV import mapping specifications. See the ArchivesSpace website (ArchivesSpace Application > Technical Documentation > Data Import and Export Maps) for CSV import mappings -- and in particular, for a template that can be used to format accession data. Importing records 1. Format the metadata (to be imported) based on the ArchivesSpace CSV import mapping specifications. Save the file as a comma-separated value file. 2. On the main toolbar, click Import Jobs. 3. Click Create Import Job. 4. Select the type of file: “Digital Object CSV”. 49 5. Click Add File and select the file(s) to import; note that you can select multiple files. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the file(s) into the designated area of your browser window. 6. Click Queue Import Job. 7. When import is complete the page will indicate an import summary, including a report with any errors. 8. The imported data will subsequently be available as new Digital Object records. 50 Exercise 5: Import 1. Download the files in the Import Samples folder at, and save them to your workstation. 2. Using the file named “do_import.csv”, import the Digital Object metadata from that file into ArchivesSpace. 3. Link the imported Digital Object records to the appropriate location in the related Resource record for the “Jedediah Horcrux Congreave fly fishing correspondence and photographs” (YNHSC.MS.292) collection. 4. See also the sample images in the same folder, if you’d like to add additional notes after importing the metadata. 51 Exporting Digital Object Metadata ArchivesSpace can be used to export metadata for either an “unbound” or “bound” digital object. An unbound digital object is one in which the metadata record simply references the digital content file. A Dublin Core record that references a content file is an example of an unbound digital object. A bound digital object is one which the metadata and the digital content files are bound together through the use of a digital binder or wrapper. The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) is the digital wrapper probably best known in library environments. METS not only binds the metadata and digital content files, but supports expression of the structural relationship(s) existing among the content files. The following exports can be generated for any given Digital Object record: MODS record: A Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) XML record, comprising the Digital Object’s metadata -- and additionally any component level metadata. METS record: A Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) XML file, comprising the Digital Object’s metadata -- and additionally any component level metadata – as well as references to any associated content files (noted in the File Version section of the records). The Digital Object’s metadata is itself formatted using the MODS standard. Dublin Core record: A Dublin Core XML metadata record, comprising the Digital Object’s metadata. For complex objects, only the parent-level metadata is reflected in the Dublin Core XML record. The ArchivesSpace website (ArchivesSpace Application > Technical Documentation > Data Import and Export Maps) provides a summary of export mappings from the ArchivesSpace database fields that underlie the Digital Object record data entry fields, to the export formats. Exporting records 9. Find the Digital Object record you want to export. You can browse or search. To browse, on the main toolbar, click Browse and select Digital Objects. A listing of all the records in the repository will display. To search, type your search query into the Search box on the main toolbar. 10. Next to the record you want to export, click View or Edit. 11. Click the Export button and select an export option: Download MODS 52 Download METS Download DC 12. The data will download to your computer as a XML file. ArchivesSpace will use the Identifier as the file name. Depending on your browser’s settings, the file will be saved to your Downloads folder or you may be prompted to choose a location for saving the file. 53 Exporting Resource Records with Links to Digital Objects ArchivesSpace supports exporting of Resource records as EAD files (XML-encoded documents compliant with the EAD 2002 schema), with links to associated Digital Object records. The EAD file will contain URL links at the specific levels of description, where the Digital Object records have been declared as Instances. The URL links are formatted within HREF attribute, within the Digital Archival Object <dao> tag ( To generate an EAD export of a Resource record, with links to Digital Objects: 1. Find the Resource record you want to export. You can browse or search. To browse, on the main toolbar, click Browse and select Resources. A listing of all the records in the repository will display. To search, type your search query into the Search box on the main toolbar. 2. Next to the record you want to export, click View. 3. Click the Export button, and choose Download EAD -> Include <dao> tags 4. The data will download into an EAD XML file. The file name will include the date of download. Depending on your browser’s settings, the file will be saved to your Downloads folder or you may be prompted to choose a location for saving the file. 54 Exercise 6: Export 1. Export the simple and complex Digital Object records that you created as METS files. 2. Export the Resource record for the “Jedediah Horcrux Congreave fly fishing correspondence and photographs” (YNHSC.MS.292) collection, as an EAD file with <dao> links. 55 Appendix A: Digital Object Data Fields Basic Information Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this Digital Object or Component will be published to public (patron) interfaces. VRA Core Level: Choose from drop-down list. Primarily for use in multi-level VRA Core compliant records to indicate that a description is about a collection, a work, or an image. Type: Choose from drop-down list. A generic term indicating the basic content type of the digital object. The default options correspond to the MODS <typeOfResource> element. Language: Choose from drop-down list. Indicate the language term and code for the content represented by the Digital Object. Restrictions: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that restrictions apply to the material. Additional description of the restriction should be provided in appropriate Notes or Rights Statements for the record where the restriction occurs. File Versions This sub-record links a digital object or digital object component to an associated content file. The required field File URI. File URI: Open text field. Supply an identifier for a file associated with a digital object, accessible on the web or in a file directory. Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this File Version will be published to public (patron) interfaces. Use Statement: Choose from drop-down list. Indicate the use for which the digital file is intended (e.g., a thumbnail). XLink Actuate Attribute: Choose from drop-down list. This attribute is used during export to indicate how the digital object should display (e.g. whether the link occurs automatically or must be requested by the user). It is used in conjunction with the XLink Show attribute. 56 XLink Show Attribute: Choose from drop-down list. This attribute is used during export to indicate how the target of a link should be displayed. It is used in conjunction with the XLink Actuate attribute. File Format Name: Choose from drop-down list. Choose the name of the format for the file type. File Format Version: Open text field. Enter the version of the format for the file type. File Size (Bytes): Open text field. Enter the size (in bytes) of the digital file. Checksum: Open text field. Enter a digital signature for monitoring the integrity and authenticity of a digital file Checksum Method: Choose from drop-down list. Choose the algorithm used for generating checksums. Dates This sub-record identifies and records the date(s) that pertain to the creation, assembly, accumulation, and/or maintenance and use of the materials being described. The required fields are Label and Type. Label: Choose from a drop-down list. Describe the type of activity that the date signifies. Expression: Open text field. You must first select Type in the drop-down list. A natural language expression specifying the date or date range of the materials in the accession. Required when a normalized date is not recorded. Some examples: 1968;19791993;1785-1960;bulk 1916-1958;1827; circa 1870-1879;1906 March 1; undated. Type: Choose from a drop-down list. Indicate the type for normalized date information, either a single date or a date range (inclusive or bulk). Certainty: Choose from a drop-down list. Indicate the level of confidence for the in formation given in a date statement. This information is optional and should only be added when you are qualifying date information as potentially uncertain based upon the description or cataloging rules in use. Era: Choose from a drop-down list. Period during which years are numbered and dates reckoned, such as B.C. or C.E. The value "ce" is the default. Calendar: Choose from a drop-down list. System of reckoning time, such as the Gregorian calendar or Julian calendar. The value "Gregorian" is the default. 57 Extents This sub-record is used for recording the size of the described materials. The required fields are Portion, Number, and Type. Portion: Choose from a drop-down list. Used to specify whether an extent statement relates to the whole or part of a given described aggregation or object. Only one extent statement may refer to the whole object. All additional extent statements must refer to parts. Number: Open text field. Enter a numeric value indicating the number of units in the extent statement, e.g, 5, 11.5, 245. Used in conjunction with Extent Type to provide a structured extent statement. Type: Choose from a drop-down list. Choose a term to indicate the type of unit used to measure the extent of materials described. Container Summary: Open text field. A list of container and container types housing the materials described in the component record. Physical Details: Open text field. Enter other physical details of the materials described, e.g., analog, black and white, negatives. Dimensions: Open text field. Enter the dimensions of the materials described. Notes The Notes sub-record contains additional descriptive information about the materials described, usually in the form of text or structured lists. The required fields are Note Type and Content. Note Type: Choose from drop-down list. Note types are used to guide the export of note contents to certain elements in specific data formats. Depending on the type of note you choose, a single part note or a multipart note form will open containing some or all of the following fields: o Label: Open text field. Enter a label or heading for the specific note. If a label is not used, the note type will be used as the label wherever required. o Type: Choose from drop-down list. In a multipart note, you can choose a type for this field that is different from the upper level Note Type. o Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that the note will be published to public (patron) interfaces. 58 o Content: Open text field. Enter the content of the note. External Documents This sub-record allows links to information in other description or management systems, such as donor files or processing plans. The required fields are Title and Location. Title: Open text field. Enter the title of an external document. The document may be of any form or content. A web accessible file, a network accessible file, a file on the same computer as the application, etc. Location: Open text field. Enter the location of the file, ideally a resolvable URI. Example: Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this External Document will be published to public (patron) interfaces. Rights Statements This sub-record contains information about the rights status of the materials described and whether there are specific restrictions or permissions that have been indicated. The required field is Rights Type. Identifier: Uniquely identifies the rights statement within the repository domain. Rights Statement identifiers are usually auto-generated by the application. Active: Select or clear check box. A selected check box indicates that the rights record is active. Rights Type: Choose from drop-down list. Choose the basis for the rights statement being made.Four bases are allowed: intellectual property, license, such as donor agreement, legal statutes such as Fair Use or FERPA, and institutional policy. Collection Management This sub-record is used to add internal-only information about how the materials will be processed or have been processed. Optional Fields: 59 Cataloged Note: Open text field. A note about cataloging of the archival unit (accession, resource, digital object), including provision of catalog record identifiers. Processing Hours Estimate: Open text field. The time a repository estimates that is required to process a unit of archival materials (e.g. a linear foot or an item in the case of digital objects). The estimate may factor in, or not, the production of finding aids, catalog records, and other access products. Processing Total Extent: Open text field. A numerical expression for the total extent (cubic feet, linear feet, items, etc) processed. Extent Type: Choose from drop-down list. A term indicating the type of unit used to measure the extent of materials described. Total Processing Hours: Open text field. The numerical result of multiplying "Processing hours per foot estimate" by "Processing total extent" Processing Plan: Open text field. For recording a plan for processing of the archival unit. The plan may include an outline of the arrangement for the archival unit, as well as instructions for how to treat particular objects in the archival unit. The plan might also specify different assignments for different repository staff. Priority: Choose from drop-down list. Indicates the priority assigned to processing of an archival unit. Processing Status: Choose from drop-down list. For indicating the current status of processing for an archival unit (accession, resource, or digital object). Funding Source: Open text field. Used to indicate the source of funding the processing of the described materials Processors: Open text field. For listing staff to whom processing of the archival unit (accession, resource, or digital objects) has been assigned Rights Determined: Select or clear check box. A selected check box indicates that the rights for an archival unit (accession, resource, or digital object) have been determined and there is a rights record created and linked to the archival unit. User Defined This sub-record allows for creation of user defined fields for recording additional information not captured in other sections of the application. Types of fields available: 60 Boolean Integer Real Date String Text 61 Appendix B: Linking from Accession and/or Resource Records to Digital Objects in ArchivesSpace These instructions can be used to link from an Accession and/or Resource record to an existing Digital Object record in ArchivesSpace. Linking is handled through the Instances section of the Accession and/or Resource record. 1. Browse or search for the Accession or Resource record; edit the record. 2. If linking from an Accession Record, navigate to the Instances section. If linking from a Resource record, select the particular component level description (from where you’d like to add a link to a digital object). For example, select an item- or file-level description. Within the particular component level description, navigate to the Instances section. 3. Select the Add Digital Object button. Select the option to Browse existing Digital Object records. 4. You’ll now be presented with an option to browse Digital Object records. Use the radio button to select the Digital Object record, and click Link to Digital Object. 62 5. In the Identifier field, enter the complete URL to the digital object, as displayed and accessible in the external system. Save the record once the URL is added. 63 Appendix C: Linking from Resource Records to Digital Objects in an External System These instructions can be used for the following use case: You’re using a different software platform or digital management system to manage and publish digital objects. Within your Resource records, you’d like to include links at the relevant levels of description to associated digital objects. You want to use ArchivesSpace as a vehicle to publish your Resource records (leveraging the public interface). Under this scenario, you can use the Digital Object module simply as a vehicle to instantiate links (in the Resource record) to the externally-hosted digital objects. The following steps are based on a workflow where you create Digital Object links from within the context of a Resource record: 1. Browse or search for the Resource record; edit the record. 2. Within the Resource record, select the particular component level description (from where you’d like to add a link to a digital object). For example, select an item- or file-level description. 3. Within the particular component level description, navigate to the Instances section. 4. Select the Add Digital Object button. Select the option to Create a new Digital Object. 64 5. You’ll now be presented with a new Digital Object record. Add a Title, to briefly characterize the Digital Object. 6. In the Identifier field, enter the complete URL to the digital object, as displayed and accessible in the external system. Save the record once the URL is added. 7. Enable the Publish checkbox option. 8. Repeat steps #1-5 for any other digital objects that you’d like to link to, from the Resource record. Once you've completed these steps, export the Resource record with <dao> links (see the Exporting Resource Records with Links to Digital Objects section of this workbook). 65