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MSc Student Induction Guide

Deborah Irvine, Programme Co-ordinator
Email: d.irvine@gcu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0141 331 3501
MSc Applied Instrumentation and Control Programme Leader: Dr Peter Wallace, P.Wallace@gcu.ac.uk
MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering Programme Leader: Dr Ryan Gibson, Ryan.Gibson@gcu.ac.uk
MSc Electrical Power Engineering Programme Leader: Dr Ahmed Aboushady, Ahmed.Aboushady@gcu.ac.uk
MSc Maintenance Management Programme Leader: Mr Phil Hyde, P.Hyde@gcu.ac.uk
MSc Mechanical Engineering Programme Leader: Mr Phil Hyde, P.Hyde@gcu.ac.uk
Student Induction
 Students should ensure they have completed the registration process. This includes on-line
registration and attendance at the CEE Building to collect Student ID card. Students must be
registered by the end of the second week of the trimester.
 Students should try to remember their Student ID number and use this in any email correspondence
and also when submitting Coursework or MITs.
 Link to class timetables on the GCU website http://timetable.gcal.ac.uk/celcat/index1.html
It is important to check GCU Learn for class updates, changes to times of labs, class notes etc.
 Attendance procedure:- Students must swipe in to every class
- If students lose or forget their ID card, they cannot be recorded as in attendance
- If students are going to be absent they must inform the PL and PC – why and for how long.
- If students are absent for more than five days they must submit a medical certificate
 Student status letter, Jury Duty letter, Council Tax etc. can be obtained via the GCU Online Store
atus/ If Student Records cannot provide a letter, students should contact their PC.
 Programme Co-ordinator (Deborah Irvine) will provide Examination Results and Transcripts.
 Students should ensure that they keep their University Email account active as this is where the exam
results are sent.
 It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their contact details held by the University are up-to-date.
Students can do this on-line or by visiting the Campus Life Desk.
 If students require Alternative Exam Arrangements make an appointment with the disability/positive
living team.
 Students can put themselves forward as Student Representatives. These meetings are an opportunity
for students to give any positive/negative feedback on behalf of their year to the Programme Leader.
This is organised by PL’s and Student Association, once reps selected they will attend 1 meeting in
Trimester A (November) and 1 meeting in Trimester B (Feb/March).
 Withdrawals/Time Outs or Transfers – See PL for authorisation and PC will complete the process with
Student Records.
 Suspension of Studies - This is an important point to be aware of. In the Regulations for Taught
Student Registration, Suspension of Studies and Withdrawal there is a section 2.6.3 which basically
requires that:
“2.6.3 Students who suspend their studies after the midway point of a module delivery will be
deemed to have attempted the module assessments. In these cases students who are affected by
circumstances beyond their control must use the Consideration of Mitigating Circumstances
 Student registration cut off
Students must be registered by the end of the second week of the trimester.
Discretionary Fund - The Discretionary, Nursing Discretionary and the Discretionary (Coronavirus)
Funds are there to support all students who are struggling financially with living costs. There is one
application form to cover all funds. When assessing your application, the Funding Team will decide
which fund you are eligible to be awarded from.
Further details can be found at: