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Grade 4 Weekly Scheme: Term 2 Week 1

Gr 4 Weekly Scheme
Term 2 Week1
Notes/ Events:
Class Work /Assignments/Resources/ New Vocabulary
Students will be learning about how sound effects are made
Journeys: Reading: Unit 2- Lesson 7- “Coming Distractions” (Reading Book p 202-213)
Comprehension Skill: Distinguish between Facts and Opinions
Writing: Narrative Writing (English Notebooks)
Speaking and Listening:
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Words (Reader’s Notebook p75)
Language Conventions: Verbs and Tenses (Reader’s Notebook p79)
Learning Intention:
 Distinguish between facts and opinions in text.
 Identify the meanings of the target vocabulary and use them in sentences.
 Identify the main features of personal narrative paragraph.
 Identify past, present, and future verb tenses.
 Use context clues to define unfamiliar words.
 Create new words using Greek and Latin affixes and roots. (phon, photo, graph, auto, tele)
Vocabulary: Language Use: selection-specific vocabulary: focus, target, entertaining, angles, jolts, thrilling, advertise, promote,
generated, critics
Go Math Book Chapter4: Divide Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands
 Lesson 4.10: Place the First Digit. (Pages: 255- 256 ex. 16 and 17)
 Lesson 4.11: Divide by 1-Digit Numbers. (Pages: 261-262)
Learning Intentions: Students will be able to:
 Use place value to determine where to place the first digit of a quotient.
 Divide multi-digit numbers by 1-digit divisors.
Vocabulary: Dividend- Divisor- Quotient.
Volume 1: Unit 2 – Energy
Lesson 1: What is Energy? (page 72-76)
Learning intention: Students will be able to:
 Illustrate energy.
 Explain that energy can be moved through electric currents.
 Explore that energy can be transferred from one object to another.
Vocabulary: Energy -Electric-Heat-Chemical-Transfer-Battery
Learning Intentions :
Students will be Learning about Family members in French
 Practice by talking about different members of the family.
 Students play a fun family photos game.
 make a family tree poster.
Techno sales: session 1
Introduction to Excel
Recognize Spreadsheet Basics
Arabic A
‫درس سقف األحالم‬
‫يقرأ المتعلم القصة قراءة جهرية صحيحة‬
‫يفرس المفردات الجديدة يف القصة‬
‫يحدد الفكر المحورية يف القصة‬
‫يرتب المتعلم أحداث القصة ويلخصها بأسلوبه‬
Islamic A
‫درس سورة األعلى‬
‫معيار النجاح‬
‫أنا أستطيع تالوة اآليات تالوة سليمة‬
‫أنا أستطيع تفسير معاني مفردات اآليات الكريمة‬
‫أنا أستطيع بيان المعنى اإلجمالي لآليات‬
Social Studies A
‫السكان في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‬
‫يتوصل المتعلم لمفهوم التنمية وموقع دولة اإلمارات والمصطلحات الجديدة مثل الجزير‬
Arabic B
Islamic B
Social Studies B
Moral Education
َّ ُ ْ َ
Unit 2 / lesson: ‫ماطم‬
ِ ‫حرب الط‬
Learning intentions:
 Read and write new vocabulary: ‫صوت َية‬
‫ ِرسالة‬- ‫ أ ْسبوع‬- ‫ ِإ ْسبانيا‬- ‫ماط ٌم‬
ِ ‫ط‬
 Create sentences about any festival that I like.
 Speaking about UAE celebrations.
Unit: 4
Lesson: 1 Surat Al-Ghashiyah
Learning Intentions:
 To read Surat Al-Ghashiyah properly and correctly.
 To recite Surat Al-Ghashiyah from memory properly.
 To explain terms mentioned in the holy verses.
Lesson 1: Institutions and people in a community
Identifies why particular locations are used for certain activities.
Unit Seven: Human legacy
Lesson1: Ancient China
 Geography
 Ancient Chinese culture
 Ancient China inventions
 The gunpowder
 The compass
 Silk
Unit 3 Trade, Travel and Communication’s Influence on Culture
Lesson 1 The Old Ways of Trade: Where, How and Why?