Gr 4 Weekly Scheme Term 2 Week1 Notes/ Events: Subject English Class Work /Assignments/Resources/ New Vocabulary Students will be learning about how sound effects are made Journeys: Reading: Unit 2- Lesson 7- “Coming Distractions” (Reading Book p 202-213) Comprehension Skill: Distinguish between Facts and Opinions Writing: Narrative Writing (English Notebooks) Speaking and Listening: Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Words (Reader’s Notebook p75) Language Conventions: Verbs and Tenses (Reader’s Notebook p79) Learning Intention: Distinguish between facts and opinions in text. Identify the meanings of the target vocabulary and use them in sentences. Identify the main features of personal narrative paragraph. Identify past, present, and future verb tenses. Use context clues to define unfamiliar words. Create new words using Greek and Latin affixes and roots. (phon, photo, graph, auto, tele) Vocabulary: Language Use: selection-specific vocabulary: focus, target, entertaining, angles, jolts, thrilling, advertise, promote, generated, critics Math Go Math Book Chapter4: Divide Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands Lesson 4.10: Place the First Digit. (Pages: 255- 256 ex. 16 and 17) Lesson 4.11: Divide by 1-Digit Numbers. (Pages: 261-262) Learning Intentions: Students will be able to: Use place value to determine where to place the first digit of a quotient. Divide multi-digit numbers by 1-digit divisors. Vocabulary: Dividend- Divisor- Quotient. 1/3 Science Volume 1: Unit 2 – Energy Lesson 1: What is Energy? (page 72-76) Learning intention: Students will be able to: Illustrate energy. Explain that energy can be moved through electric currents. Explore that energy can be transferred from one object to another. Vocabulary: Energy -Electric-Heat-Chemical-Transfer-Battery French Learning Intentions : Students will be Learning about Family members in French Practice by talking about different members of the family. Students play a fun family photos game. make a family tree poster. ICT Techno sales: session 1 Introduction to Excel Recognize Spreadsheet Basics Arabic A درس سقف األحالم يقرأ المتعلم القصة قراءة جهرية صحيحة يفرس المفردات الجديدة يف القصة يحدد الفكر المحورية يف القصة يرتب المتعلم أحداث القصة ويلخصها بأسلوبه Islamic A درس سورة األعلى معيار النجاح أنا أستطيع تالوة اآليات تالوة سليمة أنا أستطيع تفسير معاني مفردات اآليات الكريمة أنا أستطيع بيان المعنى اإلجمالي لآليات Social Studies A السكان في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة يتوصل المتعلم لمفهوم التنمية وموقع دولة اإلمارات والمصطلحات الجديدة مثل الجزير 2/3 Arabic B Islamic B Social Studies B Civics Moral Education َّ ُ ْ َ Unit 2 / lesson: ماطم ِ حرب الط Learning intentions: ُ ٌ ٌَ ٌ َ Read and write new vocabulary: صوت َية ِرسالة- أ ْسبوع- ِإ ْسبانيا- ماط ٌم ِ ط ِ Create sentences about any festival that I like. Speaking about UAE celebrations. Unit: 4 Lesson: 1 Surat Al-Ghashiyah Learning Intentions: To read Surat Al-Ghashiyah properly and correctly. To recite Surat Al-Ghashiyah from memory properly. To explain terms mentioned in the holy verses. Lesson 1: Institutions and people in a community Identifies why particular locations are used for certain activities. Unit Seven: Human legacy Lesson1: Ancient China Geography Ancient Chinese culture Ancient China inventions The gunpowder The compass Silk Unit 3 Trade, Travel and Communication’s Influence on Culture Lesson 1 The Old Ways of Trade: Where, How and Why? 3/3