SPE SPE 21665 Dynamic Behavior of the Sucker Rod String in the Inclined Well SA Lukasiewicz, U. of Calgary Copyright 1991, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at the Production Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 7-9, 1991. This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of t~e paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the aut~or(s). The ma~erial. ~s presen~ed~ does no! necessanly ref!ect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE f!leetlngs are sUbjec.t to publication reVIew by Edltonal C0!l1mlttees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. illustrations may not be COPied. The abstract should contaIn conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Publications Manager, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A. Telex, 730989 SPEDAL. ABSTRACT 2. The paper presents a model for predicting and analysing the behaviour of sucker rod pumping installations in the inclined wells. This model incorporates the dynamics of the curved sucker rod string, and the friction forces resulting from the contact of the rod with the tubing through a system of two partial differential equations. This system of equations is solved by the finite difference technique. The model predicts the polished rod and pump dynamometer cards and incorporates the effects of fluid inertia and viscosity. The model is capable of simulating a wide variety of pump conditons, and geometry of the rod string. The examples and comparisons with the results obtained using a program for vertical wells to analyse the deviated well are presented. The information predicted by the model is useful in the design and operation of sucker rod pumping installations. The application of powerful personal computers makes possible an effective numerical representation of the rod pumping system even for more complex problems such as the behaviour of the sucker rod string in the deviated well. An accurate prediction of the performance of the sucker rod string requires careful modelling of the dynamic behaviour of the rod which has to satisfy the dynamic boundary conditions at the polished rod and at the pump. Let us consider a deviated rod in the curved tubing in a vertical plane (x,z) (Fig. 1). If we assume that the rod is supported by the tubing only at the points where couplings are installed, then the reaction forces between the tubing and the rod are the concentrated forces. If the rod lies on the tubing, the reaction forces are distributed along the length of the rod. The radius of the curvature of the tubing is a function of the depth, and is defined as R. Considering the equations of equilibrium of tife forces acting on the element of the rod, ds, in the axial direction and the perpendicular direction to the rod, we obtain the following system of differential equations. The equation of the motion in the direction tangential to the rod is 1. INTRODUCTION Rod pumping is still the most widely used means for artificial lift in oil wells. At present many wells are designed as deviated wells with the setting angle reaching 60°. The dynamic behaviour, of the sucker rod string in a deviated well is different from that in a vertical well due to several reasons. One of them is the friction between the rod and the tubing. The other is the curvature of the rod string. The curvature causes the lateral displacements of the rods. It also couples longitudinal vibrations with transverse vibrations. Due to the axial forces in the rods (particularly compressive forces at the bottom of the well which can produce the buckling of the rod) the problem is nonlinear and thus difficult to solve. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION 2 as a u as - Ay --2 + ygA cos at ~ 'I' _ n au _ F = 0 at t ' (1) where S is the axial force in the rod, u(t) - axial displacement, A rod cross-section, y rod material density, g acceleration of gravity, ep - angle of the inclination of the rod string, n viscous damping coefficient F friction force acting on the rod from t the tubing, s length measured along the curved rod, t time. References and illustrations at end of paper 313 DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF THE SUCKER ROD STRING IN THE INCLINED WELL 2 The second 2 EI _Cl_ 2 Cls equation motion of in the direction 2 2 ~+.!.... ] + YA~+ n + t 2 Cls 2 Rex Clt n p + n THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The boundary conditions for the sucker rod string were discussed in detail in numerous papers [2,3]. In general the following boundary conditions must be satisfied. At the polished rod the displacements and the velocities of the moving arm must be equal to the displacements and velocities of the rod. At the pump, the loads acting on the rod must equal the forces acting on the pump. Clw t at + ~ - ygA sin ~ ~ 0 R (2) PaCt) + Pf(t) + Pv(t) + P where wet) - transverse displacement of the rod, - bending stiffness of the rod, EI - viscous damping coefficient in the nt lateral direction, - transverse normal force resulting from the reaction of the tubing. If the rod is in contact with the tubing, this force is greater than zero. n - transverse normal force due to the fact p that th~ curved rod is Burrounded by the liquid under the pressure p. Moreover, we have the following additional equations. The bending moment in th~ rod, where P Actual radius of curvature, 1 (4) The normal force n caused by the pressure of the fluid is: p 11 p Equations (2) and (6) create a system of two coupled nonlinear differential equations of fourth order which can be solved rigorously using only the iterative numerical techniques. Replacing the derivatives by the finite differences, we can solve the above equations together with the initial conditions reducing them to the system of algebraic equations. The integration with respect to time can be obtained using explicit Runge-Kutta algorithm. As we are mainly interested in the steady-Btate solution, the method of finite Fourier transform can also be used. It, however, requires iterative solutions due to the nonlineariti~s introduced by the relations between the times for the valve openings and motion of the plunger. Also the friction forces introduce nonlinearities due to the fact that they change the sign with the change of the direction of the velocity. R ex I' the The force n changes th~ sign with the curvature of the rod (it Pis straightening the rod) and always has a stablizing effect. The axial force, Ao ~ AE [ClU + ! (Clw)2] (5) Cls 2 Cls ' where 0 - normal stress in the rod, E - Young's modulus of the material of the rod. = Introduction of the force S into Eq. 1 gives 2 2 2 Cl u Clw Cl w 1 Cl u .!L Clu + AE Clt + Cls 2 a2 ;;z as + II E - a force required to accelerate the fluid above the pump, - friction forces in the pump, - viscous forces along the rod and at the pump, - a force representing the fluid load acting on both faces of the plunger during the pumping cycle. £E- where p is the pressure of the liquid and radius of the cross~section of the rod. S (t), NUMERICAL SOLUTION 2 n P p All these forces can be determined as the functions of time and also as functions of the times for which the valves in the pump close and open. These times, are the functions of the position of the plunger. The acceleration force P can be determined analysing the motions of theafluid column above the plunger. The other conditions imposed on the rod string result from the fact that the rod moves in the tubing which prevents its free lateral displacement. When the rod deflects in such a way that it comes into contact with the wall of the tubing, further deflections are constrained and the rod changes its relative longitudinal stiffness. At this moment the friction force resulting from the contact appears. (3) R SPE 21665 ;;Z F t cos ~ - AE o ROD CONTACTED WITH TUBING If the rod is supported by the tubing along a certain length, the transverse displacement of the rod is zero in this area. Let us examine this case first. From the equilibrium condition (2), with w = 0, we have (6) where a = Iy/g is the sound velocity of the rod. We see that the second term in this equation is nonlinear and pr~sents the effect of the change of the axial displacement due to th~ vertical deflection. n = ygA sin 314 ~ S - R (7) Assuming that the friction in the tubing proportional to the normal force n, we have energy and work done by the axial and lateral forces, the following formula for the coefficient f in Eq. (13) is obtained. . 1 R. 2 is (8) F 0, (9) where ~ = (D-d)/2 is the space between the rod and the tub3.ng, where D - diameter of the tubing, d the rod diameter. When the force S,. S<O, becomes the compressive force, the distance R. can be obtained calculating the deflection of the rod and by comparing it with the allowable space in the tubing. The above equations can be used to define the condition for the contact of the rod and the tubing and also to calculate the so called "equivalent axial stiffness". The concept of the equivalent Young modulus can be introduced to account for the effect of the lateral displacements while calculating the axial displacements. - The equivalent modulus of elasticity of the curved rod E can be found from the equation e ROD SUPPORTED BY THE COUPLINGS If the rod is not supported along its whole length, but only' at certain points where coupling are placed, the lateral deformations w of the rod are possible. The rod vibrates transversly together with the longitudinal vibrations. To simplify the calculations, we can introduce several additional assumptions. It can be proved that usually the natural frequency of rod lateral vibration is lower than the natural frequency of the longitudinal vibration. This effect makes possible the separation of the two fundamental Eqs (1) and (2) and application of the assumption that the period of forced lateral vibrations corresponds to the pumping frequency. Then Eq.(I) can be solved independently from Eq. (2) . However, due to the curvature of the rod and its lateral displacements, its effective longitudinal stiffness changes and becomes smaller as compared to the stiffness of the straight rod. The solution of the second equation of motion, Eq.(2), can be achieved approximately applying, for example, the Galerkin method or by using the Hamilton principle. If the curved rod is supported by the wheeled couplings it will laterally deform as presented in Fig. (2) . For example, we can approximate the deflection of the rod by the series k E n-l ~s f + f sin ~ + f sin 2 1 o 2~s -r+ cr where S = 4~2EI/R.2 + 2~r2p is the critical bucklingcYorce for the rod submerged in the liquid and S is the axial force in the rod. If the rod segment is under a tensile force, S>O, the rod straightens and comes in to contact with the curved tubing. To prevent that contact the guide or wheeled coupling should be installed there. The minimal distance between the guides can be ,obtained for this case from a simple geometric relation (the weight of the rod is not here included), R. < 8Rt:. min c which can be solved with respect to u. The solution of Eq. (9) for the case when we can assume that the rod is in contact with the tubing along its length, can be obtained using finite Fourier transform. In this case Eq. (9) becomes a quasilinear, partial, differential equation. Imposing the boundary conditions for the ends of each rod segment, we can create the solution for the tapered rod string. This solution together with the boundary conditions for the top and the bottom of the rod can be used to model the behaviour of the tapered rod string in the zones where the rod contacts tubing in a deviated well which is of rather a smooth and small curvature. = (14) 8R Introducing this relation into Eq.(I) and using Eqs. (4 and 5), we obtain the following equation a2u 1 a2u as 2 - a 2 at 2 w(s) 3 S. Lukasiewicz SPE 21665 E = E/(1 e + ~un/~u), (15) where ~un is the elongation of the rod due to the change of the curvature and ~u is the axial elongation corresponding to the same force level. ~u 1 JR. n 2 '2 (16) 0 (w) ds. Then E can be used to linearize Eq. (6) from which we cag remove the second nonlinear term. The above set of equations (14 and 15) can be used to model the behaviour of the rod string when it is not in contact with the tubing. The solution can be obtained using iterative technique. Equations Eq. (13) and Eq. (14) make it possible to find the maximum distance between rod couplings which prevents the contact of the rod with the tubing. (13) MODEL IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS A computer program SRPUMP based on the above discussed equations was developed and used to model the behaviour of the sucker rod string in the deviated wells. The results were compared with the results obtained from the program for vertical wells applied for the same case. where R. is the distance between guides or wheeled couplings; In the case when the rod has no guides R. is a certain characteristic length of the wave of lateral deflection of the rod in the tubing, f is the parameter which defines the initial 0 rod deformation. f l ' f , _ are the unknown parameters defining the lateral aeflections. The equilibrium of the rod is given by the equation CU = 0 where U is the total potential energy of the system. Calculating the bending Evaluation of ,Existing Well Fig. 315 3 presents the geometry of the well DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF THE SUCKER ROD STRING IN THE INCLINED WELL 4 obtained from measurements. The rod is not exactly straight. It is slightly curved. The corresponding data are collected in Table 1. In this table, the radius of curvature of the rod string and the recommended distance between wheeled rod couplings obtained from Eq.(13) and (14) are presented. Fig. 4 presents the distribution of the friction between the rod and the tubing which is the function of the weight of the rod and its curvature. Fig. 5 presents a polished rod displacement diagram obtained from measurements. Fig. 6 shows the calculated bottom-hole load displacement diagram (continuous line) calculated using the developed program and load displacement diagram predicted by the program for the vertical well (asterisk). The comparison shows that the developed model is able to create a more precise bottom-hole load-displacement diagram. In the examined example the pump is in a hitting up condition. Applying the program for the vertical well to analyze the behaviour of deviated wells (a common practice nowadays), incorrectly indicates that total friction concentrates at the plunger whereas, it is distributed along the rod. This leads to further errors in the calculations of the stresses along the rod string. It also may cause erroneous conclusions related to the stability of the bottom rods. We see that the program for the vertical well is not able to detect the peak of the load when the plunger hits the pump. However, it is clearly seen from the results obtained from the developed program that the pump works in hitting up conditions. Fig. 7 presents the comparison of balanced torques. We see a substantial difference between the distribution of the torques obtained from both programs. We see that the angle of inclination of the rod string has an important effect on the calculated value of torques. It is clear that these calculations can not be simplified, assuming that the rod is vertical. Fig. 8 shows the geometry of the deviated rod string with the local deviation from the straight line. The results for this configuration are given in Table 2. Corresponding friction forces are presented in Fig. 9. We observe that these forces change rapidly in the area of strong curvatures. This is the result of the fact that the rod string comes into contact with the tubing there. The contact forces are larger in certain zones along the length of the rod. That has an important effect on the stresses in the rod string and on its elongation. SPE 21665 Analysis of Inclined Wells The program was used to analyze the effect of several factors on the performance of the inclined well. The results of the calculations are presented in Figs. 11-16. The geometry of the wells is shown in Fig. 11. Several different types of wells are examined. Fig. 12 shows the change in the production rate for two straight wells with the inclination angle. In the case of the small depth, little change is observed with the change of the angle. Fig. 13 shows the relations between the safety factors and the polished rod horsepower and the angle of inclination. We see the stresses in the rod decrease with the angle, however, the power requirements do not change much. Fig. 14 presents the relation of the production rate for different inclination angles and the different friction coefficiellts. Fig. 15 presents the effect of the viscosity on the production rate. Figs. 16-18 show the comparison of the results for different shapes of the wells. The general conclusions which can be obtained from the above analysis are that the safety of the rod increases and the production rate decreases with the increase of the deviation angle. The effects of the deviation of the well are more important for deep wells. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. DESIGN AND PREDICTION The developed model was applied to the design of the new wells and to predict the behaviour of the existing wells. A number of wells were examined. The results were compared with the data obtained from the measurements in the oil fields in Alberta. Some of these results are shown in Table 3. Also shown in these tables are comparisons of computer predictions and actual results for rod loading and fluid production on the surveyed wells. These comparisons show that the computer program was able to predict surface rod loadings and production note with a high degree of accuracy of no less th~n 10%. The program predicts also the polished rod diagram with good accuracy. (see Fig. 10) 316 Gibbs, S.G. "A Review of Methods for Design and Analysis of Rod Pumping Installations", Journal of Petroleum Technology, pp. 2931-2940, Dec. (1982). Doty, D.R. and Schmidt, Z. "An Improved Model for Sucker Rod Analysis", Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, pp. 33-41, Feb. (1983). Everitt, T.A., and Jenning, J .W •• "An Improved Finite Difference Calculation of Downhole Dynamometer Cards for Sucker Rod Pumps", Transactions of the Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE 18189, pp. 83-94. Jacobs, G.H., "Cost Effective Methods for Designing and Operating Fibeglass Sucker Rod Strings", Transactions of the Society of Petroleum Ellgineers, SPE 15427, pp. 1-8. SPE 21665 x y wheeled coupling q :: }'g A ds t: ." :t U F Fig. 1 ds +np.ds (m) 0.0 -185. f (N/m) ~ -370.3 ~ '~ -555.4 -740.6 0.0 Fig. 3 Normal Deflections of the Rod in the Tubing Fig. 2 Geometry of the Rod String and Equilibrium of the Forces Acting on the Element of the Rod 186.7 213.5 ~ 320.2 ( Ib/ft) 1.62 O.H 1.28 0.09 0:93 0.06 0.58 0.04 0.24 ~-_...l-_ _----L_ _-L.L-_ _..J 0.02 0.0 2t3.8 427.6 64..3 855. f (m) 427.0 (m) Geometry of the Rod String, Example 1 Fig. 4 317 Friction Forces Along the Rod, Example 1 ( Ib) (Ib) 5968.0.---......---.,-----,----....------, Hitting up 1500r--.,------,---,-----.,---.,., 5223.0 1-I--..L--I-----=-+-~-___=l>o.L..-~_..!Ljf 500~-+---_+---1_--+_-____a 4478.0 H-----+----+----+------H / ~ 0 iX jl 3733.01------+----+-----+----+--1 i~ I?' -500 i-r ~ i~ ill: 298S.0 L -_ _ 0.0 45.0 ---l.._~_-IoL_~_J.....JL _ 90.0 135.0 I: ____I IS0.0 (em) -1000 -1500 If- 1--0. _ _ - rr I ~~1\ 0 polished Rod Load - Displacement Diagram Fig. 5 .J 40 ~ ~ V ~ SO 160 (em) 120 Plunger Load - Displacement Diagram, solid line - results from the model, Results from th~ program for v~rtical well used to evaluate the inclined well, Example 1. Fig. 6 * EXMPLE 2 - IIELL GElJIETRY ( in/lb) [ft) ,"".,., 500001--+......,....~----1'rF~.y-+-----1 I ! 250001---~~+-----+------\-r----j -617 J ! " "-- ' ' -.. 1"" ',,-- I , I Ol-~-+----f--+---tt\----j ---+----1 ! I -1852.1;-' J -2469 ... --.l.____ .8 183.8 1116.1 S1aiftlPrtSc=Pri.t Scree. Enter=Contillle -750000L---.!J9.!O------I1S-0---2...J7'-0--....3....60 (deg) Fig. 7 Gearbox Balanced Torque, solid line presents results from the model, results obtained from the program for vertical * Fig. 8 318 1',,",, I """, I I '.",1 [ft) 12ll'J.1 1612.1 Xthen Enter=Escape Geometry of the Inclined Well Intentionally Distorted, Example 2 SPE Well a EIltiIIPLI 2 - RICTllIIlIJID IE1IlEIII D ".. 1IJIE . 1• mAt) £!hj 21665 - FORCE us. DISI'I.ACmEIlT DIAGIIAI1S S635.~--..,...-~---.----.,-------. PREDICTED ~ I - I _\. j\}J IV l ---743.6 .8 SIliftJfrtSc=Print Screen Fig. 9 1487.1 Enter=Conti_ ~ 22311.7 1ft) -78Z.~=~=.b~ _ _.L--==="""'===-------.J(in.l 2974.2 -2.1 11.9 Xthen Enter=Escape 25.9 48.8 54.8 SlIIFACE DYIWiRllPIl FROM MEASUREMENTS Distribution of Friction Forces Along the Rod, Example 2 18 Fig. 10 78 28 Predicted and Measured Polished Rod Diagram, Comparison for the Inclined Well. 6500 ft _----------+-----,~x I 200ft I constant I two parabolic curves in connection ( 45° P. Rod) Liquid Level 2000 ft -" I I I I 45° Straight 0.875 0.750 Three Sections in Equal Lenoth 0.625 I I 30° Straight I I Parabolic (0° P. Rod) I Fig. 11 Geometry of the Examined Wells, Depth of all Wells 6500 ft. 319 0.500 SPE , .8.0 7.0 400 >. .g , (J) - 6.0 Q) /f c - 1.2 b U ~ 0 300 5.0 ( ,) If .2 • ( ,) ::t £ C 3000ft well depth 6500 ft well depth ~ CI (It 200 0 Fig. 12 1.00 50 10 20 30 Angle of Inclination of Straight 10 20 40 30 50 Angle of Inclination (Straight Well only) Fig. 13 Production Rate versus Angle of Inclination for Straight Wells for Two Different Depths. Relation Between Safety Factors and Angle of Inclination. Co) I\) o 500. .10.0 Q. - ~ ~ 400 ~ lD _---0- ___ -- _______ .c -0 --- ------ 8.0 L- I 0 200 0 0 ;: (,) 0 ~ 6.0 a: .ea ::t 0Q) a: ~ i '3 .. 300 c ~ f 100 L- a. 0 Fig. 14 a: 2.0 ~ Ql ~ CIl 50 Production Rate for Different Coefficients of Friction versus Inclination Angle. a += (,) Production Rate Friction Coeff. =0.05 ---- Friction Coe". =0.1 10 20 30 40 Angle of Inclination for Stroight Wells ~ ~ A ~ 2 8.0 ~ w " 8 6.0 0 &. LQ) C a: 5 0 ~ , _ 300 200. ~ L- a. tOO 0 4.0 ----------A..., """ ..... ... ..... ::t '8 --Viscosity = 10cP ---- Viscosity =100 cP to 0 20 ""''- ..... 30 2.0 ..... Effect of the Viscosity If ~ ~ Q) ""' .......... .... 40 Angle of Inclination for Straight Wells Fig. 15 Q. ~ c " 400 4.0 a. Polished Rod Power 10.0 ~ -,, ~ ~ CIl '0 o a. 50 21665 SP.E 21665 Safety Factor Polished Rod Power, hp Sofe~ Factor Polished Rod Power, hp 1.3 8.0 t.3 8.0 1.2 7.0 1.2 7.0 U 6.0 f.t 6.0 i.O-+--..IL.LC£A"""""" 5.0 _,---L~ill~.5.0 t.0 -+-_~:.LJ:l~ HOOO tl000 500 tOOoo 500 400 9000 400 300 8000 300 200 i 00 -,---,~;".a,.;......,."" 7000 200 6000 1 0u-'--'-'.4:-'~""" B/day ProductIon Rate D ~ Straight Straight Vertical ~ 20° inclination 11Im mY ~ Parabolic ~ 0° P. Rod Fig. 16 Total Rod Weight,lbs 10000 Parabolic 40° P. Rod ~ Parabolic Comparison of the Results from the Model. The Inclined, Curved and Straight Wells (see Fig. 11) (Small Deviation) TABLE 1 DEPTH ALONG THE ROD m m O. 43. 85. 137. 196. 248. 278. 322. 374. 419. 471. 523. 568. 620. 658. 718. 740. TABL~ RADIUS MAXIMUM ROD OF SPACING DIAMETER CURVATURE OF WHEELS mm O. 51. 103. 162. 231. 291. 325. 376. 436. 487. 547. 607. 658. 718. 761. 829. 855. Comparison of the Results Obtained for the Inclined, Curved and Straight Wells (Large Deviation) Fig. 17 DEVIATED HOLE VALUES VERTICAL DEPTH Parabolic 45° P. Rod ~ 0° P.Rod m 31. 750 10000000. 22.100 2254. 22.100 723. 19. 050 3545. 19.050 2021. 19.050 15056. 19.050 3412. 19.050 12837. 6269. 19.050 19.050 3149. 19.050 9994. 19.050 1267. 19.050 1372. 19.050 2416. 19.050 5230. 19.050 2311. 19.050 12771. m 10. 21. 25. 25. 32. 22. 26. 22. 24. 26. 24. 32. 30. 26. 26. 26. 26. DEVIATED HOLE VALUES 2 VERTICAL DEPTH DEPTH ALONG THE ROD m m O. 30. 75. 121. 168. 223. 277. 321. 371. 421. 466. 510. 562. 606. 652. 706. MAXIMUM RADIUS OF SPACING ROD DIAMETER CURVATURE OF WHEELS O. 36. 91. 145. 199. 263. 326. 381. 444. 517. 562. 616. 680. 734. 789. 852. mm m 31. 750 10000000. 2851. 19.050 2200. 19.050 1878. 19.050 26658. 19.050 19.050 5309. 19.050 395. 310. 19.050 152. 19.050 37. 19.050 40. 19.050 317. 19.050 750. 19.050 1075. 19.050 1204. 22.230 22.230 6839. TABLE 3 Well Comparison Number Depth of Strokes Vert. Horiz. (n/min. ) (ft. ) Summar~ ProductioI Measured Inclined Wells Rate Calculatec (B/Day) Peak PRL Meas. Calcul (lb) Max.Torque Meas. Calcul. (in/lb) l. 17.33 1042 519 452 449 2792 3042 23611 21813 2. 9.5 1222 490 215 233 3056 3304 28676 28409 3. 12.68 1960 660 304 290.5 5936 5874 57872 53584 4. 14.20 1744 652 325 338 6331 5875 65038 57030 321 m 10. 31. 42. 67. 22. 26. 14. 13. 9. 4. 5. 25. 41. 30. 27. 24.