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GameRush Inc. Case Study: Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

Course: BUS4474 – Business and Society
Pre-Test - Case: Forming GameRush, Inc. SP21
Computer games are one of the most popular types of entertainment for both children and
adults worldwide. Along with the development of technology, the Gaming Industry is growing
rapidly, which offers a great opportunity for everyone who wants to start a business in this
industry. However, there are some ethical and corporate social responsibility issues that we
cannot neglect. In this case, an ethical issue I am concerned about is that Alice has used
psychological research from GameDay, which is not found and developed by herself, even
though it is not illegal. Moreover, games built on addictive qualities can have harmful effects on
the players and society.
To summarize this situation quickly, my friend Alice, who specializes in game design, has
proposed that she, I, and three other friends set up an LLC to develop and design games named
GameRush, Inc. Thanks to her experiences and knowledge in her previous job at GameDay, Inc,
Alice has proposed a financial plan that the production would be outsourced to a company in
India with lower labor rates and short turn-around time. Alice could also persuade advertising
clients who would purchase advertising on the game with GameDay's psychological research.
Alice and GameRush can legally use psychological research regarding game theory dimensions
and advertising issues because there were no trade secret protections enforced by GameDay.
During this time, my husband has just lost his job, and my two kids go to private school with
high tuition fees.
Using the consequentialist theories, if we carry out the plan, there will be both benefits and
harms. Workers, especially those in Bhopal, India, can benefit from the plan as more jobs will be
available. The government can also gain benefits from income tax coming from GameRush, Inc.
All the employers and employees of GameRush, Inc, as well as our advertising clients, can earn
revenue from the games. To my family and me, this promising plan can help us overcome
current financial hardship. I will be able to pay for our livings and our children’s tuition fees
while my husband is looking for a new job. However, with games built on addictive qualities,
many people will become addicted to those games, which is a threat to society. Also, even
though the fact that we use psychological research from GameDay, Inc is not illegal, but it might
damage the company's reputation if being public. After considering all of the pros and cons to
stakeholders above, carrying out the plan might be a better choice because it yields the greatest
net benefits for society.
Let’s take another look based on deontological theories. Because much of the psychological
research could be found at various universities, which means a lot of people can also access and
make use of, Alice and GameRush can use them as common knowledge. As a wife and a mother
of two, I have the obligation to take care of my family. If I agree to carry out the plan, I can earn
money from the games' revenue, which will allow me to support our family's finance in this hard
time. However, creating games that make players likely get addicted to and may suffer mental
conditions, putting threats on the society is against Alice’s duty as a game designer and our
obligations as citizens. Putting a warning label on the games might not able to solve this
My final decision is to agree to carry out the plan; however, we will develop addictive games
in a healthy way. With the knowledge from the psychological research, we will estimate and put
a time limit for each user to play in a day.
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