Talkin' bout PJ (FRCP 4(k)(1)) Personal Jurisdiction - Sometimes referred to as territorial jurisdiction, it is a reflection of the geographic limitations on the judicial power of the sovereign states within our federal system. Specific Jurisdiction General Jurisdiction Is there statutory authority? REMEMBER, IF D DOES NOT CHALLENGE PJ UNDER FRCP 12(b)(2) THERE IS NO CHALLENGE AS THE DEFENSE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE UNDER FRCP 12(h)(1) No Not authorized by long-arm, NO PJ Yes Analyze under the trad'l Pennoyer basis and discuss majority and dissent in Burnham/Shaffer General Jurisdiction 1. Corporate defendant?s affiliations with the forum are so continuous and systematic as to render it essentially at home in the forum state (so basically incorporated state and HQ) (Daimler AG) 2. Also for D's served in forum, D's registered agent served in forum, domiciled in forum Yes Book it under Hess Yes Consent Jurisdiction Staute applies? No Is there a trad'l basis for PJ? Ya done Option No Start the Int'l Shoe Test for DUE PROCESS CLAUSE Relevant Minimum Contacts The Nexus Requirement (Int'l Shoe) 1. D served in forum 2. D's registered agent served in forum 3. D is domiciled in forum 4. D makes appearance 5. In Rem/Quasi in Rem No PJ Effects PJ Single Act PJ Ks, Streams of Commerce General PJ Fair Play Factors (McGee) OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Purposeful Availment by D (McGee), can't be Plaintiff's 1. Is the jurisdiction fair (and does unilateral actions (Hanson), can 1. Does the claim arise from the that matter under Asahi and be evidenced by targeting state defendant's activities in the state? Nicastro?) and causing effects (Calder) 2. Has the defendant excercised 2. Fair Play Factors 2. Foreseeability they could be the privilege of conducting a. Burden on D haled into court (WWV) and not activities within the state and thus b. Plaintiff's Interest based on fortuitous have obligations? c. Forum State's Interest circumstances (does not travel 3. IF NO, NEED GENERAL d. Litigation considerations such with chattel) (WWV) JURISDICTION as location of wtinesses, 3. Stream of Commerce evidence, etc. Defendant must purposefully target jurisdiction? Nicastro/Asahi 1. Does this fall under internet jurisdiction? (If so, discuss Rao and their adoption of the Zippo test) 2. If there is a contract in dispute, discuss Burger King and the court's defference to purposeful availment of large, negotiated contracts but not so much for individual consumer contracts. 3. Class action lawsuits are a thorny issue for standing, discuss plaintiff's standing in the lawsuit as found under Bristol-Meyers Squibb) 4. Forum Selection Clauses are most likely valid unless they are made with: a. "bad faith motive," b. Based in Fraud c. No notice is given to Plaintiff