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Venue Rights & Transfer Flowchart | Legal Guide

? 's venue rights; Finding Venue
? 's venue rights; Transfer of Venue
1) Is the case removed from a state action?
§ 1391 does NOT apply to removed actions.
Instead, see § 1441(a)
If so, the proper venue is "the district and
division embracing the place where such action
is pending.
2) Venue is ? 's Privilege - Objecting
Rule 12(b)(3) - Defense to object to venue
BEFORE pleading.
Rule 12(h)(1) - Waivable defense - LOST if not
3) Venue is proper when... § 1391(b)
(1) "residency" - judicial district in which any ? resides, if all
? s are residents of the state in which the district is located;
(2) a judicial district in which "a substantial part of the
events or omissions giving rise to the claim occurred, or a
substantial part of property that is the subject of the action
is situated; OR
(3) "fallback prvisn" if first two cannot create venue, then
any judicial district in which any ? is subject to personal
jurisdiction with respect to the given action. (ie view the
district as a state for purposes of det. PJ
Non-Statutory Execption: Forum selection clauses are
often given effect (since forum is ? 's privilege)
§ 1391(b)(1)
residence det.
Is ? a resident of the
district? § 1391(c)
(1) natural people =
district of domicle
(2) legal entity/ bsnss
If as ? ; anywhere
subject to personal jur.
If as ? ; only at the
(3) non-resident as ?
venue is proper
anywhere. Joinder of this
kind of ? will not impact
venue det.
Transfer Venue §§ 1404(a),(b)
Common traits.
Transferor: COURT originally filed in
Transferee: COURT to be
transfered to
Any venue transfer MUST:
- Be w/n courts of same judicial
system (ie fedMA->fedNC, but not
- Transferee must be a proper
venue per §1391 and have proper
PJ over ? ; ? cannot waive venue &
PJ to accomplish this
Parties also need a good...
Analyze if the transferor proper ven?
§ 1404(a) - When transferor
is a proper venue
- Balance public and private
factors per Piper Aircraft for
transferor & transferee
Public Factors
-Court congestion
- Local interest in deciding home
- Diversity trial in home state law
- Avoid cnflict of laws
- Applctn of foreign law
- Unfairness of jury duty for
unrelated citizens
§ 1391(b)(2)
events or omissions
This provision will often
permit venue in several
locations on account of
the complexities of
interactions. Ex products
liability both where
product manufactured and
where injury occurred.
§ 1406(a) - When transferor
is NOT a proper venue Either;
- Transfer to proper venue; OR
- Dismiss the action
Private Factors
- Rltv ease of acces to evidence
- Avaliability of cmplsry process
for unwilling witnesses
- Cost of obtaining willing witnss
- Possible view of site of harm
- All other practical problems
that "make trial of a case easy,
expeditious, and inexpensive"
"Center of Gravity" of Case
If balance factors transferee: Court MAY, for such convenience,
for parties & witnesses. ENORMOUS room for court discretion.
NOTE: Forum selection clauses are hugely important in permitting
transfer, since both parties initially agreed to them.
? / Court's Decision to Dismiss for Lack of
Forum non conveniens
Note: This is considered a rare occurrence. See Piper.
? ?§
Court will dismiss entirely if there is a better court in
a different judicial system.
-Requires strong showing of:
1404 Transfer
Transferor choice of law applies
Public & Private Factors Listed above per Piper, AND
FNC Venue Swap
Transferee/ new court choice of
law applies
Availability of Alt.
- Is a court in the
proper venue
available for kind
of trial?
Adequacy of Alt
- ONLY "day in court"
Jury trial
Theory of Rcvry
Usually ? must also waive statute of limitations or
personal jurisdiction requirements in other forum.