To witness (verb) to see or watch an event take place Synonyms: bystander, witness, spectator L1 Moral Obligation (noun) a sense that you must do or say something because it is the right thing to do. Synonyms: duty, responsibility, commitment L1 Delusion (noun) A false belief that is strongly held in spite of evidence that shows this belief is incorrect. Synonyms: deception, fooling, tricking L3 Barrack (noun) A building or group of buildings used to house soldiers. Synonyms: camp, fort, living quarters L5 Humanity (noun) The characteristics that belong uniquely to human beings. Synonyms: human kind, people, homo sapiens L6 Dehumanize (verb) To deprive someone of human qualities, personality, or dignity; to treat someone inhumanely or make them withstand horrifying conditions. Synonyms: corrupt, demean, deprave L6 Emaciated (adjective) Very thin because of hunger or disease. Synonyms: skinny, guant, haggard L10 Indifferent (noun) Not interested in or concerned about something. Synonyms: unconcerned, nonchalant, uncaring L11 Abhorrent (adjective) Causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred. Synonyms: repulsive, vile, repugnant L12 Talmud A collection of writings about Jewish laws and customs, used by people in Wiesel’s community to govern daily life and studied in great depth. L2 Kabbalah An interpretation of Judaism that focuses on the secrets of God and using study and prayer to become one with God; usually only older men who were thought to be wise or experienced were able to study it. L2 Zohar The central text of the Kabbalah. L2 Mourner’s Kaddish The prayer Jews say when mourning the loss of a loved one. Traditionally, the prayer is only said when there is at least 10 people present to feel a sense of community. L3 Ghetto A section of the city where Jews were forced to live, usually with several families living in one house, separated by heavy wire fencing. L3 Transport/Holocaust Train Railway cars under the control of Nazi Germany used to forcibly deport Jews and other victims of the Holocaust to Nazi death camps. L3 Death Camp Also known as Concentration Camp, used by the Nazis for enslaving Jews and other groups of people at Death camps. Imprisoned people were either starved, killed, or died from disease. L4 S.S. Short for the German word “Schutzstaffel” which means “Protective Organization”. They were the Nazi soldiers who controlled and ran the Death camps; killing and terrorizing the Jews. L4 Motif A repeated idea, image or object within a story with symbolic meaning that can help develop the theme. L5 Kommando An organization of enslaved laborers in Nazi concentration camps. Kommandos were tasked with jobs such as teeth pulling, crematoria workers, and wood cutting. L5 Kapo An imprisoned person in the Nazi camp who was assigned by the S.S. guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks. L5 Blockalteste The Blockalteste was an imprisoned German Jew who served as a leader of a barrack. This was the highest position that a prisoner could reach and he recommended other prisoners for selection. L6 Rosh Hashanah A Jewish New Year. It is considered one of Judaism’s holiest days. L8 Yom Kippur Known as the Day of Atonement. It is considered the most important holiday in the Jewish faith. L8 Israeli-Palestnian Conflict One of the world’s most enduring conflicts. 54 years of conflict with various attempts at resolution. L12