E X E R C ( ,s € .· 11 ' .• 'I fj ~ • ~ Nam e REVIEW SHEET Th e Spec ial Senses ~ \~ '!1)')_ __ Lab Time/Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ · The Eye and Vision: Ana tom y \J lubricate the eyeball. Matc h th e 1 ibute to the forma tion of tears and/o r help · Seve ral acce ssory eye structures contr secretion by choosing answers from the key. desc ribed accessory structures with their ~ tti Key: lacrimal glands conju nctiv a (Q Y\\\)f\{ \\,~ 1. • TO-.f~ ~ bl IAY}ciS ii ,·,.. tarsal glands mucus 2. oil \CY)vY) tt(, &1b Y\dS 3. saltsolution :LC • l~ adipose tissue? withi n the orbit. What is the function of the 2. The eyeb all is wrap ped in adipose tissue & ~ a, a cu1ion F2r f?to/.ecJ5on fCa yj /t'a J..{ / hfQ ..J-,be., nose after crying? ~ 3. Why may it be necessary to blow one's 1ht- -fi )VJction r.r'- µ_ 4. Wha t is a sty? .... Wha t is conju nctiv itis? ..,r r r r r Jo fill Jnf/tntarHDVJ of. & r.... C D Tnf/arnaHon af f{lrSa.1 {,/ahds ConrJUh C,fjVA can't remember, check a skull or your textb ook.) h seven bone s form the bony orbit? (If you 5 _ Whic fmmo ,J 5(-be no,d ~~ fi'. hl.,Hc., ~W:t\y\t Lac nra aJ. -M~tf~i,-'+"' ltA_ _ _ r r r r ~ r r ,. r r ' 219 22 0 r-]\:i ew Sheet 17 r id enti fy the lett ere d structures o n th e diagram . by m atching each letter w ith one of the terms listed below. 1 I -1 I I I Pigmented layer __j}_ f j 0 anteri o r segment containing aqueous humor bipolar cells ciliary body ciliary zonule (suspensory ligaments) + c ho roid Lcornea yVl 0 \ )) Y'\ - j... fovea centralis ganglion cells iris lens . ~J \o f C. e photoreceptors retina sci era scleral venous sinus vitreous hum o r in posterior segment optic disc optic nerve Notice the arrows drawn close to the left side of the iris in the diagram above. What do they indicate? lvWJ "1Y1di mk Bu- W o£ drainaf and µrcdi.1:::hon of m✓ Aq v{L) l 1111 mor. 7 +-ha-\- 3ocJ -n~ Yl ;V\:w -f:h<c (abal of y.\0 !eV'v)\.1 •• • •• • •,•• ,•• ••' .•• I t; 7 · :~ :~ . .. •-re I )'-- 1rp Review Sheet 17 M atc h t he k e Ke y: y respo n ses with th e d escri . pt,ve statem ents that fo ll ow. aqueo us humo r corne a ch oroid _ optic discfovea ce ntralis ... c i liary body reti na iris _ c ilia ry zonul e _ Sciera lens _ . (sus pen 1 sory 1gam ent) C,\iaY'I ].DYlute.. 1. attach es the lens ¾tH'ODS h ,)m oY Of?-\) r. b \)t.. 3 . the b lind spot 4 S cl~YAA. V-e. Ylou~ Y)U.S t · · co n ams muscl e t hat contro ls th e size of t he pupil 5. d rains the aqueo us humo r from the eye ~n o.. .. v~i~ ~ow 6. layer contai ning rods and cones h LJ \Vl Of Foveo-. to t he ci fia ry bo dy 2. fl uid fillin g t he anteri o r segm ent of t he eye ~ s, scleral venou s sinus vitreou s humo r_ nt of the eyeba ll 7. substa nce occup ying the posterior segme 8. forms most of the pigme nted vascu lar layer {ey) i"rtt I i~ _ _,..\_e~h_.)~-- - - - - - 9. tiny p it; contai ns only cones shape can be modifi ed 10. impor tant light-b ending structu re of the eye; " of the fibrou s layer- your " windo w on the world _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. anteri or transp arent part _ ..,.U:....:0::........1r'---'-'()...,_,("'--6,., ~ -- - - ---=5=-L~\e'-""'-Y"!~0- 12 . the white of the eye se.) l of which of the follow ing? (Circle the correc t respon 8 . The intrin sic eye muscl es are under the contro / .c. .c .€ auton omic nervo us system ) somat ic nervou s system Dis sec tion of the Cow (Sh eep) Eye in the cow eye? f the choro id that is not presen t in human s is found · 'f mod, ,catio n o What _ 9 Ta reJ t JYY) LLJ C.:,dvM ,: ~ '- ~- ., C C ••• h appea rance of the retina . . 10. Desc ribe t e ~ vY1hr"tH't. ~ Ia,--i ~ h . t is it attach ed to t e po At what pain Ti- )J uevy d.e I /(&l,e, A sterio r aspec t of the eyeba ll? v:nJH L<e, /} , tuh l (_.e,_ /41-t vv--<:- /Zn~C~...<,...>o~~~~ ~ - - - - ,:._L .£.t-r.. .L.J/l..-.;{)W 221 ' Rev i ew She et 17 222 Vis ua l Te sts an d Ex pe rim en ts d visio n (Som e term s may be use -st · ance i d and r nea ng erni conc 11 - U se term s from the key to com plet e th e sta te men ts mor e than once .) taut rela xed lax ased incre decreas ed Key: con trac ted k,c.\ll i eO1 , the ciliary zonule (sus pen sory .) b mu scle is Du ring dista nce vision: The ci liary f"ga 1 men t) iS ±tiv±: - n: The cilia~ry I ~ 0 · g clos e visio . J ;-l'' ff·•a · . urrn ol(.(c.J,<JJC~<.A.&:='--'--- · ... IS ction refra t ligh and ' Y({ !.j( c the con vex ity of t he lens is e.lf xity i~ 1Y 1(X (/j ~ J 1 Au,.\. ....., IA \ mus cle isl Vft\T IACU ? a La J nve • I . """-" '"'--' -b3. ---- , ens co 1s ent) ligam ry so pen (sus le . the cilia ry zonu and ligh t refra ction is seen. ima ge hitti n g the blind spo t is not 12 . Exp lain why the part of the A: B with the desc ripti ons in colu mn 13. Mat ch the term s in colu mn nl) phOh:> ra,,tf/,{)(J Col umn B Colu mn A Yt-WC\W OYl Aa OYY)frX,\tloYJ 'L\'V\VV\l-tYDfIlA \--h./f)ccop·,o.. acc omm oda tion 1. light ben ding asti gma tism er 20 ft) visio n 2 . abil ity to focu s for clos e (und con verg enc e 3. norm al visio n e obje cts (fars ight edn ess) 4 . inab ility to focu s well on clos 0 b v-eyj tYJcL. emm etro pia hyp erop ia 5. nea rsig hted ness As:b3Y\t¼¼m . l curv atur es of the lens or corn ea 6. blur red visio n due to une qua myo pia duri ng focu sing on clos e obje cts 7. med ial mov eme nt of the eyes refr acti on resu lts belo w: 14. Rec ord you r Sne llen eye test s)-----------Left eye (wit hou t g l a s s e _________ Righ t eye (wit hou t glas ses) _ _ _______ - - (wit h glas ses) _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ (wit h glas ses) _ _ _ __ al? than norm al, or bett er than norm Is you r visu al acu ity norm al, less Exp lain . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ---- - - - - -_-__ _ _ _ _ __ ___________ cha rt is used . sepa rate ly whe n the Sne llen eye Exp lain why each eye is test ed -1D-t--"----\\..J.)~n...!.ct'-&~Yr....ili.u.4lud-(;J___ __ 1=.1j~u1,1212lzM~...L..!~--+-- -2L___:i_:A~\e~Gh~'~ve~O~-lli.L.....t....C__~a¾cL!. . :J~~ul..ll,~r-'o~~--,____g.a,;LL.cah. on sce.l )fJ.1 HY:in n Orf't¼.} and +ha Vi.Ji Expla;n 20/40 v;s;o n. i .j- i5 vcuev op claJe. ·- M j Of? l c ....L'n.lUcxl.4..,./. 1 • Review Sheet 17 225 22 · Match th e m e m bra nous l2b'yrin th structures listed in co lumn B with the descriptive statements in column A (Some terms are u sed more than once.) Column A Column B 1. contains the spi ra l organ of Corti ampulla ~~\\O,Y 'fV\:~<!:1._b'f1>tJ.... 3 . \'cG-tO Y\ basilar membrane 2 . sites of the maculae cochlear duct hair ce lls of the spiral organ of Corti rest on this membrane cochlear nerve fyv';fV\'o{fA~ 4 . gel-like membrane overlying the hair cells of the spiral organ of Corti AVV'\fo\\°' WY\1€. l u-:fU\U\. ~ 23 U, saccule 6 . function in static equilibrium . .AfufN\\Ck COuV\H CA.. otoliths 5 . contains the crista ampullaris __S=a,,(.=-,(_=-.cu\.t,=-----:::-=-._,.1. V-hi l o-\- ~ \ i llis cupula , 5-e'YY''c,vvU {O'fl)\C\. ) r.y dn l-\S tectorial membrane 7. function in dynamic equilibrium utricle 8. carries auditory information to the brain vestibular nerve 9 . gelatinous cap overlying hair cells of the crista ampullaris 10. grains of calcium carbonate in the maculae b .\-o\" \½\) . . . . _ Describe how sounds of different frequency (pitch) are d1fferent1ated in S))V\f\,)\o\e d&ka:i\k 24 . semicircular ducts v- C\VcJa) /)) 1 the cochlea. p·)~\e\fC:'(\ \-' +- 11'a\n \ D ~ \--{,-;;::J DY Y'f,vJ Explain the role of the endolymph of the semicircular canals in activating the receptors during angular motion. 1h-L £D dolt,M'f?b AVlh --\-N,yi {O IJ)) Oj Bu I MDY'eJ J/?11),ev =Hoon /} -fo bead (1Jh k:'.k:) +-h.e ra'(3J)C\ alb ua l{j 1ccrl) tl)6 _ Explain the role of the otoliths in perception of static equilibrium (head position) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 25 (vM hwY/ ~tOli ~ s , 07>t»L ~ w,otv ~ k~bf ~ ~qf6 w ly flliL Q-1-d 1~'h~~1 J,A J:ht'V1 ~ ±tY__ ' r ' l a ~ E'XE R C I s E ~ ~~- 18 REVIEW SHEET Functional Anatomy \ \ ,,,, L.Pf the Endocrine Glands Name __J_JLJ_Ut1J_(l--il)UJe ~ Lab Time/Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • Gross Anatomy and Basic Function of the Endocrine Glands tl 1- The endocrine and nervous systems are major regulating systems of the body. However, the nervous system has been compared to an airmail del ivery system, and the endocrine system to the Pony Express. Briefly explain this comparison. {5-e fool{. ,, :rkse, mvuw 5{)1.R'tYl tus \JY\l)){'. ~e) lt)'t\t({ , -}}-t fVlMC'v1'{} l. .LMtW\1(0.\ Sd)'Jj\-{A~(,e WOYlSf)Yr: MM? ,r6){1~ £-\J \d.5 2. Define hormone: ' 'Mf5')-e~(} \2Nc!JC£d ·,"' \al\- -e\eb u1 Y?e~uu '1'{)\r) b1Wd \o ~ 1H~ ~ c)v~avi .1))'\(l Oltl! . + 0Y_M'fJ J. ~Vl il • • 3 . Identify the endocrine organ described by the following statements: \\3\-1.'ri)\ c\ ~(lb & 1. located in the throat; bilobed gland connected by an isthmus ..• . ~AieYlcJ. ~\llY)d 2 . found atop the kidney , p1Y\(v,l be N • Q~\I\C,-{0..) 3. a mixed glan_d, located ciose to the stomach and small intestine ()6.y (,l,\-\~J'.() \ o) Q\)Q,Y\{) • 4 . found in the roof of the third ventricle of the brain 5. ride "horseback" on the thyroid gland 6. found in the pelvic cavity of the female, concerned with ova and female hormone production 4 _ Although the pituitary gland is oftedn Hreferrded to has hthe mh aster gland of the body, the hypothalamus exerts some control over the pituitary glan . ow oes t e ypot a 1amus control both anterior and posterior pituitary functioning? 0-DA 1ce~ a.. {reo.\f:i{ o\ l'vmY'l'1ll'lll I 'iili'tih ~ \nO®OOt)) tW/.t co VIw2 :O 10 Cu:Afsn ~ : PM-\-'~ov fwooN MYl\1000 ,wv:YnO -Am\, 0:1--~Jt)civi ~ +-Yuh2,::nv-kd lo fbH p,-~f1\taW),. • ' !'l.V\ 6 ~"' ~vw ed t~sk.4~ . \voVV'. ~y.o\-hA\Y\flvJ. · o\t\in 't'\.euvvo\b inadequate amoun s rm;ults in the follow~g conditions. (Use your textbook 5. Mame the hormone wtiose proauct,on as necessary.) 1. poor development of secondary sex characteristics • • 2. tetany TulJlin 3. diabetes mellitus 4. abnormally small stature, normal proportions 5. myxedema (a lower-than-normal metabolic rate) 233 Rev iew She et 18 234 A, and lved by choosing a num ber from key l effects, iden tify the hormone(s) invo ona horm cases. g e ribin som in desc nt lved eme invo be stat 6 . For each one horm one may n with a lette r from key B. Mor e than note the horm one's site of prod uctio Key 8 : Key A : a. adre nal cort ex 11. LH 1. ACTH b. adre nal med ulla 12. oxyt ocin 2. A DH c. ante rior pitu itary 13. prog este rone 3 . aldo ster one hyp otha lam us d. 14. prol actin ,i_ c;,i~ itC'n in ovar ies e. 15. PTH 5. 3: ., 1ep/1rine f. panc reas test oste rone 16. S. 1-;,1:oge;1 ~ g. para thyr oid glan ds 17. T/T3 FSH I h. pos terio r pitu itary TSH 18. ' 1 'J .l;, '.-/ t1C~~ i. testes 19. thym osin !=i. I..":f ~ j. thyr oid glan d 10. insi.;l.n k. thym us f f 4 1. basa l met abo lism horm one _ l}_ , 4 ---3.__, ff and l l. , ( f 3. help s mat ureT lymp hoc ytes of seco nda ry sexu al . ~ -\ ~ri ve dev elop men t ~ \ l S b e C _L_ 5. regu late the func tion of ano ther end ocri ne glan d and \O ~ z uced by the sam e "mix ed" glan d regu late bloo d gluc ose levels; prod Is g the men stru al cycl e 8. dire ctly resp onsi ble for regu latin '3 balance in the bod y flu ids 9. help main tain salt and wate r 10. invo lved in milk ejec tion lin ism Ob se rvi ng the Effects of Hy pe rin su z • •4' 4 ~ syst em 6. mim ic the sym path etic nerv ous {._ - ___,.,:_Q_ and \6 char acte ristic s {_ ;_l_L, C ;and 23 •I 0 _ , _f_ an d ____ <o • 2. regu late bloo d calcium levels . was imm erse d in the insu lin solu tion with in the fish's bod y whe n the fish Brie fly expl ain wha t was hap pen ing I ' _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ reco very process you observed? _ 8. Wha t is the mec han ism of the _ insu lin? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ acci dent ally take n an over dose of had who d frien a help to do you 9. Wha t wou ld _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Why ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ ssary, to ans wer this que stion .) (Use an appr opri ate refe rence, as nece test? ance toler ose gluc a is t Wha 10. •• e •• •• •• • •• • •• • REVIEW SHEET Blood Name 1 \~>fAbe \\ 6' ef1De,r5 Lab Time/Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Comp ositio n of Blood s__i_S___ _ ,. What is the blood volume of an average-sized adult? _ _ _ _ 2. What determin es whether blood is bright red or a dull brick-red? Ib,e o, liters leve:\ OX\/jC: n?1 Hon uh It be pie.">e vrf- [VOrQ descriptive st atements . (Some terms 3. Use the key to identify the cell type(s) or blood elements that fit the following may be used more than once.) monocyte formed elements basophil Key: neutroph il lymphocy te eosinoph il plasma megakar yocyte erythroc yte Alv ~b-,\ 1. its name means "neutral- loving "; a phagocyt e o-+aro~·il~,and \f\-!U\rb ¢ ,\ ---'!.Mh'----"""--~·,t_ _ _ ___,_£___05-.........,1· eY\l lli r'.D C>--( LR. MObCV-(kl 2. granuloc ytes 3. also called a red blood cell \'{ Mrh DCAJ kL 4. agranulo cytes [V\e.,~0-...~C!,V\J DCi ~ ancestral cell of platelets \1)Y')Y'\ed ele,Ybe@ ,eos, yJ p\--), \ monocyt es, 6. basophils , eosinoph ils, erythrocy tes, lymphocy tes, megakar yocytes, and neutroph ils are all examples of these 7. number rises during parasite infections 8. releases a vasodilat or; the least abundan tWBC Pie ~ . ~\{)()A Cell 9. transport s oxygen --/A --lQ'.. .\:!..L(AL.1,)., ._'fnL.L. . ,'-'--- 10. primarily water, noncellul ar; the fluid matrix of blood }Y\ODDC~ \e, 11. phagocyt e in chronic infections .~ - ..l~JJ.A~oo~~()!..l,C--::i~_r\t ___ . ,_~\\_ ---''D..QY\ --ie~Cb=-'\Y , \~mQWl~\g t---'-'~\\,.___ 12. the five types of white blood cells "'-=-till~. . .9\i - -"n-+~ 4 . List tour classes of nutrients normally found in plasma: b ~ 1~Yl~O--=..,a. .c". "-1·.c.,=--~ _______,_0_frl _5_Uj-;:=-(l~Y -----Y\) ~ ·\--'----' & ---- -, and ~ V--'1-t--'~/,l)'.Y) - ~)..'JLJf(-lt. .J.= __.,[. , £)-1-b- - - - - - - - and _ _L_D___z.___ ___ _ _, and --r- ~V~yY\ \\)~'tf\__ _ _IV\_._. . _._l\~N\_b\ .~ u..\. . .C Name three electrolyt es: _.(,-=-\ Name two gases: ~ D\:C\s5~\) \'<\ 243 244 Review Sheet 19 » escribe the cons istency and color of the plasma you observed in the laboratory. SMG½y txnd v,J co05 6. Wh at is the average life span of a red blood cell? How does its anucleate condition affect this life span? - -llCl\>.J~e. \1 _ _ji__r,1 ' , '\ / Y) \OD - - \io dtA\/s. Th·,) anuc1ea:\e.s 5o Cc rm duce. Fr:: . .., •n em o ry. de~cr·te the st ructu ral characteristics of each of the following blood cell types as accurately as pass1n ie .-, d n c te :he p ercentag e of ea ch in an individual 's total population of white blood cells. eos inoph il s - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - neutrophils _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lymphocytes--------------------------------------- basophils------------------------------------------ monocytes- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s. Correctly identify the blood pathologies described in column A by matching them with selections from column B: Column A - leu\/2 Column B oc~.\os,~~bnorm al increase in the number ofWBCs QD' "f C-'i \t1 eYY\'1A 3AeA'li6 2. abnormal increase in the number of RBCs leukocytosis ____ )Q__;=--~_.__-·,_(r.. ---1tl~c..:V----=-= 3. condition of too few RB Cs or of RBCs with hemoglobin deficiencies leukopenia . _ __ _..:.{J.... . <.~er=, Y\ - ~Le:...e~u,.(_~.J~D-. 4. abnormal decrease in the number ofWBCs polycythemia Hematologic Tests 9. Broadly speaking , why are hematologic studies of blood so important in the diagnosis of dise ase 7. , (, \ - \ 'J Review Sheet 19 245 . ts ou co nd ucted recording tes by od art blo ch the the e m let fro I . Co mp or ma tio n t fol lo w s, rec o rd inf ica tin g the s,·g n,·t,·cance f h ' Yh or I ow va ues for each test. ' r~c ,;h art thahy rg d ind o an s ult ad ale m .'. ,It !- lur he a lt I --:._ I ---._ . --- - - ·- - Significance i St ud en t tes t results ' I T,-.c: • - --- -- · -- - No rm al values (healthy ma le adults) Lo w values High values I I ,·.:,, ., , ~,·sc cu uri : - To tal ABC co un t - I : He ma toc rit He mo glo bin de ter m ina tio n Co ag ula tio n t im e ' n to be hig h or low? glo bin de ter mi na tio mo he ur yo ct pe ex u yo h he ma toc rit, wo uld 12 . If yo u ha d a hig ~h vY'fl~~ +hem n , · /n b o l ~ em h . ve ba whv' 1l BCs h ~ o l: ,i n , fr a (f h' us 1h t. om um : :: v ]Z.)) l bav< h1'e od clu mp ed 13 _ If yo ur blo bDmlcJy w ith bo a, yo ur ABO blo od typ th an ti-A an d an ti-B ser e blo od ? gro up s co uld yo u giv -Ar> e is mo st co mm on ? Wh ich AB O blo od typ e wo uld be AJS To wh at AB O blo od rece ive blo od ~ no r typ es co uld yo u From wh ich ABO do () Least co mm on ? A--13 R,AE:, 0