GSM BSS GBSS15.0 AMR Feature Parameter Description Issue 03 Date 2014-10-27 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email: Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Contents Contents 1 About This Document..................................................................................................................1 1.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Intended Audience..........................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Change History...............................................................................................................................................................1 2 Overview.........................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 NEs Supporting the Feature............................................................................................................................................6 3 Technical Description...................................................................................................................8 3.1 Inband Signaling.............................................................................................................................................................8 3.2 AMR Coding Scheme Adjustment.................................................................................................................................9 3.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment...................................................................................................13 3.4 AMR Power Control.....................................................................................................................................................15 3.5 E-Coder.........................................................................................................................................................................15 3.6 AMR Radio Link Timer...............................................................................................................................................16 4 Related Features...........................................................................................................................17 5 Network Impact...........................................................................................................................19 5.1 AMR FR.......................................................................................................................................................................19 5.1.1 System Capacity........................................................................................................................................................19 5.1.2 Network Performance................................................................................................................................................19 5.2 AMR HR.......................................................................................................................................................................19 5.2.1 System Capacity........................................................................................................................................................19 5.2.2 Network Performance................................................................................................................................................19 5.3 AMR Power Control.....................................................................................................................................................19 5.3.1 System Capacity........................................................................................................................................................20 5.3.2 Network Performance................................................................................................................................................20 5.4 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment...................................................................................................20 5.4.1 System Capacity........................................................................................................................................................20 5.4.2 Network Performance................................................................................................................................................20 5.5 AMR Radio Link Timer...............................................................................................................................................20 5.5.1 System Capacity........................................................................................................................................................20 5.5.2 Network Performance................................................................................................................................................20 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Contents 6 Engineering Guidelines.............................................................................................................22 6.1 When to Use AMR.......................................................................................................................................................22 6.1.1 AMR FR and AMR HR.............................................................................................................................................22 6.1.2 AMR Power Control..................................................................................................................................................22 6.1.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment................................................................................................22 6.1.4 AMR Radio Link Timer............................................................................................................................................22 6.2 Required Information...................................................................................................................................................22 6.2.1 AMR FR and AMR HR.............................................................................................................................................23 6.2.2 AMR Power Control..................................................................................................................................................23 6.2.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment................................................................................................23 6.2.4 AMR Radio Link Timer............................................................................................................................................23 6.3 Planning........................................................................................................................................................................23 6.3.1 AMR FR and AMR HR.............................................................................................................................................23 6.3.2 AMR Power Control..................................................................................................................................................24 6.3.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment................................................................................................24 6.3.4 AMR Radio Link Timer............................................................................................................................................24 6.4 Deploying AMR...........................................................................................................................................................24 6.4.1 Deployment Requirements........................................................................................................................................24 6.4.2 Precautions.................................................................................................................................................................24 6.4.3 Activation..................................................................................................................................................................25 6.4.4 Activation Observation..............................................................................................................................................28 6.4.5 Deactivation...............................................................................................................................................................28 6.5 Deploying AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment..................................................................................29 6.5.1 Deployment Requirements........................................................................................................................................29 6.5.2 Activation..................................................................................................................................................................30 6.5.3 Activation Observation..............................................................................................................................................31 6.5.4 Deactivation...............................................................................................................................................................33 6.6 Performance Optimization............................................................................................................................................34 6.6.1 AMR FR and AMR HR.............................................................................................................................................35 6.6.2 AMR Power Control..................................................................................................................................................35 6.6.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment................................................................................................35 6.6.4 AMR Radio Link Timer............................................................................................................................................36 7 Parameters.....................................................................................................................................37 8 Counters......................................................................................................................................212 9 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................219 10 Reference Documents.............................................................................................................220 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document 1 About This Document 1.1 Scope This document describes AMR, including its technical principles, related features, network impact, and engineering guidelines. This document covers the following features: l GBFD-115501 AMR FR l GBFD-115502 AMR HR l GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control l GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer l GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment 1.2 Intended Audience This document is intended for personnel who: l Need to understand the features described herein l Work with Huawei products 1.3 Change History This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are two types of changes, which are defined as follows: l Feature change Changes in features of a specific product version l Editorial change Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version 03 (2014-10-27) This issue includes the following changes. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Feature change None None Editorial change Updated the 3.2 AMR Coding Scheme Adjustment. None 02 (2013-11-15) This issue includes the following changes. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Feature change None None Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Editorial change Optimized the descriptions in 3.2 AMR Coding Scheme Adjustment. Added the following parameters: l ACSSETF (BSC6900,BSC6910) l ACSSETH (BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW (BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRTCHHPRIORLOA D(BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLHYSTF1 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLHYSTF2 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLHYSTF3 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLHYSTH1 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLHYSTH2 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLHYSTH3 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLTHF1 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLTHF2 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLTHF3 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLTHH1 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLTHH2 (BSC6900,BSC6910) l DLTHH3 (BSC6900,BSC6910) 01 (2013-05-06) This issue does not include any changes. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document Draft A (2013-02-27) Compared with Issue 03 (2012-11-07) of GBSS14.0, Draft A (2013-02-27) of GBSS15.0 includes the following changes. Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Feature change l Added descriptions about the BSC6910 and eGBTS. Added2.2 NEs Supporting the Feature. None l Deleted the GBFD-115708 Um Interface Speech Frame Repairing feature. For details about this feature, see the Um Interface Speech Frame Repairing Feature Parameter Description. l Deleted the GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Function feature. For details about this feature, see Handover Feature Parameter Description. Editorial change Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Added 6.4 Deploying AMRand6.5 Deploying AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. None 4 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview 2 Overview 2.1 Introduction AMR is an adaptive multi-rate voice coding/decoding, which is termed full-rate speech version 3 and half-rate speech version 3 in GSM specifications. AMR enables the BTS and the MS to automatically select an appropriate coding/decoding rate from the specified ACS according to the interference level in the radio environment. This enhances the capability and the speech quality of the wireless communication system. AMR is classified into AMR FR and AMR HR. AMR specifies eight speech coding rates. Table 2-1 lists the speech coding rates supported by AMR FR and AMR HR. (GBFD-115501 AMR FR, GBFD-115502 AMR HR) Table 2-1 AMR speech coding rates Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Coding Rate AMR FR AMR HR 4.75 kbit/s √ √ 5.15 kbit/s √ √ 5.90 kbit/s √ √ 6.70 kbit/s √ √ 7.40 kbit/s √ √ 7.95 kbit/s √ √ 10.2 kbit/s √ × 12.2 kbit/s √ × Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview Coding Rate AMR FR AMR HR NOTE l √ indicates that the NE supports this feature. × indicates that the NE does not support this feature. l When SERVICEMODE(BSC6900,BSC6910) of the BTS is set to IP or HDLC, Huawei BSS supports the AMR coding rate of 7.95 kbit/s. l When SERVICEMODE(BSC6900,BSC6910) of the BTS is set to TDM, Huawei BSS does not support the AMR HR coding rate of 7.95 kbit/s. As listed in Table 2-1, the coding rates of 12.2 kbit/s and 10.2 kbit/s are supported by only the AMR FR channel. The other six types of coding rates are supported by both the AMR FR channel and the AMR HR channel. Each ACS contains a maximum of four coding schemes. One coding scheme corresponds to one speech coding rate. l For an AMR FR call, the ACS contains a maximum of four speech coding rates of the eight rates listed in Table 2-1. l For an AMR HR call, the ACS contains a maximum of four speech coding rates of the six rates listed in Table 2-1. l When AMR is enabled on the network, the BSC selects an ACS and then a coding scheme from the ACS during the call establishment or the handover procedure. Meanwhile, the MS and the BTS continuously measure the receive level, receive quality, and carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR). According to the measurement results, the MS and the BTS continuously evaluate the interference level in the radio environment. The BTS then adjusts the speech coding rates of the MS and the BTS according to the evaluated interference level through the inband signaling. 2.2 NEs Supporting the Feature Table 2-2 NEs supporting the feature Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Feature BSC6900 BSC6910 GBTS eGBTS AMR FR √ √ √ √ AMR HR √ √ √ √ AMR Power Control √ √ √ √ AMR Radio Link Timer √ √ √ √ AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment √ × √ √ Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview NOTE √ indicates that the NE supports this feature. × indicates that the NE does not support this feature. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description 3 Technical Description 3.1 Inband Signaling Inband signaling is a type of signaling through which user data and control information are transmitted on the same channel. In this document, the inband signaling refers to the AMR control information such as the CMR and CMI that is transmitted through certain bits in the header of the transcoder and rate adapter unit (TRAU) frame. During a call, the MS and the BTS continuously measure the interference level experienced by the signals and analyze the measurement results. Based on the measurement results, the AMR control information is then exchanged through the inband signaling to enable the BTS to adjust the speech coding rate involved in the ongoing speech service. The AMR control information is transmitted through certain bits in the header of the TRAU frame. The AMR control information can be classified into the following types: Downlink Codec Mode Request (DL CMR): The DL CMR occupies two bits in the header of the TRAU frame. It is used by the MS to send the recommended DL coding scheme to the BTS. Downlink Codec Mode Indication (DL CMI): The DL CMI occupies two bits in the header of the TRAU frame. It is used by the BTS to send the current DL coding scheme to the MS. Uplink Codec Mode Command (UL CMC): The UL CMC occupies two bits in the header of the TRAU frame. It is used by the BTS to send the UL coding scheme that should be used by the MS to the MS. Uplink Codec Mode Indication (UL CMI): The UL CMI occupies two bits in the header of the TRAU frame. It is used by the MS to send the current UL coding scheme to the BTS. Uplink Maximum Codec Mode Command (UL Max CMC): The UL Max CMC occupies three bits in the header of the TRAU frame. To implement AMR coding scheme adaptation, a Mode Control Entity is used in both the MS and the BTS, as shown in Figure 3-1. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description Figure 3-1 AMR coding scheme adaptation As shown in Figure 3-1, the AMR coding scheme adaptation procedure is as follows: l Uplink direction – The BTS measures the receive quality of the uplink speech and generates the Uplink Measurement (UL MEAS). – The Mode Control Entity of the BTS updates the UL CMC based on the UL MEAS generated by the BTS. – The BTS instructs the MS to change the uplink coding scheme through the UL CMC. – The MS changes the uplink coding scheme as indicated by the UL CMC and then sends the UL CMI to the BTS to inform the BTS of the new uplink coding scheme. l Downlink direction – The MS measures the receive quality of the downlink speech and generates the Downlink Measurement (DL MEAS). The Mode Control Entity of the MS converts the DL MEAS into the recommended downlink coding scheme. Then, the MS sends the recommended downlink coding scheme to the BTS through the DL CMR. – The Mode Control Entity of the BTS updates the downlink speech coding scheme based on the recommended downlink coding scheme sent from the MS. – The BTS instructs the MS to use the new downlink coding scheme through the DL CMI. 3.2 AMR Coding Scheme Adjustment AMR coding scheme adjustment is a process in which the AMR coding scheme of a call frequently changes to adapt to the variations of the interference level in the radio environment. An ACS is specified by ACSSETF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or ACSSETH(BSC6900,BSC6910) . If ACSSETF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or ACSSETH(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to SINGLEMODE, the ACS is determined by the value of ACTCDSETF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or ACTCDSETH(BSC6900,BSC6910). Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description When an AMR call is set up, the BSC selects an appropriate coding rate according to the following conditions: l If ACSSETF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or ACSSETH(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to SINGLEMODE, INITCDMDF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or INITCDMDH (BSC6900,BSC6910) determines the coding rate to be selected from the ACS specified by ACTCDSETF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or ACTCDSETH(BSC6900,BSC6910). l If the ACS specified by ACSSETF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or ACSSETH (BSC6900,BSC6910) contains three or fewer coding rates, the lowest coding rate in the ACS is selected. l If the ACS specified by ACSSETF(BSC6900,BSC6910) or ACSSETH (BSC6900,BSC6910) contains four coding rates, the second lowest coding rate in the ACS is selected. Table 3-1 describes the mapping between ACSs and AMR coding rates. Table 3-1 Mapping between ACSs and AMR coding rates 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 12.2 kbit/s - √ - - - - - √ - - - - √ 10.2 kbit/s - - - - - - √ - - - - √ - 7.95 kbit/s - - - - - √ - - - - - - √ 7.4 kbit/s - √ - - √ - - - - - √ - - 6.7 kbit/s - - - √ - - - - - √ √ √ - 5.9 kbit/s - √ √ - - - - - √ √ √ √ √ 5.15 kbit/s - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.75 kbit/s √ √ - - - - - - √ √ √ √ √ ACS→ AMR Coding Rate ↓ NOTE √ indicates that the ACS contains the coding rate. For AMR HR calls, ACS 1 only consists of 4.75 kbit/s, 5.9 kbit/s, and 7.4 kbit/s. The RATECTRLSW(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameter specifies whether the AMR coding scheme is adjusted during an AMR call. The setting of this parameter is described as follows: l If this parameter is set to ALG1(Algorithm I), the BSC adjusts the AMR coding scheme based on the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR). l If this parameter is set to ALG2(Algorithm II), the BSC adjusts the AMR coding scheme based on the bit error rate (BER). Due to the algorithm's immaturity, inappropriate AMR Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description coding scheme adjustment will impair voice quality of AMR calls. Therefore, this algorithm is not recommended. l If this parameter is set to NONE(None), the AMR coding scheme adjustment is disabled. If the RATECTRLSW(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameter is set to ALG1(Algorithm I), the AMRRATEADJOPTALG(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameter can be used to determine whether to use the AMR coding scheme adjustment optimization algorithm. This algorithm provides optimized CIR estimation, improves accuracy of CIR estimation in different interference scenarios and of coding scheme usage, and further improves speech performance. The AMRRATEADJOPTALG(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameter has two values: l EACH(Each Interference): The algorithm that applies to scenarios with various interference is used. l MEAN(Mean Interference): The algorithm that applies to scenarios with evenly distributed interference is used If the RATECTRLSW(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameter is set to ALG1(Algorithm I) or ALG2 (Algorithm II), the AMR coding scheme adapts to the change of the radio environment during a call according to the configured threshold and hysteresis. NOTE Each AMR coding scheme has an adjustment threshold (THR), which is used to select the coding scheme that best suits to the CIR or BER of the interference level in the radio environment. To avoid constant changes of the coding scheme, the hysteresis (HYST) is introduced. The value of THR ranges from 0 to 63. Value 1 indicates 0.5 dB, and value 2 indicates 1 dB. The rest may be deduced by analogy. The value of HYST ranges from 0 to 15. The HYST value complements the THR. For an ACS, a maximum of three THRs and three HYSTs are available. Figure 3-2 shows the principle of AMR coding scheme adjustment. Figure 3-2 Principle of AMR coding scheme adjustment THR_N: AMR Coding Rate adj.thN (1 ≤ N ≤ 3). Issue 03 (2014-10-27) HYST_N: AMR Coding Rate adj.hystN (1 ≤ N ≤ 3). Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description CODEC_MODE_1: indicates the lowest-bit- CODEC_MODE_2: indicates the coding rate coding scheme. scheme whose bit rate is the second highest in the ACS (assume that there is more than one coding scheme in the ACS). CODEC_MODE_3: indicates the coding scheme whose bit rate is the second highest in the ACS (assume that there are more than two coding schemes in the ACS) CODEC_MODE_4: indicates the coding scheme whose bit rate is the highest in the ACS (assume that there are four coding schemes in the ACS) Figure 3-3 shows how the BTS adjusts the AMR uplink coding scheme when RATECTRLSW (BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to ALG1(Algorithm I). Figure 3-3 Procedure for AMR coding scheme adjustment ULTHF1: AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[F] ULHYSTF1: AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F] ULTHF2: AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[F] ULHYSTF2: AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[F] ULTHF3: AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th3[F] ULHYSTF3: AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[F] As shown in Figure 3-3, assume that coding scheme CODEC_MODE_3 is used: l Issue 03 (2014-10-27) If the CIR is greater than the result of ULTHF3(BSC6900,BSC6910) plus ULHYSTF3 (BSC6900,BSC6910), the MS needs to adjust the coding scheme to CODEC_MODE_4. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description l If the CIR is less than the value of ULTHF2(BSC6900,BSC6910), the MS needs to adjust the coding scheme to CODEC_MODE_2. l In other cases, the coding scheme remains unchanged. The same rules apply when another coding scheme is used: l Assume that coding scheme CODEC_MODE_1 is used: – If the CIR is greater than the result of ULTHF1(BSC6900,BSC6910) plus ULHYSTF1 (BSC6900,BSC6910), the MS needs to adjust the coding scheme to CODEC_MODE_2. – In other cases, the coding scheme remains unchanged. l Assume that coding scheme CODEC_MODE_2 is used: – If the CIR is greater than the result of ULTHF2(BSC6900,BSC6910) plus ULHYSTF2 (BSC6900,BSC6910), the MS needs to adjust the coding scheme to CODEC_MODE_3. – If the CIR is less than the value of ULTHF1(BSC6900,BSC6910), the MS needs to adjust the coding scheme to CODEC_MODE_1. – In other cases, the coding scheme remains unchanged. l Assume that coding scheme CODEC_MODE_4 is used: – If the CIR is less than the value of ULTHF3(BSC6900,BSC6910), the MS needs to adjust the coding scheme to CODEC_MODE_3. l In other cases, the coding scheme remains unchanged. If the coding scheme is to be adjusted, the BTS sends a UL CMC to the MS. The procedure for adjusting the uplink coding scheme by the BTS is complete. The AMR HR calls use the same uplink coding scheme adjustment policy as that used by the AMR FR calls; however, they use different parameters. The uplink AMR HR coding scheme involves the following parameters: ULTHH1(BSC6900,BSC6910), ULTHH2 (BSC6900,BSC6910), ULTHH3(BSC6900,BSC6910), ULHYSTH1(BSC6900,BSC6910), ULHYSTH2(BSC6900,BSC6910), and ULHYSTH3(BSC6900,BSC6910). The downlink AMR coding scheme adjustment policy is similar to the uplink AMR coding scheme adjustment policy. The only difference is that they use different parameters. The downlink AMR FR coding scheme involves the following parameters: DLTHF1 (BSC6900,BSC6910), DLTHF2(BSC6900,BSC6910), DLTHF3(BSC6900,BSC6910), DLHYSTF1(BSC6900,BSC6910), DLHYSTF2(BSC6900,BSC6910), and DLHYSTF3 (BSC6900,BSC6910). The downlink AMR HR coding scheme involves the following parameters: DLTHH1 (BSC6900,BSC6910), DLTHH2(BSC6900,BSC6910), DLTHH3(BSC6900,BSC6910), DLHYSTH1(BSC6900,BSC6910), DLHYSTH2(BSC6900,BSC6910), and DLHYSTH3 (BSC6900,BSC6910). 3.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Generally, network planning engineers set the ACS, threshold parameters, and hysteresis parameters for a cell according to the evaluation of the radio channel quality. When the radio channel quality keeps changing or the quality evaluation is inaccurate, the parameter settings do not meet the requirements of the speech services in the cell. In this case, the appropriate AMR coding scheme cannot be selected for a call, and the quality of the speech services is affected. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description The AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature is introduced for the MS and BTS to monitor the uplink and downlink speech quality respectively in real time and to set uplink and downlink target speech quality using the LTFERTGT or DLLTFERTGT parameters, respectively. When the speech quality over the current radio channel keeps changing or the quality evaluation is inaccurate, the BSC compares the current speech quality with the target speech quality to determine whether the threshold is proper. This enables the BSC to adaptively adjust the threshold and select an appropriate AMR coding scheme for the call, as shown in Figure 3-4. (GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment) Figure 3-4 Adaptive threshold adjustment The AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature supports the adaptive adjustment of the uplink AMR coding rate threshold and that of the downlink AMR coding rate threshold, both of which have the same working principles. The AMRUADTHAW parameter specifies whether the adaptive adjustment of the uplink AMR coding rate threshold is enabled. The LTFERTGT parameter specifies the uplink target speech quality and must be set to a value larger than that of LTFERLOWTH but smaller than that of LTFERUPTH. The LTTHADJFA parameter specifies the coefficient or frequency for the uplink threshold adjustment. A larger value of LTTHADJFA indicates a more frequent threshold adjustment, but its value does not affect the threshold setting. The AMRDADTHAW parameter specifies whether the adaptive adjustment of the downlink AMR coding rate threshold is enabled. The DLLTFERTGT parameter specifies the downlink target speech quality and must be set to a value larger than that of DLLTFERLOWTH but smaller than that of DLLTFERUPTH. The DLLTTHADJFA parameter specifies the coefficient or frequency for the downlink threshold adjustment. A larger value of DLLTTHADJFA indicates a more frequent threshold adjustment, but its value does not affect the threshold setting. The AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature brings the following benefits: l AMR speech calls can select a proper coding rate. l Speech quality is improved in the AMR speech calls. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description 3.4 AMR Power Control The procedure of power control for AMR calls is similar to that for non-AMR calls. (GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control) In Huawei II power control algorithm and Huawei III power control algorithm, parameters related to AMR power control are configured separately from those related to non-AMR power control. The AMR calls and non-AMR calls can adopt different power control strategies. For details, see Power Control Feature Parameter Description. The following lists the parameters related to AMR power control. l AMRPCADJPERIOD(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULLEVFTLEN(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLLEVFTLEN(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULQUAFTLEN(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLQUAFTLEN(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRMRCOMPREG(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULPREDLEND(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLPREDLEND(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULSSHTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULSSLTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULQHTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULQLOWTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLSSHTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLSSLTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLQHTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLQLTHRED(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRMAXSTEP0(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRMAXSTEP1(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRMAXSTEP2(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRQUALSTEP(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRMAXVALADJRX(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRMAXADJPCVAL(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULQUALBADTRIG(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRULQUALBADUPLEV(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLQUALBADTRIG(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRDLQUALBADUPLEV(BSC6900,BSC6910) l AMRBTSPWRNUM(BSC6900,BSC6910) 3.5 E-Coder Enhanced Coding (E-Coder) optimizes AMR coding modules, therefore improving AMR voice quality. The emulation results show that E-Coder improves the MOS by 0.05 to 0.12. E-Coder Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description is not supported when A over IP and TFO are enabled on the BSC 6900 or the BSC6910 is used. E-Coder is supported only in the downlink. To enable the E-Coder function, set EncodeMode to ECODEC(Enhanced code mode). 3.6 AMR Radio Link Timer AMR calls have stronger robustness than common calls. Therefore, AMR calls maintain good voice quality at a low rate even if common calls drop due to poor radio link quality. Setting the radio link timer for AMR calls to the same value as that for common calls will cause unexpected AMR call drops. This deteriorates user experience. The Huawei BSC allows users to set radio link timers for AMR calls and common calls separately. The radio link timers for AMR calls are classified into AMR FR and AMR HR radio link timers. Setting the radio link timer for AMR calls longer than that for common calls ensures that AMR calls are maintained for a long time in a poor radio environment. This reduces the call drop rate. l The AMR FR radio link timer is determined by the AFRDSBLCNT (BSC6900,BSC6910) and AFRSAMULFRM(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameters. l The AMR HR radio link timer is determined by theAHRDSBLCNT (BSC6900,BSC6910) and AHRSAMULFRM(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameters. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features 4 Related Features Table 4-1 Related features Feature Prerequisite Feature Mutually Exclusive Feature Impacted Feature AMR FR None None GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control NOTE You are advised to enable GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control when this feature is enabled. AMR HR None None GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control NOTE You are advised to enable GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control when this feature is enabled. AMR Power Control GBFD-115501 AMR FR None GBFD-115502 AMR HR GBFD-115501 AMR FR or GBFD-115502 AMR HR NOTE You are advised to enable this feature when GBFD-115501 AMR FR or GBFD-115502 AMR HR is enabled. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features Feature Prerequisite Feature Mutually Exclusive Feature Impacted Feature AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment l GBFD-115501 AMR FR, GBFD-115502 AMR HR, or GBFD-115507 WB AMR. l GBFD-118602 A over IP None l For the adaptive adjustment of the downlink AMR coding rate threshold: GBFD-117501 Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) in addition to the preceding features. l GBFD-118622 A IP over E1/T1 l GBFD-150201 A over IP Based on Dynamic Load Balancing NOTE This feature applies only when the A interface uses TDM transmission. This feature takes effect only if none of the following features successfully apply to a call. l GBFD-115701 TFO l GBFD-117702 BTS Local Switch l GBFD-117701 BSC Local Switch AMR Radio Link Timer Issue 03 (2014-10-27) None None Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. None 18 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 5 Network Impact 5 Network Impact 5.1 AMR FR 5.1.1 System Capacity The AMR FR feature provides a strong anti-interference capability to calls. This allows tight frequency reuse and increases system capacity. With this feature, calls in some weak coverage areas can be maintained. This reduces the possibility of active hang-ups, increasing the traffic volume. 5.1.2 Network Performance The voice quality of 12.2 kbit/s AMR FR calls is equivalent to that of EFR calls and is better than that of FR calls. In areas with weak signals, the voice quality of low-rate AMR FR calls is much better than that of EFR and FR calls because of strong robustness of AMR FR calls. 5.2 AMR HR 5.2.1 System Capacity When network capacity is limited, the AMR HR feature increases system capacity and reduces the network congestion rate while maintaining acceptable voice quality. 5.2.2 Network Performance The voice quality of 7.4 kbit/s AMR HR calls is better than that of HR calls. In weak coverage areas, the voice quality of low-rate AMR HR calls is much better than that of HR calls because of strong robustness of AMR HR calls. 5.3 AMR Power Control Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 5 Network Impact 5.3.1 System Capacity The AMR Power Control feature improves the anti-interference capability. This allows tight frequency reuse and increases system capacity. 5.3.2 Network Performance AMR optimizes the speech codec but not the signaling codec. Therefore, AMR slightly affects the handover success rate theoretically. AMR can expand the radio network coverage. Therefore, MSs can make calls even if they are located in weak coverage areas. However, the receive quality in measurement reports (MRs) is poor, leading to bad quality handovers. When AMR is enabled, the number of bad quality handovers may increase. When the AMR Power Control feature is enabled, network interference decreases, and the number of handovers due to interference decreases. This feature enhances the anti-interference capability for AMR calls, improving voice quality experience of subscribers in weak coverage areas. 5.4 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment 5.4.1 System Capacity None 5.4.2 Network Performance The AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature makes AMR coding rate adjustment thresholds and hysteresis more adaptive to the Um interface quality, improving the voice quality. 5.5 AMR Radio Link Timer 5.5.1 System Capacity None 5.5.2 Network Performance AMR FR improves the robustness of AMR FR speech frames but not the robustness of SACCH signaling frames. Therefore, AMR FR does not affect the TCH call drop rate theoretically. In practice, however, when AMR FR is enabled, the TCH call drop rate increases because of the following causes: l For EFR, FR, or HR calls, SACCH signaling frames have the similar robustness to that of speech frames. Therefore, a subscriber in a weak coverage area may hang up the phone because of poor conversation quality. Such a hang-up is not counted as a call drop. However, such a hang-up for an AMR call is counted as a call drop. l When AMR FR is enabled, the robustness of AMR FR speech frames is stronger than that of SACCH signaling frames. Therefore, speech frames area can be correctly decoded in a Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 5 Network Impact weak coverage, and therefore subscribers will not hang up the phone. SACCH frames, however, cannot be correctly decoded. Therefore, RLT(BSC6900,BSC6910) expires, and call drops occur, leading to an increase in the TCH call drop rate. AMR FR and AMR HR incorporate the following parameters: AFRDSBLCNT (BSC6900,BSC6910), AHRDSBLCNT(BSC6900,BSC6910), AFRSAMULFRM (BSC6900,BSC6910), and AHRSAMULFRM(BSC6900,BSC6910). By modifying the settings of these parameters, you can improve the robustness of SACCH signaling frames and enhance network coverage performance using AMR to decrease the TCH call drop rate. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines 6 Engineering Guidelines 6.1 When to Use AMR 6.1.1 AMR FR and AMR HR It is recommended that the AMR FR or AMR HR feature be used in the following scenarios: l Capacity-sufficient scenarios: If the number of AMR calls reaches a certain proportion, enable AMR FR or AMR HR in some cells to improve voice quality and user experience. l Capacity-limited scenarios: Based on the strong anti-interference capability of AMR, tight frequency reuse can be used. Based on the similarity of voice quality between AMR FR used with AMR HR and AMR FR, some HR channels can be used to improve the network capacity while maintaining network quality. 6.1.2 AMR Power Control It is recommended that the AMR Power Control feature be used with AMR FR or AMR HR. This enhances anti-interference capability, increases network capacity, and improves voice quality. 6.1.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment It is recommended that the AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature be used when radio link quality varies frequently or network planning personnel are difficult to predict radio quality. With this feature, the BTS adaptively adjusts AMR coding rate thresholds to ensure AMR performance. 6.1.4 AMR Radio Link Timer It is recommended that the AMR Radio Link Timer feature be used with AMR FR or AMR HR. This decreases the call drop rate and improves user experience. 6.2 Required Information Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines 6.2.1 AMR FR and AMR HR Before deploying the AMR FR or AMR HR feature, collect the following information: AMRcapable MS penetration rate and Um-interface coverage quality. For AMR HR deployment, you also need to learn about the network load. If the network is congested, you are advised to enable AMR HR. 6.2.2 AMR Power Control None 6.2.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Before deploying the AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature, analyze network interference and determine AMR coding rate adjustment thresholds. This feature supports the adaptive adjustment of uplink and downlink AMR coding rate thresholds. The adaptive adjustment of downlink AMR coding rate threshold depends on the Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) feature. Before enabling adaptive adjustment of downlink AMR coding rate threshold, collect the EMR-capable MS penetration rate. 6.2.4 AMR Radio Link Timer Before deploying the AMR Radio Link Timer feature, collect the AMR FR or AMR HR call drop rate. 6.3 Planning 6.3.1 AMR FR and AMR HR RF Planning According to the impact of AMR on network capacity and quality, RF planning for AMR is as follows: Compared with FR and EFR, AMR supports a lower CIR with the same voice quality. In addition, AMR improves network performance in a tight frequency reuse pattern. Therefore, you can configure some channels on a TRX as AMR HR channels with the same network frequency planning so that these AMR HR channels are allocated to AMR calls. This increases system capacity. Certain MSs do not support AMR. Therefore, you must appropriately plan the network capacity based on the AMR-capable MS penetration rate and select a proper frequency reuse pattern for frequency planning. If you perform network planning without considering the MSs that do not support AMR, the overall network KPIs deteriorate. Network Planning N/A Hardware Planning N/A Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines 6.3.2 AMR Power Control N/A 6.3.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment N/A 6.3.4 AMR Radio Link Timer N/A 6.4 Deploying AMR This section describes how to activate, verify, and deactivate the following optional features: l GBFD-115501 AMR FR l GBFD-115502 AMR HR l GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control l GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer 6.4.1 Deployment Requirements Table 6-1 Deployment requirements Aspect Requirement Related features See 4 Related Features. BSC None BTS The BTS supports AMR speech codecs. GSM networking None MS MSs support AMR speech codecs. MSC The MSC supports AMR speech codecs. License The license controlling this feature has been activated. For details on how to activate the license, see License Management Feature Parameter Description. For details about license items, see License Control Item Description. Others None 6.4.2 Precautions l Issue 03 (2014-10-27) The BSC6900 supports the 7.95 kbit/s coding scheme for AMR HR calls only when Service Type of the Abis interface is IP or HDLC in BM/TC combined mode or A over IP mode. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines The BSC6910 supports the 7.95 kbit/s coding scheme for AMR HR calls only when Service Type of the Abis interface is IP in A over IP mode. l If a BTS supports AMR but its software version does not, configuring AMR fails. In this case, a BTS software version that supports AMR must be obtained. 6.4.3 Activation Using MML Commands On the BSC LMT, perform the following steps: Step 1 Configure basic AMR parameters. 1. Run the SET BSCBASIC command with A Interface Tag set to GSM_PHASE_2Plus. 2. Run the SET GCELLCCACCESS command. In this step, select FULL_RATE_VER1 (Full-rate VER 1) and FULL_RATE_VER3(Full-rate VER 3) under the Speech Version parameter. NOTE For cells that support the half-rate speech codec, you also need to select HALF_RATE_VER3(Half-rate VER 3) under the Speech Version parameter. Table 6-2 lists the mapping between codec and speech versions. In the speech versions, HALF_RATE_VER2(Half-rate VER 2) is reserved and is unavailable to any service. Table 6-2 Mapping between codec and speech versions codec speech version FR FULL_RATE_VER1(Full-rate VER 1) EFR FULL_RATE_VER2(Full-rate VER 2) AMR FR FULL_RATE_VER3(Full-rate VER 3) AMR WB FULL_RATE_VER5(Full-rate VER 5) HR HALF_RATE_VER1(Half-rate VER 1) N/A HALF_RATE_VER2(Half-rate VER 2) AMR HR HALF_RATE_VER3(Half-rate VER 3) Step 2 Configure AMR call processing parameters. 1. Run the SET GCELLCCBASIC command with AFR SACCH Multi-Frames and AFR Radio Link Timeout set to appropriate values based on actual conditions. NOTE For cells that support half-rate speech versions, you also need to set AHR SACCH Multi-Frames and AHR Radio Link Timeout to appropriate values. 2. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) (Optional) Run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with control parameters for both AMR FR and AMR HR calls set to appropriate values based on actual conditions. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines NOTE l AMR ACS[F] takes effect only when AMR ACS Collection (Full Rate) is set to SINGLEMODE. l AMR ACS[H] takes effect only when AMR ACS Collection (Half Rate) is set to SINGLEMODE. l AMR ACS[F] and AMR ACS[H] can contain only one to four types of coding rates, respectively. In A over IP mode, it is recommended that AMR ACS[F] and AMR ACS[H] settings be consistent with those on the core network (CN). l Set AMR Rate Control Switch to enable the BSC to select an appropriate algorithm. Step 3 (Optional) Configure AMR power control parameters for a cell. l When Huawei II power control algorithm is used, run the SET GCELLPWR2 command with AMR power control parameters including AMR PC Interval set to appropriate values. l When Huawei III power control algorithm is used, run the SET GCELLPWR3 command with Allow III Power Control For AMR set to ON(Allowed) and AMR control parameters set to appropriate values based on actual conditions. Step 4 Configure AMR channel management parameters. Run the SET GCELLCHMGAD command with AMR TCH/H Prior Allowed and AMR TCH/H Prior Cell Load Threshold set to appropriate values. ----End MML Command Examples SET BSCBASIC: AVer=GSM_PHASE_2Plus; SET GCELLCCACCESS: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, VOICEVER=FULL_RATE_VER1-1&FULL_RATE_VER2-0&FULL_RATE_VER3-1&HA LF_RATE_VER1-0&HALF_RATE_VER2-0&HALF_RATE_VER3-0&FULL_RATE_VER 5-0; SET GCELLCCBASIC: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AFRSAMULFRM=48, AHRSAMULFRM=32, AFRDSBLCNT=64_Times, AHRDSBLCNT=52_Times; SET GCELLCCAMR: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, RATECTRLSW=ALG1, ACSSETF= SET1-1, ACSSETH= SET1-1;; SET GCELLPWR2: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AMRPCADJPERIOD=3; SET GCELLPWR3: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AMRCALLPCALLOWED=ON; SET GCELLCHMGAD: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW=ON, AMRTCHHPRIORLOAD=55; Using the CME NOTE When configuring the AMR feature on the CME, you must perform a single configuration first, and then perform batch modifications if required. You must perform a single configuration for a parameter before batch modifications of the parameter. You are advised to perform batch modifications before logging out of the parameter setting interface. Step 1 Configure a single object on the CME. (CME single configuration) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines Set parameters on the CME configuration interface according to the operation sequence described in Table 6-3. For the method of performing the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects, such as BTSs, GSM cells, TRXs, BSCs, and external GSM cells, in batches, click the icon on the CME configuration interface to start the batch modification wizard. For the method of performing batch modifications through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. ----End Table 6-3 Configuring parameters on the CME SN Managed Object (MO) NE Parameter Name Paramete r ID Configurabl e in CME Batch Modification Center 1 BSCBASIC BSC690 0/ BSC691 0 Abis Interface Tag Aver Yes 2 GCELLCCACCESS BSC690 0/ BSC691 0 Speech Version VOICEVE R Yes 3 GCELLCCBASIC BSC690 0/ BSC691 0 AFR Radio Link Timeout AFRDSBL CNT Yes AFR SACCH Multi-Frames AFRSAM ULFRM AHR Radio Link Timeout AHRDSB LCNT AHR SACCH Multi-Frames AHRSAM ULFRM AMR Rate Control Switch RATECT RLSW AMR ACS Collection (Full Rate) ACSSETF AMR ACS Collection (Half Rate) ACSSETH (Optio nal) 4 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) GCELLCCAMR BSC690 0/ BSC691 0 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Yes 27 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines SN Managed Object (MO) NE Parameter Name Paramete r ID Configurabl e in CME Batch Modification Center (Optio nal) 5 GCELLPWR2 BSC690 0/ BSC691 0 AMR PC Interval AMRPCA DJPERIO D Yes BSC690 0/ BSC691 0 Allow III Power Control For AMR AMRCAL LPCALLO WED Yes BSC690 0/ BSC691 0 AMR TCH/H Prior Allowed AMRTCH HPRIORA LLOW Yes AMR TCH/H Prior Cell Load Threshold AMRTCH HPRIORL OAD NOTE Configure this MO when Huawei II power control algorithm is used. GCELLPWR3 NOTE Configure this MO when Huawei III power control algorithm is used. 6 GCELLCHMGAD 6.4.4 Activation Observation Step 1 Make a call. Step 2 On the BSC LMT, run the DSP CALLRES command. Expected result: The value of Speech version is Full-rate VER 3. ----End 6.4.5 Deactivation Using MML Commands On the BSC LMT, run the SET GCELLCCACCESS command. In this step, deselect FULL_RATE_VER3(Full-rate VER 3) and Half_RATE_VER3(Half-rate VER 3) under the Speech Version parameter. MML Command Examples SET GCELLCCACCESS: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, VOICEVER=FULL_RATE_VER1-1&FULL_RATE_VER2-0&FULL_RATE_VER3-0&HA LF_RATE_VER1-0&HALF_RATE_VER2-0&HALF_RATE_VER3-0&FULL_RATE_VER 5-0; Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 28 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines Using the CME NOTE When configuring the AMR feature on the CME, you must perform a single configuration first, and then perform batch modifications if required. You must perform a single configuration for a parameter before batch modifications of the parameter. You are advised to perform batch modifications before logging out of the parameter setting interface. Step 1 Configure a single object on the CME. (CME single configuration) Set parameters on the CME configuration interface according to the operation sequence described in Table 6-4. For the method of performing the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects, such as BTSs, GSM cells, TRXs, BSCs, and external GSM cells, in batches, icon on the CME configuration interface to start the batch modification wizard. For click the the method of performing batch modifications through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. ----End Table 6-4 Configuring the parameter on the CME SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificati on Center 1 GCELLCC ACCESS BSC6900/ BSC6910 Speech Version VOICEVER Support 6.5 Deploying AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment 6.5.1 Deployment Requirements Table 6-5 Deployment requirements Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Aspect Requirement Related features See chapter "4 Related Features." BSC None BTS BTS3006C, BTS3002E, BTS3012, and BTS3012AE do not support this feature when they use non-optimized DTRUs. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines Aspect Requirement GSM networking The A interface uses TDM transmission. MS None MSC None License The license controlling this feature has been activated. For details on how to activate the license, see License Management Feature Parameter Description. For details about license items, see License Control Item Description. Others The MOS test instrument and the drive test (DT) vehicle are available. Neighboring cells have been configured for the cell to be tested. 6.5.2 Activation Using MML Commands l Activate the adaptive adjustment of uplink AMR coding rate threshold. On the BSC6900 LMT, run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to YES(Yes). l Activate the adaptive adjustment of downlink AMR coding rate threshold. On the BSC6900 LMT, perform the following steps: Step 1 Run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to YES(Yes) and Is RATSCCH Function Enabled to ENABLE(Enable). Step 2 Run the SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS command with Measurement Report Type set to EnhMeasReport(Enhanced Measurement Report). ----End MML Command Examples //Activating the adaptive adjustment of uplink AMR coding rate threshold SET GCELLCCAMR: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AMRUADTHAW=YES; //Activating the adaptive adjustment of downlink AMR coding rate threshold. SET GCELLCCAMR: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AMRDADTHAW=YES; Using the CME NOTE When configuring the AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature on the CME, you must perform a single configuration first, and then perform batch modifications if required. You must perform a single configuration for a parameter before batch modifications of the parameter. You are advised to perform batch modifications before logging out of the parameter setting interface. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 30 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines Step 1 Configure a single object on the CME. (CME single configuration) Set parameters on the CME configuration interface according to the operation sequence described in Table 6-6. For the method of performing the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects, such as BTSs, GSM cells, TRXs, BSCs, and external GSM cells, in batches, click the icon on the CME configuration interface to start the batch modification wizard. For the method of performing batch modifications through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. ----End Table 6-6 Configuring parameters on the CME SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID 1 GCELLCC AMR BSC6900 AMR Uplink AMRUADT Adaptive HAW Threshold Allowed AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed AMRDADT HAW Is RATSCCH Function Enabled RATSCCHE NABLED Configura ble in CME Batch Modificati on Center YES 6.5.3 Activation Observation l Verify the adaptive adjustment of uplink AMR coding rate threshold. Select a BTS that provides continuous coverage for a test cell. In the test cell coverage area, select a test path where the uplink level ranges from -50 dBm to -110 dBm and is evenly distributed. Step 1 On the BSC6900 LMT, run the SET GCELLCCACCESS command. In this step, select FULL_RATE_VER1(Full-rate VER 1), FULL_RATE_VER3(Full-rate VER 3), and HALF_RATE_VER3(Half-rate VER 3) under the Speech Version parameter. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 31 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines Step 2 Run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to YES(Yes). Step 3 Connect the MOS test instrument to the test MS, use the test MS to make a call, and perform the DT on the predefined test path. NOTE The recommended test scheme is as follows: l Set the test distance to 1 km to 2 km. l Set the moving speed of the DT vehicle to 20 km/h. l Perform the DT three times (three come-and-goes). l Record the MOSs and calculate the average MOS. Step 4 On the BSC6900 LMT, run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to NO(No). Step 5 Repeat Step3. Step 6 Compared the data recorded in Step3 and Step5 to find the difference in the speech quality when AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is set to YES(Yes) and when it is set to NO (No). Expected result: The MOS when AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is set to YES (Yes) is higher than the MOS when AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is set to NO (No). ----End l Verify the adaptive adjustment of downlink AMR coding rate threshold. Select a BTS that provides continuous coverage for a test cell. In the test cell coverage area, select a test path where the downlink level ranges from -50 dBm to -110 dBm and is evenly distributed. Step 1 On the BSC6900 LMT, run the SET GCELLCCACCESS command. In this step, select FULL_RATE_VER1(Full-rate VER 1), FULL_RATE_VER3(Full-rate VER 3), and HALF_RATE_VER3(Half-rate VER 3) under the Speech Version parameter. Step 2 Run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to YES(Yes). Step 3 Connect the MOS test instrument to the test MS, use the test MS to make a call, and perform the DT on the predefined test path. NOTE The recommended test scheme is as follows: l Set the test distance to 1 km to 2 km. l Set the moving speed of the DT vehicle to 20 km/h. l Perform the DT three times (three come-and-goes). l Record the MOSs and calculate the average MOS. Step 4 On the BSC6900 LMT, run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to NO(No). Step 5 Repeat Step3. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 32 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines Step 6 Compared the data recorded in Step3 and Step5 to find the difference in the speech quality when AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is set to YES(Yes) and when it is set to NO (No). Expected result: The MOS when AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is set to YES (Yes) is higher than the MOS when AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is set to NO(No). ----End 6.5.4 Deactivation Using MML Commands l Deactivate the adaptive adjustment of uplink AMR coding rate threshold. On the BSC6900 LMT, perform the following steps: Step 1 Run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to NO(No). Step 2 Run the LST GCELLCCAMR command to query the value of AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed. Expected result: The value of AMR Uplink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is No. ----End l Deactivate the adaptive adjustment of downlink AMR coding rate threshold. On the BSC6900 LMT, perform the following steps: Step 1 Run the SET GCELLCCAMR command with AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed set to NO(No). Step 2 Run the LST GCELLCCAMR command to query the value of AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed. Expected result: The value of AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed is No. ----End MML Command Examples //Deactivating the adaptive adjustment of uplink AMR coding rate threshold. SET GCELLCCAMR: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AMRUADTHAW=NO; //Deactivating the adaptive adjustment of downlink AMR coding rate threshold. SET GCELLCCAMR:IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=0, AMRDADTHAW=NO; Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 33 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines Using the CME NOTE When configuring the AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment feature on the CME, you must perform a single configuration first, and then perform batch modifications if required. You must perform a single configuration for a parameter before batch modifications of the parameter. You are advised to perform batch modifications before logging out of the parameter setting interface. Step 1 Configure a single object on the CME. (CME single configuration) Set parameters on the CME configuration interface according to the operation sequence described in Table 6-7. For the method of performing the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects, such as BTSs, GSM cells, TRXs, BSCs, and external GSM cells, in batches, icon on the CME configuration interface to start the batch modification wizard. For click the the method of performing batch modifications through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. ----End Table 6-7 Configuring parameters on the CME SN MO NE Parameter Name 1 GCELLCC AMR BSC6900 AMR Uplink AMRUADT Adaptive HAW Threshold Allowed AMR Downlink Adaptive Threshold Allowed Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificati on Center Yes AMRDADT HAW 6.6 Performance Optimization Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines 6.6.1 AMR FR and AMR HR Monitoring You can monitor the counters related to channel usage for the AMR FR and AMR HR traffic in a cell to determine whether the network performance needs to be optimized. Table 6-8 lists the related counters. Table 6-8 Counters related to channel usage for the AMR FR and AMR HR traffic Counter Description Counter Name A0409I:Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel) CELL.CALL.OCCUPY.SUCC.TCHF.AMR A0409J:Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service Channel) CELL.CALL.HO.OCCUPY.SUCC.TCHF. AMR AR3551C:Traffic Volume on AMR TCHFs CELL.CHAN.BUSY.NUM.TCHF.AMR.T RAF.AVE A0409L:Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel) CELL.CALL.OCCUPY.SUCC.TCHH.AM R A0409M:Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service Channel) CELL.CALL.HO.OCCUPY.SUCC.TCHH. AMR AR3552C:Traffic Volume on AMR TCHHs CELL.CHAN.BUSY.NUM.TCHH.AMR.T RAF.AVE Parameter Optimization If AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to OFF(Off), use the TCHBUSYTHRES(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameter to control whether to preferentially allocate AMR HR channels. To increase the proportion of AMR HR users, set this parameter to a smaller value. To decrease the proportion of AMR HR users, set this parameter to a larger value. If AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to ON(On), use the AMRTCHHPRIORLOAD(BSC6900,BSC6910) parameter to control whether to preferentially allocate AMR HR channels. To increase the proportion of AMR HR users, set this parameter to a smaller value. To decrease the proportion of AMR HR users, set this parameter to a larger value. 6.6.2 AMR Power Control N/A 6.6.3 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment N/A Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines 6.6.4 AMR Radio Link Timer Monitoring You can monitor the counters related to AMR FR and AMR HR call drops to determine whether the network performance needs to be optimized. Table 6-9 lists the related counters. Table 6-9 Counters related to AMR FR and AMR HR call drops Counter Description Counter Name M0121A:Full Rate AMR Service Channel Call Drop Times CELL.CALL.DROP.AMRFR.CAll.FAIL M0121B:Half Rate AMR Service Channel Call Drop Times CELL.CALL.DROP.AMRHR.CAll.FAIL A0409N:Full Rate AMR Call Drop Rate CELL.CALL.DROP.CALL.RATE.TCHF.A MR A0409P:Half Rate AMR Call Drop Rate CELL.CALL.DROP.CALL.RATE.TCHH. AMR Parameter Optimization To adjust the effect of the AMR Radio Link Timer feature, run the SET GCELLCCBASIC command with AFRSAMULFRM(BSC6900,BSC6910), AHRSAMULFRM (BSC6900,BSC6910), AFRDSBLCNT(BSC6900,BSC6910), and AHRDSBLCNT (BSC6900,BSC6910) set to appropriate values. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the call drop rate, but the more channel resources are wasted. The smaller the value of this parameter, the fewer channel resources are wasted, but the higher the call drop rate. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 36 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters 7 Parameters Table 7-1 Parameter description Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ACSSETF BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Collec tion of full-rate Active Coding Sets (ACSs) available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. If multiple ACSs are configured, the BSC preferentially selects an ACS with the best quality and sends the ACS to the BTS or MSs. GUI Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET6, SET7, SET8, SET9, SET10, SET12, SET14, SINGLEMODE Unit:None Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Actual Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET6, SET7, SET8, SET9, SET10, SET12, SET14, SINGLEMODE Default Value:SET0-0& SET1-0&SET20&SET3-0&SE T4-0&SET5-0& SET6-0&SET70&SET8-0&SE T9-0&SET10-0 &SET12-0&SE T14-0&SINGL EMODE-1 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ACSSETF BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Collec tion of full-rate Active Coding Sets (ACSs) available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. If multiple ACSs are configured, the BSC preferentially selects an ACS with the best quality and sends the ACS to the BTS or MSs. GUI Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET6, SET7, SET8, SET9, SET10, SET12, SET14, SINGLEMODE Unit:None Actual Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET6, SET7, SET8, SET9, SET10, SET12, SET14, SINGLEMODE Default Value:SET0-0& SET1-0&SET20&SET3-0&SE T4-0&SET5-0& SET6-0&SET70&SET8-0&SE T9-0&SET10-0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description &SET12-0&SE T14-0&SINGL EMODE-1 ACSSETH BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Collec tion of half-rate ACSs available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. If multiple ACSs are configured, the BSC preferentially selects an ACS with the best quality and sends the ACS to the BTS or MSs. GUI Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET8, SET9, SET10, SINGLEMODE Unit:None Actual Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET8, SET9, SET10, SINGLEMODE Default Value:SET0-0& SET1-0&SET20&SET3-0&SE T4-0&SET5-0& SET8-0&SET90&SET10-0&SI NGLEMODE-1 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 40 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ACSSETH BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Collec tion of half-rate ACSs available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. If multiple ACSs are configured, the BSC preferentially selects an ACS with the best quality and sends the ACS to the BTS or MSs. GUI Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET8, SET9, SET10, SINGLEMODE Unit:None Actual Value Range:SET0, SET1, SET2, SET3, SET4, SET5, SET8, SET9, SET10, SINGLEMODE Default Value:SET0-0& SET1-0&SET20&SET3-0&SE T4-0&SET5-0& SET8-0&SET90&SET10-0&SI NGLEMODE-1 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 41 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRTCHHP RIORALLOW BSC6900 SET GCELLCHM GAD GBFD-113402 Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR Meaning:Wheth er channels are assigned and TCHF-toTCHH handover decisions are made on the basis of the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold if AMR calls are detected. When this parameter is set to ON, the channel assignment algorithm uses the AMR TCH/ H prior cell load threshold to determine whether to assign TCHHs to AMR calls, and Handover algorithm generation 1 uses the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold to determine whether to hand over AMR calls occupying TCHFs to TCHHs; When this parameter is set to OFF, the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold is not used during channel assignment, Handover algorithm Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 42 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description generation 1 determines whether to hand over AMR calls occupying TCHFs to TCHHs without considering traffic in the corresponding cell. GUI Value Range:OFF (Off), ON(On) Unit:None Actual Value Range:OFF, ON Default Value:ON(On) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 43 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRTCHHP RIORALLOW BSC6910 SET GCELLCHM GAD GBFD-113402 Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR Meaning:Wheth er channels are assigned and TCHF-toTCHH handover decisions are made on the basis of the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold if AMR calls are detected. When this parameter is set to ON, the channel assignment algorithm uses the AMR TCH/ H prior cell load threshold to determine whether to assign TCHHs to AMR calls, and Handover algorithm generation 1 uses the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold to determine whether to hand over AMR calls occupying TCHFs to TCHHs; When this parameter is set to OFF, the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold is not used during channel assignment, Handover algorithm Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 44 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description generation 1 determines whether to hand over AMR calls occupying TCHFs to TCHHs without considering traffic in the corresponding cell. GUI Value Range:OFF (Off), ON(On) Unit:None Actual Value Range:OFF, ON Default Value:ON(On) AMRTCHHP RIORLOAD BSC6900 SET GCELLCHM GAD GBFD-113402 Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR Meaning:Load threshold for assigning half rate channels preferentially. If the current TCH seizure ratio of the cell is greater than or equal to this threshold, AMR half rate channels are assigned preferentially. GUI Value Range:0~99 Unit:% Actual Value Range:0~99 Default Value: 55 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 45 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRTCHHP RIORLOAD BSC6910 SET GCELLCHM GAD GBFD-113402 Dynamic Adjustment Between FR and HR Meaning:Load threshold for assigning half rate channels preferentially. If the current TCH seizure ratio of the cell is greater than or equal to this threshold, AMR half rate channels are assigned preferentially. GUI Value Range:0~99 Unit:% Actual Value Range:0~99 Default Value: 55 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 46 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTF1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 47 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTF1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 48 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTF2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 49 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTF2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 50 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTF3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 51 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTF3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 52 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTH1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 53 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTH1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 54 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTH2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 55 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTH2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 56 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTH3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 57 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 15 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 58 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLHYSTH3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 59 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 15 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 60 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHF1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 61 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 14 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 62 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHF1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 63 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 14 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 64 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHF2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 65 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 18 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 66 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHF2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 67 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 18 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 68 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHF3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 69 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 24 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 70 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHF3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 71 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 24 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 72 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHH1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 73 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 20 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 74 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHH1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 75 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 20 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 76 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHH2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 77 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 26 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 78 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHH2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 79 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 26 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 80 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHH3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 81 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 63 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 82 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLTHH3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 83 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 63 SERVICEMO DE BSC6900 ADD BTS GBFD-118601 Abis over IP MOD BTS GBFD-118401 Abis Transmission Optimization Meaning:Servic e type of the BTS. TDM:Time Division Multiplex Mode; HDLC:High level Data Link Control Mode; HDLC_HubBT S:Hub Base Transceiver Station Mode. This value is available for versions earlier than current version only. It is retained here for compatibility concerns only; IP:Internet Protocol Mode. GUI Value Range:TDM, HDLC, HDLC_HubBT S, IP Unit:None Actual Value Range:TDM, HDLC, HubBTS, IP Default Value:TDM Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 84 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description SERVICEMO DE BSC6910 ADD BTS GBFD-118601 Abis over IP Meaning:Servic e type of the BTS. TDM:Time Division Multiplex Mode; IP:Internet Protocol Mode. MOD BTS GUI Value Range:TDM, IP Unit:None Actual Value Range:TDM, IP Default Value:IP Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 85 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ACTCDSETF BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115701 TFO Meaning:Active coding set (ACS)[F], indicates a set of full-rate coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates.If an IP based user plane AInterface is chosen, 5.15KBIT/S will not be included (see 3GPP TS 28.062). GUI Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S, 10_2KBIT/S, 12_2KBIT/S Unit:None Actual Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S, 10_2KBIT/S, 12_2KBIT/S Default Value: 4_75KBIT/ S-1&5_15KBIT / S-0&5_90KBIT / Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 86 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description S-1&6_70KBIT / S-0&7_40KBIT / S-1&7_95KBIT / S-0&10_2KBIT / S-0&12_2KBIT /S-1 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 87 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ACTCDSETF BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Active coding set (ACS)[F], indicates a set of full-rate coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates.If an IP based user plane AInterface is chosen, 5.15KBIT/S will not be included (see 3GPP TS 28.062). GUI Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S, 10_2KBIT/S, 12_2KBIT/S Unit:None Actual Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S, 10_2KBIT/S, 12_2KBIT/S Default Value: 4_75KBIT/ S-1&5_15KBIT / S-0&5_90KBIT / Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 88 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description S-1&6_70KBIT / S-0&7_40KBIT / S-1&7_95KBIT / S-0&10_2KBIT / S-0&12_2KBIT /S-1 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 89 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ACTCDSETH BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR GBFD-115701 TFO Meaning:Active coding set (ACS)[H], indicates set of half-rate coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates.If an IP based user plane AInterface is chosen, 5.15KBIT/S will not be included (see 3GPP TS 28.062). GUI Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S Unit:None Actual Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S Default Value: 4_75KBIT/ S-1&5_15KBIT / S-0&5_90KBIT / S-1&6_70KBIT / S-0&7_40KBIT / Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 90 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description S-1&7_95KBIT /S-0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 91 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ACTCDSETH BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Active coding set (ACS)[H], indicates set of half-rate coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates.If an IP based user plane AInterface is chosen, 5.15KBIT/S will not be included (see 3GPP TS 28.062). GUI Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S Unit:None Actual Value Range: 4_75KBIT/S, 5_15KBIT/S, 5_90KBIT/S, 6_70KBIT/S, 7_40KBIT/S, 7_95KBIT/S Default Value: 4_75KBIT/ S-1&5_15KBIT / S-0&5_90KBIT / S-1&6_70KBIT / S-0&7_40KBIT Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 92 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description / S-1&7_95KBIT /S-0 INITCDMDF BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Initial coding mode used for full rate AMR calls. The four values 0, 1, 2, and 3 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates in the ACS. This parameter does not take effect in A over IP mode. In A over IP mode, the TC is integrated into the UMG. The BSC obtains the initial coding mode based on 3GPP TS 45.009 instead of parameter configuration. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:1 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 93 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description INITCDMDF BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Initial coding mode used for full rate AMR calls. The four values 0, 1, 2, and 3 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates in the ACS. This parameter does not take effect in A over IP mode. In A over IP mode, the TC is integrated into the UMG. The BSC obtains the initial coding mode based on 3GPP TS 45.009 instead of parameter configuration. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:1 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 94 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description INITCDMDH BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Initial coding mode used for half rate AMR calls. The four values 0 to 3 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates in the ACS. This parameter does not take effect in A over IP mode. In A over IP mode, the TC is integrated into the UMG. The BSC obtains the initial coding mode based on 3GPP TS 45.009 instead of parameter configuration. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 95 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description INITCDMDH BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Initial coding mode used for half rate AMR calls. The four values 0 to 3 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates in the ACS. This parameter does not take effect in A over IP mode. In A over IP mode, the TC is integrated into the UMG. The BSC obtains the initial coding mode based on 3GPP TS 45.009 instead of parameter configuration. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 96 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description RATECTRLS W BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115502 AMR HR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Switch for controlling the AMR rate. Value ALG1 indicates that C/ I is used to control the AMR rate. Value ALG2 indicates that BER is used to control the AMR rate. GUI Value Range:ALG1 (Algorithm I), ALG2 (Algorithm II), NONE(None) Unit:None Actual Value Range:ALG1, ALG2, NONE Default Value:ALG1 (Algorithm I) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 97 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description RATECTRLS W BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115502 AMR HR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Switch for controlling the AMR rate. Value ALG1 indicates that C/ I is used to control the AMR rate. Value ALG2 indicates that BER is used to control the AMR rate. GUI Value Range:ALG1 (Algorithm I), ALG2 (Algorithm II), NONE(None) Unit:None Actual Value Range:ALG1, ALG2, NONE Default Value:ALG1 (Algorithm I) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 98 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRRATEAD JOPTALG BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Algorithm for optimizing the adjustment of ARM rate in different scenarios. If this parameter is set to MEAN, the algorithm that applies to scenarios with evenly distributed interference is used. If this parameter is set to EACH, the algorithm that applies to scenarios with various interference is used. GUI Value Range:EACH (Each Interference), MEAN(Mean Interference) Unit:None Actual Value Range:EACH, MEAN Default Value:EACH (Each Interference) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 99 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRRATEAD JOPTALG BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Algorithm for optimizing the adjustment of ARM rate in different scenarios. If this parameter is set to MEAN, the algorithm that applies to scenarios with evenly distributed interference is used. If this parameter is set to EACH, the algorithm that applies to scenarios with various interference is used. GUI Value Range:EACH (Each Interference), MEAN(Mean Interference) Unit:None Actual Value Range:EACH, MEAN Default Value:EACH (Each Interference) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 100 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHF3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 101 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 24 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 102 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHF3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 103 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 24 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 104 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTF3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 105 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTF3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 106 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHF2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 107 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 18 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 108 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHF2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 109 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 18 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 110 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHF1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 111 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 14 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 112 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHF1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-115507 WB AMR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 113 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 14 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 114 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTF1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 115 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTF1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 116 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTF2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 117 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTF2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115501 AMR FR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 118 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHH1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 119 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 20 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 120 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHH1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 121 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 20 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 122 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHH2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 123 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 26 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 124 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHH2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 125 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 26 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 126 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHH3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 127 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 63 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 128 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULTHH3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~31.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 129 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 63 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 130 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTH1 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 131 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTH1 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 132 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTH2 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 133 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTH2 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 134 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTH3 BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 135 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 14 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 136 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ULHYSTH3 BSC6910 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Based on the RQI in the measurement report or BER calculated by the RQI, the BTS and MS automatically adjust the current speech coding rate according to the related algorithm. The coding rate adjustment threshold is the RQI threshold. The RQI indicates the carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) of a call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2, the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are multiple coding rates in the ACS, there is an adjustment threshold and an adjustment hysteresis between the adjacent coding rates. GUI Value Range:0~15 Unit:0.5dB Actual Value Range:0~7.5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 137 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 14 LTFERTGT BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Target voice quality value associated with the automatic adjustment of the uplink threshold of AMR handover GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value:8 DLLTFERTG T BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Target value of the voice quality automatically adjusted through the downlink threshold of AMR handover. GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value:8 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 138 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRUADTH AW BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Wheth er to enable the adaptive adjustment function of AMR uplink threshold. After this function is enabled, the BTS estimates the long-term voice quality (indicated by the long-term FER (frame erase ratio)) and compares the estimated result with the specified target voice quality. If the estimated result does not conform to the target voice quality, it indicates that the current AMR handover threshold is the best for the current radio conditions. In this case, the BSC uses the relevant algorithm to adjust the adaptive threshold according to the relationship between the estimated voice quality and the target voice quality. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 139 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:NO(No) LTFERLOWT H BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Lower voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover uplink threshold;The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to the value of Uplink Long-term FER Target. GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 140 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description LTFERUPTH BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Upper voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover uplink threshold GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value: 60 LTTHADJFA BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Factor of uplink threshold adjustment. It indicates the linear relation between the threshold adjustment value and the logarithmic FER. GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value: 40 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 141 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDADTH AW BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Wheth er to enable the adaptive adjustment function of AMR downlink threshold. After this function is enabled, the BTS estimates the long-term voice quality (indicated by the long-term FER (frame erase ratio)) and compares the estimated result with the specified target voice quality. If the estimated result does not conform to the target voice quality, it indicates that the current AMR handover threshold is not the best for the current radio conditions. In this case, the BSC adjusts threshold adaptively according to the relationship between the estimated voice quality and the target voice quality. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 142 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:NO(No) DLLTFERLO WTH BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Lower voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR downlink handover threshold. The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to the value of "Downlink Long-term FER Target". GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 143 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description DLLTFERUP TH BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Upper voice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover downlink threshold. GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value: 60 DLLTTHADJ FA BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAM R GBFD-115506 AMR Coding Rate Threshold Adaptive Adjustment Meaning:Factor of downlink threshold adjustment. It indicates the linear relationship between the threshold adjustment value and the logarithmic FER. GUI Value Range:2~255 Unit:None Actual Value Range:2~255 Default Value: 40 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 144 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRPCADJP ERIOD BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Minim um interval between two consecutive AMR power control commands. GUI Value Range:1~15 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~7200 Default Value:3 AMRPCADJP ERIOD BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Minim um interval between two consecutive AMR power control commands. GUI Value Range:1~15 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~7200 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 145 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULLEVF TLEN BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging uplink AMR signal strength. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 146 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULLEVF TLEN BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging uplink AMR signal strength. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 147 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLLEVF TLEN BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink AMR signal strength. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 148 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLLEVF TLEN BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink AMR signal strength. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 149 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQUAF TLEN BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging uplink AMR signal quality. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 150 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQUAF TLEN BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging uplink AMR signal quality. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 151 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQUAF TLEN BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink AMR signal quality. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 152 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQUAF TLEN BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink AMR signal quality. A single measurement report cannot reflect the actual network situations accurately. Therefore, the BSC needs to average the measured values in several successive measurement reports to reflect the radio environment. GUI Value Range:1~20 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 480~9600 Default Value:5 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 153 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMRCOM PREG BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Wheth er to enable the compensation of AMR measurement reports in Huawei power control algorithm II. If this parameter is set to YES, Huawei power control algorithm II puts a currently received measurement report into the measurement report compensation queue. Then, the algorithm records the change in the transmit power based on the MS/BTS power in the measurement report. According to the power change, the algorithm compensates the received signal level in a history measurement report after measurement report interpolation. Before making a power control decision, the BSC samples and weights the received signal Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 154 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description level and quality in several history measurement reports. The MS/ BTS transmit power varies over these measurement reports. To ensure the accuracy of the received signal level and quality to be weighted, the power control algorithm needs to compensate the received signal level and quality in the history measurement reports where the transmit power differs from the current transmit power. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:YES (Yes) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 155 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMRCOM PREG BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Wheth er to enable the compensation of AMR measurement reports in Huawei power control algorithm II. If this parameter is set to YES, Huawei power control algorithm II puts a currently received measurement report into the measurement report compensation queue. Then, the algorithm records the change in the transmit power based on the MS/BTS power in the measurement report. According to the power change, the algorithm compensates the received signal level in a history measurement report after measurement report interpolation. Before making a power control decision, the BSC samples and weights the received signal Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 156 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description level and quality in several history measurement reports. The MS/ BTS transmit power varies over these measurement reports. To ensure the accuracy of the received signal level and quality to be weighted, the power control algorithm needs to compensate the received signal level and quality in the history measurement reports where the transmit power differs from the current transmit power. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:YES (Yes) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 157 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULPRED LEND BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of uplink AMR measurement reports (MRs) that the BSC predicts. It takes a while to confirm the power control effect after the BSC sends a command for power control. The power control algorithm uses the MR prediction filter function to avoid late power control. Specifically, the BSC samples multiple downlink MRs in a short time and then weigh them to predict future N MRs. This parameter specifies the number N. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 158 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULPRED LEND BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of uplink AMR measurement reports (MRs) that the BSC predicts. It takes a while to confirm the power control effect after the BSC sends a command for power control. The power control algorithm uses the MR prediction filter function to avoid late power control. Specifically, the BSC samples multiple downlink MRs in a short time and then weigh them to predict future N MRs. This parameter specifies the number N. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 159 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLPRED LEND BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of downlink AMR measurement reports that the BSC predicts. The BSC takes a while to confirm the power control effect of a power control command. Therefore, the BSC makes a power control decision based on a measurement report that lags behind the changes in the receive level and quality instead of reflecting the real-time radio environment. As a result, the power control is late. To prevent late power control to a specified degree, the power control algorithm involves a measurement report prediction filter. The BSC can sample several downlink measurement reports in a short time and filter them according to a specific weight to predict Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 160 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description future N measurement reports. This parameter specifies the number N. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 161 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLPRED LEND BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Numb er of downlink AMR measurement reports that the BSC predicts. The BSC takes a while to confirm the power control effect of a power control command. Therefore, the BSC makes a power control decision based on a measurement report that lags behind the changes in the receive level and quality instead of reflecting the real-time radio environment. As a result, the power control is late. To prevent late power control to a specified degree, the power control algorithm involves a measurement report prediction filter. The BSC can sample several downlink measurement reports in a short time and filter them according to a specific weight to predict Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 162 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description future N measurement reports. This parameter specifies the number N. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 163 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULSSHT HRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Upper threshold for uplink AMR signal strength If the uplink received AMR signal level is greater than this threshold, a power decrease is calculated. Then, the actual step for power adjustment uses the minimum value between the power decrease and the maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone to which the receive quality belongs. Power decrease = uplink received signal level ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 The maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone is chosen from "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 0", "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 1", Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 164 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description and "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 2" according to the quality zone. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 30 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 165 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULSSHT HRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Upper threshold for uplink AMR signal strength If the uplink received AMR signal level is greater than this threshold, a power decrease is calculated. Then, the actual step for power adjustment uses the minimum value between the power decrease and the maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone to which the receive quality belongs. Power decrease = uplink received signal level ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 The maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone is chosen from "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 0", "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 1", Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 166 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description and "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 2" according to the quality zone. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 30 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 167 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULSSLT HRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Lower threshold for uplink AMR signal strength. If the uplink received AMR signal level is less than this threshold, a power increase is calculated. Then, the actual step for power adjustment uses the minimum value between the power increase and the "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by RX_LEV". Power increase = ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 uplink received signal level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 18 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 168 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULSSLT HRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Lower threshold for uplink AMR signal strength. If the uplink received AMR signal level is less than this threshold, a power increase is calculated. Then, the actual step for power adjustment uses the minimum value between the power increase and the "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by RX_LEV". Power increase = ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 uplink received signal level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 18 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 169 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQHT HRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for decreasing the power of an uplink AMR call. If the MS transmits AMR signals at a quality level less than "AMR ULQual. Upper Threshold", the BTS decreases the power of the MS. If (uplink receive level "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.") < "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the BTS does not adjust the transmit power. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 170 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQHT HRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for decreasing the power of an uplink AMR call. If the MS transmits AMR signals at a quality level less than "AMR ULQual. Upper Threshold", the BTS decreases the power of the MS. If (uplink receive level "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.") < "AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the BTS does not adjust the transmit power. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 171 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQLO WTHRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for increasing the power of an uplink AMR call. If the MS transmits AMR signals at a quality level greater than or equal to "AMR UL Qual. Lower Threshold", the BTS increases the power of the MS. If (uplink receive level + "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.") > "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the BSC increases the power of the BTS by the step of ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" uplink receive level). GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 172 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQLO WTHRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for increasing the power of an uplink AMR call. If the MS transmits AMR signals at a quality level greater than or equal to "AMR UL Qual. Lower Threshold", the BTS increases the power of the MS. If (uplink receive level + "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.") > "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the BSC increases the power of the BTS by the step of ("AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" uplink receive level). GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 173 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLSSHT HRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Upper threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. If the downlink received AMR signal level exceeds this threshold, a power decrease is calculated. Then, the power is decreased by the least of the power decrease and maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone to which the received signal quality belongs. Power decrease = Downlink received signal level - ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 The maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone is chosen from "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 0", "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 1", and "AMR MAX Down Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 174 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Adj. Value Qual. Zone 2" according to the quality zone. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 33 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 175 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLSSHT HRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Upper threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. If the downlink received AMR signal level exceeds this threshold, a power decrease is calculated. Then, the power is decreased by the least of the power decrease and maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone to which the received signal quality belongs. Power decrease = Downlink received signal level - ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 The maximum power adjustment step allowed by the quality zone is chosen from "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 0", "AMR MAX Down Adj. Value Qual. Zone 1", and "AMR MAX Down Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 176 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Adj. Value Qual. Zone 2" according to the quality zone. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 33 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 177 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLSSLT HRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Lower threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. If the downlink received AMR signal level is less than this threshold, a power increase is calculated. Then, the actual step for power adjustment uses the minimum value between the power increase and the "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by RX_LEV". Power increase = ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 downlink received signal level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 25 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 178 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLSSLT HRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Lower threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. If the downlink received AMR signal level is less than this threshold, a power increase is calculated. Then, the actual step for power adjustment uses the minimum value between the power increase and the "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by RX_LEV". Power increase = ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" + "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold")/2 downlink received signal level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 25 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 179 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQHT HRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for decreasing downlink AMR signal power. If the BTS transmits AMR signals at a quality level less than "AMR DL Qual. Upper Threshold", the BSC decreases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.") < "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the BSC does not adjust the transmit power. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 180 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQHT HRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for decreasing downlink AMR signal power. If the BTS transmits AMR signals at a quality level less than "AMR DL Qual. Upper Threshold", the BSC decreases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level "AMR MAX Down Adj. PC Value by Qual.") < "AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold", the BSC does not adjust the transmit power. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 181 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQLT HRED BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for increasing downlink AMR signal power. If the BTS transmits AMR signals at a quality level greater than or equal to "AMR DL Qual. Lower Threshold", the BSC increases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level + "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.") > "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the BSC increases the power of the BTS by the step of ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" downlink receive level). GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 182 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQLT HRED BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Qualit y level threshold for increasing downlink AMR signal power. If the BTS transmits AMR signals at a quality level greater than or equal to "AMR DL Qual. Lower Threshold", the BSC increases the power of the BTS. If (downlink receive level + "AMR MAX Up Adj. PC Value by Qual.") > "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold", the BSC increases the power of the BTS by the step of ("AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" downlink receive level). GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 183 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMAXST EP0 BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 0. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. GUI Value Range:0~30 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~30 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 184 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMAXST EP0 BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 0. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. GUI Value Range:0~30 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~30 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 185 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMAXST EP1 BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 1. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. GUI Value Range:0~30 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~30 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 186 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMAXST EP1 BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 1. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. GUI Value Range:0~30 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~30 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 187 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMAXST EP2 BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 2. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. GUI Value Range:0~30 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~30 Default Value:0 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 188 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMAXST EP2 BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased when the received signal quality belongs to quality zone 2. Huawei power control algorithm generation II classifies the received signal quality into three quality zones. The maximum step by which the power can be decreased according to signal level varies according to the quality zones. GUI Value Range:0~30 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~30 Default Value:0 AMRQUALST EP BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased according to received signal quality. GUI Value Range:0~4 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~4 Default Value:4 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 189 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRQUALST EP BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be decreased according to received signal quality. GUI Value Range:0~4 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~4 Default Value:4 AMRMAXVA LADJRX BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be increased according to received signal level. GUI Value Range:0~32 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~32 Default Value:8 AMRMAXVA LADJRX BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be increased according to received signal level. GUI Value Range:0~32 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~32 Default Value:8 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 190 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRMAXAD JPCVAL BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be increased according to received signal quality. GUI Value Range:0~32 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~32 Default Value:8 AMRMAXAD JPCVAL BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum step by which the power can be increased according to received signal quality. GUI Value Range:0~32 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~32 Default Value:8 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 191 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQUA LBADTRIG BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g uplink power control, if the uplink receive quality level is equal to or greater than this threshold, "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected uplink power level. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 192 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQUA LBADTRIG BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g uplink power control, if the uplink receive quality level is equal to or greater than this threshold, "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected uplink power level. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:3 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 193 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQUA LBADUPLEV BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g uplink power control, if the uplink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "AMR UL Qual. Bad Trig Threshold", "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected uplink power level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:6 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 194 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRULQUA LBADUPLEV BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g uplink power control, if the uplink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "AMR UL Qual. Bad Trig Threshold", "AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected uplink power level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:6 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 195 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQUA LBADTRIG BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than this threshold, "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR DL Qual Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 196 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQUA LBADTRIG BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than this threshold, "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR DL Qual Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. GUI Value Range:0~7 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~7 Default Value:2 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 197 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQUA LBADUPLEV BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "AMR DL Qual Bad Trig Threshold", "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR DL Qual Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:8 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 198 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRDLQUA LBADUPLEV BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Durin g downlink power control, if the downlink receive quality level is equal to or greater than "AMR DL Qual Bad Trig Threshold", "AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold" is increased by "AMR DL Qual Bad UpLEVDiff" to further increase the expected downlink power level. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:8 AMRBTSPWR NUM BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum degree by which the BSC can control the power of the AMR BTS dynamically GUI Value Range:1~16 Unit:2dB Actual Value Range:2~32 Default Value: 16 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 199 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AMRBTSPWR NUM BSC6910 SET GCELLPWR2 GBFD-115503 AMR Power Control Meaning:Maxi mum degree by which the BSC can control the power of the AMR BTS dynamically GUI Value Range:1~16 Unit:2dB Actual Value Range:2~32 Default Value: 16 EncodeMode BSC6900 SET TCPARA GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-113301 Enhanced Full Rate GBFD-115502 AMR HR Meaning:Wheth er to improve the voice quality of NBAMR and EFR services. If ECODEC mode is used, the downlink MOS of NBAMR and EFR services is significantly improved. This parameter is used in A over TDM. GUI Value Range:STAND ARD(Standard code mode), ECODEC (Enhanced code mode) Unit:None Actual Value Range:STAND ARD, ECODEC Default Value:STAND ARD(Standard code mode) Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 200 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AFRDSBLCN T BSC6900 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Count er for radio link failures during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 1920~30720 Default Value: 52_Times Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 201 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AFRDSBLCN T BSC6910 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Count er for radio link failures during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 1920~30720 Default Value: 52_Times Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 202 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AFRSAMULF RM BSC6900 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Numb er of SACCH multiframes during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "SACCH Multi-Frames" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range:0~30240 Default Value: 48 AFRSAMULF RM BSC6910 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Numb er of SACCH multiframes during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "SACCH Multi-Frames" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range:0~30240 Default Value: 48 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 203 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AHRDSBLCN T BSC6900 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Count er for radio link failures during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 1920~30720 Default Value: 36_Times Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 204 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AHRDSBLCN T BSC6910 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Count er for radio link failures during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 1920~30720 Default Value: 36_Times Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 205 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description AHRSAMULF RM BSC6900 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Numb er of SACCH multiframes during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "SACCH MultiFrames" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range:0~30240 Default Value: 32 AHRSAMULF RM BSC6910 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-115505 AMR Radio Link Timer Meaning:Numb er of SACCH multiframes during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "SACCH MultiFrames" in "SET GCELLCCBAS IC". GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:480ms Actual Value Range:0~30240 Default Value: 32 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 206 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description RLT BSC6900 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-111004 Radio Dedicated Channel Management Meaning:Time for disconnecting a call when the MS fails to decode the SACCH. Once a dedicated channel is assigned to the MS, the counter S is enabled and the initial value is set to this parameter value. Each time an SACCH message is not decoded, the counter S decreases by 1. Each time an SACCH message is correctly decoded, the counter S increases by 2. When the counter S is equal to 0, the downlink radio link is considered as failed. Therefore, when the voice or data quality is degraded to an unacceptable situation and it cannot be improved through power control or channel handover, the connection is to Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 207 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description be reestablished or released. GUI Value Range:4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 1920~30720 Default Value: 36_Times Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 208 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description RLT BSC6910 SET GCELLCCBA SIC GBFD-111004 Radio Dedicated Channel Management Meaning:Time for disconnecting a call when the MS fails to decode the SACCH. Once a dedicated channel is assigned to the MS, the counter S is enabled and the initial value is set to this parameter value. Each time an SACCH message is not decoded, the counter S decreases by 1. Each time an SACCH message is correctly decoded, the counter S increases by 2. When the counter S is equal to 0, the downlink radio link is considered as failed. Therefore, when the voice or data quality is degraded to an unacceptable situation and it cannot be improved through power control or channel handover, the connection is to Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 209 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description be reestablished or released. GUI Value Range:4_Times, 8_Times, 12_Times, 16_Times, 20_Times, 24_Times, 28_Times, 32_Times, 36_Times, 40_Times, 44_Times, 48_Times, 52_Times, 56_Times, 60_Times, 64_Times Unit:480ms Actual Value Range: 1920~30720 Default Value: 36_Times Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 210 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description TCHBUSYTH RES BSC6900 SET GCELLCHM GAD None None Meaning:If the current channel seizure ratio reaches or exceeds this value, the halfrate TCH is assigned preferentially; otherwise, the full-rate TCH is assigned preferentially. GUI Value Range:0~100 Unit:% Actual Value Range:0~100 Default Value: 60 TCHBUSYTH RES BSC6910 SET GCELLCHM GAD None None Meaning:If the current channel seizure ratio reaches or exceeds this value, the halfrate TCH is assigned preferentially; otherwise, the full-rate TCH is assigned preferentially. GUI Value Range:0~100 Unit:% Actual Value Range:0~100 Default Value: 60 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 211 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters 8 Counters Table 8-1 Counter description Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name 1278076514 CELL.ASS.CM P.SPEECH.VE R. 3.DIRECT.RET RY.DR.TCHF A3111A:Cell Assignment Complete Times of Speech Version 3 (Direct Retry) (TCHF) BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278076515 CELL.ASS.CM P.SPEECH.VE R. 3.DIRECT.RET RY.DR.TCHH A3112A:Cell Assignment Complete Times of Speech Version 3 (Direct Retry) (TCHH) BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278077528 CELL.INTRAC ELL.HO.DETE CT.SPEECH.V ER.3.TCHF H3099X:BSC Intra-cell Handover Detection Times (AMR) (TCHF) BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278077529 CELL.INTRAC ELL.HO.DETE CT.SPEECH.V ER.3.TCHH H3099Y:BSC Intra-cell Handover Detection Times (AMR) (TCHH) BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 212 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name 1278080483 CELL.BSCTO BSC.INTO.CE LL.HO.DETEC T.SPEECH.VE R.3.TCHF H3881A:Incomi ng External Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (AMR) (TCHF) BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278080484 CELL.BSCTO BSC.INTO.CE LL.HO.DETEC T.SPEECH.VE R.3.TCHH H3882A:Incomi ng External Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (AMR) (TCHH) BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095417 CELL.CALL.D ROP.AMRFR.C All.FAIL M0121A:Full Rate AMR Service Channel Call Drop Times BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095418 CELL.CALL.D ROP.AMRHR. CAll.FAIL M0121B:Half Rate AMR Service Channel Call Drop Times BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095421 CELL.CALL.S PEECH.VER. 3.REQ.TCHF A0401C:Suppor ts Call Times of Full Rate Speech Version 3 BSC6900 GBFD-110501 Call Control GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095424 CELL.CALL.S PEECH.VER. 3.REQ.TCHH A0402C:Suppor ts Call Times of Half Rate Speech Version 3 BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095433 CELL.CALL.O CCUPY.SUCC. TCHF.AMR A0409I:Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 213 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name 1278095434 CELL.CALL.H O.OCCUPY.SU CC.TCHF.AM R A0409J:Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095436 CELL.CALL.O CCUPY.SUCC. TCHH.AMR A0409L:Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095437 CELL.CALL.H O.OCCUPY.SU CC.TCHH.AM R A0409M:Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095438 CELL.CALL.D ROP.CALL.RA TE.TCHF.AMR A0409N:Full Rate AMR Call Drop Rate BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095439 CELL.CALL.D ROP.CALL.RA TE.TCHH.AM R A0409P:Half Rate AMR Call Drop Rate BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278271449 CELL.AMR.M S.PWR.LEV.A VE AS3240A:Aver age MS Power Level of AMR Call BSC6900 GBFD-115503 GBFD-115502 AMR Power Control GBFD-115501 AMR HR AS3241A:Aver age BTS Power Level of AMR Call BSC6900 AR3551C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHFs BSC6900 1278271450 1278473476 CELL.AMR.BT S.PWR.LEV.A VE CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HF.AMR.TRAF .AVE Issue 03 (2014-10-27) AMR FR GBFD-115503 GBFD-115502 AMR Power Control GBFD-115501 AMR HR AMR FR GBFD-115501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. AMR FR 214 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name 1278473477 CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HH.AMR.TRA F.AVE AR3552C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHHs BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1282423819 CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HF.AMR.TRAF .OVERLAY.A VE AR3559C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHFs (Overlaid Subcell) BSC6900 GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HH.AMR.TRA F.OVERLAY.A VE AR3560C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHHs (Overlaid Subcell) BSC6900 GBFD-115502 AMR HR GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell 1278076514 CELL.ASS.CM P.SPEECH.VE R. 3.DIRECT.RET RY.DR.TCHF A3111A:Cell Assignment Complete Times of Speech Version 3 (Direct Retry) (TCHF) BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278076515 CELL.ASS.CM P.SPEECH.VE R. 3.DIRECT.RET RY.DR.TCHH A3112A:Cell Assignment Complete Times of Speech Version 3 (Direct Retry) (TCHH) BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278077528 CELL.INTRAC ELL.HO.DETE CT.SPEECH.V ER.3.TCHF H3099X:BSC Intra-cell Handover Detection Times (AMR) (TCHF) BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278077529 CELL.INTRAC ELL.HO.DETE CT.SPEECH.V ER.3.TCHH H3099Y:BSC Intra-cell Handover Detection Times (AMR) (TCHH) BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1282423822 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 215 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name 1278080483 CELL.BSCTO BSC.INTO.CE LL.HO.DETEC T.SPEECH.VE R.3.TCHF H3881A:Incomi ng External Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (AMR) (TCHF) BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278080484 CELL.BSCTO BSC.INTO.CE LL.HO.DETEC T.SPEECH.VE R.3.TCHH H3882A:Incomi ng External Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (AMR) (TCHH) BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095417 CELL.CALL.D ROP.AMRFR.C All.FAIL M0121A:Full Rate AMR Service Channel Call Drop Times BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095418 CELL.CALL.D ROP.AMRHR. CAll.FAIL M0121B:Half Rate AMR Service Channel Call Drop Times BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095421 CELL.CALL.S PEECH.VER. 3.REQ.TCHF A0401C:Suppor ts Call Times of Full Rate Speech Version 3 BSC6910 GBFD-110501 Call Control GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095424 CELL.CALL.S PEECH.VER. 3.REQ.TCHH A0402C:Suppor ts Call Times of Half Rate Speech Version 3 BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095433 CELL.CALL.O CCUPY.SUCC. TCHF.AMR A0409I:Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 216 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name 1278095434 CELL.CALL.H O.OCCUPY.SU CC.TCHF.AM R A0409J:Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095436 CELL.CALL.O CCUPY.SUCC. TCHH.AMR A0409L:Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095437 CELL.CALL.H O.OCCUPY.SU CC.TCHH.AM R A0409M:Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service Channel) BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278095438 CELL.CALL.D ROP.CALL.RA TE.TCHF.AMR A0409N:Full Rate AMR Call Drop Rate BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR 1278095439 CELL.CALL.D ROP.CALL.RA TE.TCHH.AM R A0409P:Half Rate AMR Call Drop Rate BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1278271449 CELL.AMR.M S.PWR.LEV.A VE AS3240A:Aver age MS Power Level of AMR Call BSC6910 GBFD-115503 GBFD-115502 AMR Power Control GBFD-115501 AMR HR AS3241A:Aver age BTS Power Level of AMR Call BSC6910 AR3551C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHFs BSC6910 1278271450 1278473476 CELL.AMR.BT S.PWR.LEV.A VE CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HF.AMR.TRAF .AVE Issue 03 (2014-10-27) AMR FR GBFD-115503 GBFD-115502 AMR Power Control GBFD-115501 AMR HR AMR FR GBFD-115501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. AMR FR 217 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name 1278473477 CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HH.AMR.TRA F.AVE AR3552C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHHs BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR 1282423819 CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HF.AMR.TRAF .OVERLAY.A VE AR3559C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHFs (Overlaid Subcell) BSC6910 GBFD-115501 AMR FR GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell CELL.CHAN.B USY.NUM.TC HH.AMR.TRA F.OVERLAY.A VE AR3560C:Traff ic Volume on AMR TCHHs (Overlaid Subcell) BSC6910 GBFD-115502 AMR HR GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell 1282423822 Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 218 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 9 Glossary 9 Glossary For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary. Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 219 GSM BSS AMR Feature Parameter Description 10 Reference Documents 10 Reference Documents 1. GSM 05.03: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Channel coding" 2. GSM 05.09: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Link Adaptation" 3. GSM 04.08: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification" 4. GSM 06.90: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech transcoding " 5. GSM 06.91: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Substitution and muting of lost frames for Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech traffic channels " 6. GSM 06.92: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Comfort noise aspects for Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech traffic channels " 7. GSM 06.93: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Discontinuous transmission (DTX) for Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech traffic channels " 8. GSM 06.94: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Voice Activity Detection (VAD) for Adaptive Multi-Rate speech traffic channels " 9. GSM 08.08: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile-services Switching Centre - Base Station System (MSC - BSS) interface; Layer 3 specification " 10. GSM 08.58: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Base Station Controller - Base Transceiver Station (BSC - BTS) interface; Layer 3 specification " 11. GSM 08.60: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); In-band control of remote transcoders and rate adaptors for full rate traffic channels " 12. GSM 08.61: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); In-band control of remote transcoders and rate adaptors for half rate traffic channels " 13. Power Control Feature Parameter Description 14. Discontinuous Transmission and Discontinuous Reception Feature Parameter Description 15. TFO Feature Parameter Description 16. Handover Feature Parameter Description 17. License Management Feature Parameter Description Issue 03 (2014-10-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 220