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CHE101 Tutorial: Significant Figures & Conversions

CHE101 2018-2019 Semester 1:
Tutorial 1 Week 20 - 24 August 2018
Q1. How many significant figures are in the following measurements?
a) 102.400 g
b) 1.3000 m
c) 953 CHE 101 students
Q2. Write the answers to the correct number of significant figures
123,000 m x 3234 m
7.987 m - 0.54 m
1.23 m x 0.89 m
923 g/20312 cm3
Q3. During an experiment, the mass of a watch glass was weighed four times and the following
data were recorded;
99.997 g, 100.008 g, 100.005 g, 100.011 g. Calculate the average mass of the watch glass.
Q4. Carry out the following conversions
a) 56100 mm to m
b) 3.2 x 104μL to mL
c) 0.5 m3 to dL
Q5. Convert 3.49 g/cm3 to kg/m3