Adapting materials Teacher-Centered and Learner Centered Approach to Adaptation Key Features in Materials Adaptation Materials and Digital Technology 2 1. Teacher-Centered and Learner-Centered Approach to Adaptation Teacher-Centered Approach Taken to its most extreme interpretation, teachers are the main authority figure in a teacher-centered instruction model. Students are viewed as “empty vessels” who passively receive knowledge from their teachers through lectures and direct instruction, with an end goal of positive results from testing and assessment. In this style, teaching and assessment are viewed as two separate entities; student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments. 4 Learner-Centered Approach While teachers are still an authority figure in a student-centered teaching model, teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process. The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material, and to measure student learning through both formal and informal forms of assessment, like group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. In the student-centered classroom, teaching and assessment are connected because student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction. 5 Instructional Materials Instructional materials are those items that assist the information aspect of teaching. These could take the form of textbooks, worksheets, 3D models, charts, infographics, etc. Instructional materials also include assessment and testing methods. Basically, any material, any information containing resources which that the teacher uses while instructing. Now testing materials don’t necessarily contain information, but they help the retention and learning of information, thus, they are instructional materials. Sometimes, they are a means to an end, the end being the assimilation of information. 6 TEACHER-CENTERED MATERIALS Teacher-Centered Materials In the spectrum of educational materials, teachercentered materials are the materials used in the classroom to have a better teaching process. It is used only by the teachers and the students will listen while the teacher is teaching with the help of the teacher-centered materials. 8 examples PowerPoint Presentation PPT's are considered as one of the instructional materials that can be used in teaching. Teacher manifest to teach with the help of laptop and projector that can be an ease for the learners because they can see what is the lesson all about through the use of PowerPoint presentation. 10 Visual Aids Visual aids are also similar with the PowerPoint presentation. It is used to show what is lesson all about. It can support the teacher by setting out main points and other information about the lesson or the topic. 11 Recorded Lectures These recorded lectures include audio presentation and video presentation. These are used in screen casting information, resources, and helps to elaborate and give more examples. 12 Chart, Objects, Photographs These are also considered as teachercentered instructional materials since it helps to elaborate the topic and it gives clear example that supports the context of the lesson. 13 LEARNER-CENTERED MATERIALS LEARNER-Centered Materials The focus of the materials in this approach is on the students. The teachers will only facilitate the students for them to have a better and efficient learning process and learning experience. The teacher will serve as a coach for the overall comprehension of the material by the learners. 15 examples STORYBOOKS Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of learners. It can help to enhance their reading skills and comprehension. This material is a student-centered since the students are the one who reads the book and it sparks their imagination and stimulate their curiosity. 17 Coursebook/Textbook This material mainly contains comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study with the intention of explaining it. Textbook are produced to meet the needs of educators, usually at educational institutions. Coursebooks are textbooks and other books used in schools to expontaneously explain and help students to understand the lesson. 18 SIM or Strategic Intervention Material This material contains comprehensive approach that addresses the needs of students to be able to read and understand large volumes of complex materials as well as their need to be able to express themselves effectively in writing. This includes dynamic teaching tools that use powerful teaching devices to organize and present curriculum content in an understandable and easy-to-learn manner. 19 ACTIVITY SHEETS This material is commonly a piece of paper that contains question and activities. Students can either place their answers or perform the specific activity. 20 Why do we need to adapt Materials? There are numerous reasons why we need to adapt materials. Principal reasons for this are the following: unsuitable material level, too difficult, too long or short, use of grammar or language, irrelevancy of themes, not adapted for specific use, and not adapted to student learning styles. We need to adapt materials to be able to include tasks that are missing, to increase communication, to make it simpler, to meet the learner's needs, to meet the learners interests, and to modernize. 22 how do we adapt Materials? There are many ways to adapt materials. You can adapt materials by reducing the content to make it simpler and more concise in order for the students to have better understanding of the topic. You can also put or add information prior to the context of the topic to also help students have a better comprehension of the topic. You can also create other materials depending on the needs of the students. You can also modify, improvise, or personalize the materials to make it more appropriate for your learners. 24 when do we adapt Materials? We adapt materials to adjust on the different capabilities and intelligences of the students. It is also needed to have a more flexible and effective teaching process and learning experience. There are many things to consider when we adapt materials. When the materials are not appropriate for the students regarding its themes, culture, standards, and level of difficulty, that is the time when we need to adapt the materials. In addition, if the materials didn't meet the needed learning objectives, it means that there is a need of adaptation of the materials of find another material that is appropriate for the needs of the students. 26 2. Key features in materials adaptation 3. Materials and digital technology Digital Technology ✘ The term digital technology is used to refer to the ever- evolving suite of digital software, hardware and architecture used in learning and teaching in the school, the home and beyond. ✘ Is a term that is being increasingly used in education in place of now dated terms like ICT, educational technology, computer-based education and Technology- Enhanced Learning. 29 Types of Digital Technology Used in Education ✘ Productivity Tools ✘ Instructional Software ✘ Computer- based Learning Technologies and Instruction ✘ General Reference ✘ Research Tools ✘ Subject- Specific CD- ROMs 30 1. Productivity tools Productivity tools ✘ Computer productivity tools are software programs designed to make computer users more productive as they work. ✘ Productivity tools are programs that are specifically created to be used by professionals specializing in the specific field. ✘ Example: (MS Office Applications such as MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and etc.) 32 USES OF PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS Creation of Materials Reference Collaboration Planning Archiving Purposes New teaching methods are introduced. 33 2. Instructional software Instructional software ✘ Instructional software are types of software that assists in the instruction of the students. ✘ They generally provide the students the information regarding the lesson and is always followed-up with an assessment. 35 TYPES OF INSTRUCTIONAL SOFTWARES ✘ Applications ✘ Drill-and-Practice ✘ Tutorials ✘ Simulation ✘ Instructional Games ✘ Problem- Solving ✘ Multimedia ✘ Teacher Utilities 36 Applications A group of applications programs that is designed to automate general- purpose and specific tasks such as word processing, database management, spreadsheet, attendance, accounting, grade reporting, scheduling and others. Drill and Practice Drill and practice software provide exercises in which students work example items one at a time and receive feedback on their correctness. 37 Tutorials A tutorial exposes the learner to materials that is believed not to have been previously taught or learned. A tutorial often includes pre- test, post test and drill and practice activities. Simulations A simulation is a computerized model of real or imagined system designed to teach how a system works and allows learners to create their own sequence for using simulation. 38 Instructional Games Instructional games are courseware designed to motivate learning by adding game rules to learning activities. Problem-Solving Problem-solving software is a type of program that places emphasis on critical thinking, analysis, logic and reasoning via the presentation of a set of data or problematic event. 39 Multimedia Programs that support the interactive use of text, audio, still images, video and graphics and manipulate them to support learning. Teachers Utilities Non- instructional or administrative programs used to prepare instructional materials or organize, store, evaluate and report information on pupils’ achievement and progress. 3. Computer-Based Learning Technologies and Instruction Computer-based learning technologies and instruction Computer-based learning in education refers to using computers as a central part of the educational experience. Teachers use educational websites and software to enhance daily classroom curriculum. 42 Example of CBL/CBI: Spelling City is a website where students practice spelling and language skills. Teachers input weekly spelling lists and students play games and practice their words during the week. Types of computer-based instruction Computer-based Learning These are materials that facilitate communication and cooperation between students and teachers. They utilize the computer’s network resources and the internet. 44 Computer-supported Collaborative Learning CSCL can be implemented in online and classroom learning environments and can take place synchronously or asynchronously. Technology-Enhanced Learning Any learning method that utilizes technological resources falls under this category. They have the advantage of being more interactive, cheaper and convenience. 4. General reference tools General reference tools ✘ General reference materials are academic programs which provide learning materials similar to books. ✘ They are often including multimedia’s, dictionary and thesaurus. (Ex. Merriam Webster) 47 There are two types of General Reference Tools ✘ User-generated Any content text, video, images, reviews. (Ex. Wikipedia and etc.) ✘ Traditional Ex. Encarta 5. Research tools researh tools ✘ Research tools are resources mainly used for retrieving information from several sources. ✘ Most of these research tools use the Internet to search information. ✘ They generally include search engines, wikis, blogs, internet archives, etc. ✘ Example: Google 50 6. Subject- Specific CD- ROMs Subject- Specific CD- ROMs ✘ Subject-specific CD- ROMs are compact discs that contain instructional software regarding a particular topic. ✘ They are often included as companion CDs for books. ✘ They tend to have a much broader scope compared to digital encyclopedias. THANKS! Any questions? 53