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Portfolio Management: Risk, Diversification, and MPT

Portfolio Management
The Investment Decision
 Top-down process with 3 steps:
1. Capital allocation: risky portfolio and risk-free asset
2. Asset allocation: across broad asset classes
3. Security selection: individual assets within asset class
Diversification and Portfolio Risk
 Market risk
 Marketwide risk sources
 Remains even after diversification
 Also called: Systematic or Nondiversifiable
 Firm-specific risk
 Risk that can be eliminated by diversification
 Also Called: Diversifiable or Nonsystematic
Portfolio Risk and the Number of Stocks in the
Portfolios of Two Risky Assets
 Expected Return:
 Portfolio risk:
 Covariance:
Portfolios of Two Risky Assets: Expected Return
E (rp )  w D E (rD )  wE E (rE )
Portfolios of Two Risky Assets: Risk
Portfolio variance = w12σ12 + w22σ22 + 2w1w2Cov1,2
 w1 = the portfolio weight of the first asset
 w2 = the portfolio weight of the second asset
 σ1= the standard deviation of the first asset
 σ2 = the standard deviation of the second asset
 Cov1,2 = the covariance of the two assets, which can thus be
expressed as p(1,2)σ1σ2, where p(1,2) is the correlation coefficient
between the two assets
Portfolios of Two Risky Assets: Covariance
Cov(rD , rE )  rDE D E
 r(D,E) = is the correlation coefficient between the two assets
 σD = Standard Deviation of D security
 σE = Standard Deviation of E security
Correlation: Why Diversification Works!
 Assets that are less than perfectly positively correlated tend to
offset each others movements, thus reducing the overall risk in
a portfolio
 The lower the correlation the more the overall risk in a portfolio
is reduced
 Assets with +1 correlation eliminate no risk
 Assets with less than +1 correlation eliminate some risk
 Assets with less than 0 correlation eliminate more risk
 Assets with -1 correlation eliminate all risk
Combining Negatively Correlated Assets to Diversify
Risk return in three securities case
Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)
 Emphasizes statistical measures to develop a portfolio plan
 Focus is on:
 Expected returns
 Standard deviation of returns
 Correlation between returns
 Combines securities that have negative (or low-positive)
correlations between each other’s rates of return
Key Aspects of MPT: Efficient Frontier
 Efficient Frontier
 The leftmost boundary of the feasible set of portfolios that include all
efficient portfolios: those providing the best attainable tradeoff
between risk and return
 Portfolios that fall to the right of the efficient frontier are not
desirable because their risk return tradeoffs are inferior
 Portfolios that fall to the left of the efficient frontier are not available
for investments
The Feasible or Attainable Set and the Efficient
Exampe -Portfolios of Two Risky Assets: Example
— 50%/50% Split
Expected Return
E (rp )  w D E (rD )  wE E (rE )
 .50  8%  .50 13%  10.5%
 p2  wD2  D2  wE2 E2  2wD wE Cov  rD , rE 
 .502 122  .502  202  2  .5  .5  72  172
 P  172  13.23%
Computation of Portfolio Variance from the
Covariance Matrix
Thus, to know the standard deviation of Portfolio we have to
1. Proportion of funds devoted to each stock
2. Standard Deviation of each stock
3. Covariance between the two stocks
• If stocks are independent of each other:
rxy = 0, the last term would be 0
• If rxy > 0, S.D would be greater than when rxy = 0
• If rxy <0, S.D would be less than when rxy >= 0
The Sharpe Ratio
 Maximize the slope of the CAL for any possible portfolio, P
 The objective function is the slope:
Sp 
E rp   rf