Uploaded by Ankit Patel

JavaFX Bar Graph Assignment: Grade Distribution

Assignment #4 (9%)
Posted on July 12, 2021
Due date: July 21. 2021, 11PM
Late submissions: 10% penalty per day up to 3 days until July 24 @ 11 pm then no marks
Write a JavaFX program code to display distribution of overall grade in a course by displaying a
bar graph. At the top of each bar the title of the bar is displayed with its text having the same font
color of the bar. Titles of each bar (e.g. Quiz- -10%) are located (x and y coordinate) at the top left
corner of each bar and 10 pixels above the bar.
Final Exam takes 40% its title is: Final – 40%, the bar and title are in color orange.
Midterm 30% takes 30% title: Midterm – 30% the bar and title are in color green.
Quiz takes 10%, title: Quiz -- 10% the bar and title are in color blue.
Assignment takes 20%, title Assignment –20% the bar and title are in color red.
Font of Final Exam is bold face Courier type and in size 16. All other fonts are regular and default.
Title of GUI display your Last Name, First Name (St. ID).
Use the Rectangle class to display the bars. The final GUI should appear with a height of 450 and
width of 500. A flag of Canada from file ca.gif should appear at the top left corner of the image
located at x=20, y=20, The image dimension is width = 50 and height =30.
Important Notice:
All assigned work in this course is to be completed without the collaboration of others.
Collaboration in this assignment will be treated as academic dishonesty under the College’s
Academic Dishonesty Policy.
Submissions will be electronically examined for similarity.
Evaluation Scheme & Rubric: 9%
1. Submission standard (2 Marks)
Use submission template MSWord File Assig4_Template (Lastname Firstname).docx
a. Submission should include complete source code and program output GUI in
its original size, so the location and size of GUI components should remain
b. Source code must be single line spaced and have standard indentation,.
c. Startup Comments on first three lines: line 1: Developper’s name (Last Name,
First Name, St. ID), line 2: submission date and line 3: program/assignment title
brief description of the program
2. Coding standard: (3 Marks)
Code must follow rules and conventions of OOP including abstraction, encapsulation,
indentation, functionality, efficient coding.
3. Program output (2 Marks)
The program output must match the code and produce the required output
4. A compressed file (2 Marks)
A compressed project folder (A4.zip) containing fully functional NetBeans Project
submitted to the drop box A4 compressed