FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Formal Method Instructor: Dr. Atiya Masood Program: BS (SE) S.No. Q#1 Marks: 10 Submission Date: 5/4/2021 Assignment # 01 Assignment Marks FYP-1 stores the student’s name, where student name identifies project name. Write formal specification using Z-specification language for the creating of schema and following functions of a 4 marks FYP-1 system, add project entry, get project name, and delete project from FYP-1 schema. Q2 We consider a specification of a system which keep track of the students’ fees submission. In the FYP-2 class there are two types of students: submitted fees: (all the students in the class who have submitted their fees) not Submitted (all the students in the class who have not submitted their fees) Create a Schema and do following operation using Z specification. Registration function where you can check whether student submit the fees or not, if fees already submitted then the student name store in the submitted fees set, otherwise the name store in the not submitted fees set. Print the name of students whose fees are already submitted. This should be noted the same student’s name will not occur in both set. 6 marks