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ENG ELT 4 Grammar Exam - Talisay City College

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Cebu
City of Talisay
Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu
1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
PRELIM Summative Assessment:
ENG ELT 4: Teaching and Assessment of Grammar
Name: Marivic Garcia
Course and Section: BSED- ENGLISH - Aristotle
Instructor: Guia Marie Sayson
III. Essay Test (20 points): Read each question carefully. Answer each of them in at least FOUR (4) sentences.
1. There are various issues and challenges in the teaching and learning grammar and language in general. Which
among those issues that need an immediate action and resolution? Cite at least THREE (3) issues and TWO (2)
solutions or immediate actions to take for each issue.
There are different issues and challenges in teaching and learning grammar and language in general.
Here are three among other issues that is need to have an immediate action and resolution which namely problems of
mother tongue, problem of shortage of specialist teachers in English,Students’ Psychological Problem. These issues for
me must need an immediate action or need to be solve as early as we can so that we can be able to improve teaching
and learning grammar and language in the classroom. To solve these namely problems the teachers and students must
collaborate with each other. Also, in the issues such as shortage of teacher, there are already fresh graduate teachers
who already gain more skills on it so to solve this issue the school must hired more teachers to assess students in
learning grammar and language.
2. There are also different problems that ESL teachers experience in teaching foreign students. Which among them
is the most difficult or complicated to solve and which among them is the easiest to manage and resolve?
Elaborate your answer.
Based on what I have understand among the various issues or problesm that ESL teachers
experience in teaching foreign students, the most difficult or hard problem to assess is when the students is
persistent to use their first-language. When the student is into there first language it was really hard for the teachers
to teach them other languages. Though the students will learn on but it really need more effort and time so that the
students will really learn their second languge. While the easiest problem to manage is the students are bored,
inattentive, or unmotivated.In this problem the teacher can find ways to make his/her lessons become interactive so
that the teaching and learning will become active and not boring. By doing so, the students will become motivated
to learn.
~~ END of test. REVIEW your answers. ~~